Exquisite taste of Philadelphia cheese. What is a substitute for Philadelphia cheese? - A question for backfilling, but we do not retreat

The delicate taste of Philadelphia cheese is familiar and loved by many connoisseurs of sushi and rolls, cheesecakes and simply delicious cakes, the cream of which contains this cheese according to the recipe.

However, not in any store you can buy this product and, moreover, the price of cheese is quite high.

Therefore, the question arises of how to replace Philadelphia cream cheese in cream, cake and other dishes. Find a decent and budget alternative to expensive cheese.

The worst replacement option is the usual inexpensive soft processed cheeses such as Druzhba and Yantar.

It is possible that processed cheese will do for making rolls (although it is unlikely that the taste will still not be the same), but you cannot make a good cheesecake with it. Some housewives instead of cream cheese put soft unsalted cheese or Fetaki cheese in the rolls.

But, to be honest, nothing can replace Philadelphia cheese for cheesecake, sushi, rolls and other dishes. It is unique, and the taste of the dish will be different from the original.

And it's very frustrating that often in sushi bars and restaurants other cheap cheeses are added instead to save money.

You can also try to replace Philadelphia cream cheese with other curd cream cheeses to your taste, because everyone has different preferences.

What can replace Philadelphia cheese?
Soft cream cheese "Philadelphia" is used for
cooking cheesecakes, rolls and some other dishes. TO
Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to get it from us. What can
replace Philadelphia cheese in dishes?
Philadelphia is just one of many brands
"cream cheese" (as the Americans call cream cheese).
Therefore, you can use other brands of butter
cheeses. Please note that not any soft processed cheese in
jar is creamy, so with "Friendship" or
We do not recommend experimenting with Yantar.
Ordinary soft processed cheeses can only be used
that for cooking rolls. Some housewives instead
"Philadelphia" put feta cheese or unsalted soft cheese in rolls. But if the cheese
You need Philadelphia not for rolls, but for baking, all these options do not suit you.
An alternative to Philadelphia in baking can be high-quality curd cheeses without additives,
not having a pronounced curd taste. For example, Viola cheeses are often used,
"Almette", "President", etc. Some housewives mix these cheeses with fine-grained
cottage cheese in a ratio of one to one and grind to a state of homogeneous mass.
Another alternative to Philadelphia for baking is a mixture of heavy cream or sour cream with
fat cottage cheese. Fine-grained cottage cheese should be whipped, gradually adding
sour cream or cream until you get a homogeneous creamy mass of the necessary
You can also try making cream cheese at home. For making cream cheese
at home, pour a liter of pasteurized milk into a saucepan and put on fire.
Whisking constantly, heat the milk until almost boiling and add one teaspoon at a time.
salt and sugar.
As soon as the milk boils, turn off the heat, add half a liter of kefir to the pan and
stir until the mass curdles. Fold a large piece of gauze several times, fold
on it the contents of the pan and hang cheesecloth around the corner so that the whey is glass.
Beat one chicken egg with a pinch of citric acid, add to the resulting curd
mass and beat until the mass becomes homogeneous. So you got a homemade substitute
Philadelphia cheese.
And here is another recipe for homemade cream cheese, this time with sour cream. Take a fat one
thick sour cream (one in which "a spoon stands"), pour into gauze folded in several layers
or a heavy canvas bag and hang overnight. Do not forget to substitute the container in which
liquid will flow.
Your cream cheese will be ready in the morning! Please note that it will be twice as small.
initial volume of sour cream. Therefore, if the recipe requires, for example, 300 g of cheese
"Philadelphia", you will need to take twice as much sour cream.
As you can see, there are several options for replacing Philadelphia cheese. Of course, no copy
will never surpass the original, but probably in the absence of a real "Philadelphia"
it’s better to experiment a little in the kitchen than to be left without the coveted rolls or

The recurring question “What can replace Philadelphia cheese?” especially worries fans of sushi, because the composition of the famous namesake is a must. Our skillful housewives, of course, can buy a real Philadelphia. But, firstly, it is quite expensive. Secondly, it is not available everywhere, you need to look for it, and it is simply not delivered to many regions. Thirdly, I want now and immediately, and preferably quickly.

There is no direct replacement for this famous arch, since Philadelphia is a rennet cheese made from whey when it is coagulated again. The taste of this cheese is not sweet, the consistency is creamy. There are varieties with and without additives.

Consider some options for replacing the famous Philadelphia, found and put together on the Internet.

1. The easiest answer to the question "What kind of cheese can replace Philadelphia?" - processed cheese "Druzhba" or "Yantar" in plastic jars. This is perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to replace an expensive component. Suitable for rolls and for cakes where Philadelphia is needed.

2. Processed cheeses "President" and "Viola", creamy, are good as a substitute for Philadelphia.

3. Frame Creme Bonjour - no additives.

4. Any curd cheese like Almette will be a good answer to the question "What can replace Philadelphia cheese?"

5. Cottage cheese, according to hostesses, perfectly fulfills the role of Philadelphia.

6. In special threads on women's forums, where the question “What can replace Philadelphia cheese?” is discussed, for pies that include this notorious cheese, they suggest using cheese like “Paris Burenka”.

7. Some craftswomen replace this component in rolls with Fetaki curd cheese and assure that it turns out very, very well.

8. Processed cheeses "Merry Milkman", "Plavych - Gouda" are available in price and taste proportions.

9. Homemade Philadelphia

If there are no processed cheeses at hand, there is no desire to go after them, but there is cottage cheese, the answer to the question “How to replace Philadelphia cheese?” suggests itself: we will make from cottage cheese.

Let the cottage cheese go through a meat grinder, rub through a sieve or beat in a blender. Separately, cook the custard and beat the butter. If the cream is sweet, then beat the butter without sugar. If the cream is not very sweet, then add sugar to the butter and beat until white. Instead of sugar, it is better to take powdered sugar. Cool the cream, mix with cottage cheese, add and beat again a little. The perfect replacement for Philadelphia is ready.

10. Homemade Philadelphia - 2

We prepare the cottage cheese, as in the previous one, it also remains, but instead of butter and sugar, we take condensed milk. The total mass is more tender and less oily.

11. Homemade Philadelphia - 3

Whipped egg whites can be added to the mass prepared according to numbers 9 or 10, which, when baked, will give a stable shape and a peculiar shade.

Regarding Nos. 9, 10 and 11, it should be noted that such substitutes for Philadelphia are intended for baking and are completely unsuitable for rolls. Well, that's their merit.

12. Philadelphia "at home"

As a kind of response to the cry of the soul “What can replace Philadelphia cheese?” confectioners offer real, very fatty sour cream (“so that the spoon stands!”).

If there is none, then you can make sour cream “folded”: pour sour cream into a tight canvas bag and hang it overnight over a container to drain the liquid. As a result, from 1000 g of store-bought sour cream of medium quality, about 500 g of dense sour cream, very fatty and “standing”, will turn out.

13. Philadelphia "at home" - 2

Mix approximately equal amounts (such as "President") and regular cottage cheese. It is advisable to choose cottage cheese not grainy, but softer, closer to a creamy state, with small particles. This mixture is perfect for both rolls and baking, where the recipe calls for Philadelphia.

14. Many housewives suggest trying a mixture of heavy cream and homemade cottage cheese (in a blender). Add the cream gradually, keeping an eye on the consistency.

They say that it turns out very close to the original.

In general, it turns out that there would be a desire to cook some kind of dish with Philadelphia, and we will always figure out what to replace it with. There are no more creative and resourceful housewives than our women anywhere in the world!

Cheese is very often used in the preparation of various culinary delights: sushi, lasagna, pizza, pasta, cheesecake. However, classic recipes use such varieties of cheese that are either difficult to find in ordinary stores, or they are beyond the reach of an ordinary man in the street. How to replace cheese in such recipes and how to choose a budget alternative for expensive varieties of cheese?

Substitute for Parmesan cheese

Parmesan is a hard Italian cheese, its structure is brittle, granular and scaly, so it does not form threads when melted. To prepare one head of Parmesan, 550 liters of milk are required, and the ripening time for such a head after preparation is 36 months. It is not surprising that the cost of a kilogram reaches 1200 rubles. Of course, housewives have a question, what can replace cheese of such a cost?

If the recipe uses grated Parmesan (for pizza or lasagna), then you can replace it with any hard cheese: Rokiskis or Dzhyugas (Lithuania), Swiss cheese (Altai), any Dutch or Russian hard cheese.

For dishes where the taste of Parmesan is important or its property not to melt to stretching threads, Grana Padano cheese (Italy) is considered the only possible replacement.

Substitute for ricotta cheese

Ricotta is an Italian dairy product made from the whey left over from Mozzarella and other cheeses. Ricotta has a sweet taste, its fat content varies from 8 to 24%. Most often, Ricotta is used to make desserts: cakes, pies, cannoli. A kilogram of this cheese costs about 1000 rubles, but you can also find a cheaper analogue of this cheese, or rather, cook it yourself.

Take a bag of curdled milk and freeze it in the freezer. Take out the frozen bag and cut it open. Take a pan, put a colander on it, lay several layers of gauze on the colander. Place a frozen piece of curdled milk in this colander and let it thaw overnight. During the night, the whey will run into the pan, and the curd mass will remain in the colander. Gather the gauze into a bundle and wring out the mass. An analogue of Ricotta cheese for cakes and cheesecakes is ready.

Substitute for Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cheese is a soft cream cheese made from milk and cream with a delicate taste. The name "Philadelphia" is a brand of cream cheese, which appeared with the light hand of the American company Kraft Foods. The price for a jar of 175 grams reaches 250 rubles. And if in the recipe you need to take 600 grams of this cheese? Of course, you need to look for a cheaper analogue. The most similar to "Philadelphia" cheeses are Mascarpone and Boursin, but they also cost a lot. From the economy option, Almette (Hohland), Buko, Rama Creme Bonjour cheese is suitable. Some housewives use Druzhba processed cheese and President cream cheese in baths, as well as Viola and Violett cheeses.

Substitute for mascarpone cheese

Mascarpone is an Italian cream cheese from the Lombardy region. It contains 75% fat and has a creamy consistency, so it is often used in the preparation of desserts: cheesecakes, tiramisu, and is also used as butter for sandwiches. For its preparation, cow's milk or buffalo milk is taken. The cost of Mascarpone is not inferior to the cost of Philadelphia cheese. Here are some recipes for making a "substitute" for Mascarpone cheese.

Analogue of Mascarpone cheese No. 1

Cream cheese (any cream cheese from the “substitutes” for Philadelphia cheese) - 1 pack;
Cream (fatty) - 100 ml;
Butter (it is better to soften in advance) - 2 tbsp. l.
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl: cream cheese, cream and softened butter. Mix thoroughly, you can beat with a blender. Use for desserts or to make tender sandwiches.

Analogue of Mascarpone cheese No. 2

Chicken egg yolk - 3 pcs;
Sugar - 100 g;
Milk (or cream 10% fat) - 75 ml;
Ricotta cheese (you can take its substitute, which is described above) - 430 grams;
Fatty cream (35 percent) - 200 ml.
Pour the yolks and milk into a saucepan, add sugar. Cook the mixture over low heat for a couple of minutes. Cool the mixture.

Whip heavy cream, add to mixture. Add ricotta cheese or its substitute and mix thoroughly.

Analogue of Mascarpone cheese №3

Cream cheese - 230 grams;
Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
Fatty cream (35 percent) - 2 tbsp. l.
Whip cream, add all other ingredients, mix thoroughly. Use the prepared mixture to make tiramisu dessert.

In addition, Mascarpone cheese is replaced with a mixture of cream and cottage cheese. To do this, you need to mix non-acidic fatty cottage cheese with heavy cream and beat until a uniform thick mass.

Soft Philadelphia cheese is often added to all kinds of dishes: cheesecakes, cheesecakes, desserts, sauces, dressings and even rolls. It is very tasty to smear them on top of fish or meat, and then bake in the oven. However, it is not always at hand at the most crucial moment. Even in supermarkets, it is often not possible to find it on the shelves. Many housewives are interested in the question, what kind of cheese can replace Philadelphia cheese? First, let's figure out why this product is so unique?

Philadelphia is from America. Its manufacture began hundreds of years ago. Even then, culinary connoisseurs used it to bake the most delicate pies. Noble rich people who could afford such a delicacy liked to spread it on toast and eat it with tea. Cheese is produced using a special technology from high-quality milk and cream. It is not in vain that specialists work so hard to select the highest quality products for its manufacture, the taste is simply delicious.

However, despite all the advantages of this product, Philadelphia-type cheeses can also be very tasty and also a good addition to your dishes. The modern market offers many firms that make cream cheeses. For example:

  • "Viola"
  • President
  • "Buko"
  • "Almette"

Many professional chefs note that the best sushi cheese instead of Philadelphia is Viola. You can also put cheese in them (only unsalted).

Brands such as Yantar and Druzhba cannot be called bad and of poor quality, but due to their rather dense texture, they are not suitable for preparing complex dishes. Many people buy them specifically for sandwiches.

As for baking, you can add not only cream cheeses, but also cottage cheese to it. However, it should be soft, non-grainy and not dry. You can additionally beat it with low-fat sour cream and add a little cream, the effect will be even better.

Philadelphia cheese substitute recipe

For the most virtuoso housewives, we want to tell you one interesting recipe that will help you make a very similar substitute for the well-known cheese with your own hands. Follow our advice - and you will get a product no worse than the original!

Required Ingredients:

  • milk - 1 l
  • kefir - 0.5 l
  • salt and sugar 1 tsp each.
  • lemon acid

Cooking method:

Homemade fermented milk delicacy is ready! Feel free to use it in creating culinary masterpieces!

  • you can use this method to get "Philadelphia": buy very fatty sour cream (30% or more, and preferably homemade) and put it in a cloth bag. Just like in our recipe, hang it up and wait for all the liquid to drain. Please note that the volume of the product will greatly decrease;
  • the product must be stored in the refrigerator and no more than 7 days;
  • When choosing a product in a store, always read the label. Try to choose as natural a product as possible, without all kinds of substances. If the taste of the product is sour, then most likely it is spoiled. The original taste should be slightly sweet and mild.

Now you know how you can replace Philadelphia at any moment in order to continue cooking your favorite dish!

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