How to properly prepare coffee in a geyser coffee maker. How to brew coffee properly with a geyser coffee maker? Follow the step by step instructions and you will succeed

Geyser coffee makers are the most popular in Europe, first of all, they delight with the opportunity to get excellent coffee without much effort. But it is still worth delving into individual details. And in order to figure out how to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker, you need to understand how they work.

The device of geyser coffee makers

Geyser coffee makers differ in volume, specificity (some do not work without a minimum fill, others can leave a metallic taste). But all models have 2 containers (one for water and one for the finished drink), as well as a filter for grounds. A fuse must be present to relieve steam pressure.

How is the coffee brewing process

When boiling in a geyser coffee maker, water expands and rises to the ground beans, passes through them and pours out already in the form of finished and aromatic coffee. Nevertheless, cooking requires experience in order to find the right temperature and time. And the quality of the coffee itself is also important: grind, degree of roast.

The first step is to pour water into an appropriate container, while monitoring the amount of liquid. Then add coffee (just not finely ground). A protective mesh is used for pressing, this allows you to get excellent coffee.

Then the geyser coffee maker must be assembled. The next step is to put it on the stove or connect it to electricity, depending on the type of power supply.

It is best to cook gently (not over high heat). Otherwise the coffee will taste bitter.

On average, the whole process takes 5-10 minutes (depending on temperature, variety, grinding). You need to turn it off immediately after boiling. Leaving the coffee machine simmering will spoil the taste of the coffee.

What to look for when making coffee?

There are key points worth emphasizing. The rest is optional.

    If you have not yet met with a geyser coffee maker, then it is better to first figure it out without haste with the design. It is also worth reading the instructions carefully.

    If you decide to brew a drink on a new coffee maker, the first cup or even two should be emptied.

    Do not put off washing the coffee maker, otherwise the thick will stagnate and stick together, it will be difficult to wash it. And strong mechanical forces can damage the device. The use of abrasive cleaning agents is also not recommended. The ideal solution is warm or hot water immediately after use.

    It is best to grind coffee right before preparation. The optimum grind size is medium to coarse. By the way, more flavoring properties are preserved this way.

    The coffee grounds should be thick enough but still allow liquid to pass through.

    The geyser coffee maker needs to be assembled firmly but delicately.

    Remember safety precautions. Do not open the coffee maker until the end of the process. Risk of severe steam burns.

    Sludge, thin or weak coffee is a sure sign that you need to increase the grind size.

Manufacturers of coffee makers pay attention - a plaque forms on an aluminum product over time. This is a normal process and is indicative of oil settling. You don't need to clean anything here.

The most vulnerable points of geyser-type coffee makers are filters and gaskets. Their condition directly affects the operation of the device and the quality of coffee in general. Such details need to be changed from time to time.

How to choose a geyser coffee maker?

Since the taste of coffee is directly dependent on the device, you need to understand how to choose it. It is important to decide on the size: if the device is not full, it will not work. The traditional model works on the stove, but the electric one, for example, is able to turn off on its own. Some devices can brew latte or cappuccino.

Products are made from aluminum (the cheapest option, the coffee comes out with a flavor), ceramics or steel. It should be noted that the clay perfectly retains the temperature, and this has a positive effect on the taste of coffee.

What kind of coffee can you make?

    It's pretty easy to get a great espresso. For 8 grams of coffee, you need 20-30 ml of water. You can add a small slice of lemon or cinnamon (or both) to taste.

    But if you want a cappuccino, then you need to add frothed milk to the espresso. You can choose to add cinnamon, vanilla, syrups, sugar.

    Many people like frappe. It is prepared on the basis of espresso, to which cream (15 ml) and ice are added. Everything is whipped in a mixer until a more or less homogeneous mass is achieved. Then it is poured into a glass.

    Latte has become a classic of the genre for many. Making this coffee no worse than in a bar is not so difficult. First you need to brew an espresso and 80 ml of frothed milk. The layers should not mix, first milk, then carefully along the wall - coffee, on top - foam. If it doesn't work the first time, don't worry. This coffee is not given to everyone at once. But with experience it turns out incredibly tasty.

    You can also make mocha. The basis of the drink is espresso, as well as 15 ml of chocolate syrup. You will also need milk (30 ml) and cream, whipped beforehand. The syrup is poured first, after which it is worth adding coffee with warm milk. The latter are cream and grated chocolate.

    Are traditional types of coffee a little boring? Make "Indian"! This requires a fresh drink, dark rum (2 tablespoons), high-quality dark chocolate (2 tablespoons), quite a bit of nutmeg and ginger. It tastes better with cane sugar instead of regular sugar. So, first you need to add melted chocolate and spices to the mug. But coffee is poured last. Then sugar is mixed with rum and poured into a container. Of course, this coffee is suitable exclusively for adults ... But it invigorates perfectly!

Fancy a cup of coffee? Coffee in a geyser coffee maker turns out to be excellent, strong and aromatic, in just 5-10 minutes. Shop "Coffeemanich" offers the best products of the geyser type.

Geyser coffee makers are the most demanded in Europe. They have captured the European coffee market not only for the ease of making coffee, but also for their original design. But, despite the ease of use of this type of coffee machine, the question still remains how to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker.

Geyser coffee machine design

Before you understand how to brew great coffee in a geyser type coffee maker, first it is better to study its design. A geyser coffee maker includes three main elements - a container for water, a coffee filter and a container for a ready-made drink. In addition, there is a safety device in the water container that relieves excess steam pressure if necessary.

The process of making coffee itself consists of two stages:

  • The first stage is water boiling. Due to the expansion of the water during boiling, it rises through the tube to the ground grains.
  • The second stage - boiling water passes through the filter with ground coffee, boils it and pours into the container for the finished drink.

But, despite the seeming simplicity of the process, certain experience and skill are required to prepare a quality drink. It is important to choose the right temperature and production time, as well as coffee grinding.

The main princes of making coffee in a geyser coffee maker

First of all, cold water should be poured into the water container, not exceeding the filling level mark. Then you should pour freshly ground coffee, preferably medium or coarsely ground, into a special filter and put it in the lower section. It is important to press the ground grains well in the filter in order to get a quality drink. For this, you can use a protective grid or a special tamper.

After all the containers are full, you can assemble the coffee maker and put it on the stove or connect to the electricity, depending on the model of the coffee maker. It is better to brew coffee over low or medium heat (temperature) so that the coffee boils well and imparts all the beneficial properties to the drink. If you brew coffee at a high temperature, you can simply burn it and get a bitter and disgusting drink as a result.

On average, coffee in a geyser coffee maker takes 5 to 10 minutes. It is worth pouring coffee into cups only after the preparation process is completely completed.

To better understand how to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker, you can watch this video, where everything is clearly shown:

These tips will show you how to properly brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker.

  • It is better to grind coffee just before it is brewed, choosing a medium or coarse grind. This will improve the quality and taste of the finished beverage.
  • It is best to use pure spring or bottled water for making coffee. The quality of the water also greatly affects the taste of the drink.
  • It is advisable to wash the coffee maker after all preparation of the drink so that the leftover coffee oils or grounds do not spoil the taste of the new drink. Do not use detergents or hard scouring pads. Simply rinse well with warm water.
  • The denser the coffee is pressed and the stronger the coffee maker is assembled, the better and tastier the finished drink will be.
  • It is better to pour the finished coffee drink into warmed mugs. This will make your coffee even tastier.
  • Do not open the coffee maker until the brewing process is complete. You can get burned.
  • If the drink is weak and runny, then you should reduce the grinding of the beans.
  • There must be no sediment in the coffee beverage. If it appears, then you need to increase the grind.
  • If the coffee maker is new, then the first couple of cups of coffee should be poured into the sink.

Coffee recipes

  1. Espresso. To prepare this strong and invigorating drink, you need medium-ground coffee of about 8 grams and 20-30 milliliters of water. Add cinnamon or a lemon wedge if desired. This will enhance the invigorating effects of the coffee drink.
  2. Cappuccino. To prepare a classic cappuccino, you need a portion of brewed espresso and about 50-60 milliliters of milk foamed with a blender or cappuccinatore. The frothed milk is poured directly into the espresso mug. You can add cinnamon or syrups to taste.
  3. Frappé. For this drink, you will need a serving of espresso, ice, 15 milliliters of cream and sugar to taste. Beat the espresso, cream and ice cubes well in a mixer. Then pour everything into a glass with a small amount of ice cubes and add sugar to taste.
  4. Mocha. This amazing chocolate drink requires a shot of espresso, 15 milliliters of chocolate syrup, 30 milliliters of milk, and whipped cream. Chocolate syrup is poured into the bottom of the mug, then espresso and warm milk are poured. Now you can add grated chocolate and whipped cream to this drink.
  5. Latte. For a latte, you need a serving of espresso and 80 milliliters of frothed milk. Unlike cappuccino, you first need to pour milk into the mug, and then pour in a thin stream of espresso. If everything was done correctly, you will get a drink with three layers: milk, espresso and frothed milk.
  6. Coffee "Real Indian“. You need freshly brewed coffee, 2 tablespoons of dark rum, 2 tablespoons of dark chocolate, ginger and nutmeg on the tip of a knife. Better to sweeten with cane sugar. Pour melted chocolate along with spices into a mug. Pour hot coffee on top. Then dissolve sugar in rum and add to coffee.
  7. “St. Louis Blues ”. You need to take freshly brewed coffee, egg white, 20 grams of dark chocolate, 1 tablespoon of brandy and cane sugar. First you need to pour melted chocolate into a glass, then pour coffee with cognac. Egg white must be well knocked down with sugar until a dense foam is obtained. Spoon the egg foam into a glass of coffee and sprinkle with sugar. The resulting drink must be put in a preheated oven for 1 minute so that the protein turns into a crust.

Many people bypass the geyser coffee maker (aka moka), because they do not know how to use it. But do not be afraid of this miracle of the twentieth century, since everything is extremely simple and fast. Below you will find tips and a complete description of the process on how to properly brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker.

How much water to pour into the geyser coffee maker

Fill the bottom of the geyser coffee maker with water up to the safety valve through which steam comes out (round small hole at the bottom of the coffee maker). Thus, you will provide the free space necessary for high-quality work of the mocha and at the same time make sure that the coffee in the filter does not come into contact with cold water. This is one of the main rules when preparing coffee in a geyser coffee maker!

What kind of coffee grind is needed for a geyser coffee maker

How much to put coffee in a geyser coffee maker

Use a teaspoon to fill the metal filter with ground coffee. Do not fill the filter to the very top, leave some free space. It is not recommended to tamp the coffee, as this complicates the process of water passage and coffee extraction.

The process of making coffee in a geyser coffee maker

    1. Insert the filled filter into the lower compartment and close the moku with the upper part.
    2. Put on the stove, the heat should be medium to low. This will raise the temperature of the water gradually and the coffee will come out more slowly into the upper compartment. As the Italians say, if you are in a hurry, then go to the bar and there you will be served coffee instantly! 🙂

      Use low to medium heat for your geyser coffee maker

    3. It doesn't matter if you close the lid of the geyser coffee maker or not. Remember that with the lid closed, you can hear the characteristic sound at the end of cooking. This is great if you are not in the kitchen.
    4. In the meantime, while our aromatic drink is being prepared, let's start choosing cups. depends on the type of coffee beverage. The classic one should have thick walls and an ovoid shape.
    5. When the water in the lower compartment of the mocha is heated enough, it rises up, passes through the filter with ground coffee and begins to rise along the groove to the upper compartment of the geyser coffee maker.

When is coffee ready in a geyser coffee maker?

As soon as you hear a gurgle, immediately remove the moka from the heat. This will preserve the pleasant chocolate-caramel aroma of the coffee.

Coffee made in a geyser coffee maker contains 30% less caffeine

Before pouring coffee into cups, stir it with a teaspoon directly in the mocha.

In addition to the text, I have prepared for you a short video on how to make delicious coffee in a geyser coffee maker. Video without voice acting, understandable even for children!

Sugar kills the characteristic aroma and taste of coffee

How to properly clean a geyser coffee maker?

Do not wash your moka in the dishwasher. Warm tap water is best for this. It is also advisable not to use detergents.

Not single coffee machines, so to speak. After all, they are corny expensive. Yes, even carob coffee makers are no longer so available today. What are the "proletarian" options? Coffee in a Turk, cezve? Yes, a classic, but this is a completely separate drink, but if you want, so to speak, without the grounds? Drip? Many people think it is too watery. And prices, again, are growing ... is there a cheaper option?

A geyser-type coffee maker is the answer! What it is?

Geyser coffee maker - a coffee maker in which coffee is brewed with water flowing under pressure from the bottom up.

Where did it come from

Geyser-type coffee makers were still in the Soviet Union. The older generation probably remembers them, they were made then from thin aluminum, so they were often beaten by life with crumpled sides.

Initially, the geyser-type coffee maker called "Moka Express" (yes, yes, it is express) was invented by the Italian Alfonso Bialetti in 1933. He also founded a company that now produces almost all the coffee makers of this class found on sale, Bialetti. Actually, "Moka coffee maker" or even "Baletti coffee maker"(you can say the name has become a household name) and geyser coffee maker are synonyms.

The coffee maker initially received an octagonal austere design and immediately gained insane popularity in Europe and especially in Italy. She was, and is, in every home and is one of the symbols of the country. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most famous coffee pot.

Good theory, how does it work?

Principle of operation geyser is based on steam pressure. The body consists of two parts, which are tightly screwed together:

  • Water is poured into the lower part, based on the capacity of the coffee pot. Each model is designed for a certain number of servings, and at the same time it is best prepared for this, verified in relation to its shape, the amount of drink. In any case, the water must not reach the emergency steam valve. Focus on the risk within.
  • Next, a filter is inserted into which coffee is poured. Pour coffee to the top, even if you are going to drink one cup with the volume of the coffee machine in three servings. It is clear that it is advisable to use freshly ground coffee, and not ready-made packaging from the store. It is better to grind in. A wide range of grinding is allowed, except for the smallest and largest degrees. It is the grinding that controls the strength of the coffee! If you use store-bought ground coffee, then you do not need to take the grind "for the Turks", you can take "for esperesso", "for the filter" (vice versa, by grinding you adjust the strength). Some manufacturers (for example, Lavazza) directly write on the coffee packs that it is suitable for geyser coffee makers (moka pot, or simply moka). It is not necessary to ram a coffee tablet in a filter, but it is worth it for a richer taste.
  • In the end we screw on the upper part and put on fire. Water, boiling in the lower part, turns into steam, the steam begins to squeeze the rest of the water upward, it passes through the coffee, absorbing the aroma and taste, and enters through the pipe into the upper container. As simple as a felt boot.

Please note that it is water that passes through the coffee, not water vapor (which is why the filter tube goes almost to the bottom of the bottom). Steam serves only to "squeeze out" the water. This is done on purpose in order to get the optimal temperature of the espresso (it is exactly what is prepared on mocha coffee makers), in the case of brewing coffee with steam, the coffee will turn out to be too hot for this drink.

If you want to even better understand the principle of operation of a geyser coffee maker, then watch this video that demonstrates its work:

By the way, about the emergency valve. As the name implies, it is designed to “release” pressure if water cannot pass through the coffee pill. This happens if you pour too fine ("Turkish") coffee with a slide and tamp it. In this case, water in the form of steam will come out through this same emergency valve. Previously, it could get clogged with ground coffee and not work at the right time. Therefore, a couple of years ago, Bialetti modernized the system, equipping the valve with a movable stick, which is recommended to be moved a couple of times a year when flushing, thereby clearing possible contamination.

When preparing coffee in a Bialetti geyser coffee maker, the main danger is to burn, overheat the coffee. So:

  • If you use an electric stove, on which, unlike a gas stove, it is more difficult to monitor the temperature, then it is advisable to choose the smallest burner and set the medium mode (four out of six is ​​just right). If you want to warm up faster, then first you can put a six, but then switch to a three or four.
  • Before the moment when coffee begins to flow into the upper bowl (after a couple of weeks of use, you will unmistakably learn to predict this moment), you can turn off the hotplate or even remove the coffee pot from it.
  • At the very end of the preparation, it is not necessary to bring it to the moment when the geyser begins to "snort". At this moment, fiery steam is already flowing, and not hot water, which is harmful for coffee. If, nevertheless, snorting has begun, then you can douse the lower part of the coffee pot with cold tap water, this will instantly stop the process.
  • Some amount of water remains in the lower bowl, this is normal
  • It is usually not advised to ram coffee, but you can actually do it if you want a richer taste. The main thing is not to tamp it hard, you can crush it with a spoon. Well, make sure, of course, that the water is poured below the emergency valve!
  • For those who are saddened by the too long process of making coffee in the morning, we can advise you to collect the coffee pot in the evening.

Roughly similar tips - in a short video on how to use a geyser coffee maker in general and on different types of stoves (conventional electric, gas or induction):

What about the care, strongly "hemorrhoids"?

The care is primitive - wash all the components after each preparation under running water. Do not use chemicals or abrasive materials. For the dishwasher - see the instructions for your particular geyser coffee maker, because the materials are different. For example, classic Mokka Express can be washed, but after the dishwasher they lose their shine and become dull.

The latter especially applies to aluminum cases, so as not to rip off the top layer and add a metallic flavor to the coffee. In general, you should not try to clean the inner surfaces to a shine, the coating of coffee oil, on the contrary, protects the drink from interacting with the body.

It is not necessary to clean the geyser coffee maker until it shines. On the contrary, a touch of coffee oil is even better for coffee.

The only caveat is the rubber gasket for the filter, it wears out over time and begins to siphon steam, it may require replacement. The recommendation for prolonging life is to gently cleanse without applying force or using chemistry. In extreme cases, in a couple of years, buy a repair kit (for example,) for a couple of hundred, consisting of a new filter strainer and sealing rubber bands. And you will have Bialetti like new.

That is, in fact, leaving is extremely simple, this is one of the strengths of the geyser.

What's the choice?

The 1933 Bialetti Moka Express is still in production today, it is a classic geyser coffee maker for a stove: electric or gas. You can even use it on the stove of your grandmother in the village or, for example, in the country.

The different Bialetti Moka models, in fact, differ in three things:

  1. The volume is from 40 ml to almost a liter.
  2. The material of execution is aluminum (as an original development), stainless steel. Plus, there are modern versions with a ceramic or glass top.
  3. Design.

Looking to buy the classic Bialetti Moka Express? Look for a coffee pot with this logo

The final product is the same everywhere and does not depend on a specific model. The influence of the original coffee (type, freshness, grinding) is much higher. So you can choose by looks and budget.

Moka coffee maker is far from being "Newton's binomial", therefore high-quality geyser coffee pots are produced not only by Bialetti, but also by many companies from all over the world. Such alternatives are made both in the classic case and experimenting with the form. For example, I will name several brands: Alessi Pulcina (), Bodum (the Swiss company is famous primarily for French presses, but also makes good steel geysers), CHIC (notable for its porcelain tops), GAT, GSI Outdoor, Inox, Koopman, Monix, Morosina , Pedrini, Rondell, Top Moka (coffee makers are notable for the Italian assembly + brew a little faster due to the wider bottom), Vetta, Vigano, Winner.

I cannot clearly describe which brands are “good” and which are “bad”. The main thing is to pay attention to the quality of the materials, the absence of foreign odors and the good adherence of the parts to each other. I would be grateful for your feedback in the comments.

Where are they made?

The original Bialetti is now produced in Europe and Asia: there are factories in their native Italy, Romania, Turkey, India and China.

As far as I know, the classic series () is still assembled in Italy, but the painted (colored) "express trains" are already Romania. The series is also collected there. Brikka and Fiammetta(). And the cheapest of the original Bialetti junior(from 1000 rubles) - this is China, as well as Allegra... Hindus got a series Kitty(although Ozone claims to be Italy), Kitty is also made in China. The Turkish factory makes accessories (for example, foam boosters) and some electrical models.

By the way, you can buy a geyser coffee maker not in any home appliance store. I hope my selection of current prices (updated automatically 3 times a day) at the end of the article will help you navigate the Internet hypermarkets.

Electrical modifications

Along with the classic versions that use an external "heat carrier", there are electric geyser coffee makers on sale, which are equipped with a built-in heating element and work like a kettle with a stand. At the latter, they can rotate around their axis.

In addition to the most obvious plus that it is not necessary to heat up the stove, there is also a corresponding minus - it is necessary to have an electric power supply. Another inconvenience is that you cannot quickly “recharge” the coffee maker and prepare another portion, as you have to wait until it cools down, and rinsing the electric version with cold water is problematic.

The electric version is, of course, more expensive, but it may or may not have, depending on the model, a timer to start cooking. Allegedly, the smell of coffee can wake you up in the morning for work instead of an alarm 😉

Cappuccino in a geyser coffee maker

Geyser coffee makers brew black coffee. The exception is the unique geyser coffee maker for making cappuccino. Here I will immediately say that I have not tried it myself, I would be grateful for the feedback in the comments.

In all other cases, cappuccino can be prepared with a separate, and at least just an electric bunch. Prepare coffee, whisk the milk in a separate container and add the milk cap to the coffee. Ready!

P. S. If you dream of making espresso at home, like in a cafe, then a geyser will not suit you. I advise you to pay attention to the more suitable equipment for this: or. And advice on choosing automatic coffee machines for cappuccino.

Where can I buy?

For the classic Moka Express series(aluminum, the latest model, honestly named "made in Italy") my robot monitors prices. Therefore, I can give tablets with current proposals for each modification: for 1 cup, for 2 cups, etc. Note, what Italians mean by "cups of espresso". For example, "Moka Express for 1 serving" has a volume of 50 ml, but the coffee actually turns out to be 30-40 ml, that is, the size of a classic espresso. Choose the volume with this in mind!

➊ Moka Express 1 cup / serving
(article 1161)

➋ Moka Express 2 cups / portion(article 1168)

➌ Moka Express 3 cups / portion(article 1162, most popular format)

➍ Moka Express 4 cups / portion(article 1164)

➏ Moka Express 6 cups / servings(article 1163)

➒ Moka Express 9 cups / servings(article 1165)

⓬ Moka Express 12 cups / servings(article 1166)

From non-original geyser coffee makers (in the sense of “not the Bialetti brand”) I can single out the following popular models:

IRIT-454(steel, corresponds to the "6 cups" volume of Bialetti):

IRIT-455(steel, slightly larger in volume, ~ 7-8 "cups"):

Rondell Kafferro RDS-499(for 6 cups)

I will not say that I am a big coffee lover. In the morning I do not need the obligatory cup with a fragrant drink, but sometimes I want to pamper myself with bitter strong black or, on the contrary, delicate sweet coffee with milk.
I am not an ardent supporter of necessarily boiled coffee: in fact, common instant coffee is nothing more than the usual freshly ground and brewed coffee, from which the liquid has been evaporated. And in what form this product - powder, granular or sublimated (in the form of prisms) - is the business of the manufacturer and marketers.
For me, any coffee from a freshly opened can smells nice and for the next few days you can't really tell what is poured into a cup. And then it fizzles out, yes.
But the bank is always at hand and you don't have to dance around the stove and wash coffee pots and Turks))

But sometimes you just want coffee and coffee! And so that really and in an adult way))
In general, I brewed coffee for quite a long time in an ordinary small still Soviet Turk.

The Turk even came with a spoon for stirring coffee during the brewing process.
I, all so serious, poured 2 teaspoons of ground coffee into a Turk, poured cold water, put the burner on the strongest fire and, stirring, waited for the coffee to boil. A fragrant cap made of coffee foam appeared on the surface. As soon as you miss it, it will run away!
If you wanted to be stronger, I took it off the heat, waited for the foam to settle, and returned it to the stove again until it boiled again. Sometimes, according to my mood, before the second boil, I seasoned the coffee with cinnamon or pepper.
And everything would be fine, BUT!
1. I did not like meditating on a Turk and vigilantly watching over coffee. At this time, I could prepare a more substantial part of the breakfast.
2. I didn't like that there was always sediment at the bottom of the cups. Dadada, you can guess on the coffee grounds, but you won't be able to enjoy the last sip.

Well, then a geyser coffee maker fell into my hands, which solved both troubles.

In general, there are many of them - from different manufacturers, of all shapes, sizes and colors.
Even in Soviet times, many were familiar with this thing. I don’t know why our family didn’t have such a coffee maker, but I’ve definitely seen this strange aluminum coffee pot on a few of my friends.

A couple of years ago I had a chance to brew coffee in a modern model of a coffee maker from Tescoma.
I remember that we brewed aromatic coffee very quickly, no sediment, unusually aromatic and rich. Oh, how I wanted such a thing for personal use. But the price was quite high.

Sometimes I make coffee, enjoy life, dissuade people from buying a coffee machine that needs to be washed, it hums, breaks down and takes up space.
First, we discussed all the pros and cons with one virtual friend, then with the other, then the friend asked me to tell what kind of animal it was, then again another friend was puzzled by the purchase of a coffee machine ...
And I decided something - why write the same thing to different people, let all my thoughts and impressions lie in one place, and I will give a link))

Actually, ALL geyser coffee makers have the same operating principle.
The coffee maker consists of three parts:
1.Bottom water compartment (there is a safety valve on the side for steam outlet)
2.Container for coffee (or filter) with a tube (the piece looks like a knob with a strainer, when assembled, the tube reaches almost to the bottom of the lower compartment)
3. Actually the coffee pot itself, where the drink is collected (and inside it there is one more "funnel" only "upside down").

Water is poured into the lower tank BEFORE the safety valve. If you pour the water over, the coffee will, of course, be prepared. But if suddenly something goes wrong, the steam will not be able to escape through this valve and the coffee maker will simply explode. So this water level can be attributed to safety measures.

We insert the "strainer" and pour in ground coffee - I have 3-4 teaspoons. We level the coffee, but do not tamp it!

From above we wind the main container of the coffee maker along the thread. In theory, these parts should be tightly connected to each other. There are even special seals in professional models, because all work depends on tightness, and over time, any thread is erased. There are no seals in my model.
We put the structure on the stove.

So how does it work?
In the lower heat compartment of the burner, the water heats up and turns into steam. Steam presses on the water, and it flows upward through the "funnel" tube, through the coffee. The coffee is brewed and collected in the upper container as a finished beverage.
I found the picture on the Internet.

At first nothing happens, then the coffee maker starts to click and crackle. If you look inside, it's empty. And then literally in 3-5 minutes all the liquid from the lower compartment "pours" into the upper one.

Here is the first pleasant moment - the coffee maker does not need to be monitored for a moment. They put it on the stove and left to go about their business. While it was making noise, it was cooking. It has become quiet - it means that all the water is already in the upper compartment. The noise, by the way, is not loud.

It remains only to pour coffee into cups.
All geyser coffee makers vary in volume. And this little girl of mine proudly bears the title "for 6 cups"!
But I have never seen a person who actually drinks coffee in miniature cups at home))
I only pour coffee into two small mugs, or one large one. If you want a less intense taste, you can dilute it with boiling water.

The second pleasantness - the coffee pours homogeneous, without sediment and thick. And inside the coffee maker is purely clean (rinse only with tap water).
A little water may remain in the lower container - well, a maximum of a couple of tablespoons.

Well, the third plus (already in the form of a bonus) is a full palm of coffee waste - for scrubs and masks.
I mix this used coffee in shower gel or cream.

You can use this coffee maker on any stove - glass ceramics, ordinary electric, gas. Steel models are suitable for induction hobs.

My last reasoning with my virtual friend Anya about this unit boiled down to her question - can this coffee maker prepare, for example, a latte or cappuccino.
No, this one cannot.
There is a special model of Bialetti mukka express geyser coffee makers with cheerful cow-like colors and a built-in cappuccinator - the lower part is also filled with water, coffee is placed in the middle, and milk is poured into the upper compartment. Inside, there is a built-in cappuccino maker: you pressed a button, got a milk cap, didn't press - a regular latte.
Yes, it costs like a small radio-controlled helicopter, but cheaper than a coffee machine))

Well, I do it at home: I make milk foam using a regular French press.
I pour the milk just above the pubescent strainer and move the piston handle back and forth about 30 times - the milk is whipped into a lush foam that does not fall off for a long time.

By the way, I saw special French presses for milk on sale - they work the same way, just the container is smaller in volume.

I am a cinnamon lover, so I almost always season it with coffee.
Well, your favorite truffle sweets - as without them))

Summing up: fast, simple, clean, tasty, budget! Once again I am convinced that I do not want a coffee machine)))
