How to quickly cool a biscuit. How to make biscuit dough recipe

A celebration is coming, a three-tiered cream giant looms in the plans and you want to conquer all guests with the talent of an excellent pastry chef? Then especially you need to know why the biscuit is not baked or falls after baking, as well as at what temperature it is baked and how long. You can get all the necessary information regarding the insidiousness of the biscuit from this post, and using it, success will await you.

All women are impossible sweet tooth. Craving for confectionery sometimes cannot be overcome even by such pesky extra pounds. And in a fit of true love, many housewives try to conjure some delicious trifle for tea in the kitchen.

Three-story cakes, rolls stuffed with creams, the most delicate cupcakes, in general, something based on it, this incredibly tasty, but no less capricious, biscuit, can act as a "trifle".

However, this "Olympus" is not so easy to conquer, and often the ardor of cooks fades away at the sight of a failed masterpiece. So much work, and all down the drain. It is not surprising that the activity of a pastry chef, started so spontaneously, is supported by a host of pressing questions: "Why is the biscuit raw inside, how many minutes does it need to be baked, at what temperature, or why does it settle?" and others, others ...

However, it is worth dealing with everything in order.

Question # 1: Why is starch added to the biscuit?

Often in recipe descriptions, you can see that starchy powder is added to the dough along with the main components. In this regard, a reasonable question arises, why is there starch in the biscuit?

Probably, one should start with the fact that, depending on the plant from which it is extracted, this component is presented in a fairly extensive range, namely, corn, soybean, cassava, rice and other types of starches are used in cooking. In confectionery, they often resort to potato and wheat.

The starch in the biscuit is designed to eliminate excess moisture, which allows the product to be airy and tender. If, when kneading the dough, 30% of the flour is replaced with wheat starch, then you will notice that the volume of the cakes increases during baking, their structure turns out to be lighter and more grainy, and the cake or roll comes out incredibly soft.

However, it is worth remembering that if you use potato powder, then it should be dissolved in dairy or fermented milk products, and also pay special attention to vanilla or any other flavoring agent, since potato starch helps to suppress the taste of the finished product.

Question # 2: How to make a fluffy sponge cake?

You've probably noticed more than once that store cakes are owners of such thick cakes that willy-nilly you feel a prick of envy and try to find out how to achieve this in your homemade baked goods? It should be noted that this is not one or two rules, but a whole range of measures aimed at achieving an excellent result.

Question # 3: Why does the biscuit fall off or not rise at all?

Many hostesses had to deal with such a problem that when baking, the biscuit does not rise, and if it does, then it must go down after it. And it becomes so offensive, because we are trying to comply with all the subtleties and rules, but apparently we are missing something. And this is exactly so, there are several reasons for such a "pig" behavior of the cakes.

  1. The temperature regime is extremely important for baking such a confection, therefore even the slightest violation of this rule entails negative consequences. An old oven can allow air to pass through, thereby disrupting the temperature, this can also include the regular opening of the oven door in the midst of the process. In addition, a malfunction of the oven can lead to uneven heat distribution and the cake threatens to turn out to be lopsided. And this is just one of the factors why the biscuit settles after baking.
  2. Violation of the cooking technique can also have a deplorable effect on the quality of the pastry chef. Perhaps, during the kneading process, the proportions were not observed, or the products were excessively chilled, the whites were poorly whipped, a bad baking powder was used, and so on.
  3. Inaccurate handling of the dough is another reason why the biscuit shrinks. For example, if you hit or shake a form with a mass poured into it, then, alas and oh, you shouldn't even dream of a lush cake. Also, do not knock on the bottom of the baking sheet when removing the biscuit, because it is so tender.
  4. Early extraction of baked goods, as a rule, makes a kind of a bowl out of a beautiful even biscuit. Make sure that the dough is baked evenly.
  5. After preparing the dough, you have absolutely no time to chat with your girlfriend or take a break from the kit-kat, you need to immediately put everything in the form and go ahead with songs in the hot oven.

For the hostess of the multicooker

Owners of multicooker, for example, often boast of huge biscuits, but among them there are "losers" who, instead of a plump sweet roll, get a flat pancake.

The rules for this unit are, in principle, similar to a conventional oven: set the correct temperature and time regime, do not open the lid during the baking process, but here is one rather tricky point. Some are trying to create an incredibly tall monster, such that when raised, it closes the valve of the multicooker and spoils all circulation of warm air.

Well, ladies, dear, do not be lazy, well, make better two mediocre and successful cakes, then happiness will smile at you.

Question # 4: Why is the sponge cake not baked in the middle and how to check if it is cooked?

Many newly-minted "pastry chefs" are wondering how to determine whether the baked goods are ready, whether they are baked? There are a couple of ways to find out.

You can check the readiness of the cake by piercing it in the center with a wooden stick. If after removing our "dosimeter" from the baking at the end it is dry, then hurray, comrades, the biscuit was a success, because otherwise the piece of wood will be sticky, with the remnants of dough.

Another factor signaling the readiness of the biscuit is its appearance, if you find that the baked goods have shrunk somewhat in the form, that is, they have moved away from the walls, then this can be regarded as the readiness of the product.

However, such breakdowns often occur that the outside of the cake looks amazing, but inside it is soft, floundering and clearly unprepared. So what if the biscuit is not baked?

Initially, you need to determine what exactly happened such nonsense.

Large dose of sugar

Often, a semi-baked cake can be the result of a technology error in kneading the dough. If, hoping to make the future cake even sweeter, a naive housewife put 2 times more sugar in it, then you should not expect a perfect biscuit. The same applies to flour, put less is bad, put more - the same. It is worth remembering once and for all, jokes with a biscuit are bad and neglect of proportions is a sure "death" for the future confectionery.

Temperature regime

The second and most common mistake is the broken biscuit baking mode, that is, the temperature and time were not chosen correctly. Or you have overheated the oven so that the dough is simply baked too quickly around the edges without reaching the center. Or, on the contrary, the degrees in the oven are not enough and the time that you measured for baking is simply not enough.

How to finish a biscuit

But how to save such a “miracle-yudo” and bake it to full readiness? First, check the temperature in the stove, if it's high, lower it, if it's low, add it. Secondly, so that the biscuit, which has already been fried enough on top, does not burn, it should be covered with foil and left in the oven to bake, periodically poking with a stick to check. That, in principle, is all science.

Question No. 5: How long does it take to bake a biscuit?

Many biscuit confectionery recipes prescribe a baking time on average of 30-40 minutes, but this does not mean at all that any cakes are baked that much.

Of course, its taste parameters and quality characteristics depend on how much the biscuit is prepared. After all, if you overexpose the product in the oven, it will become dry, dense and tasteless, and if, on the contrary, underexpose, then there is a risk of getting a sticky and dull mass, instead of a tasty and tender crumpet.

Naturally, the baking time also depends on the exposure temperature, as well as on what kind of cake you need, whether it is for a cake or for a roll, that is, the thickness of the dough is of primary importance.

  • For a roll, the time regime varies within 10-15 minutes.
  • For cakes, from 25 minutes to 1 hour.

Question No. 6: At what temperature does the biscuit oven?

Cooking a biscuit is certainly a tricky business, in which every nuance can be reflected in the appearance and taste of the product. Therefore, you need to take into account everything, even the choice of temperature for a certain type of dough.

  • For butter biscuits, the baking temperature should not exceed 180 ° C.
  • The simplest cake should be baked in a well preheated oven at 200-220 o C.

Put the form with the dough in the oven only after making sure that it has warmed up enough, otherwise you will have to re-read question number 3.

In addition, after the end of cooking, you cannot leave the product in the oven so as not to dry out. This rule does not apply to multicooker. When working with this device, on the contrary, after the end of baking, the cake should be left inside for 10 minutes, so you can avoid the rapid fall of the biscuit.

Question No. 7: Why does the biscuit crack and slide up?

And what nasty things the biscuit does not come up with to make the hostesses nervous. It does not rise, and falls, and is not baked, but in addition, it does absolutely terrible things - it swells up like a slide, bursts and pretends to be a volcano, spewing out a liquid dough from itself.


What could be the reason for such a character trait of this whimsical baking? Heat! This is the main point. If you heated the oven to a hell of a flame, then the biscuit will behave inadequately, the top will bake quickly, and inside the dough will simply boil and under pressure will raise a mound, and in more advanced cases it will burst and flow out.

Girls, dear, remember, how long and at what temperature you will bake a biscuit depends on the outcome of the entire culinary event.

Overdose of flour

However, baking can crack not only for this reason. It is especially noticeable on cupcakes that cracks appear on top of the finished product. Everything is explained by the banal excess of the proportions of flour in the recipe, or when baking, you simply overdried the biscuit.

Question # 8: Why is the biscuit rubbery?

One of the most popular mistakes in making biscuits is eggs, or rather incorrectly beating them. First, the eggs should be very carefully divided into whites and yolks and beaten separately with sugar, and the dosage of sand should not be changed, but followed strictly according to the recipe. Yes, yes, a biscuit is a capricious thing. If the beaten egg foam is not firm enough, the crust will end up "rubbery".

You should also mix all the ingredients as gently as possible so that this foam does not precipitate.

Question # 9: Why does the biscuit smell like eggs?

And so he succeeded, chic, lush and airy. But what is this ?! The smell of eggs spoils all the hard work done. The biscuit recipe contains a large number of eggs; for some, this smell in the finished product is not perceptible, but some especially sensitive individuals simply cannot bite off a tiny piece. In addition, eggs from domestic chickens make the smell even more expressive than store goods. In addition, those biscuits that contain baking soda also smell like an egg.

What to do in such a situation? If soda can still be replaced with a more harmless baking powder, then giving up eggs is not an option at all. Then the solution is one, masking the smell. For this, vanillin or various artificial food flavors are added to the dough.

Another way to overcome the unpleasant aroma is to impregnate the cakes with syrup or confectionery cognac, which will also give the cake or roll a peculiar rich taste.

Question number 10:

The originality of the baking design makes it even more attractive for those with a sweet tooth. Making a dark or striped cake is not such a difficult task, just add cocoa powder to half of the cakes (mix it with flour while kneading the dough).

You can also often see orange, pink and other rainbow biscuits, the coloring of which is achieved using food colors added to the dough. Such products are incredibly colorful, interesting and children like them. However, are you ready to stuff a tasty treat with chemistry for the sake of momentary beauty?

Question number 11:

Sponge cake, in comparison with many other flour products, has a rather modest calorie content.

  • The "enemy" biscuit in the classic recipe, which uses sugar, eggs and flour, has 258 kcal per 100 g.
  • Butter biscuit has an energy value close to 300 kcal per 100g.
  • If you add cream, jam and other grease, with which it is so abundantly customary to coat confectionery, then you can safely, without giving a damn about all the diets, grump the cake without a twinge of conscience. And why is there, if 0.1 kg contains more than 400 kcal, then what difference does it make how much to eat, you still won't get any thinner.

Having measured how much time it takes to bake a biscuit and the amount of nerves spent on it, you can think about whether it is worth bothering with it at all. However, having mastered the skills of cooking this seemingly simple, but terribly moody confection, you certainly will not experience problems with others.

To do this, fry the nuts and grind them into crumbs. If you are using hazelnuts, you must first fry and then peel them; almonds, on the other hand, need to be peeled before frying. Beat the egg yolks with half the sugar until a viscous, almost white mass. Beat the whites so that the attachments leave a clear mark and the mass adheres to the whisk. Add remaining sugar and beat more until firm and shiny. Gently with a spoon ...
... The cream will thicken. Cover the cream with plastic wrap to keep it dry. Cool completely first in the kitchen, then put in the refrigerator. Assembly. If the biscuit is a donkey, cut off the uneven top. Cut the biscuit into two cakes. Make a creamy custard. To do this, whisk the cold cream and mix with the custard. Place half of the cream on the bottom cake layer. Cover with a second crust and add the remaining cream. Garnish with berries and serve. A simple cake with strawberries, other berries and sour cream A light summer cake or pie - no fiddling with cream, any berries or fruits are suitable, and the quality of the biscuit is not very important. 1...


I am very interested in your recipe, it is very easy to make and you do not need a lot of products at all ...
I think you will need to please your beloved with such a cake)
Thank you very much for the wonderful recipe)

The cake is cool. I will try to do this. The truth is my biscuit is bad

Sponge roll. Blog of the user savenkova_k on

Lush, soft, easy to roll up (both warm and cold), does not break, not dry, tasty ... Ingredients: Glass - 250 ml Sponge cake: 1/4 tbsp. milk 2 tbsp. l. butter 100 g flour 40 g starch 1 tsp. baking powder (or 1 tsp soda without a slide) 2/3 tbsp. sugar 1/4 tsp salt 3 eggs Filling: any Preparation: Sponge cake: Preheat the oven to 190C. Cover a baking sheet ~ 42x30 cm with parchment (I have 25x37 cm). Heat milk and butter in a saucepan until almost ...

Stir in the sifted flour with starch, cocoa and cinnamon. Stir as gently as possible. Pour in the melted non-hot butter. Stir again from edge to center, being careful not to settle the mass as much as possible. Pour the dough into a mold. Bake at 200 ° C for 25-30 minutes. The toothpick should come out dry from the middle of the biscuit. Remove the biscuit from the oven, wait 5 minutes and turn it over onto the wire rack. Leave the biscuit to cool completely. Make a creamy chocolate cream. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add the vanilla sugar and, while stirring, heat to a boil. Add the chocolate pieces, remove from the stove, and stir until a smooth, shiny mass is obtained. Cool it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to make it ...
... Make a creamy chocolate cream. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add the vanilla sugar and, while stirring, heat to a boil. Add the chocolate pieces, remove from the stove, and stir until a smooth, shiny mass is obtained. Cool it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until it is completely cold. Whip cold cream with chocolate with a mixer at maximum speed, like regular cream. When the mass becomes lush, thick and brightens a lot, stop. Do not beat for too long, this cream can be over-beat. Transfer the finished cream to a pastry bag. Like whipped cream, this cream should be used immediately after preparation. Assembly. Throw the cherries on a sieve to drain the syrup. Set aside a dozen berries for garnish ....

Homemade cakes. Raquel Moeller's blog on

🎂6. Banana Delight cake Ingredients: - 1 cup flour - 1 cup sugar - 1/4 tsp vanillin - 4 eggs - 200 gr. not dry cottage cheese (I have fat-free) - 200 gr. sour cream - 4 bananas - 4-5 tablespoons sugar - jam (optional) Preparation: Prepare a biscuit. First, sift the flour, preferably 2 times. Separate the beams from the yolks. Pour the yolks into a separate bowl, and the whites into a large container. Beat the whites, gradually, without ceasing to beat, add sugar to them, one spoon at a time, add ...

Apple pie for the holiday: biscuits, apples and a night in the refrigerator
... for soaking biscuits: 25 g sugar (heaped tablespoon) 150 ml milk For toffee, optional: 200 ml heavy cream 22-35% fat 100 g sugar 25 g butter Charlotte mold up to 20 cm in diameter ( better 16-18 cm) Cover the baking sheet with baking paper Preheat the oven to 200 ° С For biscuits (bake in advance), beat the yolks and half the sugar into a light cream. Whisk the whites until stiff, add sugar and beat until thick and shiny. Mix whites, yolks, sift flour, starch and cinnamon on them. Stir. The dough is ready. Transfer the dough into a pastry bag (you can use a regular bag by cutting off the tip from it), place sticks about 10-12 cm long on a baking sheet ...

Classic biscuit. Danil danil's blog on

This is a classic biscuit recipe that is used to make a variety of cakes, pastries, desserts. For traditional cakes, the finished biscuit is cut lengthwise into 2-3 cakes, soaked in any syrup and sandwiched with cream. Also, the biscuit can be cut into cubes for cakes such as "Count Ruins" or some desserts. Or skip the biscuit cake through a meat grinder for cakes, such as "Potato". Imagine, and let everything turn out delicious! Enjoy your meal! Composition...

Potato cake: the very first recipe. The taste of our childhood.

A spoonful of powdered sugar 1 tsp of cocoa powder 10 pieces Baking tray lined with baking paper. Preheat oven to 200 ° C. To prepare the biscuit separately, the yolks and whites are whipped until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and mixed with flour. The dough must be used immediately, otherwise it will settle. Therefore, prepare a baking sheet and preheat the oven beforehand. Why does the biscuit rise? The smallest bubbles in the beaten dough are filled with air, when heated, the air expands, and the bubbles increase in volume. Accordingly, the dough rises as well. The sponge cake is baked at a high enough temperature so that the air in the dough quickly warms up, and the egg-flour base is baked. Sponge cake Whip the same ...

Tiramisu, pie and tender baskets - recipes with photos from Chadeyka.
... Add a little hot cream to the caramel, stirring well. The mixture will foam. Heat the mixture until the caramel pieces dissolve. Measure the volume of the mixture and add up to 250 ml with milk. Bring to a boil again. Meanwhile, grind the yolks with powder and flour in a deep bowl. Pour in the hot creamy syrup, stirring well. Now pour the mixture back into the pot and cook until thick. Add vanilla extract. Cool the cream by transferring it to a bowl and covering it with foil (you can also pour a spoonful of milk on top). Whisk the cream before serving and place in baskets. Garnish with strawberries ....

Girls, help. It's apple time, I want to bake charlotte, but I rejected my mother's recipe, according to which we usually cooked it, - the dough turns out to be heavy and dense, it quickly turns stale. And I want it to be soft, lush and kept for at least a couple of days. Maybe someone will tell you?


beat 3 eggs, then a glass of sugar and until a strong white mass. A glass of flour and 1/2 tsp. slaked soda. Apples can be mixed with dough or apples first, dough on top. Grease the form with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. 180gr minutes 40

Is it a charlotte or apple pie that will suit you too?

Pour 5 tbsp on a baking sheet. tablespoons of sugar + 100 gr. butter, melt the caramel, spread it over the bottom, lay the apple slices, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.
Dough: 2 eggs + 1.4 sugar + 0.5 tsp. salt - beat. Add grated with 2 tbsp. flour 1.4 packs of butter (margarine), 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream + a spoonful of baking powder or slaked soda. Mix all this, the consistency of the dough should be like thick pancakes, if it is liquid, then add flour. Pour apples and into the oven. Readiness is checked with a dry toothpick.

True, I baked only once, but I think the second time will be the same (((The form was previously greased with vegetable oil a little completely, but the bottom of the cake was still burnt. The temperature was 180 degrees. I have an electric stove. I put it in a preheated oven. Now I was digging in the internet) Old, someone wrote what you need in the cold ..... And how is it right?


We have already written about putting it higher and an additional baking sheet. The muffins are placed in a hot oven. Also try to put a container of water down. Somehow he bakes better with her.

put in cold or hot - it does not depend on the form, but on the type of dough.
1. no need to lubricate silicone molds with oil, it is even written in the instructions for them!
2. since silicone is thinner than ceramic, etc., then place it higher than the others and place an empty metal baking sheet on the lower level of the oven
everything wants to burn with me, tk. my magic oven heats only from the bottom, with a baking sheet it burns much less

What kind of dough do they put in? tell why


Meringue and the like - and cold and further, the lower the temperature (ideally 100 degrees), the better
yeast dough 180-200 degrees
custard - 230-250 degrees And it is most critical to the temperature in the oven.
shortbread, by and large, no difference, you can put it in a cold one, but I usually put it on 190-200 so that the time for heating is not spent separately

cold dough in a cold oven, hot in a hot oven, it's simple

I can't win the search: (I remember there were discussions about biscuit - how to make it so that it doesn't rise when baking. And kuzkina_mama also laid out a treatise on the topic of biscuit - I thought I saved it, but I can't find it. I want to make an even biscuit, and then once again bulged.Thanks!


it's all about technology. It was about butter biscuits, in which the structure is created by whipping butter with sugar. And sour cream makers mainly have a cupcake cooking technology, without whipping. Then I'll write in more detail later, if you're interested :) I'm busy right now

f what is your recipe?

I baked round cakes for cakes. At first, they were convex in the oven, as expected. Then they fell off (almost before the very end of baking). I didn't open the oven. Baking 15 min. at 190-200 * C, as indicated in the recipe. I also wish they were softer after baking. It seems that I overdried them a little ... But how to bake so that they are baked and do not fall off after they are taken out of the oven? Thank you in advance.

from time to time I bake biscuit cakes, and every time the same garbage: the cake, while baking, rises up a hill in the middle, which is why it is then completely inconvenient to build a cake. what am I doing wrong?!?!? tell me, good people - maybe in my old age I will learn how to make smooth biscuit cakes :)) thank you.


Thanks to everyone who sympathized and participated! :) I'll do it on NG.

And you don't need to defeat it ... If it turned out to be a little bit, then you need to cut it into two parts with a sharp knife parallel to the table. Grease the lower part with cream, and turn the upper part "upside down" and put on the lower part. And now coat the whole cake. you can just cut off the slide and coat with cream, and then decorate the cake.

Tomorrow I have to bake two almost identical (different in shape, but almost identical in content) chocolate cakes. To save time, I want to bake them at the same time by placing them in the oven next to them. Well, not close, of course, but at the same level. Question: Can you do this? Will both be baked? PS: Pies like chocolate biscuits, no fillings.


You can, but only if your oven bakes evenly. If the heat is stronger in the depths, it’s better not, because the biscuits cannot be swapped.

Hey! I'm afraid to bake at the same time. But it also depends on the oven ... and on the thickness of the cake ...
By the way, I want to recommend you eclairs (I have them in my album) you can bake them in advance (though you won't be able to do it in advance?) And freeze them. Then there are either frozen ones, or let them thaw. I love frozen (well, about 5 minutes to come to my senses after the freezer), my daughter loves melted (but nothing spreads, just soft cream inside)
Good luck !!

I got it yesterday! Before that, I suffered with separate beating of yolks and whites and it turned out, in general, not bad. And yesterday I decided to make a "black forest" according to the recipe from the Culinary duel. There they beat eggs with sugar - whole, but for 10 minutes, and then they mixed in the sifted flour with cocoa with a spoon (and without any starches, as I also did before). It turned out amazingly gentle and airy! Still soaked in syrup and sandwiched with whipped cream, everything together, well, just melted in your mouth! So I decided ...


And tell the caddy - 160g of sugar and flour - how much is it if you measure it with a glass? And in general - a glass of flour - how much is it in grams? And sugar?
And regarding this black forest itself - can you in more detail how to do it? And how many minutes to bake? Well, I'm a caddy ... but I want to bake :)

And you bake everything :))) spoil your husband.


Well, I'm traditionally
Mix 3 eggs well with a mixer until they are slightly lightened (3 minutes) with 1 tbsp. Sahara.
Add 1 tbsp. flour and mix for another 3 minutes.
Then grease the form (frying pan) with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, cut the peeled apples into large slices (4-5 large SOUR apples).
Pour the dough over the top and bake over medium heat for about 30-40 minutes.

Here's my charlotte recipe:
1. Gently divide 3 large, cold eggs into whites and yolks.
3. Beat the whites with 1/2 cup sugar, as for meringues.
2. Grind the yolks with 1/2 cup sugar until white.
(All with a mixer)
4. Add a glass of sifted flour to the yolks, knead well with a mixer. (Salt, soda, baking powder - don't put it in!)
5. Gently add the proteins into the flour mixture, stir with a spoon in one direction.
6. Apples (3-4 pieces, depending on the size) cut, sprinkle with a little starch, add to the dough.
7. Cover the bottom of the dish with baking paper or oil. It is impossible to grease the sides of the form with oil, otherwise the biscuit will not rise well.
8. Put in a hot oven (220 degrees) for 40-50 minutes. Do not open the oven until the cake has risen.
1 glass - 250 ml
If you knead the dough quickly, beat the eggs well, and take a 22 cm mold, you will get a 7-10 cm high biscuit with a slightly crispy crust.
Favorite delicacy!

Due to the renovation, I temporarily do not have an oven. And the dish from the microwave, where you could bake, turned out to be out of reach. Can you bake / make something decent like a birthday cake without an oven? Tips to buy are not accepted, such a peculiar situation :-) And the second question. Which homemade cake do you think is the best?


Cake without oven. Buy your favorite cookies, such as "Ladies fingers", or dry biscuits.
Lay out the bottom of the vessel with high sides. Pour the following weight on top: 700 gr. thick (25-30%) sour cream, beat with 1-1.5 cups sugar + a bag of vanilla sugar until fluffy. Pour the dissolved gelatin into it (1.5 tablespoons). Whisk again. Pour over cookies and set for min. 4 hours.
This is, as it were, the basis, but the filling can be different. I make such a dessert with prunes and nuts in small bowls (without cookies), you can whip sour cream with frozen fruits (I made from cherries), you can put pieces of fresh fruit. Decorate the top with chocolate chips or fruit, cocoa or special decoration sets.
Something like bird's milk. If the sour cream is whipped well, then, after cooling, a delicate, airy mass is obtained. Although high in calories.

You can make an anthill out of anniversary cookies.
You can - a house made of cottage cheese and cookies, very tasty and home-style, but the view is a bit non-festive.
Even as a child, I several times made the "Kholstyak" cake, I don’t remember the exact recipe, I remember that it consisted of chopped cookies, walnuts, strong coffee, yolk, butter, condensed milk. Top - grated chocolate, the taste is very pleasant.

Well prooooo horror and nightmare! Girls and boys, save the teapot! I have been cooking for a long time and not bad, but! I am haunted by a complete disgrace - the dough sa-dit-Xia! Everything! Well, except for shortbread: - / Biscuits - ushshshas this by itself, but I manage to "flatten" even such splendor as the dough of a "jellied" pie, the one with mayonnaise + sour cream + eggs, etc. Everything rises - gorgeous, biscuit baking for minutes 40 at 190-200, I keep it in the oven after turning it off, take it out - after 10 minutes - oooooo, damn it! Natural pancake! AND...


Probably a problem with the stove. The door does not fit well or is showing through from somewhere on the side or back. We had this with the old gas stove, after my father laid asbestos between the walls, the whole stove began to look like a pretty one. We need to change the stove.

I put baking powder, it never goes down.

What can you cook in this baking dish? Cupcakes, Easter cakes or ...? If possible, write recipes.


Curd pudding
0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 2-3 eggs, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of butter or margarine, a pinch of vanillin or lemon zest, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina or potato starch, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raisins, 1 tbsp. spoon of nuts, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream.
Mix butter, sugar, egg yolks, spices with cottage cheese, washed with raisins, nuts, semolina or starch. The last to add to the mass are the whites, whipped into a thick foam. Put the mass in a greased form, grease with sour cream, spread the pieces of butter on the surface and bake in the oven. Serve hot or cold with sweet sauce.

Rhubarb, white bread and cottage cheese casserole
400 g of stale white bread, 100 g of butter or margarine, 400 g of cottage cheese, 400 g of rhubarb, 200 g of sugar, 4 eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of milk, a pinch of vanillin or lemon zest.
Chop the rhubarb, add 100 g of sugar, let stand. Wipe the crust off the bread on a grater. Cut the pulp into cubes or slices, fry in fat. Mix cottage cheese with the rest of the sugar and spices. Put a layer of bread, a layer of curd mass, a layer of rhubarb in a greased form, pour the mixture of beaten egg and milk. Bake in the oven. Serve with rhubarb syrup.

and the most delicious for this form (but very nutritious and sweet):
2 lemons
1 can of condensed milk,
2 eggs,
5 tbsp flour with a slide,
soda with vinegar.

Remove the zest from the lemons, grate it on a fine grater and put in the dough. Dough - mix all the ingredients, except for the lemons themselves and put the oven in an oiled and sprinkled with fine breadcrumbs or flour.
Cut the lemons into slices. Prepare the syrup from 1.5 cups of sugar and 1.5 cups of water, put the sliced ​​lemons in the boiling syrup and boil for 15 minutes.
While you are cutting the lemons and preparing the pouring, the cupcake should be baked. And then pour the hot pouring onto the hot cupcake, everything is instantly absorbed. Yes, do not forget to remove the cupcake from the mold beforehand :).
It turns out a wet, sweet, but tasty cake, which is better to eat as soon as it cools down.

09.10.2002 21:16:12, Panna

I actually succeed in biscuit cakes, but the rolls do not come out * - ((break * - (or the filling climbs out * -) do we have experts and craftsmen of rolls here? Share your secrets, pliz!


Roll up a biscuit roll is not so difficult. The main thing is to get used to it :-) Firstly, the baked layer of the biscuit should not be thick. Get used to how much dough should be exactly for your baking sheet. Secondly, the formation must not be overdried. Watch carefully: as soon as it becomes a beautiful golden color, take it out. Thirdly, if the already inverted layer has sharp, highly tinted edges (there was less dough there than in the middle, and it was fried), quickly cut off the edge along the entire length with a sharp knife. Otherwise, it will break the biscuit when rolling. Fourthly, the biscuit layer must be "dumped" :-) onto a damp (not wet, not dry, but damp) cotton cloth (napkin, towel, just a piece of cloth). Immediately, while the layer is hot, roll the roll TOGETHER with the cloth. Those. it, the fabric, is inside the rolled roll. When the roll is COMPLETELY cool, roll it out, smear it with cream or filling and roll it again WITHOUT the fabric.
I have a favorite roll recipe, though not a classic biscuit, but very tasty. And it is done quickly. If unexpected guests come to me, I bake this roll. I never let you down. Here it is just curled WITHOUT fabric, but always in a hot state. And it doesn't have to be fat. This amount is placed on a standard large baking sheet. If the baking sheet is smaller, you need to reduce the amount of food by 1/3.


Dough: condensed milk 1 can, eggs 3 pcs., Flour 1 glass, margarine 50 g, soda 0.5 tsp.
vanillin (or zest, I prefer lemon)
Pouring: sour cream 2 cups (unstrained, liquid, you get not a cream, but an impregnation)
sugar 4-6 tbsp. l., nuts (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) 1/2 cup

Stir the contents of a can of condensed milk, melted margarine, eggs and flour. Add slaked soda. Grease the tracing paper with fat on both sides, put on a baking sheet, pour the dough evenly over it (the amount of dough in this recipe is designed for a large baking sheet, for a standard oven). Oven in an oven preheated to about 200 degrees until a beautiful golden color (do not overexpose). After taking it out of the oven, put it on the table with tracing paper up, remove and discard it. If the edges have hardened, cut them off quickly with a sharp knife. Pour sour cream with sugar into the hot layer and evenly distribute the filling (who has what and who likes what, to choose from: nuts, steamed dried apricots, steamed prunes, raisins, cherries, etc.). Quickly, tightly and neatly roll up the roll, lay with the seam down, and then do whatever you want with it: you can fill it with any icing, sprinkle with powdered sugar, in the end eat it like that, but let it stand in the refrigerator before that to bring the taste to perfection.

06/06/2002 10:01:57, Sibiryachka

I in no way pretend to be a connoisseur, but I will tell you how my godmother cooked, she makes good rolls, I often baked in my time, almost always succeeded. There are 10 eggs in the dough (but I think less is possible), 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 cup flour. Beat the whites properly, gradually, whisking, add the yolks, then sugar, and last of all, flour. Bake. While baking, prepare the filling and everything for curling, because I was convinced that the faster you twist, the less likely it is to break. Take out, immediately spread and twist instantly. And she also does this - dumps the finished biscuit onto the fabric, and folds it after spreading it with a cloth, again very quickly.

Can you please tell me how to bake a biscuit correctly? I get it flat. For the dough: 5 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. flour. Best regards, Inara.


I have a biscuit (to the envy of my mother-in-law, hehe * -)))) ALWAYS turns out! * -)
1 cold egg - 30 grams of flour and sugar.
Beat the whites into a strong foam. Beat the yolks with sugar until white. And not with a mixer, but with a spoon, mix gently, from bottom to top, yolks and whites and gradually add flour. You can have a little more baking powder. Into an oven preheated to 180 ° C.

that's right, it will be flat :) there is little flour, in this proportion the dough for biscuit rolls is made (roll up on a baking sheet and warm with cream / confiture). For a normal high sponge cake for 5 eggs of flour, you need from 1.5 to 1.8 cups (from the size of the eggs). The whites are whipped with sugar into the strongest foam (like on a meringue, beat for 10 minutes), then eggs are poured into the same place, flour, vanillin and baking powder are poured out for the dough. Beat at the lowest speed for more than 1 minute, pour into a mold and place in a heated oven. It is baked for 1 hour at 180 degrees. There was not a single misfire yet, the biscuit did not work below 7-8 cm :)

Sponge cake is a capricious pastry. But biscuit dough can be "tamed" if you understand the main principles of its preparation:

  • beat eggs and sugar well - this is one,
  • carefully add flour - two,
  • set the correct temperature regime - three.

In this article, we will analyze the main mistakes due to which the biscuit does not turn out lush and beautiful. If you have already encountered any of them, do not despair! Even experienced pastry chefs have misfires. In the main photo - the most, the recipe is one of the most successful and simple (follow the link to see a step-by-step guide). And if it's more convenient to watch - welcome to my YouTube channel

why does the biscuit settle in the oven

So, you look into the oven through the glass and the soul sings: the sponge cake is a lush, ruddy, pleasant smell intoxicates and makes you get the desired baked goods as soon as possible. Do not hurry! Start checking the readiness of the biscuit after at least 20-25 minutes have passed. If you open the door ahead of time, the dough will settle and no longer rise.

What's going on in the oven? As soon as the airy dough enters the hot air, its walls begin to bake / fix and thus keep the air inside. According to the laws of physics, air molecules expand during heating. We can clearly see this when we look inside the oven through the glass. But if you sharply lower the temperature in the oven, according to the same laws of physics, the air in the dough will "compress" and the dough will settle after it. In this case, the walls of the dough molecules from sudden movements of air will break, lose their shape, and even after the temperature in the oven is restored, they will not be able to return to their former volumes.

On the picture: . One of the popular recipes on the site (you can see a step-by-step cooking guide at the link)

The next reason for the biscuit dough to settle in the oven is that the proportions of the products are violated (not enough flour). To avoid this mistake, weigh everything on a kitchen scale. They are inexpensive, but believe me, they will save a lot of nerves, time and products in your kitchen!

And one last tip: prepare the cake pan correctly. I grease with a piece of butter, then dust with flour, shake off the excess: a thin flour layer is obtained on the entire inner surface. What does this give in the baking process? The dough rises evenly in the oven, "clinging" to the walls of the mold. If the walls are too slippery, it will slide down. Therefore, I do not recommend lubricating with oil only, be sure to dust the mold over the butter with flour.

why the biscuit is not baked inside: it turns out dull, not airy

The main reason for this failure is poorly beaten eggs, so the biscuit dough is of the wrong consistency. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, white foam until 2-3 times the mass. A powerful mixer will help you do it right.

Stir in the flour in small portions, using a spatula (not a mixer). Make sure that the dough is homogeneous so that there are no lumps in the dough. With a mixer, you ruin the whole thing: the air from the dough will scatter, and the structure of the biscuit will turn out to be incorrect: dull, too dense.

Another reason for the toughness of the biscuit is that the temperature in the oven is too high. If the top is rosy and appetizing, and the inside of the dough is dough and damp, then you have set the temperature too high.

Bake the dough at 180 C.

for some reason the biscuit turns out to be too dense and rubbery

The cakes will be too dense if the proportions of the ingredients in the dough are out of proportion (too much flour added). Strictly follow the recipe!

In some cases, housewives deliberately want to bake dense biscuit cakes; for this, additional starch is added to the flour.

why does the biscuit smell like eggs

So, your biscuit is a success: fluffy, fluffy ... in a word, gorgeous! But after taking a sample, you are upset because of the obsessive smell of eggs. Personally, I never feel this aftertaste / smell, but some especially sensitive individuals get so upset that they cannot bite off a piece.

On a note: on the basis of biscuit cakes, you can prepare (recipe for the link).

Yes, you can't bake a biscuit without eggs, according to the recipe, a large amount is required, so all that remains is to flavor the dough with lemon zest or vanilla extract. As a rule, this works, the finished baked goods are fragrant and without unnecessary aftertastes.

In addition, the removal of the upper film on the egg yolks also helps. If such jewelry work does not scare you - go for it! Remove the foil and knead the biscuit dough!

There is an opinion that eggs from village hens are much more "fragrant" than store ones. But, again, I often use such eggs for recipes and I don't notice any flavors.

The baking soda in the dough can increase the smell of eggs. Therefore, replace with baking powder. Although the classic biscuit does not require the addition of any baking soda or baking powder. If you prepared the dough correctly, the sponge cake will rise in the oven due to the well-beaten eggs and sugar.

why does the biscuit not rise in the oven

Biscuit dough is 50% air. This airy structure is achieved due to the powerful beating of eggs and sugar. It does not matter what you beat: with a hand mixer, in a planetary, in a stationary or some other device - achieve an increase in mass by 2-3 times. Eggs with sugar should increase in volume and become lighter in color. Some recipes require you to beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately to help ease the process. If you have a powerful mixer, it is not at all necessary to separate the whites from the yolks.

In the photo you can see how light and airy the mass of eggs and sugar is.

So, we added air to the dough using whipping. Now you need to carefully add flour, without losing the accumulated air in the dough. Therefore, mix the flour in small portions, carefully, using a spoon (no mixer). Make "catching" movements from the bottom up, not clockwise.

If you add flour to the dough using a mixer, the foam will settle and the result will disappoint you.

The biscuit dough should not stand for long before baking. Otherwise, the air will partly evaporate, and this will affect the result. Therefore, preheat the oven, put the dough pan on the hot oven immediately after mixing.

When baking: do not slam the door back and forth, the dough will settle from sudden temperature changes.

why is the biscuit dry?

Some hostesses leave the freshly baked cake inside the oven to cool down (while opening the door). They motivate this by the fact that this is how they relieve the biscuit from sudden temperature changes and it will definitely not settle after baking. In reality, you cannot do this. To protect the cake from a sharp change in temperature, it is enough to hold it in the oven for 10-15 minutes, and then you must remove it and continue to cool it on a wire rack at room temperature.

If the cake is left in the oven until it cools completely, it will lose a lot of moisture, become dry and tough.

why is the biscuit hard

The reason is the same as in the previous paragraph (you can not leave it until it cools completely in the oven).

why does it settle after baking

This happens if the biscuit is not baked. The dough did not have enough time to harden the walls holding the air inside. While still not strong enough, with a sharp drop in temperature, the air in the dough compresses, and the partitions break immediately. The crust turns from tall and lush into flat and ugly.

In the photo it is baked. You can view a detailed recipe here. The peculiarity of this cake is that it does not require impregnation.

Another reason for the sharp drop in the biscuit after baking is a sudden temperature drop. In some recipes, it is suggested to hold the cake inside with the door open for several minutes (6-10) after turning off the oven, and only then remove it completely and further cool it at room temperature. In my recipes, I do not use this advice, since I normally relate to the fact that the biscuit settles a little after it is removed from the oven (as a rule, if the cake is baked, the settling is insignificant).

why the biscuit turns out to be a slide in the middle

This happens if the temperature in the oven is too high. The top of the cake looks beautiful, but inside the dough is raw: it boils, boils and "begs" out. Therefore, it turns out that the dough that has already baked the crust breaks and sometimes even flows out of the center of the biscuit. The cake looks cracked, with a volcano in the middle. To avoid error, do not set the temperature higher than 180 C. Also, be sure to test your oven to see if the actual temperature matches the sensor reading. For this, it is convenient to use a special oven thermometer. If there are no such devices, experimentally choose the appropriate temperature for baking biscuits.

Some biscuits on soda always have a raised surface (for example, "Chocolate for one-two-three"), regardless of the temperature. Therefore, the hostesses cut off this top with a knife.

Do not be discouraged if the biscuit does not work out the first time! The dough requires certain skills, which will surely develop with experience. Wish you luck!

If you have any questions, be sure to ask, I am glad to receive feedback!

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Often, housewives are faced with such a nuisance as the settling of a biscuit after baking. Why this happens can be found in the article. Let's take a look at common causes of subsidence and how to bake a fluffy sponge cake.

Possible causes of subsidence

To get a magnificent dessert, you need to know not only the tricks of its preparation, but also possible mistakes in the process of cooking a biscuit.

Poorly beaten egg whites

This mistake is considered to be the most common and main reason for biscuit settling. It is quite simple to explain such a mistake. The dough is almost half air. Protein molecules are able to hold it, because when whipping, they combine with oxygen, due to which they coagulate with it. This structure persists for a long time.

If you add poorly whipped egg whites to the dough, the biscuit, when heated, activates and rises. But protein is not strong enough to hold air after a sudden drop in temperature. Therefore, a biscuit containing insufficiently whipped proteins inside, when taken out of the oven, will quickly settle.

Mixing ingredients too vigorously

Whipped yolks and whites must be mixed very carefully and in portions with dry ingredients (flour, starch, baking powder, sugar). If you do this very quickly, air will evaporate from the dough, which will lead to falling off even before immersion in the oven.

Incorrect temperature conditions

It is forbidden to place the dough in a very hot oven. Even with proper whipping and mixing of the ingredients, it will not be possible to save the biscuit from settling if you bake it at a temperature of more than 180 degrees. An incorrectly set mode can lead to the fact that protein molecules cannot bind to the air and hold it when moving the biscuit out of the oven.

Work breaks

When preparing a biscuit, it is strictly forbidden to be distracted by something and take breaks, because every minute is precious. You should not be distracted by telephone conversations, watching TV, while leaving the already beaten egg whites, prepared dough or a preheated oven. Such pauses can cause the dough to settle.

Wrong recipe

Often on the net you can stumble upon recipes that were invented on the go. Here, it would seem, you follow the instructions exactly, but the product still settles. In this case, it is better to seek help from friends or hostesses on the forums - they will suggest a recipe that has been tested on personal experience more than once.

Oven door not open on time

Such a seemingly harmless action can instantly reduce all efforts to a minimum. Due to the temperature failure, the biscuit will not take on a lush, but a lowered shape, becoming like a flat pancake.

Wet dishes

The dishes are important in the process of making the biscuit. So, it is undesirable to use wet dishes when beating eggs and preparing dough - water affects the quality of the dough, which can cause it to settle. The dishes must be dry. It is better to pre-cover the form with parchment paper for baking, then there will be no problems with the separation of the finished cake from the walls of the dishes.

Spoiled biscuit: problems and solutions

It is not always possible to save a spoiled biscuit, but with some mistakes there are ways to solve them. Therefore, you should focus on possible problems - this will help to eliminate them in the future:

  1. The whites are not whipped well. This may be due to the fact that the yolk got into them, then you have to start over. Perhaps the hostess added sugar too early. It is recommended to beat the product in a water bath.
  2. The biscuit does not rise. Most likely, the ingredients are poorly whipped or the finished dough has been stirring for a very long time. Often, the reason is that there is a lot of flour in the dough or it was poured over the eye, the dough was sent to an unheated oven. You cannot knead the dough for a long time, leave it, put it in a cold oven.
  3. The biscuit is not baked. This happens most often due to too high or low temperature. At high temperatures, the biscuit is raw inside, and the crust is crispy; at low temperatures - the cake is low and light.
  4. The biscuit is difficult to remove from the mold. The reason for this problem lies in the fact that a lot of sugar was added to the dough, the form has an uneven surface, or it was not previously sprinkled with flour, but only oiled.
  5. Donkey biscuit after baking. He just didn't have time to bake.
  6. Biscuit donkey in the oven. A common reason, common when working with the test for the first time. This is due to the fact that the temperature regime in the oven is incorrect, or rather, the high temperature.
  7. When slicing, the biscuit crumbles. This problem happens due to a dull knife or an excessive amount of starch in the dough.

Making a fluffy biscuit

There are several secrets to making a fluffy sponge cake after taking it out of the oven. It is necessary to follow some rules, and the baked goods will turn out not only beautiful, but also delicious:

  1. Prepare the baking dish correctly. The procedure is performed as follows:
  • grease the bottom of the mold with butter;
  • cover with parchment paper;
  • grease the paper with a thin layer of oil;
  • put the form in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes;
  • pour the prepared dough into a chilled mold;
  • put the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  1. Maintain the splendor of the dessert. Starch is used at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 glass of flour. Mix it with all dry ingredients.
  2. Beat the whites correctly. They should transform into a strong and stable foam. In order for the process to work, you must:
  • make sure the eggs are fresh;
  • choose a large product - it contains more protein;
  • use only dry dishes for whipping;
  • cool the whites before whipping;
  • beat the product for 5-10 minutes.
  1. Add protein gradually. This is a very responsible process. Whipped proteins must be introduced into the dough gradually - several tablespoons at a time. Gently mix them into the flour using a wooden or silicone spatula.
  2. Mix the ingredients correctly. It is advisable to mix products not in a circle, but from top to bottom. This will keep air bubbles inside the dough and prevent the finished biscuit from settling.
  3. Observe the temperature regime. Bake the sponge cake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, then screw it to 150 degrees.
  4. Do not open the oven door. The biscuit is baked for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the oven must not be opened.
  5. Check the readiness of the product. In order to avoid problems at the very last moment, it is advisable to check the readiness of the biscuit. To do this, use a spatula: lightly press on the surface of the biscuit. If it is springy, the product is ready. But it is extremely undesirable to use a toothpick, because through even a small hole left to it, all the air will come out of the biscuit, which will lead to its settling.

  1. Prevent the biscuit from losing its shape. After taking the product out of the oven, place the mold on a damp towel for 3-5 minutes. This is necessary for further getting the biscuit without sticking to the walls. You cannot wait for the product to cool completely. In order for the biscuit to remain fluffy, it is transferred to a dish while hot.
  2. Use dry flour. To prepare a biscuit, dry flour is used, which is checked as follows:
  • pour a little product into the palm of your hand and make a fist;
  • open the palm.

If the flour remains free-flowing, it is dry. When lumps appear on the hand, this indicates that such flour is wet, and it is not suitable for a biscuit.

  1. No distractions. In the process of making a biscuit, you should not be distracted by extraneous things. The work should be organized: preheat the oven in time, do not leave the dough, do not shake it, do not forget about greasing the mold with butter, etc.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the preparation of the biscuit, try to avoid mistakes, carefully follow all the rules so that the product turns out to be lush and does not settle. Making a biscuit is a responsible process, and even if it didn't work out the first time, next time you will be able to make a delicious cake from the prepared dough.

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The creation of culinary dishes is always magic. First, you send the raw dough into the oven to then extract a ruddy pie or crispy fluffy buns from it. But, unfortunately, sometimes baked goods fall off during the cooking process, or immediately after they are taken out of the oven. Why is this happening? What is the reason for this? Let's try to figure it out together.

The main reasons for the drop in baked goods:

  • During the preparation process, the dough was accidentally shaken, for example, by a sharply slammed door;
  • early opening of the oven (according to the rules, not earlier than after 10-20 minutes);
  • the oven is not warmed up enough;
  • the dough was beaten for a long time with a mixer;
  • violation of proportions, for example, a lot of liquid or flour;
  • after baking, there was a sharp temperature drop. The dish should remain in the oven for at least 10 minutes after turning off;
  • a large amount of filling, under its weight the pie often settles (it should be remembered that for curd baking it is considered normal to partially fall off, so that the dish retains its attractive appearance, put a little more curd in the central part).

How can I prevent baking from dropping?

Here are some tips from experienced housewives:

  1. Be sure to sift the flour several times before kneading. The dough becomes more fluffy.
  2. The liquid for breeding yeast should be at the optimum temperature (36 ° C). If it is colder, it will lead to a slow increase in the volume of the dough, and hot in general can spoil the yeast.
  3. If you need to whip the whites separately for the cake, make sure that the whipping dishes are completely dry. It is very important to carefully separate the whites from the yolks.
  4. Follow the cooking instructions carefully. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the temperature during the baking process.
  5. The soda must be extinguished already in the dough itself, otherwise some of the gases evaporate, and the required splendor will not be achieved.
  6. Before putting the cake in the oven, let it come up for 15-20 minutes, grease it with an egg before baking.
  7. Shortcrust cakes should be removed from the molds chilled.
  8. The baked pies are allowed to cool in the same room where they were baked.
  9. To keep the cake soft and fluffy while it is still hot, cover it with a thick cloth.

Why is the cake falling?

The cake can fall a lot:

  • From a sharp temperature drop, with a concussion - they abruptly took it out of the oven, slammed the door, especially if it was a little under-baked. Therefore, it is better to leave the baked cake in the oven for a while so that it cools down a little and gets out of the oven warm.
  • If this is a biscuit, then it is better to leave it in the oven until it cools completely. It is better to cut it on the 2nd day - this way it is much tastier, especially if it was prepared with additives (for example, a biscuit with apples).
  • The cake must not be baked at a very high temperature, as it will immediately "set" (harden) from above - inside it will remain moist. And, naturally, it will fall off.
  • The ideal temperature for baking most biscuits is 180 ° C, sand cakes - 160-180 ° C (for yeast dough - from 170-175 ° C to 240 ° C (and even higher) - depending on the size and type baked product, in addition, the recipe and cooking mode affect the behavior of the yeast dough).

4 common baking mistakes

  • Eggs not beaten well enough. Perhaps this is the most common mistake and the main reason for the sharp subsidence of the biscuit. The biscuit dough is approximately 50% air. Such a large amount of air can only be retained by protein molecules, which, when whipped, are able to unfold, fix on air bubbles and roll up again together with the air, keeping such a structure for some time. So, if the egg whites are not beaten well enough, the protein molecules are not able to maintain a strong structure for a long time. You will see that when heated, the protein is activated and rises, but its structure will not be strong enough to retain air when the temperature drops sharply. Therefore, after the biscuit cake on under-whipped proteins gets out of the oven at room temperature, it instantly settles.

How to determine if the eggs are sufficiently overfilled? Well-beaten eggs should expand significantly and turn into a white fluffy foam. Beat eggs for a biscuit for 5-10 minutes, depending on the power of your mixer. If your mixer is powerful enough, beat at the penultimate speed for 5 minutes, and if lighter, then at the highest speed - 10 minutes. Sugar can be added from the very beginning and gradually.

  • Stir too vigorously. After the eggs are well beaten, we need to stir in the flour mixture in them. If we stir the dough too actively and inaccurately, the air will instantly "disappear". And the dough will fall off even before it enters the oven. Then in the oven, under the influence of the temperature, it will rise slightly, but after baking the biscuit will certainly settle. Correct mixing of the dough is 50% of success. Sift flour or flour mixture with starch into beaten eggs and use a slotted spoon (preferably) or a silicone spatula to gently mix with folding movements from bottom to top and from the edges to the center. It is not necessary to mix for a long time, but it must be done quickly and so that no impurities remain. That is, so that the flour completely interferes with the egg mixture.
  • The baking temperature is too high. If your oven is too hot, even with proper whipping and stirring, your biscuit will settle after baking. Do not set the temperature to 180º. Allow the protein molecules to anchor firmly in the air. The biscuit should be baked at 150º for 35 minutes. But this, of course, is not an absolute figure. The baking time will directly depend on the size of your biscuit.
  • Too long downtime. Another very popular mistake of inexperienced housewives. If you even leave the beaten eggs idle for a while, then the air formed during beating will simply "disappear" and the biscuit will lose its main property - airiness. Make sure in advance that your oven is preheated by the time of baking, and the desired shape is oiled and covered with parchment. Prepare all the necessary tools and weigh all the food before you start beating the eggs. The less the dough is idle, the more air you will keep in it.

What to do, if?..

The dough does not rise

If the dough does not rise, there can be only two reasons: either the kitchen is too cold - the temperature is less than 22 degrees, or you did not heat the milk before mixing it with yeast. The temperature of the liquid mixed with the yeast should be approximately equal to body temperature, that is, 36 degrees.

The finished curd cake settles

Ready-made curd cakes always decrease in volume, especially in the center. Therefore, you need to put a little more dough in the center than at the edges. When the baking time comes to an end, leave the curd cake in the oven with the door closed until the temperature has subsided.

Bread falls

Consider the common causes that lead to the top crust of homemade bread falling off:

  1. Excess water in the dough, which makes it sticky, "weak". The result is a sagging (collapsed) top crust in the finished bread, large pores and unbaked crumb. The next time you knead the dough, reduce the amount of water by 10-20 ml. (During kneading, pay attention to the bun - no liquid mass should be drawn behind the spatula.)
  2. You've added a lot of yeast. Strictly follow the recipe, because both excess and lack of yeast have a negative effect on the final result.
  3. You have used the wrong bread program. For wheat, wheat-rye bread, the "Basic" program is best suited ("Standard", "Basic"); for rye and wheat - “Rye bread”; for sweet, rich bread, kulich - "Sweet bread" ("Fancy", "Dessert"). The listed programs have different kneading, raising and baking times, which are suitable for each type of bread.
  4. You opened the lid of the bread maker when you are proving dough or baking.