How to prepare oatmeal. Secrets of cooking oatmeal with milk

Oatmeal is a miracle, it will satisfy hunger, calm the stomach (for those with ulcers), and help you lose weight. True, not everyone knows the secret of preparing tender and creamy oatmeal. It’s interesting that I learned how to cook such porridge from the Germans, and they picked up this recipe from the British, so when serving oatmeal, don’t forget the traditional: “Your oatmeal, sir!”

Oatmeal with milk


(2-3 servings)

  • 10 tbsp. oatmeal
  • 0.4 l. milk
  • 0.4 l. water
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • butter to taste
  • Take a pan with a thick bottom. Pour milk and water. Usually the proportion is taken half to half, but it will turn out no worse if you pour less water and more milk.
  • Put the pan on the fire. To make oatmeal porridge tender, enveloping, and melting in your mouth, you need to learn one very simple rule: put oatmeal in cold milk (from the refrigerator or at room temperature). It is in cold liquid that oatmeal quickly “blooms”, releasing tasty and healthy mucus.
  • So, before the milk warms up, add nine tablespoons of oatmeal. We pick up spoons with a good heap, so to speak, from the heart. We interfere immediately.
  • Add sugar. For those with a sweet tooth, the amount of sugar can be increased slightly.
  • Stirring with a wooden spatula, bring the porridge to a boil. Cook the oatmeal over low heat for 2-5 minutes until the oatmeal is soft.
  • If it seems to you that the porridge is watery, do not rush to add flakes. Oatmeal should be quite liquid. In the few minutes it cooks, while we pour the porridge into bowls, the oatmeal thickens.
  • Pour delicious and aromatic oatmeal with milk into bowls and add butter. A delicious breakfast is ready!
  • For variety, you can add raisins, fresh bananas, cinnamon, currants, honey, and jam to oatmeal. In this case, raisins or pieces of dried apricots are added before turning off the heat, and fresh fruit and jam are already placed on plates.
  • P.S. The cooking time for oatmeal greatly depends on the quality of the oatmeal. Almost whole flakes take a little longer to cook; heavily pressed flakes, which look like thin plates, take a minute or two to cook. It’s clear that the latter makes oatmeal much tastier.

    Oatmeal on water

    All those with a sweet tooth, of course, love sweet oatmeal, but those without a sweet tooth will like my dad’s recipe, when the oatmeal is prepared with water and without sugar. This porridge is good for breakfast and as a side dish for meat. So, oatmeal breakfast for two. (Retired experience).


    • 8 tbsp oatmeal
    • 2/3 tsp. table salt
    • 550 gr. water
    • butter to taste
  1. It is very simple to prepare delicious oatmeal with water, but some little things are important here: the type of oatmeal, the utensils, the method of preparation and the amount of water.
  2. We take oat flakes No. 1 “Hercules” from a trusted manufacturer. Dishes: the best cauldron made of food-grade aluminum with a capacity of 1.5 liters. In another bowl, the porridge sticks to the bottom.
  3. Preparation: pour eight heaped tablespoons into a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom, add about a teaspoon of table salt. It is not advisable to use “Extra” salt.
  4. Pour cold water over the cereal. The exact amount of water depends on the flakes and is verified by experience.
  5. Bring the porridge to a boil over high heat, and then over very low heat, stirring until it reaches the desired consistency.
  6. When hot, the oatmeal is ready to eat, cow butter - to taste. I also recommend trying

Oatmeal is deservedly considered the queen of porridges. Due to its accessibility, ease of preparation and range of useful properties, this porridge is loved all over the world.

In a number of countries, it is considered good form to start the day with oatmeal; in Scotland, oatmeal is considered one of the national dishes, and in the Soviet Union it was necessarily included in the soldiers’ diet.

Oatmeal can be an ideal breakfast for those who like to eat a hearty meal in the morning, as well as for those who want to naturally cleanse the body, or slightly adjust their weight.

Benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, protein compounds, healthy fats, many vitamins and minerals, but at the same time, the process of assimilation of this porridge occurs gradually, thereby providing a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The benefits of porridge made from oatmeal have long been proven and confirmed by doctors, researchers, and people who have included this product in their daily diet.

It helps reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of blood clots, helps cleanse the body and increase muscle mass. Eating oatmeal on a regular basis helps get rid of constipation, improve skin condition, has a beneficial effect on normalizing the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, and also improves mental activity and memory.

For those who decide to start their day with oatmeal, we have selected several recipes that will help make breakfast at the same time healthy, tasty, varied, quick and, most importantly, easy to prepare.

Recipe for oatmeal with milk

A classic, proven recipe is milk oatmeal.

Pour the milk into the pan and wait until it boils. It is recommended to keep an eye on the milk, as it boils very quickly and can “run away” or burn. After the milk has boiled, pour oatmeal into the pan, add salt, sugar, and mix everything well.

After which, reduce the heat and continue cooking for another 5-6 minutes.

After turning off the stove, add oil to the porridge, close the pan, and let the oatmeal stand for 3-4 minutes.

After this, we can assume that the milk oatmeal is ready to eat. For lovers of the most nutritious breakfast, and for those who do not particularly count calories, milk can be replaced with cream, which will give the porridge a richer taste and additional fat content.

Delicious oatmeal with milk in a slow cooker

Those who are used to saving time and absolutely do not like standing at the stove will definitely appreciate the method of preparing delicious oatmeal with milk in a slow cooker. This method is elementary and includes only simple ingredients.

Products you must have:

  • Two measuring cups of milk;
  • One measuring cup of rolled oats;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Two spoons of sugar;
  • 60 grams of butter.

First of all, you need to put oil on the bottom of the multicooker to reduce the risk of milk boiling over and fill the porridge with a soft, creamy aroma.

Then add oatmeal, pour milk, add sugar and salt, close the lid and turn on the multicooker.

Many models of multicookers have a “porridge” mode, but often the cooking time is too long, designed for cereals that require longer heat treatment. Practice shows that 10 minutes is enough to cook oatmeal.

After completing the cooking process, leave the porridge under the closed lid for 3-5 minutes to let it “simmer” a little.

Recipe for making oatmeal with water and milk

If you are on a diet, or just want to make your breakfast less calorie, this recipe is suitable for you. To repeat it, you need to have on hand:

  • A glass of milk;
  • One glass of oatmeal;
  • Glass of water;
  • One tablespoon of sugar;
  • 50 grams of butter.

First of all, you need to pour water into the pan and bring to a boil. Then, add oatmeal, stir, let the water boil a little, and pour in the milk.

After which, add sugar, mix it all thoroughly, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid, and cook over low heat for 6-8 minutes. Cooking time depends on the cereal you choose.

After the porridge is ready, throw butter into it, cover with a lid, and keep it closed for another 5-7 minutes so that the porridge absorbs the aroma of the butter and swells enough.

Recipe for oatmeal porridge with milk and pumpkin

For those who have children who look at oatmeal with disdain, as well as for those who are tired of having the same breakfast, we offer an original recipe for oatmeal with pumpkin. To prepare a porridge that is amazing in taste and unusual in execution, you need to have the following ingredients:

  • One glass of oatmeal;
  • 200 grams of pumpkin;
  • Glass of water;
  • Two glasses of milk;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 1-2 tablespoons sugar;
  • A whisper of salt.

First you need to peel the pumpkin and grind the pulp. Then, you need to mix the milk with water and bring to a boil; you can immediately add sugar and salt to this liquid so that they dissolve faster.

After this, add oatmeal, cook over low heat for 6-7 minutes, then add pumpkin and cook for another ten minutes. When the porridge is ready, you need to add a piece of butter, close the pan tightly, and let it brew for another 15 minutes.

The porridge according to this recipe turns out to be unusual and surprisingly tasty. If you don't like pumpkin, you can add raisins or any finely chopped fruit instead.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing oatmeal, but this process will be even easier, and the result will be even tastier and more enjoyable if you listen to some tips and secrets.

  1. When purchasing, you should pay special attention to what kind of oatmeal you buy. The healthiest porridge is obtained from the Hercules variety, since these flakes are the least processed, thick, and the porridge from them turns out thick and rich, although it is worth noting that the cooking time for porridge from this type of flakes will increase slightly. Extra grade flakes cook faster and are more suitable for people with stomach or intestinal problems. It is also recommended to check the quality of the cereal packaging, as oatmeal quickly absorbs moisture, thereby losing quality. The packaging must be hermetically sealed;
  2. The shelf life of oatmeal starts from the day it is processed and not packaged. Fresh oat flakes of high quality should have a pleasant smell of oats and be white in color, with a beige or slightly yellowish tint;
  3. When preparing oatmeal, you need to pour the grains into boiling milk or water, otherwise the flakes will soften too much and lose their structure. It is best to use a pan with a non-stick coating and a thick bottom, this will prevent burning and allow the porridge to “sweat” thoroughly after cooking;
  4. If you have eliminated sugar from your diet, but remain a sweet tooth lover, you can use honey, which gives the porridge a sweetish taste, a pleasant honey aroma, and adds vitamins. You can also add sweetness using any sweet dried fruits or finely chopped fruits;
  5. Oatmeal goes perfectly with cinnamon, which gives the dish a subtle, piquant taste and aroma.

Fortunately, oatmeal is one of the dishes that is healthy and tasty. Experiment with recipes and additional ingredients, and you will definitely find your favorite cooking method.

If you get into the habit of regularly eating oatmeal for breakfast, you will feel your body working better, and it will definitely thank you.

Oatmeal has long been considered the queen of porridges around the world. It is included in the menu for various diseases, during diets, and also in the diet of children. Oatmeal is an irreplaceable and healthiest porridge. Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal, but modern housewives underestimate the taste of oatmeal. By following the correct cooking technology, the porridge will delight you with a unique taste. What are the benefits of oatmeal and how to cook it correctly?


Cereals for making porridge are made from whole oat grains, which undergo a series of simple treatments.

Many young housewives confuse oatmeal with Extra flakes. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that due to the specific processing of oatmeal, the output does not contain all the substances necessary for the human body, which oatmeal retains.

That is why it is worth including whole grain oatmeal in your diet. It contains: magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamins of all groups, phosphorus, iron. All components of oatmeal have a beneficial effect on the body of adults and children and can even fight a number of diseases.

Porridge has a number of useful properties:

Despite all the benefits, like other products there are several contraindications:

  • Children under 3 years of age.
  • People with intolerance to cereals.
  • As well as abuse of the product.

In general, you can and should eat oatmeal dishes in the morning every other day.

Secrets of cooking dishes from whole grain cereals

As mentioned earlier, for maximum benefit of prepared dishes, you should abandon “Extra” type oatmeal, and give preference to whole grain oatmeal or “Hercules”.

Cooking recipes

How to cook oatmeal with milk so that it is tasty and does not lose its beneficial properties? Below we present a number of oatmeal recipes.

Classic recipe for making porridge with milk

This recipe is the most common and delicious.

For one serving of food you need to take:

  • Oatmeal - 0.5 cups.
  • Milk - 250 grams.
  • Butter - 30 grams.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt to taste.

Pour milk into a saucepan of the required size and bring to a boil. Next, add the prepared peeled oatmeal. Stir and add the rest of the ingredients except the oil. Then mix everything again and simmer over low heat for about 6 minutes.

After the time has passed, add oil and cover with a lid and leave for five minutes.

Oatmeal with water and milk

This recipe is great for those who need a less calorie breakfast.

To prepare porridge you need:

  • One glass each of water and milk.
  • One glass of oatmeal.
  • Sugar and salt to taste.

Pour water into the container where the oatmeal will be cooked and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid boils, add the prepared oatmeal and cook over medium heat. When you notice that the water has boiled away a little, it’s time to add milk. Next, add sugar and salt. Mix the resulting mass and cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. When the porridge is ready, remove it from the heat and add butter to taste. Then, covering with a towel, let the porridge steep for about five minutes.

Pumpkin oatmeal with milk

This dish has an extraordinary aroma and unique taste and will become a favorite treat in a family with children.

To cook porridge according to this recipe you will need:

  • Milk - 2 glasses.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Oatmeal - 300 grams.
  • Pumpkin - 200 grams.
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons.
  • Butter - 60 grams.
  • Salt to taste.

The pumpkin needs to be peeled and cut into small pieces. Mix milk with water and bring to a boil. When the liquid boils, salt and sugar dissolve in it.

Add oatmeal and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Add pumpkin and cook for about 10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the pumpkin is soft. After the time has passed, remove the pan from the heat and, adding oil, leave for 10 - 15 minutes.

Oatmeal with milk and raisins

To cook oatmeal according to this recipe, you should prepare the raisins in advance.

To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of selected raisins with hot water for 20 minutes.

Two glasses of milk are mixed with one glass of water and brought to a boil. When the liquid boils, add 1 tablespoon of condensed milk and a pinch of vanillin. Pour 1 cup of prepared whole grain oats into the resulting liquid. Cook the oatmeal over low heat, stirring for about 25 minutes. At the end of cooking, add raisins and a tablespoon of butter. Infuse with the lid on for 10 minutes.

Dessert oatmeal

This recipe will become a favorite in any child’s diet.

To prepare dessert oatmeal you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 glass of oatmeal;
  • 3 - 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese of any fat content;
  • Banana.
  • Pear.
  • A piece of green and red apple.
  • Salt, sugar and butter to taste.

Prepared oatmeal is poured into boiling water. Boil the mixture for 3-4 minutes over medium heat and add salt and sugar. After the time has passed, pour in a glass of milk and simmer over low heat for another 3 minutes.

When the porridge is ready, add grated cottage cheese, butter and slices of fruit. Mix thoroughly and, covered with a towel, leave for 10 minutes.

Oatmeal with prunes

Oatmeal goes well with prunes. A recipe using this ingredient is offered below. For preparation take:

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 200 grams of oatmeal;
  • 100 grams of prunes;
  • 100 grams of almonds;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

Oatmeal is added to boiling milk. When the mixture boils, reduce the heat and simmer for about five minutes, stirring.

Add honey, salt and chopped almonds, mix and cook for another five minutes.

When the porridge is ready, you need to let it sit for ten minutes. And garnished with chopped prunes, served to the table.


Oatmeal is one of the healthiest foods that should be on the table of any housewife. And to make oatmeal dishes your signature dish, don’t be afraid to experiment, cook it with the addition of fruits and nuts, and delight your family with delicious and healthy breakfasts!

Oatmeal is not only a tasty dish, but also an indispensable source of nutrients. Oatmeal contains quite a lot of vitamins, complex carbohydrates, macro- and microelements, which the body absorbs throughout the day.

If you carefully follow our instructions, then you will certainly get the most delicious oatmeal, which neither a child nor an adult can refuse.

Cooking time

It is worth noting that oatmeal is one of the most satisfying and light dishes that can be prepared in just 15-30 minutes. It all depends on what grains you use to cook porridge.

How to cook oatmeal with milk

Oatmeal can be prepared either with water or with milk. The second option is more satisfying and healthy. In addition, children prefer porridge with milk, because it is more aromatic and tasty.


  • Milk 2 cups
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Sugar 4 tbsp.
  • Butter 50 g


Some people prefer water to milk. There are reasons for this. Oatmeal cooked with water does not have as many calories as porridge with milk. Therefore, it is recommended by nutritionists.

How to cook oatmeal in water

It is worth noting that if there is no milk in the house, but you want something satisfying, then cooking oatmeal with water will be an excellent choice.


  • Whole grain oats or rolled oats 1 cup
  • Water 2 glasses
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter 50 g


  1. We wash the oatmeal with cold boiled water; the porridge can be soaked first.
  2. Pour the oatmeal grains into a saucepan, add water and place on the stove over low heat.
  3. After the porridge begins to boil, gradually remove the foam from it. This is done so that the dish does not have a bitter taste.
  4. Cook the oatmeal for 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly so that the porridge does not burn.
  5. When the time is up, remove from heat and leave covered for 10 minutes. Let the porridge sit for a while.
  6. When serving the porridge, you can add a little butter, honey, jam and other additives - all at the discretion of the cook.

Oatmeal with water is ready to eat.

In order for you to have excellent oatmeal, you should take the time to choose good, quality oatmeal. It is best to use whole oatmeal grains for cooking, because they are richer in minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances. If you want to reduce cooking time, then you should buy oatmeal.

Before you buy cereal, read the ingredients carefully. Also check out the recipe, because each manufacturer has their own recipe for making oatmeal.

It’s worth adding a few more words about storing oatmeal: the packaging should be as airtight as possible, otherwise the flakes can absorb a lot of moisture and become unsuitable for cooking.

Making English Oatmeal

Oatmeal is popular not only in our country. The biggest fans of oatmeal are the British. Their recipe does not require any essential products, but the porridge is thicker.


  • Whole grain oatmeal 1 cup
  • Water 1.5 cups
  • Sugar, salt to taste
  • Milk

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest, easiest to prepare, and affordable products. People who monitor their health and figure are well aware of how healthy oatmeal is. Despite the fact that oatmeal with milk is a very simple product to prepare, even here you can show ingenuity and culinary talent. In this article we will look at several recipes for making oatmeal with milk - from the simplest to the more complex.

What are the benefits of oatmeal for the body?

  • Oatmeal is rich in carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Regular consumption of oatmeal lowers cholesterol (due to its beta-glucan content) and is good for the heart.
  • Oatmeal is rich in B vitamins.
  • It contains microelements such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, calcium.
  • Oatmeal is very filling, making it ideal for breakfast.

Ingredients for oatmeal with milk

The first recipe for making oatmeal with milk

  • 100 g oat flakes
  • 200 ml water
  • 100 ml milk
  • Salt and other additives - optional

Bring the water to a boil and add the oats to the boiling water. Cook the oatmeal for about 10 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Add milk, continue stirring for a few more minutes (no more than 5). Add salt and sugar to taste. The porridge is ready!

The second recipe for making oatmeal with milk

  • 100 g oat flakes
  • 300 ml milk
  • A little butter
  • Salt, sugar and other additives - optional

Heat the milk to a boil, stirring constantly, add salt and sugar. Add oatmeal and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Once the porridge thickens, turn off the heat. Add butter, mix well. Leave the oatmeal covered for 5 minutes.

Oatmeal recipe with different oat flakes

  • Half a cup of large rolled oats (about 50 g)
  • Half a cup of medium rolled oats (about 50 g)
  • Two cups of water (about 200 ml)
  • A cup of milk (about 100 ml)
  • A pinch of salt

Take a dry frying pan, heat it over medium heat and toast the cereal. Pour the cereal into a saucepan, add milk and water, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring slowly. Add salt. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 5 minutes. Oatmeal is ready! You can serve it with any additives (fruits, dried fruits, sour cream, yogurt, cheese, honey, etc.).

British oatmeal recipeand with milk

We all know that oatmeal originates from Great Britain. Therefore, who else but the British knows a lot about good oatmeal? We offer you a recipe for oatmeal with milk from the famous British chef and TV presenter James Oliver.

Required ingredients:

  • One and a half to two cups of oatmeal.
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.
  • 1 liter of milk.
  • 1 teaspoon butter.
  • Half a teaspoon of soybean oil.

Optional Ingredients:

  • Half a teaspoon of sesame seeds or
  • 1 carrot, grated, or
  • Chopped prunes, figs, dried apricots, or
  • Chopped almonds.

Heat soybean oil in a frying pan, add butter and stir until the whiteness disappears. Add oats and stir until they turn dark brown. Add salt and sugar (this should be done before you add milk to the oatmeal). Now you can add sesame seeds and wait until they turn brownish. After this, reduce the heat and add milk. After the oatmeal boils, cook the porridge for another 10 minutes. Now you can add the remaining ingredients (if included in the recipe), cover and leave the oatmeal for 10 minutes. You can serve oatmeal with butter, honey or yogurt.

Australian recipe for oatmeal with milk

  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup milk
  • A quarter teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A pinch of salt
  • A little honey
  • Peeled and sliced ​​banana
  • A handful of raisins or other dried fruits

Take oatmeal, milk and water and bring to a boil. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat for 5 to 7 minutes. Add salt and cinnamon to the oatmeal and stir again. Place the finished oatmeal on a plate, garnish the dish with banana slices and dried fruits.