How to make milk from cream. Fatty cream from milk and butter recipe with photo

This recipe is a real lifesaver for every housewife. Not every store has heavy whipping cream (33% and above), and now I'll show you how to make one. indispensable product with your own hands. This is surprising, but true: you can make real heavy cream for sauce from butter and milk, creamy soup or cream.
There is one small “but”: cream is not suitable for decorating desserts, because, unlike purchased ones, it does not contain various thickeners and stabilizers, therefore, homemade whipped cream decor can delaminate and spread. But in everything else such cream home cooking is cheaper, tastier and natural alternative purchased cream, the recipe is also simple.

To obtain 400 g of cream with a fat content of 37%:

  • Butter 72.5% - 200 g
  • Milk with a fat content of 1.5-2.5% - 200 g

How to make whipping cream at home:

A prerequisite for obtaining cream is whipping in a blender in the form of a tall bowl with knives or an immersion blender. A mixer will not work in this situation.

In a saucepan, combine 200 g of milk 1.5-2.5% and 200 g pre-cut into small pieces butter 72.5% fat (I have a double serving).

Heat the butter and milk mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the butter is completely melted (do not bring to a boil). Then pour the mixture of milk and melted butter into a blender bowl. To avoid cracks from temperature differences on the walls of the bowl, its outer surface must be held under hot water from the tap (do not fill the water inside) so that the bowl heats up.

Then beat the contents of the blender at the most powerful speed for about 3 minutes. If we prepare a larger volume of cream, we also increase the whipping time proportionally.

At this point, the cream can be used to make a soup or sauce.

If the recipe you have chosen requires whipping cream, pour the contents of the bowl into a dry, clean container and close cling film so that the film adheres tightly to the surface of the cream and the walls of the container.

Then leave the container with cream at room temperature until completely cooled, then put in the refrigerator overnight (about 8 hours).

Before whipping, we take out a container with cream from the refrigerator and remove the film. Next, pour the cream into a deep clean bowl. I like to hold the cream for about 20 minutes in the freezer - then they whip even faster and better.

Whip the cream at low speed of the mixer until it starts to thicken.

When traces from the whisks of the mixer begin to remain on the surface of the cream, which will not hold their shape, immediately swimming, speed up the mixer to medium and continue to beat.

At this stage, without turning off the mixer, you can add to the cream powdered sugar if that's what the recipe implies.
During further whipping, clear marks from the whisks of the mixer will gradually form on the surface of the cream, stop whipping and turn off the mixer.

It is very important to stop in time and not beat the cream, otherwise the whole mixture will begin to delaminate and we will get butter instead of whipped cream.

Next, let the cream go according to the recipe. But it should be remembered that homemade cream is not suitable for decorating desserts.

What I love about cream is its versatility. You open the refrigerator - take out a jar and create! Do you want cake, cream, a spoon in coffee or strawberries under a creamy cloud. Inspiration on the beat, sleeves rolled up, it's time to get started. But what if I suggest making pastry whipped cream at home with your own manicured hands! Why, if you can buy? It is possible, but not always. Some recipes need a certain fat content, otherwise the use is limited to dough or preparation of drinks, and no clouds. And not always cream of the desired fat content can be on sale. In this case, buy fatter milk and also butter with the highest percentage of fat (butter about 82% and milk about 3.4%). Losing weight, either accept it, or do not read further.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: heating and mixing.

Total cooking time: 10 min.


  • butter 82% fat - 200 g
  • milk 3.4% fat - 200 ml.


How to whip cream

If you are going to whip cream, you should definitely know a few important rules. Firstly, the cream must be at least 30% fat, and secondly, well chilled. Warm and non-fat cream will not whip, but will only spoil your mood.

If you make cream yourself, using the most fatty milk and oil, you will get exactly what you need for the cream.

So, let's get back to whipping. You already have the cream and now you need the cream.

Pour the cream into the bowl where the whipping will take place. and place in the freezer for 5-10 minutes (assuming they have spent sufficient time in the refrigerator before doing so).

Take out the cream, arm yourself with a mixer and proceed to the process itself. After a short period of time, you will begin to notice the first signs of transformation. The mass will thicken a little and move differently in the dishes, after a while it will rise and finally become the cloud that we talked about at the beginning.

Now add a few tablespoons of powdered sugar to taste (and if it is sugar, add a little earlier so that it has time to dissolve), mix a little more with a mixer and this can probably put an end to the topic of cream. Delicious desserts!

Although no, I forgot to add that this cream whips quickly, and when it has completely turned into a cream, you should not continue to whip it. It is important to stop here. Otherwise, the whipped mass will very quickly begin to lose its beautiful appearance and will begin to exfoliate and turn into oil. You will get broken cream, similar to sweet butter..html, where butter is made from cream.

Cream - the perfect complement and the main ingredient in desserts or pastries. With them, coffee is more tender and cosmetic masks are more nutritious. Cream can be prepared independently. This will require cow's milk. And the higher its fat content, the better.

Two products from one

Separation of cream from milk does not require any equipment and special skills. Just take village milk or a high-fat factory product, pour it into a wide, shallow container and leave it in a dark, cool place for 12 hours in the summer or for a day in the winter. The resulting fatty layer can be collected with a spoon in glass jar. After 2 hours of storage in the refrigerator tender cream fat content of 20-25% will be ready.

From the remaining milk, you can separate another portion of the product. Only in this case it should settle for 1-2 days.

Heavy cream can be obtained from 0.5 liters of medium-fat milk and 250 g of butter. These components should be added to a small saucepan, put it on fire and stir until the oil dissolves. The liquid must not boil.

When the first bubbles appear, turn off the heat and beat everything with a mixer or blender for 2 minutes, then cool, cover and refrigerate for 5-6 hours. Whipped cream is ready.

They are great for cooking. thick cream on the cake. However, please note that the yield of the product is 1/10 of the volume of milk.

We use a separator

The separator allows you to relatively quickly get both cream and fat-free regular milk. It is enough to pour whole homemade milk into the machine and set the desired fat content. This process makes it possible to make two decontaminated products at once.


Creamy as thick as cheese unusual taste- a favorite delicacy of the peoples of the Caucasus. They are called kaymak. And baked milk is used for its preparation.

Fresh milk in an earthenware vessel must be placed in an oven heated to 180 ° C and brought to a boil, then reduce the heat to 100 degrees. When a caramel-golden crust forms on the milk, the product should be covered with a lid and left to cool for a day in a dark place. After this time, the brownish foam can be removed with a knife and rolled up. One plate of kaymak is obtained from 4 liters of full-fat milk.

Whipped cream is sometimes called the cream of the Chantilly castle, attributing authorship to the legendary François Vatel. But the first reliable mention of this dessert dates back to the 18th century. The secret was owned by selected chefs, and the most skillful hands whipped such a cream. Now for any home cooking you can cook fantastic sumptuous delicacy worthy of kings.

Natural cream is a capricious product. When working with them, every little thing matters.

  • For home cooking, cream with 33 percent fat content is chosen. A less fatty product is more difficult to beat, and 38 percent is more often used in production.
  • After purchase, the cream package is cooled for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator to 4 - 6⁰С.

It is impossible to quickly cool the product in the freezer, as it will immediately freeze and whip into butter. For the same reason, do not lean the packaging against the back wall of the refrigerator.

  • Keep a clean, dry bowl and whisk in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Before use, the container must be wiped from condensate.
  • Before starting work, the cream packaging should be kneaded a little with your hands or shaken so that the liquid in it becomes homogeneous. It often happens that the cream on the surface becomes a little thicker than at the bottom, although a film of fat has not yet formed on them.
  • You can whip cream with a hand whisk. Work begins with slow circular movements from the center of the bowl, and then gradually increase the intensity and amplitude of movements. It is better to keep the dishes at an angle - this way the cream circulates additionally.
  • Beat the product in portions of about 200 ml in one bowl. With a large volume, it is more difficult to get a stable result.
  • If there is a noticeable trace of the whisk on the cream, it means that it has been whipped to “soft peaks”. In this form, they are already used in some recipes. After a minute of active work, the traces on the surface stop spreading, and strong sharp peaks rise behind the whisk. You don't need to beat more.
  • The readiness of the cream can be checked by turning the container upside down. The result is perfect if nothing comes out.

If necessary, natural whipped cream can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for no more than 10-12 hours.

Whipped cream from 20% cream

Drinking cream less than 30% fat is difficult to whip, since it is the fat that stabilizes the cream. To beat a product containing only 20 percent fat, you will have to lower the temperature of the product, tools and environment as much as possible.

  1. If it is possible to regulate the temperature in the refrigerator, you need to lower it to 1ºС.
  2. Cool the cream, dishes and whisk to this temperature.
  3. Prepare ice and fill a wide container with it. You can pour some ice water into it.
  4. Place the container with cream in ice and beat the cream slowly at first, and after 2 minutes increase the speed.
  5. Put the thickening composition back in the refrigerator for 10 - 15 minutes.
  6. Then continue beating until done.

Easy Mixer Recipe

Even at home, cream is rarely whipped by hand. Most often, one uses kitchen appliances. You can choose a mixer or any device with a whisk attachment. Optimum power 350 - 400 watts.

A blender with a knife attachment will not succeed in whipping cream.

  1. Cream and dishes are cooled according to all the rules.
  2. They start working at a low speed so as not to detect the cream, that is, so as not to provoke their separation into butter and whey. For the same reason, it is better to abandon powerful food processors.
  3. The process takes 3 to 7 minutes.
  4. If the cream is marked and a layer of oil has formed in them, you can add a few tablespoons of cold liquid cream and beat gently again.

With powdered sugar

Most recipes call for sweet whipped cream. grains granulated sugar do not have time to dissolve during the preparation of the cream, so powdered sugar is used for it.

For 500 ml cream:

  • 100 - 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 5 g vanillin.

Optionally, you can add 40 ml of rum or liquor.

  1. Whip cream to soft peaks.
  2. Pour them with powdered sugar through a sieve and mix with a whisk.
  3. Repeat until the powder runs out.
  4. Contribute flavor additives and whip the cream into stiff peaks.

Cooking with gelatin at home

For cakes, whipped cream can be stabilized with gelatin. Decorations on the cake will hold firmly, will not “float” from the heat during tea drinking, even if low-fat drinking cream is used. So that the cream does not have bad taste from gelatin, you can add liquor, rum, vanilla to it, berry syrup, cocoa.

For 150 ml of cream you will need:

  • 6 g gelatin;
  • 40 g of powdered sugar;
  • 40 ml of water.

flavor additives and food colorings entered at will.

  1. Gelatin is soaked for half an hour according to the instructions on the package. After that, excess water needs to be drained. From instant gelatin, on the contrary, water should not be drained.
  2. Put the container on the fire and pour a third of the cream into the gelatin.
  3. Heat until the gelling composition is completely dissolved, not allowing the liquid to boil.
  4. Cool the mixture to room temperature.
  5. Cool the rest of the cream and beat to soft peaks.
  6. Add powdered sugar and all necessary additives.
  7. Beat the cream until soft, to strong peaks.
  8. While the gelatin has not "grabbed", pour it into the cream in a thin stream, without stopping whipping.
  9. Immediately apply the composition to the cake and smooth with a spatula or pour into molds and refrigerate.

To deposit such a cream from pastry bag, you need to hold it in the refrigerator for 4 - 5 hours.

From dried cream

Properly diluted dry cream is whipped into a strong thick cream, and by palatability not inferior to natural.

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 100 g dry cream.

Any additions are possible, as is the case with natural cream.

The special churning powder is already slightly sweetened, you need to dilute it with milk according to the instructions on the package. Powdered sugar is added to ordinary dry cream only when the mixture begins to thicken.

  1. Cool milk to 3 - 5ºС.
  2. Mix with the powder using a mixer at low speed.
  3. Three minutes to beat the composition at high speed.
  4. Use it immediately or put it in the refrigerator.

Whipped cream for coffee

I want to make a morning dessert quickly and simply. Cappuccino - perfect option. The cream is churned in 3 to 5 minutes and coffee is prepared for another 7 minutes. You can save some time if you whip natural 33 - 35% cream the day before. They will perfectly "survive" to an early serving of coffee.

On hot drink it is not recommended to spread the cream stabilized with gelatin or egg white. Whipped 20% drinking cream will also melt during serving. Therefore, the best ingredients are chosen for hot treats.

An easy recipe for how to make whipped cream with Viennese coffee:

  • a shot of espresso;
  • 20 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 - 80 ml of chilled cream;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar;
  • 5 g vanilla;
  • sugar in coffee optional.

Coffee can be prepared as you like, in a Turk or a coffee machine. It is important that it is hot.

  1. Whip cream at low speed until soft peaks form.
  2. Add powdered sugar and vanilla. Whisk the cream until done.
  3. Grate chocolate or melt in a water bath and stir it into coffee.
  4. Scoop the cream onto the hot drink with a spoon or pipe from a pastry bag in a circular motion.
  5. Sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Now there are no secrets left for you in the preparation of whipped cream. Feel free to make them in your kitchen and delight your home with delicious desserts.

Often buy quality natural cream in a regular store is not possible. Either they are not in the assortment at all, or they are not fat enough and are not suitable for making desserts and many other dishes. What to do in this case? It's simple: stock up in advance the right ingredients, practice a little in manufacturing and take the production process into your own hands. Moreover, making cream from milk at home is within the power of even people who are not experienced in culinary wisdom and secrets.

Cooking cream by hand
To make cream, you need whole cow's milk. Optionally, you can replace it with goat, if you like it more. The main thing is that this milk should be fat enough, not homogenized, otherwise you will not be able to separate the cream.
  • Pour the milk into a clean bowl. A small flat plate works best.
  • We leave a plate of milk in a cold place for 14 - 20 hours.
  • Carefully remove the resulting creamy sediment with a ladle or spoon.
Keep fresh cream you need in a clean, closed container, in the refrigerator, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate. The fat content of cream prepared in this way is approximately 25%.

Preparing cream with a separator
The first method does not require the use of additional equipment, it is quite simple and affordable. But it is much more efficient to separate cream from milk using a special household separator. You can buy it in stores of household and household equipment. Separators are both manual and electric.

  • Install the separator on the edge of the table or fix it on a special stand. In order for you to be able to make cream from milk, the device must be located strictly vertically.
  • Cream separates better warm milk(30 - 35 ºC), so it must be heated to desired temperature and strain.
  • Pour the milk into the milk container. Run the separator. If you have a manual model, then slowly begin to rotate the handle of the device, increasing the speed. As soon as the drive mechanism beeps, you can turn the tap valve and start feeding milk into the drum.
  • During the operation of the appliance, the cream will separate from the milk and pour into a suitable container. Before you complete the separation, pass through the drum a little skimmed milk to force out the remaining cream.
Whichever way you choose to separate the cream, do not forget that you need to use only natural, fresh milk. Because only such a product has a sufficient degree of fat content. Milk bought in a store is absolutely not suitable for making cream, as it is made from soluble powder obtained by drying normalized pasteurized cow's milk.