Mushroom soup low calorie recipe. Mushroom dietary cream soup with mushrooms: recipe, diet

For those who want to lose excess weight, this product is very useful. After all, it not only helps you become slimmer, but also become healthier. This product is best consumed in soup. Dietary mushroom soup can be made in different ways.

Beneficial features

This product contains all the amino acids a person needs. Even those that are not found in plants, but are found in the meat and liver of animals. They contain vitamins (E, D, C, group B), and minerals (zinc, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine and potassium), as well as antioxidants, carbohydrates and proteins. They contain very little fat, so they are good for those who want to lose weight. At the same time, although the product is low in calories, it saturates for a long time.

They help with diseases of the blood vessels and heart, the immune system, kidney stones, and prevent atherosclerosis.

This unique product has antibiotic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps with cancer, bronchitis, restores pancreatic cells, improves vision and removes radionuclides from the body.

Are there any secrets to cooking mushroom soups?

You can prepare this dish from mushrooms that are available on the shelves of shops and markets: champignons or oyster mushrooms. They are grown in greenhouses, so they do not contain harmful substances, like those growing along highways.

However, if you want to enjoy the real aroma, it is better to use a product from the forest.

Here are some useful tips for preparing this dish:

  • do not overuse spices, otherwise you will drown out the main aroma;
  • It is better to consume this dish on the day of preparation - over time it loses its taste;
  • You can combine different types in one dish, for example, a few grams of dried mushrooms can be added to fresh ones;
  • oyster mushrooms take longer to cook than champignons;
  • soups can be cooked clear, but cream soup and puree soup will also turn out tasty;
  • if you combine this product with complex carbohydrates (buckwheat, rice), the saturation will be long-lasting, you will not want to have a snack after half an hour.

Dietary mushroom soups

These dishes can be made from fresh, salted or dry ingredients. There are quite a few recipes for dietary mushroom soup. Try unusual combinations without fear of gaining weight.

Cream soup with beans and mushrooms

You will need:

  • celery root – 200 g;
  • mushrooms – 0.5 kg;
  • a can of boiled beans in white sauce without oil;
  • carrot – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • low-fat sour cream – 1 cup
  • spices, herbs, salt.

How to do:

  1. cut the mushrooms into slices, cut the onions, celery and carrots as desired;
  2. simmer everything in a saucepan with herbs until done;
  3. rinse the beans from the sauce to remove excess starch and salt;
  4. add beans from the can, then puree the mixture with a blender;
  5. add salt, sour cream, garnish with herbs.

Dietary and healthy mushroom puree soup can be cooked from fresh forest mushrooms or champignons.

If you prefer the latter, try the following recipe for diet champignon cream soup.

Mushroom soup with yogurt


  • onion – 2 heads;
  • boiled chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • champignons – 200 g;
  • carrots – 3 pieces;
  • yogurt without additives or curdled milk – 65 g;
  • lemon juice, thyme leaves, garlic;
  • weak chicken broth - 1.4 l.


  1. finely chop the mushrooms;
  2. simmer for 10-15 minutes, then add chopped onions, carrots and thyme leaves;
  3. add broth and bring to a boil, after 13 minutes add chopped meat, cook for 25 minutes;
  4. Puree half of the mixture in a blender and add to the soup, leave the other half unpuréed and add to the pan, leave for 5 minutes;
  5. mix finely chopped garlic, lemon juice and yogurt, pour into the pan and in 2 minutes it will be ready.

Cooking from a dry product requires preparation, but it’s worth it, because dried mushrooms have a special aroma!

Barley soup with dried mushroom broth

You will need:

  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • dried mushrooms – 0.5 cups;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • pearl barley – 100 g;
  • herbs, salt and spices.

How to cook:

  1. in the evening (or 12 hours before cooking), soak the pearl barley and mushrooms in separate bowls;
  2. Boil the pearl barley until half cooked;
  3. finely chop the mushrooms;
  4. chop onions and carrots;
  5. add mushrooms and cook for 20 minutes;
  6. add the vegetables and cook a little more;
  7. at the end add salt and chopped herbs.

Dietary mushroom soup made from dried mushroom broth involves the use of not only pearl barley, but also rice, millet, and bulgur, which do not need to be soaked.

The recipe for dietary mushroom cream soup implies that the mushrooms will not be from fatty varieties, although there will be too few of them per serving of the first course to seriously harm your diet, but their pulp is practically not digested, cleansing the intestines. Be careful with mushroom broths if you limit yourself to foods that actively release bile and juice in the stomach - mushroom broths have just such an effect.

Japanese mushroom soup with shiitake


  • carrot;
  • shiitake – 330-350 g;
  • sea ​​salt, spice mixture (cloves, turmeric, nutmeg);
  • peeled potatoes 350-400 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil carrots and potatoes until half cooked;
  2. Cut the shiitakes soaked in acidified water and add to the pan, boil until tender;
  3. beat everything with a blender, if it turns out thick, dilute with baked milk;
  4. then cook a little more, add sea salt and seasoning.

The first dish using this product turns out very tasty and aromatic. In addition, it helps you lose weight. So cook this dish more often and enjoy its taste!

Mushrooms are a unique product because they contain amino acids that are found only in products of animal origin. In addition, forest products are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Due to their low fat content, mushrooms are a dietary food. If you want to lose a few extra pounds, then it is better to prepare dietary mushroom soup.

To cook low-calorie soups, various recipes are used, for which chanterelles, champignons, honey mushrooms, and others are suitable.

Dishes can be cooked using mushrooms that are grown in greenhouse conditions. These are champignons, oyster mushrooms. They do not contain harmful substances, like their counterparts growing near the road.

To experience the real taste and aroma of the soup, it is recommended to cook it from a forest product.

List of tips on how to prepare dietary soups.

  1. Do not overuse spices: there is a risk of drowning out the main flavor.
  2. It is better to consume the soup on the day of cooking, as over time it loses its taste.
  3. You can add several types of product to one dish, combining fresh and dry.
  4. Oyster mushrooms take longer to cook than champignons.
  5. The prepared soup may be clear, but cream soups and puree soups are no less tasty.
  6. When combining complex carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat) with mushrooms, saturation will last longer; after 1.5 hours you will not want to eat.

For weight loss, use recipes for first courses with vegetables that contain a lot of fiber.

Diet champignon stew

To prepare mushroom soup for weight loss, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of fresh champignons;
  • carrot;
  • celery;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 300 grams of broccoli;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

Vegetables need to be finely chopped. Fry onions, carrots, and champignons in a roasting pan. Chop the celery, add it to boiling water, cook for about 10 minutes. Then add fried vegetables to it. A few minutes before it’s ready, add broccoli, finely chopped garlic, and spices.

Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Mushroom diet soup

To prepare a dietary dish of champignon soup, you will need the following products:

  • 500 grams of champignons;
  • 0.5 liters of water, vegetable broth;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • garlic clove;
  • spices.

Finely chop the champignons, onion, garlic and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then you need to put the vegetables in a saucepan with boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes. You need to beat the hot soup with a blender, then pour in milk, salt and pepper. Place the puree soup over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes.

When serving, decorate with herbs.

It is important to remember that dietary soups should not be eaten for a long time by people who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers. If a person requires a diet, he must first obtain the doctor’s consent, and only then select the recipes he likes.

Low-calorie mushroom soup with pearl barley

To cook a nutritious low-calorie mushroom soup, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • honey mushrooms – 400 grams;
  • pearl barley - half a glass;
  • potatoes - 5 pieces;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

The pearl barley should be rinsed well, pour boiling water over it, and leave to swell for 2 hours. Wash honey mushrooms and chop into cubes. Pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove. When it boils, add honey mushrooms. Cook for 20 minutes, removing any foam that forms.

Add pearl barley to the mushroom broth and cook until half cooked, about half an hour. Then finely chop the onion and fry it. Peel the potatoes and cut them. Add potatoes with fried onions to barley, cook for 20 minutes.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, add all the spices. Add greens when serving.

Cream soup for weight loss from champignons

To lose weight, you can cook this dietary champignon cream soup, for which you will need the following products:

  • young zucchini – 1 kilogram;
  • champignons – 1 kilogram;
  • 10% cream – 400 ml;
  • water – 1 liter.

This dietary recipe contains 1000 kilocalories. 100 grams of stew contains 34 kilocalories. So you can safely lose weight and not gain weight.

It is necessary to finely chop the champignons and zucchini. Simmer until soft in a liter of water. Beat the prepared mass in a blender, pour in the cream, add spices. Put it back on the fire until it boils. Cream soup is served sprinkled with herbs.

Mushroom soup with beans

For the recipe for this dish you need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of celery root;
  • 500 grams of chanterelles;
  • canned boiled beans without oil in white sauce;
  • carrot;
  • a glass of low-fat sour cream;
  • spices.


  1. Chop the chanterelles and onions into slices, and chop the celery and carrots randomly.
  2. Stew vegetables until tender using herbs.
  3. Rinse the beans to remove any starch and salt.
  4. Add beans to the stewed vegetables, beat everything into a homogeneous mass.
  5. Add salt, sour cream, and garnish with herbs.

Diet soup with mushrooms can be cooked using any mushrooms.

Low-calorie soup with mushrooms and processed cheese

For the recipe you need to take the following products:

  • 400 grams of oyster mushrooms;
  • carrot;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • processed cheese;
  • spices.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and cook until half cooked. Finely chop the onion and fry with carrots until golden brown. Then add the oyster mushrooms to the vegetables and fry all the ingredients for 7 minutes, reducing the gas slightly.

Transfer the fried vegetables to the potatoes, add all the spices, and cook until fully cooked. Then add the melted cheese and stir until it dissolves.

Cream soup with champignons on yogurt

Required ingredients for the stew:

  • 300 grams of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 200 grams of champignons;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 65 grams of yogurt or curdled milk;
  • lemon juice, thyme, garlic;
  • 1.4 liters of chicken broth.

Finely chop the champignons and simmer for 15 minutes. Next, add chopped onions, carrots, and thyme. Pour in the broth and boil. After 15 minutes, add the diced chicken and cook for 25 minutes.

Remove half of the ingredients from the pan and blend with a blender. Simmer with the remaining half of the soup for another 5 minutes. Then combine garlic, lemon juice, yogurt, and add to the soup. After 2 minutes it will reach completely.

Recipes with dried mushrooms require preparation, but the resulting dishes are delicious.

Many people are accustomed to the standard classic soup, but recently puree soups have become fashionable. Puree soup is not difficult to prepare, is ideal for children and has a lot of variations.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Cream soup with champignons is dietary and low-calorie. It can be lean, and can also be prepared with the addition of poultry, which will give it an even richer taste. Mushrooms and meat will make the soup more filling and nutritious, but if you are on a diet or have given up meat, try making cream of mushroom soup with vegetables.

The calorie content of champignon puree soup can be reduced by making it without cream or without potatoes, as well as using vegetable broth. How to make mushroom soup with the consistency of puree? The answer is simple - in a slow cooker, in a blender and even in the microwave.

Main ingredients:

  • 500 g fresh mushrooms;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 500 g cream;
  • greenery;
  • spices.
  1. To prepare mushroom soup, you will need a deep pan of water; when the water boils, add chopped carrots and salt.
  2. The onion needs to be peeled, chopped, and fried in sunflower oil until golden brown.
  3. Finely chopped champignons are added to the onion.
  4. Then you need to add diced potatoes to the pan.
  5. When everything is ready, you need to mix the ingredients and beat them with a blender, after leaving some whole fried mushrooms.
  6. You can season the soup with cream and let it boil again.
  7. The homogeneous mass is served in deep bowls or plates, garnishing the soup with fresh herbs and remaining pieces of mushrooms.

Note: In order to make cream of mushroom soup, you need to decide what mushrooms you want to use. How to make champignon cream soup? This can be done from frozen or canned champignons, as well as from fresh ones!

Vegetable variations of a dietary and low-calorie recipe

Vegetarian or Lenten puree soup is easy to prepare if you follow the step-by-step recipe with video or photo. Here you can safely improvise and combine any vegetables. For example, mushroom puree soup from champignons can be prepared with broccoli and spinach, zucchini and cauliflower.

This creamy soup is incredibly easy to prepare in a slow cooker. All you need are your favorite ingredients, spices and water. Vegetables and mushrooms need to be filled with the required amount of water, set to “Cooking” mode, seasoned and cooked until fully cooked. Then the contents of the multicooker bowl are crushed with a blender and voila! - cream soup is ready!

Lenten champignon puree soup. Recipe with broccoli

To surprise your guests and family, we recommend trying creamy broccoli and mushroom soup. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can cook the soup without potatoes and without cream. Diet soup will be an excellent meal that will retain all the benefits of vegetables.

If you are wondering how to make lean soup from fresh or frozen champignons with low calorie content, detailed recipes will help you cope with the task!

If you are preparing a dish without cream and meat, then you should take care of its thickness and correct consistency. To give the mixture the desired thickness, it is recommended to prepare the soup with flour. And to make the dish satisfying, serve it with crackers or croutons.

Main ingredients:

  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 350 g champignons;
  • 300 g broccoli;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • spices.

Detailed cooking instructions:

  1. To prepare soup with champignons and fresh broccoli you will need water, into which, after boiling, add finely chopped carrots and salt.
  2. A medium or small sized onion needs to be peeled and grated on a fine grater to a paste.
  3. One clove of garlic is pressed through a garlic press.
  4. Then you need to add mushrooms and broccoli to the pan and cook them thoroughly until fully cooked.
  5. The finished ingredients must be pureed in a blender, draining the water and adding a little flour.
  6. Having seasoned the soup with spices and garnished with herbs on top, you can serve the dish on the table.

How to make creamy champignon soup with cream and chicken?

You can enjoy the delicate taste by preparing a nutritious creamy soup with chicken broth. How to cook mushroom soup with chicken? With cream, milk or maybe sour cream and cheese? Below we will give an example of an easy recipe for creamy soup with potatoes and chicken breast.

Chicken broth and poultry will make the dish very satisfying, and also give it a pleasant aroma and juicy taste. A dish made with chicken broth will be ideal for a feast, and will also allow you to feed the whole family well for lunch!

Main ingredients:

  • 500 g champignons;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 500 g cream;
  • greenery;
  • spices;
  • croutons for serving.

Detailed cooking instructions:

  1. The recipe for champignon cream soup involves the use of fresh mushrooms, poultry and cream.
  2. If there is no cream, you can safely replace it with another ingredient and prepare a dish with milk, however, its calorie and fat content will be significantly reduced.
  3. You need to boil water in a cooking pot.
  4. Then chopped potatoes, mushrooms and a whole chicken breast are added to it.
  5. Spices and bay leaves are added to the chicken broth with potatoes.
  6. When the meat is ready, it is removed and cooled, and then cut into small pieces.
  7. After draining the water, place the boiled potatoes and mushrooms in a blender, add cream (or milk), chopped herbs and beat to obtain a paste.
  8. The chicken is lightly fried in a frying pan.
  9. Serve potato soup made from chicken and champignons with spices and breadcrumbs, adding several pieces of fried chicken breast.

How to cook champignon cream soup with cheese?

French potato and cauliflower cheese soup attracts attention with its presentation and extraordinary taste. The combination of cauliflower with cheese and mushrooms is beneficial in terms of lightness and richness of taste and aroma. You can make this variation of cheese soup even if you are new to the kitchen, because the recipe is incredibly easy!

Main ingredients:

  • 2 large onions;
  • 600 g champignons;
  • 150 g cauliflower;
  • 4 small potatoes;
  • 3 processed cheese;
  • dill;
  • spices.

Detailed cooking instructions:

  1. To prepare soup with cream cheese and potatoes, you will need vegetable broth. It's easy to prepare. You need to place chopped potatoes, one onion and cauliflower in boiling water. When the cauliflower is soft, it needs to be removed and cooled, and the onion should also be removed.
  2. Drain some water from the pan before adding the cheese.
  3. The second onion is chopped and fried in a frying pan, where chopped champignons and spices are added.
  4. Processed cheese is grated into the potato broth and boiled until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Beat the boiled potatoes with cheese in a blender until smooth, add dill, mushrooms and onions.
  6. The cream soup is ready, all that remains is to chop the cauliflower into small pieces and place it on top in the center of the plate.
  7. The food can be served.

So many flavors, so many recipes

This first course can be very varied. You can prepare cream soup not only from mushrooms, potatoes, cheese, chicken and other ingredients mentioned in the recipes. Very popular dishes are tomato, pumpkin, carrot, squash soups...

The first dish of this consistency can be prepared not only from mushrooms such as champignons. You can safely combine porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and even boletus with other ingredients! The main thing is to choose the right spices, herbs and vegetables for them.

Soups made from green vegetables and herbs, such as broccoli, spinach, peas, and asparagus, will be tasty and healthy for both children and adults. There are variations of cabbage preparation, not only cauliflower, but also white cabbage.

Don't be afraid to improvise and enjoy your meal!

Often, those losing weight, on the advice of nutritionists, spend low-calorie fasting days to lose weight. But it is extremely difficult to survive such days without food, for example, on kefir alone. Soups - low-calorie, tasty and satisfying first courses - can serve as an excellent alternative to light kefir. Eating soups in your daily diet prevents you from going hungry, and the fiber and other beneficial substances they contain will help you become slimmer, remove accumulated toxins, and help restore water-salt balance.

In dietetics, a special place is given to mushroom soups, as they are very tasty, satisfying and at the same time low in calories. Champignons are most often used to prepare such soups.

Champignons contain a lot of protein, vitamins, and various minerals (iron, phosphorus, zinc and others). These mushrooms can normalize cholesterol levels and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Champignons are easily absorbed by orgasm; they do not need to be cooked for a long time, so they retain their beneficial properties. Due to their low calorie content, dishes made from these mushrooms are dietary and allow you to consistently lose extra pounds.

Champignon broth can be a filling substitute for meat broth and does not contain harmful fats. Making mushroom soup is not at all difficult, and the result is a delicious first course that will help you easily lose weight.

Dietary soup for weight loss from champignons

For one and a half liters of water you will need:

  • Fresh champignons - half a kilogram.
  • Carrots - 1 root vegetable.
  • Celery – 1 root.
  • Onions – 1 piece.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Olive or sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Broccoli – 300 grams.
  • Salt, spices, herbs.

Finely chop all products. Fry onions, grated carrots and mushrooms in oil. Place chopped celery in boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, then add vegetables and champignons. A couple of minutes before turning off the soup, add broccoli, chopped garlic, season with salt and spices. Add chopped herbs to the finished dish.

Low-calorie cream soup with champignons

  • Young zucchini - kilogram = 260 kcal.
  • Fresh champignons – kilogram = 268 kcal.
  • Cream 10% – 400 ml = 472 kcal.
  • Water – liter = 0 kcal.

Total weight of the dish: 3400 gr.

Total calorie content: 1000 kcal.

Calorie content 100 gr. soup is only 34 kcal!

Any utensil is suitable for cooking this soup, but it is better to take a stewpan - a frying pan with high walls. Finely chop the champignons and zucchini and simmer with a liter of water until soft. Then beat the finished cooled mass with a blender until smooth, add cream, salt, add the necessary spices to taste and let it boil again. Serve the cream soup on the table, sprinkled with herbs.

Diet soup with mushrooms for weight loss

You need to take:

Boil the champignons, strain the broth, cut the mushrooms into slices. Place shredded white cabbage into the boiling champignon broth and let it boil again. Add chopped onions, grated carrots, green beans, tomato and potato slices, as well as champignons to the soup being prepared and cook for a quarter of an hour.

Cauliflower should be cooked separately and added to the mushroom soup at the end of cooking. Combine the prepared dietary soup with green peas, salt, add spices and bay leaves, and simmer for a couple more minutes. Add chopped herbs to the plate with the finished soup.

Hearty mushroom soup for weight loss

The recipe for this first dish includes:

If desired, the soup can be cooked in plain water rather than chicken broth. Then the first dish will turn out to be even less caloric.

First, soak the pearl barley in cool water for 2 hours so that it cooks faster in the soup. Mushrooms should also be soaked in water for a while. Finely chop the green onions and onions, the carrots can be cut into slices.

Boil the barley in broth or water for half an hour, then add the mushrooms and cook for another quarter of an hour. Add chopped onions and carrots, bay leaves, season with salt and spices. Let simmer for a few more minutes. At the last moment, add the green onions, boil again and turn off.

So, a dietary soup with the addition of champignons requires a minimum of effort to prepare, but the result is maximum - a delicious first course with low energy value. Lose weight with pleasure with champignon soup!

One of the main dishes on the table for people on a diet and watching their figure can be fitness soup. Dietary soups for weight loss, compared to snacks made from the same products, are lower in calories, give you a feeling of fullness faster and are better absorbed by the body.

When soup enters the stomach, it stimulates the secretion of enzymes that promote protein breakdown. Therefore, it is recommended to consume soups daily.

Dietary soup for weight loss, the recipe for which is quite simple, can be prepared by anyone, regardless of the level of cooking skill. StyleFitness has made a special selection of the best fitness soup recipes.

Diet chicken soup with vegetables

You can prepare dietary chicken soup without extra effort and wasting time using the following ingredients:

    500 gr. chicken breast,

    400 gram package of frozen vegetable mixture,

    10-15 gr. low-calorie processed cheese,

    spices, salt, vinegar, herbs.

Immerse the chicken breast in cold water and put the pan on gas. Throw a bay leaf, a few black peppercorns into the boiling broth, add vinegar and cook until fully cooked. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add frozen vegetables to the broth. Before serving, add.

Place a teaspoon of melted cheese in a bowl of soup.

Diet vegetable soup

The recipe for dietary vegetable soup is quite simple. For preparation you will need:

    1 carrot,

    1 onion,

    400 gr. frozen mixed vegetables or fresh vegetables (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.),

    20 gr. vegetable oil,

    Salt, pepper, herbs.

Add pre-fried carrot and onion cubes in vegetable oil to boiling water. Finely chop the available vegetables, except potatoes, or take a bag of frozen vegetable mixture and also add to the broth.

Before the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste and garnish the broth with herbs. Dietary vegetable soup is ready to serve. In a similar way, you can prepare dietary broccoli soup.

Pumpkin soup - dietary puree soup

The main component of this soup is pumpkin. You will also need 2 carrots, half a liter of 0.5% milk, and pumpkin oil. For decoration, you can use greens and 10-15 grams of pine nuts or almond feathers.

Peel the pumpkin and carrots, then finely chop (into cubes). Add 150 ml of water and cover with a lid, simmer for 15 minutes until the vegetables become soft.

Then we grind them with a blender to the state of cream or porridge. Transfer the resulting mixture into a saucepan and gradually mix with milk. You need to cook over low heat for about 5-10 minutes, without boiling. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Before serving, decorate the fitness soup with almond feathers or pine nuts and add pumpkin oil.

Diet pea soup

A pea-based weight loss soup recipe includes the following ingredients:

    1 cup pea halves,

    1 carrot,

    1 onion,

    20 gr. vegetable oil,

    5 gr. greenery

Sliced ​​carrots and onions should be lightly fried in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Pour cool water over the pea halves 5-6 cm above their level and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes. During cooking, add fried vegetables, salt and pepper.

Place a few green leaves on a plate of soup.

Dietary mushroom soup from champignons

Dietary champignon soup will help enrich your body with proteins and energize you for several hours. Ingredients needed to prepare the soup:

    300 g vegetable broth (carrots, onions, celery, parsley),

    300-400 g 0.5% milk,

    200 g onions, 500 gr. champignons,

    10 g vegetable oil, salt.

To prepare the broth, vegetables must be chopped and lightly fried in a frying pan without oil, pour into a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil.

Chop the onion into small pieces and fry in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Then add the chopped champignons to the onion and simmer for about 10 minutes.

After the onions and champignons have cooled a little, grind them in a blender until creamy. Then add the resulting mass to the broth, heat it, add milk, salt and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

You can decorate the soup with herbs. You can also serve croutons with the soup. However, those who want to lose weight should not overuse baked goods and limit themselves to greens.

Diet celery soup

Celery soup for weight loss suits almost everyone. Celery is a natural mild laxative, normalizes digestion and improves the tone of the whole body. The only drawback is the specific smell that apiol gives it.

Necessary products for cooking:

    1-2 onions,

    half a fork of cabbage,

    2-3 medium tomatoes,

    2 sweet peppers,

    2-3 stalks of celery,

    salt pepper.

Vegetables are cut into small pieces and thrown into a pan of boiling water. You need to boil the vegetables for 5 minutes over high heat, then reduce the flame level and leave to cook for 10-15 minutes. It is better to add salt at the beginning of cooking.

Celery soup for weight loss is ready to eat.

Diet soup with chicken

Ingredients for making soup:

    300-400 g chicken breast,

    1 carrot,

    ½ onion,

    150 gr. buckwheat.

Pour cold water over the chicken breast and place the pan on the fire. Add chopped carrots and half an onion to the boiling broth. Rinse the buckwheat thoroughly and pour it into the boiling broth. Before finishing cooking, add salt and pepper and garnish before serving.

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