How to make Baileys at home. Baileys liqueur - composition and properties of the drink; how to drink it; cocktails with Baileys; recipes for making homemade cream liqueur with your own hands

Baileys Irish Cream, Baileys, Baileys - all these names refer to one drink invented in Ireland. The creamy caramel taste is the “calling card” of the aromatic cocktail. The 17°C strength liqueur has such a delicate and unsurpassed taste that it is impossible to resist. The drink created by Irish masters is liked by many people. It is produced using a special technology using natural products that do not contain preservatives. When buying Irish-made Baileys, do not doubt its quality. This product has excellent taste characteristics; it can be drunk in its pure form, included in a variety of cocktails, and added to confectionery baked goods. It is recommended to store real Baileys for no more than 2 years at a temperature of +25°C. The original version of the Irish cream cocktail is expensive and requires a certain set of ingredients (which are difficult to find in our country), so lovers of the delicious drink prefer to prepare it themselves, adding condensed milk, chocolate, and whipped cream to their homemade liqueur. We invite readers to get acquainted with the best recipes for making Baileys cocktails at home with your own hands. Experiment by adding new ingredients to the liqueur. This will help you get a drink that perfectly suits your taste characteristics.

Real Irish Baileys is considered an alcoholic drink. It contains only 17% alcohol, and the amount of sugar for every 100 ml is 20 g. The creamy caramel taste of the product and pleasant aroma are liked by many lovers of gourmet desserts. But for people who carefully monitor their weight, it is better to drink Baileys with caution (after all, 100 g of the drink contains 327 kcal, which does not contribute to weight loss). The alcoholic product is produced in Ireland by R&A Bailey & Co. Baileys has a very interesting history of creation. The idea of ​​​​developing a new liqueur formula appeared in 1970. Its initiator was David Dand, who proposed that Gilbeys of Ireland produce delicate and soft alcohol from natural ingredients.

Initially, manufacturers tried mixing cream with cognac. The incredibly tasty drink had an unstable combination. The formula for the new liqueur took about 4 years to create. And so, on November 26, 1974, in the outskirts of Dublin, a new version of the liqueur was presented, which was a mixture of whiskey and cream, supplemented with caramel, sugar, vanilla and chocolate. Inventor David Dand patented the alcohol and then opened his own company, R&A Bailey & Co. It was this organization that introduced a new type of liqueur to the world community. Interestingly, the technology for preparing Irish baileys is still kept in the strictest confidence. The manufacturer subjects each batch of aromatic drink to a quality control procedure. The recipe for this liqueur consists exclusively of natural products produced in Ireland. The production of the alcoholic drink is carried out without the use of artificial additives, chemical components and dyes.

Until 2005, R&A Bailey & Co supplied only 2 types of Baileys to the food market:

  • classic, with cream;
  • coffee, with hazelnut aroma.

Then the product range expanded. The liqueur began to be prepared from a mixture of cream and caramel, as well as mint and chocolate. These varieties of Baileys quickly became popular with customers from all over the world.

Despite the lack of original recipes for a creamy alcoholic drink, it can still be prepared at home. Want to learn the best recipes for making Irish liqueur at home? Then read the article to the end.

How to make Baileys at home

If you are interested in the question of how to make Baileys alcoholic liqueur at home, the following information will be very useful.

Making Baileys liqueur at home differs significantly from its industrial production in Ireland. In the “homeland” the drink is prepared using a special technology using natural ingredients. In our case, Baileys is based on canned ingredients (for example, cream or condensed milk). If you manage to make liqueur at home, you can use it in a variety of ways. For example, add to cocktails, use as an additive to coffee or dessert, or drink an alcoholic drink in its pure form. Please note that the density of homemade Baileys is different from the factory product, so it is not suitable for making puff cocktails. In addition, the storage time of a self-prepared drink is limited. If the shelf life of the original cream liqueur made in Ireland is 2 years, then homemade Baileys can be kept in the refrigerator for six months (5-6 months).

Learn how to make Baileys at home with this selection of the best recipes.


The recipe for baileys made from real Irish whiskey, sugar and cream is unknown to anyone. However, in many bars they create original low-alcohol cocktails from this drink. A homemade creamy cocktail has a lower density compared to the original drink created under production conditions. However, in terms of taste, homemade Baileys is in no way inferior to its Irish counterpart.

A homemade cream liqueur recipe can include a variety of ingredients. In the classic version it is cream, condensed milk, vanilla sugar, egg yolk and instant coffee. A variety of homemade baileys is a liqueur based on concentrated milk. You can prepare a delicious alcoholic drink from nuts, without adding cream or eggs, with chocolate Nutella or moonshine. Choose a Baileys recipe to suit your taste from the options below.

Original Baileys

The recipe for preparing an alcoholic drink according to this recipe includes 2 stages. First of all, you will need to make an alcohol base. Prepare the following set of ingredients:

  • ground ginger - one third of a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - 6 g or 3 sachets (take vanillin, not vanilla sugar);
  • oak bark - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • alcohol 60% strength - 400 ml (you can prepare an alcoholic composition by mixing alcohol and whiskey in equal proportions, 200 g each).

Heat the sugar over the fire in a container to make brown caramel. Add cinnamon, vanillin, oak bark (the component is sold inexpensively in all pharmacies), honey, ginger to the sugar syrup. Then gradually introduce alcohol (alcohol or cognac-alcohol mixture), and leave the resulting composition for 5-7 days. Shake the suspension every day, and when it is completely ready, filter it through cheesecloth.

The next step is to prepare Baileys liqueur according to the original (classic) recipe at home. You will need these components.

  1. 1 liter of cream with 10% fat content.
  2. Yolks taken from domestic eggs - 2 pieces.
  3. 1 jar of condensed milk.
  4. Instant coffee (2 tsp powder diluted with 1 tsp water).

Place the egg yolks in a separate bowl, add half the cream to them, and beat the ingredients well. While whipping, add coffee, condensed milk and the unused portion of cream to the drink. Achieve homogeneity of the whipped mass, carefully pour alcohol into it, and then whisk the liqueur one last time. Add vanillin to the finished mixture last. Place the drink in the refrigerator for 3 days, but do not bottle it yet. When it sits, excess fat will float to the top. Remove it, then filter the cream liqueur and fill the bottles with it. Use cotton cloth for filtering.

Perhaps the Baileys recipe described above will seem too complicated to you. Then pay attention to other options for preparing the drink. They are simpler, but go just as well with ice cream, desserts, cocktails or coffee.

Express recipe

An express recipe for making Baileys liqueur involves the use of condensed milk and coffee. A minimal set of ingredients allows you to prepare the drink quickly and easily. To prepare homemade baileys, prepare an alcohol base in addition to the above ingredients. You can take medical alcohol, high-quality vodka, cognac brandy or Irish whiskey to prepare the drink. You can make Baileys at home by mixing cream with moonshine. But remember that these two products do not mix well with each other.

A quick recipe for making homemade Baileys recommends preparing the following list of ingredients:

  • alcohol base with a strength of 40-45 °C and a volume of 500 ml;
  • 1 can of condensed milk (approximately 380 g);
  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee;
  • 400 ml cream with a fat content of 12-15%;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar.

The preparation of Baileys express liqueur consists of several stages.

  1. Combine the condensed milk, yolks and sugar, and then use a mixer to mix all the ingredients together.
  2. Add coffee to the mixture and mix all ingredients again with a mixer. If the suspension contains grains (granules) of coffee, there is nothing wrong with that. When you pour alcohol into the mixture, it will dissolve them well.
  3. Add cream to the resulting mixture and mix the ingredients thoroughly again.
  4. Pour alcohol into the mixture, then stir it all with a mixer one last time until the composition is homogeneous.
  5. Pour the mixture into bottles, seal the containers tightly and place them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

There are different variations of preparing baileys according to the express recipe. For example, you can replace condensed milk with condensed coffee or condensed cocoa.

From moonshine

A homemade version of Irish Baileys liqueur can be made from moonshine. Creating a drink according to a recipe requires having these ingredients on hand.

  1. Moonshine with a strength of 40 °C (you can use homemade whiskey instead, if available). The volume of required alcohol is 500 ml.
  2. Cream (10% fat) - 0.4 liters.
  3. Instant coffee - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Condensed milk - 1 can.
  5. Egg yolks (they need to be separated from the whites before adding to the overall composition of the products) - 4 pieces.
  6. Vanilla sugar (you cannot replace the component with vanillin in this case).

To prepare an analogue of the Irish alcoholic drink at home, you will need a deep bowl in which you can mix the ingredients. Pour the cream into a bowl, add vanilla sugar and add egg yolks. Beat all ingredients thoroughly using a blender or mixer. Then pour coffee into the resulting mixture and pour in condensed milk. At the last stage, add homemade alcohol to the mixture, mix the ingredients and put the product in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Prepared Baileys liqueur at home should be mixed well before use. It is recommended to store the finished alcoholic product for no more than 3-4 months.

With the addition of condensed milk

The recipe for Baileys liqueur with condensed milk is a classic version of homemade Irish alcohol. You don’t need expensive products to prepare it, and the time you spend preparing a creamy alcoholic cocktail will take no more than half an hour. An aromatic drink with condensed milk and coffee tastes good, with a beautiful soft creamy color.

Liqueur with the addition of condensed milk requires the following components:

  • 500 ml vodka;
  • 400 ml cream 10-15% fat;
  • instant coffee 1 tablespoon;
  • egg yolks - 4 pieces;
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar;
  • 1 can of condensed milk.

The process of preparing an alcoholic drink with condensed milk consists of 4 stages.

  1. Condensed milk, egg yolks and vanilla sugar are mixed together in a deep bowl. Beat the mixture of eggs and milk thoroughly using a mixer, blender or whisk.
  2. Add instant coffee to the resulting mixture and whisk again.
  3. Pour the cream into the mixture and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Before the last stirring, add vodka or real Irish whiskey to the mixture.
  5. Pour the finished alcohol into a glass container, close the lid tightly and leave in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. Baileys is ready. Do not forget to observe the shelf life of homemade creamy alcohol. It should not be consumed after 3 months after preparation.

No eggs

Baileys, which is made in Ireland, does not contain eggs. Therefore, the following recipe for homemade cream liqueur will be similar to the original. DIY Baileys without adding eggs is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml cognac brandy;
  • 1 liter of cream with a fat content of 15-20%;
  • 400 g condensed milk;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons instant coffee.

Baileys without eggs is prepared at home using the following technology.

  1. Beat the cream with condensed milk with a mixer.
  2. Continue whisking the finished mixture and carefully add alcohol (brandy), coffee and sugar.
  3. When the mixture is ready, pour it into bottles and refrigerate for 2 days. Seal containers with cream liqueur well.

No cream

To make your own Baileys without cream, take the following ingredients:

  • 2 raw egg yolks;
  • 15 g vanilla sugar;
  • 450 g condensed milk;
  • 400 ml milk;
  • 300 ml vodka;
  • 10 g instant coffee.

The preparation process begins with dissolving coffee in water (coffee granules do not dissolve well in milk). Take 1 tsp. warm water and mix with coffee powder. Grind the egg yolks with vanilla sugar and condensed milk, add vodka, coffee and milk. Mix all ingredients in a blender or using a whisk (by hand). The finished mixture should be homogeneous. It is recommended to store it only in the refrigerator, since it contains condensed milk and eggs. If you prefer strong alcoholic drinks, you can increase the amount of vodka in Baileys to suit your taste.

With concentrated milk

If you want to make Baileys with concentrated milk at home, pay attention to the following recipe.

Required components:

  • 1 can of concentrated milk without added sugar;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of powdered, non-sublimated coffee (it dissolves better);
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar or vanillin;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 ml vodka.

The listed products are enough to prepare Baileys liqueur with a volume of 0.7 liters. The cooking process takes 45 minutes and consists of the following steps.

  1. Take a metal bowl and mix all the ingredients in it, but without the vodka. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Set the cream mixture over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar and coffee powder have dissolved. Do not bring the mixture to a boil under any circumstances, because the eggs in it will curdle and form unsightly flakes. The finished mass should be thick.
  3. Remove the container with liqueur from the stove, cool, pour in vodka and mix thoroughly.
  4. Roll the cheesecloth into several layers and strain the Baileys through it.

You can consume the finished liqueur with concentrated milk immediately.


The recipe for Baileys with the addition of chocolate will surely appeal to real gourmets. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • 1 can of natural condensed milk;
  • 350 ml fresh cream 30% fat;
  • 0.5 liters of good vodka;
  • 150 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Stages of preparing Baileys chocolate liqueur.

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. It should melt until liquid, but do not let it boil. The container should be small so that the melted chocolate does not smear too much on the walls.
  2. While the chocolate is melting, beat the cream with a mixer along with vanilla sugar or vanillin.
  3. After 5 minutes of thorough mixing, add condensed milk and whisk until the mixture warms up slightly.
  4. In the next step, add chocolate. Condensed milk and cream should be slightly warmed up because in cold milk liquid the melted hot chocolate will solidify into grains and the liqueur will be hopelessly spoiled.
  5. Vodka is the last ingredient to add to the cream mixture.
  6. Whisk again and mix all the ingredients well, then pour the liqueur into a bottle and put it in the refrigerator to infuse.

You can taste the finished cocktail made from cream, chocolate and condensed milk after 2 days.

Peppermint Baileys

The original recipe for mint baileys will appeal to connoisseurs of spicy taste in alcoholic drinks. To prepare the creamy spirit, prepare the ingredients from the following list.

  1. 0.5 liters of vodka or whiskey.
  2. 1 can of condensed milk.
  3. 150 g dark chocolate.
  4. 0.35-0.4 liters of liquid cream (fat content no more than 28%).
  5. 3 tablespoons of sugar.
  6. Vanillin on the tip of a knife (can be replaced with 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar).
  7. 50 ml mint liqueur (you can take a bunch of fresh mint instead).

Prepare an alcoholic drink according to this scheme.

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the mint liqueur and bring it to a boil. If you use fresh mint instead of mint liqueur, chop it finely and add a little water. You need to boil the composition for half a minute, then remove from heat, cool and leave for 24 hours.
  2. Pour a bottle of vodka into the mint syrup and leave for another 24 hours. Then filter.
  3. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a double boiler.
  4. Take a blender and beat vanilla and cream with it, then add condensed milk to it and beat the mixture again for 5 minutes. Check that the finished mixture is not too cold.
  5. Add melted chocolate a little at a time.
  6. Add mint alcohol to the mixture (vodka with the addition of mint infusion or liqueur or whiskey with mint).
  7. Pour the finished drink into bottles, refrigerate for 2 days, but shake well every day.

Now you are familiar with the best recipes for making Baileys drink at home. We suggest you study some more useful tips regarding the proper preparation and use of cream liqueur.

Baileys made at home can be based on different products. You can adjust the quantity and composition of ingredients at your discretion. The recommendations below will help you decide on the choice of ingredients to create delicious homemade alcohol with cream.

  1. Many Baileys recipes recommend steeping for 3-5 days. In fact, this process takes much less time. For a good infusion of liqueur, 2-3 hours are enough.
  2. If your homemade creamy cocktail turns out to be smaller in density, there is nothing wrong with that. If you want to make the drink thicker and softer, add egg yolk to it (at the rate of 2 pieces per 0.5 liter of alcohol).
  3. Sometimes, as the liquor sits, sediment appears at the bottom of the liquor bottle. This mainly happens when using low quality cream. To remove it, shake the drink before drinking.
  4. You can choose the alcohol base for baileys at your discretion. It can be either high quality vodka or natural Irish whiskey. It is better not to use a low-quality alcoholic product, because the creamy liqueur from it will turn out to be of poor quality.

Regardless of which bailey recipe you choose (simple or with more additives), remember that in Ireland they are prepared differently from here. They use natural products, without preservatives. There are several requirements for drinking homemade cream liqueur.

  1. Baileys can be mixed with melted dark chocolate or coffee without sugar.
  2. Liqueur at room temperature is consumed in its pure form, adding 2-3 ice cubes to it. It is better to pour the drink into liqueur glasses with a capacity of 25-50 g. You should drink Baileys after eating.
  3. Liquor based on cream, condensed milk and coffee is often added to cocktails that do not contain mineral and carbonated drinks, as well as fruit and vegetable juices. Fulfilling this condition is important because cream, when mixed with sour and carbonated liquids, will simply curdle and unsightly flakes will float in the cocktail.
  4. You can mix liqueur with strong alcoholic drinks (brandy, vodka, whiskey, gin, rum).

An interesting question is also about choosing the right snack for Baileys liqueur. This drink is sweet, so it is better to choose dessert in the form of fresh berries and fruits, fruit salads, marshmallows, cookies, chocolate, peanuts, and ice cream. Remember that despite its pleasant aroma and sweet taste, Baileys is an alcoholic drink, so it should be consumed in moderation.

Confectioners understand that condensed milk can be used in various ways. In addition to preparing wonderful cakes and other sweets, some chefs have invented recipes for alcohol with the addition of condensed milk. It seems that these ingredients do not go together, but knowing the correct proportions, you can prepare an amazing alcoholic drink that is served with dessert. Also, some girls love to drink liqueurs with different flavors. However, there are few women who have tasted them with such a unique taste.

Gourmets will be pleasantly surprised that such liqueur can be prepared extremely quickly at home. You don’t have to spend a decent amount of money to buy a store-bought equivalent. Using the methods described below, everyone can independently make unique and tasty alcohol, which will be pleasant to serve to invited guests.

Condensed milk has a very sweet taste, so it is important to understand the correct combination with other products. We offer inexpensive ingredients that help you create amazing cocktails. Every home has eggs, a little vanilla, a bar of chocolate and coffee. As alcohol, you can use vodka, high-quality moonshine, diluted alcohol or cognac.

It is important to use high-quality condensed milk that does not contain harmful additives (palm oil, preservatives). You should not use “palm” if you have the option of buying natural condensed milk. This oil is extremely harmful and dangerous to human health. Also, the taste of the liqueur will seriously deteriorate.

Recipe with condensed milk

The price of exquisite Irish liquor is not high enough, but some drinkers do not have the funds to purchase it. However, you can try this elite drink for much less money if you prepare it at home. For the greatest similarity to the original alcohol, we recommend using whiskey.


  • whiskey – 0.5 l.;
  • condensed milk – 400 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 5 g;
  • cream (30%) – 350 ml;
  • instant coffee – 1 tsp;


  1. Take a mixer and thoroughly beat the chilled cream. Make sure that no lumps form. Add coffee and sugar and continue whisking.
  2. Pour condensed milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Mix the cream and condensed milk well until they become a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour in whiskey. Whisk all the ingredients until they are mixed in the vessel and a milky-sweet alcohol is formed.
  4. Take a bottle and pour the finished Baileys into it. Be sure to cover with a lid and refrigerate for 4-12 hours. Do not forget to shake every 2 hours so that all the ingredients are mixed and completely completed cooking. Alcohol strength – 18-22%.

Recipe with coffee

There is also a way to make your own coffee liqueur with condensed milk. It has a special taste, because when preparing it, spices are used, which leave a pleasant sensation after consumption. Also, this homemade drink is perfect for alcohol lovers who prefer sweet snacks.


  • Cognac – 300 ml;
  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Condensed milk – 200 g;
  • Ground coffee – 4 tsp;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Vanillin – 1 g;
  • Cinnamon – 1 pinch;
  • Star anise – 1 pc.;
  • Cloves – 2 buds;


  1. Brew coffee in 100 ml. water.
  2. Take a saucepan. Pour in 200 ml. water, add sugar and vanillin. Mix everything and boil. Then, reduce the burner flame and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the gas and leave the pan until it reaches room temperature.
  3. In a jar, mix cognac, brewed coffee, prepared syrup and spices.
  4. Close the container and place in a dark place. Wait about a day for the chemical reactions in the liquid to complete. It is important to note that the room where the alcohol is infused must be at room temperature.
  5. Filter the resulting consistency through cheesecloth to remove ground coffee beans.
  6. Now, you can add condensed milk. Pour in slowly, stirring constantly until a homogeneous mass is formed. If you followed all the steps correctly, you should have a milky coffee drink.
  7. Let the liquid brew again, putting it in the refrigerator, sealing the container tightly. At the end of the day, the alcohol strength will be 12-15%.

From boiled condensed milk

Few lovers of low-alcohol drinks are familiar with the numerous flavor components of liqueurs. Alcohol mixed with boiled condensed milk is an ideal option for spending a pleasant evening with a girl. Conveniently, using the described technology, you will need 2-3 hours to make your own homemade drink.


  • condensed milk – 1 can;
  • vodka – 0.5 l.;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • ground coffee – 3 tbsp. l;


  1. Buy boiled condensed milk at any grocery store, or cook it yourself.
  2. Brew coffee and let it brew for a while. If you don’t have ground, take instant, but the final taste of the alcohol will be much worse.
  3. Filter brewed coffee to remove ground beans. Pour it into a saucepan, add condensed milk, mixing it with the coffee drink. Place the pan on the burner and simmer over low heat for 4 minutes, stirring to form a caramel syrup.
  4. Leave the resulting mixture to cool to room temperature. After this, pour in vodka.
  5. Pour the alcohol into a jar and refrigerate for 3 hours. At the end of the period, a liqueur is formed with a strength of 16-18%.

Recipe with chocolate and condensed milk

Chocolate liqueur with a great milky flavor is a great addition to a cute dessert.


  • vodka – 500 ml;
  • condensed milk – 400 ml;
  • dark chocolate – 100 g;
  • cream (30%) – 200 ml;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 g;


  1. Take a fine grater and grate 100 g of chocolate. Prepare a water bath to melt the chocolate chips and let them cool.
  2. Add vanilla to the cream and beat it. Then, add condensed milk in a thin stream and pour in the chocolate. Be sure to mix all ingredients.
  3. Pour in vodka and stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous. If you see that the liquid is extremely thick, we recommend diluting it with cold water.
  4. Pour the resulting liqueur into a jar and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Alcohol strength is 14-17%.

Recipe with condensed milk and eggs

When preparing this recipe, you should understand that the result will be a strong drink, different from traditional liqueur. It should be consumed with a good snack.


  • vodka – 500 ml;
  • condensed milk – 200 gr.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • instant coffee – 2 tbsp. l.;


  1. Place the eggs in cold water to cool them. Afterwards, take a bowl, add the eggs and beat with a whisk until a thick foam appears.
  2. Add coffee and condensed milk. Mix everything and refrigerate for 15 minutes to allow the ingredients to set.
  3. Add vodka and stir to form a homogeneous mass.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle, cap it and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. The strength of the finished alcohol will be 30-32%.

Attention, TODAY only!

"Baileys Irish Cream" has won the hearts of millions of people on the planet thanks to its wonderful aroma, as well as its softness and delicacy of taste.

Description. This alcohol is creamy in color and has a creamy caramel taste and contains 17% pure alcohol and 20 grams of sugar per 100 ml. It should be stored at a temperature no higher than +25°C. Shelf life under temperature conditions is 2 years (regardless of whether the bottle is opened or sealed).

Produce drink in Ireland, a country famous for its mild alcohol. This is done by R&A Bailey & Co.

Short story: in 1970, David Dand, together with a company from Gilbeys of Ireland, decided to create a new alcohol. They decided to make it tender, soft and tasty, not too strong and completely natural. The solution came immediately: cream and whiskey gave an amazing taste, but this combination was not sustainable. For four years there was a struggle to create a super liqueur formula. And a solution was found. On November 26, 1974, in one of the outskirts of Dublin, a homogeneous mixture of cream and whiskey, flavored with vanilla, caramel, sugar and chocolate, appeared. Thus, David Dand first received a patent for a new alcohol, and then registered a new company, R&A Bailey & Co. She introduced the liqueur to the whole world.

Production technology. Kept secret. Each batch is subject to quality control. All components in the liqueur recipe, including additives, are only natural, made in Ireland. Preservatives and artificial colors are not used.

Types and varieties: In addition to the classic creamy Baileys, as well as coffee and hazelnut, in 2005 the company’s range expanded with two more types. Mint-chocolate and cream-caramel liqueurs appeared, which became no less popular than their earlier counterparts.

Application. Baileys is so good-looking that he has found himself in many forms. Mind-blowing cocktails are prepared from it, mixed with other alcohol, added to coffee instead of sugar and cream, and to numerous desserts: cakes, pastries, ice cream, cookies, and even fruit salads. It gives any product that comes into contact with sensuality and luxury, coziness and tenderness. It is not recommended to mix it only with tonics, sodas and citrus juice (acids and gas can cause the cream in the liqueur to curdle, and the drink itself will lose its velvety melting taste).

Contraindications: liqueur should not be drunk by those who have not reached the age of 18, who have serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, central nervous system, or if you cannot tolerate whey protein, are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How to drink correctly: As an independent drink, Baileys is drunk from liqueur glasses barely chilled (the bottle is cooled extremely rarely, for example in extreme heat). If it is served with ice, then the volume of the glassware changes, and the drink is served in wine glasses or for martini. The liqueur is a digestif, which means it is served at the end of the meal, along with dessert.

What to snack on. Liquor is not eaten. But it will be perfectly complemented by ice cream, desserts (including jellies, milk and cream souffles, etc.), bananas and strawberries, chocolate, marshmallows, cookies, peanuts or cottage cheese.

Baileys can be prepared at home without any problems. Of course, we are not presenting here the manufacturer’s original recipe, but by taste you will not be able to distinguish the liqueur from the branded one, unless you are a professional taster.

You can easily use liqueur prepared yourself in cocktails (except for puff pastries, since the density of homemade liqueur will be slightly different from the factory one), as an additive to desserts, coffee, or as independent alcohol. However, be careful, homemade liqueur should only be stored in refrigerators, and certainly not for 2 years. 5-6 months is quite possible. But it is better not to store it for a long time, but to prepare a fresh drink if necessary.

We will give you several recipes for this wonderful liqueur, and in each of them you will encounter some points that you can adjust at your discretion:

  1. Both Irish whiskey and high-quality vodka can be used as the basis for Baileys. By the way, you shouldn’t skimp on it. Poor quality vodka will negate all your efforts and efforts.
  2. Don't worry if a small sediment forms in the bottle during the infusion process. It depends on the quality of the cream. Just shake the liqueur.
  3. Don't be alarmed that your drink won't be as thick as the original, this is normal. If you want, you can add a component such as egg yolk to any of the recipes. For 0.5 liters of alcohol they take two. It is believed that the yolks make the liqueur thicker and softer.
  4. The liqueur does not have to steep for three days. If you lack time, you can limit yourself to two to three hours.

Before we offer you a fairly quick imitation of Baileys, we will write down a recipe that requires some fiddling with, but everyone who has used it has been absolutely delighted with the result.

"Classic Baileys"

The cooking technology for this recipe will take place in two stages.

  1. Preparation of alcohol base
  • sugar – 3-4 tbsp.
  • ground ginger - 1/3 tsp.
  • cinnamon - a pinch
  • vanillin – 6 gr. (3 sachets) /do not replace with vanilla sugar/
  • honey – 2 tsp.
  • oak bark – 1 tsp. (with a slide)
  • alcohol 60% - 400 ml or a mixture of 200 ml alcohol 60% and 200 ml whiskey

We make brown caramel from sugar over the fire. We add ginger, cinnamon, vanillin, honey, and pharmaceutical oak bark into it. Gradually add alcohol to the caramel mass and let it sit for about a week (maybe 5 days). Shake the suspension daily and filter at the end.

  1. Preparation of liqueur
  • cream 10% - 1 liter
  • condensed milk – 1 can
  • yolks (preferably from home eggs) – 2 pcs.
  • instant coffee – 2 tsp (dilute in 1 tsp water)

In a bowl, beat the yolks with half of all the cream, while continuing to beat, slowly add condensed milk and coffee, then the remaining cream. Pour alcohol into the homogeneously whipped mass and beat one last time. Stir vanillin into the mixture and keep in the refrigerator for three days (without pouring into bottles). Collect excess fat from the surface of the liquor, and the rest of the drink should be filtered through a cotton cloth and bottled.

If you are not able to spend so much time making liqueur, then use simpler, but no less effective recipes that are just as good for desserts, ice cream, coffee and cocktails as the previous one.

"Homemade Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) – 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk – 1 can
  • cream – 0.4 l (10-15% fat content).
  • coffee (instant) – 1 tbsp. l. (possible without it)
  • vanilla sugar - 2 tbsp. (do not replace vanilla with vanilla!)
  • yolks from fresh eggs – 4 pcs.

This is how you should cook:

  • Using a blender, beat the yolks, vanilla and condensed milk
  • add coffee if desired. Don’t worry if there are bits of them left after beating, they will dissolve later.
  • Pour the cream into the mixture and stir until smooth.

"Creamy Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) – 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk – 1 can

This is how you should cook:

  • beat cream and vanilla in a blender
  • gradually introduce whiskey or vodka
  • Fill the bottles with the drink and keep in the cold for about 2 days, shaking daily

"Chocolate Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) – 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk – 1 can
  • liquid cream – 0.35 – 0.4 l. (with fat content over 28%)
  • chocolate (black, bitter) – 150 gr.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife (or 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar)

This is how you should cook:

  • melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave
  • Slowly pour condensed milk into the mixture and beat for about 5 minutes. The mixture should not be cold
  • add chocolate little by little
  • gradually introduce whiskey or vodka
  • Fill the bottles with the drink and keep in the cold for about 2 days, shaking daily

"Coffee Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) – 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk – 1 can
  • liquid cream – 0.35 – 0.4 l. (with fat content over 28%)
  • dry instant coffee – 5 tbsp.

This is how you should cook:

  • dilute the coffee with warm cream (50-100 ml), cool and strain
  • beat cream and vanilla in a blender
  • slowly pour condensed milk into the mixture and beat for about 5 minutes
  • gradually introduce whiskey or vodka
  • Fill the bottles with the drink and keep in the cold for about 2 days, shaking daily

"Mint - Chocolate Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) – 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk – 1 can
  • liquid cream – 0.35 – 0.4 l. (with fat content over 28%)
  • dark chocolate – 150 gr.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife (or 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar)
  • sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • mint liqueur – 50 ml (or a bunch of fresh mint)

This is how you should cook:

  • if you don’t have mint liqueur, then fill a bunch of mint with water (a little bit), add 2 tbsp. granulated sugar and bring to a boil, after half a minute remove from heat, cool and leave for a day
  • pour a bottle of vodka into the mint syrup and leave for another day, then filter
  • melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave
  • Using a blender, beat the cream and vanilla, slowly pour condensed milk into the mixture and beat for about 5 more minutes. The mixture should not be cold
  • add chocolate little by little
  • gradually introduce mint whiskey or mint vodka, or regular alcohol, but with mint liqueur. Whisk everything together.
  • Fill the bottles with the drink and keep in the cold for about 2 days, shaking daily

Now you know how to cook Baileys at home. Enjoy its taste, delighting yourself and your friends.

Baileys liqueur– Irish cream liqueur with a strength of 17%. The drink contains cream and whiskey. Baileys has been produced since 1974 by the Irish company R. A. Bailey&Co. It is a leading liquor company. In the first year, 72,000 bottles of Baileys were produced.

This drink is made from Irish whiskey, which is triple distilled to give it smoothness.

The idea of ​​mixing whiskey with other foods and drinks is not new. In the 70s, whiskey remained a popular drink in the Irish domestic market, but it was difficult to export the product. In order to increase the sales market, it was decided to experiment with recipes for making drinks based on it. Often whiskey was mixed with citrus fruits, as well as coffee, but since these ingredients were expensive, producers had to turn to native products, that is, cream. Dairy products were very cheap at the time, so farmers were happy to sell the cream to the liqueur maker. Today, 40% of Ireland's milk goes into Baileys production.

Baileys liqueur began to be produced near Dublin. It is produced under the patented brand "Baileys Irish Cream". At first, the company, headed by David Dand, produced mainly gin and whiskey. The company then created a liqueur that is one of the top ten best-selling alcoholic beverages. This liqueur is considered one of the most popular in the world. It has a pleasant aroma and creamy taste. David Dand and his colleagues from Gilbeys of Ireland developed a liqueur recipe that was supposed to contain only natural ingredients. It was decided to make the liqueur from traditional Irish products: cream and whiskey, in order to obtain a product with a national character. The taste of the drink completely captivated the employees; there was only one problem left: the cream and whiskey, whipped with a mixer, did not have a constant consistency. At first they tried to replace the cream with milk, but it simply curdled, and the product spoiled quickly. Gilbeys of Ireland continued to improve the recipe for the drink, and only 4 years later Baileys liqueur became what it is known today.

The resulting drink exceeded all the expectations of its creators. In order to make its taste even more pleasant, it was decided to add the aroma of vanilla, chocolate, and caramel to the liqueur. As a result, Baileys very quickly conquered women all over the world with its mild taste and delicious aroma.

A special feature of Baileys liqueur is its completely natural composition. The drink does not contain preservatives, but thanks to a special production technology it can be stored for 18 months. British scientists advised the manufacturer to use harmonization technology, which allows achieving a uniform consistency. According to this technology, each molecule of whiskey envelops cream, and grain alcohol, butter, cocoa, and flavorings are then added to the product.

The history of Baileys liqueur is not only the history of preparing a delicious drink, but also a skillfully thought out marketing campaign. The presentation of the liqueur did not make the right impression on the invited journalists and guests. They liked its taste, but nothing more. David Dand, in response to this, proclaimed Baileys liqueur a traditional Irish drink and, in support of this, even began pouring it into a pot-bellied bottle that resembled the jug from which whiskey is drunk in Ireland.

In order to make Baileys liqueur as close as possible to the Irish, David decided to add to the drink the family values ​​that his compatriots so revered. Not far from David's office was the Bailey Bar, where W.&A employees spent their free time. Gilbey. David decorated the liquor bottle with the name Baileys, which resembled a common Irish surname.

The company R. A. Bailey & Co decided to diversify the range of everyone’s favorite liqueur and released a number of new products:

    • Baileys Original is a traditional liqueur, an aromatic drink with a taste of coffee with cream.
    • "Bailey's Mint Chocolate" is a drink with mint and chocolate.
    • Baileys Coffee is a liqueur with added coffee.
    • Baileys Cream Caramel is a liqueur with the addition of caramel.
    • "Baileys Hazelnut (Hazelnut) Flavor" - a drink with hazelnuts.

The liqueurs of this company have their own characteristics. As mentioned, they do not contain preservatives. The drink contains fresh cream, which quickly deteriorates, but thanks to whiskey aged for 2-3 years, as well as special technology, the liqueur retains its taste for a long time.

On the liqueur label there is the inscription “Best taste before...”, which means that the drink is best consumed immediately, since an open bottle of Baileys does not last long.

Beneficial features

Baileys liqueur contains only natural ingredients; the basis of the drink is cream and whiskey. In moderate quantities, the drink improves mood and helps with depression and insomnia.

The calorie content of the product is 327 kilocalories per 100 g of drink, therefore It is better to refrain from drinking liquor for people who adhere to a diet.

Use in cooking

In cooking, Baileys liqueur is traditionally used to make desserts. So, they pour it over biscuits, ice cream, and cakes. You can also add a little liqueur to coffee to give it a special taste. Today the company produces Baileys in mint-chocolate and creamy-caramel flavors. The liqueur is also great for making chocolate cookies, yoghurts, and fruit salads.

For example, you can cook very delicious jelly based on this liqueur. For this we need cow's milk, ground coffee, Baileys liqueur, gelatin, vanilla, sugar, mint. First you need to brew a portion of coffee and add sugar to the slightly cooled drink. Vanilla and sugar are also added to the milk. Gelatin is poured with cold water (about 1 glass of water) and left to swell. Gelatin must be divided into 3 parts: add one part to milk, the second to coffee, and the third to liqueur. Pour liqueur into the bottom of the mold and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After the layer has hardened, you need to pour out the coffee layer and put it in the refrigerator again, the third layer is milk, it is made according to the same scheme. The finished jelly is placed in the refrigerator overnight, decorated with coffee beans, powdered sugar, and mint leaves.

Liqueur is rightfully considered a women's drink: it is not very strong and also has a mild taste. Women prefer to eat it with ice cream as a dessert. It is often mixed with other drinks to create creamy cocktails.

So, in order to prepare this cocktail It is necessary to pour Kahlua liqueur, Baileys liqueur, and Grand Marnier orange liqueur into the glass in layers in equal proportions. You can also prepare a second version of this drink. All ingredients for this must be mixed in a shaker with ice; if desired, the cocktail is set on fire and drunk through a straw very quickly while it is burning.

Women will really like it Strawberry cocktail based on Baileys. Mix 100 ml of liqueur, 50 ml of cream or ice cream and 10 ml of strawberry vodka in a shaker. Decorate the cocktail with whipped cream.

How to drink correctly?

Baileys liqueur can be drunk both on its own and as part of cocktails, and it also goes well with ice. Some gourmets believe that liqueur does not go well with citrus fruits, as well as tonic. When preparing cocktails, Baileys liqueur is usually mixed with stronger alcoholic drinks, such as vodka and rum. Chocolate, milk, iced coffee, strawberries, banana, and chocolate chips go well with liqueur.

Baileys cream liqueur is so delicious that you can drink it on its own, enjoying the delicious taste and aroma.

Baileys resembles more coffee with cream than an alcoholic drink. It is recommended to add a little ice, which makes the chocolate notes more pronounced. Ice Baileys perfectly quenches thirst. The drink goes amazingly with marshmallows, soufflés, and croissants.

You can also cook Coffee Baileys. For this we need 20 ml of espresso coffee, 50 ml of Baileys liqueur and some boiled milk. Decorate the cocktail with whipped milk foam and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

A real Irish drink can also be prepared using Baileys liqueur. To start, take 50 ml of Baileys, 20 ml of whiskey and 10 ml of iced coffee. All ingredients are shaken and served in martini glasses.

You can also cook Chocolate Latin Baileys. The cocktail is prepared from 50 ml of Baileys, 10 ml of vodka and 15 ml of chocolate liqueur. Alcoholic drinks are mixed and poured into a chilled glass.

How to do it at home?

You can make the legendary Baileys cream liqueur with your own hands at home. To do this you will need 1 bottle of vodka, 2 cans of condensed milk, 6 tetra bags of “Chocolate”, 4 tsp. instant coffee and vanilla sugar. All ingredients are mixed in a shaker until smooth. Liqueur can be consumed after preparation. The end result is about 2 liters of liquor. The strength of this drink is 12%. In order to improve the taste of homemade liqueur, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator overnight.

You can also prepare Baileys according to the following recipe using a slow cooker. For this we need 2 cans of condensed milk, 1 tsp. coffee, vanilla sugar and 0.5 liters of vodka. First, condensed milk is poured into the multicooker, coffee and vanilla sugar, as well as vodka are added to it. If you want the liqueur to have a lower strength, you can dilute the vodka a little with water. All ingredients are stirred and the “milk porridge” mode is turned on. Homemade liqueur will be ready in 20 minutes; you just need to mix it and pour it into bottles. It should be consumed chilled.

Harm of Baileys liqueur and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body if there is an individual intolerance to the components, as well as with excessive consumption. Since the liqueur contains 50% cream and milk protein, as well as 1% lactose, Baileys is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance.

Baileys Irish Cream is a great drink that has won the hearts of many millions of people around the world thanks to its magnificent aroma and delicate taste.

The birthplace of this drink is Ireland, a country known for its passion for soft alcohol.

General principles for preparing Baileys liqueur at home

Baileys, as a rule, has a creamy or creamy caramel flavor, contains 17% alcohol and sugar in a proportion of 20 g per 100 ml. It should be stored at a temperature of no more than +25 ° C, the total shelf life is 24 months, regardless of whether the bottle is uncorked or not. You also need to know that if you are watching your figure or are on a diet, then you should not get carried away with this liqueur, since it is quite high in calories and contains 327 Kcal per 100 g of drink.

If you use real Baileys, you can be sure of its highest quality. Each batch of the drink goes through all stages of quality control, and each of the ingredients in the recipe, including additives, is exclusively of natural origin; preservatives and artificial colors are not used.

Baileys liqueur, in addition to the classic creamy look, also comes in coffee, mint-chocolate, creamy-caramel, and also with hazelnut flavor. This drink is so good that it can be used in absolutely any form. It can be used to make great cocktails, mixed with other alcoholic beverages, added to coffee as an alternative to sugar and creamer, or used as an addition to desserts such as cake, cookies, ice cream, fruit salad and much more.

This drink can add tenderness, comfort and luxury to any product. The only thing is that it is not recommended to mix it with tonic, sparkling water or citrus juices, since gas and acids can cause the cream in the liqueur to begin to curdle, causing the liqueur to lose its original velvety taste.

Baileys liqueur, in addition to many positive qualities, like any alcoholic drink, has contraindications.

The drink should not be consumed:

    Persons under 18 years of age;

    People suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system;

    Persons with individual intolerance to whey protein;

    Pregnant and lactating women.

Baileys liqueur at home - tricks and tips

First, let's figure out how to drink Baileys correctly. This drink should be drunk from special slightly chilled liqueur glasses (it is not necessary to cool the bottle itself). If the drink is served over ice, then it should be served in wine or martini glasses. Liqueur is usually considered a digestif, that is, it is served after a meal, along with dessert.

As for snacks, Baileys is usually not eaten as a snack. But you can perfectly complement the drink with ice cream, all kinds of desserts, fruits, chocolate, cookies or cottage cheese.

Making Baileys liqueur at home is not only possible, but also necessary, and doing it is much easier than you imagine. Liqueur made at home can be easily used as an independent alcoholic drink, in cocktails or as an additive to desserts. Of course, it is impossible to store homemade liqueur, unlike factory-made liquor, for 2 years; the maximum permissible period is 6 months. In any case, the fresher the drink, the better.

To prepare Baileys liqueur at home, first of all, you need to decide on its base. You can use Irish whiskey or good vodka as a base. The quality of the vodka must be of the highest quality, otherwise all your efforts may be in vain.

Don't worry if a slight sediment forms in the bottle during infusion. It's all about the quality of the cream here, so all you need to do is just shake the drink.

During the preparation process, you will be faced with the fact that the drink made at home will not have the same density as the original, but there is nothing to worry about. If this happens, then you can add an ingredient such as egg yolk to the recipe. Yolks can give the drink the desired thickness and softness; their quantity per 0.5 of the drink should be 2 pieces.

It is also not at all necessary to infuse the drink for 72 hours, if you have no time at all, two to three hours is enough.


To prepare the classic version of this liqueur, prepare the following ingredients:

    good vodka – 0.5 l;

    fresh cream, fat content 30% – 350 ml;

    natural condensed milk – 1 can;

    vanillin – 1 sachet.

The most common mistake of all inexperienced liquor lovers is buying cheap, low-quality vodka. Despite the fact that its taste will practically not be felt behind other ingredients, it is the quality of vodka in the recipe that is the key factor. If you want your homemade liqueur to bring you only positive emotions, and not a headache and a hangover the next morning, use high-quality alcohol.

Manufacturing process:

1) first, cool the cream and beat it thoroughly;

2) after a couple of minutes, add vanillin and continue beating;

3) after this, pour a can of condensed milk in a thin stream, and after another 5 minutes - alcohol;

4) all components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained;

5) after that we leave our drink to brew. It is advisable for it to sit in the refrigerator overnight or even for several hours, but if you are in a hurry, you can limit it to two to three hours.

Advice. If you leave the liqueur to steep in the refrigerator for several days, do not forget to shake the bottle once every 24 hours to prevent sediment from forming.


Also a very popular type of drink is chocolate Baileys. To prepare it at home, we need the same ingredients as in the classic version, the only ingredient that needs to be added is 150 g of dark chocolate.

Manufacturing process:

1) first you need to prepare the chocolate, you need to melt it in a water bath. To do this, use a small bowl, otherwise the chocolate may smudge a lot. You need to melt until it turns into a homogeneous mass, but do not bring to a boil.

2) while the chocolate is melting, you can start whipping the pre-cooled cream and vanilla.

3) after 5 minutes, add condensed milk and continue whisking until the mixture warms up a little;

4) after this you need to add melted chocolate. Be careful, if the condensed milk and cream are too cooled, the chocolate may solidify into grains, which can result in a spoiled drink;

5) at the end add vodka.

When all the ingredients are well mixed and re-beaten, the drink should be poured into a bottle and placed in the refrigerator to infuse for the same period as in the previous recipe.


To prepare coffee Baileys, prepare the same ingredients as for the classic version of liqueur, as well as 5 tbsp. l. instant coffee.

Manufacturing process:

1) First you need to dilute instant coffee in some warm cream or vodka and leave to cool. Then the coffee should be cooled and strained through cheesecloth. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is better to do the procedure a couple more times;

2) then you need to thoroughly beat the chilled cream with vanilla and continue whipping, then gradually add condensed milk;

3) after this, add coffee; if it dissolved in alcohol, pour it in immediately;

4) beat all the ingredients until smooth for another 7 minutes, then pour the liqueur into a bottle and leave it in the refrigerator.

Important! The coffee must be well dissolved and free of grains, otherwise the liqueur may not turn out.

In conclusion, a few words about how to properly serve this drink. Before serving the liqueur, re-filter it to ensure there is no excess fat. It is usually served chilled or with ice. To do this, crush the ice in a blender, pour the liqueur into it and beat thoroughly again. You need to pour the drink into martini glasses, sprinkling a pinch of cocoa on top, this will slightly soften the strength of the liqueur.