How to properly cook ribeye in a pan. Ribeye steak - a meat treat

Ribeye steak is a delicious dish, the meat for which is cut from the subscapularis, usually gobies. It has quite a few thinnest fatty streaks. How to cook a steak correctly and what subtleties you need to know, we will tell you in our today's article.

The price of such a steak is quite high, because it can only be made from 7% carcass meat.

If we take into account the haute world cuisine, then gobies are specially grown for such steaks in Australia, Japan and New Zealand. But all the other gobies certainly fit too. As a result of proper cultivation and feeding, amazing marbled meat is obtained.

For the preparation of our rib eye steak, you can choose a piece cut from the thick edge of the goby. The meat should have white streaks. Choose meat that has not had time to sit and age. But it is also better not to take fresh meat, it is better that which will stay in the refrigerator for a while. Ideally, the stitch meat is kept on hooks for about 3 weeks. In order to give them a soft and loose texture. The smell is also quite easy to determine the freshness of a steak. There should be no unpleasant smell of old stale meat. The thickness of the ribeye steak itself should be about 3 cm, maybe a little less. Therefore, if you take already cut, then look at the thickness as well.

Despite the fact that in large cities there are now a lot of all kinds of "Steakhouses", and in Moscow we once wandered into one restaurant where steaks cost 3 and 5 thousand rubles per serving, for an ordinary Russian person, it is a little expensive, as I think.

a) salt and pepper; b) fry

Making ribeye steak at home is pretty simple. You don't need to have 3 Michelin stars and be a super chef. We need to grasp some principles that will help us in cooking.

  • The first thing we need to do is prepare the steak itself. Take the ribeye steak, the spice you love. In the classic presentation, the steak is sprinkled with salt, pepper and brushed with a little olive oil. Leave the meat to marinate for a while. It can be 40 minutes or an hour.
  • Heat the skillet and add some olive oil. You can use either a regular frying pan or a special grill. We will fry over medium heat.
  • Place a piece of beef in a skillet and fry each side of the steak for 1 to 5 minutes. It is often best not to flip the steak. First, fry one side until golden brown, then the other. So our ribeye will turn out to be both juicy and crispy at the same time.
  • To give the steak some zest, you can put a couple of thyme sprigs next to the steak during the frying process, crush the head of garlic (with a knife) and lightly chop and for lovers of piquancy and pungency, cut the chili pepper. So our steak fat will be saturated with the smell and taste of garlic, pepper and thyme and will be absorbed into the meat itself.
  • Fry the sides of the steak as well.
  • Remove the cooked ribeye steak from the pan and let sit for 3-5 minutes.

By the color of the roast of the meat, over time you will learn to distinguish between the degrees of doneness of the steak. In high culinary art, there are 7 steppes of roasting. But three will do for you and me. It is full, medium and weak. In the classic version, the ideal is to achieve a medium-cooked steak. The exact cooking time is determined empirically and depends on the frying temperature and the utensil in which you are cooking. Also, a very tasty steak is obtained on the electric grill.

How many people, so many opinions, consider another way to fry ribeye steak in a pan. It will be fried without oil, since the fat from a piece of ribeye will be enough for us. We will not marinate and salt it either, since in this version, it is believed that it is necessary to salt and pepper the steak correctly at the end, already ready. Also fry a piece of our beef in a pan or grill. In a frying pan, 5 minutes on each side will be enough. If you have a special grill, there is usually a recipe book and cooking recommendations in the instructions for it. Immediately after frying the steak, place it on a plate and sprinkle with coarse salt and pepper to taste.

Do not forget to turn on the hood to the maximum and open the windows!

Before cooking, you need to heat the pan to the maximum, 3-5 minutes. After frying, the steak must be sent to the oven on parchment, for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Charcoal ribeye steak

Of course, in winter, not everyone will be able to fry a steak on the grill just like that. But when the season and the time for kebabs, then it's a sin not to try to cook ribeye steak over charcoal. This is certainly very tasty and healthy as well. At your discretion, you can marinate a piece of meat, as we have already said, or simply salt and pepper. It is best to cook a steak on charcoal on a special grill, such nowadays almost everyone already has. We bring the coals to the required condition and put the grate.

The fat will be melted from the piece of meat and squirting from the high temperature, at this time it is better to turn the steak and wait for the fat to drain back into the lower part of the meat. In this way, you can turn the steak several times until its color indicates to us that the meat is ready.

Cooking ribeye steak in the oven

If you do not want fried meat, then it is quite possible to bake it in the oven. To do this, first, it is better to thoroughly marinate our steak.

If you want the meat to be more grilled, choose a pan or grill.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Sprinkle a piece of meat with salt and pepper so that it marinates better, you can grease it with a thin layer of mustard or olive oil;
  2. Leave the steak for 1 hour, you can cover it with a plate;
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees;
  4. We choose a baking method - in foil or just on a baking sheet. In foil, our ribeye steak will turn out to be more juicy and baked;
  5. We set to bake for 40-50 minutes;
  6. Then we take it out and let it breathe for 5 minutes;
  7. Serve and serve.

Where to buy ribeye steak from Miratorg

This pleasure is not cheap, but if you persistently decided to eat a delicious beef steak, then it is worth it. You can find such a steak in any large hypermarket.

The price of a ribeye steak from Miratorg usually fluctuates around 500 rubles per piece of 250 gr. Of course, you can choose another similar piece of beef, suitable for steak, and it will certainly be cheaper.

Of course, you can limit yourself to just a piece of delicious steak, but it is better to serve it correctly. Vegetables and greens are best suited to this steak. You can complement the dish with green beans. For connoisseurs of red wine, there is nothing better than a rib eye steak and a glass of good red wine.

Greens will perfectly complement and decorate your dish.

If you want to eat a steak with sauce, then you can take adjika or make the sauce yourself based on tomato pepper and herbs. You can toast toast and rub it with garlic, it will go well with our piece of meat.

That's all, bon appetit and see you soon!

Many people mistrust beef - they say, the meat is tough as a sole. And if they do buy it, they soak it for a long time in different sauces and marinades, beat it off before sending it to the oven or to the pan - and still often remain dissatisfied with the result of their efforts. Let's not talk about other dishes; we will only tell you how to cook rib-eye steak. If the recipe has survived for centuries and spread throughout the world (often receiving new names), then it is worth taking a closer look at it and understanding why, when eating a dish, no one complains about the toughness of beef.

What is ribeye steak made from?

For any kind of steak, only a certain piece of carcass is suitable. In total, only 10 percent of the beef is suitable (and this is already without the skin, entrails and head). Not surprisingly, this dish is expensive even if it is homemade, let alone the restaurant offers. The steaks include the tenderloin, sternum, lumbar, front of the back cut, diaphragm and shoulder blade. Cooking ribeye steak requires an even more picky choice. For him, only rib meat is taken, located between the third and twelfth ribs. In this place, as many as three muscles are connected, differing in fat content and texture. Considering that the muscle load in this section of the animal is minimal, the meat comes out very tender, almost airy.

Ribeye varieties

Ribeye steak refers to the clean flesh cut from the correct section of the carcass. However, variations on the theme are also possible. So, if the bone is not removed from a piece of beef, the ribeye is called "cowboy steak". If this bone is long and looks like a rib trimmed to a shine, this is a tomahawk steak. Cooking techniques and meat selection are the same in all three cases. In principle, only the presentation is different.

Roast levels

When preparing a rib eye steak, the recipe offers a choice of six stages to suit all tastes. So, you can use:

  1. Extra-rare: the meat is heated from 46 to 49 degrees. Inside, it remains virtually damp, although there is a beautiful crust on top.
  2. Rare: warms up to a maximum of 55 Celsius. The interior is ready, although a juicy red hue remains.
  3. Medium-rare: maximum heating - 60, the color becomes bright pink.
  4. Medium: the temperature rises to 65 degrees. This is already medium-fried meat.
  5. Medium-well: almost completely cooked (in the traditional sense) beef with clear juice.
  6. Well done: Very well done. The processing temperature can reach hundreds of Celsius, there is almost no juice.

How much to roast usually depends on the preference of the eater. However, rib-eye steak is most often prepared in medium, sometimes medium-well. In many ways, national tastes also affect: in Spain and France, they usually choose a weak roast, in America - the maximum. However, it is worth considering the fat content of the meat. If the beef is not too lean, it is best to fry it harder.

Secrets of Correct Cooking

In order not to spoil the lovingly selected rib eye steak, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Do not fry cold beef. After removing it from the refrigerator, it should warm up naturally.
  2. Make the fire large at once, so as not to lose internal juices.
  3. Never pierce the rib-eye steak. To avoid accidental damage, turn it over with a wooden or plastic spatula.
  4. If using a frying pan, salt and pepper should be at the end of cooking. Grilled pepper (but not salt!) Can be added at the beginning.

Basic recipe

A classic rib eye steakhouse is served two inches (5 centimeters) thick. If in doubt, you can cut thinner - but not less than two centimeters. The meat is not washed before cooking, but dried with napkins. On both sides, the slice is barely smeared with vegetable oil. The pan is very hot so that the surface of the beef is not steamed, but immediately grabs. For a minute, the rib-eye steak is cooked over the highest heat, then it is reduced to medium, and in three to four minutes it is brought to the desired condition. Turn it over periodically. At the end of cooking, the meat is laid out on a cutting board and "rests" for five minutes. Only after that is the slice peppery, salted and cut diagonally.

Ribeye with Jack Daniel's sauce

The basic techniques of how to make a rib-eye steak remain the same from recipe to recipe. Variety is brought in by sauces and accompanying pleasant additions. For example, in this variation, a sprig of rosemary is placed in the pan before frying - a fairly often used move to make the beef more aromatic. And for Jack Daniel's sauce, poured teriyaki (six spoons), soy sauce (spoon), half a glass of pineapple juice plus five tablespoons of cane sugar into a saucepan. The mixture is heated over low heat until the sugar dissolves, after which half a glass of water with olive oil and lemon juice (a spoonful) is poured, and after another five minutes - whiskey, also a spoon. All this is cooked with stirring until thickened, about half an hour.

Spicy Ribeye

Usually, when preparing a ribeye steak, the recipe does not suggest marinating the meat - as already mentioned, beef in a suitable cut is already soft. However, there are options when the marinade is still required - not for softening, but for acquiring a special taste. For example, it is done like this: a head of onion and eight cloves of garlic are chopped and caramelized in butter for about a quarter of an hour. Then the vegetables are removed from the pan, a cup of strong coffee (naturally brewed, not instant) is poured in instead, the same amount of soy and a quarter of the volume of Worcestershire sauce, plus three tablespoons of white wine sauce. Additionally, add a spoonful of chili flakes, half of oregano and sea salt - as much as you like. A glass of the resulting sauce is cast, steaks are immersed in the rest, the bowl is wrapped in foil and put in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, steaks are fried in the standard way, only as they brown with a brush, they are smeared with a cast sauce. The meat is extremely tender and very fragrant.

Entrecote de paris

In France, rib-eye steak is called that way. Before cooking it, the kings of cooking grease a slice of beef with butter and let it sit for a quarter of an hour. In free time, two shallots and a couple of thyme stalks are cut; they are golden brown in olive oil. Half a glass of port is poured into it and ignited for twenty seconds. Then the resulting base is poured into a strong beef broth (half a glass); the sauce is evaporated until thick. The ribeye steak itself is fried for four minutes on each side - the degree of readiness is medium. Important: you only need to turn it over once. Pour the sauce immediately and eat it hot.

Rib-eye steak with citrus

This is already a Spanish recipe. And he also offers pre-marinating. A lime, two medium-sized lemons and three small oranges are squeezed into juice, into which two normal-sized steaks are immersed. They should lie in the marinade for a quarter of an hour. Then they are laid out in a hot skillet with a very small amount of olive oil (but not extra, it does not tolerate high temperatures and has a very pronounced smell of its own) oil and fried over high heat for six minutes in total. You need to turn it over several times - because of the marinade, the beef may try to stick to the bottom.

Take a chance, cook Ribeye steak for a big holiday (the photo will convince you how delicious it is). You will see - you will look forward to the next celebration in order to once again pamper yourself with such a delicacy.

Imagine an unfortunate exile, then imagine an angel suddenly appearing from transcendental distances and placing in front of the traveler a huge piece of selected beef fillet, about 4 cm thick, bursting with heat, sprinkled with allspice, decorated with melting pieces of butter of the very first freshness and covered with precious drops of meat juice, which flow down into the sizzling pan and dissolve in the gravy. (Mark Twain "Wanderings Abroad")

Beef- first class food protein source, because it contains all the necessary for the human body and irreplaceable by nothing amino acids, a large number of zinc and iron, B vitamins... Beef steak in a restaurant is a delicious and expensive dish. By preparing it at home, you will not only save money and time, but also get great pleasure and the approval of the whole family.

You will need:

  • freshly ground black pepper or steak seasoning

Step by step photo - recipe:

For the right steak, the most important thing is to choose the meat. The best steaks are obtained from grain-fed marbled beef, which is produced by New Zealand, American, and now Russian producers. Such meat is obtained from a special breed of bulls of the most popular meat breed in the world, the Aberdeen Angus.

This premium beef is now sold in many chain stores, it is extremely tender, juicy and does not require any manipulations before cooking - just cut the meat into pieces 3-5 cm wide across the fibers.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase marbled beef, go to the regular Russian market and from a trusted seller buy beef tenderloin from the subscapular part of the carcass. It has a lot of fatty streaks that will make the steak juicy.

Grind black pepper in a mortar or mill. It will be enough for preliminary marinating. I additionally use this seasoning, which is also sold in our markets and is called "Tender", contains dry onions, herbs and paprika.

Cut the meat into pieces 3-5 cm thick. If you have a special device for piercing the steak (tenderizer), use it. If not, just pierce the meat with the edge of a knife over the entire area. This will soften the meat fibers. No need to hammer a steak.

Brush the meat liberally with olive oil and sprinkle with seasonings. There is no need to salt the steak. This will allow the juices of the meat to remain inside.

Wrap the meat in foil and leave for half an hour, let it marinate. During this time, you can prepare a side dish. The best and healthiest addition to a steak is fresh vegetables and herbs. I am cooking Greek salad, the recipe of which can be viewed

Let's start frying. First of all, heat the pan well. This is very important because if it is cold, the juice will flow out of the meat. It is not necessary to grease the pan with oil.

Frying time depends on what degree of "fried" you like meat:

  • lightly toasted on the outside and almost soggy on the inside - 2-3 minutes from each side.
  • toasted outside with pink juice inside - 4 minutes from each side.
  • the outside is fried crust and there are no signs of raw meat inside - 5 minutes from each side.

Let the finished steak rest for 3 minutes (you can cover with foil). This will distribute the juice evenly inside. Season with salt to taste. A slice of butter with herbs on top on a hot steak is a classic... How to cook green oil look

It looks like this in the context medium rare steak (4 minutes on each side).

And here is a great company! Bon Appetit!

Beef steak (ribeye). A short recipe.

You will need:

  • beef (ribeye) - 800 - 1000 gr (you get 4 steaks)
  • ground black pepper or steak seasoning
  • refined olive oil (or any other vegetable)

Cut the meat into pieces 3-5 cm wide. Pierce the meat with the edge of a knife or a special device over the entire area. You don't need to hammer the steak with a hammer. Brush the meat with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning. No need to salt the steak . Wrap the meat in foil and refrigerate for half an hour. Heat the skillet well. It is not necessary to grease the pan with oil. . Fry the meat first on one side and then on the other.

Frying time:

  • lightly toasted on the outside and almost soggy on the inside - 2-3 minutes on each side.
  • toasted outside with pink juice inside - 4 minutes on each side.
  • outside is fried crust and inside there are no signs of raw meat - 5 minutes on each side.

After roasting the meat, let it rest for 3 minutes. Season with salt to taste.

In contact with

Ribeye steak is considered one of the most delicious and delicious meat dishes. In addition, this product is extremely easy to prepare, and therefore is always ready to please even the most discerning gourmet. And it's very simple to prepare it.

In fact, this steak is included in the list of the so-called premium cuts. The very name of the dish comes from two English words - "eye", which means "eye" and "rib", or "rib". If translated into Russian, then ribeye means "meat eye", "edge on the edge."

To prepare the dish, a cut is used, which is located on the front of the carcass and occupies the space from 5 to 12 ribs - in profile it looks like a rounded "eye on the rib". This is really the highest quality and "marbled" piece of beef. That is why Ribeye steak is so popular among connoisseurs of meat dishes.

As you can see, you need to choose a good piece of meat to prepare a really tasty dish. Of course, here it is necessary with fat layers - only in this way will the fried steak turn out to be soft and juicy. Make sure the meat is fresh.

Ribeye steak: how to prepare meat?

Of course, in order for the meat to turn out really tasty, it is necessary to marinate it correctly. It is recommended to use dry breading here, for the preparation of which you will need the following spices:

  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • paprika.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Rub the steak thoroughly with the resulting dry mixture. Now wrap the meat tightly in and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. You can be sure that after such cooking your dish will turn out to be really tasty and aromatic.

By the way, "Ribeye" is a very unpretentious steak. If you do not have the time or desire to use the spice mixture, then just salt the meat well and sprinkle it

Cooking steak

Cooking this dish is very simple, because it is truly versatile. Meat can be grilled on charcoal, barbecued, or in a skillet (preferably thick-bottomed). Remove the steak from the refrigerator about thirty minutes before cooking and let it reheat at room temperature.

Now preheat the skillet to the maximum temperature. First, the meat must be fried over high heat, turning over about every 1-2 minutes. After the bite is browned, reduce the heat and fry until cooked through. In the classic version, Ribeye steak is a large, juicy piece of medium-rare beef. But here is already a matter of taste - the meat can be fried more or less.

After the beef is completely cooked through, place it on a plate. Top with a small lump of butter and some rosemary (to taste) Cover the steak with a lid or foil and let sit for 10 minutes. Only then can the meat be cut.

This dish is very popular and is present on the menu of every elite restaurant. But since its preparation is very simple, the Ribeye steak can be a wonderful decoration for your festive table. It can also be cooked in nature, as the coals will make the meat more flavorful.

In this article, you will learn all about Ribeye, as well as the methods for preparing a delicious and quality steak.

What is Ribeye

It is considered a true classic in both professional and home kitchens. The name "ribeye" comes from the combined English words "ribeye". Literally, this combination can be translated as "edge" and "eye". Also, the question often arises - what part of the mascara is Ribeye?

Ribeye - upper scapular part. Some sources claim that he is a rump, but this is not the case. When cutting beef, the ribs are cracked, which allows you to cut an oblong steak. It will also contain the thinnest fat layers. The resulting piece resembles an eye. That is why it got its name. There is also another version of the origin of the name.

There is a certain professional terminology in the meat industry. And, according to this terminology, each piece of meat should be called "eye".

Many names are spread all over the world, which any traveler - gourmet knows for sure.

  1. In the United States, Ribeye is considered a boneless steak. If meat is served on bones, then it is called bone-in-ribeye, and also cowboy ribeye.
  2. In Australia, the classic Ribeye is considered to be meat served on the bone. Ribeye boneless in this country is called scoth fillet, which means fillet in Scottish.
  3. But in France, Ribeye is called entrecote.

Why is he so popular. What should be the right rib eye steak

A fairly large number of connoisseurs of meat dishes prefer Ribeye because of its softness, as well as its rich taste.

It is also considered a true classic in the "meat kitchen" and has a successful reputation earned over a long period of time.

A quality steak must have a sufficient amount of fatty splashes. It is they that allow you to soften the stiffness that muscle fibers have. It should be remembered that the formation of fatty inclusions in this area of ​​the carcass is due to the competent feeding of the animal. Water for animals should be endowed with various vitamins and additives, and the grass should be the freshest. It is also necessary to monitor the subsequent "cereal feeding".

The duration of the fattening influences the subsequent "marbling degree". This type of animal feeding may well last from 110 to 190 days. The location of the Ribeye quite strongly suppresses the entire load on the muscles of the animal. It is this factor that has a positive effect on fat deposition.

Ribeye also has the most juicy and tasty part - Spinalis Dorsey. It is located at the very edge of the piece. This feature can be confirmed by every chef: "Such juicy and truly tasty meat cannot be obtained by taking an identical piece from the chest or thigh."

How to choose the right meat

The meat needed to make the perfect steak should have a juicy red hue. In the case when the meat has dark shades, this indicates a fairly long shelf life. Professionals call this aging. Correct and high-quality Ribeye should be at least 2 cm. Classic Ribeye thickness - 5 cm... This is exactly what was served to visitors to the Steak-House in the United States.

It has major muscles, namely:

  • Spinalis dorsi
  • Longissimus dorsi
  • Multifidus dorsi
  • Longissimus cotarum

How to properly prepare a steak

With dry breading, you need to grate it and wrap it tightly in cling film. Put the meat in the refrigerator. After such preparation, the meat will definitely turn out tasty, tender and aromatic.

When trying to cook a steak, the question often arises - how to properly fry it

Most often, recipes differ from each other only by the addition of different spices. They can also differ in the degree of roast. All famous chefs recommend adding spices. And, of course, you can't argue with that. But the degree of roasting depends only on the individual preferences of a person.

The following degrees of roasting are distinguished:

  • Blue is raw meat with blood. It only takes a few minutes to cook. It is enough to fry for 3 minutes on each side.
  • Rare - steak half-baked with blood. Each side is fried for no more than 4 minutes.
  • Medium Rare is a medium roast with blood. It takes no more than 6 minutes to cook.
  • Medium - it takes 6 - 7 minutes to be fully prepared.
  • Meduim well - the result is fully fried meat. It takes no more than 8 minutes to cook one side.
  • Well done - the meat will be completely fried, and it will also contain practically no juice. It will take 9 to 10 minutes to cook one of the sides.
  • Overcooked - The roast is considered the worst. The meat will not contain juice, but will be dry and firm.

The most popular is the Medium roast. The Medium Well roast is also not inferior to it. Such meat is considered juicy and tender.

How to cook ribeye steak correctly

We offer you a recipe for making Ribeye steak with garlic oil from Slavniy Druzhe

To begin with, as mentioned above, you should choose a fresh and high-quality piece of beef. Also, in addition to the main ingredient, you will need salt, pepper, preferably black, rosemary and olive oil. It is necessary to fry in a good frying pan. The ideal option would be a frying pan that will be equipped with a corrugated surface - a grill.

  1. Salt one side of the Ribeye and add black ground pepper. You can use a mixture of several peppers at once.
  2. After this step, turn the steak over to the reverse side, in addition to seasoning, you should also add olive oil. Grind the oil and leave for a while.
  3. After the step taken, turn it over to the opposite side and do the same with the rosemary sprigs, add olive oil.
  4. After processing, you should preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Warm up the pan (5 minutes is enough). When the grill is completely warmed up, you should start cooking. The rib eye should be placed on the side with which it was coated with olive oil. Fry should be no more than 4 minutes by tapping the rosemary sprigs on the meat.
  5. The meat should not be moved or lifted during frying. During this time, it will not burn out or deteriorate. The meat should be roasted quietly for 4 minutes on one side. As soon as time has passed, turn the meat over to the other side. Fry in the same way for 4 minutes, doing the same with rosemary.
  6. Once both sides are ready, the meat must be transferred to a baking sheet and put into the oven for 7 minutes.

After the specified time, you should remove the Ribeye from the oven. After cooking, the meat must be allowed to "brew" for a few minutes. During this time, the juice will be evenly distributed.

With this recipe, you can prepare the perfect Ribeye even in your home kitchen. It will be truly juicy, aromatic, and, at the same time, tender.