How to quickly cook delicious and fragrant pancakes on the water. Recipe for pancakes on the water

Pancakes on the water, recipes for making simple pastries from a minimum amount of products, these are ordinary pancakes with or without yeast.

Homemade pancakes are prepared on the basis of any liquid product - milk, kefir, sour cream, yogurt - but ordinary water is considered the simplest basis for kneading dough. On the water, pancakes without eggs turn out to be lush, airy, no worse than ordinary dairy pancakes with eggs.

We offer a convenient selection - recipes for lean pancakes without eggs: with yeast, pancakes with soda and without yeast.

Having tested in practice our recipes for pancakes on the water, it is easy and simple to make sure that the usual lean dough without eggs and without milk works wonders. Water-based dough pancakes are baked fluffy not only thanks to yeast, eggs and dairy products, but also to the right combinations of ingredients in recipes.

A selection of recipes is especially useful in a situation where you need to decide how to quickly fry lean pancakes from almost nothing.

Lenten pancakes give a great advantage to the hostess when preparing breakfast, afternoon tea. The products that make up the Dairy-Free Water Pancake Test are simple and affordable. Agree, for sure in every house and without going to the store there is clean water, flour, dry yeast or, at worst, soda?

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Remember! After kneading the yeast dough, do not use it immediately. Pancakes will turn out more magnificent if you give the dough time to proof. Soda and baking powder, like yeast, make the dough airy, porous, not dense, and fritters ready on water are lush.

Fritters on the water without eggs and yeast

Let's start with the most popular method - the classic preparation of pancakes on the water: the recipe is suitable for everyone, and for everyone, even an inexperienced cook, the pastry turns out to be airy, soft.

This method is ideal for dietary, baby food, people prone to allergies to chicken eggs, and of course, vegetarians.


  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • vanillin - half a sachet;
  • refined vegetable oil.


You can improve the taste of baking with the help of various additives. To do this, at the end of the kneading, put a handful of steamed raisins, slices of bananas or in the dough.

  1. Pour granulated sugar, salt, baking powder into warm water, mix.
  2. Then add 2 tbsp. butter and sifted flour, carefully break the dough with a whisk or blender so that there are no lumps.
  3. We leave the resulting dough for 10-15 minutes on the table.
  4. After that, we collect a full tablespoon of dough and put it on a preheated pan, greased with oil. One spoonful of dough is one pancake. That is, the size of the cakes depends on the amount of dough that you scoop up with a spoon.
  5. Turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Fry the pancakes on one side for about 1-2 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Then turn over to the other side, but do not cover with a lid. Thus, fry the rest of the pancakes from the cooked dough.

Lush pancakes on the water without eggs are ready. We shift them to a plate and serve hot to the table with, or sour cream.

When choosing recipes for home cooking, do not forget that the Lenten table can be delicious without animal products, you just need to know how to cook the dishes.

Fritters with yeast on the water

The second lean recipe for pancakes with yeast. Most cooks prefer just such a composition of lean dough, they knead the dough with dry instant yeast. Yeast pancakes on the water are lush, tasty and soft.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Ordinary water in recipes can be replaced with carbonated sweet or mineral water. In addition, for lean baking without eggs, we recommend using natural juices or fruit drinks as a base. Bright drinks will give pancakes a pronounced taste and fruity aroma.


  • wheat flour - 200 g;
  • dry yeast - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • odorless oil for frying;
  • powdered sugar.


In the kneaded dough, a little cinnamon or nutmeg can be added to the indicated composition. In addition, soaked berries of dried cherries, raisins, pieces will make yeast pancakes brighter and tastier.

  1. Pour yeast and sugar into warm water, stir.
  2. Then add flour and mix again.
  3. Cover the bowl with the dough and leave in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes.
  4. After that, fry the cakes as written in the previous recipe.

We serve ready-made yeast pancakes to the table after cooling a little and sprinkling with powdered sugar or watering with honey,.

Video recipe

Recipe for fluffy water fritters without yeast

Mineral water saturates the dough for pancakes with oxygen, and in combination with soda, mineral water replaces yeast to some extent, so lean pancakes on soda water can be fluffy, porous and tasty without the use of eggs and yeast.


  • white flour - 1 cup;
  • highly carbonated mineral water - 1 glass;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • citric acid or juice - at the tip of a teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.


Soda can be replaced with baking powder, the amount of which must be increased by 2 times in relation to soda.

  1. Pour the sifted flour, soda into a bowl, mix.
  2. Then pour lemon juice into the mineral water or throw a pinch of acid.
  3. Next, add water to the bowl with flour, mix until the lumps disperse.
  4. After that, pour out the granulated sugar and pour 3 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  5. Mix the mass again.

We fry lean pancakes in the classic way discussed in the very first recipe in a pan-crepe pan or cast iron pan with the addition of oil.

We serve pancakes to the table with berry jams, homemade jam, chocolate.

We hope that fasting people, people suffering from lactose intolerance, and everyone who is persistently fighting against extra pounds will like these homemade recipes for lean pancakes, because lean pancakes on the water are simple, tasty and fast!

We, as usual, look forward to your feedback and suggestions in the comments.

How to cook lush pancake recipes on water - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Probably, everyone remembers the taste of grandmother's pancakes, familiar from childhood, so carefully prepared for breakfast. It was especially tasty to eat this delicacy with the addition of apple or plum jam. Let's learn together the recipe for lush pancakes on the water.

1 Fritters on the water with eggs

Pancakes are prepared quickly and easily. Moreover, the delicacy can be prepared without using dairy products: for children and those who do not eat animal fats. Also, this deliciousness is suitable for people who feel discomfort when eating milk dishes, adhere to a diet or fasting.

Such food is considered more low-calorie and dietary. Today we will share the secret of my grandmother's recipe for making wonderful pancakes on the water.

So, we need:

  • 2 cups warm water (you can use sparkling mineral water)
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • 300-400 g flour (required, premium). Flour may need less or more
  • 1/2 tsp soda or baking powder
  • Salt, citric acid - a small pinch each
  • Vegetable oil


  • Sift the flour so that it is more airy and saturated with oxygen.
  • Mix the ingredients: eggs, sugar, soda, salt, warm water diluted with citric acid
  • Everything is very well whipped
  • Knead a thick dough, such a consistency that it does not pour out of a spoon, but flows very slowly
  • Heat the pan, pour in sunflower oil, put a spoonful of kneaded dough
  • When the pancakes grab, turn them over to the other side and cover the pan with a lid, thanks to this trick your pancakes will rise higher

Pancakes are served for breakfast with caviar, pate (for lovers of salty dishes), or with jam, sour cream, condensed milk - for those with a sweet tooth.

2 Fritters on the water without eggs

To brighten up a lean diet, you can cook small pancakes in soda water without eggs.

For the test you need:

  • Flour - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar, honey - to taste
  • Sparkling water - 2 cups
  • Soda or citric acid

Cooking fritters.

  • Sift the flour, saturate it with air particles, add soda, mix
  • Gradually add warm carbonated drink
  • Add honey and sugar until the dough is smooth
  • The dough should be thick and full of air bubbles.
  • Spread the cooked dough with a spoon on a hot frying pan and fry on 2 sides
  • Place cooked pancakes on paper towels to remove excess fat.
  • You need to eat pastries immediately with the addition of sour cream, cream or jam

Grated apples are added to the homemade baking recipe, this will give the delicacy a slightly sour taste.

For little gourmets, you can fry pancakes of the original form, beautifully decorate with your favorite berries or fruits.

3Luxury pancakes with yeast

Lush homemade pancakes from yeast dough:

  • Sifted flour - 0.450 g
  • Yeast (dry) - 10-12 g
  • Warm water - 2 cups
  • Sugar - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vanillin to taste
  • Sunflower oil - for frying fritters

How to cook:

  • Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. We leave this mixture for at least 15-20 minutes, if possible, then for all 30 minutes.
  • Add some sifted flour to the yeast
  • Knead all products until foam appears, add salt, vanillin and the rest of the flour. knead the dough
  • Leave the dough to rise in the heat for 30-40 minutes.
  • We put the dough into the pan with a tablespoon, fry from 2 sides until golden brown
  • Remove excess fat and serve

Lush pancakes go well with jam, chocolate, condensed milk. They can brighten up the beginning of the working day, because they are prepared very simply and quickly, are easily digested, give a boost of positive energy and good mood.

In the culinary world, a lot of variations of the recipes described by us have been invented, and each is tasty and tender in its own way. Do not be afraid to experiment and delight your loved ones with delicious pancakes.

Probably, many remember how their grandmother treated them to pancakes. And there is no such person who could resist pancakes with a golden crust. Most people are not even aware of how many recipes for cooking their favorite dish. One of these options is pancakes on the water.

Frying pancakes on water is preferred by those who decide to lose extra pounds, fast, or suffer from lactose intolerance.

You don't need a lot of ingredients to make these pancakes. Everything you need is usually available in every kitchen.

Fritters on the water without eggs

According to this recipe, you can cook pancakes on the water, if, for example, you want to indulge in homemade pancakes, but do not have the desire to go to the grocery store. You don't need eggs or milk to cook.


To bake pancakes on water, do the following:

Advice. If your dough is too thick, grease your hands with oil and pinch off pieces from the dough, form them and put them in the pan.

Fritters on the water with eggs

These pancakes will turn out to be more high-calorie and satisfying compared to the previous ones. They are ideal for breakfast, as they contain a sufficient amount of both proteins and carbohydrates. To make fritters you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 6-7 glasses;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • water (it must first be slightly warmed up) - 0.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp (it will need to be diluted in warm water);
  • sunflower oil.


Note! These pancakes are ideally combined with honey, jam or sour cream.

Fritters on the water with soda

Using soda in the preparation of pancakes, you will make them unusually soft and voluminous.



In order to achieve maximum “airiness” of the pancakes, sift the flour about 3 times. Thus, she can be more saturated with oxygen, as a result of which the pancakes will turn out to be lush. Most often wheat flour is used in the preparation of pancakes. However, some housewives like to experiment and add rye, buckwheat or corn instead.

Lush pancakes on the water without yeast

You can make pancakes on water lush and soft even without using yeast thanks to the following recipe. It is very simple, but at the same time not everyone knows it.

To make fritters you will need:

The fat content of kefir does not affect the splendor of pancakes. But the housewives noted that when using more acidic kefir, pancakes are more magnificent.

The preparation itself should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Pour kefir into the container, add eggs, salt and granulated sugar. Whisk everything thoroughly.
  2. Then sift and add flour there, add soda / baking powder.

    Important! In no case do not beat the dough with a mixer. It must be gently stirred with a whisk or fork.

    If you have lumps in the dough, don't worry. The main thing is that it should be thick.

  3. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

To make the pancakes really lush, kefir must be warmed up. However, it should not be too hot. Warm kefir reacts much faster with soda and sugar, as a result of which the pancakes are not only fluffy, but also very sweet.

Fritters on water and yeast - video

Fritters with apples on the water

This pancake recipe is great for people who are fasting or on a strict diet. Such pancakes are airy and tender. Usually they are served with honey, jam or simply sprinkled with sugar.

So, for cooking you will need:

Fritters are prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour the yeast into a bowl and mix it with sugar and salt.
  2. Add a slightly warmed ode and mix everything.
  3. Sift and add the flour, stirring lightly with a whisk, bring the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. Then cut the apples into small cubes and mix them into the dough.

    Note! If you use sour varieties of apples, the pancakes will turn out more fluffy.

  5. Leave the dough in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. During this time, it should "approach".
  6. Now spread the dough on a spoon on a hot frying pan and fry the pancakes until a golden crust appears. For beauty, you can sprinkle the pancakes with sugar.

These pancakes usually taste better when they are hot. Therefore, it is recommended to serve them to the table as soon as they are cooked. They pair perfectly with herbal teas.

Fritters on the water with dry yeast

In order to cook pancakes with dry yeast, you will need:

The technology for making fritters is as follows:

Important! To remove excess fat from pancakes, remove them from the pan, put on napkins.

Early maturing pancakes

According to this recipe, you can cook quick pancakes on the water as soon as possible. This is especially important when the named guests dropped in on you.


Manufacturing technology:

  1. Beat the egg with mineral water, add salt, granulated sugar, soda or baking powder and beat everything again.
  2. Then sift and add flour. Make sure there are no lumps in the dough.
  3. Now dilute citric acid in 100 ml of water and pour everything into the dough. Advice. If you do not have citric acid on hand, use table vinegar.
  4. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Simple pancakes on the water - video

Fritters on citric acid

To prepare fritters with citric acid, you will need:


  1. Whisk eggs with salt and sugar. Add warm water there, after dissolving citric acid in it. Mix everything.
  2. Sift and add flour there. Knead a thick dough.
  3. Fry the pancakes over medium heat until golden brown.

In order to make simple pancakes on the water not only tasty, but also fragrant, you can add vanillin, dill, cinnamon to the dough.

In addition, you can put dried apricots, dates, raisins or quince in pancakes. However, adding too many of these ingredients is not recommended, as this can affect the "airiness" of the dough.

Quick pancakes on the water with honey

To make fritters, use the following ingredients:

Fritters are prepared as follows:

  1. Sift the flour and mix it with the baking powder (or soda).
  2. Heat the soda and pour it into the flour.
  3. Add honey, sugar and 2-3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.
  4. Fry the pancakes on both sides.

Advice. In order for the pancakes to be soft and airy, it is desirable that all ingredients be at the same temperature.

As you can see, it is not difficult to cook pancakes on the water. In this article, we have described only the basic recipes. If you wish, you can change anything in the composition and / or method of preparation, based on your taste preferences. Experiment, invent, try new things. And if you really like any of our recipes, be sure to share the results in the comments!

Related video:

Fritters on the water are a very tasty delicacy, despite the fact that for some reason it is generally accepted that baking on the water is less satisfying and lush than those cooked with milk. Today I will share three recipes with readers, having tried any of which you can see for yourself that pancakes on the water are a full-fledged sweet dish, which also stands out with a reduced calorie content. One of the main advantages of such pancakes is the speed of cooking. Due to this, very often such pastries are included in the list of the breakfast menu, but they are no less often cooked for an afternoon snack, when you want to taste warm pancakes right from the pan in the middle of the day, and there is no desire to stand in the kitchen for a long time.

The whole process of cooking fritters is quite simple and straightforward. It is enough just to mix all the products indicated in the list of ingredients in one container and mix them into a homogeneous mass using a whisk or mixer. The resulting mass will be the ideal test for pancakes on the water. The composition of the dough most often includes the same products: water, salt, flour, sugar, vegetable oil and eggs. Sometimes hostesses add additional ingredients, such as yeast, which can be replaced with soda (for splendor), vanilla (for smell), aromatic additives (for taste).

The beauty of the pancake recipe is that by eliminating sugar from the composition, you will get unsweetened pancakes on the water. Depending on this, you can select the appropriate filling. Pieces of berries, fruits, dried apricots or raisins can be added to the dough for sweet pancakes. In unsweetened pancakes, you can put fried vegetables: onions, carrots, sauerkraut, etc.

When the dough for pancakes is ready, it's time to move on to the frying process. The frying pan is greased with vegetable oil and put on fire to warm up. Put the dough with a tablespoon, cover the pan with a lid and fry the pancakes on both sides until cooked. As a rule, 3-4 minutes per barrel is sufficient.

Nevertheless, when it comes to pancakes on water, milk or kefir, most often they mean sweetness. Therefore, before serving, pancakes can be poured with syrup, condensed milk, honey, or simply sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Simple pancakes on the water without eggs

If you have a minimum set of products in the refrigerator, then this does not matter. Even without eggs, you can cook delicious pancakes on the water, which in terms of taste will not be inferior to any others. Also, if you are fasting, then take note of this pancake recipe.

  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 300 ml water
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • Vegetable oil
  1. Sift the flour into a deep bowl.
  2. In a thin stream, pour drinking water at room temperature into the flour without ceasing to stir.
  3. Add dry yeast, sugar and salt to the mass. Knead the dough for pancakes.
  4. Cover the container with the dough with a towel, and put in a warm place for 60 minutes.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and set it to heat up.
  6. Spoon the batter into the pan in batches and cover with a lid.
  7. Fry the pancakes over medium heat on both sides until fully cooked.

Lush pancakes on the water with eggs and soda

Lush pancakes can be cooked not only with yeast, but also with soda. In this case, you will be relieved of the need to wait until the dough rises, and you will quickly cope with the entire cooking process.

  • 3 art. water
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp soda
  • Vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • Vegetable oil
  1. Pour sugar, salt into the water and beat in the eggs. Whisk all ingredients until smooth.
  2. We extinguish the soda with vinegar and add to the dough.
  3. Add flour in small portions and knead the dough.
  4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and spread the dough with a spoon.
  5. Fry the fritters on both sides until golden brown.

Homemade yeast pancakes on the water

This recipe corresponds one to one to the one used to prepare pancakes on the water in schools and kindergartens. Thanks to the yeast, they turn out to be extremely lush and satisfying, so they can pass for a full breakfast for all family members.

  • 500 ml water
  • 14 g fresh yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3 cups flour
  • Vegetable oil
  1. We heat the water in the microwave and pour the yeast into it. Let them dissolve completely.
  2. Add sugar, salt and egg to the water with yeast. Using a mixer, mix all the ingredients until the mass is homogeneous.
  3. Then add flour to the mass and knead the dough. Cover the finished dough with a towel and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.
  4. After 60 minutes, lightly mix the dough and leave it for another half an hour.
  5. We form pancakes from the dough, put them on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry on both sides until cooked.

Now you know how to cook pancakes on the water. Bon appetit!

Fritters on the water are not a luxury, therefore, every novice cook will be able to effortlessly prepare such a delicacy for himself and his loved ones both for breakfast and just like that. Of course, there are some subtleties of cooking pancakes, but they are not so significant that you cannot cope with them. Finally, as always, I want to give a couple of tips so that your pancakes on the water turn out delicious the first time:

  • Before using, do not forget to sift the flour, this will make your pancakes on the water more magnificent;
  • The water you use for the recipe should be warm. If you are preparing yeast dough for pancakes, this rule must be observed without fail;
  • Do not be afraid to experiment and add various fillings to the dough: fruits, berries, nuts or chocolate pieces;
  • It is best to fry pancakes in water in vegetable oil and under a tightly closed frying pan lid. From this, they will not only fry evenly, but will also have an amazingly appetizing color.

Some people think that pancakes on the water are tasteless, but this is not at all the case! If you cook them correctly, then they will come out no worse than on kefir and just as lush.

Classic fritters with yeast on the water

Yeast pancakes on water are easy to make, but you have to wait a little while the dough rises.

Required products:

  • three large spoons of sugar;
  • 0.3 kg of flour;
  • 0.25 liters of warm water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • one and a half tablespoons of yeast.

Cooking process:

  1. Place salt and sugar in a glass of warm water and let them dissolve. Add yeast, leave for ten minutes to infuse.
  2. Pour the flour into a deep container, pour the prepared yeast mixture, mix. You should get a fairly thick mass. If yours is runny, add more flour.
  3. Cover the bowl and leave for 40 minutes, after which the mass should rise and it can be used for further cooking.
  4. Take a small amount of dough with a spoon, put it in a pan and fry in oil for several minutes on both sides.

No added eggs

Required products:

  • 0.25 liters of water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • baking powder spoon;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • a glass of flour.

Cooking process:

  1. We heat the specified amount of water to about 35 degrees, add all the dry ingredients from the list, except flour, mix it.
  2. We fall asleep flour, whisk the mass a little with a whisk to remove the lumps that have appeared, and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. We spread a small amount of the resulting mixture in a hot pan and fry on both sides for several minutes until a beautiful color appears.

Lush pancakes without yeast

Do you want fluffy pancakes without yeast? Then be sure to check out this recipe! It will surprise you, as baking, despite the economy option of a set of products, turns out to be tender and tasty.

Required products:

  • two eggs;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a quarter of a spoon of citric acid;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • half a spoonful of soda;
  • 0.25 kg of flour.

Cooking process:

  1. We combine water at about room temperature with eggs, sugar, citric acid and salt. We mix everything well.
  2. Then add flour and baking soda while continuing to mix thoroughly. It should be homogeneous and resemble homemade cream in density.
  3. We take a little of the resulting dough, put it in a pan and bring it to readiness, frying for several minutes on both sides.

Recipe on water with eggs

Pancakes on the water with eggs - one of the easiest and most inexpensive options for making this pastry.

Literally in half an hour you will already be able to please your family with a delicious breakfast.

Required products:

  • a spoonful of soda;
  • two eggs;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 170 milliliters of water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 large spoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare a suitable container, it should be deep enough. Place flour, sugar, salt in it and mix thoroughly. At the same stage, you can add vanilla or cinnamon to taste.
  2. Then put soda here and beat in the eggs, mix again until smooth. You should get a mass of medium density.
  3. Gather some dough, send it to a frying pan, preheated well with oil, and fry on a medium heat level on both sides, for several minutes until a beautiful color is formed.

Lenten pancakes according to GOST

Lush pancakes on the water can also be lenten. The recipe will be without eggs, but of course, with yeast.

Required products:

  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • three tablespoons of sugar or to your taste;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a spoonful of yeast.

Cooking process:

  1. Please note that the water must be warm in order for the yeast to behave as it should. Place salt, sugar, and then yeast in the indicated amount of liquid. Leave the container for ten minutes to swell.
  2. We take a deep bowl, pour flour into it and pour in the already infused water with yeast. Mix everything well so that the mass is homogeneous and thick enough, similar to sour cream. If necessary, you can add more flour.
  3. Leave the covered container for a while - the contents should stand and increase in size.
  4. When this process has started, turn on the stove and warm the pan well with oil.
  5. We spread a small amount of the prepared mass on it with a spoon and keep it on medium heat until the color turns golden. This usually takes a couple of minutes. Then flip over and cook on the other side as well.

What to serve with delicious pancakes?

Most often, we eat these pastries, of course, with sour cream or dip them in sweet condensed milk, but in fact there are many other delicious options with which to serve pancakes.

  • You can try to slightly heat the milk, melt a small piece of butter in it and add cottage cheese. Mix everything well and dip the pancakes into this mixture. The resulting sauce will taste somewhat like sour cream.
  • Few people know, but pancakes go very well with fish, for example, with herring or any other salty kind. When serving, it is cut into pieces and placed on top of baking.
  • Another option is orange oil. For it, you will need orange syrup, which is mixed with butter, beaten thoroughly, and then grated zest is added to the mixture. In the same way, you can prepare honey oil, just beat the bee product with butter.
  • It is very tasty to eat pastries with strawberry puree. To prepare it, you need to chop about two cups of strawberries (fresh or frozen) and mix the resulting mass with one hundred grams of sugar. Separately, mix a large spoonful of starch with 130 milliliters of water and combine this mixture with strawberries. Send to the stove, bring to a boil, let cool and serve with pancakes.

As can be seen from the above recipes, there are a lot of options for pancakes on the water, and among them everyone will find the one that he likes.

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Pancakes are usually cooked, sometimes - or ... But even with plain water you can cook very tasty and lush pancakes. At the same time, such a recipe will be without yeast, on soda, so that the dough is prepared quickly and easily, it always turns out. In addition, there are no eggs in the composition of such fritters, so they can be safely eaten in fasting.

Ingredients for 12 pancakes:
- 250 g of wheat flour;
- 200 ml of water;
- a pinch of citric acid;
- a pinch of salt;
- 1 tablespoon of sugar;
- 1 teaspoon of soda;
- 1 teaspoon of vinegar;
- 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (1 - in the dough, the rest - for frying).

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour warm water into the bowl of a mixer or combine and pour citric acid. Beat with a mixer until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Gradually, while mixing, add the flour.

We put salt, sugar and slaked soda, mix.

Then add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and beat the dough thoroughly.

The dough should be like thick sour cream. You may need more or less flour, depending on its quality. If the dough turns out to be liquid, add a little, 0.5 tablespoons of flour, mixing the dough thoroughly. If the dough is too thick, add some water and beat again. Set the dough aside for 10 minutes.

Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. When frying fritters, vegetable oil should always be in the pan. If there is no oil left at all, the pancakes will burn - they will turn black, and if there is too much, they will turn out to be too fatty. Therefore, add oil often, but little by little. We spread the dough on a hot frying pan with a tablespoon at a considerable distance from each other - so that it is convenient to turn the pancakes.

Fry the fritters over medium heat until golden brown. Then carefully turn the pancakes over and, reducing the heat, fry on the other side.

Ready pancakes are immediately served to the table. You can serve pancakes with sour cream, honey, jam, syrup...
See also how to cook

Probably, everyone remembers the taste of grandmother's pancakes, familiar from childhood, so carefully prepared for breakfast. It was especially tasty to eat this delicacy with the addition of apple or plum jam. Let's learn together the recipe for lush pancakes on the water.

Fritters on the water with eggs

Pancakes are prepared quickly and easily. Moreover, the delicacy can be prepared without using dairy products: for children and those who do not eat animal fats. Also, this deliciousness is suitable for people who feel discomfort when eating milk dishes, adhere to a diet or fasting.

Such food is considered more low-calorie and dietary. Today we will share the secret of my grandmother's recipe for making wonderful pancakes on the water.

So, we need:

  • 2 cups warm water (you can use sparkling mineral water)
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • 300-400 g flour (required, premium). Flour may need less or more
  • 1/2 tsp soda or baking powder
  • Salt, citric acid - a small pinch each
  • Vegetable oil


  • Sift the flour so that it is more airy and saturated with oxygen.
  • Mix the ingredients: eggs, sugar, soda, salt, warm water diluted with citric acid
  • Everything is very well whipped
  • Knead a thick dough, such a consistency that it does not pour out of a spoon, but flows very slowly
  • Heat the pan, pour in sunflower oil, put a spoonful of kneaded dough
  • When the pancakes grab, turn them over to the other side and cover the pan with a lid, thanks to this trick your pancakes will rise higher

Pancakes are served for breakfast with caviar, pate (for lovers of salty dishes), or with jam, sour cream, condensed milk - for those with a sweet tooth.

Fritters on the water without eggs

To brighten up a lean diet, you can cook small pancakes in soda water without eggs.

For the test you need:

  • Flour - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar, honey - to taste
  • Sparkling water - 2 cups
  • Soda or citric acid

Cooking fritters.

  • Sift the flour, saturate it with air particles, add soda, mix
  • Gradually add warm carbonated drink
  • Add honey and sugar until the dough is smooth
  • The dough should be thick and full of air bubbles.
  • Spread the cooked dough with a spoon on a hot frying pan and fry on 2 sides
  • Place cooked pancakes on paper towels to remove excess fat.
  • You need to eat pastries immediately with the addition of sour cream, cream or jam

Grated apples are added to the homemade baking recipe, this will give the delicacy a slightly sour taste.

For little gourmets, you can fry pancakes of the original form, beautifully decorate with your favorite berries or fruits.

Lush fritters with yeast

Lush homemade pancakes from yeast dough:

  • Sifted flour - 0.450 g
  • Yeast (dry) - 10-12 g
  • Warm water - 2 cups
  • Sugar - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Vanillin to taste
  • Sunflower oil - for frying fritters

How to cook:

  • Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. We leave this mixture for at least 15-20 minutes, if possible, then for all 30 minutes.
  • Add some sifted flour to the yeast
  • Knead all products until foam appears, add salt, vanillin and the rest of the flour. knead the dough
  • Leave the dough to rise in the heat for 30-40 minutes.
  • We put the dough into the pan with a tablespoon, fry from 2 sides until golden brown
  • Remove excess fat and serve

Lush pancakes go well with jam, chocolate, condensed milk. They can brighten up the beginning of the working day, because they are prepared very simply and quickly, are easily digested, give a boost of positive energy and good mood.

In the culinary world, a lot of variations of the recipes described by us have been invented, and each is tasty and tender in its own way. Do not be afraid to experiment and delight your loved ones with delicious pancakes.

Pancakes are a dessert that has gained popularity due to its affordability and excellent taste. There are many ways to prepare this dish. The most affordable is the preparation of pancakes on the water.

  1. Wheat flour varieties - 500 g;
  2. White sugar-sand - 15 g;
  3. Dry yeast - 5 g;
  4. Salt - one pinch;
  5. Baking soda - 2.5 g.
  6. Water - 350 ml.

Yeast lush pancakes on the water: a recipe step by step

Yeast pancakes on water without adding eggs is a favorite recipe for most housewives: the pancakes for it all come out delicious and just melt in your mouth, and the ingredients for cooking require a minimum amount.

Preparing the dough:

  1. Mix salt, soda, sugar, yeast and a tablespoon of flour.
  2. Pour dry ingredients with warm water and leave the dough for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Sift the flour and pour the dough into it, stirring the mixture with a whisk.
  4. Leave the dough in a warm place for half an hour.
  5. Punch down the dough with a spoon and leave to rise for another 45 minutes.
  6. We collect the mass for baking with a spoon and put it on the pan.
  7. Fry the pancakes for a few minutes on each side.

These pancakes are best eaten immediately after cooking, hot. You can pour the dish with sour cream, condensed milk or jam.

Dried fruits, candied fruits, fruits (for example, banana, apple) can be added to yeast dough.

Custard fritters on water and kefir

Tender and fluffy are pancakes cooked on water and kefir. To prepare them you will need: kefir with a fat content of at least 3.5% (half a liter); two chicken eggs; one and a half glasses of flour; a glass of boiling water; an incomplete teaspoon of sugar, baking soda and salt.

Cooking pancakes:

  1. Mix salt with sugar and eggs, beat the mixture with a whisk.
  2. Combine the egg mixture in an enamel pan, combine with kefir and heat to 60 degrees.
  3. Pour the sifted flour into the egg-kefir mixture.
  4. We take soda and dissolve it in boiling water.
  5. Add water with soda to the dough, mix and leave it for 40 minutes.
  6. Put the dough into the pan with a spoon.
  7. Fry the fritters over medium heat.

Ready pancakes can be poured with condensed milk or cocoa. It is better to eat pancakes warm, piping hot.

How to make pancakes on mineral water fluffy

If there is no soda at home or you do not like a barely noticeable taste in a sodium bicarbonate dish, then you should take a closer look at the option of making pancakes with mineral water. Cakes based on it are airy and light. In order to prepare them, you will need the following ingredients: a glass of mineral water; one egg; a pound of white flour; yeast, sugar (5 g each).

Cooking pancakes resembles a classic recipe:

  1. In heated water, dilute the yeast with sugar and 100 grams of flour, leave the dough for ¼ hour.
  2. Sift the remaining wheat flour into a deep bowl.
  3. Pour the yeast mixture into the flour, mix thoroughly with a whisk.
  4. Leave the dough to rise for half an hour at room temperature.
  5. With a spoon, carefully place the pancakes on a preheated skillet, greased with oil.
  6. Fry the pancakes until cooked (determined by a golden crust or with a toothpick).

Lush pancakes can be served with sour cream, sweet condensed milk or sweet and sour jams.

If the dough turned out too steep, then you can form pancakes manually: picking up the dough with oiled hands.

Yeast-free pancakes on the water

Delicious and tender pancakes can be prepared without the addition of yeast and eggs. To do this, you need to take: 200 g of water and wheat flour; 7 g baking powder; one fourth cup of sugar; half a bag of vanillin and a pinch of salt; vegetable or olive oil.


  1. Mix sugar with baking powder and dissolve them in water.
  2. Sift the flour and pour the sweet mixture into it, stirring thoroughly with a whisk or blender so that there are no lumps left.
  3. Add butter to the dough and mix well.
  4. We leave the dough for a quarter of an hour.
  5. We collect the mass for baking with a spoon and put it on a preheated pan.
  6. We fry the pancakes first under the lid, then turn over and cook in an open pan.

Such pancakes can be eaten by fasting and vegetarians.

If you want to diversify the taste of pancakes with additives (candied fruits or dried fruits), then they must be poured into the dough at the end of the kneading, after adding oil.

Delicious and lush pancakes on the water (video)

Fritters on the water is a simple and tasty dish that can be prepared with or without eggs; both on yeast and yeast-free dough. There are many options for making pancakes. Choose the most suitable one and enjoy the excellent taste!

Lush pancakes in water: recipe (photo)