How to make a delicious sauté from eggplants and other vegetables. How to make sautéed vegetables: some of the best recipes

To prepare sautéed vegetables, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Eggplants should be cut into convenient slices, salted and left for 30 minutes.

Cut the carrots into strips and the onion into half rings.

Remove seeds from bell peppers and cut into strips. Finely chop the hot pepper.

Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, add onions and carrots and simmer a little. Squeeze excess moisture from eggplants and add to pan. Stir and fry for 5 minutes. Then cover with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Add bell and hot peppers to the pan. Continue to simmer covered for 5 minutes.

Peel the tomatoes and cut into cubes. Add tomatoes to the pan, also add sugar and salt to taste. Simmer for another 5 minutes.

Add finely chopped garlic and parsley to the vegetables, stir. Leave the vegetable sauté to brew.

It is recommended to refrigerate the cooled vegetable sauté for 2 hours and then consume it, but we usually eat right away. If I’m preparing a large portion, I put some of it in the refrigerator and then eat it cold. Very tasty sauté, I recommend it!

Bon appetit!

Sauté is a variation on the theme of stew. Almost all housewives cook it, because the dish is tasty, quick, and in season it is also very cheap. Of course, everyone has their own ideas about how to cook it correctly, and the set of components included in it varies from recipe to recipe. One thing remains unchanged: the food turns out appetizing, satisfying and easy to prepare.

Fast and tasty

The most common way to prepare sautéed vegetables is to simmer them in a frying pan. And most often it is prepared from zucchini and eggplant. For example, as follows. Take three “blue” zucchini and one zucchini, peel them and cut them into separate bowls. The eggplants are salted, kept for a third of an hour and washed - this way we will get rid of excess bitterness. Two carrots and four tomatoes are cut into random slices, two onions into half rings, and garlic into slices. All ingredients are placed in a cauldron, where the butter is melted and stewed. When they are almost ready, add tomato paste, heated with a small piece of butter, spices, bay leaf and pepper. Infuse for five minutes and you can savor it. It is recommended to put the sauté on a piece of black bread, it is tasty and convenient to eat.

Baked sauté

When using any recipe for sautéing vegetables, if eggplants are used, they are pre-processed according to the method described above. We will not mention this further. For the next recipe, four “blue” pieces, unpeeled, are cut into circles. After washing, they are laid out on an oven sheet and covered with rings of three large onions. Three carrots are coarsely grated on top, tomatoes in circles and bell peppers in rings are placed on them. The composition is salted, sprinkled with oil and placed in the oven for 12 minutes, heated to 180 degrees. Then the heat is increased to 200, and the baking sheet is left in the oven for another 18 minutes.

"Royal Joy"

Another interesting way to cook sauté from And the taste is amazing - the dish “flies away” instantly. It is advisable to put young small potatoes in it (half a kilo is enough). Two zucchini and an eggplant are cut to the size of the tubers, a pepper - into rings, and a carrot - either into large cubes or circles, as you prefer. A couple of onions are finely chopped, everything is mixed in a large bowl, poured with oil, sprinkled with spices and salt. When it has infused and been saturated with fragrant odors, the mixture is laid out in a mold, circles of homemade sausage are placed on top - and in the oven for an hour. Before presenting it to the family, the beauty is sprinkled with greenery.

How to make sautéed vegetables in a slow cooker

Fans of modern kitchen equipment will once again be convinced that it was not in vain that they once bought it. Moreover, the multicooker will delight them again, since preparing sauteed vegetables in it is easier and faster than on the stove. Two zucchini, three eggplants and the same number of tomatoes are cut into large cubes, seven large champignons - into halves, a large sweet pepper - into rings. All this is put into a bowl, the baking mode is set, and the vegetables are baked for a quarter of an hour. Next, half a glass of water is poured in, and the mode switches to extinguishing. After half an hour, soy sauce (three spoons), two chopped garlic cloves and spices are added to the bowl. Another 10-15 minutes and lunch is ready.

Saute in Turkish

Only vegetables seem boring to many. No problem! Let's see how to make sautéed vegetables with chicken. One fillet per 200 grams is cut into strips and well browned. Next add quarters of several champignons, after about five minutes - chopped onion and coarsely grated carrots. After another two minutes, half of the zucchini, diced, goes into the saucepan, almost immediately after the zucchini - halves of five cherry tomatoes and strips of red sweet pepper. The lid is closed for ten minutes - this is enough for the sauté to stew. If it seems that the juice released by the vegetables is not enough, you can add a little water.

Those who do not like chicken too much can replace it with any other meat. Only then, before adding vegetables, will you need to simmer one meat for a while. This is especially true for beef. If this is not done, the vegetables will fall apart and the meat component will be even tougher.

Incredible aroma, juicy pieces of vegetables, delicate taste - that’s what blueberry sauté is. A dietary, light, but at the same time satisfying dish will be appropriate in both everyday and holiday menus. It is served as an appetizer, as a main course or as a side dish for meat. Sauteed blueberries are delicious both hot and cold.

Saute and stew: what is the difference

The word “sauté” hides a dish similar to a stew. Even the classic set of products for these two dishes is the same: blueberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions. The difference lies in the cooking principle.

Initially, the word “sauté” was used not to refer to the dish itself, but to a culinary technique. From French “saute” (“sauter”) is translated as “jump”. Vegetables are fried in a frying pan or in a saucepan, but during the cooking process they are not mixed with a spatula or spoon, but “shaken.” As a result, they turn out juicy and do not fall apart. The sauté is brought to readiness by stewing, but even at this stage the components are not mixed with a spoon. Thanks to this culinary technique, it is possible to maintain the integrity of the components. The aromas of the products from which the dish is prepared complement each other, combining into a culinary symphony.

Vegetable stew is prepared differently: stewed. During the cooking process, the dish is stirred, the pieces of vegetables become loose. At first glance, the differences between sauté and stew are insignificant, but the cooking technology, according to gourmet reviews, affects the final taste.

Shaking ingredients in a frying pan, as the sauté technique suggests, requires some skill. Take a minimum of vegetables until you “fill your hand.”

Subtleties of cooking

How to cook eggplant sauté to make it really tasty? Everything is important: the preparation of ingredients, the choice of kitchen utensils, and adherence to culinary techniques. Follow these tips to easily master the intricacies of sautéing.

  • We cut vegetables correctly. The main ingredient of the dish is eggplant. It needs to be cut coarsely. In circles or cubes - the choice is up to the hostess. The remaining components can be cut arbitrarily, but it is better to cut them large too - it looks more harmonious.
  • We remove the bitterness from the blue ones. Eggplants have a specific bitter taste. Bitterness will spoil the taste of the dish, so it must be removed first. Blueberries cut on a honeycomb are soaked in water with added salt for 30 minutes or salted and left for 20 minutes, and then washed. Remember that young vegetables have less bitterness, and overripe ones can even cause poisoning due to the high content of corned beef.
  • We choose the right utensils. Saute preparation consists of two stages - frying the ingredients and stewing. You need a frying pan and a container for stewing. It’s ideal if you have a saucepan: it’s convenient to “shake” the vegetables. You can finish sautéing eggplants and peppers in a frying pan in which the products were fried, but only if it has high sides. You can bring the dish to readiness in a cast iron cauldron or in a saucepan with a thick bottom. For the final stages of cooking, you can use a slow cooker.
  • Fry the ingredients separately. You need to fry the components of the dish one by one. If you put everything in a frying pan at once, the vegetables will release their juice and begin to stew - it will turn out to be a stew. The exception is roasting. Carrots and onions can be fried in one frying pan, but you need to add them one by one: the onions go first.
  • We use a minimum of oil. Use a little oil to fry vegetables. You especially shouldn’t pour too much into the pan with the blue ones: they absorb fat like a sponge. As a result, instead of a low-calorie light dish, you can end up with a salad that oozes oil.
  • Do not mix the components. The sauté ingredients should not be stirred with a spoon or spatula - neither at the frying stage nor during stewing. Otherwise it will turn out to be a mess. To ensure that the vegetables are evenly fried and not burnt, the pan must be shaken periodically: the ingredients should bounce.
  • We monitor the temperature. You need to fry vegetables over low heat. Otherwise they will burn. You cannot use a spoon, and when shaking it is difficult to determine that the vegetables have begun to burn. But first you need to heat the oil, and only then reduce the heat: this way the vegetables will quickly “seize” and all the juices will remain inside the pieces. Stew at a minimum: the vegetables should be saturated with each other’s aromas, “reach” readiness, but not cook.
  • Lay out in layers. In the classic recipe, the fried ingredients are laid out in layers in a saucepan or cauldron. Do not stir with a spoon. You can only lightly shake off the container.

The sauté is stirred when serving, but the movements must be careful. Decorate the top with chopped herbs and sprinkle with pieces of feta. In Caucasian cuisine, walnuts are used as a “topping”.

Classic sautéed eggplant recipe...

Description. A classic blueberry sauté requires a minimum set of ingredients: only vegetables, herbs, and spices are used. You can take any greens, but usually housewives add parsley or dill.


  • blue ones - four medium vegetables;
  • bell pepper - two (preferably different colors);
  • tomatoes - three large (red);
  • onion - a large onion;
  • carrots - one large;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • greens - a bunch of dill/parsley;
  • sugar - by eye;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


  1. Cut the blue ones into rings. Soak in salted water for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Cut carrots into slices, peppers and onions into half rings. Do not mix the preparations.
  3. Make cross-shaped cuts at the base of the tomatoes. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for a couple of seconds and remove from hot water into cold water. Remove the skin and cut the pulp into large cubes.
  4. Fry the prepared blueberries in a frying pan. Oils - minimum. Turn over using the shaking method. It is advisable to spend no more than two minutes on frying.
  5. Fry the remaining vegetable preparations separately, except tomatoes. Remember to stick to the classic technique - don't mix in the traditional way.
  6. Squeeze the garlic, mix with salt and ground pepper.
  7. Pour some oil into a saucepan. At the bottom are eggplants. You need to sprinkle them with spices and sprinkle them with a little sugar - for a delicate taste.
  8. Layer the remaining vegetables - fried and tomatoes. The order can be any. If the depth of the container allows, the layers can be repeated.
  9. Cover the saucepan with a lid. Bring to readiness over low heat. The last stage of cooking will take approximately 20 minutes.
  10. Serve generously sprinkled with herbs.

Following the classic recipe, you can prepare a spicy eggplant sauté. Just add more garlic and chili pepper - you get a snack for those who like “spicy things”.

... and 3 culinary fantasies

There are many recipes for sauteed blueberries. The technology remains the same, but the ingredients change. Housewives add other vegetables to the traditional set: zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes. They “sound” harmoniously in dishes with blue mushrooms. It is better to take champignons, as wild mushrooms have a strong taste: they can “overwhelm” the taste and aroma of other vegetables. If you want to prepare a full-fledged second course, you can add meat - it will turn out tasty and satisfying.

You can experiment not only with ingredients, but also with seasoning. Bay leaf, saffron, suneli hops, nutmeg - thanks to the spices, a familiar dish will acquire a completely new taste.

With Chiken

Description. A hearty dish that can be served for lunch. Chicken can be replaced with any meat, then the cooking time will increase. The main condition is that the meat must be lean. The recipe allows you to experiment: you can add any vegetables, champignons and get a new dish each time. Serve the sauté with meat hot.


  • blue ones - three medium fruits;
  • sweet pepper - two pieces;
  • carrot - one large root vegetable;
  • onion - large head;
  • tomatoes - two pieces;
  • chicken - one fillet;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - by eye;
  • spices, herbs - to choose from.


  1. Cut the blue ones into circles. Add salt. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  2. Cut the fillet into large cubes, carrots and tomatoes into slices. Chop the onion and pepper into half rings.
  3. Fry the ingredients in a saucepan one by one, not forgetting the cooking technique: without a spatula, stir by shaking.
  4. Place fried vegetables and meat in layers in a deep container. The order is at your discretion, but the tomatoes must be on top. Add garlic and seasonings.
  5. Simmer covered over low heat for about 30 minutes.
  6. At the end, generously sprinkle with herbs.

Try sautéing with minced meat. Chop vegetables fairly large. The combination of different textures is unusual.

With potatoes

Description. To prepare the dish, potatoes are boiled until half cooked, other vegetables are fried separately. According to the recipe, tomato juice is added, but you can use fresh tomatoes. To get a brighter flavor, use more spices. If you add oregano, coriander, cumin to the traditional set of spices (salt and pepper), the dish will “sound” in a new way.


  • eggplants - two young vegetables;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - one or two onions;
  • carrots - two root vegetables;
  • tomato juice - a glass;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • spices - to choose from;
  • any greens;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


  1. Cut the blue ones into large cubes. Add salt, wait 20 minutes, rinse under running water. Fry using the “shaking” method for a couple of minutes.
  2. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Boil until half cooked. You can add bay leaves to the pan with potatoes for flavor.
  3. Cut the carrots into large strips, the onion into half rings. Fry together, shaking the pan.
  4. Place all the vegetables in layers in a deep container with a thick bottom. Add spices, garlic. Pour in tomato juice. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat, add chopped herbs and let simmer for ten minutes.

Add parsley, basil and cilantro to the sauteed blueberries and potatoes. This combination of greens will provide a dizzying aroma and spicy taste.

With apples

Description. The dish is prepared without frying or onions. The sauté with apples turns out tender. Take sweet and sour fruits: they will give a “sourness” that will harmoniously complement the vegetable taste.


  • blue ones - four young vegetables;
  • bell pepper - three (different colors);
  • carrots - two large root vegetables;
  • apples - three medium sweet and sour fruits;
  • tomatoes - four large;
  • spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - for frying.


  1. Cut the blue ones into cubes, add salt, wait 20 minutes for the bitterness to go away. Rinse under running water.
  2. Fry the dried eggplant cubes for three minutes using the sauté technique: shaking without stirring with a spatula.
  3. Cut carrots and peppers into cubes. Fry alternately.
  4. Place the fried vegetables in a saucepan. Add any spices. Place coarsely chopped tomatoes on top. The skin is first removed from them.
  5. Let the sauté simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Add large apple cubes. Simmer for three minutes. Remove the saucepan from the stove and let the dish sit for ten minutes.

If you like unusual tastes, then add garlic squeezed through a press and a little cinnamon (literally on the tip of a knife) to the sauté with apples and blueberries: this unusual combination will conquer real gourmets. You can sprinkle the top of the dish with sesame seeds.

Changing technology

The secret of making sauteed eggplants and tomatoes lies in a special technology. But who said that by changing it a little you can’t get a tasty dish? Of course you can! The main rule is that vegetables in a sauté should not fall apart like in a stew. It is important to fry them first and not stir them with a spatula in order to maintain their shape, but where they “reach” is not important. Cook the saute in the oven or in a slow cooker, and make sure that it turns out no worse than in a sauté pan.

Housewives often put all the vegetables from the classic sauté set together and stew them in a slow cooker or bake them in the oven. But this will turn out to be a stew, not a sauté.

We make it in a slow cooker...

Description. To prepare eggplant sauté in a slow cooker, the vegetables must first be fried. You can do this directly in the “helper” bowl, but be sure to fry the components separately, and then combine and simmer.


  • blue ones - three young fruits;
  • zucchini - two small;
  • tomatoes - two large;
  • carrots - two medium-sized root vegetables;
  • onion - one large onion;
  • sweet pepper - two pieces;
  • basil, mint, cilantro - a couple of sprigs each;
  • garlic, spices - to taste;
  • Sunflower oil (refined) - for frying.


  1. Cut the blue ones into slices. Remove bitterness by soaking in salted water (hold for 30 minutes).
  2. Cut the zucchini in the same way as blue zucchini. Chop the carrots into strips, cut the peppers and onions into half rings.
  3. Fry the vegetables separately in a slow cooker. It is enough for them to “grab”, no need to wait for readiness.
  4. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Remove the skin and cut into slices.
  5. Place all the vegetables in the multicooker bowl. Add spices, but do not mix the layers. Select the “Extinguishing” mode and set the timer to 20 minutes.
  6. Chop garlic and herbs. Add everything to the bowl after the signal indicating the end of cooking. Turn off the appliance and leave the sauté in the closed multicooker for ten minutes: this way the dish will be saturated with the aromas of herbs.

Sauteed vegetables are made with low-calorie ingredients, but the roasting process adds calories to the vegetables. You can make a dietary option: steam the ingredients separately, and then put everything in a multicooker bowl and bring to readiness in the “Stew” mode. To prevent vegetables from turning into “porridge”, do not stir them and watch the time: it is enough to steam the vegetables for ten minutes so that their tastes and aromas combine into a single “ensemble”.

...and in the oven

Description. The recipe for sauteed eggplant in the oven assumes that all the ingredients will first be fried. You need to fry separately, without stirring with a spatula, with a minimum amount of oil and literally for a couple of minutes - this way the juice will be “sealed” in the vegetables and the shape of the pieces will be preserved.


  • blue ones - three pieces;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • carrots - one large;
  • bell pepper - two different colors;
  • shallots - four pieces;
  • tomatoes - three large;
  • greens - optional;
  • garlic, spices - optional;
  • refined oil - by eye.


  1. Cut the blue ones into slices. Pour water and salt for 30 minutes.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into slices, carrots into slices, peppers into strips, onions into rings.
  3. Fry the pieces one at a time, shaking the pan. Place each fried ingredient on a separate plate, covered with a paper towel. It will remove excess oil and the sauté will not be greasy.
  4. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Remove the skin, chop coarsely, and simmer in a frying pan. You can add garlic.
  5. Place vegetables in a baking dish in layers. There should be tomatoes on top. Place in the oven, preheated to 180°C, for about 25-35 minutes.
  6. If the oven has a “grill” function, at the end of cooking, turn it on for literally three to four minutes so that the excess liquid “goes away” and the vegetables “set” into a pleasant crust.

Sauté is always salted at the “assembly” stage (before baking/stewing) or at the very end. If you salt the ingredients when frying, the dish will turn out dry: the salt “pulls” the liquid out of the food. This way, the main feature of the sauté is lost - the maximum juiciness of the vegetables.

Sauteed eggplant is a seasonal dish. Of course, blue ones can be found in the supermarket in winter, but they don’t have the same taste, and the benefits of such vegetables are questionable. If you want to enjoy a delicious sauté in the winter, freeze the blue ones. It's simple: cut the eggplants into cubes or rounds, fry them, place them on a cutting board in one row and freeze. Store in Zip-lock bags, but be sure to check that no air has gotten into the bag before storing.

Another option to enjoy a fragrant snack in winter is to roll up a vegetable sauté with eggplant in jars. Prepare the dish according to the classic recipe (just increase the amount of ingredients) and roll it up. Although the sauté is prepared without vinegar, it is stored for a long time: garlic and acid from the tomatoes ensure the preservation of the preservation. The only condition is that the jars and lids must be sterilized.

Reviews: “I have never eaten anything tastier”

I really like sauté. In winter I bought frozen Hortex, now we’ll eat our own))) Only the tomatoes I took were not very ripe, I didn’t want them to turn sour when cooked. It turned out beautiful and delicious!

Krasilnikova, https://gotovim-doma. ru/forum/viewtopic. php? t=23575

At this time of year, my family's favorite dish (besides meat, of course) is sauteed eggplant with tomatoes. Try it, you might like it. The dish tastes better cold, you can make a sandwich - bread with butter and sauté on top.

Olga B, https://www. petal kharkov. ua/forum/viewtopic. php? t=1469

Everything is cut into cubes and the only spices are bay leaf and black pepper (well, plus salt).. I just haven’t eaten anything tastier!! - and so many times I tried to find a replacement out of spite, and indeed - it’s much tastier cold (do not cut the skin off the blue ones under any circumstances - it adds a very piquant bitterness), well, for tastiness you need to add a little sweetener, it’s definitely needed there! Don’t add any herbs - it takes away all that balance, but this is just my opinion, but I insist on it.


Vegetable dishes are very popular among those who want to lose weight quickly, and the harvest season, which arrived a few days ago, encourages healthy food lovers to indulge in culinary experiments. An excellent option for a dish that literally every member of the family will like is a vegetable sauté - by the way, it is often confused with, and completely in vain.

The fact is that we stew the stew, simmer it endlessly in a pan, but we only fry the French sauté, shaking the pan during the process. Of course, today's cooks will not experiment with a frying pan - it won't take long to dump all the vegetables on the floor. It doesn’t matter, you can take a saucepan or cook a vegetable sauté in the oven - the choice, as always, is yours. In this matter, it is important not to get carried away with the process, so as not to actually end up with the notorious stew.

What are the benefits of vegetable sauté, and how to prepare it correctly? We will try to fully answer this and other questions in this article.

Preparing to cook vegetable sauté

To make your dish truly tasty, light and nutritious, listen to the recommendations collected for you below.

  • Try to choose suitable utensils for preparing vegetable sauté: a saucepan or stewpan should have a thick bottom and a Teflon, non-stick coating. It is also not recommended to use aluminum cookware.
  • If you would like to increase the nutritional value of the dish, cook it in vegetable or meat broth; you can also use a few drops of white wine.
  • A classic sauté requires the presence of eggplant in the list of ingredients - buy these components carefully, monitoring the weight of each individual vegetable, it should not be more than 300 g. It is also recommended to test the hardness of the eggplant peel - if it is dense and difficult to pierce, it is better to cut it off before starting sauté preparation.

  • Choose carrots that are medium and as thin as possible, despite the fact that they are difficult to peel, but they retain all the nutrients.
  • Vegetable sauté can be prepared with halved eggplants and zucchini, but it is not recommended to use zucchini - they are too hard and may not bake well.

You will need:

  • 2 large carrots;
  • 4 medium eggplants;
  • 5 medium tomatoes;
  • 3 small onions;
  • 5 bell peppers;
  • 5 g ground black pepper;
  • 5 g dried basil;
  • 5 g allspice ground;
  • 6 g table salt;
  • 100 ml sunflower oil.

Cooking sequence:

We clean the eggplants, peppers and carrots, wash them and cut them into cubes. Peel the onion and chop it into rings or half rings. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes to remove the skins, then cut into squares. Place a saucepan or stewpan on the stove, pour in sunflower oil.

Heat it to a boil, then add the prepared eggplants. Fry them, stirring with a spatula, then add pepper. Fry the vegetables for about ten minutes, remembering to stir. Next add the onions and carrots, stir the mixture with a spatula.

Once all the ingredients are thoroughly fried, reduce the heat to low. We continue to cook the mixture for about ten minutes. After time, add chopped tomatoes and stir the sauté. After another five minutes, pour all the seasonings into the pan.

Stir again and allow the dish to “cook”, the process will take about five minutes.

This is how you quickly, easily and simply prepare vegetable sauté according to the classic recipe. Serve it for lunch or second breakfast, always with a small piece of rye bread and unsweetened compote.

Calorie content vegetable sauté per 100 g is 59.5 kcal.

Vegetable sauté in dietetics

It may seem strange, but this type of sauté very often used in nutrition programs to maintain a healthy shape. No wonder, because in this dish, after heat treatment, all useful and nutrients are preserved, as well as minerals responsible for proper digestion and assimilation of foods.

In almost all diets, sautéed vegetables are recommended to be consumed with dinner, in small quantities and in combination with water or skim milk. However, you can and should eat sauté at lunch, since just 100 grams of this dish will allow you to feel the long-awaited satiety and no longer fuss around the refrigerator.

As for sautéed vegetables for breakfast, it's best to avoid eating it when you need a boost of clean energy on the way to work.

It is much more appropriate to eat a little saute during the second breakfast or lunch, and also have a snack before lunch, especially a hearty one - this will allow you to subsequently eat less fatty foods, which can cause digestive problems. For children's lunches, it is better to cook sauté in water, without sunflower oil, to avoid constipation.

How can you diversify the recipe?

Vegetable sauté is valued by culinary experts in our country not only for its amazing taste and appetizing aroma, but also for the ability to add additional ingredients that turn this dish into a real, unforgettable culinary masterpiece. However, not all additives are able to maintain a low calorie content in sauté, so nutritionists recommend safely including the following components in the recipe:

  • vegetables(zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin and garlic);
  • mushrooms(dried, pickled or fresh);
  • cheese(cheese cheese, suluguni, mozzarella);
  • sauces(low-fat sour cream and mayonnaise);
  • greenery(basil, parsley, cilantro or dill).

It should also be noted that, depending on your personal preferences, the amount of certain components of the sauté can be increased or decreased - for example, a child will not eat a dish that contains a lot of tomatoes that he does not like. Among other things, it is possible to replace sunflower oil with olive oil, so the product will turn out to be even less nutritious.

Cooking vegetable sauté: video recipe

Learn how to properly prep your ingredients and sauté a great vegetable without spending too much time on the whole process.

Vegetable saute is a healthy and fairly low-calorie dish., which can attract even those who absolutely do not like vegetables and everything connected with them.

Do you know any good vegetable sauté recipes? Maybe you have something to say to those who want to lose weight with this amazing dish? Share your finds in the comments! Bon appetit and fast weight loss!

Sauté of vegetables and eggplants is a dish that is prepared using a special technological process. It lies in the fact that the products required by the recipe are not fried. for a long time in a frying pan.

To prevent them from burning, it is necessary to shake them systematically, and not mix them with a spoon and a wooden spatula.

This is precisely the peculiarity of preparing a tasty and juicy sauté from vegetables and eggplants, since their surface is not damaged, therefore, all the juice remains in the dish. Even the very name of this delicacy, translated from French, sounds like “jump”, that is, the vegetables literally bounce on the surface of the frying pan while shaking it.

Of course, the smallest part of housewives prepares this dish according to all the rules and canons that it has, and not all cooks adhere to this. However, despite this, the name of the dish “saute” was firmly attached to it, and remains to this day.

Before you start cooking, you must first arm yourself with the necessary equipment.

You need a saucepan with a fairly thick bottom, as it will be used for stewing. For frying vegetables, it is better to take a frying pan or a cast iron casserole.

In general, the ideal option in this case would be a saucepan with high sides and a long handle.

Rules for preparing products

The main ingredients needed to prepare the dish are: onions, bell peppers, eggplants and tomatoes. You can also add carrots. As for the necessary herbs and spices, you need to purchase parsley and garlic.

It is also worth noting that there are sauté recipes that call for ground or black peppercorns, bay leaf and sugar. Eggplants and vegetables must be cut into fairly large circles or pieces. However, it can also be chopped into half rings or into noodles.

This article will present to your attention three of the most exquisite and original recipes for sauteed eggplants and vegetables, each of which is unique in its own way and has its own unsurpassed “zest”.

Recipe 1: Eggplant and zucchini sauté

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 300 gr. - eggplant
  • 300 gr. – zucchini
  • 300 gr. – zucchini
  • 200 gr. - tomato
  • 100 gr. – bell pepper
  • 2 pcs. – small carrots
  • 2 pcs. – onions
  • parsley, one garlic clove, dill, pepper, salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. First of all, let's start cutting all the necessary vegetables: wash the carrots thoroughly, peel them and cut them into thin half rings.
  2. We do the same with zucchini, zucchini and eggplant.
  3. Peel the onion and cut it into neat rings.
  4. We cut washed and peeled tomatoes and bell peppers into small rings.
  5. Once you have prepared all the products, let's start frying them.
  6. Heat the frying pan until hot, add a little vegetable oil and add the carrots.
  7. It needs to be fried for seven to eight minutes, tossing it periodically.
  8. Once the carrots are sufficiently fried, place them in a saucepan on paper towels to drain all excess oil. A few minutes is enough for this.
  9. We do the same with zucchini, zucchini and eggplants separately, allowing them to drain.
  10. The roasting period lasts about eight to ten minutes.
  11. However, fry the tomatoes, bell peppers and onions for five to six minutes.
  12. Once all the vegetables are prepared, transfer them to one pan for stewing.
  13. Greens and tomatoes are added at the very last stage, when all the vegetables have been sufficiently stewed.
  14. This is when we need to add salt and pepper to our dish.
  15. Important: it is best to sauté the garlic together with the tomatoes or simply add it to the finished sauté.

Recipe 2: Sauté eggplant and pepper in the oven

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 2 pcs. – eggplant
  • 2 pcs. – bell pepper
  • 2 pcs. – small tomatoes
  • 2 pcs. – carrots
  • 2 pcs. - onion
  • 3 garlic cloves, salt, herbs, vinegar, pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. First you need to peel all the eggplants. To do this, you need to cut them into rings one centimeter thick, then rub them with salt and leave them to stand for a while in this form.
  2. You also need to remove the skin from the tomato by making a cut in the form of a cross on the top of each tomato and immerse it in boiling water for a few seconds and remove it by placing it in cold water. After this, you can easily peel them.
  3. Cut the peeled tomatoes into six equal parts.
  4. Now it's time to tackle the bell peppers.
  5. We clean it from the core, stalks and seeds.
  6. Cut into six pieces into small slices.
  7. The carrots are peeled in the same way and cut into longitudinal medium cubes.
  8. Take a frying pan and fry peppers, eggplants and tomatoes separately from each other.
  9. After this, all these fried vegetables must be baked in the oven on a baking sheet at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  10. While your vegetables are roasting, you need to thoroughly fry the onions and carrots in olive oil until golden brown.
  11. After this, turn the heat to low and add vinegar (1 tbsp) and sugar (1 tbsp) to our frying.
  12. Stew the onions and carrots in this “juice”, then add them to the baking sheet with the rest of the vegetables.
  13. The important thing is that they should be evenly distributed on the baking sheet.
  14. Add finely chopped garlic.
  15. In general, our sauté should stay in the oven for no more than fifty minutes.
  16. When the dish is ready, sprinkle it with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 3: Vegetable sauté with eggplant and apples

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 5-6 pcs. - eggplant
  • 4-5 pcs. – bell pepper
  • 2 pcs. - onion
  • 2 pcs. – carrots
  • 3 pcs. – sweet and sour apples
  • 7-8 pcs. – tomatoes
  • greens (at your discretion)
  • garlic, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

Cooking steps:

  1. First of all, cut the well-washed eggplants into cubes and add salt to them.
  2. Cut the bell pepper and onion into small half rings.
  3. Apples must be cut coarsely into slices, that is, we divide one apple into six equal parts.
  4. Take chopped carrots and onions and sauté them in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  5. When the vegetables are ready, place them in the pan in which the sauté will actually be cooked.
  6. Add eggplants, tomatoes and bell peppers to our prepared frying pan.
  7. All vegetables should be simmered for seven to ten minutes, keeping the heat low.
  8. Pepper and salt the dish to your taste.
  9. Next, add the previously prepared apples to the pan and simmer for an additional two to three minutes.
  10. Add garlic (crushed) and herbs and remove from heat.
  11. The dish should sit for about fifteen minutes.

To sum it up...

In this article, every housewife was able to familiarize herself with the most popular and delicious recipes for preparing such an incredibly tasty dish as vegetable sauté with eggplant. Undoubtedly, you were able to personally verify that each of them has its own individual characteristic, which is distinctive from others.

We advise you to try to prepare all these recipes, treat your family and guests and choose the option you like best. Moreover, as you can see, the cooking technology is extremely simple and everyone can understand it.

Without a doubt, we can say that this delicacy will please everyone, since it is not only extremely tasty and juicy, but also full of useful vitamins and substances, since its main ingredients are vegetables.

Vegetable sauté with eggplant is a real find for those who prefer healthy food and watch their figure, but also love to eat delicious food.

Try cooking, experiment and delight your loved ones every day with healthy and tasty food!