How best to store fresh corn. How to store corn: on the cob, in the refrigerator for the winter, keeping it fresh

A grain crop such as corn is known to many farmers in our country. When harvesting, the grain of this plant has a significant moisture content of 25% or more. High-quality storage of seeds in this form is impossible, through spontaneous combustion with a further decay process, therefore, before laying in the storage, the seeds must be cleaned of debris and dried to a moisture content of 13-14%. How to properly preserve grain will be discussed in our article.

Storage conditions

In practice, several methods are used to preserve raw corn. If grain is used for laying in the storage, then the primary mass must be cleaned of weed seeds and dried on special equipment. In the case of laying the cobs for storage, there is no need to clean the raw materials. Heads of cabbage should be spread out in a thin layer on a well-illuminated area under a cover and dried until the moisture content of the grain reaches 12-14%. In this state, raw materials can be stored for a long time.

Cooling the seeds is another method of storing corn. In this case, the processes of moisture evaporation stop in the grain, but under sterile conditions, the term for storing corn is short-lived, because various pests can spoil it. You can store corn for various purposes:

  • for seeds;
  • as food for pets;
  • for processing into cereals, etc.

Depending on the type of products received, warehouses for storing the crop in question can be floor-based, as well as bunker and silo. Grain warehouses are also used for similar purposes. So the floor storage is a small one-story building with special mechanisms for loading or unloading grain. Bunker warehouses are made in the form of a cone-shaped container, which allows the supply of raw materials to vehicles by gravity through special hatches. A silo is a huge tank, the height of which is no less than 1.5 times its diameter. The lower part of the tank is usually conical or round, which allows the grain to be unloaded by gravity.

Corn cobs are often stored in compartments that are divided into sections by lattice walls, which are used to drain excess moisture from the grain. For the same purpose, a ventilated hopper or a mechanical working tower elevator is used. In addition to tanks and specially equipped rooms for storing corn crops, sheds or open areas with concrete or asphalt surfaces can be used. The grain is stored on the cob until threshing during the winter. Sometimes the heads of cabbage can lie until the middle of the next summer.

How long can corn be stored

Corn enters the markets in the form of grain. Before storing such raw materials, it is necessary to check for moisture and the presence of harmful impurities and pathogens. So the moisture content of corn cobs should not exceed 16%. This product is stored in mounds up to 3.5 meters high throughout the winter.

Grain with a moisture content of 16-18% is stored in mounds up to 3 meters in height for a short time after which the corn is sent to dry. Seeds with a moisture content of 18-20% are usually kept in small mounds up to 2.5 meters in well-ventilated warehouses or special areas. Grain with a moisture content of more than 20% is stored in specially equipped rooms with horizontal and vertical ventilation (air is supplied by powerful motors).

If corn cobs are stored in open areas or warehouses without a ventilation system, they are checked for mold and pathogens before storing them. The cobs are laid in mounds up to 3 meters high, keeping the distance between adjacent heaps within 1.5 meters. In this state, heads of cabbage are kept until threshing, usually until spring.

When the grain harvest ripens, many summer residents think about how to store corn on the cob at home. Tasty, aromatic and satisfying grains are loved by adults and children, corn is used in the preparation of salads and snacks. To prolong the pleasure of eating fresh cobs, every housewife should know how to properly harvest corn for the whole year. We will talk about this in our article.

Let's consider what you can use corn at different stages of ripeness, and how it looks at the same time:

  • milk ripeness... The cover leaves on the cobs are green, tight-fitting (even difficult to remove). The hairs are wet, soft, with a brown tint only at the base. The grains are whitish, sweet and delicate in taste. When pressed, the seeds secrete a white, sweet "milk". The ears are suitable for fresh or boiled consumption, canning and freezing;
  • wax ripeness... The cover leaves are easier to remove from the cobs. The seeds are light yellow, not very dense (in consistency they are similar to soft cheese). You can crush them with your fingers, but you won't be able to squeeze out the liquid. Such ears are stored in the refrigerator (in cling film) for a week and a half. They are suitable for boiling, freezing in boiled form. Grain of this ripeness is usually used for the preparation of canned food such as "sweet corn";
  • full ripeness... The integumentary leaves turn yellow, dry out and easily detach from the cobs. The hairs are dry, brown. The grains have a color that matches the characteristics of the variety (most often bright yellow or orange, but there are varieties with red, black, brown and other seeds). The grain is dense, with a hard skin. It is used for industrial processing into flour, cereals, etc. It is pre-dried to such a state that it can be stored for years. Summer residents or townspeople need such a product as seeds, only they are stored not on the cob, but in grain.

Features of preparation and storage

The main advantage of storing fresh corn on the cob is that the grains remain tastier and juicier than when they are separated from the core. Whether it will be possible to preserve the harvest for a long time largely depends on the initial data of the raw material.

The fruit of the corn is called the "ear", not the "head" or "roach".

Cereals are harvested from the garden in dry weather, the integumentary leaves and stigmas (brown hairs) are plucked from the cobs. Then cut off the tip with unripe grains at the top. If there is minor damage or, for example, darkened kernels, they can be removed with a sharp knife. Before laying raw cobs, dry them well in the sun.

Usually, for setting the ears for long-term storage, the later varieties with a tougher grain cover are chosen. Such a product will lie without problems until spring and even until the next harvest, retaining all its qualities. Perhaps the grains will not be as sweet and soft as we would like, but no less useful than during the harvest period.

Fresh corn does not stay sweet for long; after a week, the cereal becomes bland and tougher.

Both grains and whole ears can be stored in several ways:

  • freeze fresh;
  • place in the freezer after cooking;
  • dry;
  • canning.

Not all varieties of sweet corn are suitable for freezing, we list some suitable ones: "Merkur", "Zukerka", "Zabava", "Nika 353", "Chell". Others, under the influence of negative temperatures, almost completely lose their taste and aroma.

Most varieties are ideal for canning, and for drying they take cereals picked at the stage of milk maturity. Next, we will take a closer look at each of the methods.

Storage methods

If you want to keep the cobs fresh not for long, you can wrap each one in cling film and send it to the vegetable shelf of the refrigerator. In this form they will lie about a week without losing taste. It is not necessary to pre-wash the workpiece, otherwise the shelf life will be reduced to several days.


The simplest and most affordable method of storing corn is fresh frozen. To prevent grains from becoming too tough and unsuitable for consumption, they must be properly processed before placing them in the freezer. Prepare two large pots, one with ice cold water and one with boiling water. Using tongs, dip each ear for 2 minutes, first in boiling water, then for the same period in ice-cold liquid. Repeat the hardening procedure 3-5 times, then place the product on a towel to drain the moisture.

Wrap dried corn cobs individually with cling film or put in a plastic bag and send to freeze. You will be surprised how tender and sweet the grain will be, even after long storage in the freezer.

If you are worried about how much frozen corn can be saved, then know: deep freezing will keep fresh ears at home for 1-1.5 years.

To prevent frozen corn from becoming tough, wait until the product is completely thawed before cooking.

If you've boiled too much corn but haven't been able to eat all of it, you can freeze the cobs ready-made.

Boiled corn will keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days., provided that you leave it in the broth. Without liquid, the product will harden, and at room temperature the grains tend to sour quickly. How to store corn on the cob for the winter after boiling? Just take it out of the water, let it drain, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the freezer. Sealed packaging is a prerequisite for proper storage of the ears; it will protect the product from foreign odors that the grains quickly absorb from the environment.

You can find out the details of storing boiled corn in this article.


Canning is another reliable way to preserve your corn by giving it the flavor it needs. To do this, you need to select small specimens that, after processing, can be eaten together with the core. The canned product is used as a side dish or as a separate dish. The workpiece is stored for at least a year.

We offer one of the simple recipes canning young ears. First, prepare the marinade. For 1 liter of water, take:

  • rock salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • black pepper, peas - 3-5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf –2 pcs.

Bring the solution to a boil, add 150 ml vinegar (9%) and leave to cool. Then proceed in stages:

  1. Take the cobs at the stage of milky ripeness, peel them from leaves and fibers, rinse under the tap.
  2. Boil water in a large saucepan, dip the corn in it and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the cobs and let cool.
  4. Place the cobs vertically, pressing them together in sterilized jars. It is convenient to do this by placing the jar on its side.
  5. Pour the cooled marinade over the corn, cover with a tin lid and place in a container with water for sterilization for an hour (the time is counted from the moment the liquid boils).
  6. Gently remove the hot cans, tighten with a wrench, turn over and wrap them in a warm blanket.


There is only one meaningful option for home drying corn: if the summer resident grows special "popcorn" varieties. The cobs are harvested at the stage of full maturity, dried in the room and the seeds are husked (stored in a dry, dark place).


Watch the following video to learn how to store corn on the cob:

He has considerable experience in gardening work - from sowing seeds and seedlings to collecting and storing crops. Each sowing season begins with a search for new cultivation methods, because cucumbers can be harvested not only from the garden, but also, for example, from ... barrels and even grown on a windowsill in winter. He considers caring for plants to be one of the best ways to relieve stress.

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Do you know that:

From varietal tomatoes you can get "your" seeds for sowing next year (if you really like the variety). And it is useless to do this with hybrid ones: the seeds will work out, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments to clone several grape varieties from colder regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

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In small Denmark, any piece of land is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to growing fresh vegetables in buckets, large bags, foam boxes filled with a special earthen mixture. Such agrotechnical methods allow you to get a harvest even at home.

Natural toxins are found in many plants; those that are grown in gardens and orchards are no exception. So, in the seeds of apples, apricots, peaches there is hydrocyanic (hydrocyanic) acid, and in the tops and peels of unripe nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) - solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

Convenient Android applications have been developed to help gardeners and gardeners. First of all, these are sowing (lunar, flower, etc.) calendars, thematic magazines, a selection of useful tips. With their help, you can choose a day favorable for planting each type of plant, determine the timing of their ripening and harvest on time.

The novelty of American developers is the Tertill robot, which weeds in the garden. The device was invented under the guidance of John Downes (the creator of the robot vacuum cleaner) and works autonomously in all weather conditions, moving on uneven surfaces on wheels. In doing so, he cuts all plants below 3 cm with the built-in trimmer.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stalk celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have a "negative calorie content", that is, digesting more calories than they contain. In fact, the digestive process uses only 10-20% of the calories from food.

As you know, the maximum yield of finished products can be obtained only if it is provided with proper storage conditions. Corn is one of the most popular grain crops in our latitudes, highly popular among both professionals and amateur farmers.

The two main questions in handling the harvest are how to store the corn and how long it can retain its basic properties.

1 How to store corn - the most effective methods

A commercial crop can be preserved in several ways:

  • preliminarily- if the moisture content of the grains is about 12-14%, it can be stored for several years;
  • use different methods of grain processing without preliminary drying for storage at low temperatures - this method is effective for slowing down all processes, however, it does not differ in duration, since it does not exclude the possibility of infection with various diseases and
  • store corn on the cob.

In conditions of mass storage of the crop of this crop, it is important to remember about its competent preliminary processing - primary cleaning and drying.

This so-called dry storage method is one of the most effective, since, due to the low moisture content in pre-processed grain, its natural fermentation is significantly slowed down, which guarantees the preservation of the grain mass for a long period of time. This method is more in demand in industrial and agricultural enterprises, in the conditions of large and medium-sized farms.

For storage, it is advisable to use bunkers, in which it is most likely possible to create the most relevant conditions for storing grain, or to equip small well-ventilated warehouses (koche) with lattice walls and shelves.

It is becoming more and more popular to store corn unprocessed, that is, on the cob, thanks to the excellent performance of this method. Its first advantage is that there are no clear time limits - in fact, it doesn't matter how much you store the crop before threshing. In the overwhelming majority of cases, corn cobs are able to keep fresh for several months and even successfully and adequately survive not only the winter period, but also the spring.

1.1 How to store corn on the cob for the winter?

The most common questions among agronomists and farmers are how to properly store the ears and how long it can be done. Corn on the cob is generally stored reasonably well, regardless of the quantity.

If you plan to store young corn at home without subjecting it to preliminary heat treatment, then there is probably no better way than to preserve the ears. Let's take a look at how corn on the cob is stored.

The method for preparing the cobs in both cases is simple:

  • clean the head of cabbage from leaves;
  • remove fibers;
  • place the ears in sealed bags, making sure they are dry enough (this will especially affect the shelf life in the refrigerator).

Fresh or boiled corn can be stored using this method from several days (if placed in the refrigerator) to several months (if frozen). It should be remembered that during storage of the raw mass at a low temperature, most varieties quickly lose their taste (primarily sweetness), therefore we recommend using this storage method only for varieties saturated with sugar with a high taste value.

1.2 Storage of young corn on the cob for cooking in winter (video)

2 How to store large volumes of cobs?

The process of storing a large number of cobs is somewhat different. In this case, they should be pre-dried well without cleaning, having achieved the minimum possible humidity level (no more than 16%), and placed in bulk in a well-ventilated dry room, the height of the layer, depending on the size of the room, can reach 1.5-1.7 m.

In order to dry the ears, it is recommended to hang them in a cool, well-ventilated and dry place. The most convenient way to manually prepare for storage is to tie greens (tops) into a kind of braids, by analogy with onions and garlic. This allows you to store corn at home for a long time.

Of course, it is recommended to choose later varieties for storage, the harvesting period of which falls on the end of September or the beginning of October - in this case, the cobs already have time to fully ripen, but have not yet frozen due to the absence of night frosts.

As you can see, it is quite easy to save corn on the cob in any required quantity. By the way, fermented corn, which is very popular among fishing enthusiasts, can also be stored by freezing for a fairly long period of time (up to several years).

In Russia, corn enjoys relatively little popularity. Canned corn is used for festive salads, someone will remember cereals or popcorn, and let's not forget the summer delicacy - boiled corn on the cob. Thus, corn does not come to the table of the average Russian every day. Meanwhile, in the world, corn among grain crops is steadily occupying the second place after wheat, and among many peoples it has, if not the main, then a very noticeable influence on the national cuisine.

As you know, the birthplace of corn is America. It is there in nature that its wild ancestors grow, and cultivars grow best of all. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is in the cuisine of the American peoples that corn, or as it is usually called here, maize, is traditionally the most popular. For many centuries, maize was the basis of the diet of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans, it was inherited by the European colonialists of America, and nowadays in the USA, Mexico, Brazil and other countries of the American continent, corn is very popular. It is here that soups are made from it, second courses are made, and they are cooked with meat, and with cottage cheese, and with vegetables. Corn flour is used to make cereals, puddings, dumplings, and numerous pastries. Popcorn and corn dog are also very popular.

But don't think that corn is eaten only in America. Maize is popular in many countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. Suffice it to mention that China is the second largest producer of this crop in the world after the United States, and there is a dish in Chinese cuisine - corn dumplings. Maize may not be found in the traditional Chinese diet, but it occupies a solid place on the table of an ordinary Chinese, almost on a par with rice. More than two hundred years ago, corn became "their own" in Moldova, where almost the same wide range of dishes is prepared from it as in America.

But back to Russia. As already mentioned, almost the only dish in which maize is cooked, rather than spilling out of a tin can, is corn on the cob. And, of course, here, as elsewhere, there are tricks. If hundreds of articles have been written about how to cook corn correctly, there is practically no information on how to properly preserve boiled corn. Let's try to fill this gap.

The main secret to properly preserving boiled corn is that it loves moisture very much. It is best to leave the corn in the broth after boiling. It may not be very convenient, but it guarantees the softness and juiciness of the grains. This is especially true for mature ears, in which the grains have already lost their "milky" softness. Of course, after a few hours, after the broth has cooled, the pan should be placed in the refrigerator. And there boiled corn can already be stored for several days, if only you have the patience not to eat this yummy immediately after cooking.

Corn is a delicious and healthy product, but this seasonal crop is only available fresh in summer, so many people ask how to store corn. This is especially true for those who have grown a good harvest of corn and want to enjoy its taste for a long time. Consider all possible ways preservation of cobs and grains, both for a long and for a short period.

How to store corn on the cob at home?

Corn cobs of most varieties are yellow, for which they are often called golden. This culture can rightfully bear this name - after all, its grains contain gold. Gold is extremely rare in other foods, so corn is one of the most accessible sources of this precious element for the body.

There are many other valuable elements in gold cobs - potassium, vitamins K, C, PP, B, phosphorus, copper, iodine, fluorine. They enrich the diet with many nutrients, and the abundant dietary fiber activates the intestines and helps to relieve constipation. Therefore, nutritionists advise to eat corn not only in season, but throughout the year. To take advantage of this advice, you need to know how to store corn on the cob. Let's take a look at how to do this at home to preserve the taste and valuable nutritional properties of this product.

Storage at room temperature

There are two ways to store corn heads at room temperature:

  • fresh;
  • dry.

Storing fresh ears at room temperature will not last long - about a week. After this period, one of two troubles can happen to corn heads. Either their grains begin to dry out, or, even worse, bacteria or fungi attack them, resulting in rot or mold.

To prevent spoilage, fresh cobs should be stored without peeling of foliage wrapping, and without packing in airtight containers (plastic bags, etc.). It is best to place the unpeeled heads of cabbage in a cool, dry place, such as in the pantry or on the north balcony.

Longer shelf life for dry corn cobs - up to 1 year. At the same time, they retain their useful properties. However, boiling dry corn in heads of cabbage will not work - its grains will not boil until soft. You can only use dry grains if they are crushed into cereals. Corn grits can be used for cereals and soups.

The ears are dried by unrolling the leaves and collecting them in the "tail on the back of the head" of the heads of cabbage. Drying maize should not be young. The tails are tied in pairs or braided and hung in the yard under a canopy or balcony. If the outside air temperature drops below 15 ° C, then it is better to dry the ears indoors.

Cold storage

Fresh corn heads are also stored in the refrigerator for a short time - 7-8 days. For storage, they must be cleaned of foliage wrapper and stigmas, and packed in clean plastic bags or cling film. This will keep the grains from drying out and the corn will stay fresh. It is impossible to wash or wet the cobs after cleaning, this will lead to their rapid deterioration. Place the wrapped ears in the vegetable drawer and check from time to time for signs of rot or mold. It is recommended to use this stock within a week.

This storage method is not suitable for popcorn varieties. High humidity can completely deprive corn kernels of their properties to open and increase their volume when heated.

Freezer storage

Vegetable products are usually placed in the freezer for long-term storage. Therefore, it is more rational to store corn grains, not cobs, in the freezer, because they take up much less space. But many agree to sacrifice space in the freezer for the pleasure of eating aromatic corn heads in winter.

In deep-freezing chambers, all the taste qualities of corn are preserved after defrosting. But if you cook corn cobs after storage in ordinary household freezers, you can be disappointed - the grains lose their juiciness and softness, becoming tasteless and "rubbery". To avoid this, it is necessary to properly prepare the heads of cabbage for freezing. Let's take a look at how to preserve corn on the cob for the winter so it stays as tasty and juicy as in summer.

  1. First, you need to clear the heads of cabbage from the leaf sheaths, remove the threadlike stigmas, cut off the remnants of the stems and empty ends.
  2. Prepare two containers - one with boiling water, the other with chilled water.
  3. Immerse the prepared ears in hot water for 2 minutes. Then we take them out and put them in a bowl with ice water.
  4. We make alternately hot and cold "baths" of heads of cabbage from 3 to 5 times. In the process, the temperature of the water will change, it is advisable to bring it to the initial one - heat the container with hot water while the cobs are cooling and add ice cubes to the cold water.
  5. After contrasting procedures, we wait until the water drains from the heads of cabbage and dry them with paper napkins.
  6. We wrap the dried ears in cling film, each separately, place them in a common bag or container and put them in the freezer for storage.

These simple manipulations will help preserve the flavor of fresh corn, even after long-term frozen storage. However, it should be borne in mind that a loss of taste can also occur in the case of improper defrosting. To avoid this, defrost the food gradually. When planning to cook the ears, move them in advance from the freezer to the refrigerator. You can start cooking only after the product has completely defrosted.

Store boiled corn in water or not?

As tasty as boiled corn may be, it often happens that you cooked more of it than you could eat at one time. In this regard, the question arises: how to store boiled corn in water or not. While the ears are hot, it is better for them to stay in the water. Cooling down in the air, the grains wind up and become coarser. Do not drain hot water after cooking, it is better to wrap a closed saucepan with something warm. This will help keep the food warm until your next meal.

If the water in which the corn was cooked has cooled down, then it is better to drain it, and put the pot with cobs in the refrigerator. In this form, it can be stored for about 2 days.

How long does boiled corn keep in the refrigerator?

It is advisable to immediately place the cooled boiled corn in the refrigerator. You can drain the water and put it right in the pan, or you can dry the cobs, lightly salt and put them in a clean tray or plastic bag. Such cobs can be stored for 2 days or more.

If after two days of storing the boiled corn in the refrigerator, you have doubts about its freshness, you can boil the cabbage for a short time. But only if an unpleasant smell, mucus, does not appear. Such a product will have to be thrown away. Until the bacteria multiply, they can be killed by boiling, but boiling does not eliminate the toxins produced by the multiplied bacteria. A spoiled product can be poisoned even after heat treatment.

Storing corn after cooking until tomorrow

Corn cobs are most delicious when warm, but chilled they are also pleasant, and many people like them. If there is corn left after cooking, then saving it until tomorrow is not a problem. Place it in the refrigerator directly in the saucepan, or place it in a clean food tray in a plastic bag. Nothing will happen to her in one day.

For many, the question of how to store corn after boiling for a long time is more relevant. Cooked corn can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months using the following recipe:

  • Use a knife to cut the grains from the boiled heads and place them in a clean glass jar.
  • Boil the water, adding salt to taste, about 1 teaspoon per liter of water.
  • Pour boiling brine over the corn kernels in the jar, close the lid.
  • After cooling, refrigerate.
  • When the brine is absorbed into the grains and the liquid level is below the corn level, add the brine to the jar.

Corn prepared in this way can be used in salads, as a side dish.

How to store fresh corn for the winter?

If there is not enough space in the freezer to store corn in the cabbage heads, then it can be frozen in grains. Thawed grains can be boiled or stewed, and then used in the preparation of vegetable stews, salads. Prepare them for freezing in the same way as the cobs.

Peeled heads of cabbage are alternately immersed first in boiling water, then in cold water. Each dive is about 2 minutes, 3-5 cycles in total. Then the cobs are dried and the grains are cut from them with a knife "at the root". The resulting product is packaged in packages and sent to the freezer. Defrosting such corn should be gradually, after moving it from the freezer to the refrigerator.

How to store fermented corn?

Corn is to the taste not only of people, but also of many animals. For example, fish of the carp family simply adore it. Carps bite especially well on fermented (fermented) corn. They are attracted by the sour smell of this bait, moreover, such complementary foods are absorbed faster, the fish are not saturated and greedily grab new portions of the bait.

Fermented corn can be purchased from fishing stores or prepared by yourself. It is not difficult to prepare it, but questions often arise about storage. The fact is that this fish food has a specific sour smell, and when it is stored in the refrigerator, the rest of the food can absorb this "aroma".

A way out of this situation is to store fermented corn in an airtight container. For reliability, several airtight packages can be used at the same time. For example, place a jar with a screw cap in a sealed zip bag. It is advisable to store fermented corn for no longer than 3 weeks. After this period, the attractiveness of this bait for fish diminishes.

Corn is a very healthy product that, if stored correctly, allows you to diversify your diet all year round. Now you know how to store cooked corn, fresh grains and cobs so they don't lose their flavor and nutritional value.

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