How to make fruit chips. Fruit chips - a simple and healthy treat

Why not make natural and healthy chips from vegetables and fruits that will be in demand not only among fast food lovers, but also among people who watch their diet? These vegetable or fruit chips on a small scale are very popular with healthy food housewives, but you can make them for sale.

What you need to start your own business
The business plan for the production of chips does not require large capital investments. You only need an oven or a special food dryer, as well as a small room. The price of the dryer is only from 1500 to 4000 rubles. The oven is very difficult to use, as you have to constantly monitor the preparation, and the electric dryer controls everything by itself. You just need to remember the best time and temperature for drying chips from each type of fruit. Before calculating the cost of raw materials, you need to choose it, because there are a huge variety of vegetables and fruits in the world that make excellent chips.

The most popular chips are peaches, apricots, apples, carrots, pears, strawberries. They must first be cleaned of seeds and thick peel and cut into thin slices. You can use vegetable peelers or special electric devices for cutting food. Their price fluctuates around 1500 rubles, and productivity - 400-2000 kg / h. Drying is carried out on a grate or baking paper at a temperature of 50-100°C for 6-12 hours, depending on the type of raw material.

To save money, it is better to buy fruits and vegetables in the market or in large stores, having agreed in advance on the purchase of substandard goods: unripe, overripe, beaten, etc. After cutting and drying, all these defects will not matter, since they do not affect the taste of the product . It is better to refuse products spoiled by rot or some kind of disease. At first, it is better to use the cheapest products: turnips, beets, carrots, apples, pears, apricots during the active harvest period, when their price is at its lowest.

In addition, for the production of fruit chips, you will need various spices, salt, sugar. Sprinkle sour fruits (citrus fruits, apples) with sugar or icing sugar, ground pepper, basil, marjoram are perfect for vegetables like turnips or rutabaga. You need to salt all vegetables, only be careful with beets and carrots - salt can spoil their characteristic taste. In the process of experimenting, you can try drying some vegetables (the same beets or turnips) on a baking sheet in the oven with olive oil.

Ready, perfectly dried products are best transported and stored not in plastic or plastic bags, but in paper ones - they prevent mold and increase the shelf life of the chips.

Income and expenses
Thus, the initial investment for the purchase of equipment is about 5,000-7,000 rubles, as well as regular expenses for raw materials - an average of 15 rubles per kilogram of fresh products. From each kilogram, approximately 100-200 grams of chips are obtained, depending on the juiciness of the fruit or vegetable. This bag with the bright name "Natural Chips from Exotic Vegetables and Fruits" will be sold for no less than 40-60 rubles. Therefore, taking into account the benefit of the seller, your income from just a kilogram of ready-made chips will be about 200 rubles. By purchasing more equipment, inviting employees and agreeing with large suppliers of raw materials, you will be able to supply your products to several points at once, and then your business will be able to generate a decent income.

Fruits and berries


fruit chips- a ready-made quick snack, which, in comparison with purchased potato chips, has a wide range of advantages. Firstly, they are prepared exclusively from natural products without the addition of harmful food additives. Secondly, fruit chips are not fried at all in vegetable oil, due to which carcinogens harmful to the human body are formed in the products. In general, this crunchy delicacy is a really healthy product that can be consumed by both adults and children without hesitation.

At home, you can make a healthy snack from any of your favorite fruits. According to this photo recipe, you can also make vegetable chips, which turn out to be just as tasty and completely harmless. Thanks to this method, it is possible to create a homemade crispy snack from natural products, which is much healthier than all purchased snacks. Below is a step-by-step instruction for making homemade fruit chips, in accordance with which we propose to start cooking them.



    To create homemade chips, we chose the most delicious fruits and berries so that the fruit snack comes out excellent. First of all, the products must be properly rinsed and dried. Then we cut the strawberries into thin slices, and simply flatten the raspberries. We put the prepared berries on the pallet of the electric dryer and dry them for about twelve hours in medium power mode.

    Now let's prepare the apricots. We separate the clean and dried fruits from the seeds and cut them into thin slices. Sliced ​​apricot slices are sent to the dryer tray.

    Apricots should also be dried on medium mode for thirteen hours until fully cooked.

    This is what dried apricots look like, which are later eaten as chips.

    We send the pallet with peaches to the electric dryer for twelve hours. During this time, they will acquire the structure of real fruit chips..

    After a while, the peach sweetness is ready and has a rather appetizing appearance.

    And the last thing - it remains to mix all the dried berries and fruits in one common pile. Natural fruit chips are ready. Now they can be enjoyed with great pleasure. Know that this delicacy will not cause any harm, but, on the contrary, will bring maximum benefit.

    Bon appetit!

Fruit chips are a healthy and nutritious replacement for traditional potato chips. The modern gastronomic market has both the simplest and most affordable options for chips like banana or apple, and exotic ones - from or. If you do not trust the compositions and unscrupulous manufacturers, cook the snack yourself. All you need is parchment paper, an oven and some free time.

What you need to know about fruit chips, how to cook them and does cooking affect the health benefits of fruit?

general characteristics

Fruit chips are a modern version of dryers that our grandmothers used. The fruits were dried, dipped into a huge pot with spices and soft drinks were brewed. The gastronomic industry has gone further - now they use not or, but citrus and tropical fruit sets for dryers. They also decided to abandon the cooking process, and ready-made dryers are eaten just like that, calling fruit chips.

The gastronomic market is full of fruit chips from different manufacturers. Someone adds sugar to their product, someone adds harmful chemicals like flavor enhancers and preservatives. Someone skimps on high-quality packaging, which also affects sales, while someone simply sells tasteless snacks.

Not every manufacturer can please the customer, so the best option is to make fruit chips in your own kitchen. You will be able to control every stage of production, make the appetizer as tasty and organic as possible. All you need is fruit, a properly working oven and a sharp knife.

How to prepare a snack

Cut the fruit into small circles or any other preferred shape. It is best to use miniature oval / round fruits - they can be quickly chopped and immediately sent to the oven without additional manipulations. Chips can be cooked with the skin on. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the ingredients and monitor their quality. Don't forget to remove the pits or seeds from the pulp.

Advice. If you lack the natural sweetness of fruits, sprinkle them with coconut sugar, powdered sugar, or pour over a mixture of your favorite spices. Find special combinations of your favorite flavors, mix them up and spread over fruit slices.

Prepared slices must be dried to brittleness. For this, standard appliances such as an electric or gas oven are suitable. To get a thin crispy structure, consider the following rules:

  • slightly open the oven;
  • cook at 60°C;
  • Be sure to use parchment.

If you have an electric dryer for fruits and vegetables, use it. The technique will simplify your task as much as possible and take care of the snack on your own. All that is required of you is to evenly lay out the slices, set the desired mode and wait. There is no need to turn fruit slices, the machine will take care of even heating.

The cooking process takes at least 7 hours (excluding fruit preparation). Stock up on the right ingredients, technique, and patience to get the perfect fruit chips. They can be eaten on their own, dipped in liquid for cooking or cold drinks, used as decorations, or added a sweet new twist to your favorite dishes.

What to cook snack

The most important guideline is your taste preferences. Leading positions in the market of fruit chips are taken away.

Banana is a versatile product that can be subjected to any heat treatment without worrying about taste and structure. The composition of the banana includes a whole set of beneficial vitamins that make the skin glow and hair grow with a vengeance. Banana normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, saturates quickly and for a long time, and helps fight depression. Moreover, the product is available both on a hot August morning and on a frosty February evening, at an affordable price.

Peel the fruit from the peel, cut the banana into half rings and send it to the oven. If you want to diversify the taste, use spices, chocolate drops or other fruits.

An equally popular category of products for chips is citrus fruits. Especially often they prepare a combination of - - with granulated sugar or honey. Citrus fruits are simply cut into thin rings and sent to the oven without peeling. The finished snack combines pronounced citrus aromas and several palettes of taste - from sweet to sour.

Citrus fruits abound in ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It not only strengthens internal health, but also affects external beauty. Vitamin C increases the skin's resistance to UV radiation, protects against free radicals, and makes the face clear, smooth and radiant.

A pear is perfect for drying. The natural sweetness of the pear doesn't need any extra sugar, and the nutrients provide a boost of energy and satiety like a full meal.

Crispy chips come from. Orange fruit is a storehouse of retinol (vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and. Apricot fruit chips combine a bright taste with a barely noticeable sourness, and tremendous benefits for the body. A snack can be given to a child for school, added to morning cereals/smoothie bowls, or simply eaten between meals.

Tip: make a small trial batch of apples/bananas and other available products to understand the specifics of the preparation and evaluate the taste.

Cooking hacks

To give the snack a crispy structure, cut the fruit slices as thinly as possible. For this, culinary equipment like a grater, vegetable peeler or a special machine for cutting slices is perfect.

Lay the slices on baking paper, not on a baking sheet, otherwise the fruit will stick to it and turn stone.

Do not forget to stir the snack periodically to achieve an even distribution of temperatures.

Make a trial batch of chips in the toaster. The slices should be thin but long so that they can be easily pulled out of the toaster.

Store the finished snack in an airtight plastic bag. Place it in a dry, cool place without access to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. So they will remain fresh and crispy for 7-10 days.

Does heat treatment affect the benefits of fruits

No method of cooking can guarantee the complete preservation of nutrients. Even during serving, the dish comes into contact with air and ultraviolet light, which reduces bioavailability. Storage in the refrigerator can also reduce this figure. Do not chase the integrity of the composition - monitor the quality and taste of the products.

The only way to benefit from food is to eat it in different varieties. Don't just focus on fruit chips or raw fresh berries - combine menus to feel both full and gastronomic.

If your diet is balanced and varied, then you don't have to worry about the method of preparation. Your body receives the necessary set of nutrients, so a serving of dried oranges will not reduce immunity, memory or vision. Take food easy and be healthy!

People living in the modern world are often forced to eat on the run. The only thing that remains is to select snack foods that are at least not harmful. This category includes fruit chips, especially those that are cooked at home.

What it is?

Everyone is used to the fact that there are potato chips, that they are tasty, high-calorie and very harmful. But on the shelves of shops today you can find not only traditional potato chips, but also fruit chips. They have much fewer calories and retain the vitamins that fresh fruits are full of. Quality crunchy fruit snacks are free from preservatives and colorants, as well as dangerous carcinogens, because fruit snacks are not fried in oil.

Such products are obtained by freezing fruits and further processing in a dryer. Thanks to these manipulations, moisture evaporates from juicy slices, and everything useful remains in place.

Snacks made according to these rules are diet food that cannot harm the digestive system or contribute to the set of extra pounds.

Another issue is that there is no trust in store-bought chips in our time. It is impossible to know for sure that a manufacturer has put a completely safe product on the market. Some of them also add flavor enhancers and other chemicals to fruit chips, which the buyer often does not even suspect. At the same time, this product cannot be called cheap. Buying it is often not very reasonable, in terms of the family budget.

The best way to get a truly healthy snack is to make crunchy fruit snacks yourself. It is quite possible to cook natural chips at home. Nothing but benefits can be expected from their use. Except when recipes use butter or large amounts of sugar. In addition, thanks to self-made snacks, you can:

  • enrich the diet of family members with a 100% healthy product;
  • give the opportunity to take healthy chips to school, work or leisure, without burdening the bag with excess weight of products;
  • snack on a delicious treat without harming the figure

What to make?

You can cook a delicious crispy snack from different fruits. The most common in dried form are:

  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • apricots;
  • oranges;
  • kiwi;
  • pineapples;
  • pears.

Cooking principle

In order for the creation of the delicacy to turn out, indeed, chips, and not ordinary dried fruits, it is necessary to cut them very thinly. Only in this way, after drying, they can crunch. To achieve this, you need to use a vegetable cutter or grater, which allows you to divide this or that fruit into almost transparent plates.

When it comes to making chips, for example, from citrus fruits, you should not peel them. It is enough to remove the bones.

Fruit can be dried just like that, or you can use a more complex recipe. For example, coat the pieces with honey composition, powdered sugar and seasonings for sweet dishes such as cinnamon or vanillin.

After dividing the fruit into parts with baking paper, cover a baking sheet, lay plastics on it in one layer and dry at a temperature of sixty degrees, turning over from time to time. The oven door should be slightly open so that the moisture evaporates faster.

In the process of preparation, the pieces should become brittle. Keep in mind that the cooking process will take several hours.

If the household has an electric food dryer, you can use it. It is enough to lay out the plates in it, and set the device to the desired mode. The electric dryer itself will ensure uniformity of heating.

Treat Options

More often than others, chips are made from apples. They have an interesting sweet taste that can be made even more pleasant by adding nutmeg, cinnamon or ginger powder to apples.

Apple slices are rolled in additives, and then laid out on a baking sheet according to the above scheme. If you bake them quickly, you can set the temperature in the oven at 100 degrees. Then cooking will take an hour. Drying takes half an hour on one side, half an hour on the other.

Using this principle, you can cook pear chips. To do this, chopped fruits are rolled in cinnamon and sugar, and then dried.

Banana chips contain a large amount of vitamin C and B, as well as potassium. It is better to dry pieces of such fruits with cinnamon, which the plates are sprinkled with before being sent to the oven. You can also sprinkle the slices with liquid chocolate.

At a temperature of one hundred degrees, such chips will be ready in an hour and a half from the start of processing. Finally, they will acquire a characteristic crunch after cooling.

To prepare Mexican banana chips, three or four of these fruits, vegetable oil and lemon, as well as hot red pepper and salt, are taken. Bananas are peeled and cut into thin slices. The temperature in the oven is brought to one hundred and eighty degrees. Fruit plates are poured with oil, sprinkled with spices and laid out on a baking sheet in one layer. Wait twenty minutes, then turn over, and bake for the same amount of time. Then the oven must be turned off, and the chips should not be taken out, allowing them to finally lose excess moisture.

Green bananas are also suitable for creating a crispy snack. They can be eaten with sauce. It is necessary to take two or three unripe fruits, a teaspoon of olive oil and salt to taste. For the sauce, you will need one avocado, the juice of half a lemon and garlic (clove).

Bananas thinly cut into rings. Put the oven on one hundred and eighty degrees. Pour fruit preparations with oil and sprinkle with spices, and then mix gently.

Put the bananas on a baking sheet lined with paper and leave in the oven for fifteen minutes, then cook the same amount more, turning over to the other side.

Prepare the sauce by grinding and mixing all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

It is good to turn citrus fruits into a crunchy snack, laying pieces of orange, lemon and lime on one baking sheet at the same time. They can be sprinkled with sugar or rolled in honey. And after that, send it to a hot oven for cooking. The taste of such a platter will range from sweet to sour.

The taste of kiwi chips is tart. For their preparation, you can take three or four fruits. Remove hairs from the peel or cut off the skin altogether. It remains to cut the kiwi into thin round slices, soak in lemon juice and put on a baking sheet covered with paper. Tumble dry at 50 degrees.

You can really get a whole collection of fruit flavors if you cook chips from many different fruits at the same time. You can take a couple of apples, the same number of bananas and kiwi, add lemons (three), pineapple and a kilo of sugar.

First you need to boil the syrup. Pour sugar into a basin, pour cold water (liter) and wait for it to boil. Stir, remove from the stove and squeeze the contents of one lemon into a sweet mass. Let cool.

Cut fruit into slices one millimeter thick. Dip them in syrup, put a lid on top and let stand in this form for a couple of hours. Set the oven to seventy degrees. Meanwhile, remove the fruit blanks from the syrup and put on paper so that the excess sweetness drains. After that, you can dry.

In the absence of any experience in making fruit chips, you can make very few such snacks to start with. This will allow you to understand the intricacies of the process and, in general, to assess whether you like such food.

It is advisable not to mix fruits that are dissimilar in structure and composition on the same baking sheet, since their cooking time may be too different. It may turn out that one part will not dry out and will not be crispy, while the other will have time to burn.

It must be taken into account that when using honey and sugar, the likelihood of burning fruit increases. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the chips created according to the recipe with such ingredients especially carefully.

Store homemade fruit chips in a glass jar with a lid. This way they stay dry and crispy.

To create chips, you can use not only fruits, but also vegetables, such as carrots, beets or pumpkins.

For how to make banana chips with cinnamon, see the following video.

Fruit chips are a good option for a light snack, in addition, such processing allows you to save the crop for the winter without much effort and additional expenses. It is most convenient to prepare fruit chips in a special device - a dehydrator (dryer), if you do not have it, then we suggest using the oven, the result will be no worse. About fruit, our today's selection of recipes.

fruit chips

This fruit chips recipe is suitable for drying any fruit: pears, apples, oranges, lemons, pineapples, plums, etc.


  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • any fruit.


Cut fruit into very thin slices. Preheat the oven to 70 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment. We cook syrup from sugar with water, when it boils, put slices of fruit into it and boil for 3-4 minutes, then put it in a colander. We lay out the boiled fruits in one layer on a baking sheet and dry at 70 degrees for 6 hours. Chips should be checked from time to time, as different fruits cook for different amounts of time.

banana fruit chips


  • large, slightly greenish bananas.


Bananas are peeled and cut obliquely into thin long slices. In a roaster or a deep frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and lower the chopped bananas in small portions. Fry for 3 minutes until golden brown. Drain chips on paper towel and let excess oil drain. Ready-made chips can be seasoned with salt, but if salted bananas are too exotic for you, then sprinkle bananas with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

There is another way to make banana fruit chips - in the oven. Bananas are cut into thin slices, lightly greased with warmed honey, sprinkled with lemon juice and set to dry in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees. Dry in the same way and pineapple, only at 110 degrees.