How varenets are made at home. How to cook varenets at home? Cooking in a regular thermos

What progress has come! If earlier, in order to cook baked milk, it was necessary to simmer it in an oven or oven for 4-5 hours, now this process is becoming imperceptible and quite simple! In this recipe, I will show you how to cook baked milk in a slow cooker, it's simple. And making Varenets out of it is not a problem at all, so let's start.

I use farm milk, which means it is fatty, I can’t specify the percentage for sure, but it’s real. I have the usual sour cream from the store.

It is better to use raw milk, not pasteurized. I have just this, they write about this "must be boiled." I pour the milk into the multicooker and close the lid.

I turn on the multicooker and set the "extinguish" mode for 2 hours.

In the process of languishing, you can look a couple of times and submerge the foam with a sterile spoon. When the beep sounds, our baked milk is ready, it is brownish in color with a thick foam. The foam can be removed for the time being, and then put in parts on our Varenets, but if you love it, but I love it!

Pour milk into portioned jars for yogurt and wait for it to cool down to 40 degrees.

Add a teaspoon of sour cream to the cooled milk in each jar and mix. And put a piece of foam on top and leave on the table to ferment. I regretted not using the yogurt maker and my varenets fermented on the table all night.

In the morning, put the almost ready-made varenets in the refrigerator.

After 4 hours in the cold, the varenets are ready! Help yourself!

Bon Appetit!

Description of varenets and recipes of preparation. The chemical composition and calorie content of a fermented milk product, the benefits and harms of use. What kind of dishes can you cook? How to choose a delicious drink and can it be used if it starts to deteriorate?

The content of the article:

Varenets is a fermented milk product made from baked milk using sourdough, sour cream or heavy cream. In Ukraine it is a national dish, but it is also prepared in Russia in Siberia, Armenia, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan. The structure is homogeneous, the color is creamy, the surface is pinkish or brownish, the taste is pleasant, sweetish. The consistency depends on the cooking technology: "store" varenets are drunk, and homemade varenets are eaten with a spoon.

How is varenets prepared?

The technology for the production of a fermented milk product in the food industry and at home differs not only in the number of processes, but also in the type of feedstock and starter culture. At home, fresh fat milk is used, and in industrial conditions - pasteurized milk, not higher than 2.5%. Homemade varenets, as already mentioned, is fermented with sour cream or, less often, cream, store-bought - with thermophilic streptococcus, pure cultures up to 3% acidity.
Pasteurization95-99 ° C40-80 minutes
Cooling41-45 ° Cup to 2-4 hours
Fermentation and fermentation75-80 ° C3-6 hours
Mixing4 ± 20 ° C30-40 minutes with gradual cooling
Maturation4 ± 20 ° C9-14 hours

After ripening, the curd is stirred, cooled first to 16 ± 2 ° C and fed to the workshop through a pipeline, where a special machine is installed for filling and filling into packages. The pre-sale preparation is completed in the refrigerating chamber, where the finished product is kept at a temperature of 4-2 ° C for 24 hours.

How to cook varenets at home:

  1. Classic recipe... Homemade milk is kept in an oven, multicooker or even in a thermos for several hours until the volume is reduced by 1/4 or 1/3. Pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom and walls. If an oven is used, then the temperature is set to 160 ° C and kept for 5-7 hours, the duration of the process in a thermos is at least 15 hours, and in a multicooker - 6-7 hours in the "Quenching" mode. Then the baked milk is cooled to 40 ° C, fermented with thick sour cream in the proportion - 1 l / 1 tbsp. l. Do not make varenets like fermented baked milk, insisting in a warm place. Fermentation is carried out at room temperature.
    The nuances of cooking in a thermos: remove the skins, pour the milk into jars, mix, introduce the leaven and distribute the skins again. After acidification, they are removed to the refrigerator. When the raw material is rendered in a thermos, the volume of the liquid does not decrease, so the final product looks like a “store-bought” product - it is drunk.
  2. A quick recipe in a slow cooker... Set the "Quenching" mode, leave the milk to simmer for 5-6 hours. They are cooled down to a temperature where you can lower your fingers and experience a pleasant warmth - this is approximately 40 ° C. Unsweetened yogurt is added - 1 l / 1.5 tbsp. l, stir with an immersion blender. If there is no blender, then to mix the ingredients, the raw materials are poured into a saucepan so as not to damage the coating of the multicooker bowl. For fermentation, include "Warm up" for 25-30 minutes, and then leave to infuse for 8 hours.
  3. Rustic recipe... Milk is simmered in an oven at 160 ° C for 5-6 hours or at 120 ° C for up to 14 hours. As soon as a ruddy foam appears on the surface, and the volume is reduced by a third or half, you can get it out. Cool to 30 ° C, ferment with thick sour cream, mix and pour into 0.5 liter jars. The jars are closed instead of the lid with gauze folded in several layers, removed to a cool place until the liquid thickens, for 12-15 hours. The consistency of the future fermented milk product is constantly checked, if it peroxides, then you get cottage cheese. When the varenets thickens so much that when the jar is tilted it will "stick" to the edges, a piece of rye crouton is spread on the surface of each container and sprinkled with a pinch of sugar mixed with cinnamon. For ripening, the jars are removed for 5-6 hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Creamy varenets... Mix milk with heavy cream - 1: 6. They put it in the oven, preheated to 140 ° C, and simmer, constantly lowering the foams to the bottom, stirring until the liquid completely evaporates. A couple of foams can be set aside on a plate. Combine sour cream, half a glass, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 yolk. Pour the ghee into a bowl, add the resulting sourdough mixture, beat. Fermented foams are poured into jars and put into the oven, which is cooled to a temperature of 40 ° C, left for 4-6 hours. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate. You can use it after 2 hours.

Depending on the manufacturing technology, the taste of the final product can vary significantly. Cinnamon and sugar aren't the only possible additives. At the stage of "presale" preparation, berries, honey, seasonings to taste and even salt can be added to the drink.

Composition and calorie content of varenets

Melanoidins, substances formed during the interaction during heating of milk proteins and lactose, provide a pleasant color to the drink. Regardless of the recipe for the fermented milk product, it is pinkish-brownish. But the nutritional value varies significantly.

The calorie content of varenets made from homemade milk with fat sour cream can reach 62 kcal, and 40 kcal cooked in a thermos after pasteurization of the raw material.

When calculating diets, they usually take a calorie content of 53 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 2.9 g;
  • Fat - 2.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4.1 g;
  • Ash - 0.7 g;
  • Water - 89.8 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Choline - 23.6 mg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin H - 3.2 μg;
  • Vitamin D - 0.05 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin B12 - 0.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 5 mcg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.13 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg;
  • Vitamin A - 22 mcg;
  • Beta carotene - 0.01 mg.
Minerals per 100 g:
  • Tin - 13 mcg;
  • Strontium - 17 mcg;
  • Aluminum - 50 mcg;
  • Cobalt - 0.8 mcg;
  • Molybdenum - 5 mcg;
  • Fluorine - 20 mcg;
  • Chromium - 2 mcg;
  • Selenium - 2 mcg;
  • Manganese - 0.006 mg;
  • Copper - 12 mg;
  • Iodine - 9 mcg;
  • Zinc - 0.4 mg;
  • Iron - 0.1 mg;
  • Sulfur - 29 mg;
  • Chlorine - 110 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 96 mg;
  • Potassium - 144 mg;
  • Sodium - 51 mg;
  • Magnesium - 16 mg;
  • Calcium - 118 mg
Also in the composition of varenets per 100 g:
  • Saccharides - 4.1 g;
  • Cholesterol - 8 mg;
  • Fatty acids - 1.5 g;
  • Organic acids - 0.8 g.

If the purpose of regularly drinking a drink is health improvement, then before drinking it, you need to warm it up to at least body temperature. This increases the digestibility of the fermented milk product and allows the body to receive a complex of useful substances in full.

The useful properties of cold varenets are different. It is absorbed much more slowly than it stimulates weight loss. While the stomach heats up the portion received, the secretion of digestive enzymes is blocked, creating a prolonged feeling of satiety. But anemia does not develop - the vitamin and mineral complex enters the body in full, albeit more slowly.

Useful properties of varenets

The drink gained popularity due to its taste and medicinal effect. It is introduced into the diet during various diseases and to recover from intoxication, with hangover syndrome.

The benefits of varenza:

  1. As already mentioned, when warm, it accelerates peristalsis, helps to get rid of the accumulation of toxins and toxins, and increases the intoxication functions of the liver. When cold, it quenches thirst, restores the body's water and electrolyte balance.
  2. Creates favorable conditions for increasing the activity of intestinal microflora and itself is a source of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
  3. Prevents decay processes in the digestive organs, blocks the development of putrefactive bacteria, has an antifungal effect.
  4. Increases immunity, helps the body cope with common inflammatory processes.
  5. Prevents the development of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and arthrosis, improves the quality of hair, teeth and nails.
  6. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, improves the conduction of nerve impulses.
  7. Has a beneficial effect on the optic nerve.
  8. Helps restore normal kidney function after pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.
  9. It has a mild diuretic and choleretic effect, dissolves gall stones, relieves constipation.
  10. Increases performance and improves brain function.
Varenets is introduced into the diet for preventive purposes to prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Fermented milk product can be drunk with chronic pancreatitis, 100 g per day. It is allowed to enter the menu during pregnancy, lactation and children from 8 months. It is recommended to drink before bedtime - it speeds up falling asleep and helps to tune in to a night's rest.

Contraindications and harm of varenets

There are no restrictions on the use of a fermented milk product, except for individual intolerance.

You should not introduce a drink into the diet for celiac disease - intolerance to milk protein. Allergy symptoms can appear even with partial intolerance, in patients who take chal, kefir or serum. Signs of a negative reaction are flaking and increased dryness of the skin.

Harm from varenets can appear with abuse, with an acute stage of pancreatitis, colitis and enterocolitis, peptic ulcer, infectious diarrhea. When overeating, flatulence increases, belching and diarrhea appear.

Recipes with Varenets

At home, you can experiment endlessly with the taste of a fermented milk product. Mixing with jam or honey, you get a drink that tastes like "Snowball", and with fruit juice and berry puree - like yogurt.

Recipes with Varenets delicious dishes:

  • Express kurnik... A glass of drink (preferably slightly acidified) is poured into a kneading container, half a pack of melted butter is added, a quarter teaspoon of salt and soda are added, one is sugar, about 500 g of flour. The dough should not stick to your hands, but it should be firm enough. Then the batch is wrapped in cellophane and left at room temperature for 30 minutes. At this time, the filling is made. Cut chicken fillet into small pieces, 400 g, fry in a pan in vegetable oil together with 1 onion until tender. 2-3 minutes before turning off, pour in diced potatoes - 3-4 pieces. Salt and pepper. The form is covered with foil, greased with sunflower oil. Half of the dough is rolled into a layer, placed on a baking sheet, sides are formed, filling is poured and covered with the second half of the dough. Pinch the sides, make 1-2 holes in the surface and prick it with a fork. Bake in the oven at 160 ° C, about 40 minutes, until the potatoes are completely baked. Served with varenets, only this time it should be fresh.
  • Parfait... Banana, raspberries - 100 g, honey - 1-2 tbsp are placed in the blender bowl. l., everything is mixed until completely homogeneous. Pour in a glass of varenets and beat so that the volume increases by 1/3 or 1/4. Gently lay out in the molds with a spoon, put them in the freezer for 3 hours. Served with lemon wedge and mint.
  • Manna... Pour a glass of semolina with the same amount of varenets and leave to stand for 40 minutes so that the cereal swells. At this time, beat 3 eggs with a glass of sugar. Combine the ingredients, pour in 100 g of melted butter, add 0.5 tbsp. l. baking powder. It will be tastier if, during kneading, add chopped nuts or soaked raisins (only you need to dry the berries by putting them on a paper towel). The consistency of the batch should be like thick sour cream. A mold or a baking sheet is greased with oil, the dough is poured out, baked for half an hour at a temperature of 200 ° C.
  • Pancakes... A glass of drink is knocked down with 2 eggs, a glass of flour, a quarter of a glass of sugar, soda on the tip of a knife, and some salt is added. Pour the batter into a hot pan with heated sunflower oil. Fry the pancakes on both sides.
Sour milk thick drink is an excellent breakfast and dinner, it can be used as an ingredient in various dishes.

Fermented milk product is one of the most popular dishes of ancient Slavic cuisine. The cooking method itself is adapted to the way of life of the peasants. In the evening they put an earthen pot of milk in the oven, in the morning they mixed in the leaven and put the dishes into the cellar. In the evening it was already possible to use.

If you cook varenets on your own, it will not deteriorate in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. But the store version remains fresh for up to 2 weeks - just need to be poured into a glass tight-fitting dish.

To choose a quality drink, it is advisable to use the recommendations:

  1. The color of the product can be yellowish, creamy or brownish. Rustic varenets usually have a brown crust on the surface.
  2. In the store version, the packaging must contain the ingredients: milk and sourdough, thermophilic streptococcus. The protein content is 2.5-3.2%.
  3. A freshly cooked product can become sweetish only after adding sugar. After settling for 2 days, the acidity decreases.
  4. The consistency should only be homogeneous, without clots, bubbles, dark accumulations. If you have them, you do not need to drink such varenets. However, you should not pour it out either. It is a great addition to skin and hair care activities.
To tighten and restore skin tone, the product is applied in its pure form. Wash off 5 minutes after drying. But to moisturize and nourish the surface epithelium, it is better to make a mask: mix in equal amounts with any kind of vegetable oil - sunflower, sea buckthorn or olive.

To accelerate healing after sunburns, a thick fermented milk mass is applied to the body, and when peeling due to increased dryness or too chlorinated water, it is applied to problem areas after a shower.

How to cook varenets - watch the video:

You should not refuse to add Varenza to the daily menu if you have not already done so. Moreover, it is easy to cook it yourself at home.

Remember before grandmothers made homemade fermented baked milk and varenets in glasses? So how to cook baked milk, varenets, fermented baked milk at home?


For those who, in their childhood, were unlucky to visit their grandmother in the village, and they didn’t try anything, but they didn’t hear such a word either, we give a certificate: Varenets is homemade fermented baked milk. And this traditional fermented milk product is called so, because it is made from baked milk, which is evaporated (boiled down) for a long time. In addition to being incredibly tasty, delicate, with a silky texture, Varenets normalizes the intestinal microflora, improves immunity, and contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus.

Varenets at home- recipe


Milk - 3 l;

Sour cream - 9 tbsp. spoons.


How to make varenets? Very simple! Add sour cream to the baked milk and let it brew for several hours. But with its base, milk, you have to tinker. We discard the option with a store product right away - this was not why the whole conversation about homemade varenets, the very one that grandma spoiled, was started.

So get baked milk in several ways:

Traditional, in a wood-burning stove. We simmer the milk in an open earthenware until a third of the volume is gone, and it becomes thick, creamy beige. In modern kitchens, the so-called slow cooker, the Slowcooker, a ceramic pan with a heater, is best imitating the conditions in the oven. It will take about 10 hours to cook baked milk, but you will get both froths (for which many Varenets love), and a characteristic bright nutty flavor.

It is problematic to cook baked milk in a conventional oven, since even the minimum temperature can be high, and the milk will boil, and it should languish. You can open the oven to lower the degrees. Milk in an open cast iron is evaporated to a third of the volume in 5-6 hours.

In a thermos with a glass flask.

Why is glass important? It is able to keep the temperature for a long time. However, you can also use a metal thermos. Just wrap it up and leave it in a warm place. Boil the milk and pour it into a thermos for 12-15 hours. Over time, it will acquire a caramel hue. The taste, of course, will not be so intense, but you will not lose in volume.

Now you can proceed directly to the preparation of the varenets itself. Cool the milk to the optimal body temperature for fermentation (if you put your hand into it, you should feel a little warmth). We remove the formed scum. Put sour cream in pre-prepared glass jars, add a little baked milk and stir well. Add milk to the top, stir everything again and lay out the froths. We close the jars with nylon lids, wrap and leave for 6 hours. We check the readiness by tilting the jar - the varenets should be thick and stick out badly from the walls. Finally, the varenets freeze in a few hours in the refrigerator.

Of course, in order not to mess around, you can cook varenets in one large container, for example, pour it back into a thermos. But then you will have to shift it, the structure will be disturbed, and you will certainly lose part of the pleasure of eating. So it's better to make the future Varenets in portions. It is very similar to yoghurt and can be prepared conveniently in a yoghurt maker.

Not only sour cream is used as a starter culture, but also natural yogurt, kefir and even varenets from the previous batch.

How to cook varenets in a slow cooker?


Milk -1 l;

Yogurt - 4 tbsp. spoons.


First, simmer the milk for 5 hours on the stewing mode. Let cool to 40 degrees, add yogurt and beat with a blender. Pour the resulting mixture into a multicooker, and set the "Heating" mode for 25 minutes. Then we turn it off and leave it to languish under the lid for another 6 hours. It turns out very tasty varenets with dark creamy foam.

Cooking in a regular thermos

Pour milk into a saucepan, bring on the stove to 90-95 ° С, do not boil.

Then pour the milk into a clean thermos scalded with boiling water. Screw on the lid and leave it overnight.

In the morning, send the milk back to the pan, cool to about 40-45 ° C.

After cooling down, ferment with sour cream at the rate of 500 g of sour cream per 1 liter of baked milk obtained.

Pour it back into a thermos, soak for about 6-7 hours.

You can serve homemade varenets with sugar, cinnamon, black croutons and honey. Bread with hop sourdough will also be good with it.

Try this simple delicacy and remember your childhood.

Another cooking method- Baked milk

Pour whole milk into a saucepan and heat to a boil. Then put the milk to simmer in a non-hot (about 160 °) oven for 2-3 hours. Spoon the foam formed on the surface into the milk. You need to do this 5-6 times while the milk is languishing. When the milk shrinks and becomes creamy, remove it from the oven.

How to cook varenets? Let's first figure out what kind of dish this Varenets is. Varenets is a special fermented milk product based on baked milk. Varenets has all the same beneficial properties as milk, but at the same time the body assimilates it much better. The leaven for varenets is no different from the leaven on the basis of which fermented baked milk is prepared. Varenets is based on baked milk, fermented milk cultures, and acidophilus milk sticks. The main function of this product is a general strengthening effect on the human body, as well as the normalization of intestinal microflora, which stimulates an increase in immunity and the production of vitamin C. Varenets can be prepared at home.

Homemade varenets recipe number 1

  1. In order to prepare varenets, you need one and a half liters of milk of suitable fat content and one tablespoon of sour cream.
  2. All milk must be poured into three separate bottles, which are then placed in a separate, not very deep ceramic bowl. After that, the bowl with the bottles is placed in the oven.
  3. If you decide to cook varenets, you need to track the moment when the first toasted froths appear on the milk - they will need to be lowered to the bottom with a spoon. This manipulation will need to be repeated four times.

How to cook varenets - cooking process

  1. In order to prepare varenets, pour one glass of milk from the total mass and mix it with one tablespoon of sour cream. This mixture must then be added to the total amount of milk.
  2. All milk for making varenets is poured in equal quantities into glasses. It is imperative to make sure that there is an even amount of foam in each glass. In order for the milk to begin to turn sour faster, it is worth putting a crust of black bread in it.
  3. When the souring process occurs, the varenets can be put into the refrigerator. You can use this drink with added sugar or in a bite with bread crumbs made from rye bread.

Homemade varenets recipe number 2

  1. There is also another recipe for making varenets. To do this, you need to have half a liter of milk, as well as half a glass of sour cream.
  2. Milk must be placed in a preheated oven.
  3. In order to cook varenets, the oven must be preheated to one hundred and fifty degrees.
  4. In the process of heating on milk, the formation of ruddy foams will begin, which will need to be dipped back into the milk one by one.
  5. This procedure, when you make varenets, is repeated about five to six times. After the milk has cooled down after the oven, add sour cream to it.

Varenets is a fermented milk product made from baked milk and cream. It is thanks to this composition that the final product differs from the fermented baked milk. Industrial varenets are liquid, while homemade ones can be eaten with a spoon.

It was cooked in Russia in a real oven. Homemade milk was poured into a clay pot, and heated in the oven during the night. It was important to make sure that the liquid did not boil, but only languish. As a result of this procedure, the milk acquired a thick consistency, and when its temperature dropped to about 36 degrees, cream was put into it and left in a warm place for a while.

How does varenets differ from fermented baked milk and kefir?

Varenets differs from fermented baked milk mainly in the manufacturing technology. Varenets, like fermented baked milk, is poured into pots made of clay and sent to the oven. However, cream is added to the first dairy product, and sour cream to the second. Unlike fermented baked milk, where the temperature in the oven should not exceed one hundred degrees, for varenets the temperature should be at least one hundred and twenty degrees. From the oven, fermented baked milk is sent to a warm room for ripening, and varenets, on the contrary, are removed to a cool place.

Also, the difference between fermented baked milk and varenets is that lactic acid bacteria obtained from yogurt are added to the latter, and fungi are added to fermented baked milk.

Unlike varenets, ready-made fermented baked milk is more fatty and tastes like baked milk. However, varenets is more useful for the body, since it can be classified as low-calorie foods.

Now, as for the differences between kefir and varenets. The second is obtained from baked milk, and the first is made from whole cow's or goat's milk. Fungi are added to kefir, and bacteria are added to varenets. But they are both considered healthy dairy products because they are low in calories.

How to choose and store?

Having opened the package, look at the consistency of the varenets, it should be homogeneous without any clots and bubbles. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to use this product.

The shelf life of high-quality varenets should not be more than 2 weeks. From an open package, the fermented milk product must be transferred to a glass jar. It is recommended to heat the varenets before use.

Home-made varenets should be in a glass container and stored exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than five days. If a dairy product is left indoors at room temperature, it must be consumed within twenty-four hours.

Beneficial features

The benefits of varenets are due to the presence of vitamins and minerals that are needed for life. This product contains vitamin A, which is essential for vision and skin. Varenets contains vitamin D, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis and rickets in children. There is also ascorbic acid in this product, which strengthens the immune system. Varenets contains almost the entire complex of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system and the whole organism.

The calorie content of varenets directly depends on the fat content of the raw materials used for its preparation. On average, the store shelves sell options with a calorie content of 53 kcal per 100 g. Considering this, Varenets can be consumed during the period of weight loss diets, as well as for people with obesity.

This product contains magnesium and potassium, and these minerals are indispensable for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the combined action of calcium and phosphorus, the process of regeneration and strengthening of bone tissue is activated. Varenets also contains iron, zinc, fluorine and a large amount of other useful minerals.

Given the fact that the protein in this product is absorbed by the body quickly, it is recommended to use it to normalize the digestive tract and kidneys.

Varenets also has a slight laxative effect, which means that it is useful for people with constipation.

Varenets can be drunk while breastfeeding, but only at home, since it will be more useful for the body of a nursing mother and child.

In case of pancreatitis, Varenets is best used during the period of remission. In case of an exacerbation, drinking a dairy product is not recommended. However, if a sick person cannot drink kefir, it can be replaced with two percent fat varenets. It is recommended to drink such a product one hundred milliliters a day (preferably at an afternoon snack or a couple of hours before bedtime) two weeks after the last attack has been eliminated.

Below is a video about the beneficial properties of varenets.

Varenets in cosmetology

Due to the large number of useful properties, this product is also used for cosmetic purposes. To moisturize your face, you can make a mask from varenets.

The dairy product is used to prepare various medical masks for the skin of the face.

Mask using varenets

Method of preparation and application

For lifting

On a clean face, apply a layer of varenets, hold for about ten minutes, and then rinse off the mask with water at room temperature. Cosmetologists advise to moisturize the skin with a cream after this mask. The course of treatment is exactly five days.

For moisturizing

The first way. A clean face must be greased with vegetable oil, and then a layer of homemade varenza should be applied on top and covered with any cloth. After fifteen minutes, the mask must be washed off with warm water.

Second way. In a shallow container, you need to mix three tablespoons of natural varenets with two teaspoons of cottage cheese (preferably homemade) and stir well. Lubricate your face with a ready-made mask, stand for fifteen minutes, and then wash with warm water.

As you can see, the benefits of natural Varenza are colossal, as it protects and nourishes dry, aging and dehydrated skin, and also helps to slow down the aging process and prevent irritation on the face.

Cooking use

Varenets is an excellent stand-alone product that goes well with fresh baked goods. In addition, it is included in the recipes of numerous dishes. On its basis, dough is prepared, which is used to make sweet pastries, for example, pies or pancakes.

From natural varenets, you can make pancakes, manna, buns, cottage cheese, and from the latter - cheesecakes, casserole or cheese.

If the dairy product is sour, you can add it to the cake or cookie dough.

It is also advised to use varenets as a dressing for fruit salads.

How to cook varenets at home?

This delicious fermented milk product can be made at home using a very simple recipe. So, you need to take 1 liter of milk and 4 tbsp. spoons of yogurt, which will act as a sourdough. The milk needs to be boiled and poured into a thermos that has a glass flask, since other options do not keep warm for so long. Leave it for 12 hours. As a result, you get baked milk, but you can also cook it in the oven. Our proposed method is better because the amount of liquid does not decrease.

After the lapse of time, the milk will acquire a creamy shade and must be poured into any convenient container. It is necessary to prepare glass jars in advance, which must be clean and dry. Pour yogurt on their bottom, and pour milk on top, the temperature of which should not be more than 40 degrees. Then mix thoroughly, close the lid and wrap in a blanket. After 3-4 hours, the contents should thicken, which means that the varenets are ready.

Watch the time as overexposed food will become very sour.

Homemade varenets are in no way inferior to store options and in most cases it turns out even tastier.

Harm of varenets and contraindications

Varenets can harm people with individual intolerance to the product, and therefore it is strictly contraindicated for use in the presence of allergic reactions.

Varenets is contraindicated for people with lactose deficiency. The reason for this is milk intolerance, due to which, after consuming a dairy product, flatulence occurs in a person, and then diarrhea appears. Therefore, in order not to harm health, you need to consume the dairy product in moderation or even refuse it altogether, if necessary.