What is the best way to fry mushrooms. How to fry porcini mushrooms

    Porcini mushrooms are very good mushrooms, they should not be soaked and washed, only if they are wiped with a damp cloth. Don't boil them before frying. In order for the mushrooms to fry, 20 minutes is enough,

    Never timed the frying time. Slightly scalded porcini mushrooms should be placed in a preheated pan with pork fat and fried until the moisture has completely boiled away (about 30-40 minutes). Salt is best added gradually during the frying process.

    Porcini mushrooms should be fried for 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, they will cook and become safe for consumption. Boiling porcini mushrooms is not necessary at all. Many simply fry until fully cooked, neglecting the process of boiling porcini mushrooms.

    I don't think there is a need to time how long porcini mushrooms need to be fried. It is better to determine the degree of readiness of fried ceps, and other types of mushrooms, visually. As soon as the mushrooms lose excess moisture during the frying process, the mushrooms are ready.

    White mushrooms are the most delicious and nutritious. And of course, the mushroom picker's luck will be that he will find a clearing with white mushrooms. They are so fragrant, you can cook excellent culinary dishes from them. They can be canned, frozen for the winter or dried.

    It is recommended to boil any mushrooms, including ceps, in salted water for at least twenty minutes before frying. During this time, all toxins from the mushrooms will come out.

    After boiling, you need to rinse them under running water and dry them slightly and then fry them in a frying pan in vegetable oil for at least twenty minutes until they are fully cooked, stirring constantly.

    Advise before frying White mushrooms well cleaned of debris and rinsed, then cut into a frying pan with butter. First, a lot of liquid comes out of the mushrooms, fry until it evaporates, you need to stir more often. As soon as the moisture is gone, fry for another ten minutes until appetizing frying.

    Before frying, I do not cook mushrooms at all. It is enough just to rinse well, cut. If you are going to make fried potatoes with mushrooms, then first I put chopped mushrooms in a pan, fry (carcass) under the lid for 10-15 minutes, then add onions. Another 5-7 minutes, then put the potatoes and fry until the potatoes are ready.

    I DO NOT COOK porcini mushrooms before frying. Not even mine. I just carefully sort out, remove all debris. Then I'll roll over the towel. I also cut into a frying pan with butter and onions. A little under the lid, so that the juice is given, and then until crispy without a lid. It turns out so delicious!

    fried mushrooms need to be fried for about 15 minutes, but they must first be processed. Processing is cooking. Porcini mushrooms are boiled before frying for several minutes in salted water. some advise not to cook, but just fry longer, but it’s somehow safer with cooking)

    40-45 minutes.

    Thermal treatment of mushrooms lasts the specified time. That is, if mushrooms were boiled in salt water for 20 minutes before frying, then they will be fried for 20-25 minutes.

    If not boiled, then completely 40-45 minutes. Usually frying for 30 minutes, and then stewing under the lid with spices for 10 minutes.

    If the mushrooms were previously boiled, then they need to be fried for about 15-20 minutes, but if the mushrooms were not boiled, but immediately fried, then they need to be fried much more, 35-40 minutes. It also depends on the size of the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of the mushroom.

    I have a weak burner, I have to fry longer than usual. If on a conventional stove (with an oven) 15-20 minutes is enough, then I have this procedure last up to 40 minutes. In my understanding, mushrooms are ready if excess moisture is gone from them and they have acquired a pleasant fried color.

Fried Porcini Recipes

With the beginning of the “silent hunting” season, many begin to wonder how to fry porcini mushrooms so that it turns out delicious. There are a lot of recipes on how to cook mushroom dishes, but the simplest and most common is cooking mushrooms with onions. Moreover, it is recommended to use onions of any kind: onions, shallots, leeks, green feathers. How much salt or spices to pour depends on the individual taste of the hostess. However, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to use products with a pungent odor, so as not to kill the mushroom taste and aroma.

White mushroom grows almost throughout Russia, being the most delicious and popular among forest counterparts. Useful qualities of the product are appreciated by lovers of mushroom dishes. Mushrooms contain vitamins A, B, D, which are necessary for a person at any time of the year. In terms of protein composition, the product is close to meat, therefore, eating a dish during Lent provides good nutrition.

The porcini mushroom got its name for the constant white color of the pulp with various cooking methods. Fried porcini mushrooms are one of the favorite dishes of the Russian people not only in the summer-autumn season, but throughout the year. You can cook delicious food from fresh, frozen, dry, salty raw materials, the main thing is to properly prepare it at home.

How to properly prepare raw materials?

Fresh mushrooms should be cleaned of forest debris - needles, blades of grass, sand or other soil mixtures. Cut off damaged areas and thoroughly rinse the fruiting body under running water. For disinfection, the raw material should be doused with boiling water and left in a colander to drain excess liquid.

Drying mushroom raw materials

Fresh whites should be dried for 7-12 hours in a preheated oven to 60-70 ° C with the door open. Pre-fruiting bodies are cut into 2-4 parts along, without separating the cap from the stem. How much raw materials should be dried is determined by their appearance: the fungus becomes brittle, easily broken. The finished product absorbs moisture well, so it is recommended to store it in a tightly closed waterproof container.

Frozen food preparation

For freezing, prepared mushroom raw materials must first be boiled. How long the process takes depends on the number, age and size of the specimens. Young small fruits will take less time to boil:

  • peeled mushrooms, cut into large pieces, are poured with cold water and boiled with stirring until they settle to the bottom;
  • the foam formed during the cooking process should be carefully removed;
  • salting raw materials is not required;
  • maintain the degree of heating in medium mode.

Drain the mushrooms, cool and place in the freezer, packaged in plastic bags in portions sufficient for cooking.

Preparing a salty billet

For frying in winter, you can prepare raw materials by salting:

  • put washed and cut into pieces fresh mushrooms in a 3-liter jar;
  • pour half a glass of rock salt, 4-5 peas of bitter black pepper, the same amount of sweet peas, a couple of bay leaves;
  • pour cold water to the edge of the neck of the jar, close the nylon lid and shake the contents thoroughly to dissolve the salt;
  • store salt in a cool dark place - a cellar or basement.

Recipes for fried mushrooms

How many recipes for cooking mushroom dishes exist, no one knows for sure, but for many housewives it is important that the method is simple and the dish turns out tasty and healthy. These criteria are met by cooking fried mushrooms with the addition of onions.

Recipes from raw whites

How to cook roast from fresh raw materials:

  • prepared fresh porcini mushrooms - 500 g - cut into small pieces;
  • melt the butter in a frying pan (2 full tablespoons) and put the mushrooms;
  • fry at medium heat until the moisture at the bottom of the dish has evaporated;
  • then add 1 onion, cut into rings or half rings;
  • salt the contents to taste and fry until the onion becomes golden brown;
  • add spices: 3-4 peas of bitter black and allspice, bay leaf. Mix everything.

It is better to use spices as a whole, and not in ground form, to give the dish an original flavor. Boiled potatoes can be served as a side dish. It turns out original and tasty if you sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped green onions, dill, parsley. How much to use greens is decided according to individual taste.

The original dish is obtained if you cook it according to the recipe:

  • before frying, boil mushrooms for 2-3 minutes, in salted water;
  • 1 raw egg, beaten until smooth and salt to taste;
  • roll the cooled mushroom pieces in flour, then in the egg, and again in flour;
  • fry mushrooms in vegetable or butter until tender;
  • Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped dill and green onions.

For 500 g of raw mushrooms, you need to take 3 tables. tablespoons of flour, 1 egg, 50 ml of vegetable oil. How much salt is required should be guided by personal needs.

Dried recipes

  • dry mushrooms must be soaked in water for 4-6 hours in order to restore the volume and shape of the fruiting bodies as much as possible;
  • boil raw materials until half cooked in water salted to taste;
  • fry mushrooms in a pan with the addition of 1-2 tablespoons of refined sunflower or corn oil;
  • when the liquid at the bottom evaporates, you need to add the onion cut into half rings and continue frying until the onion pieces are yellow-golden in color;
  • if desired, you can add spices: black and allspice peas in the amount of 3-4 things, a couple of bay leaves per 500 g of restored mushrooms.

Instead of water for soaking dry mushrooms, some people use fresh homemade milk.

A delicious dish can be prepared from dry mushroom powder:

  • in a pan with vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion until golden brown;
  • sprinkle the roast with chopped mushrooms, add salt to taste, 3 peas of bitter and allspice, bay leaf;
  • pour the mixture with fresh sour cream in an amount of 100-150 ml, boil the composition for 5-10 minutes.

The dish is used as a sauce for a side dish of potatoes or crumbly porridge.

How to fry frozen mushrooms?

How to fry porcini mushrooms from frozen raw materials with onions:

  • remove the required portion from the refrigerator and defrost at room temperature;
  • large parts can be cut smaller;
  • place the mushrooms in a pan, pouring 1-2 tables on the bottom. tablespoons of olive oil;
  • medium-sized onion or leek cut into thin rings;
  • when the liquid in the pan evaporates, salt the mushrooms to taste, add the chopped onion and cook the dish until the rings turn golden;
  • spices can be added at the end of frying.

Recipes for frying from a salty product

How to cook pickled mushroom fried:

  • remove the porcini mushrooms from the brine and let the excess liquid drain;
  • soak the mushroom product in cold water overnight, changing the liquid every 2-3 hours;
  • squeeze out excess water and place the mushrooms in a bowl with heated vegetable oil;
  • when the liquid from the mushrooms evaporates, add the chopped onion, continuing to cook the dish until the onion turns yellow;
  • if necessary, roasting should be salted to taste;
  • no need to add spices.

Using the frying recipe as a basis, each housewife can diversify the dish by adding various additional ingredients: egg, sour cream, cream, flour, and other products. Showing imagination, you can come up with as many new mushroom delicacies as you like.

Of all mushroom dishes, I prefer fried mushrooms. Moreover, without pre-boiling. It's no secret that boiled mushrooms become soft, slippery and lose their taste, or rather, they give it to the broth, which is good for soup, but, alas, spoils the taste of the mushrooms themselves.

Of all mushroom dishes, I prefer fried mushrooms. Moreover, without pre-boiling. It is no secret that boiled mushrooms become soft, slippery and lose their taste, or rather, they give it to the broth, which is good for soup, but, alas, spoils the taste of the mushrooms themselves.

I’ll make a reservation right away that we are talking about mushrooms collected with our own hands and obviously far from highways, in the depths of forests near Moscow. Of course, it can be rightly noted that there are no absolutely clean places in the Moscow region: a wind rose, factories ... But in general there is nothing perfect in the world, except for our ideas. And we breathe the same air that the wind rose blows at us from the nearest smoker ... However, I do not insist in any way, I just talk about how I live and what I eat. And what I don't eat...

So, for many decades now I have been frying without pre-boiling and eating:

  • White mushrooms
  • boletus
  • boletus
  • boletus
  • chanterelles and hedgehogs
  • Champignon
  • umbrella mushroom
  • mushrooms
  • russula

The same is true of its relative, the parasol mushroom. But here one hat is enough for a frying pan. True, both champignons and umbrellas are very much fried. So it will not be possible to feed the whole family with one mushroom, even a very large one.

Honey mushrooms

With mushrooms, everything is simple. The main thing is to learn to distinguish their grebes, and not to miss the wave. Honey mushrooms, especially small ones, can not be cleaned. Although we traditionally harvest mushrooms for the winter (pickle), they are also good in frying, because they are fragrant, strong and do not fry much.


In recent years, I have given up frying raw russula. Because among them often come across caustic-burning. Caustic-burning russula are not poisonous, but they can ruin a mushroom pan. It is possible to distinguish a caustic-burning russula from a decent one only by biting each mushroom in its raw form. Laziness. But if you boil them (not for long), add raw onions, salt and sunflower oil - you get an unforgettable russula salad. And it is not true that russula is tasteless and is used only for mass. And you try not to interfere with them with other mushrooms!

Who remains behind the scenes, which mushrooms must first be boiled?

Of course, morels and lines, pigs. Duboviki (blue) is also better to boil, although they are not fatal even without cooking. Flywheels, goats, in principle, you can not cook, but they are easy to confuse with duboviks.

Mushrooms that require soaking were also left behind the scenes: volnushki, black mushrooms, milk mushrooms, etc. But this is a completely different story.

I tried to use uncooked fried oaks (turning blue). I do not advise - will carry. Yes, and in smart books they are marked as requiring preliminary boiling.

Individual features

White mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms are good in any form, that's why ceps. When fried, they do not blur, the leg acquires a beautiful golden color. In old mushrooms, the tubular layer of the cap can be removed. It is a pity to throw away a wormy porcini mushroom, I dry such a mushroom in the sun - in this case, the worms leave it on their own in a few days.


Loose, wet swamp boletus, which is on a thin leg, is completely harmless, but can spoil the consistency of mushroom roast. Well, worms will not decorate your dish. In skinny mushrooms for a while, you can remove the tubular layer of the cap from such a boletus.

Boletus, boletus and porcini should not be confused with pinking boletus (gall fungus).


Butter for frying is also not necessary. But patience is needed with them - there is no escape from cleaning. I repeat: it is better to clean the butterflies before washing, while the hat is dry and not slippery. In the season it is difficult to resist and stop in time. But it’s worth it, because butterflies do not tolerate transportation and storage.


Chanterelle is one of my favorite mushrooms. Because of the unique taste, color, texture and non-worminess. Although, I will say. This year, having cut the chanterelle, I unexpectedly found a large earthworm in it - an earthworm! What was he doing there? I had to release it into pumps. Chanterelles are fried quickly, so I send them to the common pan with a delay. And I cut larger, I cook small ones whole.


Real wild champignon tastes nothing like the one you can buy in the store. Dishes from purchased champignons are recommended to be seasoned with crushed dried wild mushrooms. Wild champignon will season anyone. If there are more than two champignons in the catch, I prefer to fry them separately so that the unique taste is not lost. published

This species is the king of mushrooms because of its nutrients, in addition, it reaches a colossal size compared to other relatives. And the present taste and aroma make it an invaluable delicacy in frying, cooking various soups, preparing side dishes.

If you come across wormy porcini mushrooms while harvesting, do not shy away from them. Arriving home, draw cold water into the container, add salt per kilogram, mix one tablespoon thoroughly and put your crop into this solution.

Thus, the worms themselves will come out. This method of processing is suitable for other mushrooms. And in this recipe we will look at how to fry them.


  • White mushrooms - 350 grams.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Salt iodized - 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Celery - one small bunch.
  • Fresh dill - a small bunch.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Roast Recipe:

1. We pre-process a freshly harvested crop of young porcini mushrooms. First, remove adhering leaves and branches, then rinse them under running warm water. We let the liquid drain for a while so that the frying process is not long and time-consuming.

2. Put the porcini mushrooms on the cutting surface and cut into slices with a sharp knife. 5 mm thick, see how it looks in the photo. Try to cut the same size for a presentable look.

3. Wash fresh dill and celery under running warm water, then dry with a rag towel. Grind dill on a cutting surface, look at the photo and set aside for a while.

4. We put a dry frying pan on the burner, turn on strong power, then spread the butter. Melt the butter and add prepared porcini mushrooms, sprinkle with iodized salt.

5. Fry at high power until the contents of the pan boil, mix and close the lid. We reduce the power by one and cook in this state for 10 minutes.

After the specified time, open the lid, mix with a silicone or wooden spatula so as not to spoil the non-stick coating. Sprinkle with ground pepper to taste and mix again.

6. Now we take the chopped dill and sprinkle the porcini mushrooms with it. Mix thoroughly and fry for another 5 minutes until a golden brown crust appears. The total time of frying porcini mushrooms is 15 minutes until fully cooked.

If you fry in a larger quantity than indicated above, the cooking time will be longer. A fried dish in butter will have a soft, rich taste and aroma, and even with dill, it’s simply beyond words.

So cook and try this dish for yourself. When serving, put a bunch of celery on a plate for decoration.


White mushrooms are considered the most delicious mushrooms. This is a real delicacy. It is not surprising that a large number of dishes can be prepared from them. They make hot and cold delicious snacks. They are added to the first courses, thanks to which the dish acquires an incredible taste and aroma. From porcini mushrooms they make blanks for the winter, pickling and salting. Dried porcini mushrooms are often used in cooking, which do not lose their taste in this form.

The easiest way to cook porcini mushrooms is to fry them in a pan. To do this, you do not need to have any special culinary skills. Even an inept hostess can handle the preparation of fried mushrooms.

Sometimes porcini mushrooms are fried with the addition of onions or sour cream, but fried porcini mushrooms with potatoes are considered a delicious dish.

Porcini mushrooms fried with potatoes

Required Ingredients:

  • white mushrooms - 200-300 gr.;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper;
  • green onions and dill.

Cooking process:

First you need to process the mushrooms. To do this, wash them well from the ground, clean them from damaged places and wormholes. Then rinse again under running water. Then cut them how you like, making sure that the pieces are approximately the same.

Throw the chopped mushrooms into boiling water and cook for 15 minutes after they boil. Then discard the mushrooms through a colander and rinse with boiling water. Do not pour out the broth in which the mushrooms were boiled, as you can cook porridge or soup on it.

While the mushrooms are cooking, peel the potatoes and onions. Cut the potatoes into strips or small slices, and the onion into half rings.

There are two ways to cook porcini fried mushrooms with potatoes.

First way

Cooking professionals believe that all ingredients should be cooked separately and then mixed. With this cooking method, you will need a large frying pan.

In a heated frying pan, first fry the onion in vegetable oil. Make sure it doesn't get fried. As soon as it becomes transparent, it can be removed from the pan. Put the cooked onions on a plate.

And send the mushrooms to the pan. Fry them over medium heat for 10-15 minutes. When the mushrooms are fried, pour them into a separate bowl.

After the mushrooms are cooked, pour the potatoes in a short time and cook them until tender. Then add the fried onions and mushrooms to the potatoes and cook the dish for another 5 minutes. Salt, pepper. Add spices and herbs.

Second way

When preparing the dish in the second way, you will not get such a beautiful dish, but the potatoes will be well saturated with the aroma of mushrooms and will have an excellent taste.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Then send the boiled mushrooms there. Saute mushrooms for 15 minutes.

When the mushrooms are fried, send the chopped potatoes to them. And cook the dish until the potatoes are almost ready. Then add the onion and bring the dish to full readiness. Salt and add spices.

To make fried mushrooms with potatoes even tastier, you can add sour cream to them. When the dish is ready, pour 0.5 cups of sour cream into it and simmer everything under the lid for several minutes.

You can serve sour cream separately.

Porcini mushrooms fried in sour cream with wine

Required Ingredients:

  • white mushrooms - 500 gr.;
  • sour cream - 1 cup;
  • dry wine - 50 ml;
  • cheese - 100 gr.;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • red and black pepper.

Cooking process:

Wash the white mushrooms, peel and finely chop. Melt the butter in a frying pan, then send the mushrooms there. Saute mushrooms for 5 minutes.

Then add wine and turn up the heat. Fry the mushrooms for 2 minutes over high heat, and then reduce the heat. Salt, pepper. Add sour cream and grated cheese. Heat the dish until the liquid becomes thick.

Fried mushrooms in sour cream are ready. A minimum of time and effort and you have a delicious dish on your table that can please both loved ones and guests.