How to cover a cake with cream. What can you use to cover the top of the cake other than mastic at home? Photo ideas

Girls, I’ll show you how I level the cake) I assembled the cake on working plywood and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. I smeared it a little on the sides and just a little on top. Leave a little cream for the crumbs. I pulled it out of the refrigerator, put the base on top on which we will serve the cake (if the napkin is lacy, then I put the parchment first, then the napkin, then the base) and sharply wrapped the cake. Here we have it upside down now)

Now, even if the cake is even on the sides (sometimes this happens)) I still cut it off a little, just a little. This biscuit grew and a mushroom formed, so I had to cut off more.

When we cut it, it became even, it seems that you can immediately apply cream under the mastic, but since it’s summer, it’s hot, and the fillings are different, so that it definitely doesn’t drip, I make crumbs, even if some kind of cream comes up in the heat leak (after all, not everyone follows the rules for using the cake before cutting), then the crumb absorbs everything into itself.

I add another 1-2 tbsp to these scraps. any cream (if there is no cream, then add vegetable cream) beat with a mixer. I don’t know how to describe the consistency, but so that it is more like a cream than a dense mass, it should be easy to apply with a knife, like a cream and not reach for the knife. We coat the cake with this crumb first on the sides, applying the crumb just above the top line of the cake, then on top

Smooth out those edges that have formed on the sides onto the plane of the cake

We leveled it and put it in the refrigerator for an hour, or, if we are in a hurry (as I was today) for 5-10 minutes in the freezer (but no more!!) During this time we make the cream for the mastic - I forgot to take a photo, I’ll just tell you in words. I beat about 200 grams of butter into a fluffy mass with 1-2 tbsp. sah. powders. I take 200 grams. cup, pour half of the white chocolate glaze and half of the black, put it in a micro to defrost, once it has melted, mix well so that everything melts completely, when it has cooled a little, pour it into the butter with powder and beat it well at high speed - the cream brightens. Take out the cake and coat the sides first in a circle. While I was smearing, where I started to smear the cream had already become hard, and now it’s easy to level it, I level it from bottom to top so that a small edge is also formed at the top, then I smear the top and smooth the edges from the sides onto the top of the cake

I don’t put it in the refrigerator anymore. Since while I’m rolling out the mastic, the cake will return to normal temperature and won’t sweat. I cover it with mastic... And here I ask you not to laugh... well, I don’t have a special pastry iron, but I do have an iron from a building materials store, but with a special pad - it’s soft and glides very well over the mastic.

Using an iron, I level first the top, then the barrel, the iron must be held perpendicular to the substrate, and so I level the top-sides, top-sides, until it is even, and in no case should I smooth the sides (well, except when you need a streamlined or semicircular shape )

Well, that's all... Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but everyone should find something for themselves that suits them... this leveling suited me, the cake does not sag or flow.

When making homemade cakes, the right, delicious cream is half the success. No matter how fluffy and well-baked your cakes are, without creamy impregnation and topping, the cake will look unfinished. The choice of which cream to cover the top of the cake depends on the occasion. For example, if you want to make a holiday version and are not going to save on calories, then you can make butter or butter cream. When the task is to make baked goods more dietary, you can make fruit or berry jelly or curd mass. There are a huge number of options, you just have to choose according to your taste and capabilities.

Treat for a children's party: what to cover the top of the cake with? Photo ideas

When it comes to baking for a children's party, we think of a bright, fondant cake with different figures. But not everyone likes or can afford it. What can you cover the top of the cake with besides mastic to make it original? After all, you want to do something unusual and beautiful for a child.

If your child loves fruits and berries, then you are in luck. You can decorate a cake with fruit or berry jelly and make original fruit figures.

Fruits and berries are available all year round, colorful decorations will look bright and festive, and the child benefits from them much more than from colored mastic or chocolate.

They are compatible with cottage cheese or yoghurt cream, they feel great together with whipped cream and even more so with fruit and berry jelly.

Cream of cottage cheese and vanilla pudding with berry jelly

  • 2 bags of vanilla pudding;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 6 teaspoons sugar;
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 200-300 grams of berries.

Let's prepare the classic pudding according to the recipe on the package, but instead of 1 packet per 500 ml of milk, put two and add a little sugar. Cool the pudding and mix with cottage cheese. Then beat with a mixer.

Coat the cakes with curd cream and cover the cake with it. Level with a spatula.

Now let's start with the berry decoration. You will need gelatin, or if you want to make your life easier, buy a ready-made strawberry jelly mix. You can use any berries, even frozen ones.

Prepare the filling according to the instructions, then wait until it is warm and cover the cake in small portions. This should be done from the center of the cake out to the edges.

Before the jelly has completely hardened, arrange the berries beautifully. Large strawberries can be cut in half lengthwise. You can make numbers, letters and whole figures from the berries. Or you can simply make an ornament, alternating fruits of different colors and sizes.

Nut cream: tasty and elegant

If you have walnuts at home, then the question of what to cover the top of the cake with is practically resolved. Nuts are equally good in tandem with biscuit and shortcrust pastry.


  • 100 ml. milk;
  • 100 grams of coarsely chopped nuts;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of rum; 2 tablespoons honey;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 250 grams of butter.

Heat the milk until it steams, pour it over the chopped nuts, pour in the rum and leave to cool. Heat the honey in a water bath, add sugar, break the eggs and continue cooking, stirring constantly. After 10 minutes, when the mass thickens, add nuts and rum to it. Cool again and beat with pre-softened butter.

Brush the cakes with the creamy mixture and sprinkle a good layer of nut crumbs on top.

Pineapple cream for cake:

  • 2 packages vanilla pudding;
  • 1/2 l milk;
  • ½ stick of butter;
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 1 sachet vanilla sugar;
  • a couple of drops of rum;
  • 1 jar of pineapple compote.

Whisk all ingredients except pineapple compote together. At the very end, add a spoonful of juice from the can and whisk again.

Place the cream in the refrigerator for at least 40 minutes.

Coat all the cakes with cream. Spread the cream over the top of the cake with a spatula and arrange the chopped pineapples nicely.

Paris cream

This delicious cream is prepared very quickly. Ideal for biscuits. What to put on top if the cream is chocolate? Of course with chocolate! Use different colored chocolate chips and stencils. White chocolate hearts or figures made from it will look great on dark cream.

  • 200ml whipping cream;
  • 200 grams of baking chocolate;
  • 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 200 grams of butter;
    white chocolate - 30 grams.

Cook the cream, chocolate and powdered sugar over low heat or steam with constant stirring. Let cool to room temperature. Then add the oil and beat well.

Spread the cake layers and the top of the cake. Grate white chocolate on a fine grater. Place stencils on the cake and cover with white shavings.

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It is necessary to level it, that is, to obtain a product covered with a layer of cream that hides its possible defects. Is it possible to level the cake yourself, in your home kitchen, using the available tools? As experienced home confectioners assure, this is quite possible. There are many ways to cover the surface of a cake with an even layer of cream, which housewives are happy to share. How to level a cake at home? Let's talk about this in our article.

How to properly level a cake?

This method is one of the most convenient and popular. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it for those who are interested in the question: how to level a cake with cream.

They work like this: first, carefully cut the cake layers and assemble the cake. The next step is to directly coat and level the product with cream.

What tools will you need?

To level the cake, you will need certain tools. Prepare:

  • (length 20-33 cm);
  • scraper;
  • ice cream spoon (you can use a dispenser or pastry bag);
  • a rotating table (those who rarely have to decorate cakes can do without it, but if the housewife does it regularly, such a table can make her work much easier);
  • mat (non-slip) - it will help fix the product on the table;
  • rubber spatula;
  • an additional bowl (necessary for collecting the cream mixed with crumbs);
  • cake (assembled);
  • cream (any).

How to proceed

We offer step-by-step instructions for those who do not know how to level a cake. The process is not particularly difficult; even a beginner can handle it. You just need to read the step-by-step description of the technology and some recommendations.

Master class on how to level a cake: the beginning

First of all, for 5 minutes, using a hand mixer, beat the cream at low speed (this gets rid of the presence of air bubbles in it). Then the cake is covered with a thin layer of cream (80 g), due to which all the crumbs are fixed and the possibility of their penetration into the main cream layer (decorative) is excluded.

Coat the cake

Next, the cream is placed in the very center of the top of the cake. Using a spatula, spread it from the center to the edges. The sides are coated with the cream that extends beyond the cake. In this way, the product is completely coated so that every millimeter of its surface is covered with a thin creamy layer.

Those who want to know how to level a cake should note that if it is necessary to add an additional portion of cream, in no case should you use the spatula used to coat it. Numerous crumbs may remain on it, which can significantly spoil the appearance of the product.

Remove excess cream from the top

Next, remove excess cream from the edges of the top of the cake. To do this, use a spatula to move from the edges to the center of the dessert, and remove the creamy excess into a special separate bowl. The cream is collected from the top several times until all the excess from the edges is gone and the top of the cake is covered with a fairly thin cream layer.

If there is excess cream on the tool, you should not remove it by wiping the spatula on one of the corners of the cake (inexperienced housewives often use the corner formed between the side of the cake and its top for this purpose). It is better to remove the excess cream into an empty container, and, if necessary, take it from there, using it exclusively to cover the base (very first) layer.

Align the sides

At this stage, remove excess cream from all sides of the cake. A scraper is used for this. Place it so that a 90 degree angle is formed between the tool and the sides of the dessert, and begin to scrape, removing excess cream. Having removed the excess, it should be placed in a separate bowl, which has already been mentioned (see above). The resulting “naked cake” is put into the cold - the cream should set and securely hold all the crumbs together.

When working with a scraper, you should apply enough force to remove excess cream. But at the same time, experienced housewives recommend not to overdo it: with a sharp scraper, if you are careless, you can cut the cake.

Decorative alignment

Next, the cake is taken out of the refrigerator, and about 115 g of cream is placed on top of it using a measuring spoon. This amount of cream is enough to cover the surface of a cake with a diameter of 15 cm. If the product is larger, you should increase the volume of cream used.

At this stage, it is convenient to use a pastry syringe or a bag with a round nozzle. Fill the bag (syringe) and evenly cover the top and sides of the cake with cream, drawing longitudinal lines with it to make it easier in the future to evenly distribute the mass throughout the cake. In this case, you need to move the spatula from the center of the product to the edges. The thickness of the cream layer can be whatever you want, the main thing is complete and uniform coverage of the entire surface. The cream that extends beyond the top is spread on the sides.

First, coat the sides of the cake from below, then rise above. The excess cream that rises above the top edge of the product will subsequently be used to level its top.

If necessary, add cream, scoop it up with a rubber spatula and apply it to another metal (working) spatula. You should act very carefully in order to avoid damaging the base layer of the cream and getting crumbs into it.

Working with a scraper again

Next, a scraper is placed strictly vertically on the surface of the cake, which is evenly covered with cream. The turntable begins to rotate, while the hand must remain motionless. It is not recommended to press the scraper too hard, since at this stage the housewife is faced with the task of leveling the cake (the excess cream has already been collected). Go around the cake with a scraper two or three times.

Lubricating irregularities

Having leveled the sides, use a clean, dry spatula to smear all remaining unevenness. Then take the scraper again (dry, clean) and level the cream layer with it.

Finishing touches

Next, you should tidy up the top of the product. Holding the spatula strictly horizontally, spread the excess cream, moving from the edges to the center. Then they pass around the entire circumference. The spatula should be cleaned of cream before each new action. The resulting cake with a smooth top and sides is ready for further decoration.

About the benefits of cream cheese

Often young housewives are interested in how to line a cake with cream cheese. Home confectioners call this product a real super-cream, suitable both for layering cake layers (sponge cakes) and for leveling cakes. It is also popularly used to create delicious cupcake toppers.

The cream is made from three ingredients: cream cheese, butter or cream (from 33%) and powdered sugar. This product does not flow in the heat, so it is very convenient for leveling cakes. Experienced confectioners assure that using cream cheese to smooth the surface of a dessert is no different from using its analogues.

Before you start working with this product, you need to take the cream out of the refrigerator about 15 minutes so that it warms up a little, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use. Also, during the leveling process, housewives recommend putting the cake in the refrigerator from time to time so that the cream layer hardens. Cream cheese is frozen, used to cover mousse desserts, used as mastic, and also filled with colored glaze.

A dessert that will be a wonderful end to a festive dinner will be remembered by guests if you decorate it beautifully. Some types of jewelry require more than just craftsmanship. Properly prepared cream for leveling the cake will allow you to create a good shape on which even mastic, the most finicky to use, will lie in an even layer.

Butter cream for leveling the cake

This type is often used not only to create the desired shape. It is also great for decoration: creating flowers, borders and inscriptions.

The main thing is to use the ingredients correctly.

For example, let's take:

  • 180 g high fat butter;
  • 1 can of condensed milk.

Bring the butter to room temperature, cut into pieces and begin to beat with a mixer. The mass should take on a fluffy shape and lighten in color. Usually 5 minutes is enough. Add condensed milk and stir for a couple more minutes.

Level with the blunt end of a long knife or a plastic spatula.

You can add ground shortbread to the cream, which will add even more viscosity. For aroma, many people pour a tablespoon of cognac or liqueur, sprinkle in coconut shavings or a drop of vanilla essence. Condensed milk can be replaced with other ingredients: just sugar, a bar of chocolate, which should be melted in a water bath.

After application, keep in a cool place so that the mixture hardens a little.

Curd with cream

The taste of the cream will add zest. It is not difficult to prepare even for a novice cook.

We buy:

  • cream – 120 g;
  • curd cheese – 540 g;
  • powdered sugar – 70 g.

When choosing a dairy product, consider the fat content and its origin. The cream must be real or confectionery. Otherwise, you won't succeed.

The cream must be cooled in advance, poured into the mixer bowl and whipped for a couple of minutes at low speed, gradually increasing it. When the volume begins to increase, first add curd cheese without turning off the machine. Then add powder in parts.

Watch the consistency, as if you beat it you will get a wooden curd cream. It is better to apply in parts, allowing to cool in the refrigerator.

At the end, you can heat the knife blade and run it along the top and sides. This will make the surface perfectly smooth.

Milk chocolate ganache

Here, all the products you need must be of high quality with a high percentage of fat content.


  • 75 ml cream;
  • 2 bars of dark chocolate (180 g);
  • 100 g butter.

The main thing is to consider the amount of cocoa butter in chocolate. The less it is, the more grams you need. If you use white chocolate, then its ratio increases to 3:1.

Place a saucepan in a water bath into which the cream is poured and the chocolate bars are broken. Don't be alarmed when you notice a slight lump formation while stirring. Everything will pass soon. When you achieve homogeneity, remove from the stove and cool slightly. Add soft (otherwise the cream will separate) butter to the mixture and stir thoroughly with a whisk.

This cream is not used immediately, but is kept in a cold place until it thickens. The time depends on the quality of the ingredients. By whipping the finished mixture you can get a truffle version.

Cream cheese for leveling the cake

The confectioners are confident that only with Almette cheese can the correct cream be obtained. But it can’t always be found in stores. We suggest replacing it with good cream cheese.

Let's prepare:

  • 70 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 ml heavy cream;
  • 500 g cream cheese.

Start whipping cold cream with powdered sugar. At first, set the mixer speed to low so as not to splatter, and as it thickens, you can increase it. Since there is a possibility of separation, you should monitor the mass and as soon as peaks appear, add the cheese. Uniformity will indicate the readiness of the cream cheese to level the cake. It should be cooled before application.

Custard under glaze

There are several types of preparation. The option below is more suitable in consistency if the final decoration is chosen in the form of icing.

We purchase:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 7 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • a little salt;
  • 100 g butter.

In a deep saucepan of small diameter, begin to grind the yolks with sugar. Next, add potato starch along with flour. Add milk in small portions. It is better to stir with a whisk to avoid lumps.

Place in a water bath and bring to a boil, gradually stirring until thickened. Remove from the stove and set aside until the temperature drops to room temperature. Only then add the oil here and beat the mass with a mixer.

To hide the yellow color, you can add a little instant coffee, cocoa or food coloring.

Swiss cooking recipe


  • 90 g sugar;
  • 3 squirrels;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 1 tsp. cognac

Very carefully, so that not even a drop of yolk gets in, separate the whites into a clean and dry bowl. Add sugar and place in a water bath. While stirring, wait until the sugar has completely dissolved and begin beating for 10 minutes with a mixer until the mass begins to hold its shape.

Reduce speed and add soft butter in small pieces. The consistency will constantly change: at first it will liquefy a little, then grains will appear and in the end it will become glossy, which is what we wanted. Pour in the cognac, stir a little, cool and you can start assembling the cake.

Cooking in Italian

This cream is used not only for leveling cakes, but also served as a separate dessert.

We will need:

  • 7 g gelatin;
  • 3 squirrels;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • 500 ml cream;
  • a drop of vanillin.

First of all, soak the gelatin in a glass.

Place the sugar syrup in a cup and add 80 ml of water. While it is boiling, start beating the egg whites with a mixer.

As soon as they are ready, without stopping the mixer, pour in the syrup in a thin stream, and then the gelatin (if it has not completely dissolved, then achieve this using a water bath).

As soon as the mass becomes warm, elastic and dense, the meringue is ready.

Separately, start whipping the heavy cream, add vanilla. Lushness will mean it's time to add meringue. Quickly stir in and you're done.

The wonderful taste of ice cream is complemented by the aroma of baking.

We put the following products on the table:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • 350 ml fat sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 70 g butter;
  • egg;
  • ½ tsp. vanillin.

Mix all ingredients except oil in an enamel bowl and transfer to a saucepan with boiling water, creating a water bath.

Without ceasing to stir with a whisk, wait for brewing (thickening). While the mixture cools, beat the butter at room temperature with a mixer. Without turning off the machine, add the custard mixture in parts, bringing it to homogeneity.

To stabilize, we send it to a cold place. The ice cream can be supplemented with condensed milk.

Today I will share with you a technique for decorating cakes with cream and icing with fondant decorative elements.

Step 1folded the cake(it can be anything inside), left to stand overnight. Overnight the cake will be well soaked, the cream will harden and then you can continue working with it.

Step 2– if your cake is not smooth, then you need to additionally level it with either ganache, or condensed butter cream, or sponge cake crumbs with condensed butter cream. Or you can not level it, BUT then you will need more mascarpone cheese cream to finish the cake.

Step 3

Let's prepare the cream with mascarpone cheese.

The recipe is quite simple:

  • 300 g – mascarpone
  • 80 – 100 g – softened butter
  • powdered sugar to taste

Beat everything well to form a thick cream.

Step 4We color the cream with food coloring in the colors we need.. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that harmoniously selected colors will add special chic and style to your cake.

I will give the most understandable color scheme for color combinations.

Step 5Apply cream to cake using a pastry bag(if you don't have bags, you can use a milk carton) I like to use disposable piping bags. If bubbles appear in your cream, you need to cool it a little in the refrigerator, because... It has a very delicate structure and can lose its properties if overheated.

Step 6smooth out the cream using a pastry spatula(either a knife with a smooth edge, or you can buy a metal ruler - it’s very convenient to work with, it replaces a pastry spatula).

Step 7cool the cake well, you can even put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, so the top layer of the cake will harden well and the icing will lay beautifully on top.

Step 8prepare the glaze and cover the cake.

Glaze with chocolate

For 100 g of chocolate, approximately 40 g of butter.

Melt the chocolate (it’s easiest in the microwave) and add butter; the consistency of the glaze will be silky, very tasty and will not crumble when cutting the cake (like regular chocolate). Working temperature is 30-32 degrees (or you can try it with the back of your hand - the glaze should not be hot).