How food gelatin is made at the factory. Gelatin: composition, benefits, harm and rules of use

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Gelatin is protein bodies of animal origin in the form of granular, almost transparent powder with a golden hue. The word "gelatin" comes from the Latin "gelatus", which means “frozen, frozen.”

Initially, the raw material for the substance, which later became known as gelatin, was bubbles. sturgeon fish. Currently, gelatin is obtained by boiling cartilage, tendons, bones and ligaments in water, after which collagen remains in pure form. Edible gelatin is odorless and tasteless; it swells in cold water, dissolves in a hot liquid; when cooled, the liquid turns into a dense substance (jelly, jelly).

Edible gelatin is intended for retail and for use in Food Industry. Gelatin is used in production to prevent crystallization and reduce protein coagulation.

Calorie content of edible gelatin

The calorie content of food gelatin depends on the manufacturer and averages 355 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of edible gelatin

Gelatin contains 18 amino acids, including , which improves brain activity. The product helps normalize the body's metabolic processes, strengthen the heart muscle, protein is used to build body cells, collagen stimulates skin renewal (calorizator). Dry food gelatin is often prescribed as an aid to strengthen joints and stimulate hair growth.

Harm of food gelatin

Despite the obvious beneficial features gelatin, the product is not recommended to be consumed frequently and in excessive quantities, because this leads to increased blood clotting, constipation and allergic reactions. It must be remembered that gelatin is made not only from, but also from, that is, the product is not kosher.

Gelatin must be purchased in factory packaging; the product comes in the form of granules and. Powdered gelatin should be dry, with no signs of clumping or caking. It is necessary to store gelatin in a dark, dry, cool place; after opening the package, transfer the gelatin to a container with an airtight lid.

Edible gelatin for weight loss

The main value of gelatin is for those who have the goal of parting with extra pounds or not to recruit them, this protein composition product. Under no circumstances can protein be deposited in the body as fat; it only supplies cells (especially muscle cells) with energy for long time. Therefore, gelatin can be considered ideal product for diets and fasting days, use it to prepare mousses and jellies from berries, vegetables, juices or.

Edible gelatin in cooking

Edible gelatin is widely used in confectionery industry And home production desserts, mousses, jellies, fillings for cakes, sweets and marmalade. Gelatin is used in the production of fish and canned meat, favorite dishes - aspic, jellied meat and jelly are prepared with the addition of gelatin.

In addition to cooking, gelatin is used in pharmaceuticals, photography and glue production. For more information about gelatin, watch the video “The Whole Truth About Gelatin” from the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

Especially for
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Gelatin rarely appears as an independent product. He is better known as secret ingredient individual culinary masterpieces.

And only small group initiates have heard that using gelatin you can prepare useful biologically active compounds, solutions, drinks and dishes that can help with solving some unpleasant diseases.

What is gelatin and what is it eaten with?

Not everyone, even experienced housewives, knows that traditional gelatin is almost pure animal protein.

Before being transformed into yellow-brown translucent granules or plates without a pronounced taste, color, or smell, gelatin was nothing more than bones, cartilage, tendons, and skin elements.

And other, in the opinion of some, unappetizing parts of cattle carcasses that have undergone a process of denaturation of collagen (a complex technological process processing of the above-mentioned animal tissues).

That's why the basis of this product is pure collagen, with all its inherent abilities.

There are, of course, plant origin gelatin - agar-agar - it is made from brown and red algae that grow in the Black and White Seas and the Pacific Ocean.

The gelling agent is used as part of creams, desserts, sweets, canned sausages and a host of other food products.

Gelatin has been mastered by pharmacists - it is used to produce tasteless soluble shells for various liquid medicinal substances, and also as an ingredient in suppositories.

The production of some types of artificial pearls, banknotes, paints, and expensive paper cannot be done without gelatin. Photosensitive emulsion on film and photographic film, also contains technical gelatin.

A little history

The crown of excellence in the invention of the method for producing gelatin belongs to the French chemist Jean Darcet - the event dates back to the 18th century.

But the substance itself was isolated and patented by Peter Cooper in 1845, although after that he never figured out where it could be usefully used.

The discovery remained unclaimed for almost half a century, until Pearl Waite took advantage of the neutral taste of the product, as well as its ability to thicken any liquid.

He prepared in 1885 extraordinary dessert– jelly – gelatin with coloring and fruit additives.

Later, the patent for making jelly was valued at $450 and sold to Mr. Woodward, who subsequently made a good fortune supplying jelly to supermarkets.

Chemical composition

Gelatin does not contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but it is full of protein and certain essential amino acids, which make it very useful for some health problems.

100 grams of gelatin contain 355 kilocalories - not so little as to not pay attention to those who are watching their weight, and also:
vitamin PP – 14.5 mg;
calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium;
proteins 87 g;
a small amount of fat, carbohydrates, water, ash, starch.

Among the significant amino acids in gelatin are present in sufficient quantities: aspartic and glutamic, alanine, hydroxyproline, proline.

Despite the meager content useful substances in gelatin, all of them are easily, quickly and completely absorbed by the human body.

1. Protein with a fibrous structure - supports and strengthens the connective tissue of the skin, joints, and tendons. Gelatin is capable of healing damaged ligaments and is indicated for arthritis.

Daily consumption of 10 g of gelatin will allow you to forget about unpleasant symptoms and pain in the joints in two to three weeks.

2. Collagen also slows down the aging process of the body and is a general strengthening agent.

4. Gelatin helps improve blood structure with poor clotting.

5. Accelerates metabolism, has an enveloping effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which is useful for various disorders and existing foci of inflammation.

6. The product is recognized as a stimulant of brain activity, normalizes work nervous system .

7. Enriches the body with proteins, which is especially valuable for athletes.

8. Regular use gelatin will significantly improve the condition of nails, strengthen and prevent hair loss, and protect the skin from wrinkles.

10. Gelatin-based procedures and products effectively remove comedones.

11. Lotions with gelatin mass relieve joint pain.

12. Gelatin desserts are a good alternative sweet for those who are on a diet. Although such delicacies are not low-calorie, they fill you up well.

Many recipes have been developed based on the usual gelatin. traditional medicine that can improve appearance And physical state person.

Most of them have proven to be highly effective and completely free side effects. However, there are some cases when it is better to limit the use of gelatin or abolish it altogether.

Harm of gelatin

Gelatin is capable of binding platelets, so it is contraindicated for those with thrombosis, increased blood clotting, or thrombophlebitis.

The product is an oxalogen, so it should not be consumed by those with oxaluric diathesis.

May aggravate the condition with constipation and inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Gelatin can provoke the growth of kidney stones, so it is not recommended for urolithiasis.

Desire is beautiful accessible remedy from a hundred diseases. With moderation and reasonable diet planning, gelatin will not cause significant harm to the body.

It is worth remembering for everyone who is interested in maintaining youthful and elastic skin, strong and shiny hair, beautiful nails and healthy joints. Be healthy.

Properties and uses of gelatin

Gelatin is a product consisting of protein with a high content of amino acids, when interacting with water it turns into a jelly-like substance.

It is characterized by the color, taste and properties of the gel obtained from it. A quality product must be transparent in color and free of foreign odors.

The scope of application of gelatin is quite wide. In accordance with the purpose, groups are also distinguished:

1. Edible gelatin - used in the confectionery industry for the preparation of creams, jellies, ice cream, fruits in jelly. Added as a thickener to fermented milk and canned products. In winemaking, it is used to clarify difficult-to-filter wine materials and correct coarse wine materials with increased astringency.

2. Technical – used in the textile and cosmetics industries.

3. Photo gelatin is one of the materials for making film.

4. Medical – used for the production of shells for medicines (capsules) and as a plasma-substituting agent.

5. Printing – in the production of printing inks for money, newspapers, magazines. Serves as a gluing component for photo paper.

On this moment The amount of gelatin produced in Russia does not satisfy the need for it. Of the required three to four thousand tons, only about a hundred are produced. The market is mainly filled with goods of imported origin. This fact indicates the likelihood of finding your niche in gelatin production. The ability to produce glues and ready-made adhesives (casein, flesh and bone glue, rubber-based adhesives) that are made from gelatin is also captivating. The main disadvantage is the labor-intensive technological process.

Selection of raw materials

One of the most important stages in gelatin production is the selection and preparation of raw materials. The main requirement is that the raw material must contain collagen, the main component of gelatin, which gives it the property of turning into a jelly-like mass when exposed to liquid. Such material is animal organs: bone and soft raw materials (tendons, skin trimmings, flesh, veins, etc.). Bone raw materials can be table, sausage and prefabricated. The first type comes from the catering chain, they are boiled. The second is from sausage and canning factories in raw form, of which the bones with less meat are usually highly valued. The latter type of bones can trap dirt and foreign matter.

The following parts are used: jaw bone, frontal part of the skull, pelvic bone, shoulder blades, ribs without vertebrae, head. Bones are stored separately from other raw materials in a ventilated area or under a canopy. Storage in open asphalt areas is allowed. Bone cannot be stored for a long time, as this reduces its quality, and therefore the amount of gelatin released from it.

Soft raw materials come from tanneries and meat processing plants. Good raw materials for gelatin are flank and outgrowth flesh, heads, calf skins unsuitable for leather production, split ends, pork skin. The absence of a large number of meat cuts, fat, blood, and contaminants are mandatory characteristics of soft raw materials. It is stored in barrels, preserving it with salt to prevent putrefactive decay.

All raw materials must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary and sanitary inspection.

Production technology

The first stage in production is the preparation of raw materials. It is sorted manually on a conveyor belt (bones - according to anatomical types, without mixing raw and boiled, soft raw materials - according to degree of freshness, methods of preservation), separating foreign impurities. The next process is degreasing the bone: the bone is loaded into a special machine and filled with water at a temperature of 90-95°C 15-20 cm above the bone. To save water, degrease up to three grooves of bone with one broth. The fat yield is 6% of the bone mass. The bone is washed in continuous drums and polished.

Crushed bone is calibrated into the following groups: from 8 mm to 12 mm, from 12 mm to 20 mm, from 20 mm to 25 mm. Large parts are re-ground. Next, the raw material undergoes a demineralization process: it is loaded into maceration vats, where the mineral part of the bone is removed using hydrochloric acid (3-7%).

The sorted soft raw materials are washed for 40 minutes at a temperature of 70-80°C and crushed using a meat cutter. Salted raw materials are washed in water (4-6°C), dry ones are soaked in water and lime milk, frozen ones are thawed in running water (20°C).

The longest process is the liming of raw materials (removal of all proteins except collagen). The raw materials are placed in ash vats, filled with lime milk, which is changed within 25-40 days when the pH decreases from 12-13 to 8-9. To determine the end of the reaction, the raw materials are checked for evaporation (boiling time at a temperature of 50-60) and structure (must be homogeneous, glassy, ​​transparent). The resulting substance is delimed (lime, alkaline-soluble proteins and their breakdown products, calcium soaps and other contaminants are removed): washed for 12-18 hours with water, neutralized with hydrochloric acid (5-7%) for 4-6 hours, washed again for 3-4 hours (in general the process takes 24-28 hours).

This is followed by cooking the gelatin in several stages (24-36 hours): first at a temperature of 50-56°C, then 6-7 times the temperature is increased by 5 degrees. Water consumption: per 1 ton of raw hides 0.4-0.6 m3 of water, osein 0.8-1 m3 of water, tendons 0.2-0.4 m3. Cooked broths are subjected to the following processing: canning with sulfuric acid, filtration in chamber or ramer filter presses, through cellulose mass, evaporation in vacuum evaporators, secondary canning with sulfurous acid.

The next stage is gelatinization (gelling). The broth is loaded into a gelatinizer, where it turns into gelatin sheets (ribbon), which are then dried in tunnel dryers at an initial temperature of 25-30°C and a final temperature of 45-50°C ( food gelatin- 12-15 hours, technical – 20-25 hours). The dried mass goes through the stages of grinding, sifting and mixing.

The labor-intensive process of producing a batch of gelatin takes about 60 days.

Technical and food gelatin is packaged in paper bags, plywood-stamped barrels, cardboard-wound drums weighing no more than 20 kg. Gelatin for retail sales packaged in bags made of combined materials weighing 25 and 50 g.

Store gelatin separately from substances with strong odors in dry rooms at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and humidity not exceeding 70%.

Basic costs

The costs of starting a business include: the cost of equipment and raw materials, rent and utility bills, salaries and other expenses.

Process line includes approximately the following equipment:

Belt conveyor (about 200 thousand rubles);

Continuous drums (RUB 130 thousand);

Crushing machine (RUB 120 thousand);

- containers (100-200 thousand rubles)


Apparatus for extraction (cooking) of gelatin;

Apparatus for degreasing bones;

Filter presses (from 150 thousand rubles);

Vacuum evaporator (250 thousand rubles);

Dryer (60-500 thousand rubles);

Packaging and packing line (from 250 thousand to 2 million rubles)

Instruments for quality control and radiation purity of raw materials and finished products.

With a continuous three-shift work schedule, the line produces up to 2000 tons of products per year. To service such a production, up to 120 people will be required. The number of employees can be reduced by reducing the volume of product output.

Bones: chicken – 2-20 rubles/kg, beef – 10 rubles/kg;

Pork skin– 20 rub/kg;

Mezdra – 7.5 rubles/kg;

Lime milk – 1000 rub/cu. m.;

Hydrochloric acid– 42 rub/l.

The yield of gelatin from bone is about 10%; accordingly, 1 ton of gelatin will require 10 tons of bone raw material. Raw materials costs for 160 tons of gelatin will be about 20 million rubles.

Total costs will be about 29 million rubles.

The wholesale cost of a kilogram of gelatin is 175-240 rubles. When producing 160 tons of gelatin in two months (gelatin production cycle), the income will be approximately 28 million rubles.

Cherukhina Kristina
- portal of business plans and manuals

Gelatin Gelatin got its name from the Latin word gelatus (hardened, frozen). It is a fine crystalline powder with a light amber-cream tint.

Gelatin is a product of natural origin. It is based on collagen, obtained by extracting adhesive compounds from the bones, tendons and hides of cattle. The raw material is broken down during the evaporation process, brought to a homogeneous state, cleaned, dried and crushed. Ready gelatin has a neutral smell and taste; it swells quickly in a cool liquid, and dissolves perfectly in a hot liquid.

There is plant-based gelatin, which is extracted from brown algae. It's called agar-agar and is popular among vegetarians.

Gelatin composition

This product has recently been closely studied by nutritionists and scientists. It has been revealed that the benefits of gelatin for humans lie in an amazing combination of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.

The main advantage of gelatin is its content of glycine, a rare amino acid that is very scarce in protein products. This substance is necessary for the body for the normal functioning of all vital systems. It has been proven that glycine promotes normal brain function, relieves a tense psycho-emotional state, eliminates insomnia and irritation.

Gelatin is also rich in:

  • Organic acids (glutamic, aspartic)
  • Protein amino acids (hydroxyproline, proline)
  • Minerals (sulfur, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium)
  • Collagen
  • Vitamins of the PP group

The undeniable benefit of gelatin is that it is very easily absorbed by the body. Once in the stomach, it does not disrupt its secretory functions and significantly improves digestion.

Calorie content of gelatin

This is enough nutritious product. 100 g of amber gelatin powder contains about 350 calories. However, it is packaged in small portion sachets, since very little powder is required for preparation. When it swells, it increases sixfold, and dishes prepared on its basis remain light and tasty.

One hundred grams of dry product contains:

  • Carbohydrates (0.7 g)
  • Fat (0.4 g)
  • Proteins (87 g)

Since gelatin contains very few carbohydrates, it can be included in the diet of fans of low-carb diets and people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Wide Application it was obtained in the food industry - gelatin enhances taste qualities dishes, is used in the production of sausages, is a foaming agent and stabilizer for dairy desserts, and gives shape to a variety of confectionery products.


Gelatin: harm

In general, this natural product is tolerated very well by the body and does not cause side effects. However, despite the benefits of gelatin, it can cause harm to the body if a person has insufficient digestibility of its components. In this case, it is not recommended to overload the diet with dishes based on gelatin. Its greatest quantity is contained in aspic meat dishes, jellied meat and marmalade.

Gelatin may be harmful if consumed for the following diseases:

  • Frequent constipation and problems with intestinal motility
  • Heart diseases
  • Inflamed hemorrhoids
  • Diseases of the circulatory system
  • Stones in organs genitourinary system
  • Violations water-salt balance in the body (oxaluric diathesis)

The harm of gelatin should not be ruled out completely. healthy people. In some cases, it can trigger food allergies and cause unpleasant rashes. Gelatin can also be harmful if it is used to prepare very sweet dishes. A large amount of carbohydrates can prevent proteins from being fully absorbed in the body and lead to unpleasant pathologies.

An excess of gelatin in the body can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases and coagulation pathologies (increased blood clotting).


Gelatin: benefits

The rich composition and saturation of gelatin with valuable substances have made it possible to use it not only in many industries. With the help of this product you can get rid of unpleasant diseases and provide the body with a whole “bouquet” natural substances and organic acids.

The benefits of gelatin are as follows:

  • It is recommended to be used during the recovery period after fractures: the process of bone fusion proceeds rapidly, as does the patient’s recovery.
  • Systematic consumption of gelatin-based dishes leads to strengthening of joints, ligaments and the entire skeletal system of the body.
  • Due to its high protein content, gelatin fits perfectly into the diet of athletes and promotes muscle growth. muscle mass.
  • The benefits of gelatin have been demonstrated in the treatment of pathologies of the circulatory system - it is especially recommended for cases of reduced blood clotting.
  • This product works great on the skin thanks to high content Collagen evens out the relief of the epidermis, improves the elasticity and tone of the skin.
  • Gelatin is used for spider veins and osteochondrosis.
  • When taken orally, gelatin strengthens the heart vessels and muscles, promotes smooth functioning of the heart and reduces the likelihood of a heart attack.
  • The presence of gelatin in the diet has a positive effect on digestive system, it is also successfully used for weight loss.
  • Gelatin helps cope with the problems of hair loss and dullness, brittle nails, and strengthens tooth enamel.
  • This natural product has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and improves brain activity.

The benefits of gelatin for joints

Due to the special biological properties of gelatin, it is used not only for rejuvenation - collagen has a positive effect on skeletal system and restores the connective part of the joints. However, it is worth remembering that consuming this product cannot relieve joint pain, remove bone growths or relieve inflammation. Gelatin granules are recommended to be taken exclusively as an aid to complex drug treatment.

Doctors do not deny that gelatin has benefits in treating joints, and it is obvious. Patients with joint pathologies need to include this product in their diet in the form of jelly, fish and meat aspic. However, it is worth remembering in moderation and eating these dishes no more than three times a week.

Regarding the effectiveness of healing compresses on gelatin base experts are very doubtful. In order for the substances from the applied compress to get into the connective tissue, they must penetrate the skin, bones, and muscles, which is, in principle, impossible. It is best to take gelatin-based dishes or preparations orally and do not forget about physical activity.

How to take gelatin

No matter how beneficial gelatin is for the body, you should not abuse it. Excessive infatuation with this product can negatively affect the functioning of the entire body - increase excess weight, aggravate chronic diseases. In order for treatment with gelatin to bring benefit and not harm, you must adhere to simple rules:

  • You should not get carried away with long courses of taking gelatin - after a ten-day course of treatment, a break of two weeks is necessary.
  • You can take no more than 5-10 g of powder or granules per day.
  • As a result of increased intake of substances contained in gelatin into the body, digestive disorders may occur - constipation, inflammation of hemorrhoids. To completely eliminate the harm of gelatin, it is recommended to use special preparations or natural products stimulating bowel movements (dried apricots, figs, boiled beets, prunes).

How to make gelatin

For severe joint diseases (for example, arthritis, osteoporosis, arthrosis), it would be advisable to slightly increase gelatin consumption. In dishes based on it, the concentration of nutrients is insufficient, so special mixtures and solutions are recommended that you can prepare yourself and take daily:

Milk jelly. This delicious medicine can be consumed three times a week. For 150 g fresh milk you should take 2 spoons regular gelatin, mix and leave to increase in volume. Then put the mixture on the stove and heat it, not bringing it to 100 degrees. You can add to taste sugar syrup or honey Place in the refrigerator. Delicious and healthy dessert ready!

Gelatin tincture. It is necessary to soak 2 teaspoons of gelatin crystals in 150 g of cool water overnight. The next morning, add another 150 g of warm liquid (you can juice) to the resulting mixture, stir until smooth and drink on an empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast. It is recommended to take this tincture for a month.

Simple gelatin solution. This recipe does not require long cooking and complex manipulations. It is enough to dissolve amber gelatin crystals in warm water (take a tablespoon of powder for 200 g), stir well and drink. It is recommended to use the solution for at least three months twice a day.

In order for the treatment to bring results, you should remember the contraindications of this product and monitor the condition of the body. If thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids are diagnosed, and frequent constipation is a concern, the harm of gelatin can be significant. In these cases, gelatin treatment is strictly contraindicated.

Gelatin: benefits and harm for hair

Gelatin hair masks are a huge success among girls. This wonderful remedy has proven itself only with positive side, and after the home lamination procedure, the hair became elastic, shiny and “alive.” The benefit of gelatin as a mask is that it nourishes the hair along the entire length, and the collagen and proteins contained in it envelop each hair, protecting it from negative impact styling products and harmful factors.

To prepare the mask you need gelatin, water and any hair care product (mask or good balm). First you need to soak the gelatin in water, and when it increases in volume, add a mask (balm) to it and apply it to your hair. For the best effect, the head should be wrapped in a thin film, wrapped in a towel and left for one hour. Then rinse off with cool water.

Homemade gelatin-based lamination had only positive reviews. The harm of gelatin as a hair mask is minimal, and only some women noticed that after repeated such a procedure, their hair became stiffer and a little tangled.

Gelatin is a colorless powder (see photo), which has neither taste nor smell. Gelatin can also be found in plates that weigh approximately 10 g.

If we compare the 2 options, then 1 sachet of powder is equivalent to 6 plates.

Gelatin is a biopolymer that is obtained from natural collagen. It is first boiled in water, and then dried and crushed.

Gelatin is very popular in the food industry. For example, it is placed in ice cream to prevent ice lumps from appearing in it. Gelatin is needed to add viscosity to other products, such as jam or jelly.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of gelatin lie in its composition and the presence of collagen. The main benefit of this product is to improve the condition of joints and bones. Even our ancestors used broths with natural gelatin. Gelatin can be used to relieve joint pain. For this purpose, compresses are made from it.

Gelatin contains glycine, an amino acid that supplies the body with energy. This product has the ability to improve metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Use in cosmetology

Gelatin is used not only in cooking, but also in home cosmetics. This substance has the ability to tighten the surface of the skin, which helps cope with the appearance of a double chin. Since gelatin contains collagen, it helps treat fine wrinkles and improves blood circulation in the skin. In addition, it can be used as a whitening agent, which helps to cope with freckles and age spots. Based on gelatin, you can prepare many different cosmetics, for example, creams, masks, etc.

Gelatin is also used in cosmetics, which is necessary for hair. With regular use, hair becomes stronger and stops falling out. Gelatin literally envelops the hair, creating a protective layer that protects against negative influence harmful environment.

Gelatin can also be used in nail care. For example, if you need to restore the nail plate after extensions. Gelatin will not only improve the condition of your nails, but also saturate them with vitamins and improve growth. The product is also used in procedures aimed at combating cellulite.

Use in cooking

Gelatin is very popular in cooking. It is used for cooking different dishes. Most often it is used in desserts, for example, it is placed in jellies, creams, mousses, cheesecakes, etc. In addition, it is used for jellied meats and jellies, as well as for aspic. Using jelly from regular products you can get a tasty and original dish.

How to make gelatin at home?

There are some peculiarities in using gelatin. It should be dissolved only in cold water, and not in large quantities. Then add water and heat it over low heat, without bringing it to a boil. If the liquid boils, the gelatin will become rubbery. Be sure to adhere to the proportions indicated on the package. If you use gelatin in sheets, you should first soak them in a large amount of water so that they become very soft. Then they are squeezed out and, stirring constantly, dissolved in hot water.

Harm of gelatin and contraindications

Gelatin can be harmful to people who have an individual intolerance to the product. It is not recommended to use it in large quantities urolithiasis, as well as in violation of water-salt metabolism. Also, if overused, blood clotting may increase. People prone to blood clots should not get carried away with products that contain gelatin.