How to make echpochmak from puff pastry. Echpochmak - recipes for delicious Tatar pies with different fillings

Today we will tell you how to make delicious echpochmak at home. The recipe for this product may include completely different products. Some people prepare this dish from yeast dough, while others make it using kefir.

Also, the famous Tatar triangles can have different fillings. Some housewives use only meat and a large amount of onions. Other cooks prepare such products with the addition of potatoes. It's up to you to decide how to surprise your guests.

The most delicious echpochmak: recipe with photo

The most satisfying and tasty Tatar triangles are made from a yeast base, as well as using meat and potatoes.

In general, such products are prepared for three hours.

So what products are needed to make tasty and high-calorie echpochmaks? The recipe with a photo of this Tatar dish involves the use of the following components:

Knead yeast dough

How to cook echpochmak? The recipe for these products requires careful kneading of the base. To do this, combine milk and warm boiled water in one large bowl, and then dissolve granulated sugar and yeast granules in the resulting mass. Leaving the mixture alone for ¼ hour, add table salt and sifted flour.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a thick base is formed. After this, cover it with a towel and close the lid. In this form, the yeast dough is left in a warm room for 90 minutes. From time to time it is beaten with a fist.

Preparing the filling

Now you know what ingredients the dough recipe requires to use. Echpochmak should be prepared in stages. After the base has been placed in a warm place, you can begin processing other products.

To prepare the filling we need ground beef. To do this, the meat product is passed through a meat grinder along with onions, and then seasoned with spices and mixed thoroughly. Subsequently, potatoes are added to the minced meat, which are peeled and chopped into small cubes in advance.

We form products

How should echpochmak be formed? The recipe for these products requires only a cutting board and rolling pin.

After preparing the necessary equipment, a small piece is torn off from the risen yeast dough, and then rolled out into a flat cake with a diameter of up to 13 centimeters. Place 1.6 large spoons of filling (minced meat with potatoes) in the center of each product. After this, the base is fastened and a neat triangle is obtained. If desired, you can leave a small hole at the top of the echpochmak.

We bake products

How is echpochmak baked? The recipe for such products involves the use of an oven. It is preheated to 200 degrees, and only then the prepared semi-finished products are placed. To do this, they are laid out on a greased sheet, leaving a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.

How long does it take to implement the recipe we are considering? Tatar-style echpochmak takes quite a long time to make. You will need two hours to prepare semi-finished products (filling, dough). Another 60 minutes are needed to bake all products.


After the Tatar triangles are completely baked, become rosy and fragrant, they are carefully removed from the sheet and placed on a common plate. Such products are served only hot, along with a cup of sweet tea.

The most delicate echpochmak: recipe with kefir

As mentioned above, Tatar triangles can be prepared using completely different bases. We have already talked about how such a dish is made using yeast dough. Now I would like to present you with an easier way to prepare tasty and tender meat products.

So how to make echpochmak? The kefir test recipe requires the use of:

  • sifted wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • good quality butter - about 250 g;
  • medium fat kefir - approximately 200 ml;
  • baking soda - ½ small spoon;
  • raw chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

As for the filling, for it we will need:

  • chilled chicken breasts (you can add dark poultry meat) - approximately 600 g;
  • spices (pepper and salt) - use at discretion;
  • white onion - 3 pcs.

Kneading the base

Every housewife should know the recipe for kefir dough. After all, only thanks to it you can quickly and tasty prepare hearty products with meat.

So, to knead the base, the cooking fat is removed from the refrigerator in advance, and then thoroughly ground together with the sifted wheat flour. Having received the creamy crumbs, proceed to preparing the other part of the base. To do this, kefir is heated a little over the fire, and then the baking soda is immediately quenched in it. After the drink stops foaming, add beaten eggs.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and then poured into the previously prepared bulk mass. After kneading the products, you should get a fairly smooth and elastic dough that does not stick to your palms. It is placed in a bag and left aside while the filling is prepared.

Making the meat filling

Above we have provided you with information about what ingredients for the filling the recipe we are considering requires. Echpochmak with chicken and onions turns out very tender, satisfying and nutritious. Such products are good to serve along with meat or vegetable broth. But first things first.

To prepare the meat filling, wash chicken breasts and dark poultry meat thoroughly, and then remove all the skin and remove the bones. The remaining pulp is finely chopped with a sharp knife. Onions are also chopped exactly.

After the described steps, both ingredients are combined in one bowl and seasoned with spices (salt, pepper). Finally, all products are thoroughly mixed with a spoon or hands.

Product formation process

All Tatar echpochmaks are formed in the same way. After the kefir dough is kneaded, it is divided into many pieces and formed into balls with a diameter of no more than 3 centimeters. Then all the products are rolled out on a board into not very thick cakes. Place 1-2 large spoons of filling in them and carefully pinch the edges, forming a miniature triangle.

The finished semi-finished products are placed on a baking sheet, which is pre-greased with vegetable oil. If you want to get more rosy and appetizing products, then apply a beaten egg on them.

Heat treatment process

After all the triangles are formed, they are placed in a preheated oven. At a temperature of 200 degrees, products with meat and onions are cooked for a whole hour. If you made small echpochmak, then you will need a little less time (about 47-50 minutes).

After preparing the Tatar triangles in the oven, they are carefully removed from the baking sheet and greased with butter while hot. This action will contribute to the appearance of a special aroma and taste of the products, and will also make their crust softer and give it an appetizing gloss.

We correctly present echpochmak to the table

The total cooking time for Tatar triangles with kefir is about 1.5 hours. Note that this is twice as fast as yeast products. That is why this method is very popular among housewives.

After baking all the echpochmaks and greasing them with butter, the products are immediately presented to the dinner table. Additionally, they are served with hot meat or vegetable broth. You can also serve strong sweet tea to the table.

Tatar and Bashkir cuisine are distinguished by a wide variety of meat dishes and baked goods. Triangular echpochmaki pies with a hole in the middle, made from yeast or unleavened dough with lamb, onions, potatoes and spices, are somewhat reminiscent of samsa. However, this is not surprising, because Tatar cuisine was influenced by Tajik and Uzbek culinary traditions. The word “echpochmak” is translated as “triangle”, hence it is clear why the products received such a name. In Tatarstan, echpochmak pies, ruddy, juicy and aromatic, are sold right on the street, but you can prepare them yourself to please your loved ones with delicious pastries, which are usually served with broth or soup. So, let's talk about how to cook at home.

Learning to cook echpochmaki

Dough. Traditionally, pies are made from puff pastry, yeast and unleavened dough, but shortbread and kefir dough are also suitable for preparing the dish. In principle, with any dough, echpochmaki will turn out unusually tasty and healthy.

Yeast dough for pies should be rich, so it is mixed with eggs, butter and milk, and sour cream or butter is added to unleavened dough for softness and crumbliness.

Filling. The triangular shape of the pies is not their most important feature. The highlight of echpochmaks is the meat filling, which is placed in the pies raw - this is what distinguishes the dish from other meat baked goods. It is thanks to the hole in the dough that the pies are baked well and remain juicy, because broth is poured into it during the cooking process. Agree that Tatar cooks are very practical and inventive!

For the filling, lamb is chopped into cubes the size of hazelnuts, potatoes are cut into pieces the size of raisins, and onions are finely chopped. You can use any meat - beef, goose, duck and chicken, adding black pepper and any seasonings to taste to the filling for piquancy. By the way, frozen meat is cut easier and faster.

Forming pies. The dough is rolled out into a rope, cut into pieces, from which balls are formed. Each ball is rolled out into a circle the size of a tea saucer, and 1 tbsp is placed in the middle. l. filling, and the edges of the circle in three places are connected at the top, like a pyramid. The seams should be pinched together with a string as carefully as possible, otherwise the pies will begin to fall apart during the baking process. In this case, you should leave a small hole for the broth. If the minced meat is made from beef or veal, when forming the pie, a piece of butter or lard is placed on top of the filling to make the echpochmak juicier.

Bakery. The pies are allowed to rest a little, greased with butter mixed with egg yolk, and sent to the oven, heated to 180–200 °C. Naturally, the baking sheet should also be greased. And now the fun begins - after 30 minutes, when the echpochmaks acquire a golden-brown color, you need to take them out and pour 1-2 tsp into the hole of the “pyramids”. rich meat broth, cooked with spices and salt. The broth can be replaced with boiling water in which butter is dissolved. Next, the pies are baked until cooked, depending on the type of dough and filling. Some cooks add broth to the echpochmaki several times if the meat is a little dry. They periodically pull out the leaf and look inside the pie - if the broth is not visible, then it’s time to add more.

How to cook echpochmak in Tatar style: classic recipe

Real Tatar echpochmaks are made from yeast dough. To prepare it, dissolve 5 g of dry yeast in ½ liter of warm milk, add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 70 g butter, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 850 g flour. Knead the dough and leave it to rise, covered with a napkin or towel.

Prepare the filling from 700 g chopped lamb, 7 finely chopped medium-sized raw potatoes, 4 chopped onions, salt and pepper.

Place the filling on the rolled out dough circles, connect the edges of the cakes in three places, trying to form a triangle, leave a hole and place the echpochmaki on a greased baking sheet. After 20 minutes of proofing, place the pies in the oven and bake for 7 minutes at 200°C, then reduce the temperature to 170°C and cook for another 25 minutes. Now pour 1-2 tsp into the holes. meat broth, brush the pies with yolk and leave in the oven for 20 minutes.

How to make echpochmak from unleavened dough

Echpochmak, prepared on unleavened dough, is suitable for those who are on a diet or for whom yeast baking is contraindicated.

Pour 4 cups of flour into a heap, make a hole in it, pour in 1 egg, a little water, add a little salt and knead the dough like dumplings. Cover it with cling film and leave for 40 minutes to make it more pliable.

While the dough is resting, make the filling from ½ kg of any meat and ½ kg of raw potatoes - all ingredients are chopped into cubes, and 1-2 onions are finely chopped.

Roll out the dough into circles approximately 15 cm in diameter, place the filling in the middle and form a triangle. Brush the echpochmak with yolk and place in the oven; when they are browned, pour a little broth into each pie if you made holes for this, and then continue baking them. In general, it takes about an hour to cook the pies in the oven.

How to make echpochmak from puff pastry

It is good to serve echpochmak with katyk, a Turkic fermented milk drink, reminiscent of yogurt, made from buffalo, goat or sheep milk, or any fermented milk drink of your choice. By the way, these pies are an excellent substitute for bread and are eaten instantly, especially if you have a large family, so prepare them for future use! Well, from the brand store “Eat at Home” they will add brightness of taste to your dishes!

Not every one of us has heard such a word - “echpochmak”, although many have probably seen it and eaten it. These are kitchens, and the literal translation means “triangle”. It is prepared from yeast or filled with meat and added onions and potatoes. The main, traditional filling is lamb. There is another feature of this dish - the filling is placed in it raw. So today we will start mastering the preparation of such an interesting dish as Tatar-style echpochmak.

Recipe No. 1 - preparing echpochmak in the standard way

To prepare the dish we are considering, you will need for the dough: 33 grams of baker's yeast, 800 grams of flour, three eggs, three tablespoons of granulated sugar, 0.33 liters of milk, 60-70 grams of butter, half a teaspoon of salt. For the filling we will prepare: 300 grams of lamb, three onions, four potatoes, one egg for brushing the dough, black pepper and salt. To prepare echpochmak in Tatar style, we start, of course, by preparing the dough. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk along with a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Let him insist.

We also stir the sugar in the egg with a whisk until it is completely dissolved. Add to the first container and mix well. Sift the flour through a sieve, add our mixture and knead the dough. While kneading, add the butter little by little. Upon completion, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for fermentation for a couple of hours. Then add salt, knead again and again for an hour and a half aside. Then knead again, cover with a towel and start filling.

Prepare the filling and bake echpochmak in Tatar style

The filling is prepared quickly and easily. Wash the meat and cut into small pieces. We also peel the potatoes and onions and cut them into small cubes. Stir, pepper and salt. Turn on the oven and leave it to preheat to 210 degrees. Divide the dough into two parts. One is again under the towel, and the second is cut into nine parts. Take one of these pieces and knead it with your palm on the table to form a circle.

Place a tablespoon of filling, form a triangle and pinch the top. We do this so that there is a small hole at the top - excess moisture will evaporate through it. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, place the echpochmak on it, let it sit for a little while. Mix the egg and grease the baked goods. Place in the oven and bake for at least 40 minutes, temperature 200 degrees. After 20 minutes have passed, cover with damp paper. Place the finished dish on a towel and also cover with a clean towel on top. Now you know how to cook echpochmak in Tatar style.

Recipe No. 2 - preparing echpochmak with kefir

To complete this recipe we will need: two glasses of kefir, a teaspoon of salt, five glasses of flour, one packet of dry yeast, 300 grams of meat with fat, three potatoes, two onions, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, half a glass of broth (or water) , ground black pepper.

If for the previous version we took it in the Tatar language, translated it and made a traditional dish, now we will not adhere to any requirements. For meat, for example, let’s take fatty pork. Wash it and cut it into hazelnut-sized pieces. We will also cut the potatoes, add meat, chopped onions, vegetable oil - two spoons, pepper and salt.

Mix everything thoroughly. We make the dough as usual, cut it as for pies (in pieces), shape it into small balls and make flat cakes the size of a saucer with the palm of your hand. Place the filling on them, pinch them into a triangle and place them on a greased baking sheet. After 15-20 minutes, brush the top with egg and place in the oven for one hour. It turned out to be an excellent Tatar-style echpochmak. added tenderness and lightness to it.

Recipe No. 3 - echpochmak with chicken

For the dough we will need: four glasses of flour, one glass of water, 10 grams of dry yeast, one egg, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of granulated sugar. For the filling: 0.8 kg chicken fillet, four potatoes, two onions, 50 grams of butter, a glass of broth, pepper and salt.

It's time to cook Tatar-style echpochmak with chicken. First of all, mix all the ingredients for the dough and let it rise for an hour and a half (necessarily in a warm place). Then we prepare the filling.

Preparing the filling and baking

Cut the chicken fillet and potatoes into cubes. Peel and chop the onion finely. Combine everything into one mass, pepper, salt and mix. Punch down the risen dough, cut into pieces and roll each of them into a small round cake.

We distribute the filling over them and pinch them together, giving them a triangular shape. Leave a small hole at the top. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the echpochmak on it and place it in a preheated oven for 35 minutes. We take out the baking sheet, add a little broth, brush the top with egg and put it back in the oven for another 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Recipe No. 4 - preparing echpochmak quickly and easily

This recipe is probably the fastest and easiest. It requires the following products: for the dough - a melted pack of margarine, a glass of milk or kefir, two and a half glasses of flour, two eggs. For the filling: half a kilogram of fatty meat, potatoes - 300 grams, onions - 300 grams, salt, herbs, more spices. Now let’s prepare echpochmak in Tatar style. Knead the dough like dumplings, divide it into three parts and put it in the refrigerator.

Cut the filling ingredients into small cubes and mix as thoroughly as possible. Cut the dough into pieces and make small cakes out of it. Place the filling and pinch together to form triangles. Place the echpochmak on a greased baking sheet, brush the top with egg and place in the oven for 40 minutes until a beautiful golden crust forms on them.

Echpochmak is a national Tatar and Bashkir dish, i.e. triangular shaped pies. The filling for these pies is prepared from raw meat and vegetables, and baking takes place in two stages: first, the pies are greased with butter and begin to bake, and then they are filled with broth, brushed with egg and finished baking. Dough for echpochmak can be yeast or unleavened in different types.

Prepare the ingredients for echpochmaks.

To prepare the dough, you need to combine milk, melted butter and flour with salt, sugar and yeast, mix and knead. You can entrust this process to a bread machine using the “yeast dough” mode.

It is advisable to squeeze the dough 1-2 times and let it rise again.

For the filling you need to finely chop raw meat, potatoes and onions.

I was mentally determined to do this, but I looked at the attachment with large cells, designed for mechanical chopping of meat and...

After a few seconds, the filling for the echpochmaks was ready.

Divide the dough into 10-12 pieces, roll each into a round piece, place the filling.

Pinch the pie into a triangle and leave a hole at the top. Place the echpochmak on a greased baking sheet with the holes facing up. Grease with butter and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

After 20 minutes, take out the baking sheet, pour meat broth with spices into the hole of the echpochmaks, brush with egg.

Place the echpochmaki in the oven again for 20-30 minutes.

Echpochmak are ready.

Before serving, you can add more broth to the finished echpochmak.

Bon appetit!

Echpochmak is a popular dish of Tatar cuisine. In essence, echpochmak resembles ordinary meat pies made from unleavened dough stuffed with potatoes and beef, chicken or lamb.

Nowadays, there are many variations on the theme of preparing echpochmak. Pies are made not only from unleavened dough, but also from sweet curd or sour cream dough! However, today we offer you a classic recipe.

Name: Echpochmak Date added: 18.12.2014 Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes Recipe servings: 6 Rating: (1 , Wed 5.00 out of 5)
Product Quantity
For the test:
Milk 1.5 tbsp.
Flour 500 g
Butter 150 g
Yeast 15 g
Sugar 1 tbsp.
Salt taste
For filling:
Eggs 2 pcs.
Potato 300 g
Melted butter 100 g
Fillet of beef 700 g
Bulb onions 2 pcs.
Beef broth 400 ml
Salt 1 tsp

Recipe for echpochmak in Tatar style

First, complete a simple preparatory step: pour the yeast with warm water (half a glass is enough). Add sugar there and mix well. Set the mixture aside for 15 minutes. Wait until it foams.

Meanwhile, melt the butter in the milk, stir and add to the yeast. Add flour to the resulting mixture and knead the dough. Let it sit for 40 minutes in a warm place. Then add the remaining flour, mix well again and leave for 1 hour.

Rinse the beef fillet thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel. Cut into small cubes. Peel the onion and potatoes, cut into small cubes. Place the meat, potatoes and onions in a deep bowl. Place softened melted butter there, add salt and pepper and mix well. Cover the bowl with a lid and set aside for 40 minutes.
An important element of Tatar echpochmaks is their unusual shape. Sprinkle the table with flour and place the dough on it. Divide it into 6 equal parts. Roll each part into a flat cake. Place 2-3 tbsp on the tortillas. l. filling, carefully pinch the edges into a triangle, but remember to leave a hole in the center. Roll small balls from the remaining dough and cover the holes in the echpochmak with them.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet well or line it with parchment paper. Dip the pies in the beaten egg mixture and place on a baking sheet. Bake for approximately 20-30 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove them from the oven. Open the holes in the pies and pour 2 tsp into each of them. prepared broth.

Cover the echpochmak with balls again and bake for 15 minutes. The Tatar dish should be served hot. You can additionally brush it with melted butter before serving. By the way, melted butter can also be used instead of beef broth if you haven’t prepared it in advance.