How to get started with a multicooker. Multicookers - basic instructions for use manual

The manufacturer supplies all their appliances with instructions for use and a special brochure with famous recipes, but despite this, often our people do not have a clue how to use the multicooker. And it’s not at all that people are stupid, just a lot of multicookers are delivered to us from foreign countries where they don’t know how to speak Russian, and, apparently, they don’t know how to use a translator either.

In addition, not all sellers in the domestic market know what a really high-quality service is, and it costs nothing for them to lose the instructions. There may be other reasons - heavy rain, careless handling of fire, and so on. Now we will understand the basics of handling a multicooker.

A whole book will not be enough to describe each model, so we need to understand the principle of interaction with the multicooker as a whole, regardless of the location of the lights, buttons and other controls.

Each multicooker has "Off", "Start", "Menu" and "Timer" buttons on its control panel (no matter what language it is written in). Light bulbs are hidden under the keys, which clearly indicate the current position of the mode of your multicooker. In addition, there is always a screen where all the manipulations performed are visible.

There should be no problems with the first two buttons, but we will now try to figure it out with the other two.

Often, using the "Menu" button, the program is switched. To do this, click on it and look at the letters on the screen. The same happens with the timer (it is used to delay the start of cooking).

Features of multicooker programs

In the simplest case, the multicooker can be programmed to perform six tasks, but all programs can be divided into two groups, which can be called as follows:

  • semi-automatic;
  • full automatic.
The first category includes steaming, baking and stewing. The cooking conditions during the start of each program in this category are unchanged, but you can adjust the cooking time here. In general, the combination of the time controller and these programs makes it possible to cook anything.

The second category includes various cereals, you can easily, buckwheat, pilaf, milk porridge, because they are prepared with just one touch of a button. By the way, in order to avoid incidents, when loading the ingredients into the bowl, you must strictly follow the rules. The set of multicookers for precise dosing includes measuring containers - a spoon and a glass.

It should be noted one subtlety, which concerns the countdown when cooking in a slow cooker. In the stewing and baking mode, the countdown starts after the start, and in the steaming mode, immediately after the water boils.

In general, this information is quite enough to understand how to use the multicooker. Unfortunately, you will have to deal with the functions of your multicooker in more depth on your own.

After purchasing a multicooker, many questions arise. Each owner is interested in how to use this technique. The device has several modes that allow you to make pastries, yogurts, cook first courses and cereals. The device performs various functions, including heating and heating food. Some models are equipped with a multi-cook option, which raises the traditional question of what it is and how to apply it in action. Consider the main functions of multicookers and cooking modes.

Using a multicooker is not as difficult as it might seem immediately after purchasing the device. A miniature imitation of the stove will allow you to cook traditional and unusual dishes without the need for constant stirring, decreasing and adding temperature. The technique independently controls the time and builds the conditions for the heat treatment of products. Automatic programs do everything for a person.

You can control the device using the "Start", "Timer", "Programs", "Menu" buttons. Under these buttons are sensors that trigger the selected mode and method of cooking. Also on the device is a screen that allows you to control a given process.

You can switch between modes and programs using the Menu key. As a rule, the device is focused on the implementation of 6 options. At the same time, the programs themselves are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Full automatic.
  2. Semi-automatic

The second option involves stewing, steaming and baking. The conditions that set the cooking temperature cannot be adjusted.

Advice. The user can always set the duration of cooking, stewing or baking in his own way.

The first category will allow you to cook milk porridge, buckwheat, friable rice or pilaf. You can get any dish in just one keystroke. The main thing is to take into account the recommendations for cooking and use the glass and spoon that are usually included in the kit.

Variety of modes and programs

Each multicooker model is configured for a certain number of built-in programs and modes. The number of options can be from 5 to 20. Some versions are equipped with even more functions. In addition to the main modes, the technique often includes additional programs. As for the basic settings, they usually include versions:

  • extinguishing;
  • cooking;
  • baking/frying;
  • yogurt;
  • pilaf;
  • rice / buckwheat.

Using the "Extinguishing" mode allows you to bring the products put into the container to the boiling stage. Then the technique is rebuilt for prolonged languishing of food at a lower temperature level. This option allows you to cook aspic, tasty meat, vegetables, baked milk.

"Baking/Frying" - a great opportunity to cook a dish by heating the device to a predetermined temperature level. At the same time, it is maintained for the required period.

"Cooking" is another multicooker mode. It allows you to heat the bowl to the boiling stage, after which it keeps for a predetermined amount of time. The option helps to prepare soup, broth, millet or semolina porridge.

Advice. Some models of multicookers are equipped with a mode focused specifically on cooking pasta.

“Yogurt” is a convenient function in a multicooker, suitable for creating curdled milk, kefir and other healthy sour-milk products. The action of the program is based on a long and weak effect of temperature on the laid products.

Most appliances have another option called Keep Warm. Such a program automatically turns on when the heat treatment of the products is completed. This ensures that the finished dish is kept hot for several hours.

Multicook: features and options

Some models of modern multicookers are equipped with the Multicooker program. This is a built-in option in such household appliances. It is often referred to simply as manual mode.

The unique feature of this feature is that it makes the device multifunctional. Multicook allows you to take advantage of the following features:

  • bread makers;
  • grill;
  • pressure cookers;
  • double boilers.

The user himself controls these functions, varying the cooking time, temperature, the use of several options at the same time and the sequence of their inclusion.

It is better to purchase a multicooker with the "Multipovar" function, this will expand the possibilities in cooking

The use of the Multicook program on a multicooker allows you to independently, manually build the process of cooking products. The program resembles the traditional use of an electric or gas stove. However, the advantage of the device is that there is no need to monitor the cooking time.

Thanks to this function, the multicooker will allow you to cook the first course or warm something up. You can stew meat, steam food, deep-fry potatoes, bake something.

As you can see, the multicooker is a really convenient and practical device. Using it is quite simple, if you immediately understand the variety of programs and modes.

How to use the multicooker - video

How to use the multicooker - photo

How to use the multicooker?

Modern technological progress does not stand still and today we are offered a new device for cooking - a multicooker. In this article, we will consider how you can cook using this device and what are its advantages.

By purchasing a slow cooker, some housewives abandoned all other items that previously helped in the kitchen in cooking. Why? Is she really that perfect? And is it worth praising this device? Let's see how to use the multicooker.

Simply and easily

This miracle unit is praised by experienced housewives and beginners, fathers of families and single men. Because the use is only a few programs, for example: “pilaf”, “buckwheat”, “milk porridge”, “stewing”, “baking”, “steaming”. They start automatically, you just need to do the essentials:

  • Put the right amount of food into the container.
  • Pour in the required amount of water, milk or butter.
  • Select a cooking program.

Everything else, as they say, is a matter of technology. Start the cooking time immediately or with a delay of up to 13 hours, and at the right time the multicooker turns on by itself. Thus, you can provide yourself with a hot breakfast in time without standing at the stove, falling asleep in the evening with everything you need, for example, for porridge. The device will inform you about the readiness with a sound signal, and before it is served, you do not need to constantly approach, look, stir, this will only increase the cooking time. After the end of cooking, the heating mode is switched on, which can operate during the day. But for more than 12 hours, you should not turn it on, because a dried dish will not please you. The only preparation that requires an open lid is boiling pasta, as a lot of foam can form. And in normal mode, a moisture collector operates, which prevents the foam from flowing out.

Tasty and healthy

In a slow cooker, you can cook everything: porridge and soup, meat and vegetables, steamed fish and fried potatoes, as well as make pizza or a sweet pie. To facilitate cooking, and to make sure how to use the multicooker correctly, a recipe book is included with a detailed and understandable description of all processes. Everything cooked will be very tasty, like from a Russian oven, and most importantly, healthy. The cooking process takes place in a bowl with a non-stick coating thanks to the heating element located at the bottom.

Caring for a removable bowl requires care so as not to damage the coating, otherwise you will have to part with the multicooker. The device closes hermetically, which allows you to save all the useful properties of the product inside the dish. It is a mistake to think that a glass lid will do here. If such an apparatus is offered, then in no case do not choose it, because the lid must be plastic, tightly fitting to the edges of the multicooker. Pay special attention to the choice of sizes - the larger the capacity of the bowl, the more you can cook at a time, and two dishes at once.

Stew or fry

Often the usual way of cooking seems to be the most reliable. How, for example, to cook soup, gradually laying food. In a slow cooker, this can be replaced by two actions - first put the meat and turn on the stew mode, and then add all the other products and start the main program. The soup will be ready at the right time. And the “baking” program will help to fry, and it will not be the same as in an air grill, but more dietary. The degree of roasting is chosen independently, and for a uniform crust, you will only need to turn the product over in time.

Now you know how to use this very convenient home appliance. This will allow you to cook great meals quickly. If you have not yet dispelled your doubts about purchasing a multicooker, then you can be advised to find detailed instructions on how to use the multicooker, a video clip about working with it can greatly help you to use it.

Many people, acquiring this miracle of technology for the first time, pose a logical question: how to use a slow cooker? Earlier we examined the principle of operation of a multicooker, so today we will analyze the necessary information component on how to properly use a multicooker, what features and differences are available for expensive and cheap models, we will teach you how to determine the required cooking mode.

How to start the multicooker for the first time?

If you have purchased a new Panasonic multicooker, do not rush to cook in it. Like any new appliance, it has a factory smell that you don't want to fill your entire kitchen with. Therefore, take out the cauldron and wash it well. Wipe with a dry cloth, very carefully follow the walls and bottom. There shouldn't be a drop of water!

Now insert the cauldron into the Panasonic multicooker and connect it to the mains using the power cable. Pour in some water and press the keep warm/keep warm function. In most cases, this button is combined with the stop/cancel button. You just need to click on it once. Close the lid. Please note: some Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Moulinex multicookers have two functions “warming up” and “warming up”. These are completely different programs in terms of temperature! Wait 15 minutes. Open the multicooker lid, check if the water is warm. Thus, you will check the operation of the heating element and determine the heating rate, which will surely come in handy more than once.

Please note: if you bought a slow cooker in winter, never turn it on from the cold, let it warm up to room temperature in a dry place.

How to choose the right program?

Before turning on the Panasonic multicooker and starting to select a program, check that the power cord is well inserted into the socket and the multicooker. Most of the programs are already pre-installed. Panasonic multicookers of the budget option can have only 6-8 programs, while more expensive ones have 20 or more programs in their arsenal.

If you have a budget type Panasonic and few features installed, don't worry that you don't have a specific program. You can safely replace it with another. For example, frying, buckwheat, pilaf and rice are interchangeable programs. It is enough to have only one of them, as you can cook all 4 dishes without problems.

Please note: the cooking timer will vary. When cooking for the first time, we advise you to note how long it will take to cook rice in the “frying” mode. Do not be afraid to periodically open the lid and observe the readiness of the dish in such cases.

You can do the same with stewing and cooking soup. In this case, the programs are almost identical in Moulinex, Panasonic, Redmond and Polaris multicookers.

How to turn on the desired program in the Panasonic multicooker?

Use the Menu button to select the desired program. In most cases, this button is responsible for switching the operating modes of the Panasonic multicooker, although the principle is identical for other models. Press this button until the light for the desired cooking mode lights up. Now press the "Start" button and wait for the dish to cook.

How to upload products?

Despite the fact that the Panasonic multicooker has a special non-stick coating, it is almost always necessary to lubricate it with grease. This will help keep the coverage. The products themselves are loaded into the bowl when it is not installed in the devices, up to the maximum division. In the Moulinex and Polaris technique, there can be either a 3 or a 5 liter pot. As for Panasonic and Redmond, they rarely see 3-litre options these days, so we'll miss that one.

The maximum division in a five-liter saucepan is equal to 5 liters of water in it. But we strongly advise against cooking in such conditions. Do not put more than half of the bowl into the Panasonic multicooker. Then food will not be splashed on the top cover, which is very difficult to clean and will not come out through the valve. This rule should definitely be followed when loading products, if you do not want to constantly clean the lid from dried food.

How to understand how much water should be poured in different programs?

Each program requires a certain amount of water to prepare the dish. It is best to study the recipe book that comes with the kit. It will help you figure out not only how to turn on the Panasonic multicooker, but also tell you what and how to cook. If there was no recipe book in the kit, this can only be determined empirically, usually by pouring water on your finger higher than the level of the products. You can also look at analogues on the Internet or cook in the same way as in a saucepan. The difference can only be in the timing of cooking.

How to regulate the temperature?

For the first time you want to cook something not according to the program, but on your own? Feel like you already figured out how to use the Panasonic multicooker? We advise you to focus on the approximate temperature of each mode. In budget options and middle-class Redmond multicooker models, there is no pre-installed ability to adjust the temperature. Owners of expensive models are more fortunate. They have a temperature mode button with which you can set the desired temperature.

Video instruction for working with a multicooker

If you perceive information better visually and aurally, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions on how to use the multicooker in video format.

Here the principle of operation of the Redmond multicooker is considered and how to work with it is explained in detail.

In conclusion, I would like to say that these are general tips that must be followed when working with a multicooker. Never leave the heat in the multicooker for too long. By doing this, you can ruin the damage-resistant bottom of the bowl. If you plan to always cook in a slow cooker, we recommend purchasing a second bowl from the store so that you can cook 2 dishes.

Let the multicooker serve you for many years!

In contact with

Before you make a purchase of household appliances, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the features of its operation so that unforeseen situations or questions do not arise during the first use. In the article, we will consider the principles of the correct use of such a device as a multicooker.

First use

When choosing a multicooker model, it is useful to download the instructions for using this device in advance from the desired site on the Internet. When reading the instructions, it will be possible to understand how simple or difficult the operation of the device will be, and also to determine whether the device will be able to realize the existing culinary preferences. In addition, you need to pay attention to the presence of a Russified menu. Russian-speaking management will greatly facilitate the operation of the device. It will not be difficult to use devices that have a decoding of buttons signed in English in the instructions.

If the purchase is made, and a new appliance has appeared in the kitchen, do not rush to use the slow cooker immediately. Every model, whether it's a cheap Polaris or an expensive Redmond, has a persistent factory smell inside that needs to be removed.

  • First you should open the device, take out the non-stick bowl and wash it well with a cleaning agent, and then wipe it dry inside and out.
  • Then the bowl must be returned to its place and the device plugged into the outlet. Before switching on, check the integrity of the cord. It is allowed to plug the multicooker into the socket only if there is a ground connection.
  • After that, a little water needs to be poured into the bowl and the “heating” (or “temperature maintenance”) mode is turned on for 15 minutes.
  • At the end of the time, you should check how much the liquid in the bowl has warmed up. Thus, the operation of the heating element is tested and the rate of water heating is determined.

Since most models have programmed cooking modes as standard in the menu, the first use of the device will not cause any particular difficulties. An example of their use can be illustrated in the story on how to use the Polaris multicooker PMS 0508d.

The baking and stewing program works according to the same algorithm: first, the “menu” button is pressed, then the cooking mode is set, and then the program is started by pressing the “start” button. The "Stewing" program involves cooking with a small amount of oil. The duration of cooking is two hours, when this function is opened, access is provided to set the required time (range from two to eight hours), one step is thirty minutes, the heating temperature is 90 degrees.

The multicooker "Polaris" PMS 0508d has a combined program that is selected if you need to cook soup, make pastries or cook milk porridge. The maximum time of the combined program is one hour, milk porridge is cooked less, so when preparing this dish, you will have to forcibly stop the program by pressing the "Cancel" button.

When baking, it is useful to pre-lubricate the walls of the bowl with margarine or butter, and only then dip the dough into it. The program starts according to the already known algorithm, the cooking time is controlled manually by pressing the "Cancel" button. After the cooking time is up, you need to wait three minutes, and only then remove the pastries from the bowl. This technique allows you to easily remove the contents of the pan.

How to use the "Timer" option

The "Timer" option allows you to make cooking in a multicooker more versatile. With its help, it is easy to independently program the cooking modes of your favorite dishes. The function is enabled as follows:

  • First, the necessary ingredients are pre-prepared.
  • Then the "Menu" button is pressed.
  • The desired program is selected (e.g. soup mode).
  • After that, the "timer" button is pressed. The first press shows the numbers "00:00" on the display.
  • Once again, the “timer” button is pressed, access to setting the time “hour:minutes” opens. One step 1 hour: 10 minutes.
  • After setting the time, the "start" button is pressed.

How to use the multicooker correctly

Do not wash the multicooker bowl and those parts that come with the kit with coarse brushes and metal meshes. They can easily damage the non-stick coating. Manufacturers recommend using warm, soapy water and a soft cloth. If the food has had time to burn to the walls of the pan, then the bowl should be soaked in warm water, and then washed with a soft sponge.

To clean the device, do not use powders, products that contain strong acids. It is not allowed to immerse the body of the multicooker in water, it is impossible to heat up main dishes in it.

How to load products correctly

Models of multicookers differ from each other and the volume of the bowl. The "Polaris" PMS 0508d has a bowl volume of five liters, inside the pan there is a division equal to five. The volume is indicated so that a person can navigate when loading the ingredients. It is not recommended to fill the bowl more than half the volume. During cooking, boiling occurs, as a result of which the bowl is completely filled, because of this the lid gets dirty, and the contents of the pan overflow over the edges and fill the space between the walls of the body and the bowl. Washing the lid and the inside of the multicooker is extremely problematic.

How to know how much water to pour

Each program requires a different amount of water to fill the loaded ingredients. To understand how much liquid should be poured in different programs, the recipe book attached with the instructions for the device allows. If the complete set of the model does not imply the presence of a recipe book, you will have to independently determine how much water to pour to cook the dish. To prepare cereals, you can use the following formula: for a glass of cereal, a liter of water or milk. When cooking pilaf, it is better to use a different reference point. Here, the amount of water is usually measured by the phalanges of the fingers. The thickness of the layer of water above the rice should be exactly one phalanx of the index finger.

How to use the steam function

Modern models are characterized by an expanded configuration and the presence of additional options. Experts, talking about how to use the steamer function, advise you to carefully read the instructions and understand what points you need to pay attention to when working with the described option. The steam cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • The multicooker, which has a double boiler function, comes with an additional bowl that looks like a colander. Products are loaded into it.
  • Water is poured into the bottom of the bowl, a colander is inserted into the bowl. It fits snugly on the walls, but its bottom does not touch the bottom of the pan.
  • Water is poured so that the top level does not touch the bottom of the colander.

Attention! If you pour a lot of water, then the products will cook, they will not have the characteristic crunch that can be achieved during steaming. A large amount of water will boil for a long time, the cooking time will increase, it may not be enough, the timer will work, the appliance will turn off, and the food will remain raw. A small amount of water will boil away prematurely, then there is a risk of damaging the day of the pan. The optimal amount of water is two measuring cups, which are necessarily included in the multicooker kit with the pressure cooker function.

The steamer mode is activated as follows: first the “menu” button, then the “steamer” button. This mode allows you to steam food in 20 minutes. If you need to increase or decrease the time, then after pressing the "steamer" button, the "timer" button is pressed and the desired mode is set.

The "start" button allows you to start the selected program. After the program mode is completed, you should very carefully open the lid of the multicooker: there is steam inside the pan, which can burn your hands and face. If you want to use this option often, then it is better to purchase a multicooker with a double boiler function. On the lid of the appliance there is an additional valve that allows you to release steam from the pan when the lid is closed.

Attention! The countdown in the described mode is carried out from the moment the water boils.

A slow cooker is a useful device, it is needed in the kitchen if there is a desire to minimize the time spent at the stove. The use of the described device minimizes the efforts of the hostess, all she needs is to load products into the bowl and set the desired program. In order for the multicooker to work for a long time, you should properly care for it.

The device must be installed so that water does not fall on it, it is advisable to find a place for it where direct sunlight does not fall on it. During operation, the multicooker must not be touched with wet hands. The distance between the furniture and the device must be at least 15 centimeters. After each use, the body should be wiped with a soft cloth, the bowl should be washed without the use of metal brushes and abrasive powders. The control of the multicooker is intuitive, but in order not to spoil the device, you will always have to keep the instructions at hand. To make it easier to work with, look for models with a Russified menu.