Indian sea rice stops aging. Sea rice for weight loss and its beneficial properties

Many of us love kvass. It is a delicious, refreshing drink. But it is mainly made from yeast, and purchased is not always natural. At home, you can prepare another drink that will not be inferior to kvass in taste, but it will significantly surpass it in terms of benefits. We are talking about sea rice, which is also called Indian sea rice.

Appearance and description

Sea rice actually not at all cereal crop as many might think. They are not even closely related.

For the first time this fungus appeared in our country after the visit of traders from India. Outwardly, in its shape and granules, the fungus resembles heavily digested rice. Apparently, it was due to this that the culture got its name.

He is officially considered the most helpful spokesperson drinking mushrooms... These translucent ice grains were brought to Russia in the 19th century. Since he came from India, he got the appropriate name. Before us is one of the most ancient cultures, about which man learned much earlier than milk and kombucha. In addition, rice surpasses them in terms of health benefits.

At the initial stage of their development, grains grow about 5-6 millimeters in diameter, but as they grow and before dividing, they can grow up to 5 centimeters.


Before proceeding with a detailed study of this fungus and the drink obtained from it, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations, the nuances of handling Indian rice.

  • The drink has a diuretic effect, which you will begin to feel after the first use of rice kvass. But gradually the body adapts, the desire to go to the toilet so often disappears.
  • In the first two weeks, you may also encounter such an unpleasant thing as diarrhea. But this is quite normal and expected, since the digestive system also gets used to the new drink. You should not be afraid of this and stop drinking the drink.
  • For a day, it will not be superfluous for an adult to drink 300 ml of a drink, about half an hour before a meal. Also drink it throughout the day as desired. The children's dose is half.
  • There are no restrictions on the duration of the use of rice infusion. Just listen to the body. He does not want to drink him, do not force him.
  • If your rice is cared for properly, it can grow quickly and provide even better medicinal properties... We will talk about leaving separately today.
  • Be sure to follow all the recommendations for preparing and caring for rice, which we will tell you about in detail.
  • Be sure to share the fungus with your friends and acquaintances. Its benefits are incredible, and at the same time, the taste pleases even capricious children.

Sea rice has its own characteristics among other mushrooms of the Zooglea genus.


Many people write that Indian sea rice is completely unsuitable for long-term storage that it will deteriorate in five days. In fact, this is not the case. You just need to follow certain rules for care. And here they are.

Arm yourself with the following things:

  • Filtered, unboiled water;
  • Glass jar;
  • Gauze to close the neck of the jar.

Concerning additional products, then it all depends on your individual preferences. As a rule, dried apricots, raisins, dried fruits and so on are added to rice.

And the leaving process is as follows:

  • Take a clean one, but not boiled water(you will need a good filter) as well as cheesecloth from the pharmacy. With its help, you will protect the fungus from midges and dust;
  • Rice will live in a glass jar. Plastic will not work here, because the culture does not grow well in such a container and multiplies very slowly;
  • Equip yourself with a measuring cup that will allow you to measure the amount of infusion required for consumption;
  • After each preparation of kvass, be sure to remove the remnants of dried fruits, rinse the rice crystals properly. Without this, it will quickly disappear from you and become unusable for further use;
  • Rice must be stored in glass and in the refrigerator. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Indian rice really has unusual composition and the corresponding nutritional value... In culture, the following components can be distinguished:

  • Tannins;
  • Yeast-like fungi;
  • Enzymes;
  • Glucosides;
  • Fatty substances;
  • Organic acids and so on.

As for the calorie content, it has not yet been accurately determined. However, this dietary product, which means that there are about 40-100 kcal per 100 grams. There is practically no fat here.

Chemical composition

The amount of vitamins and minerals included in the composition Indian rice, in many ways, and determines such high rates product uses:

  • Vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B12, B6);
  • Vitamin PP;

Beneficial features

Now we have gradually got to the beneficial properties that this product is so rich in. To be more precise, a drink made from sea rice is appreciated. And that's why.

  • Soothes, relieves inflammation, strengthens;
  • Fights bacteria, has anti-ulcer properties;
  • Tones up, strengthens work immune system;
  • Normalizes the work of the heart, strengthens the heart muscle;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Removes cholesterol from the blood;
  • Promotes recovery from heart attack and stroke;
  • Helps to cope with ulcers, hemorrhoids, arrhythmias, tachycardia;
  • Recommended for the prevention of stroke, heart attack;
  • Helpful for obesity;
  • Outwardly restores and heals the skin, sore joints, throat;
  • Normalizes the condition of the skin of the face and hair.

Harm and contraindications

Despite its harmlessness and an abundance of beneficial properties, a sea rice drink has certain contraindications:

  • It is forbidden to use it for diabetes (when a person depends on insulin);
  • Not recommended for gastritis, problems with the duodenum;
  • When used, an unpleasant sensation may occur in the respiratory organs (occurs mainly in asthmatics). Over time, the sensations disappear, the organs work normally;
  • Occasionally, a drink causes a process of reconfiguring the digestive system and the whole body. As a result, diarrhea, disorder. But you should not be afraid of this. The sensations are unpleasant, but this speaks of the restoration of the normal functioning of the organs.

So use the drink wisely, do not drink too much if the body does not accept it, and also do not be afraid to sit in the toilet a couple of times. If the intestines lose their usual work after starting to drink rice kvass, this only indicates that he is returning to healthy way functioning.


In medicine

V medicinal purposes as we have already noted, a drink made from sea rice is used. To feel true benefit this, let's say, kvass, first you need to make it right.

How to cook

You will definitely not have any problems with making rice kvass. This requires a minimum of effort and ingredients.

  • Take a glass jar and put 4 tablespoons in it. fungus.
  • Add a few grains of raisins, cover with 2-3 tablespoons of sweetened water. sugar per 1 liter of water.
  • Cover the jar with gauze and place in a well-lit place. The best option is a windowsill.
  • The drink is actively developing at a temperature of 21-25 degrees. You need to insist on it for two days.
  • Drain the water through several layers of the bottle mark.
  • Be sure to rinse the rice immediately just under the running cold water.
  • It is advisable to prepare a new portion of kvass immediately after that. Add other dried fruits of your choice.
  • It is recommended to drink the drink within 4-5 days until it loses its properties.

Medical use

Depending on what health problems you are faced with, there are appropriate recommendations for the use of the drink.

  • For general strengthening of the body it is recommended to drink 250 ml of kvass a day, replacing tea with it. Take half an hour before meals. The course is 90-120 days.
  • In order to prevent the heart and blood vessels when preparing a drink, replace raisins with dried apricots. Drink 250 ml three times a day before meals. The course is 30-60 days.
  • Haemorrhoids... Faced with such a problem, make an enema from rice kvass. Mix 100-125 ml of water with 2 tablespoons. drink. The procedure is performed before bedtime. The first seven days - an enema every day, the second seven days - an enema every second day. After that, take a break for a week and a half. If necessary, repeat the course again.
  • Colds and viral diseases. Problems such as stomatitis, flu, colds, tonsillitis are treated with a heated drink, which is gargled 3 times a day. If you have a runny nose, drip kvass with a pipette.
  • Back problems, joint problems, sprains, bruises can be cured by internal use and rubbing the drink onto the affected areas. Use compresses from rice drink and then wrap tightly in a woolen shawl.
  • Diabetes. Brings a drink great benefit and those with diabetes (non-insulin dependent form). Only you need to cook kvass without dried fruits and sugar.
  • Obesity. This problem can leave you if you combine proper nutrition with the use of 100-250 ml of sea rice drink 3 times a day. There are no restrictions on the course of admission. The drink normalizes the work of digestion, stomach, fat will begin to break down more actively.

Sea rice drink is used to prevent and treat many ailments.

Usage rules

It should be understood that compliance with the norms for the use of a particular product is an opportunity to get maximum benefit and minimum harm. Yes, many foods are incredibly healthy for adults and children, they delight our stomach. But if you eat or drink too much of them, it will definitely not do the good.

As for the sea rice drink, it also has its own nuances for use.

  • You need to drink the drink 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day. But one serving should not exceed 150 ml. A person will be able to feel changes inside the body in just 20 days. Drink more if desired, but between meals, not during.
  • If you drink it medicinally, then daily rate- not less than 300 ml.
  • Adults are advised to drink 100-150 ml three times a day. It all depends on desire and well-being.
  • Children over 3 years old - no more than 100 ml and no more than 3 times a day. Again, optional.
  • Children under 3 years old - no more than 50 ml and no more than 3 times a day. Consider the child's desire and well-being, do not force him to drink if he does not want to.
  • Be sure to listen to your body. He will make it clear whether the drink he had drunk for the day was enough for him or not. Even if the recommended amount was not drunk during the day, and the body does not want to take it, do not drink. Don't go against your wishes.
  • The duration of the course of taking a drink is an individual thing. A person himself can feel and understand when he gets tired of drinking rice kvass. But, as practice shows, the most capricious stop drinking it after 3 months, and connoisseurs of the taste and benefits of the drink do not stop using it for many decades.
  • The first fresh rice drink that you infused for 2 days according to the recipe has little health benefits. It is more suitable for prevention. To grow truly healthy rice, be patient, make huge crystals out of small grains. This will indicate that there are a lot of benefits from it.
  • The prepared drink is suitable for consumption for the first 4-5 days. But it is recommended to drink it in the first 48 hours, when the concentration of benefits is maximum.
  • Don't leave washed rice long time without work, so to speak. After 5 days of storage in the refrigerator, it can deteriorate, lose its properties. You can restore them, but for this you will have to make several servings of the drink again until its medicinal abilities return to it.

When losing weight

If you are looking for a natural remedy to get rid of excess weight then you found it. This is sea rice.

The presence of a special enzyme in the composition of the infusion allows you to effectively break down fats. The name for this enzyme is lipase. It is a natural ingredient for human body, which appeared from birth and is secreted by the glands throughout life.

However, the work of these glands is disrupted under the influence of various factors, ranging from heredity to poor nutrition. As a result, lipase is not produced, fats are not broken down, and are deposited under the skin. This is how a person gains weight.

But if you start taking an infusion of rice, you will turn the situation inside the body in the opposite direction. Lipase will begin to flow into the body. Moreover, the amount of the enzyme will be such that it can break down the incoming fat, as well as fight the accumulated deposits.

At the expense of regular use rice kvass, the metabolism will return to normal, the body will begin to function more efficiently. This is followed by weight loss, normalization of blood pressure, improvement of well-being, and increased efficiency.

In cosmetology

In the role cosmetic product infusion of rice also proved to be excellent. This is an excellent way to take care of your skin.

It's no secret that under the influence environment our skin is spoiled, broken water balance... With the help of the infusion, you can tone, refresh the face, delicately cleanse of pores, remove dead cells, eliminate dangerous bacteria that accumulate on the skin.

This is the finest lotion you can find today. It consists exclusively of natural components familiar to our body.

Now, deodorants, rinses, masks are created on the basis of a drink made from rice. Also, be sure to try adding the infusion while taking a bath, replacing it with salt. You will feel positive effect almost immediately.


There are absolutely no difficulties in growing sea rice. But first, you need to find the source material, that is, these crystals, from which, over time, large crystals of the fungus will grow, filled with benefits. It is sold, it can be found at friends, acquaintances, in phyto-pharmacies.


  • Place the fungus in a colander, rinse it under cold water;
  • It is better to use a three-liter glass jar as a container, even if there is very little fungus. Be sure to copy the jar;
  • Now prepare the solution. For it, dilute with 4 tablespoons. sugar for every liter of water. Stir well to dissolve the sugar;
  • Place the rice in a jar of sweetened water, add any dried fruits;
  • Covering the jar with gauze will protect the fungus from insects and dust;
  • Insist on the windowsill, but so that the sunlight is combined with the shadow. Do not place near heating radiators in order to speed up the fermentation process;
  • After a few days, the drink will be ready. Drain it into bottles;
  • Rinse the rice, add the ingredients again according to the recipe for making the infusion. Experiment with different dried fruits;
  • The more such stages of cooking rice it goes through, the larger the crystals will become. Over time, they begin to divide. A small handful of rice can grow an unlimited amount of material for preparing a drink. But only on condition proper care, which we have already told you about.

Quite a little time will pass, and already your acquaintances and friends will ask for some Indian sea rice. Do not deny them in any way, be sure to share it useful product... With its help, you can heal many diseases, protect yourself from various diseases in the future, overcome the problem of excess weight, normalize your skin, and so on.

Sea rice is an incredible fungus that many ignore for some reason. But it makes an excellent drink that is not inferior in taste to the world-famous kvass. However, in terms of the level of benefits, these two drinks do not come close to each other.

Bowls with fresh boiled rice- required attribute chinese table... It has the same significance in the life of the Chinese as bread is for many peoples of Russia. The value of rice is felt not only in Everyday life but also in literature, art, beliefs, and, of course, in language. So, the word "eat", "eat" corresponds to two Chinese words - "chifan", which literally means "eat food", "eat cooked rice". " "Breakfast", in Chinese "zaofan", literally translates "early rice". "Lunch" - "wufan" - "midday rice", and "dinner" - "wan fan" - means "late rice".

Rice cultivation in China has been practiced since ancient times. Excavations at Hemudu village in Zhejiang province in eastern China indicate that rice has been cultivated in the area seven millennia ago. And one of the first written mentions of rice is contained in the "Book of Songs" - "Shijin". It was created during the Western Zhou era / 11th century - 771 BC /. In subsequent eras, large irrigation facilities were built on the territory of the present-day provinces of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hebei and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Chinese farmers bred more than ten thousand varieties of rice, many of which proved to be so popular that they are cultivated to this day. Now in China there are more than forty thousand types and varieties of rice.

Rice is grown mainly in fields flooded with water. The share of dry varieties is small and accounts for only two percent of all sown areas. Rice growing is not easy. For the rest of my life, a picture that I once observed in the cold season in southern China has sunk into my memory. Driving along the road in winter past a rice field in the south of the country, I noticed an elderly man who was standing knee-deep in water and was planting rice with his hands. At that time, it was hardly five degrees Celsius outside. The field was large enough and it was clear that he had been standing in the water for a long time.

By the way, rice growing in a field flooded with water yields twenty times more than in a dry field - as other cereals or other crops are grown. The "invention" of the flooded field is one of the greatest achievements of mankind, and most likely this "invention" was made several thousand years ago, as Chinese scientists think. In a flooded field, water insulates the sprouts from heat and cold and creates a coherent and balanced ecological system that provides itself with everything it needs.

In terms of the area on which rice is grown, China ranks second in the world after India, and first in terms of its volume. The main rice growing areas are in the Yangtze River Basin as well as in southern China.

Once I visited the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, where I met with specialist Ying Zhigang and asked him a few questions. Specifically, I asked him if rice is the main food crop in the country. He answered me like this:

“There are two main food products in China. In the north of the country, it is wheat, from which the Chinese prepare noodles and other products. In the south, it's rice. But rice is also very popular in northeast China, because it is also grown there, for example, in the provinces of Liaoning and Heilongjiang. We have many types of rice, including regular rice and glutinous rice. "

There are many things associated with rice interesting legends and stories. One of them was told to me by my interlocutor. Every year on the fifth day of the fifth month by lunar calendar the Chinese celebrate the Duanwu holiday. This year it will be celebrated on June 6th according to the Gregorian calendar. This holiday is dedicated to the tragically deceased Chinese poet Qu Yuan. He lived over two thousand years ago in the Chu principality. Qu Yuan gave to the rulers of the principality valuable advice on strengthening the military power of the state and on resisting the enemy. But his advice was rejected by other nobles, and he himself was dismissed from his post and expelled from the capital. These actions of the authorities, who did not listen to the advice of an intelligent person, turned into a disaster against them. Enemy troops captured the Chu principality and the poet, a great patriot, could not bear this shame. He threw himself into the waters of the Milo River, where he drowned. Having learned about the death of the poet, the people came to the river. People threw rice, eggs, and other foods into the river so that fish and crayfish would not damage Qu Yuan's body. One doctor even poured a strong rice wine so that the inhabitants of the river, having drunk it, could not eat the remains of the poet. It is believed that since then it has also become a custom to cook from glutinous rice at this time of the year. special kind pies, the so-called zongzi, which are very popular in China. They are steamed from glutinous rice, wrapped in reed, bamboo or palm leaves and tied with colorful silk leaves.

By the way, this year all Chinese will celebrate Duanwu holiday on a day off for the fourth time. The corresponding decision was made by the State Council of the People's Republic of China, which added the Duanwu holiday to the number of state ones.

Some other well-known products in China are cooked with the help of rice. For example, Chinese noodles are very popular - mifen. It is very similar to wheat noodles. But in this case it is made from rice flour... One legend is connected with such noodles. Once in ancient times, troops from the north invaded the southern borders of China. But the soldiers ran out of wheat from which they made their favorite dish- noodles. However, wheat does not grow in the south. And then the northerners took advantage of the local rice and made a dish from rice flour that reminded them of noodles.

Rice tastes the same everywhere, but people, as always, have different opinions. For example, the rice that grows in the south is said to be small and brown. But rice from northeastern China is very good, delicious. The fact is that, unlike rice growing in the south, it produces a crop only once a year. ".

Rice can be grown in the same field without interruption, even for two thousand years. The reason is that in the deep water in which rice grows, there is duckweed, which assimilates nitrogen and thus provides the rice with natural fertilization.

Rice is used in China for a wide variety of purposes. It is not only a staple food product, because various cakes, sweets are prepared from it, rice vinegar etc. The famous vodka and yellow wine are also made from rice in China.

Many Chinese people love rice vodka. They even believe that it is very beneficial to health. North China is not the main production area rice vodka, so they drink relatively little there. But they drink it a lot in the south of the country. "

The medicinal properties of rice are also widely known. Chinese doctors believe that rice "protects the stomach, strengthens health and expels disease from the body." The Chinese use not only rice grains but also straw. She goes to the roof, making wide-brimmed sun hats. We weave shoes, baskets and mats from rice straw, make umbrellas and fans, and strong tissue paper. Rice hulls are used in the packaging of porcelain products. It is also good feed for livestock, and the burnt roots make an excellent fertilizer. Rice is also widely used in cosmetics; Chinese rice powder is widely known all over the world.

This concludes the next program of the heading "China and the Chinese". Until next time.

Zooglea looks like a slimy mass, a bit reminiscent of well-boiled rice, hence the name of this product, which is considered the most valuable species of all zooglea. If you look at it under a microscope, you can see that the mushroom breathes, and therefore is also called alive. He does not live in the sea, and the word "sea" is used in a context close to "overseas", that is, brought from afar, from across the sea.

Where did the idea of ​​using sea rice for weight loss, purification and healing of the body come from, the opinions of healers differ. But most believe that he came to us from Tibet, where he was widely used. And India, China and Japan are the regions where the mushroom was grown.

It is used in the form of a slightly carbonated infusion, how to prepare which we will tell you further. Types of Indian rice for home use two are known. This rice is small and coarse. They differ in that small rice grows faster and tastes like kvass. Coarse rice has a milk-fruity taste.

Indian sea rice: beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of Indian sea rice are based on the fact that it is able to restore normal metabolism, remove from the body excess salts and cleanse of toxins and toxins. It also has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens the immune system and reduces. It contains a lot of vitamins C and D, folic acid and useful organic compounds.

Treatment with sea rice is used for many diseases, including hypertension, heart disease, respiratory tract, kidney and gastrointestinal tract, arthritis, rheumatism, flu, colds, tonsillitis. It also slows down the growth of cancer cells as it has strong antioxidant properties.

And, finally, in general, live rice has medicinal properties to rejuvenate the entire body, tones it up, improves well-being, gives vital energy and improves performance. From the side nervous system Japanese mushroom helps relieve stress, treats insomnia and helps restore male strength.

The benefits of sea rice are reflected and appearance... The condition of the skin improves, the number of acne and other inflammations decreases, the complexion is evened out, the hair acquires a vibrant shine and looks healthier. Infusion rice mushroom you can wipe your face, rinse your hair, add to bath water.

Contraindications to the use of sea rice

Almost all products have their own contraindications, which depend on the individual characteristics of the body and the presence various diseases... For example, Indian sea rice is contraindicated for diabetics with insulin dependence.

A live mushroom should be used with caution if you have lung diseases - asthma, bronchitis. Unpleasant sensations may occur in this area. Usually they disappear after a few days, you just need to reduce the dose of the drink, increasing as these symptoms disappear. The same should be done with a slight general deterioration in well-being.

You cannot use rice if you have any allergic reactions to it. And most importantly, if you initially do not feel like drinking the infusion Indian mushroom, you just don't like its taste - don't drink it. This means that your body simply does not need it.

You can not use this product together and, which affects mainly gastrointestinal tract, while sea rice is for the whole body.

As a result of clinical studies, it has been established that, in principle, live rice cannot be harmful to health. But, in any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Slimming sea rice

Why is sea rice used for weight loss, due to which it helps to get rid of extra pounds? In its infusion in a large number contains lipase - a water-soluble enzyme that breaks down heavy fats that enter the body along with your favorite foods.

Throughout life, due to improper diet, poor ecology, persistent diets and genetic reasons, the amount of lipase can decrease, as a result of which fat is deposited in problem areas.

If you consume sea rice infusion regularly, you will normalize your metabolism and start a weight loss program. And you need to drink it 2-3 times a day in the amount of 100-150 ml 15-20 minutes before meals. In the early days of taking, limit yourself to 50 ml at a time, since at the very beginning, Chinese sea rice has a strong diuretic effect, sometimes causing intestinal upset.

The effect will be noticeable starting from 3-4 weeks of regular use of this drink. How long is the course? At least 3 months, some people drink it all their lives.

How to cook sea rice: recipes

So, to cook sea rice, you need glass jar... Take 0.5 liters of clean, unboiled water room temperature(not lower than 17 degrees, Zooglea does not like cold!), best of all from the filter. Put 2 tablespoons in it granulated sugar(and better brown sugar) and stir with a spoon until all grains are completely dissolved. If this is not done, the fungus may die.

Pour 2 tablespoons of mushroom with this water, add 5-6 raisins (you can use 2 dried apricots, prunes, figs and even dried apple slices) to grow faster, and cover with 2-3 layers of cheesecloth. The proportions can be increased depending on how much of the drink you need for medicinal purposes.

But for three-liter cans there is another recipe for sea rice: for 3 liters of water - 10 tablespoons of mushroom, 9 tbsp. sugar, dried fruits. And less "sugar" cooking method: for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of mushroom and 5-6 raisins.

In the future, care for sea rice is minimal. Place in a dry, not cold place (optimally 23-27 degrees), without direct sunlight, and leave for 2, and in winter for 3 days. Some recipes are offered for 3-4 days, try to find the most suitable option on your own experience and write us your feedback.

After this time, drain the resulting Chinese sea rice infusion. The easiest way to do this is with a sieve. Throw out the dried fruits, and rinse the mushroom in a sieve with filtered water. Then repeat the process. You can store the finished drink for two to three days in the refrigerator, and the remaining sea rice mushroom without water - up to 5 days, also in a cold place.


Probably, many have heard that there is live rice. It is also called Indian sea rice. But hardly anyone tried to make a drink from it at least once.Indian rice also has other names such as rice sea ​​mushroom or Chinese sea rice. This name has deep historical roots and is due to the fact that it was brought to the Slavs from India. Since ancient times, the Chinese have had an idea of ​​this product.

Indian mushroom sea rice

It was christened rice because its grainy grains are similar to this cereal. Various other names were given to him by representatives of other nationalities. He is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known to all tea mushroom but in their own way healing properties significantly ahead of him. At the heart, of course, the product is not rice, but a real living organism. Its popularity is due to its inherent valuable qualities... A special drink is prepared from it, which has pleasant taste and is able to perfectly quench your thirst.

Properties, composition and characteristics of sea rice

Indian sea rice beneficial features it is associated with the content of various acids. The composition is distinguished by the presence of gluconic and acetic acid as well as a number of other organic acids. In addition, the assortment composition is represented by polysaccharides, glucosides, alkaloid and tannins. The composition is not deprived of the content of vitamin and enzyme substances. Such a richness of the composition, according to some scientists, can slow down the aging processes in the body.

If you take an infusion of this product, headaches caused by nervous overstrain will disappear. Hypertensive patients can use it in order to reduce blood pressure... It is believed that it even inhibits the growth of malignant neoplasms. Sea rice is able to get rid of the problems associated with pathology digestive tract and hearts. It can lead to an improvement in the general condition of a person after a serious illness. Probably, it is simply impossible to list all its useful properties. They simply will not fit within the scope of one article.

Preparation of a healing infusion

Sugar is added in amounts at the discretion of the person preparing the drink. If someone does not like sweets, then very little is added. For those with a sweet tooth, more sugar can be added.

In preparation, a certain sequence must be observed:

  1. V cold water 1 liter of sugar dissolves. This must be done carefully. It is necessary to ensure that every grain is dissolved. The dishes must be made of glass. Then add two tablespoons of rice mushroom. The final chord will be the addition of a few raisins.
  2. Do not cover the jar with a lid. It is enough to cover it with gauze. The development of the fungus must take place in the presence of air. After that, the bank is left alone for two days.
  3. It turns out a drink sweet and sour taste with small amount gas. The liquid is filtered and the raisins (dried fruit) are removed. They can also be reused, but previously washed.

Product care

In the process of growing a rice mushroom, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for its development:

  • the main condition is the creation of the necessary nutrient medium. The mushroom should not have direct contact with sugar crystals, which for some reason did not dissolve. Therefore, first a sugar solution is prepared, and then rice is introduced into it;
  • water should be with a temperature not higher than 30 degrees;
  • the mushroom does not like exposure to direct sun;
  • when insisting, the temperature should be room temperature, and finished product should be kept in cold conditions. And the washed rice itself is kept in the cold for no more than 5 days.

We are treated with Indian rice

Treatment is expected to be long. Sometimes it can take up to several months. The basic rule is that you need to consume the drink continuously, without any interruptions. Therefore, it is worth using not one, but two cans. While the drink from one can is consumed, the mushroom grows in the second.

The result can become noticeable in the second month of eating rice mushroom. You need to drink 1 liter of drink per day. Of course, this should be done not at one time, but by dividing the daily dose into three equal parts. Drink the drink on an empty stomach, no later than 15 minutes before eating.

At the very beginning of treatment, a diuretic effect can be clearly expressed. In this case, the consumption dose is reduced. After the body gets used to it, they return to the original dosage.

Cardiac pathology

Such patients are advised to add prunes to the drink. You can add dried apples... If heart pains are caused, then it is necessary to infuse the mushroom with the addition of figs. It must be taken light and always pitted. You can add pear or dried apricots.

Peptic ulcer

People with stomach ulcers are advised to consume half a liter of the drink daily. This must be done on an empty stomach. The time of manifestation of the effect will depend on the severity of the ulcerative process. For some, this may take 2 months or more.


A special scheme is applicable to diabetics. In addition to consuming the mushroom, cleaning the body is necessary. Before starting treatment, it is a good idea to get advice and advice from your doctor.


By consuming a drink with Indian sea rice, hemorrhoids can be overcome. The use of microclysters is shown. For them, a tablespoon of the drink is combined with a quarter of a glass of water.

In the first week of treatment, procedures are performed daily. Starting from the second week, microclysters are shown every other day.


Sea rice is also used for external use. Applied in the form of rubbing and compresses for arthritis. Rubbing is carried out into painful areas.