How to get rid of excessive beer consumption. Reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum

Beer belly is a figurative concept. In most cases, even if a man does not drink beer at all, his belly still grows. Why does this happen and what is the reason?

Beer provokes fat deposition in the human body. As a rule, the first place fat begins to be deposited is from the abdominal area. That’s why a prominent belly in men is popularly called a beer belly.

If a man has set himself a goal - to get rid of his belly once and for all, then it is necessary to find out the reason for its appearance. By excluding this reason, it will be easier to cope with the consequences.

The effect of a beer belly on a man's health

A beer belly in men looks ugly, it does not add sexuality to the owner, and also causes certain harm.

Fat converts testosterone into estrogen, a hormone that is responsible for the development of female sexual characteristics.

If there is an excess of estrogen in the human body, then fat begins to be deposited according to the female type, namely on the stomach, chest, hips, and so on. Estrogen acts as a testosterone antagonist.

The male figure begins to resemble the female figure more and more.

Stored belly fat carries a risk of developing diseases such as increased arterial pressure, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

For women, the appearance of a belly is promoted by childbirth. It is after them, if you don’t start doing exercises on time, that your tummy appears.

Causes of beer belly

Let's consider the main reasons for the appearance beer belly. Beer itself is not very high in calories. 100 grams of product contains 45 kilocalories, this figure is less compared to cow's milk.

Beer is a powerful appetite stimulant. Thanks to this, a person who drinks beer, as a rule, diligently eats it with chips, crackers, fish, nuts, pasties, and so on.

Such products, if consumed frequently, can themselves unnoticed put on several unwanted kilograms. Therefore, after a glass of beer, generously eaten with chips and nuts, deposits extra pounds is rapidly increasing.

If we take into account the fact that beer gatherings, as a rule, take place in the evenings, then there can be no question of any physical exercise. The extra kilocalories that enter the body do not disappear anywhere, but settle as fat in the stomach.

  • The main cause of beer belly is overeating.. Beer only speeds up the process of gaining unwanted pounds. With insufficient physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle, the problem only gets worse. There is a certain pattern. The weaker the abdominal muscles, the larger and more impressive the belly will be.
  • The age factor also affects the formation of the abdomen. The older a person gets, the greater the likelihood of this problem occurring. With age, metabolism slows down, and fats cannot be eliminated from the body as easily as at 18 years old. Older men and women are more susceptible to gaining extra pounds, which are then very difficult to lose.

How to quickly remove beer belly at home?

Since the first cause of belly fat is overeating, many believe that urgently need to go on a diet. Diet is not the only condition, but it is a mandatory requirement. It is necessary to limit the consumption of beer and other alcoholic beverages.

Exclude fried foods, fatty, floury. Take fractional meals as a principle. Eat food in small portions six to eight times a day. The diet should contain as much food as possible that contains fiber, namely vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

The daily amount of kilocalories should be less than required. The body itself will take the missing calories from fat reserves.

Select the required physical activity program. Whether it is running, exercising in the pool or on the gym, each person chooses individually for himself. After all, the key to successful training is having fun.

Where to begin?

Half an hour before meals, you should drink a glass of water. This will get the job done gastrointestinal tract and prepares him for the next meal.

First, you need to reconsider your diet and a complete abstinence from alcohol is advisable.

By following these steps, your body will begin to process fat over time. Keep counting calories, so the whole situation will be clearly visible.

Change in physical activity

When fighting beer belly, you must: physical exercise. Long distance walking is a good place to start. To do this, there is no need to get up at 5 am and wander around the local neighborhood. You can walk to work and back.

If work is far away, you can walk several stops. If you have free time, you can jog in the morning. It is necessary to take as a principle the daily performance of abdominal exercises. If there is no gym nearby, you can work out at home if you want.

  • Pull-ups and push-ups;
  • Weighted squats with a constant increase in weight;
  • Exercises with dumbbells;
  • A ride on the bicycle;
  • Swimming.

There is no need to overload the body. Exercise should bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

The hula hoop is very useful for fighting stomach pain at home. It will do a great job on the sides if you twist it every day for at least an hour. Both men and women can use this projectile.

Exercises to get rid of beer belly

You won’t be able to get rid of beer belly, or any other belly, without exercise. Popular and effective are crunches, planks, mountain climbers, and bicycles.


The most effective exercise for getting rid of beer belly is crunching. An important point in abdominal training is the number of repetitions. To burn excess fat You must perform the set until exhaustion.

Technique for performing the exercise

  • Lie on the floor on your back;
  • Legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • Hands behind the head, elbows spread to the sides;
  • Applying abdominal efforts, raise the shoulder girdle to the pelvis;
  • After this, return to the starting position from the top point;
  • Repeat all points.


The plank is an effective exercise for those who want to look good while spending virtually no time on it.

Exercise technique:

Another option for performing a plank is to focus on your toes and elbows with your forearms. As the muscles become stronger and more resilient, the time in the plank should be increased.


Another great exercise that professional athletes do to warm up is the mountain climber. This exercise is similar to a plank, only slightly heavier.


  • Starting position: emphasis on your hands and toes, as with push-ups;
  • The knee is pulled up to the chest one by one and fixed for a few seconds;
  • Execution time from 20 to 60 seconds.

Advanced twist

Advanced crunches involve the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. If you do it systematically, you can get a flat stomach after a while.


Constant, systematic exercise will give excellent results.

Exercise videos

Today there is great amount various videos with exercises. In which coaches show correct technique fulfillment, and also give good advice. You can choose specific exercises or choose a comprehensive training program.

The good thing about a comprehensive program is that the developers take into account exercises that involve almost all muscles.

Video on how to deal with beer belly quickly and effectively:

Changing food

It is very harmful to completely get rid of meat; this cannot be done. You just need to switch to more dietary types. These types include beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, and so on.

Sample diet

The following diet is perfect for getting rid of beer belly.

As an example, two days will be considered:

First day Second day
  • Two hard-boiled eggs
  • Vegetable salad with lemon juice;
  • A glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt;
  • Coffee, tea without sugar.
  • Diet breads.
  • Oatmeal;
  • Toast with cheese;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Juice or tea.
  • Steamed vegetable stew;
  • Lean meat: boiled beef or chicken;
  • Fruits;
  • Fresh juice.
  • Stewed liver with mushrooms;
  • Tomato salad;
  • Fruits;
  • Tea without sugar.
  • Pea soup;
  • Potatoes baked without oil;
  • Tea without sugar.
    With this diet, you can drink unlimited amounts of water.
  • Vegetable soup;
  • Spaghetti with sauce;
  • Tea without sugar or juice.
  • Apple

Products can be selected depending on personal preferences, the main rule is healthy and low calorie food. The diet can include fish, low-fat dairy and dairy products, cottage cheese, a large number of fruits and vegetables.

Use fruit as a snack low-fat cottage cheese, kefir. Two weeks after using the diet, the result will be visible. Later, this eating will become a habit and will help you completely get rid of the beer belly.


There are a huge number of techniques to get rid of that annoying beer belly. This issue needs to be approached comprehensively.

  1. To start you need to reconsider your diet. And also add a variety physical exercise. Do not overeat under any circumstances.
  2. Be active and healthy image life. If possible, give up bad habits that are poisonous and harmful to the body.
  3. Spend more time in the fresh air. If possible, get to work and back on foot, without using transport. And also always take the stairs without using the elevator. This will not only affect the reset excess weight, but will also help strengthen of cardio-vascular system.
  4. It will also help a lot positive attitude and great desire.

If you follow the advice every day, the result will not take long to arrive. Nothing comes quickly; achieving your dreams requires some effort.

Beer is a popular and beloved low-alcohol drink by many. Few people can deny themselves the pleasure of drinking a glass or two of this intoxicating foamy liquid, especially on a hot day or after a hard day at work. A person does not notice how the doses of alcohol gradually increase, and he himself becomes addicted to alcohol. This is due to the belief that beer does not cause as much harm to the body as strong alcohol, because it contains a small percentage of alcohol. Therefore, very often control over the amount of drinking is lost. But if you multiply the total proportion of alcohol in beer by the volume consumed, it becomes obvious that 5-6 bottles are equivalent to 0.5 liters of vodka.

The concept of beer alcoholism arose relatively recently, but it is already known that this is a pathological condition that can quickly develop into a chronic dependence on alcohol. You can overcome it at home by following the tips given in this article.

Frequent or daily use beer, especially in large quantities, causes irreparable harm health. The negative consequences of this are growing day by day:

  • First of all, the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain is disrupted. The ethanol contained in beer damages the lipid membrane of red blood cells - erythrocytes. They begin to clump together, forming blood clots and blocking capillaries in the brain. Blood does not flow to the nerve cells, as a result of which they die. Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) begins, which a person feels like intoxication. When blood clots burst, small hemorrhages form. Neurons damaged by alcohol do not recover;
  • Blood pressure increases and the risk of varicose veins increases due to the cobalt contained in the drink. Beer alcoholics are often diagnosed with arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, and in cases of long-term addiction, heart failure and strokes occur. Muscle tissue is replaced by fatty tissue, and the heart itself increases in size;
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract organs, primarily the liver, is disrupted, because it is forced to produce more enzymes to break down ethanol. The stomach and pancreas are also affected. Alcohol irritates its walls and causes gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. A person feels sharp abdominal pain, general weakness and malaise, and the process of digesting food is disrupted. Hepatitis or even cirrhosis of the liver often occurs;
  • Beer has a strong diuretic effect, flushing out potassium and other beneficial substances necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. The load on the kidneys increases significantly, as a result of which their work is disrupted. Their tissue partially dies and degenerates, and the size of the organs themselves decreases. In the case of advanced alcoholism, kidney functionality can significantly decrease, even to the point of complete failure;
  • Violated hormonal balance. This is especially dangerous for men, because beer contains a lot of phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones. Under their influence, testosterone production decreases and begins to change appearance men - the beer belly grows, the chest increases, the shoulders round and the pelvis expands. Excessive consumption of beer is fraught with problems with potency and reproductive function.

For women, beer is no less dangerous, as it leads to excess progesterone. Due to the intake of phytoestrogens contained in the foamy drink, the body stops producing its own sex hormones, but their concentration still exceeds the norm. This contributes to changes in hormonal levels, excess weight gain and the appearance of concomitant gynecological diseases.

If a girl drinks 0.4 - 0.5 liters of beer daily, then after 4 weeks her level of sex hormones will be 2 times higher than normal.

Long-term consumption of the drink provokes the risk of tumors and makes it difficult to get pregnant. In addition, beer increases appetite and is quite high in calories in itself, and in combination with snacks overweight are recruited much faster.

How to deal with beer alcoholism

Most people are not even aware of their addiction to drinking beer. They consider it a harmless and natural low-alcohol drink that can be drunk every day. But these illusions come at a cost later on.

The habit of relaxing with a glass of beer or filling free evenings by going to the pub leads to the development of alcoholism 3-4 times faster than when drinking strong drinks.

Recognizing the problem

People come up with many excuses for this pathological habit. The most common ones are the following:

  • the need to relax after a busy day at work;
  • an attempt to escape from unresolved problems and conflicts;
  • beer improves your mood and helps you relax;
  • this is an element of leisure, without which it is boring/nothing to do;
  • beer is a weak drink that is not addictive;
  • it helps you fall asleep faster.

Treatment for beer alcoholism should begin by working through the reasons why a person gets drunk. He must understand that these arguments in favor of beer are a myth, and this habit will not bring him anything good. Addiction forms quickly and unnoticed, and treatment requires a lot of effort and time.

In order to choose in favor sober image life was conscious and firm, you need to understand what negative consequences beer alcoholism has for the body. And a list of advantages that are inherent in a sober lifestyle will help you motivate yourself to quit drinking.

Benefits of Quitting Beer

If you know what benefits giving up this bad habit will bring, it will be much easier to get rid of beer alcoholism:

  • in men, all signs of changes in the figure according to the female type disappear;

  • swelling goes away, you manage to lose weight;
  • your well-being improves – headaches, weakness, nausea go away;
  • the body works normally again, all functions of internal organs are restored;
  • efficiency and mental activity increases;
  • normalizes hormonal background in women and men.

Understanding how harmful beer alcoholism is to health, and what benefits a person will get from quitting it, will help reduce the craving for the drink to a minimum and get rid of addiction.

Reducing beer consumption

This is the next step in getting rid of beer alcoholism. You should not try to suddenly and permanently give up an intoxicating drink if you have been drinking it for a long time. This will lead to stress, which will most likely end in another drunkenness.

If the addiction lasts for several years, then after abrupt withdrawal low alcohol drink a person may experience symptoms of withdrawal symptoms. It is expressed in weakness, irritability, headaches, tremors in the limbs and nausea. During this period, the temptation to drink beer again is especially strong.

A hangover syndrome is a demand from the body to give it another dose of alcohol, a signal that an addiction has formed. physical level. To alleviate its manifestations, you need to detoxify the body. It consists in removing the breakdown products of ethanol and its metabolites. At home, drugs such as Alka-Seltzer, Zorex or Limontar are used for this.

It is better not to risk your health and reduce the dose gradually, for example, drink 1 bottle of beer less per day, until you completely abstain from it. A sharp abandonment of previous habits is undesirable; on the contrary, it will make you think more about drinking. If a person is used to drinking beer after work or on weekends, then at first this tradition can be abandoned, only reducing the volume of drink consumed.

Another way to reduce your addiction is to switch to non-alcoholic beer. It is recommended to replace the intoxicating drink with it gradually, increasing the proportion of the harmless analogue.

Creating a schedule for getting rid of beer alcoholism is another effective method fight addiction. According to narcologists, in order to completely defeat the craving for foamy drink It will take from three months to six six months.

To create a schedule, you will need to divide six months into 6 stages. Next, the amount of beer drunk is also divided by 6. For example, a man drinks 3 liters of beer. The calculation formula looks like this: 3000 ml:6=500 ml. This means that the dose must be reduced by 0.5 liters monthly. In the first month the norm will be 2.5 liters, in the second - 2 liters and so on.

Having a clear schedule will help you better control yourself and show the results achieved. It will be more difficult for a person to break down, looking at the fact that he is already almost at his goal.

Finding a new hobby

Very often, drinking beer in the evening is a way to occupy yourself when there is nothing to do. In order to help yourself break out of the vicious circle of beer alcoholism, you need to find an interesting and useful activity. This could be yoga, visiting a sports club for men or fitness for women.

New types of leisure will help you take your mind off your addiction and find a different social circle. You can choose a hobby based on your preferences, or try something still unknown. The main condition is that it should bring pleasure, then thoughts about a bottle of beer will disappear without a trace.

Replacing beer with other products

Another option for gradually giving up alcoholic beverages. Its essence is to use freshly squeezed juices instead of beer, herbal teas, selected coffee or milkshakes. At first, this idea may not seem entirely successful, but practice proves that it is quite possible to get rid of beer addiction in this way, you just have to start.

Drinks can be replaced with seeds, dried fruits or nuts. But it is better not to get carried away with these products too much, because they are quite high in calories.

Material reward

A serious incentive to stop drinking beer every day. The reason for the abuse of this drink is the desire to get away from problems at work or at home, lack of money, depression and apathy. But beer addiction will not help you overcome difficulties, because they will not go away if you do not solve them.

It will be much easier for a person to give up drinking a foamy drink if he sees how much money he spends on alcohol. To make it more convenient to track this, you need to buy a piggy bank, preferably a transparent one. Every time you want to drink beer, you need to put in it the amount that is usually spent on the drink.

After a month, you need to open the piggy bank and count the accumulated money. The result will be impressive. This will be a serious incentive to adhere to a sober lifestyle. The money saved in this way should be spent on something useful and memorable - a trip, a home gym, a gift for your wife or husband.


Long-term drinking of beer does not have the best effect on your well-being and figure. Regular exercise is a great way to improve your health and get rid of addiction. In addition, you can easily lose weight if you stop drinking beer.

At first, training will not be easy, because the weakened bad habit It is difficult for the body to tolerate physical activity. But over time, this will pass and the first results will not take long to appear.

People who actively engage in sports improve metabolic processes in the body, so they feel much better and do not experience cravings for alcohol and smoking.

How to treat beer addiction

Not everyone manages to control their craving for a foamy drink through volitional efforts. Sometimes treatment at home is required.

In case of long-term addiction, you need to consult a narcologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary treatment. Therapy in this case is most often complex and includes medication and psychotherapeutic effects.

Recipes are the safest method of getting rid of beer addiction traditional medicine. Their advantage is their naturalness and gentle effect on the body. In addition, decoctions and infusions can be used without the knowledge of the drinker. This is especially true when a person needs help, but he himself does not want to be treated.

Folk recipes

Most herbs contain substances that cause aversion to alcoholic drinks. They help the patient form a conditioned reflex in which he cannot tolerate the smell or taste of alcohol.

The most popular recipe is the infusion of bay leaf. It has a long-lasting and strong anti-alcohol effect. To prepare it, you need to take 8 medium bay leaves, add them to one liter of beer and let it brew for seven days. After this, strain the drink and let it drink. The infusion will cause vomiting, intestinal upset and short-term malaise. It is very important not to exceed the recommended dose, as this may cause poisoning.

Dung mushroom

One more effective way began to use dung mushroom powder or dishes made from it. Another name is coprinus. It has long been used in the treatment of alcohol addiction due to its healing properties. Coprinus reduces the desire for alcohol, causes aversion to it and removes people from binge drinking. It is believed that the gray dung beetle is the most effective.

These mushrooms can be consumed in three ways:

  • Collect fresh dung beetles, fry them in oil and serve as a separate dish;
  • Buy powder from dried mushrooms at the pharmacy and add 2 g per day to prepared food. If the effect is very weak, the dose can be increased to 4 g;
  • In case of beer addiction mild degree carry out such a course of treatment lasting 10 days. In 80-100 ml warm boiled water add 0.5 - 1 g of mushroom and stir. The resulting liquid is added to the patient’s food or given along with drink once every two days.

The anti-alcohol effect of dung beetle lies in its incompatibility with alcohol. A substance contained in the mushroom called coprine oxidizes ethanol, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of alcohol intoxication. They manifest themselves in rapid heartbeat, fever, flushing of the face, slowed speech and vomiting. Sometimes vision may be temporarily impaired.

The course of treatment with this drug depends on the duration of alcohol dependence. In severe cases, it is at least 2-3 months, and if the drunkenness is mild, then 10-day therapy will be sufficient.

Bearberry decoction (bearberry)

Numerous positive reviews show that this plant is one of the most effective means from alcoholism, especially beer. Dried herbs are used to prepare the infusion. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of bearberry, then put on the fire and boil for a few more minutes. The decoction should sit overnight. Take it 1 tablespoon 6 times a day. Since this natural remedy, the effect will not appear immediately, but after a couple of months of regular use.

It is impossible to increase the dose or increase the frequency of taking decoctions, as this can lead to negative health consequences.

Getting rid of beer alcoholism at home is a task within the reach of everyone. The main thing is to find new hobbies and not forget about your motivation to quit drinking beer. It is much easier to cure beer alcoholism at an early stage than in advanced cases. The reward for your efforts will be a sober, interesting and successful life without addiction and drunkenness.

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How to get rid of beer alcoholism?

Beer alcoholism is the same addiction as addiction to other alcoholic beverages. Moreover, beer, just like vodka or cognac, has a detrimental effect on nervous system, heart, kidneys and liver and causes a number of other negative health effects associated specifically with excessive beer consumption.

How to deal with beer alcoholism? The first step is to separate habit and addiction. The habit of drinking only beer cannot be dangerous if drinking “foamy” beer occurs extremely rarely. But the habit of drinking it every day is an addiction. As toxins that are formed during the breakdown of ethanol accumulate, the human body loses its ability to resist the effects of alcohol and, on the contrary, produces physical need drink again and again. Seemingly harmless beer, it contains enough more quantity alcohol. So, 2 liters of beer are approximately equal to 100 grams of vodka, and you understand that by drinking THIS every day, you become the same alcoholic as if you were drinking just vodka. How to get rid of the habit of drinking beer? The answer is obvious - just don’t drink it. And do not replace it with other types of alcohol or cigarettes. If you gave up your daily can of beer, but started drinking 50 grams of cognac “for health,” you simply switched to other drinks, but did not overcome your addiction.

Experts emphasize that quitting drinking beer is more difficult than quitting vodka. The fact is that beer is not just alcohol, it is a ritual. From beer, intoxication comes slowly, it does not “hit” you sharply in the head, but only makes you more carefree, light, relaxing and peaceful. They watch football matches over beer, meet friends, and barbecue. Beer is perceived as a drink, and that is why most of those whose habit has actually become a problem stubbornly do not see anything wrong with it. The desire to give up beer usually comes when health problems arise. But it’s not easy to pick up and quit.

Alcoclinic specialists know how to cure beer alcoholism. Our clinic employs professional narcologists, psychotherapists and doctors of related specialties who not only know how to treat alcohol addiction of all types, but also have extensive experience in helping those who find themselves in difficult situations due to alcohol abuse.

Treatment for beer alcoholism can occur in several stages, depending on the patient’s health condition. If necessary, we carry out withdrawal from binge drinking, stabilize the condition, help the patient’s body cleanse itself of toxins through detoxification, and then perform coding if independent refusal to drink beer is not possible.

Coding can be done different ways, from hypnosis to sewing in Torpedo. Our doctors can also schedule an appointment medical supplies, blocking cravings for alcohol and reducing withdrawal symptoms so that you can learn to control yourself as comfortably as possible.

If you want to, but cannot, stop drinking, contact Alcoclinic. We will tell you how to recover from addiction and will always be there for you as long as you need our help.

A beer belly is typical specifically for men due to the peculiarities of fat accumulation in the body: in men, fat reserves are deposited mainly in the waist area. In addition, alcohol changes male hormonal levels, which also promotes fat accumulation.

Let's look at the reasons why beer increases body fat.

1. Beer is high in calories.

Beer contains from 43 to 45 kilocalories per 100 grams of drink. When you consider how much beer his loyal fans are able to drink in an evening, the numbers are frightening.

One bottle of beer contains about 215 kilocalories, one liter - 430, and two liters - 860. This is about a third of daily norm calories for a young male who is sedentary or moderate active image life. Add to this the usual food during the day and a beer snack, which is also often quite high in calories, and you will get a huge excess of calories.

2. Alcohol is processed first, then everything else

Ethyl alcohol contains about seven kilocalories per gram. Since alcohol is toxic to the body, the body tries to process these calories first, and the carbohydrates and fats that come with alcohol are stored as fat reserves. Of course, if you don't have time to spend them.

Until the body processes these “empty” calories, the rest will be stored as fat.

3. Beer changes hormonal levels

According to the study results Effect of moderate alcohol consumption on plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, testosterone, and estradiol levels in middle-aged men and postmenopausal women: a diet-controlled intervention study 2004, drinking beer daily for six weeks reduced testosterone levels in men by 11.7%.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that helps burn fat and build muscle mass.

One old study Sex hormones and adrenocortical steroids in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol confirms that after drinking large doses of alcohol, testosterone remains low for 24 hours.

A 1998 study found that beer contains the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein, which also suppress testosterone production.

Decreased testosterone directly affects fat and muscle content. Fat burning slows down, as does muscle building. The less muscle, the less calories is spent on their maintenance and, again, the slower the fat goes away.

4. Alcohol increases calorie intake

Study Stimulation of appetite by alcohol 2001 showed that drinking alcohol before dinner increases overall caloric intake. After 330 milliliters alcoholic beer study participants consumed an average of 1,744 kilocalories, after non-alcoholic beer- 1,548 kilocalories, and without beer at all - 1,521 kilocalories. Taking into account the calorie content of alcohol, the caloric intake of people who drank beer increased by 30% compared to those who did not drink beer.

Beer belly appears from a combination of two factors: excess calories and the effect of alcohol on hormonal levels.

We've sorted out the reasons, let's move on to methods of struggle.

How to get rid of beer belly

1. Reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum

First of all, you need to eliminate the cause - reduce the amount of beer and other alcohol consumed so as not to suppress production and not interfere with the body losing weight and gaining muscle mass.

However, simply giving up alcohol will not give quick results. To lose weight faster, you need to create a calorie deficit.

2. Create a calorie deficit

A calorie deficit is when you burn more calories than you consume. Calculate your calorie intake and try to stick to this value.

You'll likely get bored quickly, so try to remember the calorie content of the foods you eat most often. This way you can estimate the caloric content of the menu in your head and meet the norm. Read how to calculate your calorie intake and the deficit required for weight loss.

Remember simple rules:

  • Sweet and fatty foods contain a lot of calories; it is better not to eat them at all or eat them only occasionally (practice).
  • Vegetables, except potatoes, are low in calories, high in vitamins and fiber. You can eat as much as you want.
  • Fruits do not contain very many calories. How sweeter fruit, the more calories it contains. Choose unsweetened ones and eat as much as you like. You won't eat much anyway.
  • Lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit) - a lot, you need to eat to grow muscles.
  • Cereals are high in calories, but they contain a lot of vitamin E, fiber and other useful substances. You can eat it, but be mindful of the calorie content.
  • It is better to exclude bread and all flour products. If you can't refuse, eat Rye bread, and not wheat: it has fewer calories.
  • Dairy products contain a lot of protein and calcium. Their calorie content depends on fat content, sugar content and additives. A pack of cottage cheese is good, washing down glazed cheese with cream is bad.

So that you do not have to cut down your diet too much, and also to speed up your metabolism, fat burning and muscle growth, be sure to supplement your diet with exercise.

3. Play sports

The more calories you burn, the faster the fat goes away. Cardio and high-intensity interval training are good options. Power training will burn fewer calories, but will ensure rapid muscle growth and speed up metabolism for longer than long-term cardio.

If you choose cardio, the main part should take place in the “fat burning” zone - 65–75% of the maximum heart rate (HR). You can calculate how to calculate your maximum heart rate and your target zone.

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