Figs are good and bad for human health. The medicinal properties of fig fruits

All dried fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly satisfy hunger and contain many useful substances. But today we propose to talk about dried figs, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a long time. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and inhabitants of many eastern countries enjoyed the fruits of dried figs. This fruit is often mentioned in the Bible, where it is called a fig, and many interesting legends and traditions are associated with it.

Composition and useful properties of dried figs

Dried figs contain beta-carotene and many B vitamins. Dried fruits are also rich in protein, mineral salts of potassium, magnesium and iron. Also in the fruits of dried figs there is fiber, pectins. But why do doctors recommend their patients to consume dried figs? This product has a lot of useful properties. Here is just a small list of diseases that many beloved dried fruits help to cope with:

  1. Treating colds. Dried fruits boiled in milk are an excellent cough remedy. Also, this medicine has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.
  2. Eliminates digestive problems. Traditional medicine recommends the use of dried fruits for constipation and gastritis. Figs are known to help bowel function due to their high fiber content.
  3. Dried figs are advised to be consumed by people whose profession is related to mental labor. It turns out that the trace elements contained in dried fruits have a positive effect on the brain and help relieve accumulated stress.
  4. This healthy product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The enzymes contained in figs help to quickly remove toxic substances from the body. Dried figs, about the benefits and dangers of which we will tell you many more useful facts, have a rich mineral composition. Thanks to this, dried fruits are able to help a person recover after poisoning.
  5. Regular consumption of dried figs has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. This effect is due to the presence of a large amount of potassium in the product. The lack of this element can lead to disruption of the heart muscle.

Dried figs contain serotonin, which is often called the hormone of happiness. If you are in a bad mood or feeling fatigued, then eat one or two dried fruits. Just do not forget to go outside and walk for at least half an hour after that. The fact is that serotonin is released in our body only when exposed to sunlight.

It should be noted that dried fruit is not a medicine. In some cases, they really help to cope with ailments, but they cannot cure serious illnesses.

Dried figs and women's health

In many eastern countries, dried figs have traditionally been served as a dessert to women. Since ancient times, people have noticed that they help relieve physical ailment during menstruation. Also, the use of dried fruits contributed to the normalization of mental balance during this period.

What other benefits are dried figs for women? Modern doctors recommend using it for those who are planning to become pregnant or expecting a baby. This recommendation is based on the fact that the fig fruit contains a large amount of folic acid. This substance helps to maintain the integrity of the placenta and has a beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the unborn baby.

Modern research has shown that it is beneficial for women to include dried figs in their diet during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. It turned out that their contractions are easier, and the total time of labor is reduced by one hour. In addition, in women giving birth for the first time, erection is faster and easier.

Figs for men

There is a widespread legend that dried fig fruits have a positive effect on potency. But, unfortunately, there are no magic products to get rid of this problem. However, dried figs are as beneficial for men as they are for women. A large amount of vitamins and minerals helps to maintain health for people of any age and gender.

Figs for children

Pediatricians do not recommend including dried fruit in the menu of children under one year old. After reaching this age, you can give one dried fruit to the child, but it is better to divide it into small portions. The large amounts of fast carbohydrates found in any dried fruit can harm your baby's health. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, choose fresh ripe fruits for him.

How else does dried figs affect the health of babies? Benefits for children can be indicated by the following points:

  1. Dried figs can help relieve constipation. But if the crushed dried fruits did not bring the expected result, then you should use medications.
  2. Use dried fruit for desserts. The natural sweetness of these foods will help eliminate sugar and candy from your baby's diet.

Why Dried Figs Are Dangerous

First of all, it should be remembered that dried fruits contain very little water. Because of this, the amount of sugar in fruits increases to 70%. This fact does not negate the benefits of dried figs for the body, but it should be taken into account for people suffering from certain diseases and overweight.

Healthy people should also not indulge themselves with delicious dried fruits too often. Dried figs, the calorie content of which does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 grams, is perfectly absorbed by the body. But the high carbohydrate content in it should get you thinking.

Dried figs, the benefits and dangers of which we have described in detail in this article, can often be seen on the shelves of Russian stores. Unfortunately, fresh fruits rarely reach us intact and rarely have a presentation. But if you want to supplement the diet of your family with a healthy and tasty product, then you can safely purchase dried figs.

The benefits and harms of figs in diabetes mellitus - video


Figs are the fruit of the fig tree. Dried figs, the use of which for the human body consists in a positive effect on the work of metabolic processes, is very useful. The fruit grows in the southern continents: Egypt, Turkey, Asia and Africa. It does not withstand long-term transportation and long-term storage, therefore it is consumed mainly in dried form.

As you know, the fruits of the fig tree are beneficial, since they have a large amount of nutrients and vitamins, among them: beta-carotene, vitamin C, A, E, B vitamins (B, B1, B2, B6, B12), carbohydrates, sugar, starch, fatty acids, fiber. Dry fruit holds the record among all oriental fruits in terms of the composition of minerals: potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Minerals carry out metabolic processes. Beta-carotene, which is rich in figs, has a positive effect on the human body, providing immunostimulating and wound healing effects.

B vitamins take part in the work of the brain, bones, skin, circulatory system, and are essential for the functioning of the human body every day.

Figs are widely used in cosmetology. On the basis of the fruits, useful face masks are produced that improve the structure and appearance of the skin.

The benefits of dried figs

Fig-based nourishing masks are prepared mainly for loose and split ends. Very effective and have undoubted benefits of ointments for skin and nails based on the fetus. In cooking, this berry is used to make sweet desserts. The fruit has a lot of sugar in its composition, so it is very high in calories, there are more than 200 calories per 100 grams. It is necessary to take dried fruit with caution for people with diabetes mellitus, suffering from diseases of the pancreas, with gastritis and with weight loss.

The fig tree (another name for figs) is useful for the work of all organs and systems of the human body:

  • improves bowel function, thanks to fatty acids;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the digestive organs;
  • positively affects the composition of the blood and the process of hematopoiesis;
  • improves liver function and lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • lowers body temperature with acute respiratory infections and flu;
  • is a powerful antioxidant, the benefit is that it prevents oxidative processes in the human body.

Fig, whose beneficial properties have been proven, serves as the basis for the production of medicines for the treatment of liver, kidney, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the circulatory system.

Useful properties of figs

In addition, dried figs have laxative properties. You can cook it yourself at home. How to dry figs?

Methods for preparing dried figs

  1. Figs dried in an electric dryer. Once in hand, fresh fruit can be dried in a very short time, while retaining the beneficial properties and excellent taste. An electric dryer will help with this. To begin with, you need to pick up the most elastic and slightly immature fruits that do not have mechanical damage. The fruits are washed, twigs removed, cut in a convenient way and laid out on an electric dryer. Dried for 5 to 8 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. To prepare dried figs in syrup, clean fruits are covered with sugar, in a proportion of 1 kg. sugar 400-500 gr. When the fruits give off juices (after about 6-7 hours), they are laid out on an electric dryer. The syrup is rolled up in jars and used to prepare desserts and other dishes. Figs, under the influence of drying, become hard, therefore they are well suited for preparing powder for dishes, shavings, compotes and drinks, but they can also be eaten simply dried. You need to store dry figs in solid containers: jars, eggplants, boxes, under a tightly closed lid.
  2. Oven-dried figs. To get dried fruit at home, you can use the oven. This is a more affordable method than an electric dryer. How to dry figs in the oven? The washed clean fruits are separated from the stem and peeled, cut into 2 parts and laid out on a dry baking sheet covered with parchment. The sheet is placed in an oven preheated at 40-50 degrees for 4-5 hours. When the figs are golden brown, they can be removed from the oven. Figs are ready to eat. Dried figs in the oven produce wonderful compotes with a smoked berry flavor. The drink turns out to be incredibly tasty and healthy, you do not need to put sugar there, it is better to add lemon. The taste of dried figs is very high, therefore, it is served in expensive restaurants as an addition to desserts, and as a separate dish. How to store dried figs in the oven? Fruits must be placed in well-ventilated vessels: in boxes, in jars, in boxes, wrapped in paper, put in bags, bags or bags, except for cellophane ones. It is better to use containers made from natural materials.
  3. To get dried figs, you need to steam it, that is, make a dried fruit from the fruit. Clean fruits from legs and peel, cut in the middle, so that air and temperature fully affect the fruit. It is necessary to steam dry for at least 2-3 hours, then remove and string on special sticks to allow to dry. The properties of figs are such that in the process of drying, it increases in its volume several times. The dried fruit has a very sweet and slightly sugary taste, because during cooking at a low temperature, it retains its properties as much as possible, which is very useful for both adults and children. What can you do to get rid of the sugary taste? Professional culinary experts recommend eating fig tree fruit with hard cheese or tomatoes. You can add herbs like thyme, mint or lemon balm, which bind and eliminate the sugary taste of the fruit. To store dried fruit for a long time, you need to string the finished fruit on a stick or bunch. This ensures the circulation of air around the fruits and prevents them from spoiling.
  4. Plain dried figs. The washed and peeled fruits are strung on a stick or bunch, wrapped with gauze or a thin clean cloth and dried in the sun, in a dry place away from moisture. This is a lengthy way to prepare dried fruit. Figs dried in this way are extremely useful for humans. As it is written in ancient Egyptian manuscripts, it was in this way, at home, that figs were dried in antiquity.
  5. Dried figs on a string. In order to dry the fruit in a natural way and maintain a high amount of beneficial properties and substances, you first need to prepare the fig itself: you need to choose slightly unripe fruits, as they will ripen in a few days on their own. Wash the fruits thoroughly and let the water drain, dry slightly on a towel. Then, you need to pick up the threads on which the fruit will be strung. For this, it is best to use threads made from natural materials: cotton, wool or silk. Silk threads are well suited and very easy to use for drying. The fruits need to be squeezed so that they become flat, and strung on a thread with a needle, piercing the fruit in the middle. The thread does not need to be loaded. For 1 meter of silk thread, no more than 20-45 fruits are placed, since the fruit is quite heavy in weight. Hang the finished fruit strung on a thread in the place of drying: on the balcony, on the street, under a canopy, in well-ventilated places. Be sure to cover with a thin layer of cloth or gauze without creating a vacuum or disrupting the air circulation process. Dried figs retain their beneficial properties. Dried fig tree fruit retains its beneficial properties and is equivalent to fresh fruit in terms of the composition of nutrients. Dried fruits are used to make stewed fruit, desserts, preserves and jams.

Dried fruits are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, as well as in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands, it is recommended to replace sugar with dried or dried figs.

Dried figs Are the dried fruits of the fig tree (fig, fig tree), which grows in Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Iran, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

The fig tree loves the warm climate of the subtropics, but does not grow in our latitudes. Its tender, fleshy fruits do not last long when fresh and do not tolerate transportation well. Therefore, immediately after harvesting, they are usually dried in the sun, getting the same dried figs to which we are accustomed and loved. Many people like it even more than fresh, because when dried, the fruit becomes sweeter (when fresh, it has a sweet and sour taste, sometimes with a significant predominance of sourness).

Outwardly, dried figs look like light beige flattened fruits of a round shape, and in the section has a viscous pulp and many, many small bones (see photo). It tastes sweet, but without excessive sweetness and sometimes with a slight astringency. Dried figs are easily transported and stored for quite a long time, which is why they have become a regular on our store counters and in the kitchen.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of dried figs is so well balanced that its beneficial properties for the human body became evident even in ancient times.

Among fruits, it is considered the record holder for the amount of fiber, the content of which in dried fruits is up to 10%. Due to this, as well as the presence of pectin, figs normalizes the digestive tract, simultaneously removing toxins and helping to reduce excess weight.

Another important element in the composition of dried figs are polyphenols and flavonoids, which are considered effective antioxidants... They protect cells from free radicals, cleanse blood vessels and prevent premature aging of the body. Dried figs have 50 times more polyphenols than most other popular fruits.

It also contains many catechins and epicatechins that exhibit antitumor activity. Therefore, dried figs are shown for the prevention of cancer.

In addition, the beneficial properties of figs are associated with its rich multivitamin composition. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as vitamins A, E, K.

The mineral composition of dried figs is rich and varied. This fruit holds the record for the amount of potassium and calcium... Due to the presence of the former, it effectively lowers blood pressure, and the latter strengthens bones and ligaments. It also contains a lot of magnesium and iron.

Regularly eating just a few fruits of dried figs, you saturate the body with useful substances, improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen memory, improve digestion, normalize blood pressure and get rid of fatigue for a long time.

How to choose and store?

How to choose and store dried figs correctly so that it fully manifests all its beneficial properties? In order not to be mistaken in this matter, pay attention to the following:

Store dried figs in a cool place with low humidity, otherwise they can become damp and even get pests. It is advisable to transfer the fruits to an absolutely dry vessel with a tight lid or to a cloth bag, and that, in turn, send it to a glass jar. Try to avoid direct exposure to the sun and moisture on the figs, and then they will not lose their valuable qualities for a long time.

Cooking use

The use of dried figs in cooking has been known since ancient times. Its excellent gelling properties have made figs a desirable ingredient in a variety of jams, marmalades, and pastilles. Besides dried figs - a natural preservative, the addition of which to dishes (in the same jam) prolongs their shelf life under natural conditions.

Dried figs go well with nuts and citrus fruits. If you grind it with walnuts and add a little lemon and orange juice, you get a delicious pasta for desserts (it goes into homemade sweets, cakes, baskets, sweet sandwiches, creams, etc.). Dried figs can also be used as an independent dessert.

But in the second courses, it is used less often. It is sometimes added to poultry sauce for a sweet flavor and interesting texture, and sometimes chicken or duck is stuffed with dried figs. Some gourmets serve it with lamb stew and spicy cheeses.

Dried figs are commonly used in milkshakes or fruit smoothies, where they are an excellent substitute or complement to bananas.

Dried Figs Benefits and Treatment

The benefits of dried figs for the human body are enormous, without exaggeration. It is often introduced as an additional component in the treatment of many diseases.

Avicenna also recommended a decoction of dried figs as antipyretic and diaphoretic for colds and fevers... To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry fruits with a liter of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes, and then cool, strain and drink half a glass three times a day.

Infusion of 2 tbsp. l. chopped figs, filled with 1 liter of boiling water, treat vitiligo and baldness... The fruits are first infused for an hour, and then the liquid is filtered and taken before meals in 100 ml.

Infusion of dried figs in milk allows deal with a bad cough(even with chronic) as well treats sore throat, kidney disease, gastritis and whooping cough... It is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. chopped figs and a glass of hot milk, which are ground to a liquid gruel, and then taken 100 g three times a day. If this mixture is additionally boiled, it can be externally treated pustular skin diseases.

For kidney and bladder stones will help to get rid of a decoction of 5 fruits of dried figs, boiled for 5 minutes in 500 ml of water, and then mashed. The resulting gruel should be divided into 3-4 equal portions and eaten between meals.

The harm of dried figs and contraindications

The harm that dried figs can cause to humans is minimal. However, some contraindications to its use still exist.

Since the calorie content of this fruit (249 kcal) and the sugar content in it (54%) increase when dried, dried figs it is undesirable for people who are obese... True, figs can also become an assistant in the fight against excess weight, but for this you need to soak it in water overnight in order to activate fiber and remove some of the sugars, and eat it on an empty stomach in the morning. Soaked figs will saturate the body with useful substances and dull the feeling of hunger.

Dried figs are not recommended and with diabetes mellitus, as well as gout... True, recently scientists are inclined to conclude that it may even help in the fight against type 2 diabetes, but this is still only a hypothesis.

One of Mother Nature's great gifts to humanity is the fig. Useful properties and contraindications have been studied in sufficient detail and are widely used by traditional and official medicine. There are about three hundred types of figs. All of them have a healing effect, useful properties. Fresh figs are a seasonal fruit that appears in our markets or stores in the fall. Dried is almost always available. It is useful in any way. Its fruits are varied in color: black, brown, red, yellow, green; in shape: from round to pear-shaped.

Most of the fig harvest is harvested in the fall from August to October, when longitudinal cracks appear on the skin of the fruit. Droplets of pure juice begin to emerge from the "eyes" at the top of the fruit and on the surface. The pulp of figs during this period is unusually sweet, as if filled with pure sugar juice, the beneficial properties are maximum.

It is best to harvest figs early in the morning, as fruits overheated in the sun quickly deteriorate.

Figs bear fruit consistently and abundantly - up to 100 kg of fruit per year. Moreover, the crop is harvested twice - in June, and then in August-November. Most often, the color of the fruit is yellow-green. Unripe figs contain milky juice and are not edible. But as soon as cracks appear on them, through which the cherry-red juicy pulp shines through, the fruits are ready. One drawback is that when ripe, they are not stored for a long time.

Fresh figs - benefits

Useful properties of figs are a huge content of organic acids, pectins, enzymes, vitamins: A, B 1, B 2, B 3, C, beta-carotene, PP, minerals. Each fruit contains iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium useful for the body.

40 grams of figs contain 7% of our daily requirement for potassium, 6% for calcium and iron. All thought processes involve iron. In terms of potassium content, this fruit is second only to nuts.

The drug furolen from the leaves is used in the treatment of baldness, vitiligo, and juice, essential oils inhibit the growth of certain fungi and pathogenic bacteria. It promotes the formation of melanin. Fig leaves contain coumarin, a substance that increases the body's sensitivity to solar radiation. Therefore, one must beware of sunburn during treatment with decoctions of the leaves.

Fresh fig sugar contains 25%. Mostly this is fructose. This is the highest percentage of fructose when compared to other fruits. Protein fresh fruit contains 1%, and dried - 6%.

Several figs in a day will quickly relieve mental or physical stress. Regular consumption of this fruit helps to improve memory, reduce sleep disturbances.

Figs are of great benefit to people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, people with problem veins, with a tendency to brake diseases, with anemia, asthma, bronchitis, colds, sore throats. It lowers blood sugar, but it is not recommended for diabetics or obese people to consume it a lot, since all the sugars present in the fruit are easily absorbed by the body. But a few figs eaten per day, on the contrary, can reduce blood sugar levels, and are useful for obese people. Most importantly, the amount of figs eaten should be optimal.

In general, its main value is that it prompts, helps the body choose the healing property that it needs at the moment.

Figs are an excellent digestion aid. He himself will help the body choose the desired property of this beneficial fruit. In one case, figs work as a mild laxative. In another - as a remedy for constipation - eat 4-5 fresh fruits, and if you only have dried fruits - soak them - eat in the morning along with the water in which it was soaked.

But figs cannot be used for acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fruits, despite the sweet taste, contain a lot of oxalic acid, so it should not be eaten with gout.

The diuretic and diaphoretic properties of figs are known. Teas, fruit decoctions are used as antipyretic, diaphoretic.

Each fruit contains polyphenols, flavonoids that improve the antioxidant activity of the blood. Healing fig juice contains the enzyme phytin, which almost completely destroys fibrinogen in the blood and fibrin (an insoluble protein that is used by the body to clot blood). Fibrin strands form the backbone of a blood clot that interferes with normal blood flow. For treatment, only 3 drops of juice are extracted from an immature fetus. It is useful for blood formation or heart disease. On the basis of extracts from the fruits and leaves of figs, some medicines have been created that are successfully used to treat cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis. It can also improve blood: increase hemoglobin levels, lower cholesterol levels.

Useful properties of dried figs

Dried fruit has a lot of fiber, the beneficial properties of which are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Its caloric content is 214 kcal / 100 g. One dried fig provides 2 g of fiber, which is 20% of the daily value. In terms of its composition, the amount of dietary fiber, it occupies an honorable first place, helping to work the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried figs contain up to 70% sugar. Interestingly, people who want to lose weight are advised to consume figs daily. However, the high calorie content it contains can lead to weight gain, especially when consumed with milk. A few are enough to get the recommended amount of nutrients, so don't overdo it!

Dried figs contain phenol, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, the beneficial substances that fig leaves contain have a significant effect on the level of triglycerides in the human body, which are one of the main reasons for the development of various heart diseases. These fatty acids are not produced by our body - we must get them from food. They are needed for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Figs - recipes for treatment

Several recipes for traditional medicine:

  • Boil three fig leaves in half a liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink this solution on a regular basis to lower your blood pressure.
  • Finely chop four leaves of figs, mix with sugar to make a thick mixture. Take this mixture regularly with a glass of water twice a day. This home remedy is a useful addition to the treatment for cirrhosis of the liver.
  • With laryngitis, hoarseness of the voice, you need to prepare a syrup, from one teaspoon of chopped dried figs and half a glass of water - boil for 15 minutes, strain, add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Add two or three chopped figs to a cup of kefir (200 ml). Consume this mixture twice a day for several weeks to reduce spleen inflammation.
  • Apply the milky juice from the stems or leaves three to four times a day to the warts - this will help you get rid of them.
  • Individuals suffering from anemia can eat 2-3 figs soaked in a glass of milk overnight. Eat these fruits with milk in the morning for a month.
  • Take one and a half liters of water, add 50 g each of dried figs, barley, raisins. Simmer, covered, for about 15 minutes. Then add 15 g of chopped licorice root to the broth. Cover with a lid, leave to infuse overnight. Take a teaspoon. It is an effective home remedy for constipation in children.
  • If you have bad breath, chew a couple of fig leaves and then rinse your mouth with warm water.

For the treatment of urolithiasis or kidney stones, it is recommended to boil figs in milk. It is useful to drink this milk very hot until the stones disappear.

For the treatment of breast cancer, traditional medicine recommends figs. Its fruits have disinfecting, emollient properties, therefore, folk medicine often uses them to prepare an infusion, which is used as gargles, poultices for colds, boils, and inflammation of the mucous membranes. They are especially useful for external use in cancer, as they prevent the development of the disease.

Traditional medicine uses the fruits and leaves of the plant. Fresh figs or its juice are applied to erysipelas every 2 hours. The disease is cured in 1 day.

Sulfur is a vital element that is included in proteins as sulfur-containing amino acids (cystine, cysteine, methionine), as well as in some vitamins and hormones. The formation of inulin occurs only at a normal concentration of sulfur in the body. And figs contain a lot of sulfur.

It is useful to take figs for the elderly or weakened people, because the regular use of these dried fruits helps to rejuvenate, strengthen the body, and helps to restore the body after an illness.

For centuries, figs have been recommended as a way to correct sexual dysfunctions in the body, such as infertility or erectile dysfunction. Its real success as an aphrodisiac is questionable, but the huge amount of valuable vitamins and minerals it contains can lead to a sudden increase in sexual energy. Soak 2-3 figs in milk overnight and eat them in the morning to boost your sexual performance.

Harm of figs to the body, precautions

  • too many figs eaten can cause diarrhea;
  • Dried fruits, due to their high sugar content, can cause tooth decay;
  • in some people, figs can cause an allergic reaction, ranging from mild to severe;
  • it is better not to consume too much of it a week or two before surgery, because it thinns the blood, and this can sometimes cause bleeding in people who are sensitive to it;
  • as always, talk to your doctor or healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle decisions.

Fig is a plant doctor. Alexander the Great knew about the beneficial properties of figs - tired soldiers only need to eat a few dried fruits to recuperate. He also knew that fig gruel quickly heals wounds, helps with poisoning, diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, liver.

The useful properties of figs are beyond question. Fruits contain more iron than apples, and brewed with hot milk are an excellent cough remedy, a good antipyretic, diaphoretic. There are, of course, contraindications, but if you follow the measure, harm can be avoided.

Fresh and dried figs are widely consumed in Eastern countries and the Mediterranean, where they are popularly called "the food of the poor." Figs are a rich source of antioxidants and have many other laxative properties. Dried figs will discuss its benefits and harm to the body and health in this article.

Figs are an unusual food for many. After all, in our country it is most often on market and store counters that you can see it in dried form, and few people saw it fresh. Perhaps you can still meet people who do not know what this fruit tastes like and are skeptical about this product, believing that there are not so many valuable substances in it. Is it really?

The tree on which the fig grows is called the fig tree or simply fig. It has been familiar since Biblical times. In addition to fruits, bark, leaves, shoots and seeds of this tree are used. It belongs to one of the varieties of ficus and many grow it at home.

Dried figs composition

After drying, figs do not lose their useful components and retains them completely in almost the same volume as fresh ones. It contains:

Carbohydrates up to 65 percent;

Fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6;

B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine);

Retinol (vitamin A);

Catechins (antioxidants that replace vitamin C);

Minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron (in small amounts), calcium, sodium, phosphorus.

There are almost no fats in dried fruit. However, it is also absent in fresh fruits.

But the calorie content of dried figs increases dramatically. If in fresh figs there are only 47 calories in 100 grams, then already dried figs have almost 250. Or more precisely, 247.

The glycemic index also grows and is 40-55 units.

Dried figs useful properties

When dried, fresh figs remove more than 60 percent of the water. As a result, it turns out to be a more concentrated source of nutrients, fiber, compared to fresh one.

In 100 grams of such figs, there are about 3 grams of protein, about 10 grams of fiber and 60 grams of carbohydrates.

The same amount can provide the body with almost 30 percent of dietary fiber, 14 percent of vitamin K and potassium, 12 percent of calcium and magnesium, 8 percent of iron from the daily requirement of an adult.

Dried figs contain both types of fiber. Soluble fiber contributes to satiety and the maintenance of healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber supports proper digestion and intestinal motility.

The potassium in figs helps maintain the balance of fluids and minerals in and around cells and throughout the body, which is important for the normal functioning of nerves, muscles, and the heart.

Figs are a good source of readily available energy, as most of it comes from simple sugars.

Natural fructose gives a pleasant taste, helps to cope with hangovers, and removes plaque. The content of natural organic acids improves the renewal of blood and cells. This property is especially beneficial for women.

The tannins found in figs have anti-inflammatory properties.

Figs have a calming effect on the nervous system and help to cope with stress, increase endurance and performance. It can be used as a natural antidepressant.

Plant protein is well absorbed by the body and does not lead to excess weight.

It is necessary to take into account the high content of vitamins and minerals in it. In the case of a vitamin deficiency in the spring or after an illness, it can quickly replenish the balance of essential substances in the body.

This fruit is considered a good diaphoretic. In addition, dried figs gently reduce heat. For colds, traditional healers are advised to take dried figs with warm cough milk. They drink such a decoction for colds and asthma.

Dried figs are good for the body

Based on the presented list of chemical components, we can easily say that figs can bring certain benefits to the human body. Dried figs:

  • Improves bowel function;
  • Helps get rid of hypotonic constipation;
  • Has a neuroprotective effect on the nervous system;
  • Supports the maintenance of water-salt balance;
  • Supports the rhythmic work of the heart muscle;
  • Strengthens the skeletal system (including injuries and fractures);
  • Fills the cartilage tissue with the necessary substances like gelatin;
  • Treats cough (make fig decoction in milk);
  • Reduces fever;
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • Improves brain activity;
  • Promotes the elimination of kidney stones;
  • Activates enzymatic reactions (for example, the formation of ATP);
  • Promotes quick satiety, that is, satisfying hunger;
  • Protects against malignant tumors;
  • Promotes the strengthening of blood vessels;
  • Increases the body's resistance to viruses during epidemics;
  • It has a bactericidal effect on opportunistic intestinal microflora.

How figs are dried

Life made me dry the fresh ripe juicy fruits of figs. After all, where it grows and ripens, there is a rather hot subtropical climate. Plus, fresh figs don't last long.

Therefore, to preserve the fruits, they were laid out for drying in the sun. Dried figs change not only their color, but also their shape. From rounded-oblong, it becomes a flat, flattened shape.

Today, fruits are dried not only in the sun, but also in special electric ovens at a temperature of no more than 35 degrees in order to speed up the drying process.

The fact is that dried figs are much easier to transport than fresh ones. And its shelf life is extended by several months. This is why dried figs are easy to obtain in winter.

Dried figs how to eat

Since this dried fruit is often sold in open form and undergoes long-term transportation to our country, it is, of course, contaminated. Therefore, before using it, it must be thoroughly cleaned either with a brush and water, washing each fruit separately, or washed in several waters the required amount of dried fruit (the water must be warm).

Dried figs are most often eaten as an independent product; cooks add it to various desserts, pastries, fruit yoghurts and drinks.

It also goes well with other dried fruits, nuts, honey, whole grain flakes. By mixing these ingredients together and adding lemon juice, you can make an energy bar. Figs can also be found in meat dishes, goes well with cheeses. But in order not to have a negative effect on the body, it must be consumed in moderation, however, like other food products.

Figs harm and contraindications

In some life situations, the use of dried (as well as dried) fig tree fruit is not recommended. This applies to the following situations:

Dried figs for women

Dried fruits, which have a concentrated sugar content, always cause multiple fears in those of the fair sex who want to keep their figure.

But in this case, the overseas dried fruit perfectly replaces sweet candy and gives strength due to the presence of proteins and simple sugars.

For office workers (and not only office workers), dried figs can help cope with stress, balance the psyche, improve mood and ensure fast thinking.

In addition, scientists have proven the fact that consumption of dried figs reduces the risk of breast cancer by a third.

In cosmetology, this fruit is often included in face and hair masks.

In order not to worry about the "wasp waist", it is advisable to consume no more than three dried fruits per day. It is advisable to eat them in the morning.

Dried figs for pregnancy and breastfeeding

Like fresh fruits, dried figs help pregnant women and women during lactation:

  • Increase hemoglobin;
  • Prevent developmental pathology in a child;
  • Strengthen the bone-cartilaginous system (calcium in pregnant women is completely spent on the formation of the skeleton of the unborn child);
  • Get rid of constipation;
  • Prevent the negative effects of colds;
  • Saturate breast milk with all essential vitamins and minerals.

Dried figs for men

Men should also pay attention to dried wine berries. After all, it is she who is usually used in folk medicine in order to strengthen male strength and fight prostatitis. But for a strong half of humanity, this dried fruit stands only after scalding it with boiling water.
Dried figs, unlike fresh ones, are more readily available with us. There are certain benefits in it and it can be beneficial for the human body. And not only with its taste, but also with those useful substances that it contains.