How to color eggs for Easter in different ways. Red cabbage coloring

  • powder dyes,
  • table vinegar
  • hard boiled hot chicken eggs,
  • glass jars, half a liter,
  • paper towels,
  • tablespoons,
  • boiling water.

Cooking process:

Step-by-step instruction

First step. In clean and dry glass jars, half a liter in volume, carefully pour one packet of powder food paint. We do this carefully so that the powder does not get on our hands or the table, it is quite difficult to wash it off later. Instead of cans, you can also use ordinary plastic bottles, only for this they must first be cut in half to obtain containers of the desired size. Next, fill in the dyes for eggs with boiling water and add one tablespoon of vinegar to each jar as a dye fixer.

Second step. Then we take a hard-boiled hot chicken egg, place it on a tablespoon and carefully immerse it in a jar with one of the dyes.

Step three. After seven to ten minutes, carefully remove the egg from the paint can and put it on a dish, previously covered with three layers of paper towels or ordinary table napkins. Important! Use a separate tablespoon for dyeing eggs for each dye color, and do not put dyed eggs in different colors on one plate.

Fourth step. Let the egg dry completely, after which the colored eggs can be additionally rubbed with vegetable oil to make it shine.

We hope you find useful our tips on how to paint Easter eggs with dry dyes.

If you just find the multi-colored eggs not interesting to you, then you can additionally decorate them using ordinary gel pens.

Another method, perhaps the most common, used by the bulk of our grandmothers (and many housewives paint eggs this way to this day) is painting using onion peels. The recipe is simple: along with the eggs, dip more onion husks into boiling water, wait until the eggs change color and take out. The color is very intense, from golden yellow to deep red. Here is a step-by-step photo recipe from one of our authors Svetlana Kislovskaya.

How to color eggs in onion skins

For the wonderful holiday of Holy Easter, I always paint eggs in onion skins. I do not like dyes - that's all! My mom always does this, and she taught us, her daughters. Everything is very simple, the result is wonderful, and most importantly, without chemistry, everything is natural. Even if the eggs burst during cooking, then there is nothing wrong with that, they can be crumbled into a salad. I offer a very simple recipe for dyeing eggs. The most important thing is that you must dig up this husk in advance, and the more of it, the brighter and richer the color of the colored eggs will be.
We will need:
  • Eggs 8-15 pieces,
  • Onion peels - a few handfuls,
  • Water,
  • Salt.

How to cook onion broth

Rinse the onion husks under water. You don't have to do this if you have it clean. Then we put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. It is better to take an old saucepan for such purposes, since then it will be "colored" for some time. Over time, the color will wash off.

We put it on the stove and wait for everything to boil. The water has boiled, we turn down the heat, and we cook the husk for several minutes. I used to paint eggs along with the husk. But I noticed that when you put eggs with husks in cold water, they turn out to be spotty. If this does not bother you, then you can cook like that. It's much faster this way. But now I cook in exactly the way that is presented today. First, we prepare the onion broth, and then (even the next day this can be done when the water has completely cooled down), you can cook eggs in it.

So, when the water has boiled for about ten minutes, turn off the stove and let the water cool completely. Let us cool it down, as it is not recommended to put eggs in hot water so that they do not crack. When the colored water has cooled down, we catch the feathers of the husk and throw them away, they will no longer be needed. I usually cook onion broth the day before, at night, and in the morning or during the day I paint eggs in it for Easter.

Put the eggs in a cold natural dye and cook them as usual on the stove, after they boil, for about five to seven minutes. Put boiled colored eggs in another cup, and fill with cold water so that they can be cleaned well in the future. Many housewives do not do this at all, and at that moment, while the eggs are hot, they grease them with vegetable oil using a cotton pad or napkin.

If desired, Easter dyes can be decorated with different stickers, which children love to do. This is how we prepared for the glorious holiday of Easter!

Eggs can be boiled not only in onion skins, you can use an infusion of various herbs. Very beautiful colored marble eggs are obtained using onion peels and brilliant green. Or you can boil them in one of the decoctions, having previously wrapped them with colored threads.

All these methods are very simple to apply in practice, but they may seem a little boring to someone. If this is the case, try coloring the eggs. There are various food colors on the market that you can paint with. This option is especially suitable for families with children. They will definitely love it, and will also be able to help in the development of creative qualities.

But already with the help of acrylic paints, beads, decoupage, you can create masterpieces. Use all your imagination in the case. For completeness, you can add rhinestones or sequins. Such eggs can be presented to friends and acquaintances, or distributed on the street in honor of the Easter holiday.

Beliefs and omens associated with Easter eggs

There were many rituals and beliefs associated with the Easter egg. For example, it was unforgivable to eat an egg and throw the husks out the window or behind the fence. Christ himself with the apostles walks the streets, and one could accidentally get into them.

The peasants believed that the Easter egg has the power to make it easier for the souls of the deceased to stay in the next world. To do this, it was necessary to make Christ three times with the deceased, and give the egg to the "free" bird, and as a token of gratitude it will remember the dead and ask God for them. The Easter egg also helps the living, relieves their illnesses and ailments. An egg received by a person from a priest must be kept in the shrine for 3 years, and it will remove the disease from the patient.

But with special trepidation, the peasants believed that the egg helped in agriculture. It was necessary to bury the Easter egg in the grains and leave for sowing, and then a good harvest would be ensured. It was also believed that rolling eggs on plowed land contributes to its fertility.

Many of these customs and beliefs have survived to this day. Like many centuries ago, people still paint eggs on the eve of Easter, and on the day of Christ's Resurrection they give them to each other, saying the phrase "Christ is Risen!"

Easter cakes, eggs, cottage cheese are the main attributes of the Bright Resurrection.

Choose recipes on our website in the appropriate section and get ready for Easter with our Notebook!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Enjoy your Easter Eve hassle!

Easter 2018 is coming soon! On this spring day, I want everything on the table to be bright and festive. There are many ways how to beautifully paint eggs for a holiday with your own hands. Along with, the original painted eggs must be present at the celebration and please with their appearance.

Let's try and learn. The main thing is not to be afraid to start and everything will definitely work out.

Important! One hour before boiling the eggs, remove them from the refrigerator to bring them to room temperature. This is to prevent the eggs from cracking during cooking.

In the article you will find:

Original decoration of eggs for Easter with gilding

Cut the foil about 15x15 cm. Wrap the egg in it until you get the smoothest possible surface. Cut off excess foil. Apply the pattern. Such an egg can be eaten, since the paints have not come into contact with the shell.

Coloring eggs with food coloring - Bright Beauty

Dilute the food coloring. Dip an egg in it for 5 minutes. Remove and let dry. Dip the same egg in 1/2 of the dye and keep it for 5 minutes. Take out and leave to dry. Dip the same egg again for 5 minutes in 1/4 volume of the dye. Take out and let dry. Eggs can only be eaten by people who are not allergic to food colors.

We decorate eggs with sprinkling with our own hands

Cover the egg with paste. Roll in food sprinkles or stick the sprinkles to the shell by hand. In the same way, you can decorate the egg with small pieces of foil (4x4 mm).

Hand coloring eggs - "Russian avant-garde"

Using children's wax crayons and felt-tip pens, you can paint the eggs with any abstract drawings. Involve children in this activity.

We draw on Easter eggs ourselves - "Palm Sunday"

On hard-boiled eggs, paint willow branches with acrylics for glass or ceramics. Easter symbols will look very elegant and festive. Choose eggs of different natural colors for drawing: from white to dark beige.

Beautiful decoration of eggs for Easter - "Children's cartoon"

Buy plastic doll eyes from a sewing supply store and glue them to hard-boiled white eggs, add smiles drawn with a marker. You will get funny faces that children will surely like.

How to paint eggs with watercolors on honey - "Landscape"

Buy edible honey watercolors and paint a landscape painting using a few white eggs. Let there be a blue sky and bright sun on one, grass and flowers on the other, some can be painted in the colors of ladybugs. Together they will create the impression of a bright spring meadow.

Decorative eggs for Easter - "Water manicure"

Do you want your Easter table to be decorated with decorative eggs painted with bright multicolored stains? You will need: plastic egg blanks, some bright nail polishes and a plastic cup.

Pour two-thirds of water into a glass, add a few drops of varnish and gently stir the varnish with a toothpick. Dip an egg into a glass, drown it with a toothpick so that it is completely under water, then remove it with two fingers and, holding the egg, make a couple of waves with your hand so that the varnish dries faster. Repeat the same manipulation with the rest of the eggs.

Yes, these will be decorative eggs that cannot be eaten, but they will help create a festive atmosphere in the house, and if you pack them in an original way, you will not be ashamed to give them to relatives or friends.

Natural dyes for eggs. What color is obtained when using them

Here are only natural dyes that you can safely use to paint Easter eggs and not worry that it will harm your health.

Brown dye

Onion peel

How to do:

Cook the onion peel for half an hour, dip the eggs in the broth, cook until a bright color is obtained. Cook eggs with brown shells in coffee and tea for half an hour.

Yellow dye



Put the white eggs in a small amount of hot water, add 4 tbsp. l. turmeric. Put on fire for 1/4 hour.

Red dye

How to paint

Squeeze out a few glasses of beetroot juice. Dip boiled white eggs in it for 9 hours.

Orange dye


How to do:

Squeeze out a few glasses of carrot juice. Keep white eggs in it for 9 hours.

Pink dye


Squeeze out a few glasses of cranberry juice, boil the white eggs in it for 20 minutes, leave for 12 hours.

Green dye


How to do:

Put boiled white eggs, a few spinach leaves, and a bunch of parsley in a small amount of water. Boil for 10 minutes and cool.

Blue dye


How to do:

Boil the hibiscus with boiling water and let cool. Dip boiled white eggs in the resulting broth for 15 minutes and check the color every 3 minutes.

Egg basket

Surely there is a decorative wicker basket in your home. Cut the bagged paper bag to the size of the basket and paint it in the color of the basket. Insert the packaging into the basket, put the colored eggs in the cells and decorate with additional flowers and ribbons of your choice.

Stand for eggs on the Easter table

From cardboard sleeves from toilet paper, multi-colored crumpled paper, ribbons, lace, artificial flowers and beads, you can make such beautiful egg holders that you don't even need to paint the eggs themselves.

An easy way to paint eggs for Easter with a rag (video)

What decor methods make eggs inedible

  • Painting with permanent markers.
  • Use for decoration of aniline, acrylic and other synthetic paints.
  • "Decoupage" - decorating eggs with fragments of napkins using glue (you can eat eggs if you use flour or starch paste).

Easter for Orthodox Christians is a bright holiday. It is so good that the preparation for this holiday takes place in an atmosphere of joy and happiness. Paint eggs for Easter with your family, gather young and old. Take on board my advice, come up with your own coloring pages. Enjoy the holiday with all your heart and it will bring you happiness.

Good luck and all the best!

By Easter, eggs are being painted in almost every home. If you paint them in one color, for example, with the help of onion peels, you get "dyes". If an egg is painted with multi-colored dots, with the help of drops of wax, it is "speck". Eggs of the same color, but with a pattern scratched on them - "drapani". The most beautiful, "Easter eggs", have a complex pattern, made with the help of a special tool - a scribbler.

Method one. Decoupage

You don't have to go to the store for stickers to decorate an Easter egg with a picture. You can decorate the egg using decoupage technique.

Materials (edit)

heat-resistant container


1 Prepare glue from gelatin. To do this, soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Strain the gelatin through a strainer or gently drain off excess water. Heat the swollen gelatin in a container until the granules are completely dissolved. If the gelatin hardens while decorating the eggs, reheat it.

2 Divide the multi-layer napkin into separate layers. Cut pictures from one color layer.

3 Place the cutout picture on the shell. Apply gelatin glue directly to the picture.

4 Your decoupage Easter egg is ready.

by the way
Spread the gelatin glue evenly over the picture, from the center to the edges.

Method two. Marble

Today we will share the secret of creating a marble shell.


Materials (edit)
sunflower oil

paint dilution tanks


1 Color the required number of eggs light colors. Let them dry completely.

2 Add a spoonful of sunflower oil to a container with a darker color. Stir gently with a stick (not shaking!) To break a single oil stain into small, pea-sized stains. Dip the egg in the dye and butter and remove immediately.

3 For a beautiful marble effect, the egg only needs to be dipped once.

Method three. We paint with a cloth

To dye eggs, you can use old silk ties, pieces of silk chiffon or satin, and, if not a pity, a Pavlovo Posad woolen scarf.


Materials (edit)
finely patterned fabric with unstable dye, such as silk jersey
white cotton coarse calico - flaps 15x15 cm


1 Wrap a raw egg with a cloth so that the front (brightly patterned) is snug against the shell.

2 Sew the fabric by hand over the office of the egg. Try to avoid creases and strong creases.

3 Wrap the lined egg in the cotton swatch. Secure the eggs from the blunt end by wrapping them tightly with threads.

4 Pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar into the water. Place the eggs, wrapped in a cloth, and put on fire. After the water boils, cook the eggs for 10-12 minutes. Then remove the pan from heat and cover with cold water.

5 When the eggs are cool, remove all layers of the fabric. A beautiful, delicate pattern will be imprinted on the shell.

6 Only a professional artist can paint an egg this way.

Method four. We paint with scotch tape

Using a ruler or centimeter to draw stripes or cells on the egg is inconvenient. We suggest using masking tape


Materials (edit)
colorful dyes for eggs
masking tape

breadboard knife


1 Color the boiled egg light. Glue 2-3 strips of masking tape on it at a distance of 3 mm from each other. Since there is no thin masking tape on sale, make the strips of the required width yourself. Line a wide masking tape directly on the spool into strips 5-10 mm wide. Slide along the entire length of the line with a dummy paper knife. The thin strips of tape can now be used.

2 Dip the whole egg in green or blue paint. When the egg is dry, remove the tape strips.

The fifth method. Eggs with lace pattern

Lace can be replaced with parsley or dill leaves. Then proceed in the same way.


Materials (edit)
boiled eggs
nylon shreds
colorful food colors

glasses for diluting paints


1 From a napkin, cut out the lace motif you like. Soak a piece of lace in water and place on the boiled egg.

2 Pull the laced egg tightly into the nylon tights flap. Tie from the blunt end with threads.

3 Dip the egg in the tissue in food coloring.

4 After a few seconds, remove the egg and gently remove the cloth.

5 Leave the eggs to dry.

Sixth method. With wax crayons

Color the boiled eggs with children's drawing wax crayons. After the egg is painted, dip it in food coloring. The entire shell will be colored, and the drawings will show through and become brighter against the background of a contrasting color.

Method seven. Decorating with ribbons or braid

Eggs decorated with ribbons, lace or braid look very festive. First, boil the eggs, you can paint them with special dyes or leave their natural color. Tie a ribbon around each testicle. To prevent it from slipping off, glue it to the shell with hot gun glue. It is not necessary to buy a heat gun for these purposes - the glue stick can be heated over the candle.

Method eight. Egg craft

A craft egg is a decoration option that will spark children's enthusiasm. Color the boiled eggs with yellow dye. To make a cock and a hen, it is enough to cut a comb and a beak out of paper. The eyes can be drawn with a pencil. Glue the elements with a thick gelatin solution or PVA glue.

Method nine. Eggs marble


Materials (edit)
4 eggs
2 tablespoons of tea
1 tablespoon soy sauce
0.25 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 clove bud


1 Hard-boiled eggs - for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. Put on a table surface and, gently tapping, crush the shell over the entire surface of the egg.

2 Boil water in a saucepan, add tea leaves, add soy sauce and spices. Place eggs directly in crushed shells and cook over low heat for 40 minutes. Allow to cool without removing from the broth.

by the way
This recipe can use not only nutmeg and cloves, but also any other spices - ginger, cinnamon, star anise. If you plan on serving marbled eggs for breakfast, boil them the day before and leave them in the broth overnight for an even more intense color and flavor.

Method ten. Decals

All mothers know that children love to paint whatever comes their way. Therefore, there is nothing better than entrusting them to paint chicken eggs for Easter.


Materials (edit)
chicken eggs
food colors in tubes
felt-tip pens with food colors
egg stickers

glass of water


1 First, boil the eggs and cool. You can paint them in light colors or traditionally with onion peels.

There are a lot of variations in dyeing chicken eggs, but what remains unchanged is the process of preparing for dyeing. We share tips with you:

1. To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, you need to take them out of the refrigerator in a couple of hours.

2. Carefully wash all eggs under running water. This will make the paint smoother.

3. Cook the eggs in salted water, again, this will prevent the shell from cracking.

4. For the eggs to be cleaned well, immediately after boiling, they must be poured with ice water until they cool completely.

5. Vegetable oil will help to make colored eggs shiny. It is only necessary to dry the colored testicles and coat with refined oil.

We have finished with the preparation, now you can safely proceed to the main painting. We suggest using our simple ideas.

The classic way

Implies dyeing eggs in onion skins. This is the method used by our ancestors.

1.Wash the husk (the more, the better) under water, transfer to a deep saucepan.

2. Add water to it, cook for about 40 minutes.

3. Turn off the heat and let the broth brew for a couple of hours.

4. Strain through a colander, removing all the husks.

5. Cook the prepared eggs. The cooking time depends on the color you want.

This process gives us solid eggs, if you want to give them prints of flowers, then you need to use nylon cloth and dried leaves.

Or apply the desired pattern with electrical tape, boil in the husk. Get rid of electrical tape (scotch tape). The drawing is ready.

Decoupage Easter eggs

This method is for those who do not want to fiddle with stickers and are used to doing everything themselves. We need napkins with a pattern, boiled eggs and gelatin.

1. We dilute the gelatin as indicated on the package.

2. Cut out the drawings with thin scissors.

3. Apply the prepared drawing to the egg and apply gelatinous glue to the surface of the napkin with a brush. Start glueing from the center and bring the brush out to the edges.

Before serving, the eggs must be dried within 2 hours.

Gradient fill

The whole point is that each egg is one tone darker than the previous one. We prepare dyes and eggs.

1. We dilute food colors in accordance with the instructions.

2. Lower the first egg for 20 seconds.

3. With the rest of the eggs, we carry out the previous method, only we increase the staining time for each egg by 20 seconds (the first 20, the second 40, the third 60, etc.).

As a result, you should have a whole series of eggs, which smoothly transitions from a light shade to a saturated one.

If you are negative about purchased dyes, then use natural dyes.


This unusual technique will allow you to draw whatever you want. We stock up on painted eggs, a cutter, a pencil and patience.

1. Eggs must be dried well after painting.

2. Select the drawing of interest, transfer it with a pencil to the shell.

3. Using a cutter, carefully clean the paint from the shell, making sure that the egg does not break.

The process is long and laborious, but worth it.

Space easter eggs

Love space? Then this method is for you. We will need acrylic paints, a paintbrush, a dish sponge, a toothbrush, white paint, and water.

1. Cover the eggs with black paint in two layers.

2. Using a brush, apply various stains of dark blue and black-violet paints to the shell.

3. Take a sponge and dip it in dark colors, apply them with a sharp movement to the egg, then paint with bright colors.

4. Dilute the white paint with water, apply it to a toothbrush and spray it over the egg, giving the effect of stars.


After each layer, dry the egg well.

Fabric drawing

The easiest way. Choose suitable colored silk and white cotton fabrics, threads, a needle, water, vinegar and white raw eggs.

1. Wrap the egg with a colored cloth, the front side should be from the inside.

2. To make the drawing not blurry, sew it tightly together.

3. Wrap with white cloth, sew again.

4. In a saucepan, mix water and vinegar (3 tablespoons), lay eggs, cook for about 10-15 minutes after the water boils.

5. Cool the eggs in a natural way, without resorting to cold water.

A beautiful and bright drawing is provided for you.


You've probably heard of these Easter eggs? And we will tell you how to make them, only for this you will need: brilliant green and onion husks.

1. So, we prepare the onion solution as described above.

2. Wrap raw eggs in onion skins, grind them first. We fix it with nylon fabric.

3. Cook. In the middle of the passed stage, add a spoonful of brilliant green to the water and cook until tender.

"Marble" egg will acquire a truly beautiful color if it is coated with vegetable oil.

Painting with rice

In fact, the option is very unusual. An interesting texture and pattern, they will help us to give: rice, plastic cups and food coloring.

1.Fill 1/3 cup with rice.

2. Add 25-30 drops of dyes to it (if the paint is dry, then dilute it in a little water).

3. Thoroughly mix the contents of the cup, evenly coloring the rice grains.

4. Lower the boiled egg to the rice, gently shake it several times. We leave in this form for five minutes.

In this way, you can color one egg several times, while changing the color of the paint.

Colorful palette

This method received this name for a reason. And why, you will find out during the painting process. So, we need: threads for knitting (or floss) of different colors, vinegar and raw eggs.

1. Each egg is completely wrapped with colored threads.

2. Cook in water with the addition of vinegar.

3. Transfer to a dish, leave it so, until it cools completely.

4. Remove the threads.

Nice, isn't it? What bright and original testicles we got.

Decorating with wax crayons

The name speaks for itself, we need: wax crayons or crayons and eggs.

1. Boil eggs.

2. Apply bright drawings to the uncooled shell.

3. Cool down.

As you paint, the wax will begin to melt, giving the egg an original design.

Culinary ideas

This option is the cheapest, because there are cereals in every home. And we will use: fine grain (millet, egg, etc.) and wax candles.

1. Apply the drawing with hot wax to the finished eggs.

2. Quickly sprinkle this area with cereals.

3. Lubricate with refined oil.

Eggs can be used both natural and dyed.

And in conclusion…

You can choose one idea from the proposed options and paint the eggs, but just think how the guests will be delighted if they see beautifully painted eggs on your festive table. Do not spare time and effort, because Easter is only once a year and make it unforgettable.

We suggest watching a video in which you will learn a lot of useful information on painting eggs for Easter.

Many associate Easter with eggs painted in different colors. Indeed, they are the main attributes of this bright holiday. The tradition of dyeing eggs came to us from the distant past. There are several versions of its origin.

Why do they paint eggs for Easter?

One of the most common versions explaining why eggs are painted for Easter is associated with the legend of Mary Magdalene.

According to her, Mary, having learned about the resurrection of Jesus, decided to report this news to the Emperor Tiberius.

In those days, it was possible to visit the ruler only by presenting something to him as a gift. But the woman had nothing, then she decided to take the first thing that came to her hand - it was an ordinary chicken egg. Stretching out her gift to the emperor, she said - "Christ is risen!", To which Tiberius laughed and replied that he could only believe it if the egg turns red. At the same moment, the egg changed its color to bright red. Then the surprised ruler exclaimed - "Truly is risen!"

It was since then that people began to paint eggs red, and then presented them as a gift to each other. Over time, this tradition has changed somewhat, eggs began not only to be painted in different colors, but also

How to paint eggs for Easter

If you plan to eat eggs, dye them only with natural or food dyes. Before you start painting, you need to prepare the eggs, for this:

  • If eggs were stored in the refrigerator, remove them from there an hour or two before staining so that they warm to room temperature. This will help prevent the shells from cracking during cooking.
  • For the paint to lie well, be sure to wash the eggs. They can also be rubbed with alcohol to ensure high-quality staining.

How to color eggs with food colors

As a rule, packages with food colors sold in retail chains have detailed instructions. If there is none, you can proceed as follows:

Easter eggs coloring with natural dyes

Ready-made dyes, of course, are very convenient to use, but the safest and most "environmentally friendly" eggs come out that were dyed with natural dyes. To do this, you can use completely different products - berry juices, walnut shells, calendula flowers, birch leaves, beet juice, red cabbage, spinach, onion husks and much more. Consider the most affordable staining methods:

Easter eggs with polka dots

Boil the eggs, when they cool, glue the circles on the shell so that they fit as tightly as possible to the surface. Submerge the egg in the dye container for one or more minutes (the longer the egg is in the dye, the darker the color will be). After the dye is completely dry, remove the stickers.

Easter eggs in stripes

They can be glued around the egg or in any order, made of the same or different thickness. Now immerse the egg in dark paint for five minutes. When it's dry, remove the tape.

In a similar way, you can create multi-colored stripes or any other ornaments, for this each time, dip the egg in a darker paint than the previous one and stick and remove pieces of masking tape.

Wrap the egg several times with an elastic band for money, so that it stretches well and fits snugly to the surface. Then immerse the egg in the dye for a few minutes.

Speckled Easter eggs

Vegetable pattern eggs

Attach a leaf of any plant to a boiled egg, then wrap it with a nylon sock or tights and tie it securely fixing the leaf. Then immerse the egg in the paint for ten minutes. When the dye is dry, remove the nylon and leaf from the egg.

How to dye eggs for Easter using fabric

Pick up a piece of fabric (a square with a side of 15 cm will be enough) with an unstable dye, usually chintz, natural silk, satin or muslin have such properties. It is desirable that it have a small and bright enough pattern, for example, old silk ties are well suited for dyeing.