How to determine degrees in alcohol. The required strength of moonshine and methods for determining it without an alcohol meter

Good day to everyone, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals. Today we’ll talk about such a thing as computer temperature and its components.

Users often forget that they tend to heat up, overheat and, as a result, malfunction and break (oh how I wrapped it up :)). This usually happens due to weak or outdated cooling systems or due to simple dust in them.

But in 85% of cases, the whole point is that, as I said at the beginning, users do not know how to find out the temperature of the processor, memory, video card and other computer components, as well as what they should be, and do not clean (they don’t know how and why, or are simply lazy) dust from coolers (fans located on , and in ), or simply have standard boxed cooling devices that were supplied to them in the store by malicious sellers, and these are not effective enough to solve the tasks for high-quality cooling.

In addition, summer has come again, which means that the air temperature has risen significantly. And this is felt not only by people, but also by our computers, which are already hot, and here the sun is hot outside the window. When we are hot, what happens to us? That's right, at best we just feel bad and uncomfortable, we stop thinking normally, and at worst we get sunstroke.

The same thing can happen with a computer, because during hot periods it is more difficult for coolers to maintain an acceptable temperature and, as a result, your iron friend may begin to act up and risk sunstroke in the form of a reboot or shutdown (or even burn out). Naturally, the question arises - how to identify the first signs of overheating and what to do if they are detected? This will be discussed in this article.

Simply put, I will tell you about:

  • How to find out the temperature of various components in a computer
  • How to tell if they are overheating or not
  • What could be the consequences of overheating?
  • How to avoid overheating and those same consequences
  • What determines and what benefits can be derived from the temperature of various components
  • What to do if something overheats

Ready? Then let's go.

Signs of a computer overheating. We find and analyze

Characteristic signs of overheating are malfunctions, namely:

  • Spontaneous exit from applications to the desktop
  • Performance losses (stutters and lags)
  • Stripes or other artifacts (noise) on the screen
  • Refusal to boot, namely with requests to check the operation of the cooling systems

But in general, it is better not to bring the system to the characteristic signs of overheating, but to monitor in advance the temperature of all components during idle time (just on the desktop) and under load (during a game or running a resource-consuming application) to see if there is overheating and take timely measures.

Finding out the temperature of computer components

There are countless programs for taking temperature readings. Another thing is that some of them take readings from thermal sensors (special things that measure temperature) on computer components not accurately enough, others simply do not support some/many components of your computer, and still others outright lie and mislead the user.

Some individuals use a frightening method - touch the processor/video card/anything else and if the piece of hardware is hot, then you can start to panic. But I would not recommend engaging in such nonsense, since it is completely inaccurate (unless you have finely sensitive thermal sensors built into your skin that can determine the temperature down to a degree :)), and in general you can get burned, get an electric shock or something else no less terrible.

Method one: a simple and quick way to find out the temperature

Instantly, simply and without unnecessary hassles, you can measure the temperatures of various computer components using the HWMonitor program.

It does not require installation, unnecessary movements and other horrors of life. You can take it, article on use.

Method two: the method is more accurate, but takes a long time, i.e. under load = during operation

Temperatures when idle (when the computer is hardly used is one thing). But under load and in a state of stress - this is different. Therefore, to take temperature readings, we will use a time-tested program - a heavyweight called (formerly Everest).

First, a little about the program itself. AIDA is, perhaps, the only program that can tell you everything about your computer, from what processor and operating system you have to whether you currently have the system case open, how many millions of transistors are in your video card and what kind of slippers you are currently wearing (the slippers are, of course, a joke;)). I'll talk about this truly great program in detail, but for now let's get back to what we wanted to use it for - to determine the temperature of system components.

You can download the program from anywhere, but according to my tradition, I give you . No installation is required, you just need to run aida64.exe from the unpacked folder.

In the big and scary program that opens (by the way, it’s in Russian), you need to go to the “Computer” tab - Sensor " . There you will see all the temperatures of your computer components.

Let's move on to direct use.

How to use AIDA64 for our purposes

Now we can observe the temperatures:

  • CPU - Processor
  • - Processor cores (this is the main thing in it)
  • GPU - Graphics Processing Unit (video card)
  • GPU memory - GPU memory (video card memory)
  • Motherboard - the temperature on the computer, namely the temperature of its chipset (the main thing in it)

What are these temperatures, what can be learned from them and why are they needed at all?

Temperature plays a critical role in the performance and health of your computer. When a certain level is exceeded (each component has its own), various problems begin, such as, for example, slowdowns, programs shutting down, rebooting the computer, incorrect display of graphics, and so on until some components completely fail.

In order to avoid all this and save your computer, you need to at least periodically monitor the above temperatures, especially on hot summer days.

What temperatures should you be wary of?

Let's take a closer look at the temperatures to avoid.

  • For temperatures.
    I used to consider the ceiling where problems begin (for example, slowdowns) to be 60 (or more) degrees. I consider a temperature of 65-80 degrees quite critical, because... the so-called throttling begins (namely, the mode of skipping cycles, i.e. the processor deliberately begins to work several times weaker, skipping cycles in order to reduce its temperature), emergency reboot/self-shutdown of the computer, etc. Simply put, it is important to ensure that the processor temperature does not exceed the bar of 55 degrees, or better yet, 45-50. I consider normal temperatures to be 35-40 degrees at idle and 45-55 at 100% multi-hour load. Many people well versed in this will argue, but to this day I believe that the lower the temperature, the higher the performance, namely, a processor with a temperature of 30 degrees will cope with its task faster than a processor with a temperature of 50 degrees, of course at provided that both processors are of the same power.
  • For temperatures.
    Ideally, the chipset temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. In practice, temperatures of 40 -45 are tolerable, for some board models up to 55. In general, I have almost never encountered overheating of chipsets on motherboards, so there is nothing particularly to be afraid of.
  • For temperatures.
    It all depends on how powerful it is, what kind of model it is, what type of cooling is installed on it and for what purposes it is generally intended (for example: for games, for work, or for a media center). For modern video cards, temperatures of 65-75 degrees under full load for many hours are normal. For relatively old models this can be critical. Therefore, when the first signs of overheating appear (read below about what they are), you should pay close attention to the temperature conditions and.
  • Temperatures inside.
    Not many people know, but the temperature of the air in the case plays a very important role, since the temperatures of all system components depend on it, since coolers blow everything with case air. Unfortunately, it is not possible to measure the exact case temperature, but it is highly recommended to install several blow-in coolers in the case.
  • .
    The normal temperature for hard drives is anything below 35-45 degrees, but ideally keep it several times lower, namely around 30.

What overheats, when and why it is dangerous

Above, I described the general parameters by which you can determine that the computer is overheating. Below I will tell you how to calculate what exactly in it has, so to speak, a different temperature:

  • It is most likely that the processor overheats if you are “thrown out” of games and programs to the desktop. Simply put, the application closes itself.
  • It is most likely that the processor is overheating if the computer is rebooted for no reason.
  • There is a 30 to 70 chance that the motherboard is overheating or if the computer turns off for no reason.
  • It is most likely that the video card (or its memory) is overheating if you see so-called artifacts in games and 3D applications (image distortion, incorrect colors, falling textures, all sorts of extraneous sticks/squares, etc.)
  • The appearance may indicate overheating of any components. Most often this is the processor. Then everything else.

Of course, this is just a possibility and not at all a fact that overheating is necessarily to blame for these symptoms. In each case, everything must be checked, analyzed and identified.

Is it possible to diagnose load temperatures and overheating in advance?

The most cunning ones will ask, is it possible to check in advance the temperature of all components under 100% load in temperature monitoring mode. Of course you can. That's why I chose AIDA to measure temperatures.

We launch the program, select "Service" - System stability test", where in the window that appears, tick all the boxes and click “Start”. After which, in fact, we observe the temperatures in the corresponding window.

Under the window with temperatures you can observe the processor load by the program, as well as the same throttling mode (skipping clock cycles when overheating) that I spoke about. As soon as you see that throttling has begun, feel free to stop the test, because this means that the processor is overheating. In all other cases, the program itself will notify you about the failure of any of the components and stop the test.

If you are unsure of the results and want to subject the system to a more precise stress load

There is an even more severe test option that will help you immediately identify whether you have the failures described below and above related to temperatures, as well as check the most extreme options, that is, there is also the option to check your computer using the OOCT program.

Our detailed article on this topic is available. If someone is interested and wants to, then you can (I would even say that in difficult cases it’s worth it) take a look.

What to do if your computer is overheated?

If you are already faced with the problem of overheating, then there are not many solutions, but still.. Actually, here they are:

If you decide to change the cooling system, but don’t know which one to change to, then, traditionally, you can always ask me about it and I’ll try to advise you, because there are a number of subtleties that are important not to miss. Although, however, you can read the article "" or in general articles on the topic of cooling systems.

That's all for now.


Are you hot yourself? Don’t let your computer overheat either;) Moreover, summer is hot these days. And, by the way, read articles on the topic of “temperature”.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments or on our forum. We will try to help, advise and all that stuff.

PS: Temperatures shown are for desktops, not laptops, so your experience may vary slightly.

Most of the fantastic results of beginners, for example, distilled moonshine at 98 degrees, or 0% alcohol in a brew that was actively fermented and drained, are explained by the incorrect use of measuring devices. If you dip a hydrometer in any liquid that does not contain alcohol, the device will still show a certain strength value, since it gives a result based on density. I'll tell you how to use an alcohol meter to always get the correct readings. Despite the external primitiveness and simplicity of the design, there are many nuances in the work.

An alcohol meter is a type of hydrometer (a device that measures the density of liquids) designed to determine the amount of ethyl alcohol in a solution consisting of alcohol and water without other impurities that can affect the density.

Most models are made in the form of a glass float, the wide lower part of which is filled with a weight of shot and filled with resin (some models use mercury), and the upper narrow part contains a paper scale with divisions.

Types of alcohol meters

Laboratory– a professional hydrometer for determining the strength of a solution with a high degree of accuracy. In Russia, the most popular alcohol meters of this type, corresponding to GOST 18481-81, are the sets ASP-1 (11 pieces included), ASP-2 (18 pieces), ASP-3 (3 pieces) with different gradations.

Most experienced moonshiners use the ASP-3 kit, which has a scale division price of 1%. The set consists of three hydrometers: 0-40%, 40-70% and 70-100%. This is enough to make homemade alcohol. ASP-1 and ASP-2 have a gradation of 0.1%.

ASP-3 set

Domestic– an alcohol meter for measuring the strength of alcohol, vodka or moonshine at home. Typically consists of a single device operating in the 0-96% range. It differs from laboratory analogues in less accuracy. If all measurement conditions are met, the error is up to 0.5%. Suitable for beginner moonshiners.

The most affordable household alcohol meter

Digital (electronic)– works according to a different algorithm than traditional hydrometers. It is characterized by high accuracy of readings and fast response of the sensor. Additionally, most devices are equipped with a thermometer. The disadvantage is the high price.

Optic– used to determine the alcohol concentration in a multicomponent solution (water, ethyl alcohol and other additives). Suitable for wines and liqueurs. It works according to a special algorithm, but in a narrower range (usually from 0 to 25 or 40 degrees).

To measure, simply place one drop of material on a special prism, then view the result through the eyepiece. Optical hydrometers are expensive, but additionally show the concentration of sugar in a liquid.

Optical hydrometer suitable for various mixtures up to 40% ABV

Ryumochny– a compact alcoholometer for determining the strength in a small vessel, for example, a glass. Most designs have a scale of 0-96%. The error depends on the model, but often the accuracy is lower than even that of household hydrometers.

Shot alcohol meter - small, but not very accurate

Wine meter– a type of alcoholometer for determining the strength and sugar content of wines. Used by amateur winemakers. Most devices measure the sugar content of the drink in the range of 0-25%, alcohol - 0-12%. Due to the small scale, wine meters are not used by moonshiners.

Vinomer - a tool for measuring the strength of wine and liqueurs

Initial conditions for measurements

1. The alcohol meter should be stored in its original packaging, without subjecting it to shaking or other mechanical influences that could affect its integrity and accuracy. Glass models are very fragile and break easily. If cracks, scratches or other defects appear, the device is damaged and requires replacement.

2. Most alcohol meters are calibrated to operate in a solution whose temperature is 20°C (deviation of no more than 0.5 degrees is allowed). At higher temperatures, the hydrometer overestimates the strength, at low temperatures it underestimates. Failure to comply with the temperature conditions causes a measurement error of up to 7%. The density of the liquid also depends on atmospheric pressure, the recommended value is 760 mm Hg. Art.

3. All alcohol meters (except optical, electronic and wine meters) are designed to work with liquids containing only ethyl alcohol and water. Any other impurities (sugar, juice, tannins after infusion in a barrel, heavy metal salts in water and even fusel oils of poorly purified moonshine) change the density of the solution, leading to inaccurate measurements.

How to measure strength with an alcohol meter

1. Dilute the alcohol with water, wait 5-10 minutes until the intensity of the chemical reaction decreases (at this time a lot of heat is released).

2. Wipe the hydrometer with a dry, clean cloth so that no greasy or dirty stains remain. The device must be completely dry before immersion in liquid.

An approximate correction of alcohol meter readings depending on the temperature of the alcohol is shown in the table; the calculation can be done using a calculator.

The strength of a wine is a very important indicator. This parameter affects the taste of the drink, its effect on the body, as well as possible storage conditions. If at industrial enterprises involved in the production of alcohol, determining the degree does not present a problem, then at home this task can become quite difficult.

And it cannot be said that there is no need to determine the amount of alcohol. This is especially true for those who make the drink “for themselves” in their own kitchen. In addition, winemakers sometimes try to deceive consumers by placing false information about the product on their labels.

About the drink

The fact that grape juice, having spent some time under the sun, acquires new taste qualities and begins to intoxicate the mind, was discovered by the ancient Greeks. According to some researchers, they discovered that such “wine” is consumed by monkeys, specifically looking for old grape bunches lying on the ground. After some time of such observations, the first winemakers began to independently send wine must (grape juice mixed with seeds and peels) for fermentation.

Initially, the drink was not very strong. Compared to modern varieties, that ancient wine was comparable in alcohol content to light beer. Over time, manufacturing technology improved; alcohol began to be artificially added to the wort, as a result of which some wines became comparable in strength to bitter liqueurs. Moreover, if the drink is really of high quality, this circumstance does not affect its taste at all and, on the contrary, even makes it more rich and tart.

How to determine strength

Revolutions, degrees or percentages are an indicator of the proportion of alcohol in the total volume of the drink. Accordingly, the higher this parameter, the stronger the wine.

The easiest way to find out the degree of purchased wine is to look at the label. Typically, manufacturers provide accurate data; in most cases, the discrepancies between what is written and reality do not exceed 1-2%.

But if in doubt, you should check the drink. It’s not a matter of deception on the part of the manufacturer - if the real degree is very different from the prescribed one, then you can doubt the quality and safety of the drink. In addition, home winemakers need to determine the strength, since this parameter reflects the readiness of the wine.

A great way to find out how many revolutions are in a drink is to purchase a household alcohol meter. Its simplest models look like a thermometer. The device is lowered into the drink and after a while shows the result.

But such a device is hardly suitable for working with wines. The fact is that the accuracy of the indicators depends on the amount of impurities in the liquid. If we talk about vodka or moonshine, then there are very few side elements, the error will be no more than 1-2%. Wine contains a huge amount of impurities, and accordingly, the measurement result will be very conditional. There are special alcohol meters for working with wines. Their accuracy is high, but such devices are relatively expensive.

Another method to find out the strength of a wine is to calculate the volume fraction of alcohol by measuring its specific gravity.

You can determine how many revolutions are in the drink as follows:

  • on precise scales the weight of a 200 ml bottle is measured (it must be absolutely dry);
  • pour 200 ml of water at a temperature of 20 degrees into the bottle and weigh the container;
  • Pour wine heated to 20 degrees into an empty, dried bottle and weigh it.

By dividing the weight of wine by the weight of water, you get the specific gravity of the aromatic drink. To complete the calculations, you need to free 200 ml of wine from alcohol - the drink is boiled for half an hour, after which it is sent to the scales. Next, the specific gravity of the wine and alcohol is subtracted from the specific gravity of the boiled drink. The resulting difference is subtracted from the specific gravity of water. The final figure will be the very sought-after fortress. Frankly, it’s easier to buy a wine alcoholometer - in fact it will be cheaper.

Important! To roughly estimate the strength of a wine, you need to know the amount of sugar contained in the drink. The sweeter the wine, the higher the degree. In addition, red wines have increased strength. For example, sweet red will be very strong, but dry white will be very weak.


A frank letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to a bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return every day very drunk, he was rude, and drank away his salary. It really got scary when I pushed him for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and... beatings. And in the morning we apologize. We tried everything, we even coded it. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, we began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he was late at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And after about two or two and a half months, I came across an alcoholic on the Internet. At that moment, I had completely given up, my daughter left us altogether and began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and descriptions. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there was nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?!! I started adding drops to my husband’s tea in the morning, but he didn’t notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later I began to look more decent and my health improved. Well, then I admitted to him that I was slipping the drops. When I was sober, I reacted adequately. As a result, I took a course of alcotoxic medication, and for six months now I have had no problem with alcohol, I was promoted at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Will save families and even lives! Read about the cure for alcoholism.

The classic concept of strength is the number of ml of alcohol contained in 100 ml of drink. This applies to both wines and other alcoholic beverages, including vodka, cognac and even beer.

Interest and turnover are similar concepts expressing the same characteristic of intoxicating. This parameter affects not only the taste, but also the chemical stability of the drink. This property is not important to the average person, but producers use it in the wine production process.

If we talk about specific varieties of wine, the picture of strength will look like this:

  • sparkling wines: 9-13%;
  • sweet: 14-21%;
  • dessert: 15-17%;
  • dry: 4-11%;
  • semi-sweet: 11-15%.

You can also include liqueurs in this list. Their strength usually starts at 12% and ends at 16%, but there are certain types of such strong drinks, the strength of which reaches as much as 60%.

Alcohol in other countries

In any country in the world, the official classification recognizes any type of wine as medium-strength alcoholic beverages. The grape drink is especially popular in European countries.

If we take France and Italy as an example, we can see that people drink wine before almost every meal (of course, in an environment that does not prohibit the consumption of alcohol).

But even despite frequent consumption, the doses of wine drunk by Europeans are very small; a Russian person will not find it enough. In addition, not all Europeans consider wine to be a very weak drink, especially red varieties.

Americans don't really like wine. They are accustomed to strong alcohol:

  • whiskey;
  • cognac;
  • brandy;
  • vodka;
  • tequila.

They drink wine mainly on holidays, perceiving it as a “warm-up” before the subsequent feast. In Russia, the attitude towards wine is approximately the same, but our people can easily while away the evening with a couple of bottles of white or red drink, without moving on to stronger products.

In other words, the classification, of course, classifies wine as a medium-strength alcohol, but the perception of people around the world is different - if some people compare a grape drink with water, then others may “fall over” after a few glasses.

To avoid becoming a victim of alcoholism, any alcoholic drink should be consumed in moderation. Even weak wines can develop dependence over time, which is fraught with a broken fate. Thus, noble varieties of alcohol should be consumed only for the sake of taste, but not for intoxication. The main task of wine is to impart a special taste to various food products.

By the way, remember that only a good drink, which costs accordingly, can fully provide gastronomic pleasure. There is no need to skimp on good wines. With measured consumption, one bottle will last for a long time!


The manufacturer indicates the strength of the wine on the label, but you can check the indicator yourself. This is done in a variety of ways, the most common of which are the use of an alcohol meter and specific gravity calculations. On average, the strength of wine ranges from 9-18%.

Unscheduled shutdown and restart of a laptop or computer, or slow execution of operations and commands may indicate a number of problems. But before you panic and start deleting unnecessary programs, it’s worth checking to see if your equipment’s processor is overheating. Let's find out how to find out the temperature of the processor on a computer or laptop using standard system services and easy-to-install third-party software products.

Standard verification tools

The temperature can be found in two ways - through the BIOS and using Windows PowerShell (automation tool). In the first case, the processor temperature readings do not take into account the load. That is, it is difficult to find out whether the hardware is overheating. But the open source system automation tool developed by Microsoft will give reliable results. To use the service, you need:

The number opposite will be the desired parameter, but not the value of the actual temperature. To get Celsius, you need to divide the value 3010 (example with photo) by 10. Then reduce the resulting figure by 273C. The processor temperature is +28C.

Important! The tool may throw an error when you enter the command. You need to repeat the input, but before pressing Enter, replace the quotes using the English layout, check if there are any extra spaces. Press enter. The above command may not work on some systems.

Using the BIOS is an equally simple procedure. To get into it, you need to hold down the F2, F8 or F12, Delete or others key on the keyboard while restarting your computer or laptop. Depending on the type of BIOS and motherboard, the data of interest to the user (more specifically CPU Temp or Temperature) of the system may be located in different sections:

  • Hardware Monitor;
  • Status;
  • Monitor;
  • PC Health Status, etc.
After receiving data from the BIOS, you need to exit by clicking Exit. The computer will restart.

Using third party utilities

Special software products with wide functionality may seem more convenient - you can find out any system parameters. But in order to view the temperature and heating of the processor, you first need to download and install them on your hard drive. There is a wide selection of utilities on the Internet, but Aida64, Open Hardware Monitor and Core Temp are considered proven and safe for the system. Installed on your hard drive in the standard way. After installing the software product, it is better to reboot the equipment.

The utility is considered a full-featured product, and therefore is not distributed free of charge on the Internet. When downloading the application for free, the user will only have access to a 30-day bonus mode. The latest Russian-language version of the software product is suitable for installation on Windows 10. Among all existing utilities, Aida64 is the most understandable and easy to manage. After installing and launching it, the main menu will appear on the screen. Here you need:

Core Temp
An excellent visualizer of hardware parameters. She is Russian speaking. The interface is designed in the style of thematic blocks familiar to Windows OS users, so understanding the utility will be easy even for a beginner. But the main advantage of Core Temp is the transmission of data in the background. After installing and launching the software product, its main menu opens. In it, the lowest block “Processor #0: Temperature” illustrates the necessary parameters for each core.

Do I need to monitor the processor temperature?

Preferably. After all, when it overheats (when the readings rise above 80-87C), the processor skips clock cycles and the equipment turns off. Operations and commands are performed incorrectly, which can cause various problems. When monitoring temperature, the data obtained should be compared with the following:
  • 28-40C - the equipment is in idle mode;
  • 41-65C - the process is loaded: games, movies, data processing, etc. Normal indicators for a loaded laptop or computer;
  • 67-75C is the maximum permissible temperature for most types of processors.
If the resulting figure is higher, you need to take action. One of them is improving the performance of the cooling system. It would be a good idea to check the startup settings of programs and remember the last time the system unit was cleaned. If a computer or laptop is constantly used under load, it makes sense to install a functional utility to monitor system and hardware parameters. It will help prevent data loss when equipment overheats and turns off.

Before checking the degrees in the wine, you need to leave the drink at room temperature for 30 - 40 minutes. This will allow the concentration of alcohols to be brought in accordance with standard standards. Chilled or heated drinks may give different indicators, which will not correspond to the truth. How to check the degree of homemade wine is described later in this material. Simple but effective methods available to every modern person are given. First of all, do not forget that there are special devices that help determine the strength of a drink at home.

Wine strength is an indicator of the percentage of ethyl alcohol. Depending on the type of noble drink, the degree may be higher or lower:

  • dry wine – 10–11.5% vol.;
  • semi-sweet – 12–15% vol.;
  • liqueur – 12–16% vol.;
  • sweet – 14–18% vol.;
  • dessert – 15–17% vol.;
  • sparkling – 9-13% vol.

Red wine is stronger than white wine. The alcohol content characterizes the type and stability of the wine and is expressed as a percentage by volume. Volume percentages show how many milliliters of pure alcohol are contained in 100 ml of wine. This is also expressed by degrees of strength.

How to check the degree of wine at home

Before you check the strength of a wine at home, you need to know that the strength of a wine can be determined in several ways.

Firstly, for this purpose there are special devices - alcohol meters, including special ones for wine. This method is considered very simple, but it is important to remember that measurements may not be accurate. This is because an alcohol meter measures the alcohol concentration level in a drink without taking into account the dry solids found in the wine. Therefore, the device may make errors within 1–2% vol.

Secondly, the home winemaker can recommend the following simple method for determining alcohol in wine. Place a dry 200 ml graduated baby milk bottle on a scale and weigh it. Pour 200 ml of water at room temperature (20 °C) into it and weigh again. Record the exact weight. After this, the suspended water is poured out, the remainder is allowed to drain, 200 ml of wine is poured (its temperature should also be 20 °C) and weighed.

The resulting weight of the wine is divided by the weight of water and the specific gravity of the wine is obtained. Then the wine is prepared, devoid of alcohol. To do this, measure 200 ml of wine into the same bottle and boil it for about 30 minutes, cool, pour into the same bottle and fill to the mark with water. The alcohol-free wine is weighed.

The weight of wine without alcohol is divided by the weight of water and the specific gravity of wine without alcohol is obtained. From the specific gravity of wine without alcohol, the specific gravity of the wine with alcohol is subtracted, the difference is subtracted from one (specific gravity of water) and a number is obtained indicating the specific gravity of a mixture of water and alcohol, taken in the same quantity as the wine being tested.

How to check how many degrees there are in wine

How to check how many degrees are in wine is described in more detail above on the page: two effective methods are given there. But when alcoholizing young wine it is very difficult to determine the amount of alcohol added, so the calculation is made approximately. It’s nice to think that if a wine has a strength of 10% vol. add 1% alcohol (or 2% vodka), its strength will increase by 1% vol.

For example, the strength of wine (20 l) must be increased from 10 to 15% vol., that is, by 5% vol. If you use alcohol for these purposes, you will need it:(20 x 1 x 5): 100 = 1 l. If you take vodka instead of alcohol, then its quantity will be: (20 x 2 x 5): 100 = 2 liters.

After vodka is added to the fermented wine, it is mixed well and left for 4-5 days so that the liquids assimilate with each other.