Tricks for making pizza with seafood. Pizza with squid and crab sticks: the crabs are whole and people are full Lenten pizza with squid recipe

  1. So, first we need to rinse all the tomatoes in clean water. and then pass them through a mesh with medium holes. We save the pulp.
  2. Next, we will prepare the squid. To do this, we will peel them from the thin skin and rinse them. Next, we will cut them into rings about 5 mm thick and dry them.
  3. If we have frozen shrimp, then they need to be thawed. If recommended by the manufacturer, you can pre-boil it. Cool and peel off the husks.
  4. Now we need to wipe the countertop with regular flour and roll out the pizza dough on it with a diameter of 25 cm.
  5. At this stage, it's time to set our oven to preheat to 250 degrees in order to save time.
  6. Next, we will immediately grease it with the resulting tomato paste and leave the edges “free”.
  7. Now we need to spread the shrimp and chopped squid fillet in one layer over the tomato paste.
  8. Peel the garlic and chop it with a knife. We can use a garlic squeezer if it suits better. We take out the parsley, wash it, dry it and chop it.
  9. Next, we need to sprinkle the pizza with garlic and parsley. After that, it’s time to salt it and add ground black pepper to taste. Sprinkle a little olive oil.
  10. Now we just send it to a preheated oven until you notice that it has acquired a pleasant golden color.
  11. Pizza with tomatoes, squid and shrimp takes no more than 20 minutes to bake. It's best to start checking after 15 minutes, as it may dry out and lose its flavor.

That's it. Pizza with tomatoes, squid and shrimp is ready. This is one of the most delicious pizzas using seafood with tomatoes, namely squid and shrimp. It is best to take them separately from each other. Prepare it for your whole family so they know how much you love them. In addition, the process takes quite a bit of labor and time!

They bake pizza with everything in Italy. And not only in Italy, but all over the world. Pizza has long been transformed from a national Italian dish into an international one.

Each country, taking into account local and national traditions, adds something new and, as a rule, unique to the classic versions of Italian pizza.

  • Spread the dough on the pan with tomato sauce. Thoroughly and without omissions.
  • Place mozzarella slices on pizza. It is not necessary that mozzarella covers the entire pizza. Next, lay out the rings of green olives.
  • Sprinkle pizza with dry oregano. Cut some of the squid rings into small pieces, leaving 3-4 for an aesthetic design option. By the way, if you have shrimp in the refrigerator, you should add some peeled tails, but not much - literally 10-12 pieces, you can even chop them up first.
  • Sprinkle pizza with chopped green onions.
  • Squid pizza is topped with grated Parmesan.
  • Next is an important point. Squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lemon onto the pizza, spreading evenly. Lemon and seafood are too compatible to ignore; pizza with squid will turn out with a slight sourness.
  • Place the pizza in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Pizza with squid is baked for up to 20 minutes.

  • Seafood is rich in iodine, protein, vitamins and micro- and macroelements. A small portion of seafood contains a daily dose of iodine and easily digestible protein. Therefore, you should eat seafood as often as possible. They can be prepared in various ways, for example, as a topping for pizza.

    Photo by Shutterstock

    Pizza with seafood

    For aromatic pizza with thin dough you will need: - 1 teaspoon of dry yeast; - 0.5 tablespoon of sugar; - 0.5 cups of boiled water; - 1 glass of flour; - a pinch of salt; - 200 grams of seafood; - 150 grams of hard cheese; - 1 tomato; - 1 bell pepper; - 5–6 olives; - 1 clove of garlic; - 1 teaspoon of olive oil; - 1 tablespoon of tomato paste; - 1 tablespoon of sour cream; - dry parsley.

    In a deep bowl, dilute the yeast with warm water and leave it for 15 minutes. Sift the flour onto a clean work bench and carefully pour the swollen yeast and olive oil into it, add salt. Knead the elastic dough and leave it for half an hour.

    Cut tomatoes into thin slices, bell peppers into strips, and halve each olive. Mix sour cream and tomato paste in one cup, add crushed garlic and dry parsley to the mixture. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

    If you are using frozen shrimp, pour boiling water over them and leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the water from them and remove the shell. If you choose a canned seafood cocktail, remove it from the brine and place in a sieve to drain excess liquid.

    Roll out the risen dough thinly and place on a greased baking sheet. Spread the top of the flatbread evenly with sour cream and tomato paste sauce. Then place half of the grated cheese and seafood on it. Now add the tomatoes and bell peppers, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and garnish with olives.

    Place the pizza in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15–20 minutes. Then take it out, wait until it cools down a bit and cut it into pieces.

    Pizza with squid and mussels

    To prepare pizza according to this recipe, you will need: - ready-made puff pastry; - 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce; - 1 pinch of salt; - 150 grams of hard cheese; - fresh dill; - 0.5 onions; - 1 tomato; - 120 grams of mussels; - 150 grams of squid; - 1 large shrimp.

    To make squid meat softer, it should be lightly beaten to soften the strong ring muscles.

    Seafood such as squid has long been common in our retail outlets; they can be bought either frozen or ready-made in the form of canned food. And there’s nothing to say about crab sticks. This is already everyday life. Not a single holiday table is complete without a salad with crab sticks; this is already the same tradition as Olivier and fish in a fur coat. By the way, everyone knows that these crab sticks have the same name, but this doesn’t bother anyone: it’s made from fish, and it’s delicious. Not to mention the fact that if such sticks were really made from crab meat, they would cost several times more.

    Proper squid

    If you decide to use canned squid meat for pizza, this will greatly simplify matters. But frozen carcasses of this cephalopod (which is what squid is called from a biological point of view) are much more common. Well, they are cheaper.

    Which squid is the best? The one that's vacuum packed with a little ice. Crushed ice, similar to March snow, is most often a clear sign that the package has been defrosted at least once and then frozen again. We don’t need all this, since each package clearly states the temperature regime: it must be constant and the temperature must be such that the squid does not defrost. In such packaging, the meat will be tasteless. And in especially severe cases, there will also be a smell.

    If you buy squid without packaging, it is best, of course, to take already cleaned fillets. But you can also take whole carcasses if you have the time and inspiration to cut and clean. The most unpleasant thing about squid is its sticky film. On a raw carcass, you can suffer for a long time and hopelessly trying to separate it. This is extra work. Dip the carcasses in boiling water for just a few seconds or pour hot water over them. The film will immediately curl up and remove it will be much easier.

    Finally, what is proper boiled squid? These are the ones that cook for a few minutes. Unlike meat, say, poultry, squid meat becomes denser and even tougher the longer it is cooked. If you don’t want pizza with rubbery meat that vaguely resembles seafood in smell, boil the squid rings for just a couple of minutes. And don’t be afraid that, from your point of view, it was undercooked. It will finish in the oven.

    Simple, fast and tasty

    To make it very quick and easy, take ready-made pizza dough, a half-kilogram package. In addition, you will need the following ingredients:

    • tomato sauce or ketchup;
    • mayonnaise;
    • 4 crab sticks;
    • one squid carcass;
    • a large tomato or two small ones;
    • onions;
    • hard cheese.

    The dough has already been taken out of the refrigerator and defrosted. Roll it out, place it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and grease it with ketchup and mayonnaise. It is better to take olive oil; if sunflower, then only refined oil.

    Cut the crab sticks slightly diagonally into circles. The squid, boiled in salted water until half cooked as a whole cleaned carcass, is removed from the water, cooled and cut into small strips. Cut the onion into half rings, the tomato into slices. We randomly place all this on the dough. Sprinkle with hard cheese (you can grate it directly onto the pizza flatbread).

    By the way, The recipe can be varied at your discretion. For example, add olives or black olives. This is a common thing with pizzas; in any normal pizzeria you can choose the topping at your discretion and when ordering any pizza, just tell them what to add.

    Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes.

    • Pizza with pickles and sausage: Italian…

    Pizza with seafood is a fluffy and soft flatbread on which circles of olives, shrimp, and strips of squid are placed. Seafood lies on a thin layer of cheese shavings. When baking, the cheese melts, squid and shrimp are partially immersed in this melted cheese mass.

    The taste of the shrimp remains unchanged, they are only slightly saturated with the spiciness of the tomato paste. And the squids are transformed, they are baked with cheese and become like dried ones: the taste is concentrated and acquires a special piquancy. Hot pizza with squid is an original and tasty dish for dinner, so read carefully and take note, the recipe will not let you down!

    Ingredients for dough and toppings for pizza with squid


    • flour - 400 grams;
    • water - 200 milliliters;
    • vegetable oil - 50 milliliters;
    • granulated sugar - a tablespoon;
    • dry yeast - 13 grams;
    • salt - 1/2 teaspoon.


    • squid - two carcasses;
    • shrimp - 300 grams;
    • cheese - 140 grams;
    • olives - 50 grams;
    • spicy tomato paste - 4 tablespoons.

    Sequence of cooking pizza with squid

    Prepare all ingredients for squid pizza. The above products will make 4 small pizzas. The recipe by name and quantity is presented below.

    It is better to knead pizza dough using dry yeast. Pour sugar and yeast into a deep bowl.

    Then mix the yeast and granulated sugar with a wooden spoon.

    Yeast is poured with warm water. You can use the potato broth left over from preparing lunch, cooled to 40 degrees. Potato broth makes any unleavened baked goods fluffy.

    Dry yeast is activated in warm water for 12-15 minutes, then sifted flour is placed in a bowl.

    Add salt and any vegetable oil.

    Knead elastic dough and form into a ball.

    The pizza dough is covered with a towel and left warm for 60 minutes.

    Cleaned squid carcasses are boiled for 2 minutes, shrimp are cooked for 2-3 minutes. The water is not salted.

    Prepare the pizza filling: remove the shells from the shrimp, finely chop the squid carcasses.

    When the dough has risen, divide it into four parts, and then roll out 4 flat cakes and pierce the dough with a fork many times.

    Distribute tomato paste evenly over the flatbreads.

    Grated cheese is placed on top of the tomato paste layer.

    Shrimp and pieces of squid are laid out on a cheese bed.

    The space between seafood is filled with olive rings

    Transfer the pizzas to the preheated oven. Temperature – 180 degrees. Pizzas bake quickly and can be removed from the oven in 30-35 minutes.

    Pizzas with squid and shrimp are served hot. Pizzas are not cut, each is designed for one serving.


    Do you know? Squid is considered an ideal food for metabolism due to its iodine content, which provides the body with energy, as well as the proper functioning of organic cells.

    Bon appetit everyone! I look forward to your feedback, they are so important for my opinion, or maybe you have some additions for the better.