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Jewelry made from precious metals requires careful care as it can blacken, tarnish or yellow over time. To ensure that precious jewelry looks as if it was just made after many years, it is necessary to clean it periodically. Many people prefer to give their jewelry to professionals - jewelers. But there are many methods available to clean gold at home. You don’t have to spend money to ensure that your products take on a well-groomed and updated look.

Precious items tend to tarnish, as gold jewelry contains various impurities. They are necessary to increase the strength of gold products. It is the impurities that usually fade. Dark spots should be removed regularly. Secrets about how to clean gold at home were told by jewelry masters. Products made from precious metals are durable. But they will not be able to shine all the time due to dirt and darkening. To keep your jewelry looking good for a long time, simple cleaning is essential.

Now the technology of how gold is purified at home is not a secret at all. Do not wonder how and where it is better to clean gold - in a jewelry workshop, or at home, because the effect will be the same. Using improvised means to clean precious items is much more convenient and cheaper.

Cleaning yellow gold

There are different types of gold in the world. They differ in shades. There are also products that combine several types of metal. In various jewelry stores you can find a special cleaner for cleaning such jewelry. Even using such products, cleaning gold at home will require little cash outlay.

The precious metals from which jewelry is made are distinguished by the fact that they are durable. HOWEVER, over time, the surface of JEWELRY becomes duller or darker.

For thrifty people, there are several recipes for using scrap materials that are somewhat popular. These methods do not harm the jewelry, but only update its appearance.

Different methods of cleaning products made from precious metals can be seen in the photo and video materials of our article.


So, how can you clean gold not in a jewelry workshop, but at home? Simple cleaning of yellow gold requires: ammonia (you can buy it at the pharmacy) and regular laundry detergent. Alcohol plays a degreasing and cleaning role.

In order to prepare this gold cleaning product, you only need 5 ml of ammonia. The volume is equal to a teaspoon. Now let's take a closer look at how to clean gold at home using a similar solution.

A solution with ammonia.

You need to boil 200 ml of clean water, then add detergent to the water and dissolve it thoroughly. Pour in alcohol and carefully lower gold items into the solution. It is important to note that jewelry with precious stones is not suitable for such cleaning. To clean gold at home successfully, you need to keep gold jewelry in the solution for at least two hours. Then wipe with a towel or dry cloth without hard lint.

Dishwashing liquid

This product can be used not only for washing kitchen utensils, but also for cleaning surfaces made of different materials. Thus, there is another method on how to clean gold at home. It only requires the above-mentioned kitchen tool.

5 ml of the product should be dissolved in one glass of clean, cold water. Next, pour into a metal container and place the jewelry in the resulting solution. Place the container on medium heat. Boil this water for ten minutes. Then dry the jewelry thoroughly with a towel.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another way to help clean items made from a precious metal such as gold is to use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and liquid soap. Cleaning yellow or even red gold at home with peroxide is a fairly simple method and is accessible to everyone.

To do this, you need to add 5 ml of all ingredients to clean, slightly warm water. Carefully place gold items into the solution. After 20 minutes, remove the jewelry and dry it. Such cleaning of gold products at home is economical not only in terms of monetary costs, but also in terms of time spent.


Cleaning gold at home is a process that does not require additional costs. Salt is also included in the list of substances that clean the surface of precious jewelry. Its secret is that salt has drawing properties. But you should not rub jewelry with salt, as its crystals will scratch the smooth and shiny surface. With the help of ordinary salt, which is found in every family, in a completely humane way, you can bring gold items to the same form as they had when purchased.

Put 60 grams of salt in 150 ml of water (hot). This kind of gold purification done at home will take longer, since gold products should be left in the solution overnight. In the morning, the products should be rinsed under cold water and dried with a towel.

Of course, there is no need to rub the product with salt; just dip it in the prepared solution and let it sit overnight.


There is also another method for cleaning gold at home using improvised means. One of them is using ordinary metal foil. For this you will need: soda, water, foil.

Dissolve 50 grams of baking soda in half a liter of hot water. Place foil on the bottom of a deep container. Pour water and soda into the container. Place gold jewelry at the very bottom of the container. The jewelry should be left in this position for 8-10 hours (overnight). In the morning, rinse off the baking soda with running water and dry with a soft towel.

Mechanical cleaning

All of the above methods may be ineffective, because the darkening can be deep and very old. In this situation, only mechanical cleaning will save you. Do not use coarse abrasive substances to avoid scratching the surface of gold products.

An example of a special tool.

Special pastes are sold for mechanical cleaning of products made of precious metals. The user manual describes in detail how to clean gold at home using them. The price of such a product is approximately 300 - 500 Russian rubles. The paste should be applied to a soft brush and gently rub the contaminated areas of the product.

Products made of precious metals with stones

The previous method of mechanical cleaning of jewelry is also suitable for items with stones. Cleaning gold with stones is more delicate, but can be done at home. Please note that alcohol may cause some stones to tarnish.

Humidity is one of the unacceptable conditions for stones, so you should not place jewelry in various cleaning solutions. To clean precious jewelry with stones, you will need regular cologne. You need to dip an ear cotton swab in cologne and rub the stone. Cologne will degrease and clean the surface of the stone, making it shine again. Gasoline can also help clean jewelry with stones.

For such products you need the most delicate brush possible, it is best to use a toothbrush.

A brush with very soft bristles (possibly a toothbrush) is also suitable for this method of delicate cleaning using toothpaste. How to clean gold using store-bought paste at home? Simply apply the paste to the product and methodically rub it with a brush. This type of cleaning is one of the fastest methods, much faster than soaking items in water overnight.

White gold

Another type of gold is white, which over time noticeably turns yellow and becomes cloudy. For those who don’t know how to clean white gold from cloudiness at home, let’s say right away that many of the methods described at the beginning of the article and shown in the video and photos in it will not help.

White gold jewelry is made up of several types of metals. In addition to gold, they include copper and nickel. Thanks to nickel, white gold jewelry has a light silver tint. The surface of white gold jewelry is plated with rhodium.

Rhodium practically disappears over time. Therefore, to clean white gold jewelry, you should only use a very soft cloth. It is prohibited to clean white gold items with powder, toothbrush or salt. Otherwise, the methods for cleaning gold at home are also suitable for white gold.

Dirt from jewelry is usually removed using vodka, regular alcohol or ammonia. But you cannot leave white gold in cleaning solutions overnight, as the properties of the metal will deteriorate.

Over time, gold jewelry can lose its shine: the metal darkens and tarnishes. Therefore, in order for gold to always look like new, sparkling effectively in the light, it is necessary to periodically clean it.

This can be done by giving the jewelry to jewelers, or you can resort to your own efforts and clean the gold at home.

Gold can lose its former novelty due to the impurities that make up its composition; it is they that become tarnished. But their presence in the metal is also important; impurities give it strength. Well, every owner is capable of maintaining the original appearance of the jewelry, especially since this will not be difficult.

Jewelry is made from different types of gold, which differ from each other in shades. Yellow gold is the most popular type.

To clean yellow gold, you can purchase a special product, which is available in jewelry stores. Or you can use cheap means, the result of which is no worse.

These products include: peroxide, ammonia, salt, even regular dishwashing detergent. We will tell you below how to clean yellow gold at home using these simple products.

Cleaning yellow gold with peroxide is quite simple. To do this you need:

Mix all the components and immerse the gold in the resulting solution. Leave it for 20 minutes, then take it out and rinse in clean water, then dry it. The gold will be cleaned and restored to its original appearance.


Ammonia or ammonia is also an excellent cleaning agent. To clean yellow gold from turbidity, you need to:

  • take 200 ml of warm water;
  • half a teaspoon of 10% ammonia;
  • a little (maybe a teaspoon) of shampoo or liquid soap.

All of the above components are mixed and gold is added to the resulting mixture.

But first, you need to know that jewelry with precious stones cannot be subjected to such cleaning.

To achieve the best effect, you should leave the gold in the solution for a couple of hours. Afterwards, take it out and wipe it with a dry cloth.

This familiar detergent can wash not only dishes, but also gold and jewelry. To do this you need to: dissolve a few drops of detergent in 200 ml of cold water; pour the resulting soap solution into a small saucepan (or other fireproof container), place the decorations there and boil for 10 minutes.

After this time, remove the jewelry and dry it well.


Well, everyone has salt in their kitchen. Moreover, it can not only salt food, but also clean gold. Just do not rub gold with salt, as its grains can scratch the surface of the jewelry. The correct use of salt looks like this:

  • Gold items are placed in a saline solution consisting of 150 ml of hot water and 60 grams of salt overnight.
  • In the morning they are taken out, washed under cold water and dried with a towel.

Salt is able to draw out all the dirt from the gold metal, so the jewelry will regain its former purity and shine.


Cleaning yellow gold is also possible using foil. All you need for this method: foil, water and baking soda.

To do this, dissolve 50 grams of soda in 500 ml of hot water. Foil is laid on the bottom of a deep container, gold jewelry is placed on it and filled with soda solution. Leave everything for 10 hours (preferably overnight), and then rinse under cold water and wipe dry.

What to do if nothing helps?

It may also happen that the listed methods of purifying gold were not effective. The reason for this may be old dirt, deep dark spots. In this case, you will have to resort to mechanical cleaning.

To avoid scuffs and scratches on gold, you should not use abrasive products; there are more gentle ones.

These include specially formulated pastes for cleaning gold. You can find them on the Internet, and the cost does not exceed 500 rubles.

They are easy to use: apply the paste to a toothbrush with soft bristles, and clean the jewelry with smooth movements. Afterwards, the remaining paste is removed with a cloth, and the surface of the gold is wiped with alcohol (to remove the fatty layer). Wash with water and dry.

Folk remedies for cleaning gold

Traditional methods are applicable in many areas of our lives, and gold cleaning is no exception. The following means of popular preference are applicable in this matter:

  • Onion juice or vinegar.

You need to soak a napkin in onion juice or vinegar, wipe the gold items with it and leave for 2 hours. Then rinse with water and dry.

  • Such an item in a woman's cosmetic bag as lipstick can also combat stains on gold jewelry. All thanks to titanium dioxide, which is a component of lipstick, and at the same time an excellent cleaning agent.

To clean gold with lipstick, you need to lubricate a cotton pad with it and wipe the jewelry with it. This method is especially suitable for jewelry without stones.

  • In addition to salt, sugar is also used to purify yellow gold. You need to dissolve a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of warm water and place gold jewelry there. Leave for 3 hours and then wipe dry.
  • A mixture of Vaseline, loose chalk, grated soap and water will be no less effective in cleaning gold. All components are mixed in equal proportions and the decoration is polished with the mixture.
  • A good result can be achieved using mustard powder. It is simple to use: pour a handful of mustard on a rag and wipe the gold items.

Cleaning white gold at home

Cleaning methods for yellow gold are not suitable for white gold jewelry. The surface of white gold is more susceptible to scratches, so cleaning should be gentle.

How you can clean white gold at home:

  1. Only soft cloths should be used to clean white gold. The fact is that the surface of jewelry made from this type of gold is coated with rhodium. This is a rare and very valuable (more expensive than gold) platinum group metal. But the problem is that it can wear out quickly, so to prevent this, you should choose rags with soft bristles.
  2. However, a solution prepared from water and ammonia is also suitable for cleaning white gold. Precious jewelry should be kept in this solution for an hour and then wiped well. It is best not to leave moisture on white gold as this may affect the metal.
  3. As mentioned above, white gold is more susceptible to scratches compared to yellow gold. Therefore, you cannot use powdered products and pastes to clean it.
  4. There is a folk method that effectively removes stains from white gold. The recipe is simple: 2 tablespoons of beer are mixed with one egg yolk and stirred. This mixture is applied to a soft cloth and wiped over gold jewelry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with precious stones

To remove dirt and darkening from gold jewelry with precious stone inserts, you should not use the above methods, they will not work.

In addition, some stones, such as amber and turquoise, do not tolerate moisture very well.

So, here's how to clean gold with stones at home:

Precious stones are classified according to their hardness coefficient. Knowing what coefficient a stone has, you can easily choose the appropriate method of cleansing it.

Turquoise, malachite, opal, apatite are soft stones. They do not tolerate long-term contact with moisture.

To thoroughly clean the jewelry and not harm the precious inserts, you should use a regular soap solution. Rinse the jewelry in it for a few minutes and then wipe dry with a cloth.

Vinegar and ammonia are truly effective means of combating stains on jewelry.

But, if the product contains valuable organic stones, such as amber, pearls or coral, then vinegar and ammonia should never be used, otherwise damage to the stones cannot be avoided.

To clean them, you should use the following methods:

  • diluted alcohol solution in a 1:1 ratio (alcohol and water);
  • To clean pearls, use a soap solution (it is better to use shampoo). Dip a soft brush into it and rub the pearls with it, then allow it to dry naturally. Gold cut is simply wiped with a cloth without touching the stone;
  • coral and amber can be wiped with suede or flannel cloth.

A quick method for cleaning a gold chain at home

A gold chain is a very popular piece of jewelry. However, over time, it is prone to darkening and accumulation of dirt from dust and sebum. So how can you quickly clean a gold chain at home?

To quickly return it to its original color and shine, you should use the following cleaning methods:

  1. Prepare a solution of warm water and laundry soap shavings (an analogue can be laundry detergent and regular dishwashing detergent). Place a gold chain in this solution for a couple of hours. Afterwards, use a toothbrush with stiff bristles to thoroughly clean the chain. After cleaning, rinse the jewelry with plain water and place it on a towel to dry completely.
  2. To remove old stains, you should repeat the above procedure several times or use deep cleaning. To do this you will need ammonia (25%). Place the chain in the container and fill it with ammonia, leaving it for a couple of hours. Then rinse with water and dry.
  3. An equally effective effect can be achieved using a mixture of chalk, petroleum jelly, soap and water. Everything is mixed in equal quantities. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution and thoroughly wipe the entire chain. Then rinse in clean water and dry. The chain will regain its original shine.

Careful care of gold using professional products

You can trust specially developed gold purification products. You can purchase them in jewelry stores and online stores.

In order to give your jewelry a pristine look, you can acquire your own arsenal of professional tools, which include:

  • solution;
  • cleaning paste;
  • spray;
  • wet and dry wipes;

It is worth choosing products based on what type of gold the jewelry is made from and whether there are precious stones.

How to properly clean gold at home and avoid mistakes

All of the above methods for purifying gold can harm it if used incorrectly. The most common mistakes made when cleaning yourself at home:

  • rub the jewelry with a hard brush using an abrasive agent;
  • clean precious stones and gold with one product;
  • Leave jewelry with stones in water solutions for a long time.

You need to carefully remove dirt from gold jewelry, carefully selecting the appropriate cleaning agent. If the jewelry has dark stains and old dirt, it is better not to clean the gold yourself, but to trust a specialist.

You can also learn how to clean gold from the following video.

The choice of means for cleaning gold is carried out taking into account the type of contamination itself. Several options can be used:

  1. Professional cleaning. This is the most effective method, during which special ultrasonic technologies are used that can restore the original shine to the product. Jewelers advise carrying out this procedure no more than once a month.
  2. Unprofessional cleaning. This category includes the use of soap solution, shampoo, alcohol, tooth powder or paste, baking soda, sugar, table vinegar, boiling, with which you can clean gold at home yourself, without turning to jewelers. All of the listed products are completely safe and can be used regularly, since they do not provoke the onset of metal oxidation and are capable of removing stains from jewelry of almost any kind.
  3. Special means. To clean gold yourself at home, you can use various compounds and acids. As a rule, such drugs are sold in jewelry stores or pawn shops, where a consultant will help you choose the right product.

How can you clean gold?

To prevent gold jewelry from losing its beautiful shine when doing housework, it is recommended to remove it. This advice must be followed when using abrasives. Do not allow jewelry to come into contact with bleach, otherwise the metal may become discolored.

If dark spots or greasy deposits appear on the surface of the gold, the following preparations can be used to remove them:

  • Soap solution. Take a deep bowl and fill it with water (warm). Then any liquid soap or shampoo is added. To clean gold with this product, the jewelry is placed in the solution and then left for a couple of hours. During this time, the dirt dissolves, and its remains are removed using a children's toothbrush with soft bristles. At the end, the products are dried and wiped with a soft material.
  • Toothpaste. This is the most popular way to process gold at home. Take a children's toothbrush, apply the paste and thoroughly clean the gold. When the chain is processed, the product is evenly distributed, the jewelry is clamped with soft material and pulled a couple of times in one and the other direction. At the end, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water and wipe dry.
  • Cleaning paste. This remedy is easy to make yourself - mix equal volumes of chalk, previously crushed to a powder, with soap shavings, and add Vaseline. A little water is added until the mixture becomes a thick paste. With this mixture you can clean gold quite quickly - lubricate the surface of the product and wipe it thoroughly with any soft material. At the end, it is washed with a large volume of water (warm) to remove the film of fat from its surface.
  • Lipstick. This cosmetic product contains titanium dioxide, which allows you to quickly remove black stains from gold. Colorless lipstick is applied to the cotton wool, the product is wiped well, then it is polished. As a result, the beautiful shine of gold returns, and this procedure can be carried out several times a month.
  • Onion juice combined with table vinegar. This composition quickly removes darkened stains from the surface of the precious metal. Soak a cotton swab in fresh onion juice or vinegar, wipe the surface of the product well, and rinse with a large volume of water.
  • Sugar. Fill a glass with (warm) water, add granulated sugar (2 tsp) and dissolve. Gold is placed in the prepared solution and left for 10–12 hours. This technique helps not only to cleanse gold of blackness, but also restores its shine.
  • Washing powder. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. facilities. The decoration is kept in the solution for half an hour, then washed.
  • Salt. Pour half a glass of hot water 3 tbsp. l. table salt. The gold jewelry is left in the solution for 10–12 hours, then washed and rubbed until shiny with a soft material.
  • Baking soda and foil. Take a glass container, pour one glass of water (hot), put a layer of foil on the bottom and add 1-2 tbsp. l. baking soda. First, the foil is laid out, then the decoration, and finally the soda solution is poured. The gold item is left for 10 hours, then washed with cold water and rubbed with a soft material.
  • Egg white and beer. The egg white is whipped with a small amount of beer. Soak a cotton swab in this product and thoroughly clean the surface of the jewelry.
  • Ammonia. This method of cleaning heavily soiled gold can be used for items without stones. The decoration is placed in a container and filled with ammonia. After a few hours, the product is removed from the solution, washed with cold water and wiped dry.

How to clean gold with ammonia?

The most effective and popular home method for cleaning jewelry is using ammonia:
  • 1 tsp dissolves in one glass of water. ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the jewelry well. At the end, the product is washed with soapy water and rinsed with clean water.
  • To clean gold with ammonia, you can use this method. Chalk powder is mixed with alcohol and the resulting paste is rubbed onto the product, and finally washed with soapy water. Do not use a single piece of chalk as there is a risk of scratching the gold.
  • Mix ammonia (1 tsp) and any washing powder (1 tbsp). The composition dissolves in a glass of water. The mixture is stirred well and the decoration is lowered into it, left for 3 hours, then washed with clean water and wiped thoroughly.
  • You can use the simplest option - dissolve 2-4 drops of ammonia in a glass of water. The product is placed in the mixture and washed with warm water after an hour. If there is a lot of dirt and dust on the decoration, then you need to add a little liquid soap or dishwashing detergent to this solution.
  • Pour clean water (1 tbsp) into a small ladle, boil it, add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and a little liquid soap (dishwashing detergent). The product is dipped into the solution, after two hours it is rinsed with plenty of water and wiped dry.

After finishing cleaning any gold jewelry, it is recommended to use mustard powder to give it a beautiful shine. This product is poured into a soft cloth and the product is rubbed for several minutes.

How to clean gold with stones at home

If the jewelry has inserts made of precious or semi-precious stones, the cleaning procedure must be carried out with extreme caution. It is important to remember that amber, moonstone, pearls, malachite, opal and turquoise do not like high humidity.

To clean rings or rings with stones, it is best to use an ear stick, which is soaked in cologne or alcohol - the stone is wiped from all sides.

It is prohibited to use sharp objects to clean the jewelry frame, as there is a risk of damaging it or leaving unsightly scratches on the stone.

To clean gold with stones, you can use alcohol, which quickly removes old grease stains. But if precious stones are glued to the product, it is strictly forbidden to immerse them in water. For cleaning, you can use an alcohol solution applied to the surface of the jewelry and wipe it lightly, then be sure to dry it.

To remove the grease film, you need to use a soft toothbrush, but you cannot use paste or powder, because they can damage the surface of the stone.

A product with rubies, topazes, diamonds, emeralds or sapphires can be cleaned in a solution of washing powder, wiping with a soft cloth. At the end, the decoration is washed with clean water.

A soap solution should be used to treat items with turquoise, opal, moonstone and malachite inserts. Then the surface is wiped well with a soft material and dried.

It is necessary to clean diamond jewelry at least once a month, since a greasy film very quickly forms on their surface, due to which the stones lose their natural shine. This type of gemstone will reflect light rays much better and look larger in its pure form.

For cleaning, it is best to use a variety of liquid detergents, a soft toothbrush and warm water. You should not use laundry soap, as it can deteriorate the shine of the precious metal.

Gold and diamonds can be cleaned with ammonia - pour water into a glass, add a few drops of the product and leave the jewelry in for half an hour. Then the areas around the stone are wiped with a cotton swab, and again the product is placed in the solution, immediately taken out and wiped with a napkin.

To remove greasy deposits and stains from jewelry and precious stones, it is recommended to use gasoline - the product is immersed in liquid, then wiped with alcohol.

How to clean gold with ammonia and peroxide?

This is one of the most effective means to quickly remove dirt from the surface of jewelry. For this, ammonia, water, any liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide (3%) will be used.

First the mixture is prepared. To clean gold with hydrogen peroxide, pour it into a glass (30 g), add ammonia (1 tsp) and liquid soap (0.5 tsp). Then water is poured until the glass is full.

You need to take warm water, a ceramic, plastic or glass container, which is filled with the solution. The decoration is dipped into the liquid and left for 8-9 minutes, then washed with plenty of clean water.

Gold is a very beautiful and precious material that always attracts attention, so it is very important to maintain its beautiful appearance and not forget to properly, and most importantly, regularly care for it. For cleaning, you can use time-tested folk remedies or special professional preparations and solutions. As a result, your jewelry will always be elegant and beautiful.

Watch more about cleaning gold at home in this video:

They delight us with their appearance and shine.

However, even with the most careful treatment, over time gold becomes dull, products made from it become dirty, and stains may appear on them.

You will learn how to clean gold at home in this article.

How to clean gold at home: from grease and dirt

It’s easy to remove traces of dirt from gold jewelry - in a small container you need to mix hot water (50-70°C) and one of the detergents:

Liquid dishwashing detergent

Soap, grated on a coarse grater (preferably laundry soap)


Washing powder

The gold jewelry is placed in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours, after this procedure the dirt and grease will soften and can be easily removed with a regular toothbrush with soft bristles. After this, the jewelry should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and allowed to dry.

If after such a soapy “bathing” dirt still remains, the procedure must be repeated.

Another way to easily clean dirt and grease is to boil it in a soapy solution. The gold product is placed in a container with such a solution and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Next, you should clean the product with a brush, as in the first method.

To give gold items shine, you can put them in a sugar solution overnight; to prepare the solution, add 2-3 teaspoons of sugar to a glass of water.

A paste made from Vaseline, soap shavings, water and chalk (in powder), taken in equal proportions, gives an excellent effect. After cleaning with this mixture, gold jewelry looks like new.

How to clean gold at home: “folk” recipes

There are some ancient folk recipes that will help restore gold products to their original shine.

1. Grate the onion, moisten a napkin with the juice and wipe the gold item with it.

2. Apply lipstick to the surface of the product, and after a while wipe it with a dry cloth. The lipstick contains titanium dioxide, which will help remove tarnish from the surface of the gold.

3. An aqueous solution of borax will help remove heavy stains, but it is powerless against stains. It is necessary to wipe the product with a cloth soaked in the solution, then rinse it under running water.

4. Cleaning the gold surface with toothpaste can also have a good effect, but requires caution. To apply the paste, use a soft toothbrush or cloth.

5. Occasionally it happens that iodine stains appear on a gold product. A hyposulfite solution, which is sold in departments for amateur photographers, will help clean it.

6. Another method that our ancestors used. You need to take a little beer and the white of an egg, mix thoroughly, apply it to a cloth and wipe the gold jewelry with this mixture. After this, rinse with running water and dry.

How to clean gold at home if it is old

If the gold is old, it may have stains or a film of oxide on it. To clean such products, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are used.

Add to a glass of warm water:

1 teaspoon ammonia

30 ml 30% hydrogen peroxide solution

1 spoon of liquid soap

All components must be mixed in a non-metallic container, and the products must be placed in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with running water and wipe with flannel or suede.

Using ammonia you can also achieve good results in the fight against oxides. To a glass of water you need to add ½ teaspoon of a 10% ammonia solution and 1 teaspoon of any detergent. After you put gold jewelry there, the water will immediately darken, the product is then removed from the solution and washed under running water.

If the product contains precious stones, these cleaning methods cannot be used.

A solution of soda also cleans gold from oxides well (just do not apply soda powder to the product and rub it, scratches may remain on the surface).

Place a piece of foil in a small container, place gold jewelry on it, and fill it with soda solution (a tablespoon of soda per glass of water). Leave for several hours. Then rinse the product under running water and dry.

Another cleaning method is boiling in a soda solution. Add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the soda solution and boil for 10-15 minutes. After this, rinse and wipe dry.

Gold is also possible clean with saline solution(for ½ glass of water - 3 tablespoons of non-iodized salt). Leave your jewelry in this solution overnight, wipe with a soft cloth and enjoy its shine.

If none of the methods gives the desired result, you can purchase a special professional paste or foam for cleaning gold products. It is sold in jewelry stores and large household chemical departments; it is inexpensive and lasts a long time.

Cleaning Jewelry ultrasound- another modern way to clean jewelry. Ultrasonic devices are very effective and will help clean gold in hard-to-reach places, but they are also quite expensive.

How to clean gold at home: if products with precious stones

Gold items with stones require especially careful handling. It is advisable to clean them at least once a month. The method of cleaning such products depends on what kind of stone is inserted into them..

If the stone inlaid into the product is soft (such stones include amber, pearls, opal, lapis lazuli, turquoise), ammonia, vinegar or alkali cannot be used to clean it. You can wash such jewelry in alcohol diluted in equal proportions with water, or in a soap solution, without leaving the jewelry in it for a long time.

The pearls are washed with a brush, dipping it into a soap solution. The golden part of the product with pearls is wiped with a soft cloth.

Hard stones include diamond, ruby, sapphire, topaz, emerald, amethyst, tourmaline, zircon. Products with these stones can be cleaned with alcohol using a cotton swab, then washed off with soap and water and wiped dry with a flannel.

Diamond jewelry can be cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in soapy water. Liquid soap, shampoo or washing powder will do.

Also, diamond products are cleaned with a solution of ammonia (6 drops of alcohol per glass of water). Then wipe the stone and frame with a cotton swab.

If a product with a hard stone is very dirty, then clean it with a toothbrush dipped in gasoline.

Zircon cleans well with a mixture of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:6.

How to clean gold at home without ruining it

In order not to spoil the gold during cleaning, you need to remember a few rules:

It is better to avoid abrasive substances when cleaning gold, as there is a risk of leaving scratches on the surface.

Products that require more delicate handling (chains, thin bracelets) should not be subjected to rough mechanical stress.

To clean products with stone, first find out how hard the stone is, and then, based on this, choose a cleaning method.

If the stone is glued, the product cannot be wet to avoid the stone coming off.

First, you should always choose the most gentle method, for example, soaking in a soap solution, and only if this does not work, move on to “chemical” cleaning methods.

The appearance of stains and scratches on gold jewelry It's easier to prevent than to try to get rid of them. To do this you need to follow a few simple rules:

When cleaning the house, jewelry must be removed. Firstly, because household chemicals getting on gold can negatively affect it, and secondly, particles of dust and dirt during cleaning can become clogged in the patterns of rings or bracelets.

At night, jewelry must be removed in contact with the skin; it becomes dirty and oxidizes over time.

Every time you remove jewelry, you need to wipe it with a cloth.

Gold products should be kept in places where cosmetic substances cannot reach.

You should also not store gold jewelry in cardboard boxes; cardboard contains sulfur, which can cause stains. It is also not recommended to store gold in plastic containers.

If you care for gold items correctly, then they will last a long time and look great at the same time!

Gold is a fairly expensive metal, so it requires special care. Gold jewelry has been valued by people since ancient times, because it symbolizes power, luxury and aesthetics. Many owners treat such products with trepidation and want to keep them for many years. If there is only one pair of gold earrings in your treasured box, you need to look after them very carefully and efficiently. This is quite possible, the main thing is to follow the basic rules for caring for jewelry, which the editors of Find out.rf will introduce you to.

Cleaning gold jewelry or cutlery only at first glance seems like something complicated and requires special skills. In fact, as in any everyday issue, all you need is knowledge of the basic rules, which we will consider one by one.

How to clean gold

Firstly, it should be noted that gold itself does not darken. This noble metal is spared such an ignoble fate. However, alloys used in gold products - copper, silver, etc. - can darken. Gold is too soft to be used for making jewelry.

The higher the standard of a gold product, the higher the gold content in the composition. So, if the sample is 585, then in 1 gram there are 585 mg of this noble metal. The product darkens as a result of the interaction of gold with impurities of other metals.

1. You can clean gold jewelry at home from dirt and darkening using detergents, in particular laundry soap. To do this, pour water into a small container and add detergent. Then place the gold product in the solution and boil for 10 minutes. Afterwards, the gold items should be rinsed with cool running water.

2. The same recipe can be used in a slightly different configuration. To do this, the water must be hot, and the solution can be left with the gold items overnight. However, you should never use this method to clean products with stones.

3. You can also clean gold by boiling it in a soda solution. After the procedure, the product must be wiped with a soft fleecy cloth.

4. You can also use another equally accessible product - tooth powder or toothpaste. Using an old and unnecessary toothbrush, apply the powder or paste to the product and rub it. In this case, toothpaste is preferable, since the powder can act as an abrasive and leave small scratches.

We clean the gold ourselves!

5. In half a glass of boiling water you need to add a tablespoon of grated laundry soap. Place the gold item there and add a little ammonia.

6. You can mix a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide with half a bottle of ammonia. You need to dip the gold item into the resulting solution and leave it overnight, covering it with a lid (so that the room does not smell of ammonia). After the procedure, the product should be rinsed under running water and wiped with a soft cloth.

Traditional methods of cleaning gold

Despite the abundance of modern means and methods of caring for jewelry, no one has canceled the traditional, grandmotherly methods.

1. So, you can restore the natural shine to a gold product using lipstick and a soft cloth. Titanium dioxide contained in lipstick will perfectly clean off darkened jewelry.

2. You can also use onion juice or table vinegar. These products perfectly remove darkening. In addition, this method can also be used as a preventive measure. Then your gold items will always shine.

How to clean products with stones

If your gold jewelry is set with precious stones, it is important not to damage them when cleaning the jewelry.

There are the following methods for this.

1. So, rings, rings and earrings can be cleaned using ear sticks. They should be pre-moistened with cologne. Never try to clean the product with sharp objects to avoid scratching the surface of the product.

2. You can also dip the product in an alcohol solution, and then wipe the jewelry with a cloth soaked in water. However, this method will not work if the stones are glued and not soldered to the surface of the product.

3. Jewelry with hard stones (quartz, ruby, diamond) can be cleaned in a solution of washing powder or laundry soap.

4. Diamond jewelry can be cleaned with ammonia. To do this, you need to dissolve 6 drops of ammonia in a glass of water and place the product there for half an hour. Then the jewelry should be rinsed in running water and wiped with a soft cloth.

How is gold made?

5. Products with pearls must be cleaned with extreme care. To do this, moisten an eyeshadow brush with water and neutral shampoo and gently rub the pearl. Then you should wipe it with plain water and let it dry. Under no circumstances should you use vinegar, as pearls will dissolve in it. Thus, there are many ways to clean a gold item. You can choose almost any one. So, you can turn to traditional methods or use more modern methods.

The main thing is to treat products and jewelry made of this noble metal with care and attention. As the editors of the site note, shiny and pure gold jewelry will highlight the best external features of its owner or owner.
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