How beautiful and original to decorate Easter cakes. Video examples of unusual Easter cakes decoration

Easter is traditionally the largest and most popular Orthodox holiday. By the end of Lent, a few days before the Easter celebrations, people begin to prepare cakes and colored eggs. And if everything is clear with the recipe for the dough for the most delicious and religiously important treat, then certain problems may arise with its decoration. How to decorate an Easter cake effectively, and what goodies can be useful for this?

Decorating with glaze

To decorate Easter cakes, protein glaze is traditionally used, as well as a variety of dressings and sugar dragees. To prepare the protein glaze, it is necessary to separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat them in a mixer (you will need about 2-3 eggs). After the mass thickens, you need to add half a glass of sugar to it and continue to beat the components until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Separation of whites from yolks

Beautiful Easter cakes are obtained if you cover the entire baking cap with this mass. As soon as this has happened, it is necessary to display on the surface of the glaze, until it has frozen, a variety of patterns using sprinkles, cream, figures from marmalade. What are the most common sprinkling patterns:

A person should not be afraid of experiments, because the brighter he decorates the cake, the better it will be. After applying the glaze and pattern, do not touch the baked goods, as the top coating must dry completely. This usually happens in 10-15 minutes.

Nowadays, decorating by mixing sugar and protein is used universally for several reasons:

After decorating all the cakes, you can proceed to their consecration and eating, since it is fresh pastries that are most delicious.

Making Easter cakes with chocolate

Decorating Easter cakes usually turns into a real creative experiment, since a variety of components can be used for this task. Often people replace sugar icing, to which everyone has long been accustomed, with an equally tasty component - chocolate.

To make the design even more interesting, you can decorate the hat with the following goodies:

  • decoratively laid out fruits (for example, the letters "ХВ" can be folded from them);
  • colored sugar dusting, with which you can create the most original drawings related to the holiday;
  • grated white chocolate can also be used to decorate the cake in a contrasting manner;
  • coconut flakes can also be used to create a pattern, because it will look very interesting in contrast.

A beautiful Easter cake doesn't have to be traditional with white icing. Using chocolate, a person will get a much brighter and more unusual pattern.

For those who love experimentation, the double use of chocolate and icing for decorating will do. You can cover one side of the cake with dark melted chocolate, and the other with white icing, and the result is a very original and striking design. On the dark side, you can draw an image of a cross with coconut flakes, and on the white side, use sprinkles to create the face of an angel.

This decoration option is original, interesting and fully fits into the concept of the celebration. Moreover, the cakes covered with chocolate turn out to be incredibly tasty! Chocolate fudge made from cocoa powder turns out to be no less sweet and aromatic.

Chocolate icing for cocoa cake - video

Decorating with powdered sugar and coconut

You can find a variety of ideas for decorating Easter cakes on the Internet. Inspired by such a variety, many housewives refuse to use standard glaze made from proteins and sugar. Now you can fully express your imagination, while not making much effort when decorating.

If not
time for long decoration and glaze preparation, you can safely use icing sugar. With its help, you can abundantly cover the Easter cake cap, complementing the design with a few drops of jam, applied on both sides in the form of a cross.

So that the cake decorated with powdered sugar does not seem boring and uninteresting, it can be decorated with a special lace stand, as well as with the help of usually a ribbon of a contrasting color. These inedible details will not make the cake tastier, but they can significantly transform it, adding originality to the most popular Easter dessert.

Beautiful Easter cakes can be prepared using coconut flakes in a variety of ways. For example, you can use it to create interesting designs on chocolate glaze.

You can also create an original glaze with coconut flakes. To do this, it is enough to add this component to proteins and sugar during the preparation of the glaze.

As a result, the glaze itself will acquire a more original, unforgettable taste, and even a new form. It will seem more voluminous, and therefore more attractive. You can decorate such a cake with a variety of details, ranging from colored sugar topping and ending with marmalade.

Multicolored coconut flakes look especially impressive. If there is one in the hostess's arsenal, then with its help you can create a fancy design.

To do this, cover the top of the cake so that the protein glaze covers the top with a thick layer. It is she who must be abundantly strewn with colored coconut flakes (now you can find both green and red). As a result, the design of the Easter treat will not seem overly flashy, but at the same time it will be extremely original and memorable.

Original elements of Easter decoration

Decorating an Easter cake is the very thing in which you can fully show your imagination. If a person wants to make the main festive dish truly original, then he should forget about the traditional icing and multi-colored sprinkles.

What unusual decoration elements can be used to decorate Easter cakes:

An interesting decoration option that will appeal to all lovers of beautiful Easter cakes is decorating them with flowers. The cake hat itself can be covered with either melted chocolate or protein glaze, after which it is necessary to plant purchased flowers made of waffles or chocolate on it. Some housewives go further, using fresh flowers for decoration, for example, chamomile, but nothing good comes of this, if only because these decorations fade very quickly.

The hostess can make her Easter cakes unique by supplementing them with the most diverse decorative elements. Sometimes culinary masters go further and create decorations for cakes not using fruits and chocolate, but using a pastry syringe and regular protein cream. In this way, you can create absolutely any drawings.

Those who know how to use such a device can display images of an angel on the coulisse or even redraw some icon with a cream. This work is laborious, but the result is simply amazing.

Showing imagination when decorating, you can not only make each cake unique in appearance, but also give it a unique taste.

Decorating Easter cakes with inedible elements

You can decorate the cake in an original way not only with the help of chocolate and fruits, but also using inedible elements. So, for example, various miniature images of angels or churches can be useful, which can be planted on top of a cake. In this case, the festive food will look extremely attractive, emphasizing the greatness of the celebration.

A variety of decorative figurines are now on sale, including those with the image of a cross or small yellow chickens. All this can end up on the couch, making it even more attractive.

Options for decorating Easter cake using inedible elements almost always imply the use of a variety of decorative paper ribbons. They wrap around the bottom of the holiday treat, complementing the original design. If it seems that this kind of decor is not enough, you can use a variety of ribbons and bows, which should be tied around the cake.

The most important thing here is not to overdo it, using different methods of decoration, otherwise the cake will not look original, but ridiculous. It is also important not to lose the religious value of this pastry behind decorative elements.

It is great if, after the decoration, a person takes the cake to the church along with the decorated eggs. There they will be consecrated, making food not only tasty, but also sacred.

Easter is a truly amazing holiday, and it is celebrated by the entire Christian world. After a long Lent, people can delight themselves with pastries and a variety of other dishes. When preparing Easter cake, it is important to show originality, because then the holiday begins to play with completely different, new colors.

Easter is coming soon, all of us, hostesses, will bake cakes, delicious and fragrant, and of course we all want our cakes to be beautiful too!

And so many interesting things have been invented to decorate the Easter cake! Let's get a look…

1. Powdered sugar

The easiest and fastest way. We used to do that. Well, what could be easier than generously shaking the cake through a strainer with sweet powdered sugar? The white color of the powder beautifully sets off the ruddy cake.

2. Whipped proteins with sugar

in the photo - ready-made Easter glaze

Our grandmothers' way is also simple and economical. There is no need to buy additional products for decoration - after all, only yolks go into the Easter dough, but the whites remain! Here we beat them with sugar (not all, of course, 1-2 pieces are enough, for 1 protein - 0.5 cups of sugar). Beat as for a biscuit, until thick foam, and apply this foam to the tops of the cakes. Can be dried in the oven.

3. Easter glaze and decorative dusting

But they came up with a modern way of decorating Easter cakes, although in reality Easter glaze is the same sugar, only in the form of powder, with the addition of citric acid and starch (for better whipping and thickening). You need to add egg white to the glaze in powder form and beat with a mixer, beat quickly and hardens better than just proteins with sugar.

Apply the icing to the tops of the cakes with a brush or spoon and wait a couple of minutes. Because if you sprinkle with sprinkling at once, it will get wet and melt.

And in a few minutes, when the icing on the cakes dries up, but does not harden - do not miss it, the sprinkling will simply crumble from the frozen glaze!) - decorate with multi-colored sugar sprinkles.

And there are so many types of sprinkles - round, and long, and asterisks, and different colors! Entrust the work of sprinkling cakes with sprinkling to children - they really like this business! True, some of the sprinkling is eaten :)

Or you can make lemon icing using powdered sugar and lemon juice. For 100 g of powder (0.5 cups) - about 1.5-2 tablespoons of juice. Can be orange or tangerine. Stir, add dry or liquid to the desired consistency, and apply to the tops of the beads. At first, the lemon glaze is almost transparent, but when solidified, it becomes matte. Lemon frosting is not sweet, unlike other types, but sour = -sweet, and it is especially tasty.

But look at how else you can elegantly paint Easter cakes using ordinary glaze and natural dyes!

4. Candied fruits, sugar beads and sugar figurines

You can decorate Easter cakes not with sprinkles, but with multi-colored candied fruits. It looks very nice, but candied fruits are large and hard, therefore it is better not to give them to small children.

Pasches decorated with sugar mastic figurines also look very original and beautiful - for example, such cute chickens. 🙂 But, to be honest, you can't chew these figures ...

And sugar beads, shiny, gold and silver - although they are very beautiful, I do not recommend taking them for decoration! They are good only in appearance, but the taste is very hard and absolutely unbreakable. And even dangerous for babies. So we'd better take ...

5. Sugar pencils!

An ingenious invention !!! Well done, the pastry chef who invented them! The process of decorating baked goods - cakes, muffins, cookies - turns into creativity! You can draw whatever patterns you want, leaves, flowers, put specks - paint the paste like a paint! The set includes three pencils of different colors - red, green and yellow. It is very exciting to paint cakes with them with the whole family! Give the kids one cake for decoration, and let them paint as they want!

How do you decorate Easter cakes? Please write in the comments, or you can send a photo!

Easter cake decoration- this is no less important stage than baking. The appetizing appearance of the product largely depends on the quality of the decor, so it needs to be given due attention.

Easter cake decoration: ideas

Powdered sugar.

This method was used by our grandmothers. It has not lost its relevance in our time. Just take the powder and crush the cakes with it through a strainer. White powder looks great on rosy baked goods, shading it favorably.

You will also like the idea to do it. To do this, check out our recipes.

Hastily decorating cakes

Sugar-protein fudge.

This is another way to decorate our grandmothers. Preparing fondant is quite simple - the main thing is to beat the products thoroughly. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. The yolks will be used in the main baking or for preparing other dishes, but the proteins will form the basis of the fondant. Beat them together with granulated sugar until smooth. You should get a thick foam, which you need to apply to the surface of the Easter cakes.

They are quite tasty and.

Glaze combined with decorative powder.

Glaze is an improved version of the decor for Easter baking, although the essence of it remains the same as that of our grandmothers. Instead of sugar, you need to take powdered sugar, mix it with starch and citric acid, which will give it thickness. Beat the protein to this mass, interrupt with a mixer. The mass is whipped much better and faster than ordinary proteins with the addition of granulated sugar. The resulting glaze is applied to the surface of the Easter cakes. After that, it should dry out. Only then can you decorate the products with decorative powder. The frosting should remain slightly damp for the powder to "catch" properly. If you miss this moment, it will simply crumble. Today, the powder can be purchased in the form of stars, hearts, flowers, tubes, etc. Choose - according to your taste.

Figures, sugar beads, candied fruits.

On sale you can see sugar beads that are golden and silver in color. On a snow-white background, they will look just great. They can also be used to decorate other baked goods. If you want something bright and colorful, pay attention to candied fruits and sugar figurines. Choose not very large options so that they look harmonious on Easter cakes. If your family has small children, be very careful with these decorations as they can choke on them.

Bake and. Its original taste will simply amaze you.

Sugar pencils.

This magnificent invention will allow you to create true artistic masterpieces on the baking surface. You can purchase a set containing 3 pencils in base colors. With their help, you can arrange flowers, leaves, various patterns, put dots, draw curves, winding lines. Children can be involved in this process - they are very fond of such tasks.

Easter cake decoration for children

Marshmallow mastic.

To create a decor, take 250 g of just white marshmallow. It is better to refuse the color so that you can paint it in the desired color. Pour lemon juice (about 2 tablespoons) over it, place in the microwave, leave for 25 seconds. During this time, it should soften well. You can also use a preheated oven. It only takes a couple of minutes to soften. Put 1 tablespoon to the total mass. butter, start kneading. Stir in the icing sugar periodically. You will take about 320 g of this product. Once the mixture reaches the desired thickness, knead it with your hands until smooth. If you want a more elastic mastic, add a little sour cream.

Pack the resulting mass in a polyethylene bag, place it in the refrigerator for an hour, where it “ripens”. Use food coloring to achieve the desired color. A variety of figures can be fashioned from mastic. You can even come up with a composition - for example, a couple of Easter bunnies are sitting on a green lawn. However, the latter option is still more for the "advanced".

The letters "ХВ".

Letters can be sculpted from the same dough that was used for the main baking. To do this, tear off a small slice, roll it into a ball, make a thin "sausage", cut into two parts, form the necessary letters, put on the surface that you need to coat with egg yolk. On top of the letters, also coat with yolk so that they hold better. Once you bake the cake, brush the letters with powdered sugar. You can also put sugar beads on top of the letters, which we talked about above.

You will like and.

Chocolate glaze.

Melt a third of the white chocolate bar in the microwave or water bath. Pour the melted layer in a thin stream onto the foil, leave to cool. Now melt the dark chocolate bar, brush it over the baked goods. Break the frozen white chocolate into small slices, sprinkle on the chocolate surface.

Easter cake decorating quickly

Lemon glaze.

Melt 1 tbsp. l. butter, add to the mixture of 110 g of icing sugar and lemon zest. Pour in the juice from half a lemon, the warmed cream. Beat all this thoroughly, pour over the hot product, leave for an hour so that the mass solidifies thoroughly.

Do and.

Easter composition "Chickens and cheese eggs".

On a fine grater, rub 85 g of cheddar. Sift 120 g of flour, put 55 g of butter in it, knead, grind with your hands, add half the cheese. Whisk one egg yolk and add 5 tsp to it. cool water. Pour a couple of teaspoons of the yolk mass into a bowl, and move the rest to the refrigerator. Take out the dough, roll it out in a thin layer, sprinkle with flour, cut out the chickens and eggs using special shapes. Lubricate the figurines with the yolk mass, sprinkle with the remaining cheese, bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Temperature - 180 degrees. Once the figurines have cooled down, you can decorate the Easter cake with them.

DIY decorative powder.

For cooking, you need a base and food paint. As a basis, you can take semolina or powdered sugar. You can color the powder with food coloring. Place the base in the paint for a few seconds, and then dry it on paper. Break the large lumps into smaller ones to create a powder.

Dough decor.

The dough can be used to make not only the letters "ХВ", but also many other figures. The sculpted figures are glued to the surface of the product using protein. The dough can be made according to a different recipe so that it is viscous and easier to form. The dough makes beautiful flowers, crosses, braids, etc. If you plan to bake a cake with the decor, then coat it with sunflower oil or an egg. After removing it, dust the surface with powdered sugar or fine powder. The decor can also be glued on after baking. In this case, colored dough is made. As a basic recipe, you can take any version of homemade cookies. For better adhesion, pour syrup on the decorated Easter cake.

And cook for the festive table.

Multicolored chocolate icing.

White chocolate can be a great base for making colorful icing. Refuse from catchy and flashy shades. The best option is pink, light green and light yellow. Sprinkle the icing on top with chopped nuts, chopped candied fruits, pastry powder, etc.

Melt the chocolate bar in any of the ways above. Dissolve the dye in the liquid chocolate mass. Remember that the temperature of hot chocolate should not exceed 40 degrees. For this purpose, use a special thermometer. You can also add butter or condensed milk to the total mass. Instead of an industrial dye, you can also use a natural one. Excellent natural colorants are juices of berries and vegetables. If the consistency is too thin, add starch to the chocolate.

Bake and.

Chocolate and nut decor.

Melt 120 g dark chocolate. Add 55 ml of cream, stir until smooth. Chop 55 g of nuts, cover the cooled baked goods with icing.

Meringue flowers.

Whisk two egg whites and 120 g of icing sugar until a thick foam forms. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, lay out the protein mass using a pastry bag. Transfer the baking sheet to an oven preheated to 100 degrees. The meringue should be baked for 1.5 hours. Mix 120 g of powdered sugar with two teaspoons of lemon juice, stir thoroughly. Decorate the Easter cake with the resulting flowers.

Candied fondant.

5 tbsp. powdered sugar and lemon juice, mix together to get a thick consistency. Pour the cake with this fondant, sprinkle with candied fruits.

Fruit fudge.

Whisk the protein and ¾ cups of powdered sugar until smooth, gently add a few tablespoons of berry juice to get color.

Coffee fudge.

320 g of sugar, pour 120 g of black coffee, keep on low heat so that the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Pour the mass into a bowl, beat until hardened, grease the baked goods.

Glaze "Toffee".

0.25 tbsp. Melt milk together with 220 g of toffee, boil, gradually add a couple of tablespoons of powdered sugar, add toffee. Boil the mixture until smooth.

Lemon and chocolate fudge.

Melt 65 g of butter, add the juice of half a lemon, add 255 g of powdered sugar, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa, mix thoroughly to get a tight mass.

Any of the decor we offer deserves to be used to decorate your Easter baked goods. If you have very little time, decorate the baked goods with sugar fondant, and if you want to get an original decor, cook fondant from iris or decorate the products with colored dough.

The most traditional decorations for Easter, of course, are the multi-colored, patterned eggs, which are the same symbol of the holiday as the butter cake. However, your energy and creative fervor can be spent not only on eggs and eggshells, but also on the transformation of various Easter cakes in accordance with all the latest fashion trends. We have prepared for you a selection of wonderful ideas that will help you collect the most beautiful basket for the holiday, set a wonderful table, surprise all your family and friends.

DIY Easter decorations

There are ways DIY Easter decorations eggs, which have been used for a long time, because such an Easter decor has been a wonderful souvenir since ancient times (you can recall the amazing precious works of the jeweler Faberge). That is why works in this style will always be very popular.

True, as they say, with a swoop, you cannot master such a technique, it will take not only time for training and preparation, but also the purchase of expensive materials such as beads, sequins, beads, rhinestones. The second important point is that such things should be approached with the principle of moderation and with the presence of good taste, since there is a risk of overdoing it with decorations and the finished result will cause not delight, but bewilderment. The entire decor can be applied in several ways, the simplest of which is gluing, although the work is painstaking, but does not require any special preparation of the material, this can be done even on hard-boiled testicles. On the other hand, so much time is spent on the craft, so much inspiration that I want to keep it as long as possible, therefore, most often they use either empty shells, or generally special blanks (wood, foam, etc.) for imitation.

The second technique that helps us make a beautiful pattern on traditional DIY Easter decorations (photo you can see above) - these are decoupage and appliques. Moreover, if today this word is understood in most cases as gluing a thin paper napkin with a pattern to the surface, then it turns out that our great-grandmothers were also engaged in applications, as a traditional type of painting. This technique consists of applying leaves of different plants to the shell, tying them with threads, and then immersing them in a solution with a natural dye (onion husks, turmeric). As a result, you will end up with a shell with a very delicate floral pattern. For those who are still close to decoupage, it is worth using not a special glue, but a starch solution thick enough to glue thin paper. It is applied directly to the surface of the napkin with a brush, gently spreading and leveling the paper along an ellipse, and after drying you get excellent ones, which are also edible like any others.

Decorating eggs for Easter

Fashion for various decorative styles in decorating eggs for Easter also exists. Only now, in our complex rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to find time to qualitatively learn any folk, ancient technique or ornaments. Plus, cellophane thermal stickers have appeared, which in a second will turn an ordinary chicken egg into a decor covered with Gzhel and Petrikov painting, icons and pictures on the Easter theme. Only there will be no beauty in such stickers, let it be better to spend a little more time, but yours will be original and fashionable.

Today, in compositions for decoration, krashanki, which are decorated with foil, are increasingly used. You can use the most ordinary food, only you should choose not the densest and thickest, as we used to do for cooking, but, on the contrary, the thinnest. The gluing process will be quite simple, you need to draw the desired pattern on the shell, the most elementary - geometric shapes, stripes, abstractions, and then carefully apply the cut pieces of foil to the marked places, transferring them with tweezers. As you can see in the photo, you can decorate both a painted surface and a white one, it still looks impressive. In the composition, include such decor with shells, which are either completely covered with foil, or specially painted with such a dye, this will create an excellent contrast.

Among the more and more used is the tradition of Western countries, when various krashanki are hiding on the site and the task of the children will be to find them all. It will be much more fun if they are not just multi-colored or covered with ornaments, but made in such a manner that children will like. You can see examples of such children's decor in the photo above: the testicles turn into fluffy chickens, and into fairy-tale or cartoon characters, and into birds of distant countries. Separately, I would like to talk about the rainbow technique, which will allow both to please the kids with the finished result, and the coloring process itself, which will look like a real trick. For it you need paints that create a film on the surface of the water, they are called paints for marble technique (marble), if you are working with a workpiece that you are not going to use for food, then the same effect can be obtained using nail polishes. Paints of several colors are poured into the water, then they are mixed, armed with a wooden skewer, to make stains. Holding the workpiece with tweezers or in another way, dip it in water and the paint-film from its surface passes onto the shell, forming bizarre, unique patterns. After staining, the work must be dried and covered with clear varnish (for the inedible variety).

Decorating eggs for Easter with your own hands

Cute decorating eggs for Easter with your own hands can be quite simple, you just need to choose for yourself the technique and those tools that you would like to work with the most. For some, wax pencils or acrylic paints will be easy, for others a marker that allows you to draw the thinnest lines and the most complex patterns.

Despite the simplicity, ready-made patterns can look very impressive and can be successfully used when home decoration for Easter... For example, pay attention to painting with small flowers, which is done with a thin brush. To prevent the paint from spreading, the surface must be degreased with any alcohol-containing liquid and wiped dry; the shell must also be completely cooled down. Apply small strokes with paint, first draw a few of the largest flowers, then place the middle ones between them and complement the composition with the smallest ones. Such patterns will go well with green, floral designs are always in fashion.

You can see other examples in the examples above. Braid, woolen threads, twine, thin lace will help you process a dozen eggs in just half an hour so that they become part of a festive composition or an Easter basket.

Easter cakes decoration

Before the holiday, we are actively looking for delicious recipes, exchanging experience and purchasing products for delicious Easter cakes, as they are also affectionately called - pasochek. But about Easter cakes decoration we often don’t think about it, of course, because white icing and multi-colored sugar dragees on it seem to us to be ideal recipes tested over the years. In this section, we invite you to look at familiar things in a slightly new way, use interesting and modern approaches that were previously used in design.

Use sugar paste for Easter cakes decoration, photo which you see above, started not so long ago, but this method has become applicable everywhere. It is mastic that allows you to create a decor similar to decorating a birthday cake, and at the same time you can choose whether to follow the traditional color scheme or experiment. You can completely envelop the cake with mastic in different ways, for example, by giving it the most even shape, for which you can even cut off the top with an even knife. You can also give it the shape of an egg, decorate with painting using sugar pencils. In other cases, white mastic is stretched along the surface in the same way as protein glaze, only in this case you completely control its shape, evenness of distribution, and so on.

For flat, wide Easter cakes recipes with photo decorations can also include mastic decor. But look at what other interesting options there may be, for example, drawing on the ruddy surface of baking with powdered sugar and a stencil. Likewise, you can paint with ground coffee beans, grated chocolate, or cocoa.

Who said that only sugar balls, hearts and the like are worthy of placing on the top. In the photo you can see what it costs decorations for Easter to buy this year. Delicate violets made from mastic, pieces of sweet marshmallow marshmallows, fresh berries or marmalade balls, as well as handmade candied oranges. All this will make your Easter cakes different from all others, which will be identical, like twin brothers.

Easter decoration - photo

Let's look at a few more options decorations for Easter, photo which you can consider in this section. I would like to dwell a little on the use of colored glaze, it makes baked goods more elegant, more springy, which befits a real Easter symbol.

The green icing is perfect for the pistachio cake filler, while the blue icing goes well with the red berries on top. You can make the frosting in the shape of a flower or make it to match the color of the dough to better emphasize the beauty of the main decoration - live spring flowers.

The easiest way to quickly and effectively decorate the pasches, which are made according to the traditional technology, is to wrap them in brown wrapping paper and tie them with twine. It will be quite in the spirit of all fashion trends in food design.

For a more romantic presentation, ribbons, lace, which are tied around each cake, are perfect. In the photo you can see various options for this decoration method.

One of the most traditional ways to decorate Easter cakes is to decorate them with dough. To decorate the cake, you can use the main dough from which the cake is made, or you can use unleavened dough made specifically for decoration.

To decorate with the main dough, when forming cakes, you need to set aside a little ready-made dough, add a little more flour to it, so that you can more easily form decorations. When the cake comes up, before sending it to the oven, carefully put the dough decorations on top, attach them with a wooden stick and grease with milk or an egg mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. In the oven, decorations made from such dough will also slightly increase in size and you need to cover the top in time so that the decorations do not burn. After baking, the wooden sticks must be removed from the cake.

To prevent the dough decorations from being suitable in the oven and keeping their shape, you can make a simple dough using flour, water and salt. The dough should be soft so that you can easily make flowers, leaves, birds from it. Flowers and leaves made from such dough do not lose their shape, but they are not as tasty as decorations made from the main dough. Sugar is not added to such a dough so that the decorations do not burn. Decorations are laid out on the oiled top of the cake.

Decorating Easter cakes with protein cream

To decorate homemade cakes, you can simply use protein whipped with sugar (for 1 protein, 50 grams of sugar and beat as for meringues). Decorate hot cakes with meringues on top and send to the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 90-100 ° C.

You can make a full protein wet meringue cream. For this, 2 proteins, a pinch of citric acid and 60 gr. the sugars are whipped into a cream on a steam bath. The cooled Easter cakes can be decorated immediately and left for several hours to dry the cream. You can sprinkle the cream on top with store-bought colored sprinkles.

You can decorate the cake with protein cream, and on top decorate with nuts and dried fruits. Easter cake looks original, wrapped in a beautiful napkin or paper with a beautiful ribbon.

Decorating Easter cakes with sugar icing

A very good glaze that hardens well and does not crumble is sugar icing on gelatin. Dilute 1 teaspoon of gelatin in a tablespoon of hot (about 70 ° C) water. 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of water with 100 grams of sugar and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, boil for several minutes to dissolve the sugar. Then remove from heat and mix with diluted gelatin, let cool slightly (5 minutes). Beat with a mixer in a strong snow-white foam. Then we immediately apply it to the cake and immediately decorate it with sprinkles or other decorations, because the glaze hardens quickly.

You can make a simple frosting by mixing 120 gr. powdered sugar and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon (orange) juice. Powder with juice must be thoroughly mixed until smooth with a silicone spatula. It is necessary to apply the glaze on slightly warm Easter cakes. The glaze turns white when solidified.

You can also decorate Easter cakes with flowers and mastic patterns, but for this you need to learn how to work with it in advance.

Modern culinary technologies and inexhaustible human imagination allow you to improve the art of decorating Easter cakes all your life.