How to bake monkey bread. Monkey bread: recipe with photos

We present to your attention delicious and aromatic pastries: monkey bread with cheese and garlic. This pastry is also called puzzle bread. Try to cook it, because it is simple, tasty and original!
The recipe comes from America. This bread comes in both sweet and cheesy garlic flavors. Baked in the oven, bread maker or slow cooker. Small donuts made from yeast dough are placed in molds in the form of a slide. The finished delicious bread is broken off into segments by hand, without using a knife.

So, if you are looking for an original recipe for delicious homemade bread, pay attention to this option that deserves attention.

Monkey bread recipe with cheese and garlic

Monkey bread with cheese recipe

Preparation time: 1.5 hours.
Baking time 30-40 minutes.


  • fresh yeast 15 g,
  • wheat flour 300-350 g,
  • salt 1 tsp,
  • sugar 1 tsp,
  • warm water 230 ml,
  • butter 80 g,
  • hard cheese 120 g,
  • garlic (slices or young stems, or dry granulated),

  • dill and parsley optional,
  • vegetable oil 30 ml.

Cooking process:

Combine fresh yeast with warm water, add a teaspoon of sugar and two tablespoons of flour.

To activate the yeast, leave the mixed mass under the film for 10 minutes. The yeast cap forms quite quickly if the yeast is of high quality.

Sift the wheat flour into a tall bowl and make a well. Add yeast dough and a pinch of salt and vegetable oil to the flour.

Start kneading the dough with a spatula, and then work with your hand. Place the yeast bread dough into a clean bowl and lightly grease the sides with vegetable oil. Cover with film and set the bowl in a warm and quiet place for 1 hour to proof.

Melt the butter and combine with finely grated garlic (2 cloves) and chopped dill. Fresh garlic can be safely replaced with granulated dry garlic (1 tsp).

By this time the dough has risen quite well. Transfer it to a floured table. The consistency of the base is similar to dough for bread or donuts.

Line the prepared forms with parchment. You can use one large mold or several small ones. Tear off pieces of the dough and roll into balls the size of a quail egg. Dip each dough ball into the cream mixture and place in the pan.

Sprinkle each layer of dough with grated cheese. You can use as much cheese as you like according to your taste.


To proof, leave the monkey bread in the pan for 20-30 minutes.

Bake garlic bread with cheese in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until bright golden brown for 30-40 minutes.

The beauty of this bread is that you don't need to cut it. It comes off easily in pieces.

It is very tasty to eat such aromatic bread with sour cream sauce.

Bon appetit!

Olga Bondas told how to make yeast garlic bread in balls, recipe and photo by the author.

Monkey bread or, as it is also called, Monkey bread, African coffee cake, Golden Crown... is an interestingly shaped sticky bun, originally from the States, ideal for breakfast with coffee or a Christmas meal.
It’s unlikely that anyone knows exactly why this bread is called monkey bread. Maybe because it is similar in shape to baobab fruits - a favorite monkey food. Maybe because they eat it with their hands, like a monkey. Maybe it even reminds some of monkey brains...
Sweet monkey bread is made from small balls of dough, buttered and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, in a round shape with a hole in the middle. There are also recipe options where Provençal herbs, garlic and cheese are used instead of sugar and cinnamon.
The bread turns out soft, fluffy, beautiful and unusual, and most importantly delicious.


for test:

  • 800 g flour,
  • 1 tbsp. l. fast acting yeast,
  • 4 tablespoons melted butter,
  • 400 ml warm milk,
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l. vanilla extract,
  • 2 tsp. salt.

All ingredients should be at room temperature, and never from the refrigerator.
for caramel:
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 tbsp. l. cinnamon,
50 g melted butter,
1/3 cup nuts,
1/3 cup candied fruits.

Instructions for making bread

Monkey bread is traditionally served hot, but it is also delicious cold. Let’s not waste time, tear off a piece for ourselves at once!

Step 1: Prepare the yeast dough.

In warm milk or water ( temperature should not exceed 35-37°C) completely dissolve the yeast and stir well. Next, add the chicken egg, sugar and salt. Then we begin to add the previously sifted flour in doses and knead the dough with our hands or a wooden spatula. At the end of the kneading, add melted and cooled butter. You can use baking margarine or vegetable oil instead. Continue kneading the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. But, nevertheless, the dough should not be stiff, so control the amount of flour poured. Sprinkle the top of the finished dough with flour and cover with a clean kitchen towel. Leave it in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. After this, knead the dough and let it rise again. You still need to keep it in a warm place about half an hour. After which we can shape our product and bake it.

Step 2: Preparing other ingredients.

We remove the hard cheese from the packaging and chop it on a coarse grater. In a frying pan or in the microwave melt 50 grams of butter. Pour it into a deep plate. Next, peel the garlic and pass it through a garlic press. Add it to the oil to taste. If you love the smell and taste of garlic, then don’t skimp on it in the filling and add from 2 to 4 cloves. If not, then use less than 2 cloves, or use dry garlic altogether. Leave the oil for 10 minutes so that it is saturated with the aroma of the additive.

Step 3: Form the bread.

Divide the risen dough into pieces, the size of a walnut. This can be done either with a knife or plucked with your fingers, sprinkling them with a little flour. Next, grease the baking dish with a small amount of butter. Roll each piece of dough into a uniform ball using your palms, dip it in a mixture of butter and garlic and place it on the pan. Near place another ball tightly and so we form the entire bottom of the form. When the layer of balls is completed, sprinkle them generously with grated cheese and lay out the next layer in the same way. When the entire product is formed, place it in a warm place. for 20-30 minutes, so that it fits.

Step 4: Bake the product.

We also sprinkle the top of our bread generously with grated cheese. Preheat the oven to temperature 180 degrees, after which we send our bread to the roasting pan. Approximately 15 minutes after the start of cooking, the pan with the product must be carefully covered with foil. This is necessary so that the cheese that covers the bread does not burn, but cooks as it should. And after another 15 minutes of cooking, remove the foil and brown the product until a rich golden color. Depending on the individual characteristics of your oven It will take you 30 to 45 minutes to prepare this bread.

Step 5: Serve the monkey bread with cheese and garlic.

The finished product is so aromatic and tasty that it is simply impossible to refuse it. The balls turn into fluffy and airy buns, which can be plucked off or cut with a knife into portions lengthwise. This bread is especially pleasant to eat with chicken broth, light soup or borscht. Do not doubt that, having appeared just once on your table, monkey bread will be a frequent guest on it from now on.
Enjoy your meal!

In order to save time and effort, you can easily knead straight yeast dough in a bread maker, if you have one in your kitchen.

Also, to reduce the cooking time, you can prepare bread from larger balls, which will be placed in one or just two layers. But keep in mind that the smaller the balls, the tastier the finished bread will be.

If desired, the bread can also be sprinkled with sesame seeds or finely chopped dill.

Sweet yeast baked goods are my favorite. Basically, I share fairly simple recipes for pies, pies and buns, which even a novice cook can handle if desired. Today I suggest you try the unusually aromatic monkey bread - the thin crispy crust, the most delicate crumb and the delicious taste will pleasantly surprise you.

Monkey Bread, monkey bread, African pie, sticky bread, golden crown, puzzle bread - all these names perfectly characterize this sweet pastry. In essence, it turns out to be a large bun (consisting of individual buns), which is served as a dessert with tea or coffee.

You can make monkey bread from almost any yeast dough. Small balls of dough are separated from the overall piece, coated with melted butter, sprinkled with a fragrant mixture of sugar and cinnamon, and then placed in a round mold with an insert in the center (usually a muffin tin).

Interestingly, the origin of this original pastry is ambiguous and mysterious. Thus, among the most common options, we can mention the external similarity of the finished bread to the baobab fruits that monkeys love so much. The shaggy skin of the fruit is our cinnamon-sugar topping, and the mealy pulp is the tender crumb of the buns.

In addition, according to another version, monkey bread is eaten with hands - everyone breaks off a piece for themselves, trying to choose the most beautiful and juicy one. Here you can compare human behavior with the habits of monkeys - no wonder that everyone wants to feast on the most delicious things.

Monkey bread is prepared not only sweet (in addition to cinnamon and sugar, nuts, dried fruits, and candied fruits are often added to the topping), but also salty. The most popular option is monkey bread with cheese and garlic. You can additionally flavor it with herbs, herbs and spices.


Yeast dough:

(500 grams) (300 milliliters) (50 grams) (50 grams) (5 grams) (0.5 teaspoon) (1 pinch)


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Let's start by preparing the yeast dough. Sift premium wheat flour into a suitable sized bowl.

About yeast: it is not necessary to take fast-acting yeast - just dry (also 5 grams - this is a heaped teaspoon) or pressed yeast (you need 3 times more, that is, 15 grams) are perfect. Such yeast is not immediately mixed with flour, but is pre-activated in a warm, sweetish liquid for 10-15 minutes. In our case, you can slightly heat half a glass of milk with a tablespoon of sugar and dissolve the yeast in it. Since I used fast-acting ones, I added them directly to the flour, which I had previously sifted twice. There we also put 50 grams of granulated sugar, a pinch of vanillin for flavor (optional) and half a teaspoon of fine salt. Mix everything thoroughly so that the dry ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

We make a depression in the center and pour warm (not hot, but pleasantly warm) milk into it. Mix everything with your hand or a spoon to moisten the flour.

When you get flour lumps like these, you can add melted, lukewarm butter (50 grams). We begin kneading the dough by hand or using a dough mixer (bread machine).

You need to knead this yeast dough for quite a long time - at least 10 minutes, and even better longer. As a result, you will have a smooth, completely homogeneous dough. It should not be too soft or even sticky. This yeast dough holds its shape perfectly, it is elastic and elastic. During the kneading process, you may need a little more or a little less flour than I indicated in the ingredients - it depends on its moisture content. Roll the dough into a ball and leave it in a bowl (I always wash the dishes in which the dough ferments - I just don’t like dirty ones). We send the dough to heat for 1 hour, after which we do a light kneading, re-rounding and again to heat for another 1 hour. Where is the best place for the dough to ferment and what does a warm place mean? There are several options. First of all, in the oven with the light on (it turns out to be approximately 28-30 degrees - the ideal temperature for fermenting yeast dough). Then cover the bowl with the dough with cling film or cover it with a towel made of natural fabric (linen is best) so that the surface does not become airy and crusty. You can also let the dough ferment in the microwave, in which you first bring a glass of water to a boil. The dough will rise when the door is closed, and the glass will stand there. Then there is no need to cover the bowl with anything, since the water will evaporate, thereby maintaining the necessary humidity. Just make sure that no one accidentally turns on the microwave, otherwise the dough will disappear and there will be no monkey bread.

The second time, the yeast dough will grow even more - exactly 3, and maybe 4 times. By the way, I want to talk a little about the fermentation time of yeast dough and proofing of the dough. I hope you understand that this is a relative concept. What does it mean? Well, for example, the recipe says that the dough should be allowed to rest for 1 hour. You understand that 1 hour is the time that the author of this recipe needed. +/- 10-15 minutes is a completely acceptable deviation; the entire fermentation time of yeast dough depends on many factors. The freshness (and, as a result, activity) of the yeast, the quality of the flour, the room temperature, the amount of dough - all this affects the fermentation and proofing time. Therefore, never strictly follow these recommendations - you must feel the dough, understand what it needs, and then you will prepare it purely intuitively.

Let's move on to shaping future buns. We divide our yeast dough into small pieces, preferably the same size - no larger than an apricot. The dough is not sticky at all, so we don’t need additional flour for dusting. We round each piece of dough and roll it into a ball (you can see how to do this in this recipe - steps 11-14).

Let's prepare a suitable round baking dish in advance - mine is 26 centimeters in diameter. It's best to use a springform pan with a hole in the center, but I don't have one, so I put a molding ring in the middle (you can use a clean pea or corn tin, for example). Now we will make a warm bath for the preparations - melt 50 grams of butter in advance and cool until pleasantly warm. We bathe each ball of dough in oil.

Which is sure to please absolutely all your household members. This pastry bears its name for a reason. To reveal the secret of such bread, we suggest plunging into the history of its origin.

General information

How monkey bread is made was first described back in 1950. A detailed recipe for this product was presented in a women's magazine published in the United States of America.

Why monkey bread has such an unusual name can be judged by how it looks. Having prepared this flour product yourself, you immediately remember an African fruit called “baobab”. As you know, its pulp consists of separate pieces of fruit, and monkeys are very fond of it. Hence the original name of the bread.

By the way, you can prepare such baked goods at home in different ways. However, the most popular recipes are those that involve the use of hard cheese, garlic and sugar with cocoa powder. Using these ingredients, you can make fragrant or sweet monkey bread that will not leave any of your household indifferent.

Let's look at the two named recipes in more detail.

Monkey bread with garlic and hard cheese

We decided to bake this product using a multicooker. This device will help your bread bake well by preventing over-browning and burning.

So, to prepare monkey and garlic yourself, we will need:

  • high-grade wheat flour - from 450 g (add at discretion);
  • boiled water (it is better to use it warm) - about 250 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2/3 large spoon;
  • fine table salt - dessert spoon;
  • active dry yeast - a small spoon;
  • natural butter (for filling) - 8 large spoons;
  • fine sea salt (add to the filling) - 1/3 of a small spoon;
  • fresh pressed garlic - several large cloves (for filling);
  • any hard cheese - about 160 g (for filling).

Kneading yeast dough

In order to bake monkey bread, you should prepare the yeast base in advance. To do this, you need to dissolve fine granulated sugar in warm water, and then add dry active yeast to it and leave it alone for ¼ hour. After the specified time has passed, add fine salt to the resulting mass and add high-grade flour.

Preparing the filling

To make garlic monkey bread tasty and aromatic, during its formation you should definitely use the filling in. To do this, the solid dairy product must be grated on a large grater in advance.

Also, the flour product must be generously dipped in an oily dressing. To prepare it, melt the shortening in a metal bowl, and then add crushed garlic cloves and fine sea salt to it. After this, all the ingredients need to be mixed.

We create delicious and original bread

Monkey bread, which calls for cheese and garlic, is quite easy to form. To do this, the yeast dough must be divided into many small pieces and rolled into neat balls. Next, each product must be dipped in an oily mixture with garlic and salt. After this, the aromatic pieces of the yeast base should be placed in the multicooker bowl. Moreover, each filled layer must be generously sprinkled with grated cheese.

Having completed the formation of the flour product, it needs to be covered with a thin layer of solid dairy product. If desired, you can additionally sprinkle it with sesame seeds.

Baking process

Monkey bread does not take very long to bake in a slow cooker. After it is beautifully formed, it must be closed and set to the frying (or baking) program. In this case, the timer should be set to 60 or 70 minutes. This time is enough for the bread to be completely baked, soft, fluffy and very tasty.

Final stage

After the multicooker completes the baking program, the bread should be carefully removed from the container and placed on the board. After cooling the product a little, you can safely present it to the table along with any first or second course.

By the way, monkey bread, the recipe with the photo of which is presented above, should be served unsliced. There is no need to cut it with a knife at all, since all the pieces of dough previously laid out in the mold can be easily broken off by hand.

Monkey bread: a recipe for sweet flour pastries

If you want to make not ordinary bread that can be eaten with the second or first course, but something sweet and tasty, then such a product must be prepared a little differently. To do this, you should additionally use cocoa powder, cinnamon and a little more sugar. But first things first.

So, for sweet monkey bread we will need:

  • high-grade light flour - from 3 glasses (add at discretion);
  • full-fat milk, a little warm - a full glass;
  • medium country egg - 1 pc.;
  • fine sea salt - an incomplete small spoon;
  • active dry yeast - about 1 small spoon without a slide;
  • fine granulated sugar - 200 g (a large spoon for the dough, the rest for sprinkling);
  • vanillin - a small spoon (for sprinkling);
  • natural butter (pre-melt) - about 100 g (+ 2 large spoons into the dough);
  • cocoa powder - 3 large spoons (for dusting);
  • ground cinnamon - a small spoon (for sprinkling).

Preparing the dough

How should you prepare monkey bread? A recipe with a photo of this dish, which involves the use of garlic and cheese, was presented above. But if you need to get a sweet product, we recommend using the preparation method described below.

So, to knead the yeast base, you need to dissolve fine granulated sugar in warm milk, and then add active yeast to it and wait about ¼ hour until it takes effect. After this, you need to add a beaten egg, a few tablespoons of melted butter and high-grade flour to the ingredients. After mixing the products, the dough should be covered with a thick cloth and left near the heating radiator or in the sun for 1.6 hours. In this case, every half hour the base must be kneaded with your hands so that it becomes very fluffy and soft.

Preparing the powder and filling

To obtain a sweet flour product, you should prepare the powder separately. To do this, you need to mix fine granulated sugar with cinnamon, vanillin and cocoa powder, and then put them in a deep bowl. As for the filling, preparing it couldn’t be easier. To do this, you just need to melt the natural butter over low heat.

The process of forming sweet pastries

Monkey bread is always shaped the same way. But depending on what kind of baked goods you ultimately want to get, this product is dipped in certain ingredients. To prepare a sweet dish, the yeast dough must be divided into multiple balls, and then lowered one by one into melted cooking fat. After this, the products should be thoroughly rolled in a dry mixture of cocoa powder and sugar. Finally, all the pieces of the base need to be placed in a deep form intended for baking in an oven scarf. If you still have dry powder, you can spread it over the surface of the formed bread.

Baking process

After filling the mold with sweet brown balls, you need to place it in a preheated oven. It is advisable to bake the product for 65 minutes at a temperature of 205 degrees. At the same time, monkey bread should increase in volume, become very soft, fluffy, and most importantly - tasty.

How to serve homemade cakes to guests?

You can prepare such a product not only in a slow cooker or oven, but also using other kitchen devices. For example, monkey bread in a bread machine also turns out very tasty and soft. However, in this case, such a device can only be useful for kneading homogeneous yeast dough and raising it. But it must be formed manually.

After the flour product has been heat treated, it must be removed from the mold and placed on a board. After cooling the sweet bread a little, it should be immediately presented to the table. As a rule, such pastries are consumed as delicious homemade buns along with hot tea or strong coffee.