Grain bread recipe. Whole grain bread - what is it? How to choose whole grain bread

grain bread– a very tasty and healthy baked product (see photo), made from whole cereal grains, not previously ground into flour. Most often, corn, rice, barley, and other cereals are used to prepare these baked goods. Manufacturers often supplement this product with pumpkin pieces and sunflower seeds.

Grain bread usually contains the following ingredients::

  • grains (whole flour);
  • water;
  • yeast;
  • milk;
  • salt.

Wheat flour, honey, granulated sugar, oil (vegetable, butter) and even vegetables can also be used to produce this baked product.

In addition to white baked goods, there is also a rye (black) variety of grain bread. It is usually made from rye grains.

Selection and storage

The first thing you should always pay attention to when purchasing such a product is its color. According to the current GOST, grain bread cannot be perfectly snow-white, since it is made from unrefined cereal grains. Remember: this product always has a dark shade. The opposite will only indicate that dyes and other food additives were used in the manufacture of baked goods to color the product.

In addition, study the composition of the bread. Keep in mind that the components that are used in larger quantities are listed first. The product must contain whole grain flour or whole grains. If these phrases are mentioned only on the packaging itself, and not in the list of ingredients, then it is highly not recommended to trust such a bread product.

The quality of grain bread can also be assessed by its appearance. Quality baked goods made from whole grains tend not to be light and airy. This product usually has a dense and clumped texture. This bread may even contain bran (pieces of the grain shell).

According to the food standard, the chemical composition of high-quality grain bread must contain at least 6 g of fiber.

As for storing this baked product, it is better to store it in a special bread bin with ventilation holes, separately from other bread varieties. This way the product can retain its taste and texture for seven days. If baked goods are stored in a regular plastic bag, their shelf life will not exceed two days. Some housewives use the freezer to store grain bread. At a temperature of minus eighteen, the product can be stored for up to twenty days.

Use in cooking

Due to the relatively low calorie content in cooking, various dietary snacks are often created using grain bread. For example, this baked product makes amazing sandwiches and canapés, which can be supplemented with such ingredients:

  • vegetables;
  • fish;
  • cheese;
  • greens;
  • caviar;
  • seafood, etc.

Also, grain bread can be used to make delicious toast and crackers. These products do not harm the figure, so they are often found on weight loss menus.

Baking made from whole grains is considered a very healthy product. It is often recommended to replace regular wheat and rye bread. In addition, grain baked goods have an equally pleasant taste, so they are excellent for both first courses and second courses.

How to bake grain bread at home?

To bake the best grain bread at home, we recommend considering the cooking tips below:.

  • The bread product will turn out much softer and more tender if it is made on a dairy basis, for example, milk, kefir, etc.
  • To add some zest to your homemade grain bread, add a handful of dried sunflower seeds.
  • To facilitate the baking process, use any kitchen appliances, for example, a food processor, bread maker, etc. This technique will quickly knead the dough to the required consistency, which will undoubtedly simplify cooking.

We suggest using the classic recipe for homemade grain bread below.

First of all, combine the following ingredients in the bread machine container: white and whole grain wheat flour (0.5 kg and 250 g, respectively), wheat bran (2 tbsp.), dried sunflower seeds (3 tbsp.), granulated sugar (1 tbsp), as well as salt and dry yeast (1 tsp each). Add the resulting mixture with a glass of milk and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. After this, set the required program for kneading the dough on the bread machine. When the mass is ready, leave it in the bowl of the device for sixty minutes to rise, and then put it on the work surface and form the bread product in the form of a slightly elongated roll. Next, place the workpiece in a baking dish and leave in a warm place for another hour. During this time the dough will double in size. After this, place the mixture in an oven preheated to two hundred and twenty degrees. Bake the product for twenty-five minutes, then remove from the oven, cool and remove from the mold. Bread made according to this recipe comes out very tasty, crispy and at the same time incredibly soft. Moreover, it can be brought to this texture not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. Bon appetit!

Benefits and harms

Since the benefits of grain bread for human health are undeniable, many doctors often recommend consuming it during a course of treatment, as well as during a diet. Due to the fact that these baked goods are made from unrefined cereal seeds, all the vitamins and minerals present in the grain shell are preserved. When eating such unusual bread, the body is saturated with vitamins A, B, E, PP and minerals such as K, Na and P. This healthy bakery product is also rich in other microelements: Mo, Fe, I and Ca.

In addition, grain bread is rich in dietary fiber. It has been scientifically proven that these substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, thanks to them, the state of the intestinal microflora is normalized, low-density lipoproteins and bile acids are removed. That is why, with regular use of this product, you can prevent such dangerous vascular disease as atherosclerosis. In addition, dietary fiber has the property of lowering blood sugar. This suggests that this type of baking is especially useful for diabetes.

The advantage of grain bread is that it can be eaten during a diet. The fiber it contains has a positive effect on digestion, and this, accordingly, helps to lose weight.

Due to its high carbohydrate content, this product is incredibly useful during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.

Important! Whole grain bread benefits a healthy stomach and intestines. If there are any diseases of these organs, then these baked goods are harmful to humans. Moreover, its harm can manifest itself not just in digestive upset, but also in exacerbation of diseases.

Grain bread is a popular bakery product with a pleasant taste and high nutritional value. Such baked goods can deservedly be called “healthy”.

Grandmothers and mothers always said “Bread is the head of everything,” and that without this product you will not be full. This product has not only beneficial properties, but also nutritional value. It is baked from both wheat, rye and whole grain coarse flour. The difference in species and composition is striking. Each one has an individual baking process, composition, nutritional value, benefits and harms.

Making whole grain yeast-free bread different technology. The cut of the loaf is not uniform, but crumbly and structured. In terms of its properties, it is a unique and useful product of therapeutic and dietary nutrition. The product contains whole grain flour. The yeast base is not always used, mainly in water-based sourdough. Due to this, the properties of the loaf are preserved for a long time.

The grain product is healthy for the body with a high content of vitamins E, B, microelements such as zinc, iron, manganese and others. Of particular benefit is the base of sprouted wheat sprouts.

Whole grain bread contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which cleanses the body of harmful substances, improves digestion, and heals stool. Fiber is not absorbed by the intestines; it collects unnecessary substances and is excreted from the body naturally. It has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, lowers blood sugar levels, and promotes weight loss. There is a quick and long-lasting saturation from what you eat, thanks to fiber. Many housewives bake healthy bread at home, having sprouted the grains in advance. Grinding raw materials seems difficult.

Recipe for making bread in a bread machine

Whole grain yeast-free bread is a wonderful product and you can prepare it yourself without difficulty. Store-bought baked goods cannot compare to your own.

Cooking process
Cooking bread at home without yeast will be especially appreciated by those losing weight and people on a diet. The product is low in calories and rich in nutrients. Homemade whole grain bread can be consumed by children from two years of age.


  • whole wheat flour - 1 cup
  • wheat flour - 1 cup
  • kefir or other lactic acid product 1 cup
  • bran - 3 tbsp.
  • oatmeal - ¾ cup
  • honey 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • flaxseed - 3 tbsp.
  • soda, salt 2 tsp.
  • water 2 tbsp.

Grind the flax seed. Fry bran and flax seeds in a frying pan without adding oil. Mix all ingredients. Separately mix kefir, oil, honey.

Combine flour and liquid consistency, knead the dough. Pour the resulting dough into a container.

Set the “Baking” or “Cupcake” mode. The bread machine will do the rest of the work, about two hours of baking. After completion, carefully remove the resulting loaf and cool.


To prevent the dough from sticking to the walls of the mold, you need to grease it with vegetable oil.
An alternative to kefir can be sour milk or yogurt.
The loaf turns out crumbly, and the aroma will not leave even a thinner person indifferent.

Yeast-free corn bread is not difficult to prepare. This is an excellent replacement for regular yeast, only healthier for the body. The fact that yeast is harmful to intestinal flora has been proven. Children who do not eat porridge can eat this product and will benefit from the corn composition. It can be consumed in its natural form, like sandwiches or crackers.

The multi-cooker recipe will not seem complicated. You need to prepare and mix the ingredients, the rest of the function will be performed by the technician.


  • corn flour - 200 g
  • wheat flour - 100 g
  • kefir (you can use yogurt) - 250 ml
  • vegetable oil 30 ml
  • soda, salt - 2 tsp.
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp.

In a separate bowl you need to mix two types of flour, soda, and salt. For spice lovers, you can add turmeric.

Separately mix kefir and oil. Combine flour and liquid ingredients. Add a spoonful of flax seeds and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a multi-cooker, after greasing the walls with vegetable oil. Set the “Baking” mode.

Carefully remove the finished product and cool. You need to eat it within two days. The main thing is that it’s not scary to give it to children, since the ingredients are all natural and healthy. The seeds can be replaced with sunflower seeds. Delicious and aromatic bread, prepared with your own hands, will be loved by all your loved ones.

At home, you can prepare whole grain bread recipe in the oven. In ancient times times, people baked with coarse flour, which was considered to contain more vitamins and microelements. Baking yeast-free bread from whole grain flour is beneficial for people with digestive disorders, diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.


  1. Water – 800 ml;
  2. Whole grain rye flour - 700 g
  3. Salt – 1 tbsp.
  4. You need to make homemade sourdough

Description of preparation

As a result of the work, you will get a healthy grain product, the preparation and baking time of which will be approximately three hours.

Pour warm, but not hot, water into the bowl. Add salt, mix thoroughly. Take flaxseed, sesame, sunflower seeds and fry in a frying pan without oil. Pour into a container with water. Add two tablespoons of sourdough. Sift the flour through a sieve. This will saturate the dough with oxygen and remove lumps.

Leave the dough for about 15 minutes so that the ingredients come together. It should become thick and dense. Knead the dough on a board, sprinkled with flour. It should be elastic and not stick to your hands. Form a bun, put it in a bowl and cover with a towel - let it rest for up to 10 hours.

The dough has risen perfectly and it’s time to pour it into the baking pans. Grease the molds with oil in advance. Bake in the oven for about an hour at 180 degrees. The bread is ready. Remove from the oven and place in a warm place, covered with a wet towel.

The temperature of the water for kneading the dough is very important (not cold, not hot, but at a moderate temperature), clean flour without lumps or impurities. This is the key to good, tasty and healthy bread.

Advantages of whole grain flour over white flour

The process of making bread from whole grain flour is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. A deliciously prepared loaf of this flour will become a favorite treat for children, for whom it is very healthy. Seed shells contain many useful substances: coarse fiber, proteins. The germs contain minerals and oils. White flour is much higher in calories than whole grain flour due to the refined grains. Refined flour has no particular benefit other than its calorie content.

Other bread made from wholemeal flour will retain all the important and useful components from nature. Whole wheat flour is gray in color and does not rise well like white wheat flour.

Because whole grain bread contains complex carbohydrates, calories are not stored as fat. Approximately 100 gr. The product may contain about 250 kcal, depending on its type. Rye bread has fewer calories, only about 190. The average value is BJU per 100 grams. Such a loaf is: calorie content - 250 kcal; carbohydrates – 52 gr. fats – 4 gr.; whites – 8 gr. Rare types of such products can contain up to 300 kcal per 100 g. This comes from adding fats to the dough.

Nutritional value flour depends on the type of grain and flour grinding. Minerals are found in flour milled from whole grains.
A dough product is good for your health, a homemade product made from coarse flour, that is, darker in color. Whole grain bread is healthier because it contains dietary fiber. The coarser and darker the flour, the more fiber, benefits and nutrients it contains.

Fiber reduces the risk of disease atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure, improves digestion. The blood gets rid of excess cholesterol, and blood sugar levels return to normal. Fiber swells and has a feeling of satiety. It is fiber that makes food less caloric, which is very beneficial for the body.

A loaf made from whole grains is a source of essential minerals the body needs, namely potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, phosphorus and iron.

Whole grain bread used in dietary nutrition. It is indicated for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and obesity. But for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to check with their doctor about the benefits or harms of the product.

Housewives and caring mothers prefer home-made bread to store-bought bread. It is not only simply tasty and very healthy. You need to study the composition of the store product. If there are small children in the family, the ideal option would be baked in a bread machine or oven. The nutritional value of bread is on average 250-300 kcal.

Whole grain bread consists made from whole grain flour, is considered a high-value product that contains all the benefits of grains and energy. There are contraindications. Bread is rough for a weak digestive tract and can therefore be harmful in some cases. If the organs are generally healthy, then this will only bring benefits. The intestines will be cleansed because the coarse fiber acts like a brush, sweeping away all unnecessary substances from the intestinal walls.

A specific process for preparing dough for whole grain bread. A loaf of bread is much denser and heavier than bread made from white flour. The inside seems undercooked and damp. In stores, bread made from wheat flour is sold better due to ignorance or the unattractive appearance of whole grain bread.

People who watch their diet and lead a healthy lifestyle should definitely include this product in their diet.

And bakery products have been present in the diet of representatives of most nationalities for many centuries. Everyone knows that flour products are necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the body. However, not all types of bread are equally healthy. Moreover, the lion's share of the modern assortment of bread departments in supermarkets is inferior in its beneficial qualities to the bread that was present on the menu of our distant ancestors.

The thing is that previously, first-ground flour was used for baking bread - there was simply no other flour due to the lack of technical capabilities for more delicate processing of grain. Also included. Today, most types of bread are made from so-called “high grade” flour. However, the problem is that the highest grade in this case is an assessment solely of the nutritional value of the flour, and not its health benefits. Yes, it really has a lot of calories, but its biological value tends to zero. As you know, modern high technologies make it possible to grind as finely as possible, as well as carefully filter out all impurities. But it is they that contain the bulk of vitamins, valuable proteins and minerals.

Therefore, recently, nutritionists are increasingly recommending the use of grain bread, which is prepared from flour obtained by grinding grain once.

What is grain bread

The raw material for making grain bread is so-called unrefined flour. This characteristic means that before grinding the grains, the outer layer is not removed from them - the shell containing vitamins and minerals.

In addition, bran and grain germs are not eliminated. In other words, everything that is obtained during the first grinding of the grain will go into the dough. Therefore, the particle size of such flour can reach 1.5 mm. For comparison, a product made from premium grains has a particle size of only 0.05 mm.

Flour for grain bread

In theory, any type of grain can be used to make grain baked goods. However, the fact is that the taste is quite specific, with a clearly noticeable bitterness. Therefore, for baking of this kind they are more often used.

Whole grain rye flour is darker in color than wheat flour. She's also a bit rougher. Grain rye bread appears “knocked” in appearance and has a grayish-creamy crumb. Remarkably, it stays fresh longer than regular wheat bread. When cutting, it practically does not crumble; the only thing that is allowed is the presence of small sticky crumbs on the knife.

How is the product useful?

As noted above, the main characteristic of grain bread is the presence of coarse grain particles in it. Therefore, in such baked goods all the vitamins and vitamins present in the shell of the grains are preserved. We will talk in detail about the chemical composition and nutritional value of grain bread below, but for now we will list the main beneficial substances that it contains. These are vitamins A, E, and, and microelements: phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, iron, calcium and sodium.

However, the main positive characteristic of grain bread is its high concentration of dietary fiber, which has an extremely beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They are endowed with the ability to normalize the intestinal microflora, absorbing and removing pathogenic microorganisms like a sponge. In addition, dietary fiber effectively binds bile acids, which have atherogenic activity (i.e., provoking an increase in “bad” in the blood). As a result, the risk of the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels is reduced.

Fiber also has a positive effect on human metabolism, accelerating metabolic processes.

Unlike regular wheat bread, the grain product can give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. This is achieved due to the property of fiber to significantly increase the secretion of the salivary glands, and also due to the presence of a large number of complex proteins in grain bread. They are absorbed by the stomach over a longer period of time, as a result of which the body is gradually saturated with energy. Thus, eating grain bread helps control weight for people who are prone to gaining extra pounds.

Many of those who decide to stick to a diet make the same mistake - they completely eliminate bread from their diet. In fact, there is no need to take such a step - it is enough to simply consume baked goods made from first-ground flour in limited quantities.

Moreover, grain bread is a real “lifesaver” for people whose mood deteriorates due to voluntary food restrictions. The thing is that this product contains a high volume of B-group, which takes part in the synthesis of endorphins - the so-called “happiness hormones”. As a result, losing weight will happen without mood swings and nervous breakdowns.

Calories and nutritional value

And yet, despite the wide range on the shelves, many prefer to bake grain bread at home. Here are just a few of the recipes.

Recipe for grain bread "Hercules"

Hercules grain bread is popular due to its taste. In addition, it is relatively easy to prepare.

Mash the honey and butter as thoroughly as possible. Pour in the milk and stir until completely dissolved. Then you can add a glass of flour, baking powder and oatmeal. At this stage we also add seasonings if you want to give the bread a more savory taste.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Start kneading the dough, while gradually adding the remaining flour. Add bran. Knead the dough until you can form a round loaf with your hands.

Place the bread on a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 220°C. You can first sprinkle rolled oats on top.

Bake for about half an hour. Before removing the bread from the oven, test it for doneness with a match.

Recipe for yeast-free sourdough grain bread

You will need: first ground rye flour (300 g), wheat flour (200 g), rye sourdough (150 g), salt (teaspoon), honey (tablespoon), boiled (300 ml), spice mixture (to taste) . You can use pre-ground cumin, coriander and.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Please note that if you are not using a mixer or blender, stir with a wooden spoon. As a result, you will have a very thick dough that is suitable for kneading by hand. Knead the dough for at least a few minutes until it starts to come off your hands.

Place the finished dough in a bowl, cover with film or natural cloth. It should rise in a warm place for two to three hours. Then knead the dough again and form a loaf. It can be rolled in oatmeal. Place the bread in the pan, first lining the bottom with baking paper. Leave it in a warm place again - it will rise in about an hour.

When the dough stops rising, heat the oven to 220°C. To prevent baked goods from becoming too dry, place a bowl of preheated water in the oven next to the bread. Bake the bread for ten minutes. Reduce the temperature to 200°C, after which your loaf will bake for about 50 minutes. The finished baked goods will retain their amazing taste and nutritional properties for a week.

Yeast grain bread in the oven

Recipe 1

You need: half a kilogram of first-ground flour; dry (8 g); warm water (340 ml); salt (1 tablespoon); sugar (1 tsp), favorite spices and seeds to taste.

Mix flour with yeast. Add the rest of the ingredients. Start kneading the dough by slowly adding water.

Please note that the resulting dough should be significantly loose. Let it sit in a warm place for sixty minutes. Then place it in a mold, which should be greased with oil beforehand. Here it should rise for another half hour.

Preheat the oven to 220°C. Place the pan in the oven, after five minutes reduce the temperature to 200 degrees. The bread baking process will take approximately an hour.

Recipe 2

You will need: first ground rye flour (450 g); water (350 g); fresh yeast (35 g); sugar (20 g); vegetable oil (1 tablespoon); (2 tbsp.); white flaxseed (15 g); salt (1 tsp); oat bran (50 g).

Pour preheated water into a deep container. Dissolve the yeast in it. Pour salt, sugar into a container and add. Stir until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Add bran, seeds and flour and knead the dough. Knead it for about five minutes, then leave it in a warm place for two hours.

Punch down the finished dough and give it the desired shape. Let the future bread rest for a quarter of an hour, then place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. This bread should be baked for 20 to 40 minutes. After removing the finished bread from the oven, let it rest for 20 minutes under a towel.

Grain bread in a bread machine

You can bake grain bread not only in the oven, but also in a bread machine. Moreover, this makes the process of preparing it much more comfortable.

You will need the following ingredients: water (290 ml); salt (one and a half tsp); granulated sugar (10 g); first ground wheat flour (200 g); first ground rye flour (300 g); vegetable oil (10 g); dry yeast (5 g); pumpkin seeds (2 tbsp.).

Heat the water to a temperature of 30°C. Pour it into the bowl of the bread machine, then add salt. Also add sugar and vegetable oil to the mixture.

Mix regular and whole wheat flour. Sift it through a sieve directly into the bread machine bowl. Add dry yeast. Place the bowl, secure it and select the “home baker” program for maximum doneness. The baking procedure will take about three hours.

Our parents and grandparents always told us about the benefits of bread. This product has always been and, most likely, will be the most popular food product. Many people claim that this is the healthiest food that everyone should eat. Is this true? After all, many try to give it up in order to lose weight. It’s worth figuring out which bread is healthy and low in calories.

What is whole grain bread

The name whole grain bread comes from the fact that it is made from whole grain. It contains a large amount of protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, B vitamins and other useful components. The grain itself includes the germ, shell, aleurone layer and endosperm.

The grain for making flour can be different. Mainly used wheat, rye, oats, corn, millet and other grain crops.

This grain is ground into flour and bread is made from it. In addition to baked goods, whole grain flour can also be used in making pasta. People on diets love to use them, as they are low in calories.

In 2002, a study was conducted on how whole grains affect the human body and health. As a result, the following were discovered positive moments:

  • the possibility of acquiring type 2 diabetes decreased;
  • insulin in the blood decreased;
  • cholesterol decreased by 26%;
  • the risk of cardiovascular diseases has also decreased;
  • Due to the content of complex carbohydrates in bread, the risk of obesity has become lower.

It was thanks to the transition to this product that some people got rid of minor health problems.

If you look at a photo of whole grain bread, it can usually be sprinkled with some kind of seeds, bran, as well as sesame, poppy seeds or caraway seeds These additions are optional, but give the finished product a special charm and attractive appearance.

Calorie content

At first glance, the calorie content of whole grain bread is slightly less than other types. However, thanks to what it contains complex carbohydrates, calories are not stored as fat. So, 100 gr. This product may contain about 250 kcal, depending on its type. Rye bread contains fewer calories, only about 190.

The average value of BJU per 100 g. of such bread is:

  • calorie content - 250 kcal;
  • carbohydrates – 52 g;
  • fats – 4 gr.;
  • whites – 8 gr.

Rare types of such products can contain up to 300 kcal per 100 g. This is usually due to the fact that more fat has been added to it.


Whole grain bread typically contains the following: ingredients:

  • whole grain flour;
  • water;
  • cooking oil (such as margarine);
  • sugar;

The main criterion according to which you need to choose this pastry is, of course, the composition of the product. If it contains a lot of fat and sugar, then you should discard the product.

The benefits and harms of whole grain bread

This product is useful due to the content of useful substances: fiber, minerals and vitamins. It is especially recommended to be used for the following purposes:

However, sometimes whole grain bread can be contraindicated. It is not recommended for use by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases (stomach ulcers, colitis, gastritis, etc.), since the diseased stomach will be assigned too serious a task - processing rough food. In this case, the product will only cause harm to the body.

How to choose whole grain bread

In order to choose the right healthy and tasty whole grain bakery product, you need to consider 4 points:

Almost all bakery product manufacturers produce whole grain bread. Therefore, when going to purchase it, study carefully composition, date of manufacture and BZHU indicated on the packaging.

You can purchase this product in almost any supermarket or bakery. The most popular brands of such bakery products include:

  • Bio Fiorentini;
  • Delba;
  • Bavarian;
  • Kernbrot;
  • Bourget;
  • Other.

How to make bread at home

There is not always a desire to purchase a product of questionable quality in the nearest store. Sometimes it's better to try to cook it on one's own Moreover, no special ingredients are required, and the benefits will be greater from it.


  • Vegetable broth – 200 ml,
  • Whole grain rye flour – 380 gr.,
  • Dry yeast – 1 tsp,
  • Salt – 2/3 tsp,
  • Sugar – ½ tsp,
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook?

There will be no problems with making bread at home if you know how to bake. However, even if this is your first time deciding to knead the dough and bake pastries, you will definitely succeed.

Whole grain bakery product is useful product, which should not be abandoned. The only contraindication to its use may be gastrointestinal diseases. If you do not have health problems, then this bread is not only possible to eat, but also necessary.