How to store salted milk mushrooms. Cold-salted mushrooms

You need to think about how to store milk mushrooms in advance, until the moment of canning mushrooms. This article talks about how to store milk mushrooms for the winter after pickling and pickling in jars. There are several ways to store salted milk mushrooms: in the cellar and basement, in the refrigerator and in the room. The terms of storage will depend on the conditions.

Learn how to properly store salted milk mushrooms and prevent the risk of contracting various infections, including botulism. Consider the conditions in which the canned food will be at the stage of their preparation and adjust the strength of the brine or the degree of acidity of the marinade.

Please note: before storing salted milk mushrooms at home, it is necessary to observe all the conditions of sterility and infectious safety specified in the material when preparing them.

Before storing ready-made salted milk mushrooms, they must be placed in a cool, well-ventilated area. It is best to keep the temperature there at 5–6 °C. It should not fall below 0 ° C, otherwise the mushrooms will freeze, crumble, lose their taste, and at temperatures above 6 ° C they turn sour and deteriorate. When storing salted mushrooms, you should regularly check whether they are covered with brine. There is no way to keep salted milk mushrooms without brine, since the mushrooms must always be in it, be immersed in it, not float up. If the brine evaporates, it becomes less than necessary, then cooled boiled water is added to the bowl with mushrooms.

Want to know how to keep salted milk mushrooms free of mold without heroic effort? Everything is simple. In case of mold, the circle and the cloth are washed in hot, slightly salted water. Mold from the walls of dishes is removed with a clean cloth moistened with hot water.

Salted mushrooms are supposed to be stored in a cold place and at the same time make sure that mold does not appear. From time to time, the cloth and the circle with which they are covered should be washed in hot, slightly salted water.

Storing salted black mushrooms in the refrigerator

Storing salted mushrooms in the refrigerator significantly extends the period during which canned food remains suitable for human consumption. Salted mushrooms are most often eaten as a snack. They are also used to prepare stuffing for pies, cold dishes, cook mushroom mushrooms, soups. All these various foods are very nutritious and tasty. If salted mushrooms are washed in several waters or boiled in clean water or milk until the salinity disappears, they taste like fresh ones. After such preliminary preparation, they are fried, used for soups, hodgepodges, etc.

Storage of salted black mushrooms is carried out at a temperature not higher than 2-10 ° C. At higher temperatures, they turn sour, become soft, even moldy, and you can’t eat them. For rural residents and owners of garden plots, the problem of storing salted mushrooms is solved simply - a cellar is used for this. Citizens must salt exactly as many mushrooms as can be placed in the refrigerator. On the balcony in winter they will freeze, and they will have to be thrown away. Salted mushrooms in barrels are stored at a temperature of 0–2 ° C for no more than 8 months, although milk mushrooms can be stored under these conditions without a noticeable deterioration in quality for up to two years. During storage, at least once a week, the barrels are checked for fullness with brine. If the top layer of mushrooms is not covered with brine, the barrel is supplemented with a 4% solution of table salt.

How to save milk mushrooms after salting

To preserve the nutritional value and taste of mushrooms, it is important that they are processed and stored in the most suitable container for this. Rusting knives, spoons and utensils, poorly cleaned or made of unsuitable material, spoil the mushrooms. Baths and bowls for washing mushrooms should be wide and roomy so that the mushrooms swim freely in them. If the bowls are small, the mushrooms should be washed in small quantities and the water changed more often. Before storing milk mushrooms after salting, it is important to choose dishes suitable for processing.

Mushrooms can be boiled in any dish, but mushrooms should be removed from the aluminum pan immediately after cooking.

Aluminum dishes darken from substances that are released from mushrooms. For cooking in your own juice or fat, you should use enameled, in extreme cases, Teflon dishes, from which the mushrooms are immediately removed after boiling. In no case should you use cast iron, copper or pewter utensils. These utensils form compounds with substances contained in mushrooms that change the color of the mushrooms (for example, in cast-iron utensils, light-colored mushrooms become very dark in color), or even become poisonous. To extinguish mushrooms in a small amount of water or in your own juice, it is best to use refractory glassware.

How to store ready-made salted milk mushrooms in glass jars in the refrigerator

Salted, pickled mushrooms are stored in glass jars, enameled buckets, wooden tubs or stainless steel tanks. Before storing ready-made salted milk mushrooms, you need to prepare a suitable container for this. In enameled buckets, you should check the strength of the enamel: old buckets with damaged enamel are not suitable for storing mushrooms. Tinned and galvanized buckets are absolutely unsuitable: their top layer dissolves under the influence of acids (mushroom liquid), and forms toxic compounds. Before storing salted milk mushrooms in glass jars, it will be useful to know that canned food should be hidden from constant exposure to sunlight. You can put them in the basement for this. So the article further talks about how to store milk mushrooms in the refrigerator, you can also find out about the expiration dates of this preservation.

How to store salted white milk mushrooms

Before storing salted white milk mushrooms, you need to know that wooden dishes must be new or always used only for storing mushrooms. Pots from pickled cucumbers or cabbage are not suitable, since mushrooms acquire an unusual flavor when stored in them. Mushrooms spoil quickly in rainwater barrels. Jars and bottles for storing mushrooms must be hermetically sealed. Mushrooms left in open jars will spoil quickly.

Before storing salted milk mushrooms, preparation is needed: before use, the dishes should be thoroughly washed as follows: keep at least 8-10 hours in warm water, then wash in alkaline water using soda (based on 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of soda ), pour over with boiling water or boil in clean water (without additives) for 5-10 minutes, then let the water drain; do not wipe with a towel.

The dishes from under the mushrooms are immediately washed and stored under a lid or upside down in a clean, dry room with good air access.

How to store cold pickled black mushrooms

Before storing salted black milk mushrooms, wooden utensils should be equipped with two lids: a small wooden circle that freely enters the container, on which an oppression stone is placed, and a larger circle that completely covers the utensil. Both covers are wiped clean with sand and soda water, doused with boiling water and allowed to dry. On the mushrooms, under a circle with oppression, they put a clean, dense, boiled napkin that completely covers the mushrooms. Cleanly washed cobblestone is used as oppression.

Metal oppression worsens the taste and color of mushrooms.

Before storing cold pickled black milk mushrooms, glass jars and bottles are tightly closed with cellophane, parchment, rubber or plastic tires, corks and metal lids. Cellophane and parchment are rinsed in boiling water. Plastic tires and corks are soaked for 10-18 minutes in a soda solution, then rinsed in boiled water. Rubber caps and stoppers are thoroughly washed with soda water and boiled in clean water for 5-10 minutes, then the water is allowed to drain on a clean napkin. Metal lids are washed with soda water, left in this water for 5-10 minutes, and then several times, changing the water, rinsed with boiled water and spread on a clean napkin.

How to store fresh and boiled milk mushrooms

If it is not possible to process the mushrooms on the same day (although this is not recommended!), They are stored for one night (no more!) Cleaned, but not cut. Before storing fresh milk mushrooms, they are left in a basket or transferred to a flat dish and, without closing, left in a cool room with plenty of air, for example, in a basement, a barn, a corridor. Of course, the best place is the refrigerator, its lower part with a temperature of +2-+4 ºС. Mushrooms to be boiled can be poured with cold water. Dishes for soaking should be wide and low. Before further processing, the mushrooms should be sorted out again and individual wormholes, stains and other damage that were not noticed before should be removed, which, during storage, have increased so much that most of the mushroom will become unsuitable for consumption.

Before storing boiled milk mushrooms, it is necessary to exclude the contact of mushrooms with air so that the oxidation process does not occur. It is necessary to close the dishes as tightly as possible and put them in a dark, cool place for 12 - 24 hours, no more.

How to store pickled mushrooms

Before storing pickled milk mushrooms, you need to choose a suitable place for this process. Mushrooms should be stored in a clean, cool, dark place. The most favorable room temperature is from +1 to +4 ºС. Pickled mushrooms should be stored in a cool place. In case of mold, all the mushrooms should be thrown into a colander and washed with boiling water, then make a new marinade, boil the mushrooms in it and put them in clean jars, pour vegetable oil and cover with paper. Do not roll up jars with pickled and salted mushrooms with metal lids - this can lead to the development of the botulinum microbe. It is enough to cover the jar with two sheets of paper - plain and waxed, tie tightly and put in a cool place.

The marinade should cover the mushrooms. If the room is dry and the jars are not closed tightly enough, during the winter it is sometimes necessary to add marinade or water. Usually pickled mushrooms are stored in jars with a plastic lid and other non-oxidizing utensils. To protect against mold, mushrooms are poured with boiled oil from above. Instead of acetic acid, citric acid can be used, but its effect on mushroom storage is much weaker.

Store pickled mushrooms at a temperature of about 8 ° C. They can be used for food 25-30 days after pickling. If mold appears in the jars, the mushrooms should be thrown into a sieve or colander, rinsed with boiling water, make a new marinade according to the same recipe, digest the mushrooms in it, and then put them in clean calcined jars and pour the marinade again. The storage of mushrooms depends on how carefully the sterilization is carried out. Well, sterilized mushrooms can be stored even at room temperature, although it is better to place them in a cool place, because even under sterile conditions, prolonged storage at high temperatures reduces the taste of the product.

How to store milk mushrooms after salting in a cold way

Before storing milk mushrooms after salting in a cold way, the mushrooms are covered with a clean linen cloth on top, and then with a freely entering lid (a wooden circle, an enameled lid with the handle down, etc.), on which oppression is placed - a stone, previously cleanly washed and scalded with boiling water or boiled. It is better to wrap the stone with clean gauze. For oppression, you can not use metal objects, bricks, limestone and easily falling apart stones. After 2-3 days, the excess brine that has appeared is drained and a new portion of mushrooms is added. This operation is repeated until the mushrooms stop settling and the containers are filled to the maximum. If after 3-4 days a brine does not appear over the mushrooms, the oppression is increased. Salted mushrooms are stored in a cool place, periodically (at least once every two weeks) washing the wooden oppression and changing the napkin.

Cold salting can be done in a slightly different way: mushrooms are placed on the spices with their caps up (and not down) with a layer 8-10 cm thick (and not 5-8), sprinkle it with salt, then the spices are again laid, and mushrooms and salt. So layer by layer fill the entire container. After that, cold boiled water is poured there, the dishes are covered with a wooden circle entering into it, and oppression is placed on top.

When the mushrooms settle down a little, they are compressed, the container is supplemented with fresh mushrooms, tightly sealed and placed in a glacier, where every week it is shaken, rocked or rolled from place to place (for example, barrels) to evenly distribute the brine. Particular care is taken to ensure that the container does not leak, and that the mushrooms are not exposed from the brine and do not freeze in the cold. As you know, mushrooms without brine turn black, moldy, and from freezing become flabby, tasteless and quickly deteriorate.

Storing pickled mushrooms in the refrigerator

Arrange the boiled chilled mushrooms in prepared jars so that their level does not exceed the shoulders of the jar. Pour the mushrooms with chilled marinade, pour a layer of vegetable oil about 0.8 - 1 cm high over the marinade, close the jars with parchment paper, tie and store in the refrigerator.

Storage of dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are stored in dry, well-ventilated areas, on racks in packaged form or suspended in bundles. It is unacceptable to store dried mushrooms together with salted and pickled, with odorous herbs and wet foods. If the mushrooms are damp or moldy, they must be sorted out and dried, removing the spoiled ones. Store mushrooms in closed glassware or cloth bags. Dried mushrooms can be stored for years. But over time, they lose their taste. Dry mushrooms are highly hygroscopic, quickly absorb moisture, as well as various foreign odors. They must not be stored together with other products.

Shelf life of salted and pickled milk mushrooms in jars in the refrigerator and cellar

There are certain periods of storage of salted milk mushrooms in jars, they are determined by the composition and strength of the brine, the methods of preparation of preservation and the conditions in which it is located. See this data in the table below.

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Not every housewife knows how to store milk mushrooms after salting. Therefore, often with difficulty prepared conservation is irretrievably damaged and thrown away. This leaves a mark, I don’t feel like harvesting mushrooms for the next season. But it is worth learning how to store salted milk mushrooms after salting, if only in order to test the proposed methods in the coming season.

They are all quite simple and do not require the creation of any special conditions. Read the tips and put them into practice. Pay attention to this fact. Before storing milk mushrooms after salting in a cold way, you need to steam all the containers used with boiling water, especially oak and aspen barrels.

How to store milk mushrooms after cold pickling

Store salted mushrooms in a cool, well-ventilated area. It is best to keep the temperature there at 5–6 °C. It should not fall below 0 ° C, otherwise the mushrooms will freeze, crumble, lose their taste, and at temperatures above 6 ° C they turn sour and deteriorate. When storing salted mushrooms, you should regularly check whether they are covered with brine.

Before you store milk mushrooms after cold pickling, you need to learn one rule: mushrooms should always be in brine, be immersed in it, and not float up. If the brine evaporates, it becomes less than necessary, then cooled boiled water is added to the bowl with mushrooms. In case of mold, the circle and the cloth are washed in hot, slightly salted water. Mold from the walls of dishes is removed with a clean cloth moistened with hot water.

Salted mushrooms are most often eaten as a snack.

They are also used to prepare stuffing for pies, cold dishes, cook mushroom mushrooms, soups.

All these various foods are very nutritious and tasty. If salted mushrooms are washed in several waters or boiled in clean water or milk until the salinity disappears, they taste like fresh ones. After such preliminary preparation, they are fried, used for soups, hodgepodges, etc. Salted milk mushrooms are stored in glass jars, enameled buckets, wooden tubs or stainless steel tanks.

In enameled buckets, you should check the strength of the enamel: old buckets with damaged enamel are not suitable for storing mushrooms. Tinned and galvanized buckets are absolutely unsuitable: their top layer dissolves under the influence of acids (mushroom liquid), and forms toxic compounds. Wooden utensils must be new or always used only for storing mushrooms.

Pots from pickled cucumbers or cabbage are not suitable, since mushrooms acquire an unusual flavor when stored in them. Mushrooms spoil quickly in rainwater barrels. Jars and bottles for storing mushrooms must be hermetically sealed. Mushrooms left in open jars will spoil quickly. Before use, the dishes should be thoroughly washed as follows: keep at least 8-10 hours in warm water, then wash in alkaline water using soda (per 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of soda), pour over boiling water or boil in clean water (without additions) 5-10 minutes, then let the water drain; do not wipe with a towel. The dishes from under the mushrooms are immediately washed and stored under a lid or upside down in a clean, dry room with good air access.

Wooden utensils should be equipped with two lids: a small wooden circle that freely enters the container, on which a stone-oppression is placed, and a larger circle that completely covers the utensil. Both covers are wiped clean with sand and soda water, doused with boiling water and allowed to dry. On the mushrooms, under a circle with oppression, they put a clean, dense, boiled napkin that completely covers the mushrooms. Purely washed cobblestone is used as oppression.

Metal oppression worsens the taste and color of mushrooms.

Glass jars and bottles are tightly closed with cellophane, parchment, rubber or plastic tires, corks and metal lids. Cellophane and parchment are rinsed in boiling water. Plastic tires and corks are soaked for 10-18 minutes in a soda solution, then rinsed in boiled water. Rubber caps and stoppers are thoroughly washed with soda water and boiled in clean water for 5-10 minutes, then the water is allowed to drain on a clean napkin. Metal lids are washed with soda water, left in this water for 5-10 minutes, and then several times, changing the water, rinsed with boiled water and spread on a clean napkin. Mushrooms should be stored in a clean, cool, dark place. The most favorable room temperature is from +1 to +4 ºС. Mushrooms can be preserved for a long time if microorganisms are destroyed or their development is delayed.

How to store salted black mushrooms after salting

Before storing salted black mushrooms after salting, you need to make sure that the mushrooms are completely ready and the fermentation process has stopped. Black mushrooms after salting are stored in the same way as the rest of the mushrooms. Although the black mushroom does not belong to the little-known edible mushrooms, but salted with garlic and spices, it is in no way inferior, for example, to the yellow mushroom. In salting, the mushroom acquires a beautiful dark cherry color. A characteristic feature of black mushrooms is that they are very stable in pickling, they can be stored for years without losing their strength and taste.

Greetings, my dears!

Today we will learn how to salt milk mushrooms for the winter. After all, how nice it is to crunch mushrooms at the festive table, especially on New Year's Eve, which is just around the corner (some four months left!).

By the way, in ancient times in Russia, the mushroom was called the "king of mushrooms", since it was the only one of all that was salted. In European countries, on the contrary, to this day the breast is considered inedible, so it is not eaten even in salty form.

For salting, mainly the white representative of this fungus is used. While in the forest, you will recognize real white milk mushrooms by their milky or slightly yellowish hat. However, in our article you will also find a very tasty recipe for pickling black mushrooms. So get creative and enjoy the fruits of your labor! Happy preparations!

Mushrooms cooked according to this recipe are incredibly crispy and mouth-watering. It is especially pleasant to serve them to the table along with onions and vegetable oil.


  • Milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Dill or fennel seeds

We clean and soak the mushrooms in a bowl of water. We insist for a day. We drain the water several times to get rid of bitterness.

We put oppression in the form of a plate so that the milk mushrooms are completely immersed in water.

After a day, we remove the remaining dirt from the mushrooms with a brush and transfer them to a clean container.

Fill with water so that the milk mushrooms are completely immersed in water. We put on fire.

Immediately after boiling, we note the time and boil the mushrooms for no more than five minutes! Otherwise, they will not turn out crispy.

With the help of a slotted spoon, we take milk mushrooms out of the pan and transfer them to another container.

Sprinkle the first layer of mushrooms with salt.

We put it under pressure and leave it for two days at room temperature, not forgetting to periodically check the mushrooms.

Let's take the pressure off.

We begin to put the milk mushrooms in a jar, not forgetting to flavor each layer with garlic and dill. The procedure is repeated until the jar is full.

We pierce the mushrooms near the walls of the jar several times with a knife so that excess air does not form, and the brine penetrates down.

Sprinkle the rest of the garlic and fennel seeds on top.

Fill the jar to the brim with boiled salted and cold water. We close with a capron lid. We send milk mushrooms for storage for a month in the refrigerator. After that, you can eat, bon appetit!

How to salt raw mushrooms (mushrooms) in a hot way - a simple winter recipe in jars

Well, just very tasty mushrooms are obtained if you cook them using this technology. Most importantly, do not spare salt and water for them!

Prepare for 2 buckets of milk mushrooms:

  • 6 liters of water
  • 18 tablespoons salt (heaping)
  • Bay leaf
  • black peppercorns

Step by step cooking method:

Rinse mushrooms well.

Divide them into clean containers.

Fill with water and put on fire to boil.

Bring to a boil and immediately remove the foam.

Lower the heat and cook for 5 more minutes.

Drain the water through a colander. While the milk mushrooms cool down a bit, prepare the brine: pour water into the pan, add salt at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid. Bring to a boil and turn off.

At the bottom of each pre-washed jar, place one bay leaf and a third of a teaspoon of black pepper.

Arrange the mushrooms loosely in the jars.

Fill with hot brine and close the jars with nylon lids. Put our blanks in a cool place and after 40 days enjoy their incomparable taste.

Tip: be sure to check that the jars are filled with brine to the brim, otherwise the mushrooms will darken!

Proper salting of dry milk mushrooms for the winter in a hot way

This recipe will provide you with a delicious mushroom appetizer for the holiday table. Your guests will love it, you'll see!

We will need:

  • dry milk mushrooms
  • horseradish leaf
  • raspberry leaf
  • cherry leaf
  • oak leaf
  • 2 dill umbrellas
  • Bay leaf
  • carnation
  • allspice

Step by step cooking method:

Soak for 6-7 days, changing the water three times a day.

We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Drain the water through a colander and leave the mushrooms to cool for 30 minutes.

At the bottom of the salting container we spread the bay leaf, allspice, cloves, garlic and a couple of pinches of salt.

We also add a couple of cherry leaves and one leaf of raspberry, horseradish, oak, as well as a dill umbrella.

We spread the first layer of mushrooms, sprinkle them with a pinch of salt and again spread the same spices and seasonings as for the first layer.

After laying the last layer, cover the mushrooms with leaves.

We cover the container with mushrooms with gauze and put the press. We remove the container in the cellar or refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. Be sure to make sure that there is brine in the mushrooms, otherwise they will deteriorate!

If you do not want to store milk mushrooms in such a container for a whole month, you can arrange them in jars and add salt water to each of them.

How to salt milk mushrooms quickly and simply not for the winter?

I really like this recipe, because you can eat such mushrooms after 5 days. I do not like the cold way of pickling mushrooms for several reasons. Firstly, you have to wait a long time, and secondly, the risk of poisoning by them increases.

Take the following ingredients:

  • Milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Black peppercorns
  • Bay leaf

Step by step cooking method:

Rinse and soak the mushrooms overnight, changing the water two to three times during this time.

Transfer the mushrooms to a saucepan with slightly salted water, put on the stove, wait until it boils and then cook on the fire for 20-30 minutes.

Cool the mushrooms until warm.

Prepare garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaf and salt.

Salt each mushroom and place in a container with a hat down.

Place garlic, bay leaf and pepper on each layer of mushrooms.

Set the oppression and put the mushrooms in the refrigerator. After 5 days, you can enjoy ready-made salted milk mushrooms, bon appetit!

Recipe on how to salt black milk mushrooms in a hot way (in brine)

Most often, porcini mushrooms are used for salting. However, black is no worse. Especially if you know how to cook them properly. So try it, good luck!


  • Black milk mushrooms
  • dill umbrellas
  • Bay leaf
  • Garlic
  • peppercorns

Step by step cooking method:

Clean the mushrooms and scrape their legs. Fill with water.

Soak for a day, not forgetting to change the water for black milk mushrooms a couple of times.

The next day, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms.

Fill the pot with water and put on fire.

After boiling, remove the foam, add bay leaf, peppercorns, 2 tablespoons of salt for each kilogram of mushrooms and boil them over medium heat for 40-45 minutes.

Drain the water through a colander and leave the mushrooms to cool.

Put the dill and garlic in the bottom of the jar.

Spread a layer of mushrooms and add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon for every kilogram of mushrooms.

Top each layer of mushrooms with dill and garlic.

Cover with gauze on top, put the press and leave in a cool place for 2 weeks.

How to salt white milk mushrooms for the winter in jars in a cold way - the right recipe at home

My grandmother knows this way. Moreover, milk mushrooms always turned out to be very tasty and fragrant. If you want to try, welcome to the table!


  • White milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Allspice
  • Black peppercorns

Step by step cooking method:

Soak the mushrooms for 2-3 days in cold water, changing the liquid 3-4 times a day.

Thoroughly wash each breast with a dishwashing sponge.

At the bottom of the pan we put chopped cloves of garlic, peas of allspice and black pepper, as well as salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon with a slide per 1 kg of mushrooms.

Lay the mushrooms upside down.

Sprinkle each layer with garlic and pepper.

When the container is 2/3 full, be sure to set the oppression so that the mushrooms release the juice. Cover it all with a clean towel and refrigerate. After 1 - 1.5 months, salted white milk mushrooms are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Cooking salted mushrooms with cold brine

This recipe was taught to me by a familiar mushroom picker, who actually does not crawl out of the forest in the fall. After all, the end of August - the beginning of September is the hottest time for collecting milk mushrooms.

Take for 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • 40 g salt
  • bunch of dill
  • 1 PC. bay leaf
  • horseradish root
  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • pepper - to taste

Step by step cooking method:

Clean and cut the mushrooms.

Put them in the pan with the pores up.

For three days, soak the milk mushrooms in a saucepan with oppression, changing the water 2-3 times a day.

Crush a dry bay leaf into a cup, chop the garlic cloves and horseradish root.

Add salt and dill.

Add ground pepper mixture.

Mix well.

Pour a mixture of spices to the bottom of the jar and lay out the mushrooms. Do everything in layers.

Press down on the mushrooms to make them tighter.

In this form, the jar must be put in the refrigerator. In 30-40 days they will be ready!

Attention: if you tightly close the jar of mushrooms, then botulism may begin to develop in it. Such milk mushrooms will be dangerous to eat, so do not close the container!

Video with a recipe for salting milk mushrooms at home for the winter (very tasty!)

In order for the mushrooms to be crispy and tasty, they need to be salted in a cold way. However, many are afraid to do this because of the risk of catching botulism, because milk mushrooms are considered conditionally edible mushrooms.

Therefore, if you are so afraid for your health, but at the same time do not want to give up pickled mushrooms, cook them according to this recipe. For it, in addition to mushrooms, you will need salt, sugar, spices and vinegar, which is known for its disinfecting and neutralizing properties. Enjoy your meal!

Do you have a favorite recipe for salted mushrooms? If yes, I will be glad if you share your experience in the comments. See you on the blog!

Delicious and fragrant milk mushrooms will always decorate any holiday or dinner table. They are often harvested in the fall in many popular ways. Some prefer to salt mushrooms for the winter, while others cook caviar or salads from them. Salting is the most effective way to prepare forest fruits. It will keep them as long as possible in a usable form. It is only important to choose a suitable and tasty recipe.

Features in the preparation of milk mushrooms

Raw milk mushrooms often have a characteristic bitter taste, because, like all mushrooms, they absorb a large amount of toxins. If you do not follow the rules of preparation, then as a result you can get a real poison.

  1. 1. It is strictly forbidden to collect those mushrooms that grow near dangerous areas such as large enterprises, large factories, factories or highways.
  2. 2. Before proceeding with salting, milk mushrooms need to be sorted out well, cut out damage, wormy areas. Forest litter, sheets and sticks also need to be disposed of. If the area is particularly dirty, it can be rubbed with a soft brush or soaked for several hours in cold water. In parallel with cleaning, it is worth immediately cutting the mushrooms into two or four parts lengthwise, so that each has a hat and a leg, or cut off the legs from the hats and use only the top. The legs make excellent caviar.
  3. 3. All mushrooms need to be soaked. This item must not be skipped, otherwise bitterness will be present. To do this, mushrooms are poured with cold water so that the liquid covers them completely. When the mushrooms float, they should be sunk by placing a plate with a flat bottom or a lid on top. Three days is the best time for soaking. After that, you can pull them out and proceed to the next steps.
  4. 4. Far from all the utensils that are available in the kitchen are suitable for cooking milk mushrooms. Wooden, glass or enameled - three ideal options. In galvanized plates or pans, mushrooms can become inedible, and clay containers are considered unsuitable for harvesting for the winter.
  5. 5. During the soaking of mushrooms, the water needs to be changed several times a day so that the bitterness from the fruits comes out much faster and in larger quantities.

There are two main ways of pickling mushrooms: cold and hot. It is important to try both methods to find the one that suits you best.

Cold pickling method

Ingredients for making snacks at home:

  • ten kilograms of mushrooms;
  • half a kilo of salt.

Step-by-step cooking, step by step recipe:

  1. 1. Mushrooms are washed, cleaned of the remnants of the earth, leaves and other dirt, and then soaked in water for three days. Then they can be laid out in a large glass container or in an enamel bowl with the caps down. Ideally, you should have ten layers.
  2. 2. During laying out, mushrooms alternate with salt. It is important to calculate so that all layers are covered with it, that is, about fifty grams for each new one.
  3. 3. A wooden plate is placed on the mushrooms, and oppression wrapped in gauze or a clean towel is placed on top. This load can be replaced with a jar of water, a stone or a dumbbell. They will help the rapid release of fluid.
  4. 4. Under this pressure, it is required to keep the mushrooms for two months, after which you can try the snack.

Secret. To make the milk mushrooms more fragrant and tasty, at the very bottom of the container in which they will be marinated, you can put blackcurrant leaves, horseradish, cherries, as well as peppercorns, dill umbrellas or garlic.

A feature of this method is that during the salting period, new layers can be added from above, because the previous ones will sink to the bottom. Before serving with milk mushrooms, it is required to remove excess salt by washing them under running water.

Black salted milk mushrooms in jars

  • two kilograms of black mushrooms;
  • ten umbrellas of dill;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • one and a half liters of clean water;
  • fifty milliliters of vegetable oil.

The entire volume of water is sent to the fire. After boiling, twenty grams of salt is poured into the liquid. When the water boils, already soaked and cut mushrooms are placed in it. Depending on the size of the fruit, the cooking time can vary from eight to ten minutes on average. Next, oil is poured in, stirred, and the milk mushrooms are leaned back into a colander to glass the liquid.

At this time, the stalks are cut off from the dill, the umbrellas are cut into several parts. The garlic is peeled and finely chopped. Mushrooms are mixed with the remaining salt, garlic and dill umbrellas, transferred to a large container and covered with oppression. After twelve hours, the milk mushrooms must be mixed and again put under the load.

At this time, the jars are sterilized, the lids are boiled. Mushrooms can be laid out in clean containers, watering with brine. At the end, press them down, close the lids and put in a dark, cold place for salting.

Thanks to this method, milk mushrooms will be stored for three months, but they can be opened only after one and a half. So that they do not take up space in the refrigerator, they are cleaned in the cellar or garage until ready.

White mushrooms in jars

Recipe Ingredients:

  • two kilograms of white mushrooms;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • seventy grams of salt;
  • fifty milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • three heads of garlic;
  • Dill seeds.

Mushrooms are soaked for three days, after which they are washed and cleaned of dirt and earth residues. At this time, boil water and add all the salt. Lower all the fruits, cut into four parts, boil for seven minutes. Milk mushrooms are placed in a colander to glass the liquid, then mixed in a large container with garlic, dill, salt.

A wooden plate, a plate and oppression are placed on top for a day. Mushrooms are laid out in sterilized jars, poured with brine, vegetable oil is poured on top, rolled up with lids. After a month and a half of conservation, they can be opened and served, but they cannot be stored for more than three months.

Salted mushrooms in cabbage leaves

Snack products:

  • five kilograms of mushrooms;
  • five liters of cold water;
  • a third of a kilogram of salt;
  • one head of garlic;
  • one hundred grams of fresh dill;
  • twenty peas of pepper;
  • twenty leaves of currant or cherry;
  • ten cabbage leaves.

Soak the mushrooms for two days, changing the water twice every day. Dissolve fifty grams of salt in five liters of water, add mushrooms and leave for ten hours. After washing the milk mushrooms, change the water and leave again for five hours.

Dry the fruits. Cut the peeled garlic into three pieces. Wash, finely chop the dill. Put the mushrooms in layers, each of which is sprinkled with dill, salt and garlic, as well as leaves of berries and cabbage. Set oppression on top and put the container in a cold cellar or marinating shed for two months.

After the specified time, the appetizer can be taken out and served with oil or vinegar.

Milk mushrooms with onions

Ingredients for an easy way to pickle mushrooms:

  • five kilograms of mushrooms;
  • a quarter kilogram of salt;
  • five liters of water;
  • kilogram of onions.

Two days before cooking, mushrooms are soaked in salt water (fifty grams of salt per five liters). After the liquid is drained, and the milk mushrooms are washed from bitterness and dried. Onions are peeled and cut into cubes or half rings. Mushrooms are mixed with vegetable and salt, a heavy weight is placed on top for the next ten hours.

During salting, mushrooms need to be stirred at least five times. After decomposing into sterilized jars, close with lids and store for the next three months.

Hot way to pickle mushrooms

Ingredients for Cooking Delicious Mushrooms:

  • two kilograms of the main product;
  • eighty grams of salt;
  • two liters of water;
  • five heads of garlic;
  • five pieces of allspice peas;
  • cloves and bay leaf to taste.

In a large container, mix water, spices and herbs. The liquid is heated over low heat until the salt is completely dissolved, then soaked mushrooms are placed and brought to a boil. Boil for half an hour, periodically removing the foam from the top. At this time, garlic is cut into three parts, mixed with milk mushrooms, which have already been removed from the fire.

Mushrooms with spices and brine, where they were boiled, are put under oppression or a heavy load for a day, so that more liquid is released. Banks are sterilized in an oven or in a water bath for an hour. After 24 hours, to infuse the mushrooms, the mass is boiled together with the brine for five minutes, then they are laid out in a container, tamping well, poured with boiling brine and rolled up with lids.

Cans of snacks should be allowed to cool under a blanket, then removed for long-term storage in a dark and cool place. This method will help keep the mushrooms in a usable form much longer than the cold method of pickling mushrooms.

Salted mushrooms in hot brine

Ingredients for making appetizers:

  • kilogram of mushrooms;
  • fifty grams of salt;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • bay leaf, fresh horseradish;
  • twenty grams of dill seeds;
  • liter of water.

We prepare the mushrooms by soaking them well in water. We cut off only hats from the legs that will be suitable for the recipe. We clean and cut horseradish and garlic. At this time, boil water, put salt and dill in it, then dip milk mushrooms into the brine, cook for half an hour, regularly removing foam.

We wash the mushrooms under running water after cooking, mix with horseradish and garlic, pour brine and cover with gauze, press down with a marinating oppression for several days. After the allotted time has elapsed, we lay out the mushrooms in sterilized jars, close the lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage for three to four months.

Spicy white mushrooms

Recipe Ingredients:

  • five kilograms of porcini mushrooms;
  • fifty grams of salt per liter;
  • twenty-five grams of sugar per liter;
  • fifteen grams of vinegar per liter;
  • garlic heads;
  • spices to taste.

Salting mushrooms in a hot way means doing without particularly thorough and lengthy processing. It is only required to soak them in water for three days so that they are ready for use. Next, mushrooms are poured into a large saucepan, poured with cold water and sent to medium heat. When the liquid boils, add salt and spices, boil for twenty minutes.

After that, put the mushrooms in a sterilized jar in a dense layer, alternating each of them with garlic, leaves of berries or fruits. Pour the marinade, close the lids and put under a warm blanket to cool. After a couple of days, the mushrooms will cool down completely and they can be sent to a cool and dark place for further storage.

This cooking method does not take much time. With hot salting, unlike cold, milk mushrooms are stored much longer and more reliably for several months.

Mushrooms in sweet and spicy marinade with tomatoes

The sweet-spicy taste of mushrooms according to this recipe will appeal to many. The dish can decorate any table.

Products for cooking:

  • two kilograms of mushrooms;
  • one hundred milliliters of odorless vegetable oil;
  • a kilogram of ripe tomatoes of medium size;
  • kilogram of onions;
  • sixty grams of salt;
  • twenty milliliters of vinegar.

Peeled and washed mushrooms are cut into pieces lengthwise and across. Milk mushrooms are boiled in salt water for an hour, constantly removing the foam. After cooking, they are washed from salt and put in a large saucepan, sprinkling each layer with salt. Next, peel the onion, cut into half rings, fry the vegetables until golden brown, add to the mushrooms. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water to easily remove the skin. They are coarsely chopped and fried until they become soft.

Next, onions and tomatoes need to be mixed well with mushrooms, pour vinegar and leave for an hour. Then simmer over low heat for about half an hour, stirring regularly. Put the mushrooms in sterilized jars, roll them up with tin lids, wrap them in a blanket so that the snack cools down. After cooling, they can be removed in a cold dark place.

Pickled black mushrooms

Often an appetizer prepared according to this recipe is called the "Black Prince".

Cooking Ingredients:

  • kilogram of mushrooms;
  • two liters of water;
  • Bay leaf;
  • ten milliliters of vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • twenty grams of salt;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • peppercorns.

Milk mushrooms are boiled with one tablespoon of salt for about twenty minutes. The foam that will form must be cleaned regularly. After cooking, the mushrooms are overturned in a colander and washed with running cold water. All spices, ordinary table vinegar are intended for making marinade sauce, so they are boiled in water. A second teaspoon of salt is also sent there. Cinnamon is removed from the liquid, and milk mushrooms are placed in brine for half an hour.

Pickled mushrooms are laid out at the very bottom of the sterilized jars, crushing each layer with a spoon, a little citric acid is poured on top, poured with the resulting marinade and covered with lids. Containers must be removed for storage in a dark and cool place until winter.

Rules for storing mushrooms in banks

It is not uncommon to find that twenty days after the pickle is blocked, molds begin to form in the jars, the containers may swell, and the tin lids rot.

To avoid these processes, which lead to spoilage of mushrooms, you need to monitor the quality of the product itself, wash the milk mushrooms thoroughly and strictly follow the cooking recipe. Jars and lids must also be in perfect condition. Under proper storage conditions, mushrooms can be kept in them from three months to two years. And open jars should not be stored for more than seven days after opening.

“Salted breast is something, it’s tastier than all mushrooms!” - noted in one of the children's poems. One of its features is that it is not kept fresh. Indeed, these mushrooms have long been known for being consumed mainly in salted form. Today they are fried, boiled, marinated. But most people traditionally prefer to eat these mushrooms salted. Let's figure out how we can store salted milk mushrooms after salting.

About harvesting methods

Milk mushrooms are salted, and, by the way, all their counterparts, in a hot and cold way. At home, this pickle is stored in the refrigerator. They are also marinated and frozen. Let's take a closer look at all the methods.

Hot pickling method

There are certain rules for harvesting salted milk mushrooms for the winter by boiling.

  • We clean the milk mushrooms, put them in a suitable container and, pour cold water over mine and leave it like that for a while (it can be a day).
  • The next day, the mushrooms, each separately, are washed with tap water using an ordinary sponge. We send clean milk mushrooms to boil. We stand them at a slight boil for 20 minutes. We filter the water from under the mushrooms, cool it and send it to the refrigerator. So it can be well preserved.
  • The bottom of the container, where milk mushrooms will be salted, we fall asleep 2 tbsp. l. salt, then sprinkle it with dill seeds, and spread the cloves of peeled garlic on them. We begin to lay out the cooled milk mushrooms with hats down. We laid out a layer - sprinkle with salt.
  • .When everything is placed, put a plate on top of the pickles, and on it - a jar of water. The liquid that, under the weight of the load, will begin to stand out after some time from the mushrooms, should come out from above.
  • Let the pickle sit for 2-3 days. After that, the products must be decomposed into prepared glass jars and determined for storage.

You can consume them in a week, but they will become completely salty in a few months.

Cold salting

The cold way is when raw mushrooms are salted. It will be possible to use such mushrooms only after 60 days.

They store milk mushrooms at home, taking into account their number and the container necessary for this. If these are barrels or large containers, then you will need a cellar. Salted milk mushrooms can also be put into glass jars, covering the contents with a leaf of cabbage, and then closing with a plastic lid. But then it is better to keep them in the refrigerator longer. Be sure to ensure that the mushrooms are completely covered with brine. In a word, if you are going to salt milk mushrooms for the winter, start by choosing a storage location.


You can also pickle milk mushrooms. It is easier to store mushrooms processed in this way. Since you can keep rolled cans even at room temperature. But then the shelf life of pickled mushrooms will be about several months. And they will keep in the fridge for up to a year.

Keep fresh

How to store mushrooms fresh? Unfortunately, like all mushrooms, they do not last long.

In a cool dark place, they will lie for a maximum of a day. Whether it's a refrigerator, a cellar or a basement. You can't keep them longer! They will start producing poisonous toxins. Therefore, it is so important to process them or prepare them immediately after they have been collected. Or at least 10-15 hours later.


These mushrooms do not like drying, so it will not work to prepare them as tubular species. It is better to salt them, but there is another popular method for preserving milk mushrooms - this is freezing.

You can freeze raw, fried or boiled mushrooms. Each type of storage has its own specifics:

  • Boil the mushrooms for 10-15 minutes, bringing them to half-cooked. After defrosting, the mushrooms need to be boiled for another 10-15 minutes, this will help remove the remaining bitterness. Then they are washed and cleaned.
  • Then fry for 20 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then it remains to pack in containers and freeze.
  • Raw mushrooms are also frozen, after cleaning them and cutting them into small pieces. After defrosting, it can be consumed in its usual form: fried, stewed or boiled.

It's important to follow the rules

How to properly and efficiently store milk mushrooms after salting tell tips, according to which you should:

  • pay attention to sterility - different containers can be used to store salt (barrels, tubs, buckets and pots), they can also be kept in jars. Rinse the container to be used, rinse it with boiling water, dry it, and sterilize the jars in addition;
  • choose the right place for storage: in the apartment - a refrigerator or a balcony, but in this case, the jars should be placed in boxes, having previously been insulated (in no case should the mushrooms be allowed to freeze). When there are a lot of mushrooms and we are talking about barrels or other impressive containers, then milk mushrooms are sent to the basement or cellar;
  • observe a certain temperature - where long-term storage of salted mushrooms is expected, the thermometer should show from 0 to + 6 ° С. At temperatures above or below the storage conditions are violated;
  • avoid stagnation of the brine - you need to shake the jar every day or shift the mushrooms;
  • get rid of mold in a timely manner - usually a skimmer is used for this. By the way, so that mold does not appear, a small amount of vegetable oil should always be added to it.

As for how much to store salted milk mushrooms, the shelf life of these mushrooms should not exceed six months. And in the refrigerator - even less. Therefore, salted milk mushrooms should be consumed within 1-3 months.

Milk mushrooms have always been one of the important dishes in the old feasts and played an important role in preparations for the winter. And now many housewives salt milk mushrooms for the winter. But in order to prevent the risk of infection with various infections, including botulism, you need to know exactly how to store salted milk mushrooms. Also be sure to check the shelf life. And then you can confidently pamper yourself with your favorite snack.