How candy is made. How to open a chocolate production and what to choose - a full-fledged workshop or a home confectionery Production of candy products

The technological scheme for making candy includes several operations: preparing candy masses, molding candy bodies, surface treatment, wrapping and packaging.

The bulk of sweets are produced using a flow-mechanized method. The flow-mechanized line includes a universal station for preparing candy masses, a casting machine with an installation for accelerated drying of bodies, an enrobing machine, mechanized wrapping and packaging of candies [p. 214, 18].

Preparation of candy masses.

Fondant. Fondant consists of two phases - solid and liquid. The solid phase is sugar crystals, evenly distributed in saturated sugar syrup or sugar invert syrup, which is the liquid phase. Additionally, there is a very small amount of air that gets into the fondant during the churning process.

There are sugar, milk and creme brulee lipsticks. Sugar fondant is prepared on the basis of sugar syrup. Milk fondant and creme brulee are prepared on the basis of sugar milk syrup. Crème brulee lipstick differs from milk lipstick because it contains more milk. Creme brulee syrup is subjected to special heat treatment, as a result of which it acquires a brown tint. Lipstick contains 9-12% water.

The process of making fondant consists of two operations: preparing fondant syrup and churning the fondant. The share of molasses in the recipe should be 5-25% by weight of sugar, and the share of invert syrup should be 3-12%. When making fondant syrup, condensed milk, semi-finished fruit and berry products, candied fruits, butter, grated nuts, and cocoa products can be added to the recipe. All types of lipstick are flavored with essences, and food coloring is added to some varieties. When producing fondant syrup in a continuous manner, the recipe mixture is fed from the mixer by a dosing pump into the coil of the cooking column, from where the boiled mass enters the steam separator. The mass fraction of dry substances in fondant syrup should be 86-90%. When boiling under vacuum is used, the syrup turns out lighter. Lipstick from syrup is obtained by batch and continuous methods. The fondant syrup from the steam separator is drained through a pipe into the funnel of the machine and enters the receiving section and then for cooling and churning into the working sections. As the screw rotates, the syrup is intensively cooled and churned. The finished lipstick comes out of the machine and goes into the collection.

In the batch method of preparing fondant, the syrup is cooled on metal tables to a temperature of 35-40*C. After this, the fondant mass is churned in a kneading machine with two Z-shaped blades. Sugar fondant should have a outlet temperature of 55-60*C, and milk fondant 70-75*C. This temperature determines the required size of sucrose crystals. The proportion of liquid phase in lipstick should be 30-45%.

Fondant mass can be obtained using the “cold method”. With this method, fine powdered sugar is mixed with sugar syrup, molasses, and invert syrup. The entire cooking process takes place in one stage without heating. The disadvantage of cold-prepared lipstick is its ability to dry quickly.

After introducing the flavoring and aromatic components of the recipe, the fondant candy mass is tempered at a temperature of 65-72*C. In this case, there is a process of partial dissolution of sugar crystals and, accordingly, a change in the ratio between the liquid and solid phases [p. 220, 18].

Fruit-jelly masses. Such masses can be divided into three groups: fruit, jelly-fruit and jelly. They differ in gelatinous base and consistency. Fruit masses are prepared from fruit and berry raw materials and sugar. The gelling agent in them is pectin, contained in fruit and berry raw materials. This mass is characterized by high viscosity and has an elastic consistency. Jelly-fruit masses are prepared from fruit and berry raw materials and sugar with the introduction of a gelling agent (agar, agaroid). These masses have an elastic-elastic consistency. Jelly masses are prepared without the introduction of fruit and berry raw materials from sugar, molasses and gelling agents (pectin, agar, agaroid, etc.). The recipes of many fruit candies include the introduction of 50% apple and 50% apricot, plum or blackcurrant puree. Special instructions for recipes provide for the introduction of sodium lactate or other salts (citrates, phosphates, etc.) into fruit candy masses. These salts have the ability to reduce the viscosity and gelation temperature of boiled fruit and berry masses.

The process of preparing fruit candy masses consists of the following operations: preparing a fruit and berry mixture, boiling the fruit mass, introducing prescription additives. The mass fraction of dry substances in the boiled mass when boiled without sodium lactate should be no lower than 81%, and when boiled with sodium lactate - no lower than 78%.

Jelly-fruit masses are prepared in different ways: depending on what gelling agent is introduced along with the fruit puree. If it is beet, apple or other pectin, then the difference in the preparation of these masses from fruit ones is only that at the end of cooking, when the mass fraction of dry substances reaches 70-72%, the amount of pectin corresponding to the recipe is introduced into the mass in the form of 5% solution. And then additionally boil down to a mass fraction of dry substances of 75%. If agar or agaroid is used as a gelling agent, then the process is carried out in several stages. In this case, a mass is prepared separately based on fruit and berry puree and part of the sugar, and a mass is prepared separately based on agar or agaroid with the remaining sugar and molasses. Separate boiling is carried out because agar or agaroid, when heated together with the fruit mass, which always contains acid, loses its gelling properties. Both masses are mixed in a tempering machine at a temperature of 70*C, mixed, acid and essence are introduced and immediately sent for molding.

When making jelly masses, sugar-agar syrup is prepared, boiled to a mass fraction of dry substances of 77-83% and cooled to a temperature of 80*C.

The corresponding candy masses are prepared from all fruit-jelly masses. To do this, during tempering, the flavoring and aromatic components specified in the recipe are introduced into them. The duration of tempering is 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 70-75*C [p. 223, 18].

Aerated masses. Aerated candy masses have a foam-like structure consisting of two phases: gas (air) and liquid. Aerated masses are characterized by the presence of small, evenly distributed air bubbles separated by thin layers of sugar-agar mass. Foam formation occurs during churning. The production of stable, highly dispersed foam is due to the presence of a foam stabilizer (agar) and a foaming agent (egg white).

Depending on the recipe and technology, churned candy masses can be divided into two main types: light and heavy, which can be churned milk or fruit churned. Light-type aerated masses include masses for candies such as Soufflé, Bird's milk; and the heavy type - Nougat, Zoological.

The process of preparing light whipped masses consists of the following operations: preparation of sugar-agar syrup; preparing whipped egg whites; mixing these components in a churning machine with the introduction of fruit mass or milk syrup and other flavoring and aromatizing components. The churning is carried out until a homogeneous fine-porous structure is obtained. When making “Bird's Milk” sweets, condensed milk mixed with butter is gradually introduced into the churned mass.

The process of preparing heavy whipped masses consists of three operations: preparation of sugar syrup; whipping egg whites with syrup; mixing with other components of the recipe. There is no agar in the recipes for heavy whipped masses, so the syrup is prepared only from sugar and molasses. Heavy type aerated masses contain significantly less air. The mass fraction of dry substances in the aerated masses is 80-89% [p. 230, 18].

Nut masses. Candy masses containing nuts are of the highest quality. Candy masses prepared on the basis of nut kernels are divided into two groups: praline, in which roasted nuts are used; marzipan, in which the kernels are used raw.

Praline mass consists of ground roasted kernels of nuts or oil-containing seeds, mixed with powdered sugar and added fat. Typically, the praline mass contains 30-33% fat and 50-60% sugar. Mass fraction of dry substances 96-99%. The fat contained in nuts has a low melting point, so after grinding the nut mass has a semi-liquid consistency. The recipes provide for the introduction of various fats: cocoa butter, coconut oil, confectionery fat, etc. The main structure-forming agent of praline masses is fat. The process of fat crystallization is the most important process in the formation of structure in praline masses. The more solid fats, and primarily cocoa butter, in the mass, the stronger it is.

The production process of praline masses consists of the following operations: cleaning of nut kernels; heat treatment of kernels; obtaining grated nut mass; mixing prescription components; grinding (rolling) of mass; wiring; cool down The two-stage introduction of prescription fat is due to the fact that the praline mass with a full fat content is difficult to grind - roll. The temperature for roasting nuts is 120-140*C from 15 to 60 minutes. After roasting, the nuts are quickly cooled to a temperature of 30-40*C and crushed in melangeurs. In the production of some premium praline masses, nut kernels are roasted with sugar. Mixing of nut masses with powdered sugar, fat and other components of the recipe is carried out in heated kneading machines at a temperature of 35-40*C. Then the mass is crushed in five-roll mills, and the mass turns from a dough-like consistency into a free-flowing one. Laying and kneading are carried out in kneading machines. At the same time, the remaining part of the solid vegetable fat provided for in the recipe is introduced into the mass for dilution.

Marzipan masses are divided into two groups: raw marzipan and custard marzipan. Raw marzipan is a mixture of raw crushed nut kernels and powdered sugar. Custard marzipan is prepared by “steeping” ground raw nut kernels with hot sugar syrup or milk sugar syrup. Candy bodies are prepared from the masses of custard marzipan, which are then glazed with chocolate.

The process of preparing dry marzipan consists of the following operations: scalding almonds; peeling almonds; drying; preparing grated mass; mixing mashed almonds with recipe ingredients; grinding the resulting mass. To scald almonds, water is heated to a temperature of 70-80*C and kept for 5-10 minutes. The wet kernel is passed through an almond peeler. The kernel separated from the shell is dried in a dryer at 45-60*C. Grinding of the dried kernel is carried out in a three-roller mill. Powdered sugar is mixed in kneading machines for 10-15 minutes. Usually the ratio of grated nut mass and sugar is 1:1. The resulting mixture is further crushed using roller machines. After this, the mass is placed in a tempering machine and flavoring and aromatic components are introduced. Raw marzipan contains about 90% dry matter.

To prepare custard marzipan, instead of powdered sugar, sugar is introduced in the form of hot syrup. The syrup recipe may include molasses, milk, etc. Mixing is carried out for 10-15 minutes, and then the remaining components of the recipe are introduced. The mass of custard marzipan is much more stable in storage than raw marzipan [p. 231, 18].

Liquor masses. This is a syrupy mass consisting of a saturated sugar solution with the addition of milk, semi-finished fruit products, alcoholic beverages, etc. In the candy body, the liqueur mass is in a shell (sugar crust), formed during the maturation process and consisting of sucrose crystallized from the mass itself. Depending on the additives introduced, liqueur masses are divided into three groups: wine, fruit and milk. To obtain the wine liqueur mass, sugar syrup is prepared. Water for syrup is taken in a water-sugar ratio of 1:2. This will result in a syrup completely free of sugar crystals. Boiling is carried out to a mass fraction of dry substances of 76-81% at a temperature of 108-112*C. The finished syrup is filtered and quickly cooled to 85*C. Alcohol or alcoholic beverages and other components of the recipe are carefully added to the cooled syrup. Then the resulting candy mass is poured into cells molded in starch.

Fruit liqueur masses are prepared according to the same procedure as wine ones. However, sugar syrup is boiled at a temperature of 116-120 * C to a mass fraction of dry substances of 90%. This is done in order to reduce the duration of subsequent boiling in the presence of sour fruit and berry puree and slow down the hydrolysis of sucrose. The proportion of puree should not exceed 30% of the finished mass. Agar syrup is added to some masses to increase viscosity and slow down crystallization. The finished mass is cooled to 90*C, the recipe components are added and poured into starch forms.

Milk-liqueur masses are prepared in two stages. Pre-milk-sugar syrup, and then it is mixed with the recipe components. The syrup is boiled to 77-83% of the mass fraction of dry substances. At the end of boiling, add a small amount of molasses and, if provided for in the recipe, butter. The finished syrup is filtered, cooled to 90*C and the components specified in the recipe are added. The milk liqueur candy mass is immediately sent for molding by casting into starch molds.

Trays with liqueur mass poured into starch molds are sprinkled with starch on top and placed in drying chambers at a temperature of 50-60*C. The shelf life of the candy shell is 6-7 hours. Crust thickness 0.5-1mm. A saturated sugar-alcohol, sugar-fruit or sugar-milk syrup remains inside. The mass fraction of dry substances of the saturated solution formed inside the sugar crust is 70-75%. mass fraction of dry substances of the crust itself is 94-96% [p. 233, 18].

Cream masses. They are an oily mass based on sugar and fat with the addition of chocolate, grated nuts, milk and other flavoring and aromatic components, obtained by mixing with the introduction of air during processing on churning machines. When churning, small air bubbles are evenly distributed throughout the mass. This makes the mass lighter and gives it a delicate taste. A typical representative of creamy candy masses is the Truffles candy mass.

The mass is prepared as follows. The thoroughly rolled chocolate mass is mixed at a temperature of 40-45*C with cocoa butter and butter or coconut oil for 1-1.5 hours. 10-15 minutes before the end, the essence is introduced and the mass is filtered through a filter with cells with a diameter of 2 mm. The resulting mass is tempered at 28-30*C and beaten in a churning machine. The mass fraction of dry substances of this mass is 89.5%. The main property of cream masses is their viscoplastic consistency, which allows them to be given and retained in various shapes.

Milk masses. Milk candy masses are a partially or completely crystallized mass consisting of sugar, milk and molasses, to which butter, grated nuts, fruit and berry semi-finished products, etc. can be added. Some milk masses, for example “Korovka” and “Creamy Toffee”, may have an amorphous structure. All milk candy masses are made by boiling milk sugar syrup. First, a recipe mixture is prepared from sugar, molasses, milk and butter in special heated mixers and boiled at a temperature of 110-115*C. Mass fraction of dry substances 89-90%. The boiled mass passes through a steam separator and goes to the casting without cooling. If they want to obtain such masses of light colors, they are boiled under vacuum at low temperatures [p. 236, 18].

Roasting masses. The recipes provide for three types of grilled candy masses: hard grilled (Grilyazh candies in chocolate), soft grilled (Grilyazh Kyiv candies) and fruit grilled (Serenada candies).

Solid roasting is a solid amorphous mass of sugar, including crushed, fried kernels of nuts and almonds. It is obtained by melting sugar and then adding nut kernels to the melt. The mass fraction of dry substances of this mass is 97.7-99.3%. The share of nuts is over 30%.

Soft roasted meat is produced by preliminary preparation of sugar and honey syrup, followed by the addition of fried crushed kernels. The mass fraction of dry substances of this mass is 95.5-96.5%. The share of the nut kernel is about 30%. This type of grilled meat can be prepared by replacing honey with molasses.

Fruit roasting is a strongly boiled fruit-sugar mass with fried crushed nut kernels. Mass fraction of dry substances 88-92%. The share of nuts for different varieties ranges from 18 to 40%. The finished candy mass is sent for molding at a temperature: for hard roasted cake 125-130*C, for soft roasted cake - 105-110*C, for fruit roasted cake 90-95*C.

Forming candy masses.

Molding means dividing plastic or liquid candy masses into separate portions of a certain volume, giving each portion a specific, desired configuration. There are five methods for molding sweets: casting; smudging; rolling; pressing out; jigging

Casting. Casting is the most common molding method. Casting is used to form mainly masses with low viscosity (good fluidity). Molding using this method makes it possible to obtain products of various shapes, including those consisting of several different layers of candy masses. Casting is carried out mainly in molds made from starch, less often from granulated sugar. The bodies of fondant, milk-fondant, fruit-jelly, liqueur, whipped and other candy masses are made by casting into starch molds. The candy mass is cast into cells specially stamped in starch and having the desired shape. In starch, the mass takes on the appropriate shape and hardens or becomes covered with a fairly strong crust. Starch as a molding material should absorb moisture well from the cast mass. For casting various candy masses, technological instructions regulate a certain temperature. Optimum temperature for casting, C: fondant (sugar and milk) 65-72, fondant with nuts 70-75, fruit-fondant 80-85, fruit 96-106, jelly 70-75, milk 100-110, liqueur 90- 95. Each type of candy mass requires a different curing mode: fondant mass 32-40 min at 4-10 * C, fruit mass 40-50 min at 4-10 * C, milk mass 60-90 min at 25-28 * C (at the beginning of curing) and 8-10*C (at the end of the drying period).

Smudge. Many types of candy masses are formed using the spreading method followed by cutting: fondant, fruit, nut, whipped and even cream. Using this method, it is possible to obtain multi-layer candy bodies, which are rarely made of more than three layers; they can contain various masses belonging to the same or different types.

The spread molding process consists of several separate operations: preparation of the candy mass; smear; stand; cutting Preparing the candy mass involves tempering it before molding. Fondant masses are spread at a temperature of 60-65 * C, fruit - 80-85, whipped type "Bird's milk" - 55-60, cream - 28-30 * C.

On a spreading conveyor it is possible to obtain single-layer and multi-layer candy bodies and unglazed candies from shapeless plastic candy masses. Initially, a sheet is produced on a conveyor, which is then cut in two directions, usually at right angles. As a result, individual housings of the correct shape are obtained. The second and, if necessary, subsequent layers are spread onto the cooled previous layer. The duration of the holding period depends on the type of mass, its properties and temperature conditions.

The surface of the layer of fondant and some other masses is sprinkled with powdered sugar or a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa powder and served for cutting. After standing, the layers of aerated masses are coated on top with a thin layer of chocolate glaze at a temperature of 28-30*C.

The layers are cut in two mutually perpendicular directions into separate bodies of predominantly rectangular shape. This operation is performed on two types of machines: with circular knives or with strings. With both methods, the layer is alternately cut first into strips and then into individual products. The knives are placed so that for one mechanism they are located at a distance equal to the width of the candy, and for the other - at a distance equal to its length. The resulting casings are sent for enrobing, and unglazed candies are sent for wrapping and packaging.

Rolling. This method is more progressive than smudging. The formation of a candy layer occurs when the mass passes between the rollers; the thickness of the layer depends on the gap between the rollers. The rolling method is used to form casings from custard nut masses, fondant masses, and grilled masses. In multilayer candy bodies, each layer is molded on a separate roller mechanism.

The molding of wafer-based candy masses is carried out on a machine with three work rolls, one of which is grooved and two are smooth. The grooved roller forces the mass into the space between two smooth rollers. Before entering the cooling chamber, the layer with wafers passes under a pressure roller, after which the layer is cut using machines with cutting wires.

Pressing out. The basis of the method is squeezing the candy mass through the holes of the matrices into strands of the corresponding profile (round, oval, rectangular, etc.). This method is used to form plastic masses, which include mainly fat-containing masses (nut masses) and some fondant masses.

The praline mass is prepared for molding by kneading for 30 minutes at a temperature 2-8*C higher than the melting point of the mixture of fats included in its composition. In this case, the structure is completely destroyed and the mass acquires a liquid-like consistency. Then this mass is cooled to the optimal molding temperature (see Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

Optimal kneading and molding temperatures

Depending on the design of the forming machine, the candy mass is pressed out through 6, 18, and 22 holes in the forming matrix. The extrusion of the mass during molding is carried out by a screw blower, into which the mass comes from a loading funnel. The mass comes out of the forming mechanism in the form of endless belts or strands, which are cooled on a conveyor in cabinets. The bundles acquire significant strength, and the fat contained in the mass crystallizes. Cooling duration is 7-8 minutes.

Jigging. When molding by jigging, piece products of complex configuration are obtained from candy masses by extruding through profiling nozzles onto a receiving conveyor or sheets. This method is used to form mainly cream and whipped masses. When depositing, the products are dome-shaped, so when using this method, subsequent cutting is not required. Molded products can be given different configurations by changing shaped attachments [p. 258, 18].

Surface treatment of candies.

Treating the surface of candies involves glazing them. Glaze gives candies a more attractive appearance and greater shelf life, and improves taste. Glazing is carried out with various types of glaze:

a) couverture – natural chocolate glaze. It contains powdered sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, vanilla essence; in some varieties it is allowed to add confectionery fat up to 3-5%, soybean phosphatide concentrate - 4%;

b) chocolate glaze is a semi-finished product, which is a finely ground mass consisting of cocoa bean processing products, as well as fat equivalents of cocoa butter with or without the addition of various flavoring and aromatic additives;

c) fat glaze is a semi-finished product, which is a fat mass made from confectionery fat, powdered sugar and other flavoring and aromatic substances;

d) fondant glaze – is a fondant mass with the addition of wine and essences; rarely used;

e) caramel glaze - melted caramel mass, which is used to glaze nut kernels.

In addition, the surface of glazed and unglazed sweets can be sprinkled with granulated sugar, cocoa powder, nut or wafer crumbs, chocolate chips, and also decorated with nuts and fruits.

The process of glazing candy bodies can be carried out in different ways: ordinary single glazing; double glazing; coating first the bottom with chocolate glaze, and then the entire body. Cases made on a wafer basis are glazed twice. In accordance with the recipes, the amount of glaze on candies with bodies with a strong structure should be 22-25%, with weaker structures (liqueur, whipped) - 30-45%, with bodies on a wafer base - 30-40%. The process of enrobing with chocolate glaze must necessarily be preceded by an important tempering process. Glazed sweets pass through the refrigeration chamber at a temperature of 6-10*C for 5-6 minutes. During this time, the cocoa butter completely crystallizes and the glaze hardens. Some designs of enrobing machines provide a device for applying various designs to candies.

The glazing of the bodies with fatty glaze is carried out on the same machines on which the bodies of candy are coated with chocolate glaze. Fat glaze does not require tempering. It is heated to a temperature of 37-40*C.

Fondant icing is most often glazed by hand. To do this, sugar or milk fondant is heated to a temperature of 50-55*C and flavoring and aromatic components are introduced. The prepared candy bodies are covered with heated fondant and placed on metal sheets. After standing in the workshop for 3-4 hours, they are transferred to packaging and packing. Fondant glaze dries quickly (white spots form), so glazing with fondant is most often used only for candies included in sets that have a short shelf life [p. 260, 18].

Russians traditionally love sweets. Our country is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of consumption of confectionery products. The average Russian's spending on sweets in 2017 amounted to almost 7.1 thousand rubles. In such conditions, the production of sweets is a very promising line of business. Even in conditions of high competition, a quality product will find its buyer.

The article will tell you how to open a mini candy making workshop. We will also consider the stages of business development and provide calculations of the return on investment of the business.

Brief market analysis

The majority of products presented on store shelves - more than 93% - are produced in the Russian Federation.

Consumption of sweets and other confectionery products is now at a high level, even despite the decline in incomes of Russians after the 2014 crisis. Now Russians consume 4.5 kg/year, until 2014 - 5.1 kg/year (per person).

In 2017, the total consumption amounted to almost 3.5 thousand tons (4% higher than in 2016). In 2018, purchases of sweets increased to 3.6 thousand tons.

You can estimate the level of consumption and forecast until 2015 in the following table:

Table 1. Volume of consumption of confectionery products in 2013-2018. with a forecast until 2025

Volume of consumption, thousand tons

What operations make up the candy production process: technology

The production process depends on what kind of candy is being made. The composition, form, stages of production, and lists of necessary equipment differ.

There are several production stages:

  1. Production of candy mass. It includes water, sugar, milk, molasses, butter, and various additives.
  2. Formation. There are several methods for molding. One of the common ones is casting the mass in corn starch. The temperature at which the process takes place depends on the type of candy.
  3. Glazing of confectionery products. Thanks to the glaze, the product remains fresh and tender longer.
  4. Drying. In special equipment, the goods are cooled, structured, and hardened.
  5. Package. The product is packaged in a wrapper or box.

We will tell you more about the preparation of popular types of sweets below.


The production of caramel requires inexpensive equipment and is not very complicated.

First, sugar-treacle syrup and caramel mass are created. It can be prepared by mixing sugar in a solution under pressure or by mixing it with molasses to the desired consistency and moisture content. Afterwards the mass is processed - cooled, aromatized, kneaded and stretched.

Fillings are added depending on the recipe. Different ingredients are used to produce different types of caramel.

At the next stage, the products are formed and cooled. The finished caramel is wrapped, sprinkled, glossed, panned or glazed with chocolate. Afterwards, the finished product is sent for packaging.


Truffle sweets can be made according to the following scheme:

  1. Create a semi-finished product - chocolate mass crushed to powder with the desired fat content.
  2. To prepare the chocolate mass, chocolate and oils (cocoa, coconut) are poured into the equipment. The machine thoroughly mixes the components.
  3. The resulting composition is tempered and hardens within several hours.
  4. The candy mass is churned in special machines.
  5. Afterwards the truffles are formed. They are kept in cooling machines until they reach a stable shape.
  6. At the final stage, the candy bodies are sprinkled.
  7. The product arrives at the packaging department.

Truffles are more difficult to prepare. Both the recipe and the quality of the ingredients are of great importance here. Equipment for such production is quite expensive.


The production of dragees is also not very complicated. The peculiarity of these candies is their hard shells. There are several types of cases (depending on hardness). The dragees themselves are made from a fine-crystalline substance obtained by churning a sugar-treacle mass.

Three main stages of dragee production:

  • preparation of cases;
  • their panning;
  • glossing.

The mass is shaped, rolled in starch, and tempered until a body of the required hardness is formed around the dragee. Then the products are coated - that is, covered with powder and glaze. At the glossing stage, the product is coated with a moisture-proof wax-fat composition.

Equipment for the production of dragees is inexpensive and pays for itself fairly quickly.

Where to start a business?

The main cost item at the organizational stage is a production line capable of producing high-quality candies. It needs to be delivered to the factory and installed - the costs of this work fall on the businessman.

Table 2. Initial costs for a candy manufacturing business.

The calculations are relevant for a city with a population of up to 1 million people. Additional costs take into account the costs of utility bills, advertising, cosmetic repairs, creation, development and printing of packaging.


You can register a candy house in the form of an individual entrepreneur (individual) or LLC (legal entity). The first option is suitable if the entrepreneur plans to trade in small quantities. The second allows you to increase production volumes and scale of activity - it becomes easier to negotiate with retail chains to sell your product.

When registering with the Federal Tax Service, the OKVED code 10.82.2 “Production of chocolate and sugar confectionery products” is indicated.

After preparing the first batch of goods, it should be submitted for inspection to Rospotrebnadzor. He tests products, checks manufacturing technology for compliance with GOST 4570-2014 “Candy. General technical conditions". If everything is in order, a certificate of conformity is issued.

Purchasing ingredients

The cost of raw materials depends on the type of sweets and their recipe. All purchasing issues must be coordinated with a technologist who knows what ingredients are needed to create a quality product.

Common raw materials for candy production:

  • sugar;
  • cocoa butter, cocoa powder (base);
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • syrup;
  • gelatin;
  • agar;
  • vanilla and other flavorings;
  • nuts, plant seeds, berries, fruits (for filling).

It is important to buy high quality raw materials for production. This improves the quality of the finished product. Remember that competition is high - only delicious candies will be in steady demand.

Equipment for candy production

Our business plan is designed for the purchase of a candy production line consisting of:

  • ball mill;
  • tempering machine;
  • containers for kindling;
  • conche machines;
  • refrigeration unit;
  • packaging lines.

You will also need to purchase molds.

This equipment provides automation of the candy making process and performs all the necessary sequence of actions. Mixtures and ingredients are loaded manually. Line productivity is up to 150 kg per hour. Power - up to 40 kW.

The manufacturing company is responsible for installation and training of workers. Equipment for a mini workshop can be purchased in Russia or China, or, if funds are available, in Germany.


To organize a mini-factory you will need an area of ​​250 square meters. m. The following are being built here:

  • Work shop with equipment. The production line takes up a lot of space. The workshop must be equipped with ventilation, three-phase current, water supply, sewerage, and heating systems.
  • Warehouses for finished products and raw materials.
  • Premises for staff (rest room, locker room).
  • Administrative premises.
  • Bathroom.

Geographically, it is better to locate the plant far enough from residential areas - perhaps on the outskirts or in an industrial area (where rent is cheaper). This arrangement will allow goods to be quickly delivered to stores. The plant must have convenient transport access.

Pass SES and fire inspections. Services will check the workshop for compliance with mandatory requirements.


To open a small production facility you will not need a large staff of workers. The production line is automated - employees only have to manage the work process, load equipment with raw materials on time, and ensure process continuity.

For the first time, 4 workers on the line are enough. Two more will be needed for warehouse work.

The technologist/senior in the workshop will manage the personnel, as well as the quality of production. Its main tasks are acceptance of the finished product and assessment of its quality. You will have to look for a technologist - this position requires a person with experience.

Invite an accountant to keep records. At first, he can be hired part-time or outsourced.

Marketing and sales

You can sell candies through your store or through retail chains. It is advisable to open your own retail outlet only in a favorable location and if you have sufficient funds.

A businessman will have to make an effort to interest people and encourage them to buy a new product:

  1. Create a brand. People remember something simple, but at the same time bright and effective. Branding is an important point.
  2. If you have sufficient capital, you can order advertising on television screens, place posters on billboards in the city, use the media to disseminate information about a new product, a new brand.
  3. Conduct promotions, discounts and tastings in stores. Order competent merchandising. Conduct promotions through groups on social networks.

Financial plan: calculations of profitability and payback

The amount of initial costs is 9.78 million rubles.

Equipment productivity - 150 kg/h. In an 8-hour shift, 1.2 tons can be produced. According to the plan, the plant will operate in one shift, 22 days a month. The production volume for this period is 26.4 tons of sweets.

The price varies greatly depending on the type and quality of the candy. As an example, we took one of the lowest wholesale prices - 130 rubles. per kg. By selling all the products produced in a month, you can get a little more than 3.4 million rubles.

The total monthly costs are 1.1 million rubles.

Net profit will be 2.3 million rubles.

A candy business can pay for itself in 4.2 months. This can be achieved by fully loading the equipment and selling all the goods created in a month. For new production, the payback period can be increased by 3 times - up to 12.6 months.

Table 3. Economic justification for the business idea.

Producing sweets in your own factory can safely be called a profitable business. The figures given in the table clearly demonstrate this. Of course, this is an approximate calculation - it does not take into account tax deductions and several other cost items.

Before opening, it is necessary to carefully study the characteristics of the market and consumer behavior. For example, sweets are often bought for the holidays, and they also sell well during the cold season, when sweets go with hot tea. Taking these features into account will help in promoting and increasing sales.

In this article:

The purpose of the project: justification of the financial and economic efficiency and technically possible implementation of the production of chocolates on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main criterion was a conservative scenario for the development of events; prices were calculated taking into account inflation. The project has significant economic potential based on an assessment of the current market conditions.

Chocolate candy production project concept

It is planned to build production and storage facilities or rent them, and install equipment for production. An initial assortment of glazed fondant sweets and chocolates is planned:

  • oval-shaped candies glazed with chocolate glaze and filled with chocolate fondant mass of a different flavor. Mass ratio 60/40%. Candy weight up to 12 grams;
  • oval-shaped candies coated with chocolate glaze and filled with jelly. Mass ratio 70/30%, candy weight up to 11.5 grams;
  • chocolate bar weighing 100 grams, with a pattern.

Confectionery market analysis

The market for confectionery and chocolate candies (chocolate) is resistant to economic downturns. Gifts and purchases for children, gifts and personal preferences make this product segment quite popular among the broad consumer masses.

At the moment, the Russian market, in particular the chocolate candy production business, is represented by a wide range of products in the form of chocolate: milk, porous, black or regular with various fillings; chocolates of the most varied shapes and fillings. In terms of value, the sales segment of chocolates and bars accounts for 1/3 of the total sales of confectionery products.

It should be noted that chocolate production depends on the season, at the moment of the greatest surge (holidays and pre-holidays), production can increase by 300%. The rest of the time, the enterprise can only be loaded at 30-60% of the planned capacity.

The most popular product is loose candies and chocolate bars; sales are represented by regional representative offices of large confectionery companies. This has its advantages: the costs of delivery and payment for office representative offices increase the cost of their products by 6-8%.

For example, Nestle candies have a cost price of $3 per 1 kg; their sales in the regions are $8 per kilogram. Producing sweets in your region makes it possible to reduce the price of your own goods of high consumer demand.

Consumer behavior towards confectionery products

65% of buyers are active buyers of chocolates and chocolate, regardless of the season, buying these products 3-4 times a week, and 20% are less active, buying once a week. Thus, taking into account the population in the region, it is possible to calculate in advance the volume of production of chocolates and chocolate bars.

Project production plan

1. Rental of premises: production workshop and warehouse. Mandatory drawing up of an agreement according to the established regulations. Construction of additional structures (office and household premises), rental of transport for delivering products to retail outlets.

2. Installation and installation of the necessary equipment, commissioning work, launch of the production line.

3. Production process of candy production.

The candy production technology consists of several stages:

- mixing individual fondant ingredients;

- cooking process;
— molding or casting fondant into special oval shapes;
— running molds through cooling systems;
— glazing of sweets with chocolate fudge;
- cooling;
— packaging of products in wrapping paper.

Chocolate bar production technology:

  • mixing the ingredients of the chocolate mass;
  • cooking process;
  • casting into special molds;
  • run through the cooling system;
  • packing tiles in wrapping paper.

Equipment for the production of chocolates

It should be noted that the candy production line consists of four sections, each of which has its own range of equipment:

1. Area for the production of candy mass:

  • universal cooking apparatus, used for cooking, mixing and emptying the mass, with automatic control;
  • weighing device for dosing components of fondant or chocolate mass;
  • loading pump for supplying mass to the casting;
  • dosing pump for flavourings, acids, fudge and chocolate colours.

2. Casting installation:

  • installation of One-shot casting with servo drive and electronic control;
  • conveyor of molds for casting;
  • cooling cabinet, including control distribution cabinet and cold air preparation station;
  • forms.

3. Candy production line (for enrobing shells):

  • table for feeding products to the glazing machine;
  • enrobing machine;
  • pump for return flow of excess mass.

4. Automatic candy wrapping packaging line:

  • distribution conveyors for supplying candies to storage areas.

The technological scheme for the production of chocolate candies and chocolate bars is quite complex and requires highly qualified personnel and well-functioning equipment.

The cost of purchasing equipment and renting premises is about $50,000, which is the starting capital. The estimated time of self-sufficiency and profitability of the enterprise is 5-8 years. The expected profit per year is 36% of the starting capital.

Analysis of income and expenses

Costs for rent (construction) and raw materials account for 77% of the total start-up capital, the next item in the cost column is electricity, water and gas - 7.5-8%. The salary fund is 8% of total expenses, 3-5% insurance premiums and taxes, 7% other expenses, which include advertising and promotion costs.

The dynamics of reducing the burden of costs on product costs is designed for 5 years, after which costs will stabilize and the price may remain fixed.

Product plan

Considering the structure of variable costs, you can see that the highest expenditures (more than 77%) go to the purchase of raw materials. Thus, the calculation of the cost of production is:

the amount of expenses for raw materials + the amount of the salary fund and expenses for communications, rent, taxes + 6% to increase profits.

Using a more simplified formula:

amount of expenses + 37-38% of the amount of expenses = cost of 1 kg of sweets.

Product demand risk

In order for an enterprise to be considered profitable, it is necessary to calculate the minimum critical level of production volume, taking into account seasonal sales.

Payroll costs (per year) + taxes (per year) + costs for utilities and rent (per year) / divided by the amount of total annual income = minimum production volume in kg per day.

Thus, the minimum (critical) cost of candy (taking into account the risk) is $6 per kg - this is the threshold value of the selling price for the production of chocolate and candy, the minimum production volume per day is from 5 tons.

The candy production business is quite risky due to its requirements for quality and beautiful design. Packaging material for sweets and chocolate bars must correspond to the positive image of the company.

The packaging material will be considered the cheapest if you make it yourself. To do this you will need:

  • special packaging paper and foil (for chocolate), and cardboard (for making candy boxes);
  • inkjet printer for printing;
  • computer.

The production of candy boxes has its own manufacturing features:

  • cardboard has an appropriate certificate allowing it to be used in the food industry;
  • manufactured according to ready-made corex;
  • Can be used for automatic and manual packaging.

Since childhood, sweets have been a favorite treat for many. Moreover, these confectionery products are so popular and varied that everyone probably has the most delicious and favorite candies that give only positive emotions. The love for candy begins in childhood. And often children, with their inherent spontaneity and faith in miracles, say that in the future they will definitely open a confectionery factory where they will produce delicious candies for every taste! By the way, if you had just such a dream as a child, it’s time to make it come true - a candy factory in Russia could be a reality.

Features of candy production

To organize a “sweet” business, however, you will have to work a little and spend some financial resources to start the activity. After all, in order for the factory to operate, you need to buy equipment for the production of candies, immediately find an excellent supplier who offers high-quality raw materials for the production of candies, and study the operating technology. And all this costs effort and money.

To make different candies, different raw materials are used, and the technological scheme for producing candies is also different.

Basically, sweet confectionery products are divided into three groups:

  • Glazed candies, which are made from one or several sweet masses at once, and are covered with glaze on top.
  • Unglazed sweets are not covered with glaze.
  • Sprinkled candies - covered with cocoa powder, nut, wafer, chocolate crumbs.

As for the main candy mass, a wide variety of raw materials are used for it. There are confectionery products that are made from only one candy mass - such candies are called simple. And there are products that are prepared from several masses at the same time - they are called complex. Depending on the ingredients, candy masses are divided into fondant, whipped, fruit-jelly, milk or praline, liqueur, cream or marzipan, roasted or others.

Candy production - where to start?

Opening your own candy production means working in a highly mechanized, automated industry. The bulk of candy in the modern world is produced by a candy production line, while manual labor is kept to a minimum. Equipment for the production of chocolate candies is presented on the market in a wide range and is intended for the production of different types of sweets. But the entrepreneur decides to buy a line for the production of chocolate candies or select equipment for working with jelly or fondant candies. Usually, when opening small enterprises, they choose one or two lines to start operations, and larger factories use more serious, varied equipment, which allows them to offer consumers a wide range of confectionery products.

Otherwise, a candy production business begins like any other type of business - preparing documents for the possibility of entrepreneurial activity, drawing up a business plan, studying competitors and choosing the main range of products. The next important steps are finding and renting suitable premises, purchasing equipment and hiring qualified staff. Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can begin searching for a supplier of quality raw materials and starting production.

The main stages of candy production and the necessary equipment

The technology for producing sweets depends on the type of product being manufactured. For each type of sweets, separate equipment is provided, which has certain operating principles.

But it is still possible to identify the main stages in the production of sugar-based confectionery products:

  1. Preparation of available raw materials.
  2. Obtaining semi-finished products for the manufacture of candy mass.
  3. Preparation of candy mass.
  4. The actual formation of candy depends on the type of candy. This can be pouring into molds, casting into starch or sugar, spreading followed by cutting, rolling followed by cutting, forming on caramel equipment, vibropressing.
  5. Formation of the candy structure.
  6. Final finishing.
  7. Package.

To produce high-quality and tasty sweets, you need not only modern equipment, but also high-quality raw materials. It is very important to use natural ingredients. And if it is impossible to do without dyes and preservatives according to the recipe, then the product should contain them within normal limits. In addition, preservatives should not be harmful to the human body. It is advisable to take into account European standards, since domestic ones are a little outdated.

We can talk a lot about equipment for the production of sweets due to its diversity. Of course, each entrepreneur decides independently what to purchase. The price of equipment for producing candy also plays a role. But it’s still not difficult to identify the main types of machines needed for work. This is a dough mixer, a candy-forming machine for making candies without filling, a machine for making candies with filling, a coating and decorating line, a cooling conveyor, a guillotine for slicing, and a packaging machine. This is a list of a kind of minimum set of equipment for the production of a fairly wide range of sweets.

Mini plant or large factory?

Any aspiring entrepreneur thinks about which business is best to invest in. Everyone understands that opening a small business is easier and less expensive, but the income from the activity will not be too high. It is much more profitable to open a large enterprise with a wide turnover. But this option requires serious investments, which not every businessman has. Therefore, entrepreneurs rarely start with large investments. Most often, small confectionery factories are opened - both at an affordable price and with minimal risks.

A mini candy production plant is a very good activity option for those who have long dreamed of a “sweet” business, but have little start-up capital. The initial investment may be enough to purchase high-quality equipment that allows you to produce one type of candy. And high-quality products, with proper planning of activities, will successfully enter the market and will soon allow you to receive a decent income.

Typically mini factories operate for several years. After this period, they either close down, since the entrepreneur cannot find his market and is not able to get ahead of competitors, which is why profits decline, or tiny companies grow into large factories producing different types of sweets. The second case is a clear example of successful activity. The profit received provides great opportunities for expanding production, studying new operating technologies and offering new varieties of delicious sweets to the market.

There is another option for starting with minimal investment for the production of confectionery products - mini-production of handmade sweets. In this case, financial investments are kept to a minimum, since complex equipment and expensive lines for enrobing, forming and packaging candies are not required. You will only need high-quality raw materials, interesting recipes and the skillful hands of the author of chocolate masterpieces. Yes, yes, masterpieces, because simple candies are not created by hand. So you need to be prepared immediately for the high cost of chocolates prepared with tenderness and love by the deft hands of a pastry chef. But that’s a different story – handmade sweets are still rare these days and are only sold in certain places.

Apart from making sweets by hand, producing sweets of any scale requires serious financial investments and a lot of effort. The organization of work must be thoughtful and effective, which not everyone can do. But if you have doubts about whether to open a “sweet” business or look for simpler and cheaper options for starting an activity, you must remember that the production of chocolates, although expensive at the beginning, will bring a solid income in the future. All invested funds will more than pay for themselves in a fairly short time and will help, if necessary, significantly expand production in order to reach a more serious level.

Candy production: main stages + what equipment needs to be purchased + selection of raw materials + what is needed to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur + renting premises for a factory + finding full-time employees + where to sell products + when a sweet business will pay off.

Even in the “height” of the financial crisis, the production of candy is in demand.

This business idea is quite universal: you can start it even at home, purchasing only raw materials and a variety of candy molds. The only disadvantage of this format is that you cannot prepare a lot of goods for sale yourself, without the help of special equipment.

In this material we will tell you how to start your own sweet business in Russia by organizing a mini-factory if you expect to receive significant income from your activities.

Organizational issues for opening a “candy” business...

First of all, you should think about legalizing your business, that is, visit the Tax Service.

If you are going to trade in small quantities, then it is enough to pay taxes according to the simplified system. Registration will take approximately a week. Don't forget to pay the state fee of 800 RUR! As a result, you will receive individual entrepreneur registration documents and an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

If you are ambitious and intend to provide chocolates to the whole country, then it is better to become a legal entity. Suppliers and retail chains are better able to communicate with LLCs and enter into contracts more boldly.

Read more about registering an LLC on the Tax website:

To obtain LLC status, you will need the following package of documents:

Until this moment, you must decide on a legal address. It could even be a private house or apartment, but it is better to buy or rent non-residential premises.

After receiving the documents (registration certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities), you must order a stamp and open a bank account.

Any business related to food must receive approval from authorities such as SES and Rospotrebnadzor:


    Specialists will check your candy production technology. If everything is normal, the supervision will issue a quality certificate.

    SES and fire inspection.

    They check the premises and equipment for compliance with standards. The building where production takes place and equipment is located must have a fire protection system, alarm system, ventilation, evacuation plan, fire extinguishers, etc.

Be sure to make sure that your production workers have a medical record and undergo a medical examination on time.

At this stage you need to spend approximately 20,000 rubles. This amount includes equipping the premises with the necessary fire-fighting equipment, tax payments and other expenses when obtaining permits from government authorities.

Renting premises for a factory

The plant will need a room of at least 60 m2, because the equipment is large and takes up a lot of space. In addition, employees need space for changing rooms and lunch breaks.

If you plan to only produce chocolates and sell through intermediaries, then you can look for premises outside the city. If you want to both produce and sell in one building, then you will have to look for an area near which there is a lot of foot traffic.

Rent of premises for the production of sweets - from 80,000 rubles.

Common candy production technology

An aspiring businessman who decides to please people by making sweets must know what technology is used to produce them:

Stage 1.Preparing the confectionery mixture. It contains sugar, agar, water, molasses, milk, butter, food additives (dyes and flavors).

Depending on what kind of candy you are making, the ratio of ingredients, mixing temperature, consistency, etc. will change.

Stage 2.Here we start shaping the candy. To do this, you will need to pour the mass into sifted and, most importantly, dried corn starch. It helps form the body of the candy and removes excess moisture from the surface.

It is important to maintain the correct temperature when casting. It is different for each type of candy:
fondant – 70 °C;
agar-based jelly – 75 °C;
milk and fruit filling – 100 °C;
on pectin – 95 °C;
on carageenan – 80 °C;
candies with liqueur filling – 95 °C.

Stage 3.Glazing of sweets. This process is not so important, because you can do without it. But it is worth knowing that it is used not only to create special taste qualities. First of all, glaze is used to keep the candies fresh longer and not harden.

It is usually chocolate, but when used over time, a white coating may form on the candy. It is harmless, but slightly spoils the appearance of the product.

If you use confectionery glaze, then plaque will not form, because it does not have fatty subsidence.

Stage 4.The candy production technology ends at the drying stage. The formed candies are sent to a special refrigerated chamber so that the icing or chocolate hardens and the body becomes structured.

The production of chocolates described above is a certain standard, but not strict rules. After all, you can make caramels and candies for sale, and then the recipe will be completely different.

Finished products should be stored at a temperature within +5-18°C, indoor air humidity – 75%.

Necessary equipment for candy production

In the table below you will see an approximate list of what equipment you may need for the production of chocolate candies. We offered a ready-made and complete line for consideration.

If you are an experienced entrepreneur and want to purchase equipment separately, you will need a cooking apparatus, a refrigeration unit, and a chamber for drying and shaping candies. But it is worth noting that such a step is not always a guarantee of savings, and often even the opposite.

1. Basic equipment.

NameQtyPrice, rub.)
Total: 8,018,000 rubles
Complete candy production line, which includes:
ball mill;
tempering machine;
container for kindling;
conche machine;
refrigeration unit;
packaging line.
1 8 000 000
Packing tape
5 rolls18 000

2. Furniture for staff.

NameQtyPrice, rub.)
Total: 81,100 rubles
Office table
3 6 000
3 2 400
3 60 000
Changing room for workers
1 8 000
Uniform for workshop employees (headdress and robe)
10 4 000
Landline phone
2 700

Purchase of raw materials for candy production

Each type of candy is made according to its own recipe, so it is impossible to say what raw materials you will need.

Below we present only the most necessary ingredients for making sweets, which are used in most cases:

You can add peanuts, nougat, and marmalade to candies. Then you will have to purchase additionally these raw materials, but in small quantities compared to the main ingredients.

The purchase of raw materials must be agreed upon with the production technologist.

Search for workers for the production of chocolates

For a small workshop you will need at least 4 workers who will work in shifts. It would be good if people have experience in a similar field. If you have not found qualified personnel, you will have to allocate an amount from the budget for short-term training courses for employees.

In addition, you will need a permanent accountant, a technologist who will monitor production, as well as a product sales and advertising manager.

Sales of products

The best advertisement is the quality of your chocolates. If the product tastes good, people will quickly spread the word about it. But to start word of mouth, you need to find points of contact with your first customers.

The main task of the founder or managers is to find partners who will sell the plant’s products in stores. To do this, you need to personally meet with the owners of retail outlets, discuss all the terms of the transaction, etc.

You can sell chocolates without intermediaries. To do this, purchase counters and obtain permission from the SES, fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. It is better to hire a salesperson, because if you also do sales yourself, there will be no time left for administrative work.

But it’s not worth spending money on advertising, unless you order the development of your factory’s logo and candy labels to specialists. This will cost approximately 5,000 rubles. It is also worth creating a website, but in the initial stages of promotion this is not necessary.

Handmade sweets as a business idea.

How to open your own production? Sweet business.

Candy production - let's talk about profitability...

As you can see, opening even a small factory for the production of chocolate candies will cost a tidy sum - from 9,000,000 rubles.

Specifically, this amount includes:

Now let's talk about production costs. 1 without additives will cost the plant 500 rubles. This amount takes into account not only the payment for raw materials, but also other related expense items (taxes, utilities, etc.)

How much does a 40-60 gram chocolate bar cost? Approximately 100₽. From a kilogram of chocolate we will get about 25 bars of sweets, i.e. more than 2000₽ income.

Candy production will pay for itself in 2-3 years with the right approach to it. If the business becomes successful, then you will be able to receive a net income of 200-400,000 rubles per month.

To summarize, I would like to focus on the pros and cons of candy production in Russia:

You can start a business at home. If there is demand, then you can open a small confectionery shop.If you want to create a factory, even a small one, you will need a large start-up investment.
There is always demand.High competition in the market with popular confectionery factories in the country.
There are many ready-made recipes, and you can also come up with new technologies for producing candy.You need to change your assortment often to surprise customers.
High business profitability.Rospotrebnadzor and SES will be frequent guests at the production site.

Take into account all the nuances and carefully study the market before starting a business.

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