Buckwheat and rice: what properties do they have and which is healthier? What is better to eat when dieting - rice or buckwheat? Buckwheat and rice diet.

In most cases, the rice-buckwheat diet is recommended when it is necessary to urgently get rid of extra pounds, including by reducing swelling that occurs. However, in this case, you should not hope that the composition of your body will “rebuild” by burning fat and building muscle mass - this is not achievable with such a diet. These kinds of diets are popular because of their simplicity and cheap menu, but most professional nutritionists are not inclined to classify them as effective if you need to get rid of more than 3-4 kg. From the rice-buckwheat week, it is best to either begin a long phase of weight loss, or use the diet at the very end to defeat the most stubborn kilograms.

In principle, a diet based on cereals is suitable for many, especially those who are unable to survive on protein foods or fruit and vegetable diets for a week.

Sample menu for the rice-buckwheat diet

There may be several diet options.

First option.

On the first day of the diet, you need to steam one glass of buckwheat and two glasses of boiling water in a saucepan with a lid overnight. In the morning, you need to divide the resulting volume of porridge into 4-5 servings and eat them throughout the day. As a daily drink, it is better to use white and green tea, oolong tea, and water in unlimited quantities. The next day of the diet, steam a glass of brown rice in three glasses of boiling water in a thermos overnight. In the morning, you need to drain the excess liquid from the porridge, add water and bring to readiness over the fire. Use rice in the same way as buckwheat; you can add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of one lemon to the porridge. This menu must be alternated every other day until the end of the week.

Second option.

With this option, you need to cook half a glass of buckwheat and rice each day. You can alternate eating buckwheat and rice during the day in any order. You can add 1 teaspoon of dried fucus seaweed, half a teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice to each serving.

Third option.

In general terms, this is an option for an almost balanced menu that uses the specified cereals.

  • Breakfast: apple – 2 pcs.
  • Second breakfast: boiled buckwheat – 4 tbsp. spoons with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (any), a small amount of salt substitute (dried seaweed or “garlic salt”).
  • Lunch: rice – 5 tablespoons, lemon juice, crushed almonds – 1 teaspoon.
  • Afternoon snack: green salad dressed with lemon juice.
  • Dinner: buckwheat or rice - 3 tbsp. spoons, cottage cheese - 100 g, fish or chicken breast.

Pros and cons of the buckwheat and rice diet

The positive aspects of the diet are obvious. All proposed diet options are easily accessible and easy to prepare. You can easily find the necessary products in any store, which is very convenient. Cereals contain minerals, vitamins, complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber; in addition, cereals are considered a healthy product. However, as for the satiety of diets based on cereals, this is a purely individual concept. As practice shows, vegetarians, as well as those whose diet consists of carbohydrates (semi-finished products with dough, pastries and bread), can eat porridge with water. Those who have the habit of eating meat several times during the day, or periodically eating other protein foods, will most likely experience a feeling of hunger, as well as possible dizziness and discomfort.

Steamed cereal is by and large a difficult food to digest, despite the fact that it is healthy, so before choosing such a diet, you should consult a gastroenterologist. A diet based on cereals is contraindicated in the presence of heartburn, reflux esophagitis, and gastritis may cause discomfort.

Diets based on cereals are not suitable for those who actively train and do strength training. Such a diet, poor in protein, can cause a slowdown in metabolism and, as a result, the lack of the expected effect of weight loss, as well as loss of muscle mass and fluid retention in the body. If in the future a person begins to eat with a surplus of energy, he will quickly gain excess weight.

A slowdown in metabolic processes will also be the result of following a diet longer than 7 days, or a complete transition to such a diet in order not to gain weight. Complete animal protein is an important component of the diet, and its lack can lead to all sorts of diseases and problems. Healthy people who decide to try this diet should monitor their health and stop using it if they experience stomach pain, headaches, feelings of weakness in the body or heaviness in the stomach.

preparation of the article - Marina Kopytko, nutritionist

They cook a lot of things from buckwheat and rice. But many lovers of these cereals sometimes have a question about whether buckwheat or rice has more beneficial properties for their figure and health. To answer these questions, it’s worth taking a closer look at both cereals.

Pros and cons of buckwheat

Buckwheat contains more protein, and therefore more amino acids necessary for the body, than many other cereals. It also includes:

  • healthy (complex) carbohydrates, which are characterized by a slow breakdown process and significant benefits;
  • macroelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and others);
  • microelements (iron, iodine, manganese and a number of other substances important for the body);
  • vitamins PP, A. E, group B.

Thanks to this composition, buckwheat promotes:

  • gentle cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removing all kinds of toxins from the body;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalization of sugar levels and reduction of cholesterol;
  • increasing physical strength and endurance.

Among other things, regular consumption of buckwheat can reduce the risk of depression and strengthen the body’s overall immunity.

Buckwheat is often recommended to be eaten in case of anemia to replenish hemoglobin in the blood. However, it is important to take into account that iron of plant origin is absorbed quite poorly - no more than 1-6% (from 15 to 40% Fe is absorbed from animal products).

The following are considered to be the special advantages of buckwheat.

  • Its ability to replace meat in the diet (for example, with a vegetarian diet).
  • Good digestibility by humans regardless of age - buckwheat porridge is useful for both infants and elderly people.
  • Hypoallergenic. Buckwheat grains do not contain gluten, the main allergen of cereals. Therefore, the risk of an allergy to this cereal is minimal.
  • The ability to restore and regulate metabolic processes and remove excess fluid from the body.
  • It has a beneficial effect on almost all body systems, including the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • No harmful substances. Due to the unpretentiousness of buckwheat, no chemicals, fertilizers or growth accelerators are used when growing it, which makes the grain an environmentally friendly product.

As for contraindications to consuming buckwheat, there are practically none. Unless, in case of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to make porridge from it not crumbly, but liquid or semi-liquid pureed.

The benefits and harms of rice

The main “wealth” of rice is complex carbohydrates, which are involved in all vital processes occurring in the body. There are almost 70% of them in rice cereals, and they help normalize digestion and reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates.

This cereal also contains:

  • proteins (7-8%) consisting of amino acids;
  • B vitamins, necessary for the smooth functioning of all internal organs;
  • mineral components, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine and others.

At the same time, this cereal, like buckwheat grains, does not contain gluten.

Thanks to the components of rice, regular consumption of dishes from it has a beneficial effect on organs and processes:

  • the intestinal mucosa, enveloping it and protecting it from the effects of stomach acid;
  • brain activity;
  • arterial pressure.

In addition, rice helps eliminate excess salt, fluid and toxic substances.

However, with all the positive qualities, this cereal also has a number of disadvantages:

  • firstly, along with unnecessary substances, potassium is also removed from the body, without which the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system is impossible;
  • secondly, a large amount of rice can negatively affect digestion, since the substances contained in the grain have a fixing effect;
  • thirdly, rice, especially white refined rice, contains a large amount of starch, which is not always beneficial to the body.

Calorie content

If we look at cereals - “opponents” from this perspective, we can conclude that rice is more nutritious than buckwheat. However, the number of calories in buckwheat porridge directly depends on the method of its preparation. So 100 g of cereal cooked in water contains about 132 kcal. And in porridge with butter there will already be 153 kcal per 100 g. If you cook buckwheat with milk or add cream to the porridge, then the calorie content of the dish will be 150-160 kcal per 100 g.

When counting the calories of rice grains, it is important to take into account that raw grains contain 330 kcal, and boiled grains contain only 140 kcal. Taking into account additives, a rice dish can contain from 150 to 380 kcal per 100 g.

Effectiveness for weight correction

Both rice and buckwheat are actively used by those who are watching their figure or want to lose excess weight. If we compare which cereal is better for weight loss, it turns out that they give almost the same results.

By strictly following all the rules for preparing dietary dishes with these cereals, you can lose from 3 to 5 kg in 3 days. This is due to the fact that both cereals actively remove excess fluid from the body, which is often the main cause of excess weight. In addition, thanks to the carbohydrates they contain, both rice and buckwheat allow you to get enough quickly and not feel hungry for a long time.

It is important that these carbohydrates are not stored as fat “reserves”; most of them are converted into energy, the rest are excreted from the body.

At the same time, according to professional nutritionists, the buckwheat diet will be more effective if the cereal is consumed with kefir. And when using rice cereal, it is worth remembering that the effectiveness of the diet largely depends on the choice of product. The most effective and healthy option is to eat brown rice. In second place in terms of health benefits is steamed rice. But the very popular white polished product has virtually no benefits either for the figure or for the body as a whole.

It’s better not to choose, but to combine

Both buckwheat and rice are cereal crops known to man since ancient times. And although rice is more widespread in the world than buckwheat, this in no way detracts from the taste and beneficial qualities of the latter.

Considering similar qualities and almost the same calorie content, it is quite difficult to determine which cereal is healthier and will help you lose excess weight faster. Therefore, in addition to the advantages and disadvantages of the cereals themselves, many take into account the following facts.

  • Buckwheat is the only grain crop whose genome has not yet been tampered with by any scientist. Therefore, regardless of the manufacturer, it will definitely not be genetically modified. In addition, its pre-sale processing is minimal, which allows it to retain most of the useful components.
  • Rice cereal takes longer to cook, so it will take more time to prepare dishes from it. Just pour boiling water over buckwheat, cover tightly and leave overnight.
  • The taste of buckwheat, even without butter and milk, is much richer compared to rice cooked without additives.

Also, when choosing, you should be guided by personal taste and preferences. And the best option, according to experts, would be to combine both cereals, or rather, alternating them when creating a menu. In this case, it will be possible not only to effectively lose excess weight, but also to cleanse the body and improve your health.

To find out which is actually healthier: buckwheat or rice, see the following video.

Sometimes, especially after winter, young ladies (and gentlemen) happen to become the unfortunate owners of three to five extra pounds. Of course, it is clear that in order to maintain the body in excellent shape, special actions aimed at this are necessary: ​​physical exercise, taking vitamins and, of course, diet.

It is no coincidence that many people do not like this word. In all cases, the word “diet” means limiting yourself to your favorite foods. Yes, you can rant as much as you like about how much you love healthy food, but you won’t fool yourself. Some people love sweet cream pies, while others prefer pickles and smoked foods, while others love chips and beer in front of the TV screen in the evenings. This is such a harsh reality, leading to an inevitable “makeweight”, which must be gotten rid of. After all, an obese person always seems older, and not everyone can move easily and gracefully, carrying all their kilograms with dignity. Many people, having gained a little too much and suddenly discovered it in the fitting room of a store, first fall into a stupor. Then panic sets in. And the third and more rational thought is diet. It is necessary to limit foods already known to many that are catalysts for weight gain. On the contrary, introduce healthy ones into your diet and start eating them (in decent quantities).

Which is healthier?

The easiest way to lose a small amount of ballast in the form of excess liquid and plumpness is with porridge. Buckwheat or rice cooked in water will do the job well. One condition: a monotonous diet of one type of cereal should last a maximum of a week. After this period of time, a mono-diet becomes not only difficult to implement, but also dangerous.

Before you begin to implement your plan, you need to figure it out and find out for yourself what is healthier - rice or buckwheat. Let's start with buckwheat. This cereal contains a high concentration of vitamin B, iodine and iron. An additional portion of hemoglobin is necessary when dieting for people with low levels of hemoglobin. During a mono-diet, your hemoglobin will most likely fall.

We continue to study the beneficial properties of buckwheat and rice. Let's turn our attention to it - to Fig. What's good about him? Rice contains predominant amounts of vitamins: E, P, K, and also contains potassium. It helps to expel excess water and salt from the body. But starch - undesirable when getting rid of excess volumes - is also found in it.

Fiber in buckwheat

And in such a delicate question, which inevitably follows a person during any “weight loss” diet, like “chair”, what is healthier than buckwheat or rice? What do nutritionists say about buckwheat porridge and its effect on human intestinal function? Eating buckwheat cooked in water stimulates peristalsis. This happens due to the large amount of fiber found in this cereal. And the modern body often does not have enough fiber, hence constipation, bloating and an expansion of the waist in volume.


Not everyone loves buckwheat. Therefore, the question of whether rice or buckwheat is healthier does not arise for them. People who hate even the scent don’t want to hear about the comparison. Their scales tip towards rice porridge on water. However, adherents of this cereal should know that its “fixing” effect has been known since ancient times and in many countries. If a person goes on a diet and eats exclusively rice porridge, which strengthens everything and strengthens his intestines... Do you understand what the beneficial properties of buckwheat and rice are in such a matter? The rice diet will not have the same effect as with buckwheat. Then why is a person able to lose up to a kilogram of excess weight per day using a rice diet? The answer is obvious - liquid. Rice drives excess fluid out of the body, while nothing goes anywhere from the intestines, everything goes with it, so to speak. The answer to the question of what is healthier for weight loss - buckwheat or rice, even for rice lovers, has become obvious. And they will have to turn their faces to buckwheat and stop wincing at the smell alone.

Dietary buckwheat porridge

After we have found out which is healthier - rice or buckwheat, we can start a diet. To cook excellent porridge to get rid of extra pounds, we need buckwheat. Cook it as usual, in water, with a little salt added. Particularly desperate people can even consume this porridge without any salt in it. You can eat it with low-fat kefir and even with a piece of lean chicken, steamed or in the usual way.

Having a goal to lose excess weight with the help of a certain program, people wonder: when dieting, which is better, rice or buckwheat? The principles of many diets are based on the consumption of one product, for example, cereals, but which one is more effective in cleansing the body of 3–5 or more kilograms per course. You need to study the properties of rice and buckwheat to get a comprehensive answer.

General characteristics of rice and buckwheat

These products are included in the same group of cereals and are of great value for the human body in filling them with proteins, minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates. To determine which cereal, rice or buckwheat, is preferable for the diet, you need to compare their composition and properties.

Compound Buckwheat Rice
Vitamins group B, E E, RR, K, group B
minerals iodine, plant iron, copper, silicon, phosphorus, chlorine phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium manganese
calorie content per 100 g of dry product 313 344
protein 12,6 6,7
fat 3,3 0,7
carbohydrate content 62,1 78,9
starch 60% 78%
more fiber 10% 3%

Having listed the components,
Contained in both buckwheat and rice, buckwheat takes the leading position in obtaining benefits when trying to lose weight. The amount of carbohydrates that are recommended to be limited during dietary nutrition is less than in rice. It is worth noting that these carbohydrates are long-acting and satiation from the product lasts longer than from rice, which contains short-acting carbohydrates.

Buckwheat is the leader in the amount of fiber, which is important when following a diet to cleanse the body of toxins, stagnation due to constipation, and consumption of meat products. Buckwheat porridge helps normalize stool by collecting unnecessary “garbage” in the gastrointestinal tract and accelerating its movement through the large intestine.

Rice, unlike buckwheat, has the opposite effect, fixing it, which is undesirable when trying to lose extra pounds. But rice cereal helps remove excess fluid, which causes swelling and excess body weight on the scale. Despite the fact that the body really needs water for chemical processes, its excess due to excess salt content negatively affects metabolic processes in cells and leads to problems with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, eating rice is useful for those losing weight if the grain is prepared without salt, sugar, or butter.

In terms of protein content, rice is also almost twice as low as buckwheat, and this is an important indicator if, if you want to lose weight, you choose a strict mono-diet without adding meat, eggs, dairy products, which would compensate for the lack of building material for cells.

In terms of vitamin and mineral indicators, both cereals are rich in their content and can compensate for their deficiency in the body. Returning to the fact that buckwheat is ahead of rice in many respects, buckwheat should be given preference in a course diet.

Each person has individual taste preferences. Some people consider buckwheat prepared according to the rules of the diet menu to be tasteless. It is difficult to eat it in large quantities, and this can lead to a constant feeling of hunger, which can lead to breakdowns if you want to lose weight. Others argue that eating rice without salt or sauce is completely cloying and dry. The choice of cereals, of course, must be made in favor of your preferences, so that the diet does not discourage the desire to include buckwheat or rice in your diet in the future.

Comparison of material and physical costs when choosing cereals for a diet

To make sure which is better to choose when dieting: rice or buckwheat, you need to compare the price of cereals, time and methods of preparing the dish.

If for analysis we choose not expensive varieties of buckwheat and rice, but generally available ones, then in terms of price segment their difference is insignificant. The price of cereals depends on the manufacturer, the degree of processing and packaging.

The time required to prepare a dish from buckwheat and rice differs, which depends on the density of the grain.

  • If buckwheat can be poured with boiling water in the evening and covered with a lid, in the morning you can get a ready-made dietary dish without having to stand at the stove;
  • This approach is not possible with rice. There are diet recipes in which the cereal is soaked in several stages, but this requires several days and constant monitoring of changing the water in which the rice softens.

If we compare the taste properties of rice and buckwheat prepared by soaking (steaming), then buckwheat is more preferable for consumption. You can't eat too much rice.

Only schemes are acceptable when soaked rice is eaten in small quantities in the morning and an interval of food restriction is maintained for a certain time, after which you can eat in the usual way.

But if we are talking about a mono-diet, then this method of preparation is not suitable for losing weight within 3-7 days. The process is tedious and the taste leaves much to be desired. A suitable option for fasting days.

Of course, you can choose the boiled method of preparing both buckwheat and rice. Both cereals boil quickly, but buckwheat retains more beneficial properties:

  1. When cooked, rice grains increase the content of starch and fast-acting carbohydrates, which leads to a quick feeling of hunger;
  2. With buckwheat porridge on a diet, you can feel full longer and full of energy to perform both mental and physical work.

In addition to all the listed advantages of buckwheat over rice, even not as a product for weight loss, buckwheat does not contain harmful substances. This cereal is unpretentious in care, because weeds and pests are not a hindrance to it. Farmers do not need to treat buckwheat fields with pesticides in order to preserve the harvest, therefore the nitrate content in cereals is minimal, unlike rice.

A plus is the fact that buckwheat has not been subjected to any genetically modified development, therefore all packaging presented on store shelves, even without advertising slogans, does not contain GMOs.

Purpose determines preferences

The choice in favor of buckwheat or rice when losing weight sometimes needs to be made based on the goal of how much weight you need to lose. For some, 2–3 kilograms are extra, while others will have to struggle with 10–15 or more kilograms. It is worth understanding that mono-diets are beneficial only when used within reasonable limits.

Maximum term
is 7 days to start metabolic processes in the body and remove water, waste, toxins, and rotting products from the gastrointestinal tract. A diet based on cereals alone, even the most healthy ones, is dangerous for the body in many respects.

If you need to expel the water, you can go on a one-day diet with rice. This will allow you to lose 1 kg per day, bring your face, arms, and legs into shape.

Puffiness always adds volume to the shape and makes the appearance unsightly. Heaviness in the limbs, inability to put on your favorite shoes or rings - rice will help solve the problem. You can introduce fasting days on rice into the nutrition system to help the body lose weight and provide it with useful minerals and vitamins.

To get better results, if you want to lose three to seven kilograms in a week, you need to choose buckwheat. Cooking dishes from it is faster, there is more fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestion process and allows you to reduce the content of waste and toxins, which also add weight and delay metabolism.

If the question still remains, what is better when dieting - buckwheat or rice? Of course, buckwheat, but it is advisable to dilute the mono-diet on cereals with rice according to the following scheme:

  • On the first day, eat boiled or soaked rice to remove excess water from the body and get rid of 1 kg.
  • On the second, third and fourth days, cook dishes with buckwheat, without adding salt. You can replace it with your favorite spices to get rid of the monotony of taste. During this time, the intestines will be cleared of “garbage”, the digestive process will improve, the feeling of hunger will not lead to a breakdown, because the cereal contains long-acting carbohydrates.
  • Spend the fifth day on rice to get rid of residual water, which may be retained during a mono-diet due to malfunctions of the urinary system.
  • Complete the seven-day course with days on buckwheat.

An important point of any diet is the correct way out of it.

The intestines and metabolic processes get used to a certain pace within seven days. The introduction of fatty and difficult-to-digest foods can lead to failure, which can lead to the return of lost kilograms and even more gain. The next course of losing weight on rice or buckwheat will not give the same result and you will have to look for a new method for getting rid of excess weight.

To lose weight on buckwheat or rice, you don’t have to choose strict mono-diets. The best solution is the principle of separate nutrition, when cereals are supplemented with meat, fish, dairy, and vegetable products according to their compatibility with each other. The correct thing to do is to give up salt, sugar, flour products, fatty and spicy foods.

Replace evening meals with heavy foods with light salads and fermented milk drinks. Cook rice or buckwheat in water or in a double boiler without spending much time on the process. The less rice or buckwheat is cooked, the more nutrients are retained in them.


By comparing two cereal products, we can answer the question posed at the beginning of the article: when dieting, which is better, rice or buckwheat? In terms of numerous parameters, buckwheat is the leader, but it depends on its correct use.

Rice is no less healthy if you choose wild, brown, coarse rice. These varieties are more expensive, but justify their addition to the diet due to their greater benefits and preservation of beneficial properties.

Buckwheat, despite the affirmative answer that it is better for weight loss, should not be the only product in the balanced menu of a person who thinks not only about beauty, but also about health. Alternating different grains will bring more benefits and results than a mono-diet of buckwheat or rice.

Buckwheat and rice are the favorite cereals of many, which are found in almost every home. Both of them are considered an excellent addition to dietary nutrition; there are even several diets whose menu is based only on this product. However, on various forums you can often find heated debates about which is better, buckwheat or rice for weight loss? Most nutritionists have a clear answer to this question.

Which product is more suitable for weight loss: buckwheat or rice?

Both cereals have a huge amount of useful substances, but as a result of lengthy preparation for sale, they lose more of them. Manufacturers of rice and rice products have been especially successful in this. A product appears on the shelves of our stores that is strikingly different from its original appearance. It has already been subjected to heat treatment and polished more than once. As a result, this cereal loses more than 80% of all nutrients. After it is boiled, there is absolutely nothing useful left in it. In some ways, such a product can even be compared to sugar, which provides the body only calories and carbohydrates.
Buckwheat is also subject to heat treatment before going on sale. Initially it is green and only after prolonged drying and roasting it acquires a familiar shade. However, the degree of processing of buckwheat is much less than that of rice. It still contains a very large amount of useful substances that are extremely necessary for our body.
So if we talk about balanced nutrition and diets, it is best to give preference to buckwheat. It brings much more benefits to the body. This is especially important in food systems that severely limit the amount and types of food allowed. Often, during such diets, a person lacks a lot of necessary substances. It is much better to use buckwheat as a source of slow carbohydrates than rice, which is completely empty in nutritional value.
The answer to the question which is better than buckwheat or rice for weight loss is already clear, but what about diets based on these products?

On the Internet you can find several variations of the buckwheat and rice diet. Both of them belong to mono-diets, that is, for the entire prescribed period, you can only eat buckwheat or rice porridge. True, the buckwheat diet can also include kefir in the diet, and the rice diet can include green apples.
If we look from the point of view of effectiveness, then we can clearly answer that both diets give excellent results. On average, in 2 weeks people manage to lose weight from 5 to 10 kg. Each nutritional system does not limit the amount of food a person can eat, so it is quite easy to adhere to them, because hunger usually does not arise.
When asked which diet is better, rice or buckwheat, you can look at it from the other side. Again, let's remember the nutritional value of both of these products. Buckwheat contains much more useful substances, and considering that you can’t eat anything else during the day, we can confidently say that such a diet will cause less harm to the body than rice.
Yet experts are equally against both weight loss systems. In order to lose weight, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and exercise regularly, and not torment yourself with diets.