How is semolina made? Recipe for semolina porridge with milk

Semolina porridge is not made from manna at all, and pearl barley is not made from pearls. What crops are used to prepare cereals for different porridges, where are they grown, where did they come to us from and why are they useful - we find out.


Semolina is a coarse grain made from durum wheat. In ancient times, due to the rarity of the grain, such porridge was considered expensive, and only under Soviet rule did semolina become a widely available product.

This is the only grain that is digested in the lower intestine and only there is it absorbed into its walls. Semolina is a good remedy for treating intestinal diseases; it cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat. At the same time, excessive consumption of semolina threatens calcium deficiency, since the phytin contained in this porridge binds calcium salts.

Pearl barley

Pearl barley is a whole kernel of barley with the remains of the grain shells. Due to the oval or round grains of white or yellowish color, the culture got its name (“pearl” from the French “perle” - “pearl”).

Barley is rich in B vitamins. It generally contains twice as much phosphorus as other grains (this element is necessary not only for brain function, but also for proper metabolism). Pearl barley also contains lysine: this amino acid strengthens the heart muscle, accelerates the breakdown of fats and... prevents the appearance of wrinkles.


Like barley, barley is made from barley - these are crushed kernels freed from flower films. The advantage of barley is that, unlike pearl barley, it is not polished, so it contains more fiber.

Barley groats contain silicon, phosphorus, fluorine, chromium, zinc, and boron. Barley grain consists of 5-6% fiber, which helps normalize digestion and remove all harmful waste products from the body. The protein in barley is superior to wheat and, unlike animal protein, is absorbed in the human body by almost 100%.


Millet is obtained from millet grains - an annual herbaceous plant of the grass family. Millet is considered one of the most ancient agricultural plants: in Mongolia and China it was cultivated back in the 3rd millennium BC.

Among all grain crops, millet is the least allergenic: it is recommended to be included in the diet of both children and elderly people. This cereal is rich in B vitamins and amino acids, which are necessary for the growth of brain cells. It also contains macro- and microelements such as fluoride, which is good for teeth, and manganese, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism.


This is a wheat cereal of Maghreb or Berber origin. Historically, couscous was made from millet. Nowadays, the most common couscous is made from semolina, obtained from durum wheat.

Wheat couscous contains vitamin B5. Cereals are recommended for consumption by people with weak immune systems and those suffering from frequent infectious diseases. Vitamin B 5 improves the regeneration of skin and hair cells, so couscous is a good prevention of early gray hair and skin problems. Couscous is recommended for consumption by those who have low hemoglobin levels.


Buckwheat is made from steamed or unsteamed buckwheat grains, the kernel of which is separated from the fruit shells. Buckwheat came to the Slavs from Greece, which is why it got its name - “Greek cereal”.

Buckwheat is rich in minerals, the most important of which are iodine, iron, phosphorus, and copper. And the content of vitamins B, E and PP in it is 1.5-3 times higher than in other cereals. Most of the fats (2.5 g out of 3.3 g) are polyunsaturated, of plant origin, and therefore have a beneficial effect on fat metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels in the body.


This is a steeply brewed porridge made from corn flour, a Moldavian, Romanian and Western Ukrainian national dish. It is prepared from finely ground corn flour, as well as from medium and large chives.

The special benefit of hominy is that it removes excess fat from the body, slows down the aging process and is simply irreplaceable for people with tuberculosis or hypertension. Corn flour is recognized as a kind of antiseptic and also reduces cholesterol levels. Corn grits are also recommended for problems with the cardiovascular system and anemia.

To understand what benefit or harm comes from eating semolina porridge, let’s figure out, perhaps, first of all, what semolina is from which it is prepared.

Not everyone, perhaps, knows that this cereal is produced from a very popular crop today - wheat. The variety of semolina, as this product is called for short, also depends on the brand of this cereal. And so, there are three types of cereals: T (hard), M (soft) and MT (mixed).

One of the features that distinguishes semolina from ordinary wheat is the size of the grains. In semolina they are very small, only 0.25, maximum 0.75 mm in diameter.

The brand of cereal affects the quality of the dish prepared from semolina. For example, the “T” brand is best used for sweet dishes, added to minced meats, and it is also suitable for adding to soups. But the “M” brand is used for casseroles, pancakes and viscous porridges.

Composition of semolina

If we consider the nutritional value, as they say, of the edible part of semolina, then 100 g of cereal contains more than 70 g of carbohydrates, a little more than 10 g of proteins, and only 1 g of fat. About 4 g are dietary fiber. Only 0.5 g contains ash substances and 14 g of water.

Semolina is rich in vitamins. This includes vitamin E (0.25 mg) and PP (1.2 mg). There is also a range of vitamins of the most beneficial group B. Semolina contains 0.14 mg of thiamine, 0.04 mg of riboflavin, also pyridoxine (0.17 mg) and folic acid (17 mcg). The composition of 100 g of semolina is given.

The mineral range is widely represented. The cereal contains calcium (20 mg), potassium (130 mg), and magnesium (18 mg). There are also enough other components - phosphorus (85 mg), sulfur (75 mg), chlorine (21 mg).

Microelements are present in even greater quantities. This includes iron (1 mg) and zinc (0.59 mg). There is also fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium. In total, more than two dozen of these most useful and essential components for the normal functioning of the body are found in semolina.

The benefits of semolina porridge

There is still controversy about this product. Some consider it useful, others do not recommend introducing semolina into your diet at all. Situations are different. Indeed, there are ailments for which semolina porridge will bring undoubted benefits.

This applies, for example,

gastrointestinal diseases

Once in the digestive organs, semolina literally envelops them, soothing pain and relieving spasms. It also heals cracks that can form in the intestines. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet of patients with gastritis, ulcers, and other pathologies associated with the digestive system. In such cases, semolina is prepared in water, without salt and without sugar.

You can also use porridge as an excellent cleanser for the body. To do this, semolina is introduced into your morning diet. Then it will be able to absorb all the bad components that come across in other products.

Semolina porridge is also indicated during the recovery period after operations. This is facilitated by a limited amount of fiber, compared to other cereals, and excellent digestibility.

The same quality of semolina porridge allows it to be used during a serious illness. After all, during this period the body needs energy and strength to recover, and semolina can provide all this.

Excellent digestibility and fairly high energy value allows you to get rid of chronic fatigue thanks to this product.

Semolina porridge is indicated for kidney disease. Especially in case of chronic deficiency, when a protein-free diet is recommended.

In moderate quantities, the product is useful for both children and elderly people. The child’s body quickly restores wasted energy, also receiving the components necessary for its growth. It is better to prepare this dish for children with milk.

In old age, porridge prevents the development of malignant tumors in the intestines, and also prevents the demineralization of blood cells.

Some experts prove the usefulness of this product for weight loss. This is dictated by the ability of semolina porridge to remove mucus and fats.

Harm of semolina porridge

  1. The product will undoubtedly cause harm if consumed in excess. By eating several servings of semolina porridge a day, you can increase the excretion of a very important substance for the body - calcium. This is dangerous, especially for children’s bodies, and leads to poor development of the skeletal and muscular systems. Unfortunately, as a result of this, some diseases can develop, for example, rickets and spasmophilia. In old age, excessive consumption of semolina porridge threatens the development of osteoporosis and obesity.
  2. Another disadvantage of semolina is that it contains a fairly high content of a substance called gluten.
  3. Some people are intolerant to this substance. A disease of this nature is called celiac disease. This is a serious illness that is considered hereditary. Leads, if measures are not taken in time, to thinning of the intestinal walls and disruption of the body’s absorption of nutrients, which are so necessary for its normal growth and functioning. The disease can manifest itself as allergic reactions and stool disorders.
  4. Due to the high gluten content, semolina is not recommended for children under one year of age. This product can contribute to the development of a dangerous disease - allergies.
  5. Semolina porridge will not bring any benefit if you cook the cereal for a long time. The overcooked product contains no beneficial substances.

How to cook semolina porridge?

In order for the semolina, from which we prepare semolina, beloved by many, to be able to provide all the beneficial substances and be not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to remember just a few rules. They must be observed while preparing the dish. Plus, they are not complicated at all.

First of all, this is the cooking time. And so, you only need to cook semolina for about 15 minutes. This is the only way the nutrients are preserved to the maximum. By the way, pour the cereal into boiling water or milk, in a thin stream and stirring constantly.

One to ten is considered the ideal ratio. This means one part cereal and ten liquid.

To improve the taste and benefits of porridge, you can add sugar, honey, cinnamon, butter, and dried fruits. This of course depends on taste and preference.

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

Semolina is a cereal grain made from wheat grains. It is most popular in the form of porridge, but can be used for baking, casseroles, sauces and other dishes. The benefits of semolina lie not only in its nutritional value, but also in its beneficial effects on the body. Read on in the article about what semolina is, what grain it is made from, whether semolina is really beneficial for children and what else can be prepared from it.

Semolina (semolina)

The history of the use of semolina goes back to deep historical times, since it is a consequence of the cultural cultivation of wheat.

Semolina is crushed wheat grain with a small fraction size (0.25-0.75 mm), which is widely used throughout the world in cooking.

Photo: semolina (semolina)

In Russia, semolina was familiar back in pre-revolutionary times, but was not actively used, since its production was considered too expensive. Therefore, its mass distribution occurred only in the 20th century. Many residents of the post-Soviet space are very familiar with semolina, as they fed it and continue to feed it in kindergartens.

Based on the variety of wheat used for the production of cereals, it is marked with the following designations:

  • T – hard grades;
  • M – soft varieties;
  • TM is a mixture in a ratio of approximately 15/85.

Solid semolina is characterized by a more noticeable particle size and translucent structure. It is less prone to boiling and holds its shape better.

Corn semolina

Corn semolina is not one of the types of this cereal, but a marketing ploy used by some manufacturers. Corn semolina is corn grits, similar in grade to semolina. The particle size of this product is 0.3-0.8 mm. Apart from their external similarity, the products have little in common: they differ in the composition of their raw materials, taste, and technical culinary properties.

Chemical composition of semolina

Semolina is an extremely nutritious type of cereal, enriching the body with a significant proportion of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and microelements. 100 grams of this wheat by-product contains:

  • 333 kilocalories;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 10.3 g protein;
  • 70.6 g carbohydrates;
  • 3.6 g fiber;
  • 14 g water.

When cooked, semolina has much lower calorie content. So, in porridge this figure is 95-100 kcal per 100 g.

Vitamins and minerals in semolina (% of daily intake for an adult)
B1, thiamine 0.14mg (9.3%) Potassium 130 mg (5.2%)
B2, riboflavin 0.04 mg (2.2%) Calcium 20 mg (2%)
B6, pyridoxine 0.17 mg (8.5%) Magnesium 18 mg (4.5%)
B9, folate 23 mcg (5.8%) Phosphorus 85 mg (10.6%)
E, tocopherol 1.5 mg (10%) Iron 1 mg (5.6%)
PP, niacin 3 mg (15%) Silicon 6 mg (20%)
Chlorine 21 mg (0.9%)
Cobalt 25 mcg (250%)
Manganese 0.44 mg (22%)
Copper 70 mcg (7%)
Molybdenum 11.3 mcg (16.1%)
Chromium 1 mcg (2%)
Zinc 0.59 mg (4.9%)

Thus, the chemical composition of semolina provides the body with the substances necessary for the stable and efficient functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, reproductive, immune and digestive systems. Consumption of such a product in food also leads to the preservation of youthful skin, healthy hair and nails, and maintenance of physical and psycho-emotional tone.

Semolina: benefits and harm to the body

Despite such a variety of chemical composition, semolina is far from the title of the most useful, which was promoted in the USSR, where it was widely promoted as food for children. The main value of semolina is its abundance of carbohydrates, most of which are easily digestible. This ensures rapid saturation and the entry of glucose into the blood. The body receives energy, but the feeling of hunger returns quite quickly.

Useful properties of semolina

However, cereal cannot be called completely useless, since it has some valuable properties. Semolina is one of the most suitable products for people with a vulnerable gastrointestinal tract. It differs from other cereals in its low fiber content. Thanks to this, even large portions of it do not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines. This also eliminates the possibility of obstruction in a weak intestine. In turn, dietary fiber performs its cleansing functions well, removing ballast, fats and absorbing toxins. For adults, semolina porridge is often prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases and during post-operative recovery.

How minerals in semolina are beneficial for the body:

  • phosphorus is a building element for teeth and bones;
  • iron – necessary for the synthesis of hormones, ensuring the transport of oxygen through blood vessels, the effectiveness of nerve impulses;
  • zinc – participates in protein synthesis, strengthens the immune system, ensures the exchange of nucleic acids, is important for the development of sexual functions;
  • magnesium – ensures the stability of the nervous system, is involved in metabolism and insulin production;
  • copper – necessary for the production of hemoglobin, maintaining skin elasticity, and has an antiseptic effect.

Semolina with milk or water is the best nutrition option for people who have bad teeth or are undergoing a recovery period after operations on them. In addition, it is often included in a protein-free diet, for example, for kidney problems.

Semolina: benefits, harm for a child

The Soviet practice of actively feeding children semolina porridge is strongly criticized today, and for good reason. The fact is that the digestive system of a small person does not cope well with such a huge dose of starch that comes with this dish. To soften it, it is recommended to make semolina in water and in small volumes. It is believed that abuse can trigger celiac disease, a disease characterized by gluten intolerance. Large doses of starch also contribute to the development of obesity, which negatively affects overall health.

Semolina benefits and harms

For an infant or small child, semolina porridge is also dangerous because the phytin present in the dish interferes with the absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin D. As a result, the bones become weaker and thinner.

For adults, semolina is more useful and does not pose a threat to the musculoskeletal system with proper nutrition. Moreover, it is often ideal for breakfast as a source of energy. True, doctors advise to maximize its beneficial properties by boiling it only in water without any additives.


Semolina contains gluten and is therefore contraindicated for consumption by people with celiac disease, a form of allergy. In addition, those who have diabetes or a tendency to “jumps” in glucose should abstain from it. Rapid absorption of “light” carbohydrates leads to a short-term increase in this indicator and in these cases can have a negative impact on well-being.

Restrictions on the consumption of semolina apply to overweight people and pregnant women who experience rapid weight gain or late toxicosis.

Application in cosmetology: semolina for face

In addition to food use, semolina can help in the quest to maintain beauty and restore skin health. The cereal has a mild scrub effect, so it is effective in combination with oils, sour cream, kefir or other bases.

The simplest scrub for home use can be made from a handful of semolina and a small amount of cream or vegetable oil. This product should be applied in a small amount to the skin and massaged into the skin with light circular movements and gentle pressure for several minutes. Semolina scrubs can be made with kefir, yogurt, butter, cream, and carrot pulp.

Recipes for cosmetic masks with semolina for the face:

  1. For rejuvenation. Mix 100 ml of milk, 2 tbsp. semolina and beer, 1 tbsp. nettle leaves and 1 tsp. oils Boil semolina, add beer, oil and nettles to it, leave covered for 5-7 minutes. After cooling, keep it on your face for half an hour.
  2. For food. Mix 2 tsp. olive oil, egg yolk, 2 tbsp. cereals and a teaspoon of honey. Distribute over the skin and keep on it until the mixture dries.
  3. For tone. Add 2 tsp to half a glass of thick semolina porridge. honey, watermelon juice, olive oil, egg yolk and ½ tsp. salt. After mixing the ingredients well, spread on your face and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  4. For cleansing. Combine the white of one egg with 2 tablespoons of semolina. Spread thinly over the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  5. From wrinkles. Add 5 g of cocoa powder and 5 g of coconut oil to 15 grams of warm porridge. Distribute over entire face and rinse after 30-35 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every other day for a week.
  6. For acne. Combine 2 tsp. semolina with 1 tsp. green clay and add 4 drops of sandalwood essential oil. Apply with circular massaging movements onto cleansed facial skin. The procedure lasts 15 minutes.
  7. For oily skin. Mix pureed kiwi with 10 grams of cereal and add 7 drops of retinol. Spread over face with a cosmetic spatula and hold for no longer than 10 minutes.
  8. For dry skin. Add 3 drops of mint essential oil and 5 grams of fat sour cream to 15 grams of warm water. Apply to face after removing makeup and leave for about half an hour.

Semolina for fishing

Semolina, like wheat, is an excellent bait and bait for fish in the summer. Experienced fishermen often use it to attract crucian carp, carp, rudd, ide, roach, bream and similar types of fish. If the semolina bait is properly prepared, it is not easily removed from the hook. A large fish swallows it whole and does not pull it off, which is why it literally jumps onto the hook. Fish that are too small are not caught on decoy, but simply bite the bait.

The main disadvantages of semolina as fish bait:

  • unreliable position on the hook (needs some skill);
  • quick soaking;
  • Need clean water and warm weather.

In most cases, it makes sense to use semolina for float fishing, but in reservoirs with strong and medium currents it is also suitable for donkey. Throwing the bait occurs due to its weight, so a heavy sinker is not needed.

How to prepare semolina for fishing:

  1. Boil a mug of water with a few drops of fishing flavoring. Pour into it the volume of semolina required for cooking thick porridge. After cooking, keep the porridge under the lid to steam. After cooling, you need to knead the semolina with your hands for ten minutes, making its structure denser. You need to place small dense balls of the formed mass on the hook.
  2. Scoop up a glass of water from the reservoir chosen for fishing, add a flavoring product, and, stirring, add semolina until a thick mixture is formed. It should stay firmly on the spoon. Next, you need to let it brew for 10 minutes and put it into a syringe. The bait is squeezed out of the syringe, wound in a spiral around the hook. It ends at the tip of the hook.

The right decoy for fishing

Cool decoy for fishing:

  1. Boil the semolina halfway (it will soften and increase in volume) and remove from the water.
  2. Transfer it to double-folded gauze and send it into a knot to cook in boiling water for another twenty minutes.
  3. Or fill a matchbox with cereal, add flavoring and, closed, throw it into a pan of boiling water. After an hour of cooking, you will get a dense bait in the form of a bar, which can be easily cut with a knife.

For greater effectiveness, it is better to use natural sources of odors rather than synthetic powder mixtures. However, fatty vegetable oils make it less dense. Good options: strawberries, garlic, anise, cherries, maggots, sugar, dill, onions, vanilla, honey, salt, bloodworms. In autumn and spring, when the water is cold, garlic in any form is good. Crucian carp bites well on bloodworms, roach - vanilla, bream - banana, fennel, coriander, anise, cinnamon, pear. Carp loves caramel, fruit essences, garlic, vanilla, hemp, and honey. You can also flavor it with the popular Revit vitamins by dissolving 1-2 tablets in the cooking water.

Use of semolina in cooking: delicious recipes

The simplest and most famous way to use this product is porridge. It cooks extremely quickly and easily, using a milk or water base. Moreover, this is a dish that cannot be overcooked, otherwise everything will evaporate.

Semolina on water: recipe

First, you need two hundred liquids to boil, and then, actively stirring it, pour in the semolina in a thin stream and boil for no longer than 15 minutes. The standard proportion for cooking is 1 volume of cereal per 10 volumes of milk. You can diversify and make the porridge tastier by adding dried fruits, honey, cinnamon, butter, nuts, fresh berries and fruits, and herbs.

Semolina porridge does not go well with legumes, dates, potatoes, bread and other products that are characterized by a high carbohydrate content.

Semolina with milk: video recipe

Semolina dumplings for soup

  1. Break 2 eggs into 900 g of semolina, add salt and pepper to your taste.
  2. Mix thoroughly and dilute slightly with water to bring to the desired structure.
  3. Do not knead or roll. You need to spoon it into the soup.

Semolina dumplings take a little longer to cook than dumplings. For a more tasty and satisfying preparation, you can add chopped meat, sausage, fried onions, etc. to the recipe.

Semolina pancakes

  1. Mix half a glass of granulated sugar and 1 egg in a bowl, whisk. It is better that the egg is cold, this will give additional lightness when beating.
  2. Add a glass of kefir to the mixture and whisk everything again.
  3. Add semolina, stir and let it swell in the dough.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, add a glass of wheat flour and ½ tbsp. baking powder. If you like it, you can add a little vanilla.
  5. Shake the dough well and let rest for 10 minutes. The flour should be allowed to soak well and “disperse.”
  6. You can start frying the pancakes by transferring the dough into the frying pan with a spoon.

Cheesecakes with semolina: video recipe

Semolina casserole in the oven


  • 1000 ml milk;
  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. butter;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • jam, marmalade or marmalade for serving.


  1. First, make a thick milky semolina porridge over a low flame. If at first it seems that it is too thin, there is no need to add more cereal - the semolina will soon thicken during cooking.
  2. Combine 3 tbsp. sugar and eggs, beat until fluffy and add to the porridge.
  3. Add vanilla sugar, butter, and salt. Stir.
  4. Place the dough into a frying pan or mold coated with oil and sprinkled with semolina, and smooth it out.
  5. Place in a 180 degree oven until the dough thickens and browns.

Semolina cutlets


  • 0.3 l milk;
  • 100 g cereal;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 chip salt;
  • a couple of tablespoons of ghee for frying;
  • flour or anything suitable for breading.
  1. Add salt, sugar and semolina to boiling milk. Make a stiff porridge (like mashed potatoes) without lumps.
  2. Place in a bowl and break the eggs into it, mix.
  3. The dough is done. Now you need to heat a frying pan with oil.
  4. Roll the hand-rolled cutlets in breading material and fry until golden brown on both sides.
  5. Keep the cutlets on a napkin to remove excess oil.

Semolina soufflé


  • 0.25 l milk;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • tbsp vanilla;
  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • 35 g butter;
  • 45 g semolina;
  • butter and extra sugar for greasing the pans.


  1. Coat the molds with butter and sprinkle with sugar, and then put them in the freezer.
  2. Combine milk, vanilla and butter in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the cereal into the liquid and boil for 3-4 minutes. With such proportions, this time is enough to obtain a thick mass.
  4. Add the yolks to the transferred porridge, mix, and then add sugar and dried apricots cut into small pieces.
  5. Separately, beat the whites with salt until fluffy.
  6. Add the protein mass to the puree and mix.
  7. Remove the molds from the cold and fill with the prepared mixture.
  8. Place the molds in a water bath so that the soufflé does not dry out from the heat of the oven and remains tender.
  9. Send the soufflé to bake in the oven, heated to 180˚C, for 20 minutes. During this time, it is not recommended to open the oven.
  10. Decorate the finished soufflés with white chocolate and halves of canned apricots or in any other way to your taste.

Manna pie with milk


  • a glass of semolina;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • ½ tsp. baking soda.

To prepare a dish, many housewives, especially young and inexperienced ones, first open a cookbook or search for the most suitable recipe on the Internet. But almost no one ever looks for how to cook semolina porridge with milk, believing that this is a simple task that does not require knowledge, skills, or the use of any special techniques or tricks. And in vain. To prepare truly delicious semolina porridge with milk, you really need some knowledge and adherence to technology and proportions. It’s not for nothing that many children refuse to eat semolina porridge, no matter what you flavor it with - berries, sugar or even chocolate. And if incorrectly cooked semolina porridge sits for a while, an unpleasant film will certainly form on its surface, which will make not only children, but also many adults, sick. People often make mistakes with the proportions in semolina porridge.

By the way, it should be said here that it is generally not recommended to give semolina porridge to babies under one year old, but older children can be made to love it only on the condition that you learn how to cook it correctly without lumps. Then at least once a week you will know how to quickly, tasty and satisfyingly feed the whole family a healthy breakfast, without spending a lot of time on it. See below how to cook semolina porridge step by step instructions with photos.

Who among us doesn’t know about semolina? Probably each of us was fed porridge made from this cereal in childhood. Have you ever thought about what semolina is made from? Semolina (or simply semolina) is made from wheat grains with a grain diameter of 0.25 to 0.75 mm.

Semolina is produced in three brands:

  • M - from soft vitreous and semi-vitreous wheat,
  • T - from solid,
  • MT - from a mixture of hard and soft wheat.

M-grade cereals are made from soft wheat varieties. It has opaque white grains. It cooks quickly and gives the greatest increase in volume. The porridge made from it is uniform in consistency and has good taste.

T-grade cereals are produced from soft wheat varieties. In appearance, it is a translucent yellow grain with glassy sharp edges.

MT brand cereal is made from a mixture of soft and durum wheat. This brand of cereal is variegated in color and heterogeneous in shape.

Benefits and harms

Semolina, like all products, has its own beneficial and not so beneficial properties. Of course, there are more benefits from its use, but we should not forget about some of its not very useful properties.

Beneficial features

First of all, the benefit of semolina is that its preparation takes very little time, which means that most of the beneficial substances are preserved.

Due to the low fiber content in its composition, doctors recommend consuming semolina during the postoperative period, as well as in cases of severe exhaustion.

Semolina has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, because... has a calming effect on gastritis and ulcer pain.

The presence of Potassium in the composition has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, and B vitamins help the nervous system function normally.


Despite the above advantages of semolina, it can also have a negative effect on the human body.

Semolina contains gluten, which is not beneficial for our body. This is especially dangerous for people who are gluten intolerant, because... they may develop a disease - celiac disease, in which the intestinal mucosa begins to thin and the process of absorption of nutrients is disrupted.

Gluten gives bread its fluffiness, but it is not very beneficial for the body.

Semolina also contains phytin, which contains phosphorus. Phosphorus, in turn, prevents calcium from entering the blood. Therefore, dishes with semolina should be consumed together with foods rich in calcium.

Children, especially those under the age of 1 year, can suffer the most due to the harmful effects of semolina. Due to the consumption of a large number of dishes made from this cereal and due to the lack of calcium caused by this, the child’s body may begin such negative processes as:

  • weakening of the immune system,
  • poor development of muscles and bones,
  • the appearance of signs of rickets,
  • worsening blood clotting.

All this does not mean completely excluding this cereal from the child’s diet, but you should consult a doctor before regularly feeding dishes made from this cereal, especially for a child under 1 year of age.

Composition and energy value

The presence of beneficial and harmful properties depends on the composition of the product; use in diets depends on the energy value and calorie content. Below is the full composition and energy value of semolina.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • Proteins - 10.3 g
  • Fats - 1 g
  • Carbohydrates - 67.4 g
  • Dietary fiber - 3.7 g


  • Vitamin B1 0.14 mg
  • Vitamin B2 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B6 0.17 mg
  • Vitamin B9 23 mcg
  • Vitamin E 1.5 mg
  • Vitamin PP 3 mg
  • Niacin 1.2 mg


  • Potassium 130 mg
  • Calcium 20 mg
  • Silicon 6 mg
  • Magnesium 18 mg
  • Sodium 3 mg
  • Sulfur 75 mg
  • Phosphorus 85 mg
  • Chlorine 21 mg


  • Aluminum 570 mcg
  • Boron 63µg
  • Vanadium 103 mcg
  • Iron 18 mg
  • Cobalt 25 mcg
  • Manganese 0.44 mg
  • Copper 70 mcg
  • Molybdenum 11.3 mcg
  • Nickel 11.5 mcg
  • Tin 3.2 mcg
  • Titanium 8.9 mcg
  • Fluoride 20 mcg
  • Chromium 1 mcg
  • Zinc 0.59 mg

Calorie content

Semolina porridge with butter

The calorie content of dry semolina is 330 kcal. You won’t eat dry semolina, so below are approximate calorie values ​​for different dishes with its addition:

  • Semolina porridge on water - 80 kcal.
  • Semolina porridge with milk - 98 kcal.
  • Cottage cheese casserole with semolina - 163 kcal.
  • Cheesecakes with semolina - 230 kcal.

Calorie values ​​are approximate and may vary due to... When preparing dishes, different proportions and types of products are used (for example, milk with different percentages of fat content).


The main use of semolina is preparing various dishes with it, such as porridge, casseroles, cheesecakes, etc.

Fishermen also use semolina to prepare bait (for example, chatterbox) or to prepare groundbait.

How long to cook

Usually, everyone cooks semolina in their own way and it depends on the cooking recipe, but the average cooking time for semolina when preparing porridge is only 3 to 5 minutes, regardless of what you cook it with - water or milk.

This cereal is one of the leaders in terms of cooking speed, and this is due to the fact that the diameter of the cereal is quite small.

How to choose

It is advisable to choose T brand cereals, because... it is made from durum wheat, which means its glycemic index is lower than that of the MT and M brands. A low glycemic index is better for our body in terms of gaining excess weight.

When choosing semolina, you should pay attention to the color and appearance of the product. The grains should be approximately the same size and color. The presence of foreign objects and insects in the cereal is not allowed.

When purchasing in a closed package, you should pay attention to the expiration date and the presence of the GOST standard, because In such packaging it is not possible to discern the appearance of the cereal.

How to store and expiration date

For storage, it is advisable to pour it into a glass jar or other container with a tight lid after purchase.
It should be stored in a dark place at room temperature and humidity no more than 70%.

Subject to storage conditions, the shelf life of semolina is from 7 to 10 months.

Watch a video fragment of the Galileo program about semolina:

They either love it very much or categorically reject it. However, not many people know, especially for residents of large cities, how semolina grows and what it is made from. And the answer is actually very simple.

How is semolina grown?

In reality, you will not be able to find manna fields on earth. There is simply no such plant in nature. However, this does not mean that semolina is of artificial origin.

If we talk about what semolina is made from, it is traditional wheat. The same one from which bread appears on our tables. It's simple: if wheat is ground finely, flour is obtained. And if it’s big, then semolina.

When growing wheat, by the middle - by the end of summer, the grains located in the spikelet will ripen. After harvesting, the peeled grains are coarsely ground. Varietal grinding has a medium size. This means that the semolina particle size ranges from 0.25 to 0.75 mm in diameter.

It is worth indicating what grain the semolina is made from. The fact is that not any wheat is suitable for making semolina. First of all, this is a hard variety, which farmers call the “T” brand. In addition, soft varieties are also used for the production of semolina, but of the “M” brand or a mixture of them.

Using semolina and its benefits

Unfortunately, it is impossible to call semolina exclusively. The fact is that the fiber content in it does not exceed 2%. At the same time, when it enters the stomach, semolina absorbs calcium from the body. Thus, calcium, which is so necessary for the bones of growing organisms, does not enter the blood, but is withdrawn. In addition, semolina contains a considerable amount of gluten, which can cause allergic reactions in some children, and even in adults. At the same time, semolina is perfectly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, cooks quickly and supplies a large amount of calories. For children who are not gaining weight well and in the postoperative period, semolina porridge is what the doctor ordered.