How to determine which type of beer sold in Russia is better. Quality criteria, what to look for

Attempts to determine best beer in Russia, as indeed in other countries, are constantly being undertaken, but true beer lovers are skeptical about such ratings. And there are several reasons for this:

  • firstly, there is never stagnation in the production of a foamy drink, and therefore strict judges will not have time to name the best beer (based on market research and consumer surveys ), how he is replaced in the new ranking by another leader;
  • secondly, any survey covers a relatively narrow circle of beer lovers, and therefore it simply cannot reflect all the tastes and preferences of a multi-million army of consumers. That’s why in the comments to any rating you can find angry statements like “Your best lager is just rubbish”;
  • thirdly, in Russia such ratings are completely empty, since it is simply impossible to objectively determine the best beer for such a huge country. Most often, beer ratings focus on the main metropolises of the European part of Russia, or even simply do not go further than Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Rating of the best Russian beer

Still, it’s worth checking out the latest ratings of the best Russian beer. At least for the purpose of obtaining information that may be useful to many. So, according to them, several varieties of light lager from the Moscow Brewing Company are considered the best. These are Khamovniki: Munich, Pilsen and Vienskoe. “Munchenskoye” on tap is especially famous, which can be tasted in the best bars and restaurants in Moscow. It is worth paying attention to the brand of the same manufacturer “Cervena Selka”.

The second place is confidently occupied by a number of varieties of the Anapa brewery “Bogerhof”, among which “Rye semi-dark” and “Bannoe dark” stand out (although many prefer the light lager of this brand).

In third place were two varieties of Tomsk beer (light and dark) from the Siberian company of the same name. Although lovers of strong beer would probably prefer to move the Afanasy porter of the Tver brewery of the same name from fifth to one of the leading positions, and lovers of light lager would give preference to the Sibirskaya Korona varieties of SUN Inbev OJSC. And it’s hard to say which beer is actually better, but it’s not without reason that they say: there are no comrades for the taste and color...

For example, beer lovers from the Ulyanovsk region claim that there is no better drink than the Zlata Podkova mini-brewery in Dimitrovgrad in all of Russia, and perhaps even in Europe. It is no coincidence that even Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents come here to try it, and rare foreign guests are surprised to discover that in the Russian outback you can drink simply amazing ale!..

The best foreign beer in Russia

Many people remember that thirty years ago, any foreign beer was the best of the best for the Russian consumer. Fortunately, this state of affairs is a thing of the past. Today, the domestic foamy drink is no worse, if not an order of magnitude better, than the “foreign” one, and this is the first thing. And secondly, an imported product is always more expensive than a similar domestic one. For this reason, by the way, foreign beers are considered in a separate rating category as the most expensive.

The first place among such drinks in many Russian ratings is occupied by the Bavarian beer Spaten (full name - Spaten Munchen Hell) of the German brewery Spaten-Franziskaner-Brau GmbH, which has been producing it in Munich since 1397. The Spaten logo even became a symbol of Germany's main annual beer festival, Oktoberfest.

In second place, most Russian beer drinkers place the Belgian ale Blanche de Namur with its spicy fruity aroma (curacao and coriander). In 2009, at the international exhibition World Beer Awards, this drink was recognized as the best white blanche in the world.

Well, third place was awarded by our consumer to the German unfiltered wheat drink Franziskaner, which has been produced by the Munich brewery of the same name since 1363. Its undoubted advantages are a special culture of brewer's yeast, unique wheat malt and strict use of three main ingredients in production: water, hops and malt.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which beer is better than all others in Russia. Probably, for this reason, the First Beer Club was created at one time, which helps its members keep the right course in the modern “sea of ​​beer”. Although, to be honest, many who come to this wonderful association are no less interested in discounts, which bars and restaurants - partners of the club - provide to its members.

And since such cooperation is very mutually beneficial, there are more and more similar benefits, as well as the institutions providing them, in Russia (and not only). Therefore, trying the best beer, including foreign beer, becomes no problem for club members. If you want to drink only the best beers at affordable prices, then we are waiting for you at the First Beer Club! To get discounts at popular establishments, you need to get a special one.

Roskachestvo announced the brands of the most delicious beer presented on the shelves of Russian stores. In total, beer from 40 well-known brands was studied, according to the department’s website.

Most of the tested samples were produced in Russia: 12 - in Moscow and the Moscow region, 6 - in St. Petersburg, another 6 - in the Yaroslavl region, 4 - in the Kaluga region, 3 - in the Tula region, 2 each - in the Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions regions, as well as in Tatarstan and according to another example - in the Ivanovo region and Bashkiria. The retail price of beer purchased as part of the study varies from 67 to 260 rubles per liter. As part of the first stage of testing, timed to coincide with the 2018 World Cup, experts conducted a study of beer according to two criteria: taste properties and amount of malt.

Rating according to taste

During the tasting, not a single beer received the maximum rating from experts - 5.5 points. However, there is still a winner, and it is Amstel beer with a score of 5.167 points. Next in the “tasty” rating are Khalzan beer, rated at 5.117 points, and Bud, which received 5.1 points. Also in the top 11 in terms of organoleptic properties were drinks from such brands as Heineken, Stella Artois, Three Bears, Efes, Krušovice, Faxe and Bavaria.

Experts gave the least points in this category to beer of the Okskoye, Gorkovskoye, Zhigulevskoye, Baltika and Sverdlovskoye brands.

Samples of three brands withdrew from the competition: experts did not try them due to non-compliance with foam resistance standards - the beer foam did not last on the surface of the drinks for the stated three minutes. These are the beer “Sibirskaya Korona”, “Arsenal” and “Samara”.

Rating by malt quantity

High-quality beer must contain at least 80% malt, another 20% can be unmalted products, that is, unsprouted grains of barley and other grains. Experts say: if the manufacturer used more than 20% of similar ingredients, he saved on raw materials, and the final product in this case should not be called beer.

So, the largest amount of malt was found in beer of the brands “Okhota”, “Ochakovo”, Lowenbrau, Krusovice Imperial, “Khamovniki”, “Zhiguli Barnoye”, Bud, Amstel, Carlsberg and “Sibirskaya Korona”, which were not allowed for tasting.

But in five samples the maximum nitrogen concentration was exceeded - this means that the manufacturer did not use malt of the best quality. This violation was revealed based on the results of a laboratory study of Okskoye, Gorkovskoye, Arsenalnoye, Samara and Sverdlovskoye beer.

At the same time, Roskachestvo notes that even the cheapest samples did not contain unacceptable additives, were not made from “powders”, and therefore were not synthetic products, or simply a surrogate.

Most of the goods included in the study are Russian-made, including from Moscow and the Moscow region (12), St. Petersburg (6), Nizhny Novgorod region (2), Yaroslavl region (6), Tula region (3), Samara region (2), Kaluga region (4), Ivanovo region (1), Bashkortostan (1), Tatarstan (2). The cost of production ranged from 67 to 260 rubles per liter.

The research is being carried out step by step in several accredited testing centers in several areas, including mandatory requirements of current legislation, an expanded tasting program, as well as increased requirements for the quality of raw materials.

The results are published on a special page .

At the first stage, experts checked the beer for compliance with its identification characteristics, studying indirect indicators of the quantity and quality of raw materials - malted and unmalted products that are used in the production of light beer.

There are myths among consumers that beer, especially cheap beer, is some kind of artificially carbonated surrogate made from powder, alcohol, water and various additives (for example, dyes, flavor enhancers), which is made literally within 24 hours.

Already at the first stage, the study made it possible to debunk this consumer myth, says Deputy Head of Roskachestvo Elena Sarattseva. « During monitoring of the quality of beer of all the most popular brands on the Russian market, not a single “synthetic” product was identified that was made, as consumers sometimes think, by the express method of blending various additives and adding alcohol" Consumers who suspect that a foamy drink is pure “chemistry” should take into account: it is simply expensive and impractical for a manufacturer to prepare beer from certain “powders” and extracts. But an expensive raw material - malt - can indeed be diluted in established proportions with unmalted products, which is permitted by law.

Thus, to make beer, at least 80% of malt should be used (sprouted and ground grains of barley, wheat or rye) and up to 20% can be unmalted raw materials - these are not sprouted grains of barley or other cereals. They are added to create a blend. But if there is more than 20% of unsprouted barley or wheat, this indicates that the manufacturer violated the law and tried to save money. This drink cannot be considered a classic beer.

An indicator such as the mass concentration of total nitrogen can indirectly indicate a violation of these proportions. If its concentration is less than 600 mg/dm3, then the manufacturer could save on fermented malt. Also, such a deviation may be associated with the quality of the malt and low protein content. Note that the protein content in grain is unstable. It changes depending on the harvest, year, sun. However, a range has been established at which the beer contains at least 600 mg per dm3 of total nitrogen: this indicator is met both if the manufacturer used 80% of the worst barley (low protein content) for the wort and when using 70% of the most selected barley. This indicator is included in the increased requirements of the Roskachestvo standard for applicants for the state Quality Mark.

In five cases out of 40, thanks to in-depth laboratory tests, a deviation in nitrogen was detected, which indirectly indicates the use of a reduced amount of raw materials or its low quality. From the consumer's point of view, such beer should be called more of a beer drink. Notes on nitrogen – for the beer “Arsenalnoye”, “Okskoye”, “Gorkovskoye”, “Sverdlovskoye” and “Samara”. These brands were at the bottom of the ranking and received a yellow card.

The top ten products with more malt compared to other brands included “Hunting”, “Ochakovo”, “Siberian Crown”, Lowenbrau and Krusovice Imperial, “Zhiguli Barnoe”, “Khamovniki Venskoe”, Bud, Amstel, Carlsberg.

The correlation between the amount of malt and taste was tested by Roskachestvo with the involvement of a tasting commission, which included leading industry experts from international associations and certified organoleptics. The commission members gave the anonymous samples points for taste, color, aroma, and foam resistance. The last indicator, according to the mandatory GOST, is checked by measuring the height of the foam and the time it settles. In particular, beer is poured into a special glass with a diameter of 70-75 mm and a height of 105-110 mm so that the drink falls into the center of the container. The foam, according to the national standard, with such a “guest” filling must be at least 3 cm high, and at least 3 minutes must pass before it dissolves.

Note that three products were removed from the tasting by the commission because... their foam settled a little earlier. These are “Sibirskaya Korona”, “Samara” and “Arsenalnoe”. The remaining 37 samples were admitted to the next stage of tasting and received marks for taste, color and aroma.

According to the results of taste tests, beer has the highest mark of the Roskachestvo commission of all products Amstel (5,167 points). Following it in descending order were Khalzan, Bud, Heineken, Stella Artois, Three Bears, Krusovice Imperial (Czech production), Efes, Bavaria, Krušovice (Russian production), Faxe.

The anti-five that received the lowest commission scores based on the results of the blind tasting (except for Arsenalny, Sibirskaya Korona and Samara, which were not admitted to the main tasting) were: Zhigulevskoe Bochkovoe (produced by the branch of JSC Moscow-Efes Brewery in Moscow). Kazan), “Gorkovskoye”, “Okskoye”, “Baltika No. 3”, “Sverdlovskoye”.

After completing all laboratory tests, Roskachestvo will submit to the Government of the country a detailed report on the research results obtained, and will also formulate proposals for improving the quality of alcoholic products, including proposals for changing the current GOST.

We remind you that the abuse of alcoholic beverages is fraught with danger to your health. We also inform you that this material is not recommended for viewing by persons under 18 years of age.

Malt, hops and water are the main components of wort. Almost everyone knows what wort is. Experts also operate with such a concept as the extractivity of the initial wort - this is the content of dry extractive substances in beer. What forms color, aroma, consistency, foaming, rich taste, persistent foam. If the beer is clearly diluted, then the extract of such beer will be lower than necessary. With this indicator, all studied samples are in perfect order.

All samples submitted for testing are also tested for the DNA content of various cereals to determine the origin of the unmalted raw material. To create a specific blend, a manufacturer can use not only wheat, but also other grains. According to the research results, DNA from corn, rice, soybeans, and oats was not detected in any of the samples.

7th place. Krusovice Imperial 5,034 points – in 5th place in the malt ranking

2-3 place: “Siberian Crown” - removed from tasting due to low foaminess.

Beer has long been considered one of the most favorite drinks of men. As a result, the range of products presented has increased significantly and it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine the best beer in Russia. The problem of choice no longer arises only with regard to Russian-made products, but also those imported from other countries.

Before assigning the title of best beer to a certain brand, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing a quality drink:

  1. It is better to purchase the drink by the glass, since there is a greater chance that the product was stored in accordance with all requirements. Such alcohol is in most cases stored in kegs, which are made of chrome-plated steel, which is resistant to corrosion. They protect beer from the negative effects of the sun's rays, as well as foreign odors.
  2. Buying “live” beer will bring much more benefit. This is the name for a fresh, unfiltered drink that contains a large amount of microelements beneficial to the body (calcium, iron, manganese, potassium) and brewer’s yeast, which has therapeutic properties and contains all B vitamins. But when choosing this type of beer, Keep in mind that its shelf life is only a few days.

If you are going on a trip, then the best option would be to purchase bottled or canned beer, here you also need to pay attention to a number of points:

  1. When choosing a drink, choose one that has a shorter shelf life; it most likely contains fewer different preservatives. It is noted that to store the presented drink in bottles, a preservative such as ascorbic acid is added to it, which increases the shelf life of the product.
  2. Pay attention to the spill date, it is advisable to choose the nearest one. Recently bottled alcohol is likely to be less affected by negative factors. The presented drink is strongly influenced by storage conditions (temperature conditions, sunlight), which are treated rather irresponsibly in Russia.
  3. In order to purchase good bottled alcohol, it is recommended to take it from the refrigerator - beer likes to be cool. Even imported alcohol, when on display, can spoil in the shortest possible time.
  4. When choosing between a drink in a can and a glass bottle, it is better to opt for the latter, since it is not able to absorb various aromas, thereby giving the beer an unpleasant aftertaste. And you should immediately refuse to purchase intoxicating drinks in plastic bottles, since this material allows oxygen to pass through and alcohol becomes unsuitable for consumption.
  5. It is recommended to buy beer in dark or green bottles, since they transmit much less sunlight. Products in an aluminum can could be considered even more useful if there was no metallic taste in it.
  6. Regardless of which brand of beer you buy, you should take bottles located in the back of the display case, since they are less exposed to the sun and are likely to be of a more recent release.

Russian beer rating

  • Pilsen - produced in Moscow.
  • Vienna - produced in a brewery located within Moscow.
  • Beach - produced in Anapa.
  • Lagernoe – produced by Bogerhof, alcohol content – ​​4.7%.
  • Samara - produced by the Zhigulevskoe Beer company, alcohol content - 4.5%.

Moving on to the TOP 5 best dark beer, we can highlight the following manufacturers:

  1. Rye - produced in Anapa, by the Bogerhof organization, strength - 5.2%.
  2. Bannoye is produced by Bogerhof, the alcohol content is 5.5%.
  3. Afanasy Porter - produced in the city of Tver, by the Afanasy plant, 8%.
  4. Velkopopovets goat - from 3.2 to 4%.
  5. Baltika No. 6 – produced by the manufacturer “Baltika”, 7%.

  • AF Brew – produced in St. Petersburg.
  • Bottle Share is a Moscow intoxicating drink.
  • Salden`s Brewery is an intoxicating drink produced in Tula.
  • Jaws - produced in the Sverdlovsk region, namely in the city of Zarechye.
  • Green Street Brewery is a drink produced in Moscow.

Moving on to the popular and highest quality craft beer in Russia, we can note the following picture:

  • Bakunin – produced in St. Petersburg.
  • Brickstone - produced in Moscow.
  • 1 ton - produced in the city of Zhukovsky, located in the Moscow region.
  • Petr Petrovich is a drink produced in Tula.
  • La Beerint is an alcohol produced in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga region.

List of the best beers in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is recognized as the birthplace of numerous types of quite tasty beer. Representatives of this country have special respect for the production of intoxicating drinks and pass on the secrets of making quality beer to their children from an early age.

There is no exact rating of the quality of Czech beer, since each lover of this drink has his own preferences. But after analyzing the frequency of use of various brands in this country, we can highlight the following rating:

  1. Velkopopovicky Kozel – produced in the village of Velké Popovice;
  2. Staropramen - produced in Prague, this Prague drink is known throughout the world thanks to its unusual preparation recipe and relatively low price.
  3. Bernard – produced in the city of Humpolec.
  4. Budweiser Budvar.
  5. Pilsner Urquell.

The best intoxicating drink in Germany

Germany is a country that is considered the birthplace of the intoxicating drink, which is confirmed by the annual Beer Day. Residents of this country treat the presented alcoholic drink with special reverence, so every German can distinguish in which part of the country this or that drink is prepared.

The types of German beer and their places of production can be found in the table below.
Inexpensive and high-quality German beer:

Beers such as lager and stout are particularly popular in Germany, and they are also widely popular in Belgium.

Features of drinking beer correctly

Regardless of whether your beer is strong or non-alcoholic, cheap or expensive, you need to be able to drink it correctly, and for this you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. The drink should be consumed at the recommended temperature. For the majority of beer varieties, the optimal temperature conditions are +6-6.5 C. But it is best to adhere to the temperature indicated by the manufacturer on the label.
  2. Brewers may advise you not to expose your beer to sudden temperature changes. This is explained by the fact that the intoxicating drink quickly settles, and its taste and aromatic properties simply disappear.
  3. You should not shake beer (especially budget products or if you want to get a hangover), since it is oxidized by oxygen in a short time. And, as you know, an oxidized intoxicated drink acquires a cloudy color and a specific taste.
  4. No matter what kind of beer you drink, filtered or unfiltered, it is best to drink it from glass, porcelain or ceramic. This is explained by the fact that if you drink a drink from a can, this also provokes unwanted shaking and stirring. This is why special beer glasses are created, and if you also rinse them under water, and then pour beer into them without wiping, then it will fill more smoothly.
  5. The intoxicating drink should be poured along the edge of the glass. As you know, no person likes when, instead of a tasty and thirst-quenching drink, they pour half a glass of foam, so to avoid such situations you need to hold the glass at an angle of 45 degrees and at a distance of about 2 centimeters from the bottle, and then slowly fill it according to edge.

In order for the presented drink to bring pleasure, it is recommended to drink it in the company of friends with fried meat, and most importantly, in the right glass.

Among the popular glasses for drinking intoxicating drinks are the following:

  • Wheat – has a cone shape and a narrowed top, ideal for wheat beer;
  • Pilsner – has a cone shape and a straight top, perfect for lager drinks;
  • Pint glass – perfect for drinking lagers and ales.

But even if you don’t have a special glass, you can always enjoy the drink presented, the main thing is to choose a really high-quality one.

Remember that if you don’t have enough money for expensive beer, you can always choose a high-quality budget option, both from Russian alcohol and from imported products.

One of the most popular drinks all over the world is beer. It perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather and allows you to feel a surge of warmth during the cold season. This drink is present at meetings of friends and is taken with them on picnics. It is difficult to imagine any entertainment event without beer. That is why experts annually announce a list of the most delicious beers. The rating of this drink is based not only on the opinion of professional tasters. Reviews from lovers of this drink are also taken into account.

Westvleteren XII – the most delicious beer in the world

Westvleteren XII was recognized as the most delicious beer in 2016. It is produced in Belgium in the monastery of St. Sixtus of the same name. The brand of this beer has long been in great demand among consumers, but the Westvleteren XII variety exceeded all expectations. The drink amazes with its unique taste, in which you can feel:

  • nice bitter jam;
  • caramel;
  • chocolate;
  • delicious aftertaste.

You can only buy Westvleteren XII beer at the abbey or try it at a local restaurant. But even when you get to the monastery, it’s not always possible to buy a drink. It is produced in limited quantities, which does not meet the huge demand. One customer can only purchase a certain number of bottles of the drink. Fist fights often occur near the place where beer is sold. The monks are not going to expand production. According to them, they make beer to live, and do not live to make beer.

Second place in the list of delicious beers went to the Belgian variety Cuvée Armand & Gaston. It is produced by 3 Fonteinen, located in the town of Bercels, located near Brussels. The delightful aroma of the drink is striking, in which the following notes are heard:

  • white grapes;
  • tree;
  • lemon;
  • green apple.

Beer Cuvée Armand & Gaston has a wonderful rich taste, a pleasant warm honey hue, abundant white foam, and high carbonation. The manufacturer warns that you need to be careful when opening a bottle of drink so as not to be injured by the flying cork.

The American variety Dark Lord Imperial Stout took third place. It is produced at Three Floyds Brewing in Hammond, Indiana. You can only enjoy this drink at certain times, since it is produced only once a year. The following ingredients are used to make the drink:

  • roasted malt;
  • coffee;
  • vanilla;
  • dark Indian sugar.

Thanks to this, Dark Lord Imperial Stout beer has a very pleasant taste, which perfectly combines the sweetness and bitterness of chocolate. The drink has a pleasant rich purple-black color.

It is impossible to imagine our list without the American variety Pliny the Younger, produced by Russian River, which is located in Santa Rosa, California. The drink is loved by consumers due to its rich taste and pleasant aroma, which combines delicate notes of tropical fruits and a slight smell of pine resin. The beer has a dark golden color with white and persistent foam. Although there is alcohol in beer, it is practically not noticeable in its mild taste.

Lambic d'Aunis

Fifth position goes to another Belgian variety, Lambic d’Aunis. The drink is produced at the Cantillon brewery located in Brussels. It was first presented to the public in 2010 as a test batch. Grapes grown on plantations in France were used in the production of beer. Beer lovers liked the drink so much that they began to produce it according to this recipe all the time. This beer has a red-pink hue, low carbonation and does not foam very much. It has a pleasant fruity aroma and rich sour taste.

Lambic d'Aunis

Produced by the Swiss company Närke Kulturbryggeri in Örebro County, this beer comes in at number six on our list. This delicious drink has a dark, almost black color and rich brown foam. Beer lovers liked it due to its very pleasant rich taste, in which the presence of chocolate and dried fruits is felt. The drink has an extremely pleasant rich aroma, in which light notes of oak, bourbon, raspberry and honey are recognizable.

Närke Kaggen Stormaktsporter Börb’n å Hallon

The American variety Song of Jo took seventh place. It is produced at the Hill Farmstead brewery, which is located in Greensboro Bend, Vermont. Light beer is loved by fans of this drink due to its delicious taste, in which the presence of bread, cookies and herbal hops is felt. It has a yellow tint and a small white foam. Its aroma has pleasant fruity notes.

Mornin' Delight

Another American beer, Mornin “Delight,” produced at the Toppling Goliath brewery in Decorah, Iowa, is very tasty. The drink has a pleasant dark, almost black tint and a stable medium beige foam. Its bittersweet taste reveals the presence of chocolate and strong coffee, maple syrup and vanilla. The beer has a very pleasant rich aroma.

Mornin' Delight

Ninth place in the ranking went to the English drink DIPA V3, which is produced at the Cloudwater brewery in Manchester. It has a cloudy golden hue and a very pleasant taste, in which the sweetness of citrus is initially felt, which is replaced by a slight bitterness of the zest. There is a dampness in the aroma, which does not spoil the drink at all, as well as delicate and sweet tangerine notes.

In Russia, the most delicious beer is considered to be the Khamovniki “Munchenskoe” beer, which is produced at a brewery in Moscow. The drink has a simply delicious taste, in which the presence of caramel, almonds and a slight bitterness of hops is felt. A medium carbonation beer has a clear amber hue and a creamy head. The aroma of the drink is very pleasant, in which you can distinguish refreshing floral and caramel notes.
