How to spot fake JackDaniel's whiskey. Counterfeit whiskey: how to distinguish a fake from the original

On the shelves of our stores has grown several times. This is due to the high popularity of some products. The leading place in their ranking is occupied by imported alcohol, in particular Jack Daniels whiskey. It is sometimes very difficult to distinguish a fake from the original. Its "manufacturers" are trying to keep their "pirate" brand.

Why Jack Daniels

The trademark "Jack Daniels" has been known in the world for more than 200 years and during this time it has never compromised itself. This drink has recently become a cult not only in the United States, but also in Russia.

Its popularity is so high that they drink this whiskey not only in expensive restaurants megacities, but also in cheap "spills" of the Russian hinterland. This, in fact, led to the massive fakes of this unique drink.

But how do you tell fake Jack Daniels from real whiskey? First, let's figure out what it is and where it comes from.

What is fake whiskey

Most whiskey lovers do not even suspect that they can use not the original product, but the usual fake, which is produced in neighboring countries.

Facts of poisoning with counterfeit whiskey are rare, because this product goes not only to Russia, but also to some countries of Western Europe. Sometimes we also get an original, but contraband product, somehow stolen from the factory. Often this is a fairly high-quality alcohol with a taste and smell close to the original, but it has nothing to do with the American drink.

How to spot a fake Jack Daniels

There are not so many ways to identify a fake. More precisely, two. The first is visual, which means looking for differences from the original on the label and the bottle itself, without opening the whiskey. The second is a comparison of taste and smell.

Let's start with the first method. Most often, fake whiskey is found in bottles of 0.5 liters, although the most popular size in the US and Europe is 0.7 liters. The relatively low price for half a liter makes it easier for "pirates" to sell it, and for a naive buyer to buy it.

However, we have half-liter bottles of original whiskey on sale. But how to distinguish a fake "Jack Daniels" (0.5 l) from a real product?

The first step is to inspect the bottle itself. The original has 4 faces engraved with "Jack Daniels". The neck of the bottle is faceted and begins with a convex ring, along which the drink is poured.

The bottom contains an engraving of numbers. The cork of the original should be only plastic, wrapped in thin plastic with the inscription "old No.7 brand" and without a dispenser.

The front label must contain information about the name of the drink, the trademark with the obligatory presence of the “®” sign and the batch number of the spill. The back label indicates the manufacturer, barcode, importer. original product must not contain any inscriptions in Arabic, Russian or other than English language.

Other ways: how to distinguish a fake "Jack Daniels" (0.5 l) without opening the bottle

There are other indicators that the whiskey you have chosen is not the original:

  • crookedly pasted labels or visible traces of glue from under them;
  • smooth smooth bottom;
  • half-mast "shoulders" of the bottle;
  • rounded edges;
  • the presence of a dispenser;
  • the presence of sediment at the bottom of the bottle

And, of course, the price. The cost of a 0.5 liter bottle of Jack Daniels in duty free shops starts at 13 euros, so any product with the same name and the same capacity cannot be cheaper even on sale.

If the bottle is already open

If you ever drank real American whiskey, it will not be difficult for you to distinguish counterfeit from the original. But how to distinguish a fake "Jack Daniels" taste to a person ignorant of imported alcohol?

First, open the bottle and shake it. Real whiskey, when shaken, forms large air bubbles around the edge of the liquid. They should not disappear for 5-7 s.

Next, pour the drink into a glass and inhale its aroma from a distance of 15-20 cm. The original whiskey has a light sweetish malty smell, sometimes with subtle notes of flowers and fruits. If you bring the glass close to your nose and take a deep breath, you should feel an aroma reminiscent of red wine. Fake whiskey will always smell like alcohol, and sometimes even moonshine.

How not to become a victim of "pirates"

Now that you know almost everything about how to distinguish a fake "Jack Daniels" (0.5) from a real two-century American brand in the same container, you can try to identify other alcoholic beverages.

However, it is worth thinking about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the machinations of "pirates". After all, you see, it is not always possible to examine a bottle of whiskey in a store, comparing it with the original, or to taste and smell an alcoholic drink.

The only rule that will protect you from counterfeit goods is to buy alcohol only from trusted, licensed outlets.

True connoisseurs of strong alcoholic beverages has long been revered by the world famous bestseller in the world of whiskey - the brand Jack Daniels, produced since 1875 in the state of Tennessee (USA). Natural grain raw materials (80% corn), spring water, and especially the unique filtration through charcoal American maple, give the legendary whiskey a unique smooth taste.

The popularity of the brand provokes scammers to fake, which should not be surprising: the price of a liter bottle of the drink is Russian market is almost 2500 rubles. To avoid becoming a victim of fraud, you should know how to distinguish real jack Daniels from fake.

Comparative analysis of the original and counterfeit

Forgery is carried out different ways. Most often fake whiskey is bottled own production- they are far from the branded counterpart. A sticker, a stopper, a protective shell of a fake drink also have a lot of differences from real accessories.

Occasionally, bottling is carried out in branded bottles, but even then an attentive buyer will be able to distinguish a subtle fake without opening the container. Further about everything in order.


The manufacturer packs Jack Daniels in containers that have the shape of a parallelepiped with sharp vertical and horizontal ribs and pronounced upper and lower edges. You can already notice a fake at this stage of the analysis: its upper and lower edges are usually rounded.

Pay attention to the design detail, which is very difficult to falsify. The original has an easy-to-read convex Jack Daniels logo (in words) engraved on four sides of the shoulders, and an embossed inscription informing about the displacement on the lower edge. You can distinguish a fake Jack Daniels by blurry, poorly distinguishable embossing.


At original bottle Jack Daniels it has a slightly "pot-bellied" configuration, slightly tapering towards the cork. In the lower part of the neck there are rectangular faces of equal width. A fake bottle of whiskey is easy to distinguish by a cylindrical neck with weakly defined rectangles that smoothly turn into hangers.


It should be in the shape of a well-defined square with cut corners at 45 degrees. Embossed, legibly written information for the buyer is applied on the surface of the glass. A fake is determined by the rounded corners of the square. The next sign of fraud by Jack Daniels is a rather noticeable circle after the press machine. It overlaps the already poorly readable information.


In the original whiskey, it is made of black plastic, has even sections (without chips) and one corrugated belt. The lid and ¾ of the neck are covered with a black glossy protective film. A sign that Jack Daniels is not real is a metal cork, the absence of a protective film on it.


Use the Internet to carefully study its updated design to know the exact spelling and text sizes. Inspecting the proposed bottle of whiskey, pay attention to the accuracy of attachment, the absence of traces of glue on the label. With corporate design, it is located absolutely symmetrically, covering 3 faces of the bottle. On the left and right edges below, there are corrugations that are clearly visible in the light and tangible. A fake can be distinguished by a crookedly glued label, lack of relief.

On original version Jack Daniels does not have a single inscription in Russian, and at the very bottom of the sticker is the batch number - the so-called EI code. The numbers indicate the number of the barrel and the date of packaging. If before opening the bottle you could not distinguish fake whiskey from the present, look: is the dispenser present? Its presence is one of the hallmarks of Jack Daniels signature drink.

Appearance, smell and taste

Visual and olfactory signs noble drink– dark amber color and smoky aroma. If you have already tasted Jack Daniels, then you are familiar with his special taste: tart-sweet, with hints of caramel and vanilla. If you notice at least one of the signs of a fake, and after opening the bottle you feel a sharp alcohol smell, you should not risk your health and drink dubious "whiskey".

Where and how to buy Jack Daniels?

Elite alcohol is better to buy in a specialized store, where you can safely check all the parameters, read the accompanying documents. In a supermarket, this will be very problematic.

Nowadays, online trade, including alcoholic beverages, is on a large scale. In order not to receive a fake paid in advance by mail, make a cash on delivery purchase and conduct a visual analysis before calculating.

Today Johnnie Walker remains one of the most popular drinks.
This whiskey is sold all over the world and produces approximately 130 million bottles per year. The brand has gained this recognition thanks to its diverse range, as Johnnie Walker produces both publicly available types of adhesive tape and elite drinks. Therefore, everyone can afford to buy a bottle of Johnnie Walker.

The history of the origin of the drink dates back to 1819, when John Walker, a Scot by birth, was selling tea in his family's shop. At that time, he alone was able to produce rare varieties of tea by mixing them, thereby attracting thousands of consumers.

In 1820, the Scot wanted to try his hand at blending and create a drink like whiskey (another name is "Scotch scotch"). Formally, the Johnnie Walker brand was registered thanks to his son John Alexander.

A peculiar gentle and spicy variety scotch tape was in great demand among buyers, and already in 1893, Johnnie Walker entered the international level. Over time, scotch gained immense fame and began to be realized in various countries all over the world.

Draw an emblem trademark with a walking young man wearing a hat, they began only in 1908 and use it to this day.

Variety of Johnnie Walker cultivars

There are several varieties of blending Johnnie Walker Scottish Scotch.
The most popular classic variety with an exposure of at least three years and combines thirty-five varieties of adhesive tape is Red Label. The component of the blend is Cardhu whiskey with a hint of honey. Due to the fact that this is one of the youngest drinks, it has a slightly harsh and tart taste.

Counterfeit and counterfeit whiskey has not noticeably entered the consumer market and is quietly pushing all lovers of “sivukha”. What you need to know before buying whiskey to protect yourself:

1. Place of sale/purchase and price

Real whiskey, especially if it has the inscriptions “Deluxe” or “Premium” on its label (this is what elite varieties), should only be purchased from specialized stores, trading alcoholic products. I advise you to ask the seller to show you a certificate of quality. The store is obliged to show this document at the first request of the buyer.
Another advantage of specialized alcohol stores- there you can use the services of consultants. They will select whiskey that will satisfy your requirements for quality and price.
If your city does not have separate shops selling liquor, then it would be correct to buy whiskey in large supermarkets, but not in kiosks. Experts advise you to choose one store whose product quality suits you, and always buy alcohol only there.
It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the cost of sold whiskey. If in one store the whiskey of the chosen brand is several times cheaper than in others, then this is a clear sign of a fake.

2. Appearance bottles and packaging

Usually counterfeit manufacturers rely on the inexperience of the buyer and the low price, so they save on the bottle.
A sign of fake whiskey is an incorrectly labeled or Bad quality label. If you have decided on the brand of whiskey you are purchasing, then even before buying on the manufacturer's website, you can see what the bottle looks like and what protection it has.
The absence of excise stamp. This may indicate that the whiskey was brought into the country illegally or is simply a fake. In any case, you should not buy it, because no one guarantees the quality of the drink.

3. The color of the drink

High-quality whiskey must be transparent, this indicates the purity of the water from which the drink is made, and the full observance of production technology. The color of whiskey ranges from light yellow to brown, but in any case, the drink should not be cloudy and contain sediment.

4. Shaking

You can distinguish whiskey from a fake using one simple method: shake the bottle well and look at the bubbles. They should last a long time and be large. In high-quality whiskey, drops after shaking slowly flow down the glass of the bottle, in fake whiskey - very quickly.

5. Smell and taste

Whiskey should have a light oaky or malty aroma and not stink of alcohol. quality drink leaves a long aftertaste.

Overview of brand differences:

Whiskey Jim Beam
To distinguish fake Jim Beam whiskey before the purchase, you need to carefully inspect the bottle.

photo - fake whiskey jim beam

Particular attention should be paid to the following signs:
- Lid. The present American bourbon Jim Beam the top of the lid has no ribs - it is smooth;
- The bottom of the lid. The original whiskey has two lanes golden color, above is the image of the trademark "Jim Beam";
- Bottleneck. The genuine Jim Beam has facets only on the lower half of the neck, while the fake has a faceted neck along the entire length;
- Bottle shoulders. Real whiskey has an embossed inscription "Jim Beam" on the shoulders of the bottle on four sides.

Johnnie Walker Black Label, Red Label
One of the most counterfeited whiskeys is Johnnie Walker Black Label, which, however, is quite understandable due to its popularity. original drink. Due to the variety of fakes, the description will be immediately in the picture.

In order to distinguish a fake, you need to pay attention to the following signs:
1. Cover.
2. Embossing on the label

In order to distinguish a fake, you should pay attention to the following signs:

photo - differences fake Jameson

1. Plastic shell on the lid - the original Jameson has a metal lid without any shell;
2. The lack of embossed inscriptions on the bottle - real whiskey has two embossed inscriptions: "Product of Ireland" - at the bottom of the front side of the bottle, and "John Jameson" - at the bottom of the back side.
3. The 0.7 liter capacity is the most commonly counterfeited Jameson capacity. If you have any doubts about the quality of the drink, it is better to refuse to buy whiskey in a bottle of this volume. Buy a liter!

Jack Daniel's
There are several signs of a fake:

1. Metal Lid - Original Jack Daniel's only comes with plastic lid, covered with a plastic shell;
2. Round "shoulders" of the bottle - since 2011, bottles have been produced in a new design;
3. Smooth "shoulders" - on the "shoulders" of the bottle on four sides there should be an embossed inscription "Jack Daniel's";
4. "Curved" label - the label must be glued evenly, and the order of the inscriptions on it must correspond to the established pattern.
5. Absence of the "Registered trade-mark" ® on the bottle neck shell. It must be present on the original whiskey;
6. Smooth bottle neck. In a genuine drink, the neck of the bottle has edges along its entire length.

As whiskey became popular around the world, so did the number of counterfeits. Now fake whiskey can be caught in almost any store. Moreover, a high price is not always a guarantee of quality. Every lover of this alcohol should know how to distinguish real whiskey from a fake. It is to this issue that the current material is devoted.

In order not to buy fake whiskey, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

1. Selling point and price. Real whiskey, especially if it has the inscriptions “Deluxe” or “Premium” on its label (this is how elite varieties are designated), should be bought only in specialized stores selling alcoholic products. I advise you to ask the seller to show you a certificate of quality. The store is obliged to show this document at the first request of the buyer.

Another advantage of specialized alcohol stores is that you can use the services of consultants there. They will select whiskey that will satisfy your requirements for quality and price.

If your city does not have separate shops selling liquor, then it would be correct to buy whiskey in large supermarkets, but not in kiosks. Experts advise you to choose one store whose product quality suits you, and always buy alcohol only there.

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the cost of the drink. If in one store the whiskey of the chosen brand is several times cheaper than in others, then it is better to refuse such a purchase, since you risk buying a fake.

2. The appearance of the bottle. Usually counterfeit manufacturers rely on the inexperience of the buyer and the low price, so they save on the bottle.
A sign of fake whiskey is an incorrectly pasted or poor quality label. If you have decided on the brand of whiskey you are purchasing, then even before buying on the manufacturer's website, you can see what the bottle looks like and what protection it has.

The absence of an excise stamp should immediately alert. This may indicate that the whiskey was brought into the country illegally or is simply a fake. In any case, you should not buy it, because no one guarantees the quality of the drink.

3. Color. High-quality whiskey must be transparent, this indicates the purity of the water from which the drink is made, and the full observance of production technology. The color of whiskey ranges from light yellow to brown, but in any case, the drink should not be cloudy and contain sediment.

The right whiskey color

4. Shaking. You can distinguish whiskey from a fake using one simple method: shake the bottle well and look at the bubbles. They should last a long time and be large. In high-quality whiskey, drops after shaking slowly flow down the glass of the bottle, in fake whiskey - very quickly.

5. Smell and taste. Whiskey should have a light oaky or malty aroma and not stink of alcohol. A quality drink leaves a long aftertaste.