Iodized salt. Food iodized salt - its benefits and harms; nuances of use in cooking and cosmetology

If you are not lucky enough to be a resident of the sea coast, you can be 100% sure that you live in conditions of iodine deficiency. Natural products in the diet of a modern person are becoming less and less, therefore, it is almost impossible to satisfy the body's need for iodine in a natural way.

The main consequence of the deficiency is not problems with the thyroid gland, the digestive system, hormonal disorders, but a significant decrease in the intellectual abilities and performance of a person. The use of iodized salt can reduce the severity of the problem.

Why was salt chosen for iodine administration? Its consumption is constant and predictable. This is the most affordable product for both individual and mass prevention of iodine deficiency.

What kind of animal is iodized salt?

Edible iodized salt is a type of common table salt, enriched with iodine compounds. As a rule, these are sodium or potassium compounds. Potassium iodate is currently used as an additive. This substance is non-toxic and stable. The loss of iodine as a result of prolonged storage and heating is negligible. When buying a fortified product, you should focus on the name of the additive and on the expiration date.

Potassium iodate is present in the composition of the product in such a concentration that it cannot harm the body under any circumstances. At the same time, it satisfies the daily requirement of an adult for iodine, which is 150 mcg.

Iodized salt is odorless. Its taste is indistinguishable from the taste of ordinary table salt.

Myths and reality

Iodized salt is not a new product. In most European countries, it has long been widely used in the production of food, in some countries this practice is even enshrined in law. But people are wary of the possibility of using this product in everyday life. There are many myths associated with its use. Let's try to debunk them.

  • Myth No. 1. The use of iodized salt must be controlled to avoid iodine overdose.

    The concentration of iodine is such that to exceed its daily requirement, you would have to eat 50 g of salt. This is unrealistic.

  • Myth No. 2. When heated, iodine completely evaporates, so this seasoning is not suitable for hot dishes.

    If so, then the opponents of iodine have nothing to fear. With strong heating, only 10% of this trace element is lost. Therefore, the use of the product is still justified.

  • Myth No. 3. When using iodized salt, canned vegetables darken and acquire an unpleasant odor.

    Previously, potassium iodide was used as an additive, which could presumably affect the taste and color of vegetables. But that was in the last century.

  • Lay with us, lay as we ...

    Iodized salt is a safe and healthy product. There are no known cases of the disease associated with its use.

    In the pasteurization or canning process, when sterility considerations come to the fore, the presence of potassium iodate is more than appropriate. The substance does not affect neither the smell, nor the taste, nor the color of your workpieces, contributing to their long-term storage.

The development of technology now allows you to get any information in a short time, but few people use new opportunities. Statistics have shown that most of the housewives do not even know what the harm of iodized salt is, when to use it and how to choose the right product.

Many simply believe that it is fortified with minerals in order to be of great benefit to the body. To some extent, this is true, but one should not forget that there are many contraindications to the use of the product.

Iodized salt - description and characteristics

The product offered in grocery stores is intended for introduction into culinary dishes, traditional medicine and home cosmetology. According to the requirements of international standards, it must be enriched with a certain amount of salts, which contain iodine ions. According to GOST requirements, iodized salt must be produced using potassium iodate. If the package mentions potassium iodide or iodide, it is better to refuse the purchase. This chemical compound has very different properties and characteristics.

Manufacturers began to modify common salt after an increase in the number of cases of iodine deficiency in the population. This is due to the fact that iodine is unevenly distributed over food products that are characteristic of a particular area of ​​the globe, even a particular country. If closer to the seas and oceans it is contained in plant and animal products in sufficient volume, then with distance from these reservoirs its indicators fall.

Useful properties of iodized salt

Iodine is necessary for normal growth and development of a person, maintaining his life. In small doses and in the absence of contraindications, it is absolutely safe, its volume in the body must be constantly replenished. Deficiency of the substance leads to a decrease in the functionality of the thyroid gland, deterioration of mental activity, disruption of the digestive system. After some time, symptoms of nervous disorders are added to this, the body's resistance to infections is sharply reduced.

Tip: Symptoms such as fatigue, chronic fatigue, hair loss, and split nails indicate decreased thyroid function. When these signs appear, it is necessary not only to introduce iodized salt into your diet, but also to visit a doctor. There is a high likelihood that dietary adjustments will be small and professional intervention will be required.

After the manufacturers began to iodize salt, the mere introduction of seasoning into the diet began to have a beneficial effect on the condition of people with a deficiency of the element. But this is not the only way to use the product for medicinal purposes.

The product can also be used in this way:

  • Compresses with iodized salt help relieve tissue swelling at the site of removal of the inflamed appendix.
  • Compress from the composition, applied to the neck and forehead, relieves headaches.
  • A warm, seasoned compress on the chest area helps thin phlegm and relieves coughs for colds or flu.
  • Gargling with a solution of iodized salt relieves inflammation in angina.
  • Salt dressing will relieve pain and speed up the healing of the skin after a burn (if the integrity of the skin has not been compromised).
  • Baths with iodized salt help to quickly get rid of skin diseases and various rashes.

The given methods of using the product may not be agreed with the doctor. True, only if the patient has no contraindications to the use of the product.

The use of iodized salt in cooking

With the growing popularity of iodized salt as a culinary product, new types of seasoning began to appear, adapted to certain needs. Today, the following types of salt can be found on store shelves:

  1. Cookware (stone) iodized. Purified or unrefined composition, artificially enriched with the desired ions.
  2. Marine. Products that are obtained as a result of the evaporation of seawater and that have undergone special treatment. It does not contain artificial chemical compounds, but there are many useful microelements.
  3. Black. Unrefined product in which trace elements are present in maximum volume.
  4. Diet. The result of laboratory research and manipulation. It is usually low in sodium and high in calcium with magnesium.

It is best to use table or sea iodized salt as an everyday food product. It will enhance the taste of dishes and saturate the body with useful elements. Contrary to popular belief, these products can be used at any stage of food preparation. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the grinding of the workpieces:

  • Large. Ideal for making marinades, pickles, first courses.
  • Average. Recommended for processing meat, poultry, fish.
  • Small. A salad variant that has been designed to spice up ready-to-eat meals.

Due to the peculiarities of obtaining iodized salt, heat treatment does not lead to the destruction of a chemical element. Even if you put the seasoning in the dish at the very beginning of work, its benefits for the body will be obvious.

The use of iodized salt in cosmetology

For cosmetic use, sea iodized salt is best suited. It has bactericidal properties, improves the quality and texture of the skin, and eliminates inflammation. Here are just the simplest options for using the component in home cosmetology:

  • Baths with sea salt. The water should be warm, for a standard volume you need to take at least 2-3 glasses of the product. The duration of the manipulation is 20-30 minutes.
  • Homemade soap with added product. It is a universal remedy for beauty maintenance. The use of the composition relieves oily skin from shine and inflammation, and dry skin returns freshness and attractiveness.
  • Salt lotion. It will get rid of blackheads and will not disturb the water-fat balance.
  • Anti-cellulite remedy. You just need to put crystals on a sponge and carefully work out the problem areas after taking a bath.

In addition, iodized salt can restore strength and shine to hair, strength and texture to nails. In the first case, masks should be prepared from it, in the second, added to hand baths.

Harm and danger

A healthy person can consume iodized salt without fear for their condition. Of course, you should not abuse the product, otherwise you can provoke an excessive load on the heart and kidneys, provoke fluid retention in the body.

Contraindications to the use of seasonings are the following conditions:

  • Thyroid cancer or its removal. In case of any malfunctioning of the organ, you should first consult with your doctor.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Furunculosis, chronic pyoderma, hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Kidney disease.

Unlike regular salt, which has no expiration date, the iodized analog can only be used for a certain period of time. So you need to carefully read the recommendations for storing the product and follow them clearly.

Lack of iodine is a common problem with many myths. We hope this text will help you navigate.

Problems with memory, attention and logic can be a consequence of iodine deficiency in utero and early childhood. In adults, iodine deficiency is the cause of thyroid diseases - diffuse and nodular goiter.

In 113 countries of the world, as a prevention of iodine deficiency, the mandatory iodization of salt is legally approved. Russia is not among them, and iodized salt is used on a voluntary basis. And goodwill, as you know, is often captured by myths, prejudices and other folk art. Let's try to understand mythology.

Myth 1. Iodine deficiency can be compensated for by diet.

Unfortunately, any plant and animal products obtained in iodine-depleted areas contain insufficient iodine. The only way to compensate for iodine deficiency with a diet is to consume fresh sea fish and seafood daily. This carries a number of organizational difficulties and is not accessible to everyone.

Myth 2. Iodized salt is unstable, it is not stored for long, iodine "evaporates" when cooking.

Most likely, this myth is rooted in the "pre-perestroika" years, when not very stable potassium iodide was used to iodize salt at the rate of 23 mg of iodine per kg of salt.

Currently, more stable potassium iodate is used for iodization at a rate of 40 mg per kg. That is, even with the inevitable losses of iodine during the storage of salt and heat treatment of food, reaching 40%, with daily use of about 6 g of salt, the intake of iodine into the body will be about 150 μg / day, which corresponds to the physiological needs of the body.

The shelf life of modern iodized salt is at least 12 months.

Myth 3. Iodized salt is not suitable for canning.

It is believed that this myth is also related to the unsatisfactory quality of iodized salt previously produced. A weighty argument "against" this myth is the quality of modern canned products made in countries where the use of iodized salt in the food industry is mandatory.

Myth 4. With additional consumption of iodine, there is a danger of overdose.

A dose of iodine up to 1000–2000 mcg is considered safe. It is unrealistic to get such a dose with iodized salt or iodine preparations intended for the prevention of iodine deficiency.

Myth 5. There are iodine allergies.

Iodine is a trace mineral and micronutrient allergy cannot develop by definition. This is the prerogative of complex organic compounds.

Iodine can be idiosyncratic - intolerance to its pharmacological doses. These are the same doses of more than 1000-2000 mcg or 1-2 mg that we cannot get from iodized salt, but easily from a number of other drugs.

In particular, 1 ml of alcoholic tincture of iodine contains 50 mg (50,000 mcg) of iodine. Such a dose of iodine can easily provoke thyroid dysfunction.

Myth 6. Sea salt is better than iodized salt.

Unfortunately, in the process of evaporation, purification and drying, iodine from sea salt almost completely disappears. For example, one gram of sea salt contains about 1 μg of iodine, and iodized salt contains 40 μg.

Myth 7. Iodized salt is contraindicated for many people.

The only objective contraindication to taking prophylactic doses of iodine (the minimum necessary for the full functioning of the thyroid gland) is the period of adherence to an iodine-free diet at the stage of preparation for radioiodine therapy after surgical treatment of thyroid cancer.

On the course of other diseases of the thyroid gland, including those accompanied by excessive production of hormones, preventive doses of iodine cannot have a significant effect.

There can be many reasons why iodized salt is not very popular today. We have reviewed the main myths associated with the use of this extremely useful product, in the prevention of iodine deficiency.

Myth # 1: Iodine deficiency is not dangerous

Even a small iodine deficiency can lead to asymptomatic thyroid dysfunction and decreased thyroid hormone production. Especially often thyroid disorders occurwhen the need increases sharply: this microelement of the expectant mother needs... With a deficiency of iodine in her body, the risk of severe disturbances in the growth and development of the child increases. A child with iodine deficiency will perform worse in school, especially in exact disciplines where it is necessary to think abstractly. Now imagine for a second what poor academic performance can lead to. These are communication problems, and difficulties with choosing a profession, and low earnings, and a lack of career prospects.

Myth # 2: If I didn't have enough iodine, I would notice it.

Pronounced symptoms of iodine deficiency appear only if the body does not systematically receive this trace element in the required amount. Then the doctor diagnoses "endemic goiter". In all other cases, a person experiences the so-called latent, that is, iodine deficiency is asymptomatic. Of course, a person will not pay attention to the problem that is actually the cause of the andlevel of development child.

Myth number 3: With the help of the "iodine grid" you can determine if there is a lack of iodine in the body

There is no connection between the rate of tarnishing of the iodine mesh on the skin andin the body, no. Currently, there are no reliable laboratory methods for determining iodine deficiency. The only one available is urinalysis. Almost 90% of iodine entering the body with food is excreted through the kidneys in the urine.

Myth number 4: Seafood is expensive, it is better to buy sea salt, because there is also iodine

Despite the fact that salt with a small amount of iodine is obtained from sea water, this iodine almost completely disappears during evaporation, purification and drying. For example, one gram of sea salt contains about 1 μg of iodine, and iodized salt contains 40 μg. It is better to buy iodized sea salt - it combines the peculiarities of the taste of sea salt and the benefits of iodized salt.

Myth # 5: If you eat a lot of iodized salt, you will overdose.

Even if you consume more salt, iodine overdose will not happen: for this you need to eat almost 50 g of salt per day, and such oversalt will simply make the food inedible.

Myth # 6: Iodized salt cannot be used for cooking hot dishes, because when heated, all iodine disappears

Under the influence of high temperature, only a partial loss of iodine occurs: from 20% to 50%. The remaining iodine in cooked products is quite enough, because iodine is added with a certain reserve during the production of iodized salt.

Myth # 7: It makes no sense to use iodized salt for baking bread

In fact, iodine, which is used to fortify salt, has heat-resistant properties; therefore, about 70% of this microelement is retained when baked goods are baked. And since bread is a product of mass consumption, and the period of its sale is relatively short (up to 5 days), there is no loss of iodine during storage and during the sale.

Myth # 8: Iodized salt cannot be used for home canning, lard and fish salting

This information has long been untrue. Fifteen to twenty years ago, iodine was really used to fortify salt, which could affect the quality of salting, and sodium thiosulfate was added to the salt. This substance is no longer present in modern salt, and iodine is taken only of the highest quality. So you don't have to worry - your seasonal preparations are completely safe. Just think: in Belarus, Armenia,Only iodized salt is sold to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan. And so far none of these countries have complained about the quality of pickles and can explosions.

Myth # 9: Iodized salt only lasts 3-4 months

The fact is that until the end of the 1990s, unstable iodine was used in the production of iodized salt, and such a product was really not stored for long. Today, the shelf life of iodized salt is at least 12 months, and even longer for some types of salt. According to the GOST adopted in 2000, iodine is now used for salt enrichment, which is much more stable, and manufacturers have almost doubled the mass content of iodine in salt. Therefore, now it does not decompose in the light, and the salt enriched with it does not require special packaging.

Myth # 10: Iodized salt is more expensive than regular salt

This is partly true. Iodized salt produced in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (in paper or plastic packaging) is more expensive than usual. But not by much: the difference in price is no more than 10%, that is, even less than a ruble. The reason for the high cost of iodized salt is not related to the production of the product itself. In fact, stores buy the cheapest iodized salt in ordinary packaging, and for the visible richness of the assortment they sell it in expensive packaging - in shaker cans. This is why iodized salt is among the most expensive commodities, while cheap iodized salt is often closed off the market. So you have to make a decision for yourself: either agree to what the advertisement and the seller impose on you, or with care

Iodine, which is essential for the thyroid gland, is found in very small quantities in food. But if a trace element is not enough, then iodized salt will help - a common and affordable seasoning. Its packaging is different, but the taste is the same as that of "regular" salt.

Chemical composition, iodine content

Iodized is the same table salt (food), or sea salt, only enriched with a trace element. In addition to sodium chloride, it contains potassium iodide or iodate (KIO3).

In Russia, they adhere to this standard, however, a deviation up or down by 15 μg / g is allowed.

The loss of iodine is possible even during the production process or during the storage of the spice in the store. The shelf life of the product with the addition of potassium iodate is 18 months, provided that it is sealed. If the container with salt is opened, then the iodine content begins to decrease.

How iodized salt differs from ordinary salt

Edible salt (experts suggest abandoning the term "cooking") is an additive to food, a spice, a widespread flavoring seasoning. The content of sodium chloride in the product is 95 - 97%. Chemical formula - NaCl. It contains other elements besides sodium and chlorine, and their quantity depends on the origin and method of extraction / processing of raw materials.

Types of salt used for food:

  • Stone. It is mined in places of halite mineral deposits. Raw materials are crushed and sieved, do not dissolve, do not heat, iodine is not added. This food additive may contain harmful impurities (arsenic, copper, lead, cadmium, mercury, tin).
  • Marine. It precipitates during the evaporation of sea water, the richest in composition. Contains 90 - 95% NaCl, as well as ions of other metals and non-metals.
  • Evaporated. Obtained by evaporation of dissolved rock salt. The method provides an increase in the NaCl content up to 97%.
  • Extra. Edible salt of the finest grinding, obtained from evaporated. For bleaching and anti-caking, calcium or magnesium carbonate, sodium (potassium) hexacyanoferrate and other anti-caking agents are added.
  • Iodized. Iodine-enriched evaporated salt and sea salt.
  • Sadochnaya. It is mined in caves, from the bottom of salt lakes.

The human thyroid gland needs iodine in the form of ions for the synthesis of the prohormone thyroxine and the hormone triiodothyronine.

These bioactive substances regulate the metabolism and the functioning of the cells of the immune system. With a lack of iodine, not enough hormones are formed, metabolic processes are disrupted, all systems of the body suffer.

What is useful for women

Women and children of both sexes are more at risk of iodine deficiency. The condition is manifested by drowsiness, fluctuations in weight, dry skin, swelling of the face, fragility and hair loss, destruction of nails. Due to the intake of a sufficient amount of a trace element, the production of thyroxine and triiodothyronine is normalized, and the appearance improves. Women require 120 mcg / day of iodine.

The need for a trace element increases during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During these periods, the daily dose of iodine should be 200 mcg or more. Moderate intake of iodized salt reduces the likelihood of spontaneous abortion and fetal / child developmental abnormalities.

Useful properties for men

Russian experts believe that 120 mcg / day of iodine is enough for men. This amount corresponds to 3 to 8 g of fortified salt (one part teaspoon or 1.5 teaspoon). The counting method differs from country to country. The recommended daily intake of iodine by adults by the German Nutrition Society is 180-200 mcg / day (4-5 tsp with a trace element content of 40 mcg / g).

Adequate iodine in the body contributes to the maintenance of physical activity and stamina in men. The trace element is essential for the prevention of neuropsychiatric disorders, memory and concentration problems.

For children's health

Iodine contributes to the normal growth of the child, the prevention of speech disorders, and mental retardation. Iodized salt, used by women during pregnancy, helps prevent certain fetal and cognitive impairments in children.

Even with a mild iodine deficiency, the IQ of a child born is reduced by 10 points.

Recommended daily dose of iodine for children and adolescents (in μg):

  • up to 2 years old - 50;
  • from 2 to 6 years old - 90;
  • from 7 to 12 years old - 120.

Benefits of consuming micronutrient-fortified salt:

  • Intake into the body of the recommended WHO dose of iodine from just 1 tsp. product.
  • Prevention of thyroid dysfunction.
  • Goiter prevention.

Iodine is able to accumulate in tissues, therefore, the recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

Experts, when discussing the benefits and harms of iodized salt, argue that it is impossible to overdose a trace element in the case of correct use of flavoring seasoning. Only a daily intake of 2000 mcg of iodine into the thyroid gland of a healthy adult can lead to disease. To get this daily dose of the micronutrient, you need to consume 80 g of iodized salt every day.

Routine consumption of fortified flavoring does not cause micronutrient overdose. On the contrary, it does not guarantee getting rid of the risk of iodine deficiency. Iodized salt loses its properties during storage in an unsealed package, exposed to light.

Application in the beauty industry

For cosmetic procedures, it is better to use iodized sea salt. If it is not there, then an ordinary, evaporated solution containing iodine is suitable. It is used to wipe the face and / or shoulders, neck, back in case of acne and pimples. A concentrated saline solution for procedures must be prepared daily.

Iodides and iodates are strong oxidants that kill germs at the site of wounds, abrasions, and cuts after shaving.

The iodized sea salt bath benefits the entire body and skin. The procedure helps to better exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis, disinfect the urinary tract, relax the body and soothe the nervous system. One full bath will require about 1 - 2 kg of product. Minerals penetrate into the dermis, moisturize, stimulate blood circulation, and prevent skin aging.

From fine iodized salt, vegetables after salting can become soft. Coarse rock salt No. 1 is better suited.

The loss of iodine during heat treatment is up to 60%. In addition, caking hexacyanoferrates decompose into substances toxic to the body at temperatures above 100 ° C. Salt (iodized and "Extra" grade) should be added to food only after heat treatment. It is better to use these spices in cold appetizers, salads.

Contraindications and possible harm

Generally, iodized salt is not harmful to health. But the use of this type of flavoring seasoning in the diet is prohibited for some diseases and conditions. So, iodine is contraindicated in any form for those who have undergone treatment for thyroid cancer.

You also need to follow an iodine-free diet in such conditions.

  • chronic pyoderma;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • iodine intolerance;
  • kidney disease;
  • furunculosis;
  • tuberculosis.

Excessive use of salt, fortified with iodine, can cause sleep disturbances, exacerbation of gout, diabetes, and kidney dysfunction.

Doses of more than 200 μg of a trace element per day are harmful. In this case, the risk of inflammatory and autoimmune processes in the thyroid gland, as well as allergies, increases.

Some experts state that salt iodization is not the optimal way to increase the levels of the trace mineral in the body. Inorganic forms of iodine are less assimilated, therefore they do not solve the problem of deficiency. It is necessary to eat more food containing organic iodine. These are seafood, whole grains, seeds, milk, meat. Also, an alternative can be pharmaceutical preparations of iodine and dietary supplements.