How to cook ready-made french fries. French fries at home: recipes with photos

Imagine a crispy fried potato, with a tender middle, which is so loved by children and adults. We are ready to go to a cafe and order a portion or two for ourselves, but is it really impossible to repeat the same recipe at home? According to statistics, 55% out of 100 do not know how to make real french fries at home. But we will teach you how to cook, because the most important thing is to know the secrets.

What do you think is the most important thing for success at home? Oil for frying? Capacity? Or a kind of potato? Probably the last option is true. The most important thing to get the same golden sticks that do not stick out is to choose the right kind of potato.


  • high levels of starch;
  • long shelf life;
  • smooth surface without "eye";
  • large root size;
  • lack of green spots;
  • do not darken after cleaning;
  • take a beating well.

Among all the huge variety of potatoes, there are only two varieties that are ideal for all criteria:

  • Anosta. This is a specially grown Dutch variety that is not suitable for anything more than fries and chips. It does not have a bright taste, it is very starchy. Its tubers are perfectly smooth and large. Grows in dry soil with moderate watering.
  • Lady Claire. Has a high level of starch, sweetish. White, smooth tubers are easy to peel and cut. French fries from it turns out very soft, literally melts in your mouth. Stored up to six months.

Interesting to know! McDonald's uses Santana, Innovator, and Russet Bourbon potatoes. This elite "bread" has the right to grow only the Fam Frites company, which constantly checks the quality of not only the vegetable, but also the soil where it sprouts.

Easy fryer recipe

In fact, there are many nuances in such a simple recipe in the deep fryer. If you just cut a potato and put it in a kitchen appliance, you will surely get an inedible dish that vaguely resembles french fries. Therefore, strictly follow our instructions:

  • you will need 2 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil.

What oil to take? Choose refined without a pronounced aroma. As for its origin, it can be corn, olive, sunflower, or any other that is affordable for you.

Peel large or medium tubers. Cut into sticks of the desired thickness and put on a towel to dry.

Turn on the fryer and pour 1 liter of fat into its bowl. Wait until the indicator indicates readiness. Put the dried potatoes in the mesh and place in the oil. One serving will take 4 to 6 minutes.

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Make sure that your mesh is not overloaded with potatoes. For 2 kg you will have about 8 servings.

Before serving, you need to let excess fat drain, and for this, use disposable towels where you put the potatoes.

Salt before serving guests and household members.

Interesting! An unusual variety of potatoes called "Northern Lights" is versatile and also suitable for deep-frying and frying. Its peculiarity is that in the context of the root crop it has a dark purple core with light patches.

French fries at home in a pan

Cooking in a frying pan is a little more difficult than in a deep fryer. The whole difference is that in the kitchen unit the pieces are completely dipped in fat, and on the frying surface it is difficult to achieve such an effect. Problems also arise when the oil begins to foam or splatter excessively. As a result, you get one-sided pieces of potatoes, which are too fried on one side, but remain raw inside.

To avoid mistakes, read the correct recipe for cooking french fries at home in a pan. For two servings you will need:

  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 100 g olive oil.

Why should olive oil be preferred? First, because it releases less trans fat when fried, helping to make French fries less caloric. And secondly, it has a lower boiling point, which means it will not foam so much.

Tip: so that the oil does not splatter, the vegetable must be dried before frying so that no traces of moisture remain.

Another little secret of frying in a pan. In the process of peeling and slicing, keep the finished sticks in water. And then leave in a clean liquid for another 10 minutes. This will remove excess starch from the cut surface. And then dry it.

Pour oil into the pan and let it heat up well. Prepare two servings. Put the first one in the pan so that all the straws fit in one row. Wait 3 minutes and turn each piece over. Fry a little more and remove on a dry towel. Repeat with the second portion.

Interesting! The world's largest fast food restaurant has found a way to quickly and healthyly peel potatoes. First, the tubers are doused with hot steam, due to which the skin softens, and then a thin layer is removed with brushes, leaving the most useful substances in the tubers.

French fries in a multicooker

A multicooker is an indispensable and very convenient device. On the one hand, it is convenient because, like a deep fryer, it has a deep bowl in which you can heat fat and dip vegetable pieces into it. But there are also difficulties. You may be faced with the fact that, unlike a deep fryer specifically designed for your business, the slow cooker does not have the necessary deep mesh. And without it, you will have to work hard to catch the potatoes without overcooking them.

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But we will tell you how to cope with difficulties and cook great french fries in a slow cooker!

Take the prescription:

  • 1 kg potatoes;
  • 0.5 l of sunflower oil.

We carry out standard preparatory procedures: we clean the tubers and treat them with thin straws. By the way, some types of food processors have a special nozzle for cutting french fries. Dry the cut pieces.

On the multicooker panel, set the frying mode to the maximum temperature. Pour vegetable fat and wait until it heats up for 4 minutes.

Next, prepare the necessary tool. Take a large sieve that will fit into the multicooker bowl. If there is, you're in luck. It will replace the fryer grate. But if there is no sieve, it does not matter. We use a slotted spoon - a large flat spoon with holes.

We are starting to plant potatoes. Keep small portions. So that the straws are free. From 1 kg of potatoes, an average of 4 servings comes out.

After 3-4 minutes, start catching the toasted sticks. If you are using a sieve, then dip the potatoes in the fat along with it. If you use a slotted spoon, then carefully pick up the pieces with a spoon and put them on a plate with a paper towel.

Important! French fries should not be salted during cooking. Not at any stage. Just before serving.

Cooking in the oven without oil

This method is perhaps the most versatile. It is low in calories, since no fat is used, it can be served to children without fear. And the potatoes cooked in the oven are in no way inferior in taste to his friend from the deep fryer. In order to cook french fries in the oven without oil, take:

  • 0.5 kg;
  • baking paper;
  • salt in the salt shaker.

These simple recipe ingredients will help prepare tender, crispy and healthy french fries. The most time-consuming step is to wash and cut the tubers. If you get through this quickly, proceed to dry the pieces on a cotton towel.

At this time, your oven is already heated to 180 ° C. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. Lay out the potatoes in one layer. Place in a roaster. Make sure it doesn't burn. Turn over after 10 minutes. The average cooking time in the oven is 20-25 minutes.

Interesting to know! Most people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition complain that McDonald's has a very high-calorie french fries precisely because of the poor quality of fat. But in fact, the type of oil used in restaurants, specially adapted for deep-frying, is far ahead of all those that we use at home in quality.

Quick recipe in the microwave

This method is incredibly fast cooking. You can get a crispy side dish in 10 minutes, while spending a minimum of effort and ingredients. Another plus in favor of this method is that the minimum amount of vegetable oil is used, which means that the dish will not be high-calorie. To cook french fries at home in the microwave, take:

  • - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt for sprinkling.

Remove the skin and cut each vegetable into long sticks. Try to keep them all the same size, otherwise some will fry faster, while others will remain raw.

It so happened historically that potato dishes are very popular and loved in Russia. The heroine of our today's story, french fries, was no exception. However, this dish does not hold love and popularity in other countries and even on other continents. History is modestly silent about the name of the inventor of such a delicious method of frying potatoes, but it is well known that this culinary specialist was from Belgium. And to this day, the Belgians are extremely proud of their invention and, not without reason, believe that the most delicious french fries can only be tasted in Belgium. And this dish got its name from the enterprising Belgian merchant, who bore the surname Fry (Frite), who was the first to think of selling takeaway fried potatoes. The First World War indirectly helped this dish gain worldwide popularity. American soldiers, having tasted french fries from their Belgian allies, were so impressed with its taste that they brought the recipe back to their mainland, and the rest of the work was completed by the popularity of fast food eateries, where french fries firmly took their special place. And yet, most of us rightly believe that no diner dish can match the quality and taste of homemade food. This statement fully applies to the preparation of french fries. Today we invite you to figure out and remember how to cook french fries at home.

At first glance, cooking french fries is not fraught with any difficulties. Slice the potatoes and throw them into the boiling oil, that's all there is to worry about. But anyone who uses such a simple recipe will end up with an extremely simple, and simply inedible dish. Cooking real tasty and crispy french fries requires the obligatory knowledge of small, but extremely important tricks and secrets. Every step counts here. It is important to choose the right potatoes, cut them correctly and prepare them for frying, it is important to properly fry and dry the finished french fries from excess fat. Even at what point in cooking you decide to add salt to your dish, it can significantly affect its taste. What about oil choice? The right choice of oil! Different types and varieties of vegetable oil can make your potatoes one of the most delicious dishes on your table, as well as a dish that is tasteless and even dangerous to your health. But do not be afraid, we have at our disposal the age-old experience of world culinary specialists who will definitely share with us their recipes for the proper preparation of french fries and save us from mistakes.

Today, "Culinary Eden" has carefully collected and recorded for you the most important and necessary tips and secrets that will easily tell even the most inexperienced housewives how to cook french fries.

1. First of all, you should choose the right potatoes for your dish. To make french fries, you will need a moderately large mature potato. Young potatoes are not suitable for this dish, they do not yet have the necessary taste, and their flesh is not dense enough. Try to choose even oblong tubers without visible defects. Pay attention to the color of the potato skin. The green shade of the peel will tell you about the high content of corned beef in potato tubers; such root crops are not suitable for cooking french fries. Do not use for frying and potato varieties with a high starch content. Such potatoes will crumble, break, and after frying they will soften very quickly.

2. Try to treat the choice of oil with special care! Only refined, preferably deodorized varieties of vegetable oil are suitable for deep-frying. But the type of oil you can choose at your discretion. Sunflower or olive, cottonseed or corn - different types of oil will decorate your dish with their different, but equally subtle, barely noticeable flavors. If you are not a big fan of diet food, then you can try adding a small amount of animal fats to vegetable oil. It can be beef, duck or chicken fat, ghee or lard, the main thing is that it be fat of the maximum degree of purification. Animal fats will give your potatoes a special aroma and amazing taste, but you still shouldn't get carried away with them.

3. To cook french fries, you will also need special utensils. More convenient just cook this dish in a deep fryer - a special kitchen machine that allows you to deep-fry any food. However, the absence of an air fryer in your kitchen is no reason to refuse to cook delicious french fries. To heat the oil, you can use a deep cast-iron or steel pot, or even a deep, heavy-bottomed skillet. Do not just use enameled dishes, as well as dishes with a thin bottom. In addition, you should get a special basket for frying french fries. This device is made of thin wire, interwoven like a sieve, and equipped with a comfortable long handle. Such a basket will allow you to easily dip a portion of potatoes into boiling oil and just as easily and safely take out ready-made french fries. If you don’t have a special deep-frying basket yet, then you can use a convenient wide slotted spoon. But in this case, be extremely careful and attentive, because you will have to get the potatoes from the boiling oil in small portions, which means that there is a high probability that some of the potatoes will be overcooked.

4. An important condition for the preparation of delicious french fries is the temperature regime. Ideally, to check the temperature of the oil, you should get a special kitchen thermometer. A thermometer will help you easily determine and adjust the oil temperature in time at all stages of cooking. When preparing the Belgian version of french fries, you need to strictly observe two temperature regimes. The first stage of frying potatoes occurs at 170⁰, and the second at 190⁰. A slightly more simplified American version of cooking French fries involves frying potato cubes once at a temperature of 180⁰ - 190⁰. But the absence of a thermometer in your kitchen is not a reason to despair, you can cook delicious homemade french fries without it. Simply pour enough oil into a saucepan and heat it over high heat for 10 to 15 minutes. After this time, carefully dip a small piece of potato into the heated oil. If the potatoes immediately float to the top surrounded by bubbles of boiling oil, then your oil is ready for the potatoes. Otherwise, continue heating the oil for another 5 to 10 minutes.

5. Preparing potatoes for frying is not at all difficult. Carefully sort out the potato tubers, selecting for cooking only the most even oblong-shaped tubers that do not have visible defects and damage. Rinse and peel potatoes thoroughly. Then carefully cut the potatoes into long sticks with a section of 1x1 centimeter. If you think that the potato contains an excessive amount of starch, immerse it in cool water for 10 minutes. Rinse the potato cubes prepared in this way in running water and dry thoroughly with paper napkins or towels. It is very important! The surface of the potato cubes should be as dry as possible! Otherwise, from contact with wet potato bars, hot oil may boil too much, splash out and even catch fire. Be careful and attentive.

6. Salt. Oh, how many excellent French fries have been spoiled by salting at the wrong time. Salt your potatoes just before serving. Not a second sooner! Better yet, salt the french fries right in the plate. Salt added to potatoes at any other stage of cooking will instantly turn a delicious crispy dish into a kind of sour cotton wool. And if you add salt to the potato cubes before frying, then the moisture released from the potatoes under the influence of salt will behave in boiling oil in exactly the same way as water on potato cubes that have not been sufficiently dried after washing.

7. Let's move from theory to practice? Let's try our first American style fries. Rinse thoroughly, peel and cut into long sticks 500 gr. potatoes. Rinse the potato wedges in cool water and dry thoroughly with a towel or napkins. In a deep saucepan, heat up to 190⁰ one liter of vegetable oil mixed with 100 gr. ghee or lard. In small portions, dip the prepared potato wedges into the heated oil and fry until golden brown. Transfer cooked potatoes to a colander lined with paper towels for a couple of minutes to remove excess oil. Salt before serving.

8. The Belgian version of cooking delicious french fries involves frying in two stages. Peel, cut into cubes and dry thoroughly 500 gr. potatoes. In a deep saucepan, heat one liter of vegetable oil to 170⁰. Fry the potatoes in small batches for 5 minutes until slightly golden. Transfer the potatoes to a colander and let them cool slightly for 10 to 15 minutes. Before serving, heat the oil to 190⁰ and re-fry the potatoes for 2 to 3 minutes until golden brown. Transfer the finished potatoes to a colander lined with paper towels, let the excess oil drain, salt to taste and serve immediately.

9. You have little vegetable oil, but you want french fries right now? Try the simplified recipe. Rinse, peel and cut into long sticks 500 gr. potatoes. Drain the potato wedges thoroughly, sprinkle them with 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and gently mix so that the entire surface of the potatoes is oiled. In a wide skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable or butter and lay the potato cubes over the entire surface of the pan in one layer. Fry over medium heat for 5 minutes, and then carefully turn over all the potato wedges to the other side. Fry for another 5 minutes until golden brown. Transfer potatoes to a colander, drain off excess oil, then season with salt to taste and serve immediately.

10. What to serve french fries with? In Belgium, you will be strongly advised to eat this dish with mayonnaise or sauces based on it, in North America you will be offered a rich assortment of ketchups, the French will insist on cheese or mustard sauce, and in Asian countries they will advise you to try sweet and sour sauce. The choice is yours. We invite you to try making a simple and very tasty homemade cheese sauce for french fries. In a small saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. tablespoon butter, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour and mix thoroughly. As soon as the butter with flour starts to boil, pour ½ cup of boiling milk or low-fat cream into it, stirring constantly. Continuing to stir, cook the sauce until it thickens. When the sauce is almost ready, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of any finely grated cheese, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and white pepper to taste. Heat the sauce until the cheese is completely melted and serve immediately. If desired, you can add a teaspoon of mustard, a little crushed garlic or chopped fresh herbs to this sauce.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


The food of a modern person practically cannot do without fast food, however, many do not trust such restaurants and are looking for ways to cook similar dishes on their own. The question of how to make french fries at home occupies the minds of food lovers. People want food to bring pleasure to the taste buds, but at the same time it would not be devoid of benefits for the body. There are several recipes for preparing a dish on your own: french fries in the oven, slow cooker, in a pan, grill. All of them are simple and convenient, and the taste of the vegetable is not inferior to restaurant dishes.

Features of cooking

Now many media are talking about the dangers of potatoes served in fast food establishments. This is due to the frequent addition of preservatives that cause serious harm to the human body. However, french fries are a popular and beloved dish by many, to the delight of lovers, you can cook it without any problems at home. Such a product will contain significantly less harmful substances, and the taste will turn out to be no worse than usual.

To make the dish tasty, you need to follow some rules for its preparation:

  • Potatoes suitable for french fries should be large in size and oval in shape. It is better to choose vegetables without eyes, then the dish will turn out beautiful.
  • The correct cutting of the tuber is the formation of first plates 1 cm wide, and then their division into bars. The potato pieces should come out as equal in size as possible so that they cook evenly.
  • Potatoes need to be peeled, then washed with cold water. This action will help remove excess starch from the vegetable, which will ensure less crumbling during cooking, the potatoes will be better crunchy.
  • Vegetables must be wiped, then they will turn out more fried.
  • Rubbing also helps to reduce the amount of splatter when potatoes get into the oil.
  • During frying, do not salt the vegetable, do it later to taste.
  • To free the fries from excess fat, after cooking, place the sticks in a colander, blot with a paper towel.
  • Choose softer varieties of potatoes.
  • Vegetable oil can be any (sunflower, corn, olive), the main thing is that it be refined and deodorized, then the potatoes will not have extraneous odors.
  • It is better not to use a semi-finished product.
  • If you haven't used all of the potatoes, you can freeze the leftovers for storage.

How to cook french fries at home

It takes some time to enjoy a dish from the menu of fast food restaurants made at home, but understanding the process and a little dexterity will bring it to the end. And by preparing a dish several times, you can do it quickly and accurately. Good helpers in this matter will be household appliances and appliances available in the kitchen. Choose the most convenient cooking option for you, then you can enjoy the taste of your favorite dish without harm to health.

in deep fryer

You will need:

  • potatoes (medium) - 9 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • salt - 1 pinch.


  1. Recipes for the deep fryer will not require much effort from you. In order to prepare the dish, you need to remove the peel from the potatoes, then dry them thoroughly.
  2. Cut the vegetable into strips. This can be done with a regular knife or, to save time, with a special tool for slicing potatoes.
  3. The frying net with the product must be lowered into the apparatus heated to 150 degrees.
  4. Cook the dish for 3 minutes, then remove it from the fryer. Spread potatoes in a single layer and let cool slightly.
  5. While the vegetable is cooling, the apparatus must be heated to 180 degrees. When the temperature is reached, place the potatoes inside again, fry until they acquire a golden hue, as in the promotional photos of fast food establishments.
  6. Salt another hot dish and serve.

No deep fryer in the pan

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 200 g;
  • salt.

French fries in a pan are prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Peel the tubers and cut into strips, rinse and soak in cold water for 2 hours. Dry the potatoes before sending them to the pan.
  2. Heat the pan well, then pour vegetable oil into it, which must be heated to the highest temperature.
  3. Put enough potatoes in the prepared pan so that they can float there. The cooking process must be monitored all the time. As soon as the sticks become rosy, remove them, start frying a new portion.
  4. Place the finished product in a colander to glass the oil. Sprinkle the hot dish with coarse salt and stir.

In a slow cooker

You need to cook french fries in a slow cooker using the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - 1000 g;
  • vegetable oil - 0.7-1 l;
  • salt.


  1. Peel the tubers, cut into cubes, place in cold water and dry.
  2. On the multicooker panel, set the "Baking" mode, set the timer to 60 minutes. Pour oil into the bowl, wait for it to heat up, but not boil.
  3. Dip the potatoes inside and fry for 7-8 minutes with the lid open, stirring occasionally. Remove with slotted spoon.
  4. Spread the roasted vegetables on top of paper towels to ensure that excess fat is removed. Leave for 10 minutes.
  5. While the potatoes are lying, the slow cooker will warm up more. Put the portion inside again, fry for another 2 minutes.
  6. Remove the finished product from the pan and lay it on a towel again. When excess oil is removed, salt. You can serve.

in the microwave

  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

How to make delicious french fries at home in the microwave:

  1. Peel the tubers and wash well. Cut the vegetable into medium-sized sticks, place on paper towels and wipe lightly, then change the lining to a new one, leave the potatoes to lie for another 3-5 minutes.
  2. Put the prepared vegetables in a plate, season with vegetable oil, salt and pepper, leave at room temperature for another 10 minutes.
  3. Arrange the potato slices on a plate so that they do not touch each other. Place the dishes in the microwave. Set the oven to the highest possible power, cook the dish for about 5 minutes.
  4. Take out the plate and turn the sticks over. Place the dish inside the microwave again, cook for another 5 minutes. When frying, keep an eye on the condition of the potatoes so that they do not dry out.

How to fry in an air fryer

Required products:

  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • refined olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

How to make crispy french fries at home in an air fryer:

  1. Potatoes must be peeled and washed, dried with a towel, cut into strips with a sharp knife.
  2. Divide the resulting sticks into portions. Mix each of them with salt, sprinkled with oil.
  3. The resulting seasoned potatoes should be laid out on the middle grill of the air grill. The cooking temperature should be 260 degrees, the fan speed should be high. Cook potatoes for 10 minutes on one side. Then the sticks need to be turned over and fry until golden brown.
  4. Remove the finished potatoes from the grill, grease the second portion with oil, cook it in the same way.

How to make sauce for french fries

The most popular is cheese sauce. To make it, take the following ingredients:

  • cheese (hard, any variety) - 100 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • milk - 0.6 l;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. The butter must be melted over low heat. For convenience, cut it into pieces, use a thick-walled pan.
  2. Add the flour, gradually mixing it into the butter with a whisk. Then, while stirring, pour in the milk. Do it gradually.
  3. Add to the seasoning mixture, reduce the heat a little. Boil the sauce for 10 minutes.
  4. Season the grated cheese with lemon juice, wait until it reaches room temperature, and place in the sauce. Melt the cheese, stirring constantly.

Video recipe for french fries like in McDonald's

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French fries at home - cooking recipes. How to make french fries at home

  • New potatoes are not suitable for this dish, as they are too watery. It is best to take ripe potatoes, and one in which there is little starch. Otherwise, after cooking, it will soften and not be crispy.
  • The number of potatoes can be calculated as follows: one large tuber per person. However, it is better to do a little more, it is unlikely to be superfluous.
  • Potatoes do not have to be peeled, it depends on your preference. Only unpeeled potatoes must first be washed very thoroughly with a stiff brush.
  • The potatoes need to be cut into long sticks 0.5–1 cm wide. You can also use a vegetable cutter or grater for this. Try to make equal strips so that the potatoes fry evenly.
  • Sliced ​​potatoes must first be soaked for at least 20 minutes so that excess starch comes out of it, and then dried by laying on a paper towel.
  • An important role is played by the oil in which the potatoes are fried. Opt for refined deodorized oil, it tastes better.

The most real french fries are obtained by deep-frying. And the special secret of its crispy crust is double roasted.

Heat the oil in a deep saucepan or frying pan to 160°C. Check the temperature with a special thermometer or a ball of white bread. Dip the crumb into the saucepan. If bubbles appear around it, then the oil has reached the required temperature.

Dip the potatoes into the oil in a single layer. If there are too many sticks, divide them into several parts. The oil should completely cover the potatoes. Roast it for about 5 minutes. At this stage, it should soften from the inside, but practically not change the shade.

Remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a wire rack or paper towels folded several times. Leave it for at least half an hour, and preferably for several hours, so that excess fat drains and the potatoes cool completely.

Heat up the oil to 180-190°C. If you don't have a thermometer handy, put a potato slice in the oil. When the required temperature is reached, the oil around it should hiss and bubble slightly.

Arrange the prepared potatoes in a single layer and cook until golden brown, about 5 minutes. It can be a little longer if you want to get even more toasted pieces. Then dry the potatoes again, as after the first roast.

You need to salt the french fries after cooking, otherwise they will not crunch. It is better not to wait until it cools down, but to serve it to the table while still warm.

First, in a large bowl, mix the potatoes, a few tablespoons of oil, and salt to taste. And if you add some spices, the dish will become even more aromatic.

Arrange the potatoes in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. If the pieces lie on top of each other, they will bake unevenly. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 25 minutes. Then turn the potatoes over and bake for another 10 minutes until they are crispy and golden.

Turn on the multicooker in the “Baking”, “Free” or “Multi-cook” mode, depending on the model. Pour oil into the bowl. The ratio of potatoes and butter should be 1: 4, otherwise you will get just. After a couple of minutes, when the oil is hot, put the potatoes and cook for 8-10 minutes.

French fries in a slow cooker are fried twice, as well as on the stove. After one roast, of course, it will be tasty, but it will not be covered with the desired crispy crust. Remove the potatoes, pat dry, let cool slightly and put in the slow cooker for another 2 minutes.

Salting such potatoes is also necessary after cooking so that they do not soften.

Richard Allaway/

Arrange the potatoes on a platter so that the pieces do not touch each other. Drizzle with a little oil, sprinkle with salt and spices to taste.

Place the potatoes on full power for 3 minutes, then turn them over and cook for another 3-6 minutes until golden brown. Just do not overdry the potatoes, otherwise they will be tough.

Bonus: battered french fries recipe

Richard Eriksson/


  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt;
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder or 1 tablespoon minced onion
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon paprika;
  • 1 pinch of cayenne pepper;
  • ¼ cup of water;
  • 900 g potatoes;
  • ½ cup oil.


Mix flour and spices. Add water and mix well. If the batter is too thick, add a little more water.

Dip the prepared potatoes in the batter and place one piece at a time in the hot oil. If you put a handful at once, the sticks can stick together. Roast for about 10 minutes, until potatoes are softened on the inside and golden and crispy on the outside.

Then place the cooked potatoes on a paper towel to drain excess fat. Serve hot with your favorite sauce.

Everyone loves golden, melt-in-your-mouth french fries, but not everyone knows how to cook them the right way. Experienced housewives through trial and error have developed many ways to create a culinary masterpiece that is approved by adults and children around the world. Like any other business, cooking french fries has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account. Consider the most delicious recipes and important aspects in order.

French fries: a classic of the genre

Prepare the necessary equipment in advance.

You will need: a cutting board, a deep bowl, a knife, a slotted spoon, a sieve, paper napkins or towels, a thick-walled or non-stick frying pan (deep fryer), a dish.

  • raw potatoes - 5 pcs. medium size
  • potato starch - 120 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 285 ml.
  • crushed sea salt - to taste
  • spices (optional) - to taste
  • dried dill - 1 pinch
  • dried parsley - 1 pinch
  1. Before you start cooking, pay attention to the preparatory stage. Choose large, flat potato tubers. Firstly, you can chop them into beautiful straws, and secondly, all the slices will look aesthetically pleasing on a dish due to the same size.
  2. After selecting the "strongest" fruits, place the fruits in the sink, wash them thoroughly with a kitchen sponge. Next, remove the peel with a sharp knife and rinse again with cold (possibly ice-cold) water.
  3. When the tubers are perfectly clean, you can start cutting them into strips. Pay attention to the fact that the slices are the same size, the width of one side of the straw should vary between 0.5-0.8 mm. It is this move that will allow you to fry the french fries evenly.
  4. Lay several paper towels on a flat, dry surface (one on top of the other), put the resulting slices on them. Place a paper towel on top and blot with your hands to absorb excess moisture.
  5. Prepare a flour sieve and a wide bowl. Sift the potato starch so that the composition rises 1.5 times. Wait about 5 minutes, then send the potato slices to the starch, mix well and rub them on all sides. You should end up with evenly coated wedges with no buildup of mixture in individual pieces.
  6. Take a tight plastic bag, put the future french fries in it, seal it. Send the chopped fruits to the freezer for a quarter of an hour, if possible, leave the potatoes in the chamber for 20-25 minutes.
  7. In order not to waste time, proceed to the next step. Wash the pan, wipe it dry and put it on a large fire. Pour in vegetable or olive oil, wait until it begins to bubble and crackle.
  8. When this happens, switch the burner to medium power, remove the potato chips from the freezer, scoop up a handful and place in a frying pan. Cooking time varies within 6-8 minutes, it is during this period that the potatoes will acquire a golden hue and a crispy crust.
  9. Carry out the same manipulations with the remaining portions. Make sure that the boiling oil covers all the slices, they should not protrude. It is recommended to cook the dish 1-2 servings at a time using the same oil.
  10. After cooking, remove the cooked potatoes with a slotted spoon, put it on a surface covered with paper towels. Place a few thick napkins on top of the dish and blot, collecting excess oil. Change towels as you soak. Sprinkle the French fries with dried parsley and dill, pepper, salt and spices (optional).
  1. As a rule, the recipe is used as a side dish for fish or lean meat. Potatoes can be served with ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream, cheese, cream or garlic sauce.
  2. Experiment with your taste preferences, sprinkle the dish with dried garlic, celery, oregano, basil or paprika.
  3. If you do not have potato starch, use cornmeal, increasing the amount to 130 gr. Be sure to sift it before cooking to avoid the formation of lumps.

The recipe is designed for people with high cholesterol, diabetes, as well as those who follow the figure and count calories. Due to the low content of vegetable oil, the dish can be classified as dietary, but it is often not recommended to use it.

  • raw potatoes - 1.1 kg.
  • vegetable oil - 60 gr.
  • breadcrumbs - 65 gr.
  • ground sweet paprika - 0.5 teaspoon
  • ground red pepper - 1 pinch
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  1. Wash the potatoes under cold water, wipe them with a sponge, remove the peel and cut into thin strips (about 0.5 mm.).
  2. Lay two paper towels on a flat surface, put the potatoes on them, wrap it up, wait until excess moisture is absorbed.
  3. Take a deep bowl, move the potatoes into it, pour over the sunflower oil and rub well. In another bowl, add the breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and paprika. Dip potato slices in flour mixture.
  4. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper, then arrange the potatoes in one row. Bake for about 5-7 minutes, constantly turning the slices.
  5. The readiness of the composition can be judged by the color: the dish will become golden and shiny, it is at this moment that it can be pulled out and served to the table.

Modern housewives have long acquired such an easy-to-use device - a multicooker. For this reason, it makes sense to consider the recipe for cooking potatoes in a similar way.


  1. First, pay attention to the potatoes that will be used. It should immediately be clarified that young fruits are too loose, they are not suitable. Take 1 tuber, cut it in half. If the knife goes through easily, this option will be ideal.
  2. Choose large and even tubers without defects and eyes. Otherwise, the french fries will turn out to be ugly, spoiling the whole impression.
  3. Carefully inspect the peel, in no case should it be green. A similar shade appears due to the production of a toxic substance - corned beef, which is deposited on the walls of the liver and causes poisoning.
  4. It is worth considering that high-starchy potatoes are not suitable for deep-frying. It will crumble a lot when sliced ​​and then go limp after frying. When you have selected the fruits, wash each tuber with a kitchen sponge.
  5. Prepare the oil in which the product will be fried. We recommend giving preference to corn or olive composition, but, as a rule, these options are much more expensive than sunflower. Based on your financial capabilities.


  1. The main feature of the preparation of golden and crispy french fries is considered to be the correct cutting of the fruit. To begin with, take a peeled tuber, cut it into thin plates (thickness varies between 0.7-1 cm). After that, chop each slice into strips (width 0.7-1 cm).
  2. Prepare a deep container, pour cold filtered water into it, add ice cubes. Place chopped potatoes in the liquid, wait about a quarter of an hour. This must be done in order to remove excess starch contained in the fruit.
  3. Spread a cotton towel on a flat, dry surface, folding it in several layers. Arrange the fries in one row, place a second towel on top and blot the straw well. If necessary, replace the fabric base if it becomes too damp. Important! To get ruddy french fries, which are served at McDonald's, straws must be fried 2 times. In this case, the first procedure is carried out for 8 minutes in non-hot oil, and the second - in boiling, but for 2-3 minutes, no longer.
  4. Connect the multicooker to the network, set the "Baking" mode (duration - 1 hour). Pour the selected oil into the bowl, do not close the device and do not bring the composition to a boil. When the first bubbles appear at the bottom of the container, lower the potato strips, fry for 8 minutes. Important! Modern multicookers are equipped with a deep-fat basket, use it. In cases where this addition is not available, lower the potatoes into the cavity of the device, subsequently removing the finished product with a slotted spoon.
  5. It is worth paying attention to the fact that potatoes are fried in small portions, otherwise a certain part of it may burn. Cook the product in an open multicooker, constantly monitoring the process, stir.
  6. After the first frying, lay out a few paper towels on the table, put the final product on them, wait for the oil to drain. Change the substrate as it soaks so that it is constantly clean.
  7. After that, bring the oil to a boil, dip the french fries in it a second time and fry for 2-3 minutes. Next, pull out the product, leave the oil to drain.

First of all, french fries are loved for their crispy crust and tender base. For this reason, it is recommended to serve the dish to the table immediately after preparation. Otherwise, the side dish will lose its taste and become "cotton". French fries are perfect for fresh vegetable salads, they are used in combination with canned peas and corn, Korean carrots. In addition, the product is added to the basis of such dishes as hamburger, shawarma, go-dog.

Video: the secrets of cooking french fries