How to fry meat so that it is juicy. Secrets and recipes of the softest and juiciest fried pork (cooked in a pan)

Choose the best roast pork. The neck, shoulder blade and leg of the animal are preferred.

Meat for frying in a pan should be fresh. Since when freezing, the structure of the meat changes and the juiciness of the pork is not preserved. For frying pork in a pan, it is best to use meat with fatty layers, it will be more juicy and tender. The meat should be light pink in color, and the fatty layers should be pure white.

If you want to get an appetizing aroma and a real meaty taste, then you should not get carried away with seasonings.

Before frying pork in a pan in large pieces (steaks), it must be washed and dried with a towel. Drying is necessary so that the pork does not release a lot of liquid during the frying process.

To cook pork steak the thickness of the pieces should be at least 3 centimeters. We don't salt pork! Sprinkle with salt at the end of frying - a minute before readiness.

Put the pork in a well-heated pan. When frying, the steak should not be turned over often. Turn it over only once - when one side is almost ready. It is also important to remember that pork should not be undercooked or with blood. Only some veal and lamb dishes can be cooked with blood, you can’t cook pork like that!

Cooking pork pieces

We cut the pieces quite thick: two to three centimeters. We don't salt the meat! You can sprinkle with spices.

Heat up the frying pan and oil. Let's leave the pork. Pieces of meat should not fit snugly against each other. After lowering the pork into the pan for the first minute or two, a crust forms on the meat, which prevents the juice from flowing out. Turn the meat over once.

Reduce the temperature and fry on medium-low heat for another 15-20 minutes. Salt the meat at the end of frying.

If you want to get really fried meat with a golden crust, then you should not cover the pan with a lid. The meat covered with a lid will look like a stew.

On average, the cooking time is: 5-7 minutes for a pork steak and about 30 minutes for meat slices.

Some delicious fried pork recipes

friedporkin a frying pan in pomegranate juice

1 kg. pork, 2 medium onions, 1 cup pomegranate juice, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of melted lard, salt to taste, green onions, for decoration.

Method of preparation: Rinse the pork under running cold water, cut off the excess fat. Cut the pork for frying in a pan into pieces weighing 40 g. Cut the onion into rings. Melt the lard in a frying pan and dip the pork into it. Fry the meat in a frying pan under the lid, stirring. Add chopped onion to the pan with meat, pepper, salt.

After that, pour the pomegranate juice into the pan with fried pork. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat until the pomegranate juice has completely evaporated. Put the finished pork meat on a dish and decorate with green onions.

Pork in a pan with onions

400 g pork, 1 carrot, 2 onions, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil, ground black pepper and salt to taste, dill and parsley, for decoration.

Rinse the pork under running cold water. Cut into pieces 1 cm thick and beat off on both sides. Prepare the filling for fried pork in a small dish: grate the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into rings, add salt and ground black pepper, mix.

Lay the prepared filling on one piece of beaten pork, cover with another piece on top and fasten with wooden skewers. Then the meat is placed on a frying pan heated with sunflower oil. Fry on both sides, over medium heat, until tender. Put the finished fried pork on a wide plate, remove wooden skewers and garnish with chopped dill and parsley.

If you leave the skewers, you can serve it like a barbecue.

friedporkwith prunes and mushrooms

This dish will be very appropriate on the festive table due to the exquisite taste that prunes and mushrooms give pork. At the same time, even a family dinner can turn this dish into a small holiday.

400 grams of pork, 200 grams of champignons, onions, 5-6 pieces of prunes, carrots, half a teaspoon of turmeric, salt, spices for pork and pepper, vegetable oil for frying.

Washed pork meat should be cut into not thick, but slightly long pieces. Salt and pepper the meat, add spices. Then start preparing vegetables: coarsely chop the onion, cut into long strips or rub the carrots on a coarse grater. In a well-heated frying pan until golden brown, you need to fry the pork meat, not forgetting to salt it. Chopped mushrooms, carrots and onions, turmeric, as well as pre-soaked and then cut in half prunes should also be added there. Until ready, all this should be fried over low heat. Serving to the table, it is better to decorate the dish with parsley sprigs.

Pork in a pan with mushrooms

1 kg. pork, 300 g. champignons, 200 gr. dry white wine, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of melted bacon, 3 medium onions, basil leaves, for decoration.

Rinse pork under running cold water, cut off excess fat. We cut the pork into pieces weighing 50 g. Put the chopped pork into an enameled pan, pour over the wine, mix. Place in refrigerator for 7 hours. Cut the mushrooms into 2 parts. Onion cut into rings. Thread pork, onion and mushrooms alternately on wooden skewers. Fry in a frying pan in melted lard on all sides until golden brown. Put the finished pork and champignons on a wide plate, without removing from the skewers, decorate with basil.

Pan-fried Pork with Shiitake and Juniper

The use of mushrooms gives a spicy taste to the dish. And it is best to use dried forest mushrooms for this recipe.

4 slices of pork, 40 grams of dry shiitake, 8 cloves of garlic, 10 juniper berries, 3 sprigs of rosemary, a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, 25 grams of butter, ground black pepper, salt.

Shiitake mushrooms should be poured with hot water, leaving them for 45 minutes. Unpeeled garlic should be boiled for 10 minutes, then dried. Pieces of pork meat should be rubbed with salt, vinegar and pepper. Heat the butter well in a frying pan and fry the meat in it until brown on both sides.

There, in the pan, add dried mushrooms, crushed juniper berries, garlic, rosemary, as well as 8 tablespoons of the water in which the mushrooms were infused. After that, the fire must be reduced almost to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the meat with mushrooms for 15-20 minutes.

Pork steak

This hearty dish is prepared very quickly. In addition, meat fried in batter goes well with various side dishes - potatoes, cereals, salads.

600 grams of pork fillet, 1/4 cup of water, chicken egg, breadcrumbs, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil for frying.

Pork meat should be washed well and dried with a paper towel. Pork should be cut into not thick layers and beat off slightly for juiciness and softness. In a separate bowl, thoroughly mix the chicken egg with salt, water and black pepper. Each piece of pork should be dipped into the resulting homogeneous mass.

Then the meat must be rolled in breadcrumbs, and then fried in a pan in vegetable oil, setting a medium heat. The fried pieces of pork should be put on a dish with a side dish, garnish with herbs and serve. Salt the meat for about five minutes before the end of the stew. And before serving, peel the garlic.

Fried pork in a pan with apples

1 kg. pork, 2 green apples, 1 cup raisins, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of melted plums. oil, 1 lemon, lettuce, for decoration, ground red pepper and salt to taste.

Rinse pork under running cold water, cut off excess fat. We cut the meat for frying in a pan into pieces weighing 200 g, 1 cm thick. Each piece is beaten off on both sides. For the filling: remove the core from apples and finely cut, put in a small container and mix with raisins, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of melted butter, mix.

We lay out the filling on pieces of pork and wrap them with sausages. Each piece of pork must be fastened with a wooden skewer before frying in a pan. Fry the meat in a preheated pan, turning over, until tender. Arrange the finished fried sausages on a dish, remove wooden skewers, pepper, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, garnish with lettuce.

Chops with cheese

pork (chops) - 4 pcs.,

salt, pepper - to taste,
gouda cheese - 120g,
parsley (twig) - 4 pcs.,
bell pepper - 1 pc.

Wash and dry the pork chops.
Salt and pepper inside. Fry the chops in a hot pan on both sides for 4-6 minutes.

Divide the cheese into 4 parts, wash and dry the parsley, cut the pepper into small cubes.

Put cheese and vegetables on top of the patty. Close the lid for 1 minute. The dish is ready.

Pork Stroganoff in a pan

1 tsp mustard powder, 25 g butter, 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon, chopped, 2-3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 leek, finely chopped and washed, 350 g pork tenderloin, cut into thin strips,
2 teaspoons of whole grain mustard, 200 ml cream 30%, 100 ml dry white wine, 3-5 champignons

In a saucepan, heat and mix the butter and half the cream, add the leeks and mustard powder. Cook for 2-3 minutes until the onion is soft.

Cut the pulp of the hind leg or shoulder blade of lean pork into slices across the fibers, beat off and cut into sticks 3-4 cm long, weighing 3-5 g each. Cut the mushrooms into strips.

Salt the meat, quickly fry with mushrooms in a pan in olive oil for 6-7 minutes, until browned.
Add wine to meat and cook for 2 more minutes.

Mix cream and mustard. Add this mixture to the pork, mix, cook over high heat for 2 minutes. Then add the onion to the pork, reduce the heat and cook for 3 minutes until the cream thickens. Add tarragon and black pepper.

Serve immediately with rice or vegetables.

Hello my curious readers. Tell me, you will be able to fry the meat so that it is soft and juicy inside. And the outside was covered with a crispy crust? If not, don't fret. After all, everything in life can be learned if you want. And I have a surprise for you 🙂 I want to reveal to you the secret of how to fry meat in a pan to make it amazingly tasty

The entire preparatory process can be conditionally divided into several steps:

  1. We choose the right product. To cook meat in this way, it is better to take a chilled tenderloin or good quality fillet. You can also take any other part that does not require long-term heat treatment. Otherwise, long frying will turn the finished product into a “sole”. And yet, cut it into pieces should be across the fibers.
  2. Cut off the meat first. This will help soften tough fibers. Thus, the product becomes much softer and faster processed by the body.
  3. We marinate. So the product will cook faster and turn out much tastier. The simplest marinade option is pepper, garlic and vegetable oil. To do this, rub the meat with a mixture of crushed garlic and ground black pepper. And on top of the product should be coated with vegetable oil. Pickling time ranges from a third of an hour to several hours, or even days. A few more options for marinating meat.
  4. We select a suitable frying pan. A pot for frying beef, turkey or other meat should be with a cast thick bottom. It can be aluminum or cast iron. In the first case, the pan must have a non-stick coating. Yes, and the size of the dish should correspond to the amount of product that you will cook.

In addition, you should determine in advance the degree of roasting that you want to get. It all depends on the technology of cooking the dish, the meat from which you cook, and other circumstances.

How much to fry

How long to cook meat depends on many factors. For example, the type of selected product. Old pork will take much longer to cook than veal or chicken. And the size of the pieces also affects the cooking time.

Fresh veal is usually cooked over high heat for 3 minutes each side. Then 3 more on low heat with the lid closed. And to fry the bars from this meat, it will take about 10 minutes. Cooking is carried out on a medium power fire.

Pork, cut into sticks, is fried for about 25 minutes. But I do not advise cooking chops for more than 10 minutes. 5 minutes on each side is enough. I shared the recipes for cooking dishes from such meat in the article "".

If roasting turkey, the cooking time depends on the part of the carcass. The legs are fried for 35 minutes over medium heat. Frying the fillets will take that way 20 or 25 minutes.

Last weekend, by the way, we went to friends in the village. They cooked a leg of lamb in a cauldron over an open fire. They cut it into pieces, added onions, carrots, allspice and black pepper. They probably simmered for 1.5 hours. was amazing. I couldn't eat 🙂

Kazan was not imported, but our Russian one. Kukmara company. I have been eyeing this brand for a long time. If anyone at home uses the dishes of this company, write your reviews. How is it for you, how long does it last and how to use it.

Delicious recipes

I won’t let you go without original recipes 😉 You will definitely want to cook at least one of them.

Delicious with onions

Masterpiece Ingredients:

  • 0.6-0.7 kg of fresh meat (beef or pork);
  • large onion;
  • 1 tsp sugar and salt;
  • black freshly ground pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil or lard.

We cut the meat into pieces, the size of which should be slightly smaller than the dimensions of a matchbox. Then we mix sugar with pepper and season the product with this mixture. Mix the ingredients well and leave for 10 minutes.

Shred (but not very finely) peeled onions. We heat the fat in a pan and put the onion here, frying it until golden. Then put the meat on the onion pillow. Cook until golden brown over medium heat. Turn the pieces over several times while frying. And before the end of cooking, add salt to the dish.

No lids! If you cover the dish, then your fried meat will turn into a stew. And this is a completely different dish. Cooking recipes.

To give the finished dish a creamy taste, put 50 grams of butter at the end of cooking. I spied this trick from one chef. Guys, the taste changes awesome. Be sure to try.

Serve the finished dish with a suitable side dish. It can be puree, boiled rice, vegetables, etc. Whatever your darling wants on this day. Well, or quickly prepare 😉

How to fry in pieces

For such a yummy, prepare:

  • 1.5 kilos of meat (for example, pork);
  • egg;
  • 20 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 100 ml of oil (olive or other vegetable);
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt + spices to your taste.

And we will start cooking this dish by making a marinade. Therefore, beat the butter with the egg and juice. Add the above spices to the marinade and add it. If you wish, you can take ready-made spices for meat.

We wash the meat, wipe it dry and cut into pieces. The length of such pieces should be no more than 2 cm. Next, we send the pork to the marinade and put the bowl in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Roll the pieces soaked in the marinade in ground breadcrumbs. If there is no breading, then take the crackers and grind them in a blender.

We heat the oil in a frying pan and place the pork here. Fry the meat over medium-high heat, turning it over periodically. Here is the meal and it's ready. It turns out very tasty. And what a scent! He is simply divine.

Cooking on a grill pan

  • a couple of pieces of pork on the rib (each about 300 gr);
  • 100 ml of white wine;
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar;
  • freshly ground black pepper + coriander;
  • coarse salt;
  • mint, basil or other aromatic herb of your choice.

We start cooking with pickling. For the marinade, we take wine and balsamic vinegar. Salt the pork pieces and sprinkle chopped coriander on top. Then pepper and sprinkle with dried herbs.

After that, put the pieces of pork in a glass dish and pour the marinade. It does not matter if the marinade does not completely cover the meat. Just turn the pieces over after 1-1.5 hours. I recommend marinating pork for 3 hours. Dip the pieces removed from the marinade with a paper kitchen towel. Then beat them so that the thickness of the meat does not exceed 1.5 cm.

Lightly grease the surface of the grill pan with oil. We heat the dish and put the chops here. We fry this yummy for a total of 18-20 minutes. To get a beautiful mesh on the product, unroll the pieces every 4 minutes.

Serve such a delicious dish by pouring soy sauce on top and crushing chopped herbs with a small piece of butter. The peculiarity of this dish is that it is better to serve it with a minimum amount of side dish. It is better to cook vegetables in the same pan - fresh sweet peppers, some tomatoes or eggplant slices. I guarantee that the whole house will come running to the smell of such a dish 🙂

With fragrant gravy

This dish is not particularly culinary elegance. But from that it is no worse than other meat dishes. To prepare it, take:

  • 0.5 kilos of chilled meat;
  • 2 pcs. small carrots;
  • 1 tbsp wheat flour;
  • 2 pcs. medium onions;
  • 3-4 tbsp tomato paste (focus on the desired acidity of the gravy);
  • water;
  • salt + ground pepper.

Start cooking by processing the main product. We wash the meat, blot it with a paper towel and chop into small cubes (say, 2x2 cm). We spread these pieces on the hot oil in a frying pan. We fry until ready. Just before the end of cooking, salt and pepper the meat.

We chop the onion peeled from the husk in half rings, and coarsely grate the peeled carrots. When the meat is fried, add onion with grated carrots to the pan. Cook the meat with vegetables for a few more minutes, occasionally mixing the ingredients.

Next, add flour and tomato paste. Mix everything quickly. You can not hesitate at this stage, because lumps will appear. Add a little water (about 250 ml), mix the ingredients thoroughly and add salt.

We cover the vessel with a lid and, after making a small fire, stew the meat with gravy for about 7 minutes. Just do not forget to turn it over, because it can burn. Serve with boiled pasta, rice or vegetables.

Additional Tricks

When frying meat in pieces, the distance between them should be 1-1.5 cm. Thanks to this, it will be possible to achieve an appetizing golden brown. If there is a lot of meat, and the pan is small, it would be right to fry in several passes.

During cooking, do not turn the pieces too often. Do this only when the underside is browned.

I recommend salting the meat at the final stage of frying (the exception is cooking on a grill pan). Salt promotes the release of meat juice, which is why the finished product is dryish. And this, of course, affects the taste of the dish.

Do not put meat in unheated oil. Because of this, the meat will lose its juiciness. And the hot oil will “seal” the juices in the meat. Therefore, it will turn out tender, tasty and juicy.

These are just a few of the tricks for making awesome roast meats. I have so many more interesting and valuable things in store for you. Therefore, readers. And post links on social networks to your friends. I wish you culinary inspiration and say: bye!

This dish is madly loved by men. It's practically a barbecue in a pan. In addition, cooking takes just half an hour. And it would seem that it’s complicated here - you just take it and fry it, but everyone who has ever tried it knows that frying meat so that it remains juicy is not easy.


  • Pork, at least 300 gr. per eater
  • Onions and carrots - optional
  • Vegetable oil 2-3 tablespoons, salt, spices

The recipe for delicious fried meat in a pan:

  1. You need to start with the meat itself, if it is frozen, it should be thawed as slowly as possible and preferably in the refrigerator. This will preserve the juiciness that goes away during high-speed defrosting, for example, in the microwave.
  2. A few hours before cooking, the meat should be taken out of the refrigerator so that it warms up.
  3. Now about the pan - it must be heavy in order to retain and distribute the heat from the fire evenly.
  4. We start by putting a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire. We want it to be as hot as possible.
  5. We cut the meat into large pieces, 2 cm thick, dry it so that there is no excess moisture on it.
  6. Now we lightly beat off the meat, our task is to damage only the upper fibers so that they cook before the whole piece, this will seal the juice inside.
  7. Put the prepared pieces in a frying pan, which is on medium heat. Fry for about 1.5 minutes on each side. At this stage, the meat needs to be salted and spices added. Do this on both sides before flipping the pieces.
  8. Then reduce the heat and fry the meat again for 1.5 minutes. Thus, it turns out that each side is fried for about 3 minutes, first over medium heat, and then over low heat.
  9. Ready meat should be allowed to rest for 3-5 minutes in a warm plate.
  10. In the meantime, we will prepare the roast. We send onions and carrots to the pan and pass them until soft. The juice that remains from the meat will give the vegetables a breathtaking taste.
  11. You can serve such meat with a side dish, and with vegetables, as you like.
Rubric -

If the store was unlucky and you bought a stale piece of meat, then it is not necessary to immediately throw it away. There are a dozen ways to help cook such meat. Make it softer, juicier and tastier. Let's make a reservation right away, you will not get the most tender steak from a sinewy old piece anyway. But with the right approach, harsh meat can be turned into excellent roast or completely edible baked meat.


A great friend for any meat. It gives the meat a fantastic aroma and taste. You can coat a large piece with it before baking, leave for an hour, then wash it off - the meat will become tastier. If chops are planned, then they can be cut, beaten off and spread with mustard. Leave for 15 minutes, then fry. Even meat for goulash can be smeared with mustard. This can be done both before cutting into pieces, and after. You can wash it off, or you can cook it directly in a mustard marinade.


A glass of vodka added to a meat stew or roast can make the meat much softer. And as it stews, the alcohol will leave the dish, so that even those who are driving can safely eat it.


Or rather, the right approach to salting meat can help. First, the meat must be salted at the very end of cooking, or even when serving. Secondly, there should be very little salt. After all, the meat itself is salty, so only 1 tsp is needed for 1 kg of meat. salt. Maybe a little more if you like salty.

acid environment

The acidic environment softens the meat very much. But here, too, you need to act wisely. For example, it is better not to take vinegar as an oxidizing agent. It is best to use lemon juice, and very little. And when marinating meat, take not ordinary, but carbonated mineral water.

If you are stewing meat, then the gravy can also be slightly acidified. The same slice of lemon or tomatoes are an excellent choice.

When baking, you can put mugs of tomatoes on the meat, they will also soften it.

By the way, a slice of lemon added to the oil when frying meat also greatly improves its taste and tenderness.

onion juice

No wonder the barbecue is not complete without onions. But usually they take it a little and cut it into large rings. This is not how you should act. The onion needs to be cut very finely, and it is even better to turn through a meat grinder or grate, although, it seems to me, this is for extreme people. It's easy enough to chop very, very finely. Mix with meat and leave for a couple of hours. Onions will give juice, and no more marinade is required. You can also add pepper and spices, which you like best.

If you still want to chop the onion coarsely, then take more onions, 5 pieces per 1 kg, sprinkle the meat with chopped onions and spices. You can press down with a small press, but no liquid is needed.


Tough meat can still be soaked in cabbage brine. It seems to me that it has the best effect on meat, not as sharp and salty as cucumber.

By the way, if you soak the meat in a large piece, then you can make deep cuts in it so that the middle is also soaked and softened.


You can soak the meat in water with starch dissolved in it. It is best to take corn, but you can also use a simple potato. If you are going to fry the meat after that, you can count on an excellent crispy crust.

Chinese way

It is often recommended to marinate meat in soy sauce. Such a marinade will make it very interesting and soften. It is good to add corn starch and a glass of strong alcohol to the sauce. You need to marinate for a long time, it is advisable to leave the meat overnight.

Juicy boiled meat

To get tender and juicy boiled meat, firstly, you need to put it in boiling water. You can add a little sugar, and do not let the water boil too much. And salt towards the end of cooking, for half an hour-20 minutes.

Fried meat is a dish that occupies a leading position in the gastronomic world in terms of popularity. It would seem that it could be easier than taking and frying meat in a pan. However, with an inexperienced approach, you can simply “kill” all the taste qualities of this dish.

Little tricks for housewives

One of the main secrets of deliciously cooked meat is its proper cutting. There are several rules:

  1. You need to cut the meat only in thawed form. A frozen piece will simply break;
  2. After complete defrosting, the meat should be allowed to “rest” in the air for 20 minutes. During this time, all the juice will be evenly distributed over the piece;
  3. Cut this product only with a well-sharpened long knife. It is not recommended to use embossed blades, as they break the texture, and the meat loses its juices when frying;
  4. It is advisable to use a wooden board, for safety reasons;
  5. It is necessary to cut the pulp, in most cases, only across the fibers, so that during heat treatment it does not lose its juiciness.

The pulp for frying is cut into small cubes or layers. The thickness of one piece should not exceed 1.5 cm. Otherwise, you will get a damp middle with an excessively fried crust.

Of course, if this is exactly the effect that is needed at the exit, then the pieces are cut thicker, for example, as for a medium-rare steak.

The pan for frying should have a thick cast bottom, such as cast iron or aluminum (with a non-stick coating). Dishes should match the amount of meat. If the pieces are too tight to each other, then it will turn out not fried, but a stew. If, on the contrary, there is too much space, then most of the juice will simply evaporate and the meat may acquire a bitter aftertaste.

Table. The cooking time of meat of different degrees of roasting.

Description Time for preparing Temperature
Raw with blood 2-3 minutes 200 degrees
Medium raw with a predominance of pink 4-5 minutes 190-200 degrees
Medium rare with pinkish meat juice 6-7 minutes 180 degrees
Almost done 8-9 minutes 180 degrees
Fried to dry 8-9 minutes 190 degrees

How to deliciously fry meat in a pan with onions and other vegetables

The classic combination of fried meat with onions and other vegetables will never lose its relevance. It is not only very tasty and satisfying, it is also quite easy and fast.

Recipe for cooking meat slices with onions in a pan:

  • 500 grams of pulp cut into small cubes, about 1.5 by 1.5 centimeters;
  • 3-4 medium bulbs mode in half rings;
  • We heat the pan with vegetable oil poured into it;
  • First add the meat;
  • On high heat, stirring constantly, we wait until the pieces are covered with a golden crust;
  • Reduce the fire, add the onion;
  • Cook without a lid, stirring occasionally, until the meat is soft and the onion is golden.

Garnish can be absolutely anything.

To get a more tender dish, you can pre-marinate the meat with vegetables. It will take a little more time, but the result is worth it:

After the marinating time has elapsed, put the contents into a preheated pan with oil and fry until cooked.

It is important to lay out the meat with vegetables without juice, otherwise it will simply be extinguished.

How to fry pork meat with potatoes in a pan: cooking secrets

Great dish for any occasion. Firstly, economically, secondly, satisfyingly. This recipe calls for lean pork. Steps for cooking fried pork with potatoes in a pan:

  • 300 grams of fatty pork cut into cubes;
  • 6-8 medium potatoes cut into cubes;
  • Send the pork to a heated pan with butter or melted pieces of fat trimmed from it. Fry until golden brown;
  • After 10 minutes, add spices;
  • Then add chopped potatoes and mix everything thoroughly;
  • After 10 minutes, add more spices;
  • Cook until golden brown on potatoes.

You can add onions if you like. In this case, it is cut into cubes and sent to the pan at the same time as the potatoes.

How to fry meat on a grill pan beautifully and tasty

The grill pan allows you to significantly expand gastronomic combinations. It is especially convenient to use it in the preparation of meat dishes. The easiest recipe for cooking meat on a grill pan:

  • Cut the pulp into the desired pieces;
  • We rub with salt, pepper (you can use any spices) and vegetable oil;
  • Put on a hot grill;
  • Fry the pieces on both sides (processing time depends on the desired degree of roasting);
  • We remove the finished delicacy and wrap it in foil for 5-7 minutes.

Delicious and most importantly juicy dish is ready. It goes well with fresh or cooked vegetables according to the same principle.

To give the dish a more piquant taste, the meat can be pre-marinated in any marinade that you like best. An interesting marinade and part-time garnish can be obtained from vegetables. For this you will need:

We cut the vegetables into small cubes and sauté in a pan until half cooked. After 5 minutes, add well-suppressed (to a mushy state) cranberries and honey. We pass for another 3 minutes and turn it off.

Mix this mixture with chopped meat slices, add spices to taste. Sorrel will add a spicy sourness to the dish, but for this it must be added towards the end of the pickle.

We send the mixed ingredients to the refrigerator, preferably overnight. About two hours before frying, throw in the sorrel (crumpled in your hands or with a mortar) and mix everything thoroughly again.

Fry the meat on a grill pan until golden brown. We remove the finished steaks, add the marinade vegetables and bring them to the final readiness.

How to properly fry meat in a pan so that it retains its juiciness

About the correct choice of the pan and the placement of meat on it was described above. But this is not the only guarantee of success in preparing a delicious and juicy dish. A few more important rules for frying meat in a pan:

  1. Do not use meat that has been frozen. Only a freshly bought piece;
  2. Before the hottest, the pulp must be washed under running cold (!) Water and wiped dry with a towel;
  3. During cooking, do not cover the pan with a lid, the stewing process will begin.

You can check the pulp for readiness by puncturing with a toothpick. If clear juice stands out from the hole made, the dish can be turned off.

Important: it should be borne in mind that the fresh meat of a young animal and meat after a long pickling, is fried somewhat faster.

What do you need to prepare a delicious meal? Meat, a frying pan and some cooking skills that will help turn even the most ordinary pan-fried meat into a gastronomic work of art.

Enjoy your meal!