How to clean moonshine using homemade methods to remove smell and fusel oils? Technology for purifying moonshine at home with activated carbon, water, potassium permanganate, soda, salt, filter, bread, egg.

After distillation in the still, moonshine requires additional purification, since it cannot be drunk in an unpurified form. It is tasteless, the drink has a characteristic odor and is dangerous to health. Therefore, in order to obtain a high-quality product, you will have to clean the drink from impurities. This can be done in different ways, but one of the most controversial is cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate and soda.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate

There are also separate ways to improve the product using soda and potassium permanganate. All of them have disadvantages and advantages, so making a final choice between them is difficult.

Uses of manganese

Speaking about potassium permanganate, it is worth saying that the scientific name of the substance is potassium permanganate, and it cannot be found freely in pharmacies today. Some people may still have the substance from earlier times. They look like dark crystals that dissolve in water and turn it pink. According to its chemical properties, potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent, and substances that are oxidized under the influence of potassium permanganate precipitate. Also, when cleaning moonshine, a precipitate is formed, which then needs to be filtered.

It is also worth mentioning that potassium permanganate acts selectively during cleaning. That is, it does not eliminate all harmful substances in the drink, so additional cleaning may be required, which is done using soda in the combined method. Manganese is also not used if the mash is fruit.

The method of how to clean moonshine with potassium permanganate is easy to use. For this you need to use up to 2 grams of potassium permanganate per liter of moonshine, which is mixed in the liquid. After which the container is left for 12 hours in a dark place at room temperature. After this time, the liquid should generally become lighter in color, and a precipitate should appear at the bottom, which needs to be filtered. The filter is either ordinary gauze with cotton wool and charcoal, or a kitchen water filter.

In addition to adherents of the method, there are those who criticize it. In most cases, the criticism is based on a series of chemical reactions that show what the purification process is all about. Moreover, this method can be hazardous to health.

If you conduct an experiment and write down the formula of chemical reactions, you get the following picture: 2KMnO4 + 3C2H5OH = 2KOH + 2MnO2+ 3CH3CHO + 2H2O, where:

  • 2KOH - potassium hydroxide - a substance included in the class of alkalis, and also belongs to the E525 food additives. Class of acidity regulators and preservatives. It is quite strong and is not used in large concentrations.
  • 2MnO2 - has the appearance of brown flakes that settle at the bottom. Some people think that this is the fusel.
  • H2O is ordinary water.
  • 3CH3CHO - acetaldehyde or acetaldehyde. This is the substance that is the most dangerous in the reaction that occurred. On the contrary, they want to get rid of it during the cleaning process. The thing is that acetaldehyde can cause dependence on alcohol. In nature, it is found in fruits, coffee, tobacco, and sometimes in plants. But its quantity is low compared to moonshine. Acetaldehyde is also a potential carcinogen, and if the substance enters the body from the outside, it can increase the risk of tumors. It is also produced by our liver, it is an intermediate product of alcohol metabolism. The liver converts alcohol into acetaldehyde and then into acetic acid. Therefore, if you clean moonshine in this way, the strength of the drink will decrease and the aldehyde content will increase.

It cannot be said that potassium permanganate is completely useless, because it oxidizes some of the harmful substances. But the positive effect of the procedure as a whole is doubtful, and it is better to use other methods. The strength of the alcohol still remains unchanged, since the amount of potassium permanganate is low, and the concentration of the substance is too low to break down all the alcohol. To be fair, it should be noted that even subsequent cleaning with oil, soda, or other substances will not change the concentration of acetaldehyde in the drink.

The technology of how to clean moonshine with soda is also imperfect. The drink, in combination with alkali, forms by-products that are difficult to get rid of in the future. Although the technique itself is more effective than using manganese alone.

Cleaning moonshine with soda

Soda has the ability to absorb harmful substances and form sediment. It needs to be filtered as efficiently as possible, since it is the sediment that contains all the harmful components that cause poisoning and intoxication of the body. After soda purification, filtration is required, as well as, if possible, re-distillation. If you do everything correctly and completely get rid of the soda sediment, then the drink can be safely consumed.

Moonshine cleaning soda

For cleaning, use only baking soda or caustic soda in combination with manganese. Using soda ash in any form is dangerous to health.

In defense of the technique, it should be said that the taste of moonshine after cleaning with soda is excellent, the liquid is transparent and does not have a nasty odor. And the strength of the drink will not change even after repeated filtration, so the result is well worth the money, especially if you use the right technique and follow the recommendations.

Combined cleaning method

A popular combination is cleaning moonshine with soda and potassium permanganate. The most effective result is achieved, in contrast to using the components separately. Each component performs its assigned role:

  • baking soda neutralizes acetic acid;
  • potassium permanganate fights fusel oils and ether;
  • Baking soda is better at eliminating fusel from the drink.

Before cleaning, it is also necessary to reduce the strength of the drink to 40%, then the process will be more efficient.

The proportions for each product should be used as follows:

  • For a liter of moonshine you need 2 grams of potassium permanganate. These components should be thoroughly mixed until the crystals are completely dissolved, after which the liquid turns crimson. The drink is left in this form for 12 hours, after which the moonshine becomes discolored and the manganese precipitates.
  • Next, clean with soda, using the following proportion: 1 liter per 10 grams of substance. After mixing the substances, the drink is also left for 12 hours until a precipitate appears, which is filtered again.

This technique is a step-by-step cleaning using two substances. But simultaneous cleaning can also be used. For it you need:

  • Make a solution of water and manganese in a ratio of 1.5 liters of liquid per 1.5 grams of potassium permanganate. If 10 liters of alcohol are purified, you should take 15 grams of manganese and one glass of water.
  • Soda and moonshine are mixed in a proportion of 10 grams of alkali per 1 liter of liquid. If caustic soda is used, then 2 grams of the substance are poured into one liter of moonshine.
  • The solutions are mixed together and waited for half an hour. After this, the liquid is mixed again and infused for 14 hours, after which the moonshine must be filtered. This can be done using a funnel with cotton wool and coal. If it is necessary to increase the strength of moonshine, it is sent for re-distillation.

Moonshine can be purified using any method. By experience, you can determine and improve all proportions, as well as choose the most suitable method.

Making homemade alcohol has long been a fairly popular activity. This not only saves money, but also ensures that you are using a quality product. However, such a process requires compliance with clear rules. Only under this condition will the result be a truly good drink. One of the important stages for its manufacture is the cleaning process itself. You should consider the procedure for purifying the most common homemade alcohol - moonshine.

Purification is necessary to separate fusel oils and toxic impurities. Their presence in the drink causes:

  • unpleasant taste and smell;
  • danger to human health.

The easiest way to filter it from the listed components is to use salt and soda. These are natural antiseptics that neutralize unnecessary components.

Cleaning moonshine with soda

Clean homemade moonshine with salt, perhaps at an alcohol strength of 30-40 degrees. For this process, only regular baking soda is used. To achieve the right effect, follow these steps:

  • 10 g of soda is calculated per liter of moonshine; it must be diluted in advance in 100 ml of drinking water;
  • the appropriate proportion is prepared depending on the amount of alcohol-containing liquid;
  • soda is added to alcohol;
  • The container is tightly closed and shaken vigorously. This mixture settles for approximately 50 minutes;
  • After the time has passed, shake it again, and then settle again in a dark place for 14 hours.
  • the next step will be filtration, when the settled liquid is filtered through a homemade filter. For this, folded and compacted cotton wool is used.

For a better effect, you can lay crushed activated carbon powder on top of the cotton wool. Carefully strain the liquid, then distill again.

How to clean moonshine with soda and salt: sequence of actions

These two components neutralize toxins, so their use gives quite effective results. In addition, salt affects the taste of moonshine and makes it softer.

It is better to clean moonshine with soda and salt at the same time. The procedure is appropriate when the drink has a strength of no more than 30 degrees. Therefore, before this, the strong drink is diluted with water to the required degree. The next sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Add salt and soda at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of drink.
  2. Pour the mixture into the drink and let it sit. This will take approximately several hours.
  3. At the next stage, the liquid will change its properties. Sediment will appear at the bottom. This will actually be a signal that the moonshine can be filtered.
  4. After filtration, the drink is again put into distillation.

This method is absolutely ideal for cleaning. However, it is important not to overdo it, because the wrong technique and the presence of soda in the drink will ruin it. And this will not have the best effect on the taste.

To bring alcohol to the desired taste characteristics, citrus peels, cinnamon and other aromatic additives are often used.

Moonshine is considered to be a traditional Russian drink, which is not inferior in quality to other alcohols, such as rum. When considering the technology for preparing moonshine and rum, there are practically no differences to be found, except for the raw materials from which they are created. Today, stores offer consumers a wide range of vodka, forty percent of which is of dubious origin and prepared in violation of GOST requirements. Therefore, it is better to spend time and effort making moonshine at home. This will help save your budget and maintain your health. Today we will look at how to create homemade moonshine, the recipes of which have been tested, as well as methods for purifying it, as this helps to obtain high-quality, pure alcohol.

Selection and preparation of raw materials

When choosing raw materials for production, you need to pay attention to their availability. Very often sugar is used as a raw material, but starch, grains, etc. can also be used. So, for example, if homemade moonshine is brewed from starch, the yield will be one and a half liters per kilogram of raw materials used. If sugar is used, the yield of vodka will be one liter and ten grams. The choice of raw materials determines the quality of the final product.

Fermentation process

The quantity and quality of the final product also depends on how the fermentation occurs. To do this, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature; it should be between eighteen and twenty-four degrees Celsius. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients, since an insufficient amount of sugar will lead to the fermentation process proceeding very slowly. Therefore, it is recommended to use sugar, yeast and water in a ratio of 1:0.1:3. This proportion is used for many types of feedstock. Using an example, let's look at how mash is prepared from grain and potatoes, so that you can then make homemade moonshine from it. The recipes are all tested, so there is no doubt about the quality of the drink.

Home brew for moonshine from grain

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of grain, 200 grams of sugar, 50 grams of yeast, 100 grams of malt.


The grain is washed, crushed using a masher, diluted with water (in a ratio of one to three), then sugar, yeast and malt are added, covered and placed in a warm place for 15 days, periodically removing any foam that appears and shaking.

Potato mash

Ingredients: 8 kilograms of potatoes, 10 liters of water, 200 grams of malt, 300 grams of sugar, 150 grams of yeast.


Homemade moonshine is of very good quality if it is made from potato mash. However, in this case it is necessary to carry out double distillation and purification. So, to prepare mash, you need to mix all the ingredients, put the container in a warm place for two weeks, periodically stirring the contents and removing the resulting foam.

It must be borne in mind that during fermentation not only ethyl alcohol is formed, but also its oxidation occurs, resulting in the appearance of oxidation products, which then end up in moonshine. These are such as acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetic acid, methane, etc. The presence of such components in alcohol is undesirable, as it can have a detrimental effect on health. Therefore, it is recommended to clean moonshine with soda or other products. We'll look at how to do this a little later.


Distillation is considered to be the process of heating a liquid to a boil with further condensation of vapors. Primary distillation allows you to get rid of fusel oils and other impurities. So, the first eight percent of the total yield of moonshine is poured out - this alcohol is not suitable for consumption, since it poses a danger to the body. 85% is the volume of the main fraction, which is used for food purposes. The last fraction contains it and is usually distilled again, following the same principles. Thus, as a result of the first distillation, moonshine is freed from most of the harmful substances. The second follows the same principle as the first. But in order to obtain high-quality alcohol, distillation must be supplemented with purification methods. Today we will look at how moonshine is purified with soda.

Complete purification of moonshine

Before cleaning, moonshine must be diluted to 40 or 45 degrees, since the higher the percentage of alcohol, the stronger it retains various impurities. It is recommended to use high-quality water. Its quantity will depend on the alcohol strength. Usually take 500 grams of water for 1 liter of vodka. Cleaning moonshine with soda helps remove fusel oils from alcohol. It is taken at the rate of 8 grams per 1 liter of alcohol. Cleaning with soda is an intermediate stage in the purification of moonshine, which must be carried out before the second distillation. If this is done after the second distillation, you can get a drink with an admixture of soda, which is harmful to the body. The taste, smell and clarity of such an alcoholic drink will be very poor. Let's look at how moonshine is purified with baking soda. The entire process is described below.

Cleaning moonshine with soda

Baking soda can quickly neutralize acetic acid. It is added to moonshine after the first distillation at the rate of 1 gram (1/3 teaspoon) per 1 liter of alcohol. The mixture is stirred well and distilled again, pouring out the first and last 150 grams of the drink. The second distillation allows you to obtain alcohol with a strength of up to 70 degrees. The container is placed in the freezer for a while, after which the moonshine is drained, throwing away what is frozen to the walls of the bottle. Dilute vodka with distilled water to 40 degrees.

Cleaning with moonshine and washing soda

Helps produce a high-quality alcoholic drink without foreign odors and impurities. For each liter of vodka, take 10 grams, mix and leave for half an hour, after which they add at the rate of 2 grams per 50 grams of water and 1 liter of alcohol. After half an hour, add soda again in the same proportions and leave for 12 hours. After time, the liquid is drained and distilled, diluted with distilled water.

Filters for purifying moonshine

After the second distillation, the moonshine is filtered and bottled. The simplest filter is prepared as follows: three layers of gauze or fabric are placed in a large funnel, then cotton wool is placed, clean calcined sand is poured on top, and then gauze is placed again. If the sand layer is two centimeters, filtration will occur at the rate of half a liter of vodka per hour. You can use such filters to purify moonshine, which are used to purify water. You can purchase them at any specialized store. They are installed in distillation apparatuses in front of the container for assembling moonshine.

The harm of cleaning vodka with soda

Many people believe that cleaning moonshine with soda can cause harm to the human body. But this is only the case when they drink alcohol directly with this powder (when purified after the second distillation). To ensure that this product does not remain in alcohol, there is a second distillation. In addition, when using soda and potassium permanganate, you can ensure that the alcoholic drink is free of foreign odors and fusel oils.

Cleaning moonshine with oil

This method also helps eliminate fusel oils in moonshine. Refined vegetable oil, which is odorless, is suitable for this purpose. So, the alcohol is diluted to 30 degrees, vegetable oil is added (20 grams per 1 liter of vodka), shaken well for three minutes three times, taking short breaks. Purifying moonshine with oil helps to obtain a cloudy color of the drink. It is left until two layers are formed (the oil floats to the top). This takes about 12 hours. Then the liquid is poured into another container through a filter (we discussed how to do this above) and distilled again.

Thus, purifying moonshine with soda or oil makes it possible to obtain pure alcohol, devoid of any extraneous odors and additives harmful to health. Finally, let’s look at a few recipes for making moonshine at home.

Wheat moonshine

Ingredients: 6 kilograms of sugar, 5 kilograms of wheat, water.


This homemade moonshine recipe is known to almost everyone. First, the cereal is washed, poured into a container and filled with water, 2 kilograms of sugar are added, covered and placed in a dark place for one week. Then add the rest of the sugar and 15 liters of water, cover and put in a warm place again for 4 days. Then the mash is distilled the first time, not forgetting that the moonshine needs to be purified with soda, a second and a third. And we already know how to do this.

Moonshine made from sugar and yeast

Ingredients: for 1 kilogram of sugar take 100 grams of yeast and 4 liters of water.


This homemade moonshine recipe is very simple and quite popular. So, sugar is poured into a suitable container, poured with cold water and stirred until it is completely dissolved. Then the yeast is kneaded and added to the liquid. A few grams of vegetable oil are poured onto the surface of the mash to prevent foam from forming. The mash is placed in a warm place for two weeks, after which it is distilled, purified, distilled again, filtered and bottled.

Cleaning moonshine with soda is required to make the drink taste more pleasant for those who
uses it. Resolution of everyday issues or folk festivities have never been complete without this drink. Recipes for its preparation have been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times, so moonshine is especially popular in our time.

The demand for drink recipes is due to the possibility of purifying moonshine with soda, the benefits and harms of which depend on compliance with the technological process. Fusel oils, acetaldehyde and other harmful components contained in moonshine pose a great danger to human health. Purifying an alcoholic drink at home requires following the appropriate instructions to ensure you prepare a quality drink.

Many people do not trust moonshine, considering moonshine to be an alcoholic drink that has an unpleasant odor and is of poor quality. If the finished product is made from low-quality raw materials using a primitive distillation device, then it cannot be consumed. Compliance with proper preparation technology, as well as with soda, will protect your own health from the harm of this drink. It must be remembered that it should not be taken in large quantities.

A high-quality alcoholic drink can only be obtained by using safe cleaning methods: chemical and mechanical. Combined methods for purifying alcoholic beverages are used.

As a result of such procedures at home, harmful substances that have a detrimental effect on human health are neutralized. Their list includes:

  • acetaldehydes;
  • esters;
  • isoamyl alcohol;
  • fusel oils.

Once in the human body, they cause poisoning, hangover, and seizures.
headache, depression, intoxication of internal organs.

Unnecessary impurities can be removed through complex treatment with various products and substances:

  • manganese;
  • salt;
  • charcoal;
  • soda.

If all cleaning steps are followed, the output will be a clean, odorless product.
The following methods are popular: processing raw materials with soda and potassium permanganate, purifying moonshine with soda and salt. You will need to take both substances in the required quantity or combine both cleaning methods. The procedure is easier to perform after diluting the alcohol with water.

To detect the presence of fusel oils and other substances hazardous to health in moonshine, it is enough to use a proven method. The liquid collected in the spoon should be set on fire. The main product burns, and the remaining oily liquid is fusel oil.

The process under consideration is quite labor-intensive and requires significant time. It is carried out using sodium bicarbonate (sodium hydroxide). Alkali or caustic soda, used simultaneously with other substances, is suitable for this purpose. This component cannot be used as an independent component for cleaning alcohol-containing drinks. Its aggressive effects can harm human health.

The benefits and harms of baking soda

Despite the effectiveness of cleaning moonshine with soda, these ingredients interact
form by-products that are harmful to human health. An important property of the component is its ability to form sediment when absorbing harmful compounds. This feature is the basis of the raw material purification process. If the technology was followed exactly, then drinking the finished drink will not cause poisoning of the body with harmful components.

At first, the impeccably transparent appearance of the moonshine and its lack of unpleasant odor will be noticeable. Even secondary filtration of this composition will not lead to changes in its strength. Carrying out the procedure at home is popular due to the low cost and availability of raw materials, and the ease of the procedure.

Potassium permanganate can be bought inexpensively at any pharmacy. Soda has been used for decades to remove fusel and other harmful substances from alcoholic beverages. Some people tend to consider this method of cleansing harmful and useless. During its implementation, careful filtering is required. Sometimes additional distillation is carried out.

  • If a person drinks alcohol with impurities, it causes irreparable harm to health.
  • The method of cleaning with potassium permanganate and soda should not be ignored if their interaction leads to the appearance of harmful compounds.
  • By eliminating their sediment from the composition, a person may not be afraid of the consequences of drinking an alcoholic drink.
  • Moonshine should be filtered after the initial distillation.
  • During the process, various impurities begin to precipitate, which can be removed after a more thorough secondary distillation.
  • This will ensure the effectiveness of the procedure, since all remaining impurities will disappear.

Purifying moonshine with potassium permanganate alone does not allow you to achieve the maximum effect, since the benefit from this process will be minimal.

Combined cleansing methods, i.e. using soda with potassium permanganate, have always been effective. If you use a high-quality device, then the interaction of soda and manganese will not be harmful. The material from which the equipment is made must not react with the substances used for the procedure.

Combined method: soda and potassium permanganate

The removal of harmful substances using a combined method allows you to speed up the purification of moonshine.
including the following components:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • caustic and baking soda.

The proposed method is effective because the active cleansing properties of all ingredients
allow you to achieve a favorable result:

  • neutralization of acetic acid with baking soda;
  • elimination of fusel oils and esters using potassium permanganate;
  • cleaning harmful impurities with caustic soda.

If you need to purify 10 liters of alcohol, then you need to take manganese (15 g) and add water (1 glass).
A soda solution is prepared by mixing it and drinking at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of liquid. The use of caustic soda should be careful:

  • 20 g of the component are poured into 20 ml of water;
  • 1 liter of moonshine is mixed with an alkali solution.

The solution is kept for 30 minutes in a tightly closed container. After careful mixing, the composition is infused for 14 hours. During this time, sediment formation occurs.
Each purification method requires filtering the drink. For this purpose, a funnel or hole is used
which is covered with cotton wool or charcoal.

You can filter using gauze folded in several layers. A filter for water purification is also suitable. Repeated distillation adds strength to the resulting drink. The above method is common among home winemakers.

After using this complex, the quality of alcohol increases significantly.

Soda and salt

Also an excellent way is to clean moonshine using salt and soda.

  1. The drink should not be too strong. The purification process can slow down significantly if the liquid is stronger than 40 degrees. In this case, it is worth diluting the mash with water to achieve values ​​of 25-30 degrees.
  2. For 1 liter of prepared moonshine, take a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda.
  3. All this should be added to alcohol and allowed to brew. Then you should carefully drain the liquid without sediment and repeat the procedure. Such actions can restore the product to its former strength and clean it.
  4. It’s easy to improve the taste in one moment; you should add a little honey, cinnamon or nut peels.

Soda quite easily purifies the liquid and forms by-products, which precipitate. Of course, they are very harmful to human life and health. They must be filtered, as well as subsequent distillation.

Experts believe that cleaning moonshine with soda and salt is the most gentle method. The fact is that these components can make it softer and tastier. If you do not decide to do subsequent distillation, the drink may not be as strong and pure.

Stages of purifying an alcoholic beverage from fusel oils

You should clean moonshine at home in stages:

  1. Prepare 10 g of soda per 1 liter of drink. If the dosage of soda is small, it is better to add a little water.
  2. Mix the resulting composition and leave it for 10-14 hours in a dark room.
  3. Strain the solution, paying special attention to filtration, which will allow both distillations to be completed without the formation of sediment.
  4. The stage of purifying moonshine with soda is considered intermediate in the process of preparing this drink.
  5. It must be cleaned between the first and second stages. If you do not adhere to this rule, then the moonshine may be spoiled.

Baking soda in large quantities increases sediment in alcohol-containing drinks and gives it an unpleasant taste. Water must be mixed with soda in equal proportions. If the moonshine is strong, then this composition of the liquid can slow down the reaction. You will need to dilute the resulting raw material with water.

Usually the raw material has a strength of 40% vol. If it is required, then the strength of the composition should be reduced to 20-30% vol. After filtering the drink through layers of gauze, the moonshine should be filtered. If necessary, this procedure is carried out 2 times. Then the purified distillate is sent for fractional distillation, the result of which is a pleasant drink without fusel impurities.

Moonshine is a well-known drink for a long time. He survived one wave of popularity and is now being overtaken by a second. Moonshine first became widespread under Soviet rule, when store-bought alcoholic beverages were prohibited. Nowadays, alcohol from stores is prohibitively expensive, so everyone remembers old recipes for distilling this product and takes out old distillers. A particularly strong role in the popularity of moonshine has been played by various organizations that supply low-quality vodka to stores, which is only suitable for rubbing during a cold, but not for internal use.

Probably everyone has tried real moonshine. And everyone knows that in most cases it smells quite unpleasant. Sometimes you have to hold your breath so as not to smell this nasty thing. Below we will tell you how to get rid of the unpleasant odor and make moonshine as clear as water. Today we will describe two methods: more expensive and faster and affordable, but requiring a certain amount of time. It is the latter that will be the focus of most of our article. We will tell you how to clean moonshine with soda.

Method one is expensive

The first method of cleaning moonshine involves purchasing a distillation column. This is a special design in which vapors undergo several stages of purification. The column itself consists of a pillar and several bowls. The more there are, the higher the degree of purification. Moonshine condenses on each of them, and the vapor passing through it leaves all the fusel oils in it. It turns out that the product cleans itself.

But there is one nuance - such a column is only a spacer between the distillation cube and the coil. But its cost is equal to the price of a new distiller. It turns out that to use such a thing, you need to pay as much money as for two moonshine stills, but the final product will be the same as from one.

To be fair, it should be noted that a distillation column significantly reduces the time required to obtain the finished product. A purified drink will come out of the system and can be consumed.

Method two is cheap

Now we will look at how moonshine is purified with soda and potassium permanganate. The costs will be minimal, but you need to take into account that for this method you will have to accurately adjust the dose, as well as waste time. Therefore, if you are distilling moonshine not for yourself, but for sale, then this can become critical. It will be easier to use the first method. For everyone else, cleaning with soda and potassium permanganate is perfect. Some moonshiners even say that you need to tinker with the product and put your soul into it in order to get an excellent drink at home.

By the way, it should be noted that when using these reagents, in addition to benefits, there will also be harm. But first things first. Also below we will consider all the stages of cleaning: their duration, sequence and number of components.

What kind of soda can be used

Moonshine contains two main ingredients that need to be filtered to obtain a quality product:

  • Fusel oils;
  • Acetaldehyde.

Both of these components are harmful to the body. In addition, fusel oils give moonshine an unpleasant odor and “fragrance”. To understand how much fusel oil is in moonshine, you can use the good old method - the fire test. Just put the product in a spoon and set it on fire. After the bulk of the liquid has burned, an oily coating will remain at the bottom. This is the same “sivukha”.

So let's begin. Please note that this process is quite labor-intensive. For cleaning you can use:

  1. Baking soda (pure potassium bicarbonate);
  2. A mixture of substances: caustic soda, potassium permanganate and baking soda.

Under no circumstances should caustic soda be used as a stand-alone moonshine cleaning agent. Its second name is sodium hydroxide. Also, under no circumstances should you use soda ash. If you do not follow this advice, you can get seriously poisoned, and some cases can be fatal!

Benefits and harms

Baking soda acts as a sponge in this case. It absorbs all harmful substances, after which it falls out in the form of sediment. It is clear that the sediment contains the entire critical mass of all harmful substances. Therefore, after cleaning, it is imperative to filter the product very well. If this cannot be done, then you need to re-distill.

Cleaning moonshine with soda allows you to drink the drink without worrying about the health consequences. All harmful components will remain in the precipitate.

In order to ensure the validity of this method, we advise you to purify a small amount of moonshine. It will immediately be visually visible that the product has become much cleaner and more transparent. The unpleasant odor will almost completely disappear. And the taste will change significantly; there will be no unpleasant aftertaste of dough with yeast.


Cleaning moonshine with baking soda is a process that requires maximum attention and concentration from you. Therefore, we will describe the entire process step by step in as much detail as possible:

  1. The dosage of soda is calculated based on the proportions of 1:100. That is, for 1 liter of moonshine take 10 g of soda. But, if the amount of the drink being purified is larger, then the soda must be diluted with clean water 1:1. In other words, to clean 10 liters of moonshine, you need to take 100 ml of water and 100 g of soda. Before pouring the solution into the product, you need to mix it thoroughly;
  2. Now as for the moonshine itself. It will be best if its strength does not exceed 40 degrees. The higher the strength, the worse the absorption (purification) will be;
  3. Soda is gradually added to the moonshine, which is constantly stirred. This needs to be done quite intensively, but you should not use a mixer for this - stirring with a spoon will be enough;
  4. Now put the mixture in a dark place;
  5. After 40 minutes, be sure to stir the solution;
  6. Filtration is also a very important process. Therefore, pay special attention to it. Filters for coffee machines are perfect. They will completely prevent sediment from getting into the container with the final product.

Using Multiple Components

Thanks to this method, you will be able to significantly increase the quality of cleaning. Popularly this method is called extended or purification of moonshine with potassium permanganate. Each of the components used performs its own special role:

  • Baking soda removes acetic acid;
  • Potassium permanganate removes fusel oils;
  • Caustic soda removes residual harmful substances that affect health and also give the drink an unpleasant taste, smell and color.

So, let's proceed directly to advanced cleaning:

  1. We calculate the volume of moonshine - this is very important;
  2. We dissolve manganese in water, the amount of which is taken from a ratio of 1:1000 to moonshine. That is, for 1 liter you need to take 1 g of manganese, which must be dissolved in a glass of water;
  3. The proportions of baking soda are similar to the previous method: 10 g of soda per 1 liter of drink;
  4. Caustic soda should be taken exactly 2 g per 1 liter of moonshine;
  5. All three solutions are mixed in a separate container. Preferably glass. The exposure is 30 minutes;
  6. After half an hour, mix our solution with moonshine. After this, it infuses for 14 hours;
  7. Filtration is tediously carried out using a paper funnel into which charcoal is poured or cotton wool is placed. It is better if there is a lump of cotton wool at the bottom, and coal on it;
  8. And re-distillation.

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