Mushroom glade is a classic recipe. Salad “Mushroom Glade” with chicken and champignons

The Mushroom Glade salad is amazingly beautiful and imaginative. Once on the table, it will become a subject of discussion and admiration. Each housewife will find her own version of the snack, different from the classic one, and its decoration will require inspiration and help from the younger generation of the family. It will be a real pleasure for them to participate in the creation of this salad.

The taste of Mushroom Glade is also beyond praise, since mushrooms are a favorite delicacy for many people. Mushroom salad is one of the dishes that is the first thing people look at at the holiday table. And it's completely deserved.

Polyanka salad actually resembles a piece of forest with grass and mushrooms growing in it. Multi-colored layers make it especially elegant, although the main “highlight” is the top with mushroom caps and chopped greens representing plants. It’s a pity to share the food, but the delicious ingredients that make it up will force guests to break the perfectly laid out proportions.

The salad is hearty, so don’t just go for it at the expense of other appetizers. Chicken meat, cheese, potatoes, mushrooms and eggs with mayonnaise dressing are very high in calories, and the holiday menu is usually extensive.

And yet, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to deny themselves the pleasure of trying the fabulous “Polyanka”. The salad is tender and not spicy, although some recipes offer to correct this by adding Korean carrots and other equally expressive ingredients.

The most delicious food recipes

The basic ingredients in the salad remain the same, as does the memorable mushroom garnish. Salad variations are based on the selection of similar ingredients included in the classic salad recipe.

Classic salad with champignons

The mushroom meadow will become not only the central dish among appetizers, but also a favorite delicacy of many. The Olivier salad, more complex and more interesting in appearance, acquires new shades of taste due to the presence of mushrooms.

The composition of “Polyanka” is similar to the famous “Olivier”, it only lacks a couple of its ingredients. The advantage over it is the contrasting layered structure, but the cooking method remains simple.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. In a round pan, equal in size to the desired diameter of the salad, place a large piece of cling film extending beyond its walls.
  2. Place the champignons with their caps on the bottom, sprinkle them with chopped dill.
  3. Boil chicken breast in slightly salted water.
  4. Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs and let them cool.
  5. Grate the cheese, carrots, potatoes, eggs separately on a fine grater, and cut the chicken breast into small pieces.
  6. Place the next layer of chicken breast on top of the mushrooms and dill and draw a mayonnaise mesh on it.
  7. Next, distribute the carrots and also draw a mayonnaise mesh on it.
  8. Place grated cheese, chopped eggs on it, and the final layer is potatoes and pickles mixed with mayonnaise.
  9. After covering the salad with a dish or flat plate, turn the pan over and remove the film.

With chicken fillet

Boiled chicken breast is a dietary product, but it does not have a pronounced taste. The chicken can be prepared so that it remains healthy, but its layer adds juiciness to the salad.


  • 500 g pickled champignons;
  • 1/2 chicken carcass;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 4 small potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Marinate half the chicken in lemon juice, garlic and ground black pepper for 1 hour.
  2. Place it in foil and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes, then remove, cool, remove skin and bones from the meat and chop finely.
  3. Place the champignons in a pan on cling film, sprinkle them with dill, then put the chicken, and squeeze 5-6 drops of dressing from the mayonnaise package on top.
  4. The next layer is grated boiled carrots. Squeeze mayonnaise onto it too.
  5. Next: grated cheese – chopped eggs – 5-6 drops of mayonnaise – finely chopped pickles – potatoes mashed with the remains of mayonnaise.
  6. Place the salad in the refrigerator for 1 hour, remove it, turn the contents onto a flat plate and serve.

With ham

All layers of salad are coated with mayonnaise for better gluing. You should choose dry ham, as meat from a jar will not hold its layer.


  • 250 g pickled champignons;
  • 100 g ham;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • 1 potato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a small bunch of green onions;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise.
  1. Boil and chop eggs, carrots and potatoes separately.
  2. Finely chop the ham.
  3. Place mushrooms on the bottom of the pan, sprinkle them with chopped onions, leaving a few arrows for decoration.
  4. Next, alternately lay out a layer of grated cheese, eggs, ham, carrots and potatoes. Do not coat the last layer with mayonnaise.
  5. Once chilled in the refrigerator, invert the salad onto a plate and garnish the top with scallions for a tall grass effect.

A tender and fatty tongue will add more calories to the salad, but it will be very tasty to eat. Tongue is usually not combined with cheese, so there is no such layer in Mushroom Glade.


  • 400 g boiled tongue;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 3 pickled cucumbers;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • 350 ml mayonnaise.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Boil the tongue with bay leaf and peppercorns in salted water, peel it from the skin, cool and chop finely.
  2. Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs, chop separately.
  3. Place champignons on the bottom of the pan, sprinkle them with chopped herbs, then put a layer of carrots and grease it with mayonnaise.
  4. Next is beef tongue, the next layer is eggs mixed with mayonnaise, chopped pickles and potatoes mashed with mayonnaise.
  5. Turn the salad onto a platter and serve.

With Korean carrots

The recipe for the most famous dish in any country takes on a local flavor. The mushroom meadow can also be adapted for oriental cuisine if you replace regular boiled carrots with Korean ones.


  • 500 g pickled champignons;
  • 300 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 100 g Korean carrots;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • a small bunch of dill and parsley;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Place mushrooms in a pan on cling film, caps up, and sprinkle with dill.
  2. Place Korean carrots in the next layer so that their marinade saturates the next layers when turning the salad over.
  3. Then comes a finely chopped boiled chicken breast with a mayonnaise mesh painted on top, then a layer of finely chopped, hard-boiled eggs, also with a mayonnaise mesh.
  4. The penultimate layer is chopped pickles, the final layer is boiled potatoes, grated with mayonnaise.
  5. Turn the salad onto a plate and garnish the top with parsley leaves.

This salad is not laid out in layers; all ingredients are mixed and dressed with mayonnaise. Mushrooms are stuck into it from above, after which they are sprinkled with chopped dill.


  • 300 g pickled champignons;
  • 150 g boiled champignons;
  • 500 g boiled squid;
  • 100 g boiled chicken;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Cut the squid into strips, chop the chicken and boiled champignons, chop the onion.
  2. Pour vegetable oil and fry onions and chopped mushrooms in it.
  3. Mix all chopped ingredients, season the salad with mayonnaise and garnish with pickled champignons and chopped dill.

With honey mushrooms and prunes

Champignons can be replaced with other pickled mushrooms, for example, honey mushrooms. Their brown caps look cute on top of a salad, because these are real wild mushrooms. Each layer of salad should be coated with mayonnaise.


  • 300 g pickled mushrooms;
  • 300 g smoked chicken;
  • 5 pieces. prunes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • 1 tbsp. sunflower oil;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Fry chopped onion in a frying pan.
  2. Separately cut smoked chicken, prunes, pickled cucumber and 1/3 of honey mushrooms into strips.
  3. Place 2/3 of the honey mushrooms in a saucepan, sprinkle them with chopped parsley, the following layers: chicken - onions - prunes - half of the chopped honey mushrooms - cheese - cucumber - remaining honey mushrooms.
  4. Place the pan in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then turn it over onto a plate and serve.

With boiled beef

Beef is not as tender as chicken or tongue, but it goes well with mushrooms. Fans of interesting dishes are advised to replace boiled meat with smoked meat, then the aroma of the salad will become irresistibly appetizing.

Boiled beef is more healthy and, if cooked correctly, will also add an expressive taste to the salad.


  • 450 g pickled champignons;
  • 300 g boiled beef;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 300 ml mayonnaise.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Boil the beef in a small amount of water with carrots, onions and peppers to get a rich flavor.
  2. Cool the cooked meat and chop finely.
  3. Grind the boiled potatoes and eggs separately, grate the cheese on a fine grater, chop the dill.
  4. Place the champignons in a pan on cling film, sprinkle them with half the dill, then put a layer of potatoes and coat it with mayonnaise.
  5. The next layer is meat, then eggs mixed with mayonnaise, and finally sprinkle the salad with cheese.
  6. After keeping the pan with the salad in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, take it out and turn it over onto a flat plate.
  7. Coat the sides with the rest of the mayonnaise and sprinkle with the second half of the dill.

Having spread the mushrooms on the bottom of the pan, you need to drip mayonnaise on each leg. This way the greens and the next layer of meat will stick to them better.

Korean carrots are usually cut into long, thin pieces. Before laying the layer in the salad, it should be chopped so that dividing the “Mushroom Glade” into portions does not become problematic.

Immediately after preparation, the salad should stand in the refrigerator for at least an hour, and preferably 2-3 hours. Then the mayonnaise will saturate all the layers, and the dish will be more homogeneous.


Preparing an elegant salad requires virtually no effort. If all the ingredients are ready, cutting them and laying them out in layers doesn’t take much time. The result will be amazing. Guests and hosts will immediately want to go to the forest to pick mushrooms, of course, after the festive dinner.

It’s nice to prepare the following salad from your own collected and pickled mushrooms. In addition, there will be a reason to remember a pleasant trip and a quiet hunt for honey mushrooms, chanterelles and boletus mushrooms.

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Appetizers with mushrooms always turn out not only tasty, but also filling. If you use your imagination, you can decorate them very beautifully and serve them at the holiday table as its main decoration. Thus, the “Mushroom Glade” salad turns out to be tasty and effective.

Ingredients: 90 g pickled mushrooms (whole), 2 large eggs, 3-4 small potatoes, carrots, 40 g soft cream cheese, 160 g smoked chicken, salt, mayonnaise.

The salad is very filling and very elegant.

  1. First, the necessary ingredients are boiled - potatoes, eggs, carrots. Next, they are peeled and cut into small cubes.
  2. Potatoes, salted and greased with mayonnaise, are placed in a serving ring placed on a flat plate.
  3. Next come the chicken cubes and again the sauce.
  4. Then – carrots with soft cheese and eggs with mayonnaise.
  5. The mushrooms are distributed last - caps up.

The finished salad with champignons should be thoroughly cooled before serving to guests.

How to cook with honey mushrooms?

Ingredients: large chicken breast, 2-3 pickled cucumbers, pre-cooked products: 2 potatoes, egg, carrots, 90 g of pickled honey mushrooms, as well as salt, onion, a bunch of fresh dill and sauce.

  1. The chicken is boiled until cooked and cooled.
  2. First, small cubes of boiled potatoes are poured onto a plate. A grid of salted sauce is distributed on top.
  3. Next, straws of cucumbers and onions are scattered.
  4. Then come miniature cubes of boiled carrots with salted sauce.
  5. Then – random pieces of cooled meat, grated boiled egg, fresh dill.
  6. Pickled mushrooms are randomly placed on top of the greens.

For the “Mushroom Glade” salad with honey mushrooms, regular mayonnaise works well as a sauce.

With chicken fillet

Ingredients: 120 g of pickled champignons, 80 g of Korean carrots, 2 large eggs, a bunch of fresh parsley, half a large chicken fillet, 2 barrel pickles, 2-3 potatoes, salt, light mayonnaise.

The salad can decorate the table for any occasion.
  1. First you need to do some heat treatment of some products - boil eggs, potatoes, chicken.
  2. Pickled mushrooms are selected whole. They should be immediately placed in a bowl with the caps facing down. Add a little mayonnaise to each leg. The sauce here is necessary to connect the layers.
  3. Next, finely chopped parsley is distributed. Coarsely grated peeled eggs are scattered on top of the greens.
  4. Then comes a layer of savory carrots without marinade.
  5. The cooled boiled chicken is cut into small cubes, greased with salted mayonnaise and laid out on carrots.
  6. Small pieces of pickled cucumbers are distributed. Again - sauce.
  7. The last layer is grated boiled potatoes. It is not lubricated by anything.

The prepared “Mushroom Glade” salad with chicken is infused in a cool place for about an hour, after which it is turned over onto a flat plate.

Hearty salad with ham

Ingredients: half a jar of pickled champignons, large potatoes, 70 g of semi-hard cheese, a bunch of green onions, 2 large eggs, 140 g of ham, large carrots, salt, mayonnaise.

  1. You only need to boil potatoes, carrots and eggs.
  2. Place whole marinated mushrooms on the bottom of a suitable-sized salad bowl. It is advisable to choose champignons of approximately the same size. They are laid with their caps down.
  3. Add chopped green onions on top. It will imitate a clearing under mushrooms.
  4. Next, all layers must be coated with salted mayonnaise. This is necessary so that they do not fall apart. The products are also compacted well.
  5. Coarsely grated cheese is poured onto the green onions.
  6. Then - grated boiled eggs, small cubes of ham, grated boiled carrots and potatoes. The last layer is not smeared with sauce.
  7. The salad is carefully turned over onto a flat dish and left to cool for an hour.

Before serving “Mushroom Glade” with ham, you can garnish with long feathers of green onions, sticking them between the mushrooms.

With Korean carrots

Ingredients: 170 g pickled champignons, 240 g chicken fillet, 4-5 small boiled potatoes, 170 g Korean carrots, 4 large boiled eggs, 90 g hard cheese, salt, mayonnaise, fresh herbs.

Multi-colored layers make the salad especially elegant.
  1. Place whole pickled mushrooms, cap side down, in a deep bowl. They are located close to each other.
  2. Chopped greens are sent on top.
  3. Next, grated potatoes are distributed, which are well crushed with salted mayonnaise.
  4. Then comes Korean carrots without marinade, pre-cooked chicken fillet, grated cheese and eggs. The top is also smeared with mayonnaise.

Upside-down salad “Mushroom Glade”

Product composition: 2 pcs. boiled carrots, a can of whole canned champignons, 340 g of smoked chicken meat, 5-6 boiled eggs, salt, 170 g of semi-hard cheese, half a bunch of fresh parsley and onions, mayonnaise.

  1. Place whole mushrooms on the flat bottom of the pan, caps down. Next, pour in the finely chopped greens.
  2. Then comes the grated carrots, a layer of salted sauce.
  3. Top - cubes of chicken meat, grated eggs, salted mayonnaise, grated cheese. If there are still mushrooms left, you can chop them and combine them with the cheese.

The pan is turned over onto a flat dish and removed. If you do this carefully, you will end up with an impressively decorated appetizer on the plate.

Layered salad with meat and mushrooms

Ingredients: 340 g of boiled meat, 3 boiled potatoes, any fresh herbs to taste, 160 g of semi-hard cheese, barrel pickled cucumber, 170 g of Korean carrots, salt, mayonnaise.

Mushroom Glade salad is easy to prepare and has excellent taste.
  1. Whole mushrooms are placed caps down. Shredded greens are sprinkled on top.
  2. Next comes grated potatoes with mayonnaise, which need to be compacted well.
  3. Small cubes of pickled cucumber and pieces of boiled meat are poured onto the potatoes.
  4. A grid of salted mayonnaise is drawn.
  5. Place carrots without marinade and grated cheese on top.

All that remains is to turn the appetizer over and serve.

“Mushroom Glade” salad is one of the most elegant holiday salads that will definitely attract the attention of guests. The salad got its name for a reason - it looks like a toy clearing in a fairy-tale forest, dotted with dense mushrooms. To get the most aesthetic result, prepare the “Mushroom Glade” salad with champignons; the recipe with photos here is simply necessary to clearly understand for yourself how such beauty is obtained. “Mushroom Glade” belongs to the category of so-called “inverted salads”, that is, the layers are laid out not on a dish, but in a deep bowl, not in direct but in reverse order. That is, champignons come first, then all other products. The salad is prepared in advance, no less than eight hours before serving, and then sent to the refrigerator for soaking, as is usually done with cakes. And before serving, turn the bowl of salad onto a plate. The salad no longer requires additional decoration. Unless you can sprinkle a little more green onions.

List of ingredients:

  • 70 g hard cheese,
  • 100 g smoked chicken,
  • 2 chicken eggs,
  • 4-5 sprigs of greenery,
  • 3 potatoes,
  • 15-20 pickled champignons,
  • 70 ml mayonnaise.

How to prepare Mushroom Glade salad

In order not to overload you with visual information, we have provided step-by-step photos only of the process of assembling the salad in layers. And the preparation of ingredients was given with the usual list, which you can refer to if anything needs clarification.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. It is better to use hard cheese with a salty taste rather than a bland one - this way the taste of the cheese in the salad will be more pronounced. Grate it on a fine or coarse grater.
  2. You will also need smoked chicken for the salad. You can take a fillet (breast) or a ham or thigh and simply cut the meat with a knife. Chop the salad meat into small cubes.
  3. Hard-boil chicken eggs, remove the shells and grate them on a coarse or fine grater.
  4. For the salad, you can use any greens, for example, dill, parsley, green onions. Be careful with basil and celery, as not everyone likes their specific taste. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop.
  5. Boil and peel the potatoes, grate them on a coarse grater.

How to make the “Mushroom Glade” salad (photo step by step)

Take a deep bowl with a smooth surface (to be sure, you can line it with cling film) and place the marinated champignons on the bottom, legs up. Try to select mushrooms of the same size, small and even. Then the salad will look neat.

Sprinkle chopped herbs on top of the mushrooms, reserving a pinch for final garnish.

Place the grated eggs in the next layer, pressing them down lightly so that they fill the gaps between the mushroom stems - this will allow the mushrooms to hold on when you turn the salad over. Don't forget to coat the eggs with mayonnaise.

The next layer is hard grated cheese coated with mayonnaise. By the way, the fat content of mayonnaise is not important.

The next layer is pieces of smoked chicken, smeared with mayonnaise.

The final layer is grated potatoes. Lay it out and level it, lightly tamp it down so that the salad takes its final shape. Lubricate the potatoes with mayonnaise.

Place the Mushroom Glade salad in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Then take out the bowl and cover the top with a dish. Quickly but carefully turn the plate structure over. If the salad does not “land” on the plate, place everything on the table and lightly pat the top of the bowl. The salad will turn over safely. Garnish it with additional herbs and serve.

Salads with meat - simple recipes

You don't have to be a super chef to serve a delicious dish. You can surprise your loved ones with even a simple recipe - for example, the Mushroom Glade salad!

40 min

125 kcal

4/5 (2)

Mushrooms are not only a tasty ingredient for preparing numerous dishes, but also a component for culinary experiments. One of my favorites mushroom dishes In our family, the “Mushroom Glade” salad is considered. I cook it two ways. If time is short, then I don’t pay much attention to the selection of mushrooms and take those that are in the refrigerator. If we are preparing for a holiday or my little daughter is involved in the cooking process, then I approach the selection of ingredients more carefully.

How to choose the right ingredients for a salad

The main ingredient in the Mushroom Glade salad is mushrooms. Theoretically, you can choose any variety, but the dish looks especially beautiful and unusual if you use small mushrooms with caps and short stems. Perfect option - small champignons and honey mushrooms. I prefer to buy or use homemade pickled preparations rather than experimenting with fresh mushrooms. If the salad ingredient is purchased in a store, then special attention should be paid to the date of manufacture of the product and the appearance of the mushrooms.

I am familiar with several versions of the Mushroom Glade salad - only vegetable based on mushrooms and ham and with a combination of chicken and mushrooms. The first two varieties are prepared in almost a matter of minutes, but the third will require a little time for additional cooking of the chicken fillet. To save time, you can buy smoked chicken, which will make the salad even tastier and more appetizing.

When selecting ingredients for the Mushroom Glade salad, you need to pay attention to the compatibility of the products. Olives, olives, cheese, mayonnaise, eggs, lettuce, tomatoes– all these components not only harmonize favorably with each other, but also do not spoil the taste of the dish when complemented with other products.

Recipe for Mushroom Glade salad with champignons

To prepare the salad, it is better to prepare a deep bowl in advance. Layers are laid out, starting with mushrooms. Later, thanks to a little trick, the mushrooms will end up on top of the dish. I'll give you an example several combinations of ingredients, the only constant component will be mushrooms.

Option #1. Meat:

Option No. 2 (diet option):

  • pickled champignons or honey mushrooms;
  • two boiled potatoes;
  • two medium tomatoes;
  • a can of green peas;
  • three boiled eggs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • green onions;
  • 200 g grated cheese;
  • greenery.

Option No. 3 (“quickly”):

  • marinated mushrooms;
  • 200 g grated cheese;
  • greenery;
  • ham or boiled sausage (you can even use sausages or small sausages);
  • three boiled eggs;
  • two small tomatoes
  • salt to taste.

Regardless of the option chosen, sequence of laying out layers always follows the same principle:

  • Place the mushrooms on the bottom of the bowl so that they are upside down (legs up).
  • Spread a layer of greens (so that the mushrooms are “on the grass”).
  • If the recipe uses cheese, this layer will be next. If there is no cheese, crushed eggs are laid out.
  • Meat products are the next layer.
  • The next layer is coated with mayonnaise.
  • Next, lay out layers of vegetables (cucumbers or tomatoes).
  • The workpiece is again coated with a small amount of mayonnaise.
  • It is better to grate potatoes, this ingredient should be the last layer.
  • Lettuce leaves (the final layer) can be used as an original decoration.

Cover the bowl with a flat plate and place the salad in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Holding both parts of the bowl structure, turn the bowl upside down and remove it from the salad.

The result will be a clearing with beautiful mushrooms, and the layers will change places.

How and with what to serve the salad

The Mushroom Glade salad contains ingredients that in themselves create a satisfying dish. You can serve it separately or with fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, or potato balls. Green onions will be an original decoration. Long feathers are placed along the edges of the mushroom hill, which creates an imitation of a basket.

There are no special rules for serving the Mushroom Glade salad on the table. The dish is so original and bright that it can turn even an everyday dinner into a holiday.

If there are no mushrooms or they are not suitable for the top layer

I'll share another original idea. If you don’t have mushrooms or they are chopped (for example, champignons), then the “Mushroom Glade” salad can be made in another way.

First, place all the layers in a bowl, excluding the mushrooms. Cool the workpiece and place it on a flat plate in the indicated manner. Then cut in half several small tomatoes or cherry tomatoes. Place the halves on the surface of the salad and use mayonnaise to make dots. You will get unusual fly agarics.

The “Forest Glade” salad can easily be called a culinary work of art. This dish looks fabulous on the table. Guests, looking at it, will never guess that it is prepared within 20 minutes. I also like this salad because thanks to the simple recipe, I can interest my daughter and involve her in the cooking process. Cooking turns into entertainment, enjoyable for all family members.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 60 min

The Mushroom Glade salad perfectly combines such basic ingredients as pickled mushrooms, chicken fillet, hard cheese and eggs. The salad is prepared in layers in the reverse order. And before serving, you need to turn it over onto a plate.
Spicy ones in the salad serve both as an ingredient and at the same time decorate the salad. Therefore, to make the salad look neat, choose small mushrooms for it (preferably champignons).

- chicken fillet - 300 gr.;
- egg - 2 pcs.;
- potatoes – 2 pcs.;
- pickled champignons – 300 gr.;
- hard cheese – 150 gr.;
- parsley (or dill) - a bunch;
- mayonnaise;
- salt, ground black pepper, black peppercorns, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

How to cook with photos step by step

Wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil them in their skins until tender. Cool and peel it. And then grate on a coarse grater.

Place the chicken fillet in a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on fire. When the water boils, add salt (about ½ tablespoon), bay leaf and black peppercorns. Cook the fillet until done, about 30 minutes. Remove the fillet from the broth and cool. We won't need any more broth. You can later use it to prepare some soup or.
Cut the cooled fillet into pieces.

Boil the eggs. Peel and grate them.

Also grate hard cheese.

Chop the greens.

Now let’s start assembling the “Mushroom Glade” salad with chicken and champignons. Take a deep bowl and cover it with cling film. Place the marinated mushrooms, caps down, at the bottom of the bowl.

Sprinkle them with herbs on top.

Apply mayonnaise to the greens in several places. Place grated hard cheese on top.

Also grease it with mayonnaise. Next, add the eggs.

Also a layer of mayonnaise. Place chicken fillet on top.

Apply mayonnaise to the fillet. And the last layer is potatoes.

It also needs to be well lubricated with mayonnaise.
Place the “Mushroom Glade” salad with chicken and champignons in the refrigerator for several hours.
Before serving, take a flat dish, cover the top of the salad, and then carefully turn it over.

Bon appetit!

Recipe author ANET83