Pomegranate sauce with what to eat. Pomegranate sauce benefits and harms

Those who first heard the word "Narsharab" have a variety of associations. To some, it reminds the name of a distant southern resort or the name of a fabulous Shah. Someone will even remember "Massaraksh!" - a favorite curse of the inhabitants of the "World Inside Out", invented by the Strugatsky brothers.

In fact, narsharab is a wonderful sauce made from pomegranate seeds. It is worth trying it only once, and it will surely be remembered forever. The first acquaintance with its rich taste suggests the most complex technology and a variety of ingredients, thanks to which a wonderful thick texture and rich bouquet turned out. But narsharab sauce, the recipe of which came to us from Central Asia, can be prepared independently. To do this, it is not at all necessary to travel around the world in search of exotic products or complete cooking courses. This article will help you understand all the subtleties and features.

Required products

If this delicious sauce is given to someone for the first time to try, they will probably suspect anything in it, but not for someone in its taste it seems wine, for someone berry or fruit syrups. But apart from fresh and ripe pomegranates and a pinch of your favorite spices, we don’t need anything.

When buying grenades, carefully consider their quality. It’s great if the seller allows you to cut the skin to make sure that the grains inside the fruit are not underripe and whitish, but poured with ruby ​​red juice, ripe and fragrant.

Azerbaijani way of cooking

In Azerbaijan, narsharab sauce, the recipe of which has been inherited for many centuries, is customary to cook immediately in huge portions. On average, one bookmark takes about 10 kg of pomegranate seeds! Consider how much you need such a huge amount of sauce. Perhaps you should start with a small portion? Perhaps, for the first time, a kilogram of fruit will be enough. From this amount you will get 200-250 grams of sauce, that is, a full gravy boat.

Put the pomegranate on the board, make 5 cuts on the fruit, as if you were going to divide the orange into slices. Then it will easily be divided into parts, and you can easily select all the grains without losing a drop of precious juice in the process.

Put all the grains in a saucepan, crush with a wooden pestle so that they let the juice go. Put the container on a small fire and start boiling the narsharab sauce.

The recipe, common in Azerbaijan, implies the presence of a small amount of seasonings and salt. But in no case do not add them immediately!

Boiling will last a long time, from one to two hours. The whitened bones that have surfaced will serve as a signal of the completion of the process. By that time, all the pulp will completely separate and the juice will completely come out of it. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, put it on fire again and wait until 2/3 of the original volume remains.

It's time for the spices. You can add some cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, dried herbs to narsharab. Try not to overdo it - this sauce is wonderful on its own.

Turkish narsharab

In Turkey, this sauce is simply adored. But they cook it a little differently. Local chefs are convinced that the wonderful taste of pomegranate does not need any additions, so they simply boil the juice to a thick cream and do not even salt the resulting sauce. Try to follow their example.

By the way, this method can save a lot of time. If you have the opportunity to purchase natural pomegranate juice, just boil it down to 1/5 part. Please note: nectar in a tetrapack is not suitable for this purpose!


Narsharab sauce, the recipe of which does not contain any chemical preservatives, keeps well. To save yourself from unnecessary worries, play it safe: pour jars with boiling water or steam. Use airtight containers to store narsharab. can be sent to the refrigerator, basement or cellar.

Narsharab in cooking: and fish

How to use pomegranate sauce? The use in cooking is very wide. It goes well with meat, fish, poultry and game. In the homeland of this sauce, it is served with lamb, veal, homemade bread. You should definitely try narsharab with grilled vegetables.

It perfectly tolerates heat treatment, meat can be watered with it during baking. But most often this sauce is served already with ready-made dishes, in a gravy boat or poured directly onto a plate.

Take a look at how appetizing a simple dish of baked meat, simply flavored with narsharab, looks like.

This culinary masterpiece is within the power of even a bachelor who does not shine with culinary talents. It will certainly impress the chosen one or make a splash at the bachelor party.


Many people know that pomegranate is a wonderful ingredient for a marinade. It is enough to add a handful of crushed grains, and the meat will acquire a unique aroma and sourness in taste. Narsharab sauce is also suitable for these purposes. The marinade recipe is a matter of taste, someone likes the vinegar base, someone likes wine, someone likes kefir. The controversy of lovers of various marinades does not subside, but hardly any of them would be against adding a couple of spoons of pomegranate sauce to their favorite recipe.

Benefits and contraindications

It should be remembered that the delicious narsharab sauce, as well as rich in acids. In small quantities, they are useful, but even healthy people should not abuse this sauce. It is even more dangerous for those who have problems with high acidity. Everything is good in moderation.

Narsharab sauce contains many vitamins, microelements, amino acids, antioxidants. It is deservedly considered one of the most useful.

Only a lazy housewife will not want to show her imagination to please her loved ones with a dish like homemade sauce. Its taste cannot be compared with any canned product that is offered to customers in stores. Moreover, industrial products that are used to prepare seasonings leave much to be desired, their quality and freshness are always in doubt. And if you also take into account the various preservatives, food additives and flavors that are used in cooking, then the most correct decision will be to cook it at home.

Homemade sauces, such as pomegranate sauce, are a fresh, tasty, flavorful and high-quality dish. In addition, it does not take much time to prepare it, but there is an opportunity to save money.

What is sauce and its types

The word itself comes from France "sauce" - gravy. In culinary art, this dish is simply indispensable, it is universal in its own way. Any dish is seasoned with all sorts of gravies, which bring their zest, unforgettable taste and excellent aroma to the main dish.

Sauces are so diverse that you just can’t remember all the recipes. We can say one thing with certainty that home-made gravy will be special, since the hostess is given the opportunity to experiment and add spices, spices, seasonings to her taste.

According to the method of preparation, they are hot and cold, everything is extremely simple here, hot, those that are served hot, and cold, respectively, cold, that is, cooled down.

Sauces include marinades, syrups, pastes, dressings, mixtures that are used both for main dishes and salads, and for desserts.

Sweet sauces must contain fruits, berries, sugar, juices, liqueurs, honey and other ingredients.

Let's dwell on pomegranate sauce in more detail. Let's weigh the pros and cons of this dish. Let's find out with which dishes it goes perfectly and brings a refined taste.

pomegranate sauce

If you decide to cook pomegranate gravy, then know that this is an ideal sauce for meat, fish dishes and dressings for various salads. As you can see, he found the main application in the culinary arts.

We should not forget about the beneficial properties of pomegranate, which is the main one in cooking:

  1. Pomegranate juice contains a high content of potassium, which is necessary to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. For those who suffer from a disease such as anemia, drinking pomegranate juice, which contains a sufficient amount of iron, and foods prepared from it is also useful.
  3. And yet, pomegranate sauce helps the digestive tract absorb food.

What is the trick of this dish, at its core it is pomegranate juice of strong concentration with the addition of spices. The maroon color gives the sauce the pomegranate, and the viscosity is achieved through the heat treatment process. To bring it to the desired consistency, it should be evaporated over low heat for the allotted amount of time.

Pomegranate sauce has a sweet, tart taste that can be made more aromatic by adding spices to it. The recipes below will help housewives prepare an addition to any dish of excellent taste.

To prepare a dish, you need to prepare special dishes. This is a sieve or colander in which pomegranate seeds are ground to separate the pulp from the seeds. And in order to avoid the oxidation process, you will need an enameled container and a wooden spoon.

Let's dwell on the recipe for the sauce of Azerbaijani cuisine. It is considered one of the universal. The meat cooked in it will be truly divine, soft and crispy at the same time.

Pomegranate Sauce Narsharab

In order to eventually get 1 kg of finished sauce, you will need the following products:

  • pomegranate seeds 3 kg;
  • garlic, basil (dried);
  • coriander.

Pour the pomegranate seeds into an enameled container and cook until the consistency of jam (readiness is determined by white pomegranate seeds), then turn the mass into a puree with a wooden crush, which should be filtered through a sieve (colander). The resulting juice continues to boil until the consistency of thick sour cream (20-30 minutes). Add the spices indicated in the recipe to the resulting mass and boil for another 5-10 minutes. Pomegranate sauce Narsharab is ready to use. The remaining product can be poured into glassware and stored in the refrigerator.

Turkish Pomegranate Sauce

In Turkey, pomegranate sauce is especially popular; it is served with meat, seafood, chicken, and also as dressings for fresh vegetable salads. And the barbecue marinated in it is simply magnificent.

A distinctive feature of pomegranate sauce from Turkey is that only pomegranate is present in its preparation.

In order to get the ruby ​​​​color of the sauce, you should choose fruits only with dark grains, sweet and sour in taste. 150-200 grams of sauce will come out of 2.5 kilograms of pomegranates.

Peel the washed and dried fruits from the peel and squeeze the juice on the juicer. Juice can also be squeezed out manually, through a sieve (this will take time).

Pour the resulting juice into an enamel bowl and bring to a boil over medium heat, after the appearance of bubbles, reduce the heat and continue to boil until thick.

The gravy is ready, but how to use it, decide for yourself, one thing will be indisputable, it will suit almost all dishes.

Chicken with pomegranate sauce

An ideal option for cooking chicken would be pomegranate sauce, it will easily cope with its task and the dish will be excellent, fried until golden brown, sweetish in taste, soft and spicy.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

  • chicken;
  • bow 2 pcs;
  • garlic 1 clove;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • oregano (dry) 1 teaspoon;
  • pepper;
  • salt to taste.

Let's start cooking. We prepare all the products, peel the garlic and onions, wash the chicken and dry it with a paper towel.

Squeeze out the juice from the garlic (crush in a mortar or crush with a knife), add spices, oregano, pepper, salt to it. Next, the sauce should be prepared from pomegranate juice, coriander and basil.

Place the pomegranate juice in an enamel bowl and evaporate it over low heat, add spices, basil and coriander three to four minutes before the end of cooking. The sauce should be thick.

Add the prepared sauce and vegetable oil to the spices and garlic. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Pour the chicken cut into portions with the resulting marinade, adding sliced ​​\u200b\u200bonion to it. Let stand in a cool place for 30 minutes.

After waiting a certain time, the chicken can be fried or baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Do not forget to serve Narsharab pomegranate sauce with the dish.

Shish kebab in pomegranate sauce

Preparing a great kebab is easy, for this it should be marinated in a sauce made from pomegranate.

Ingredients needed to prepare the dish:

  • meat (pork) 2 kg;
  • oil (vegetable) 3 tablespoons;
  • bow 4 pcs;
  • pomegranate juice (natural) 500 ml;
  • black pepper (ground);
  • coriander;
  • hops-suneli;
  • salt to taste.

In order for the barbecue to be juicy and tasty, you should choose the right meat. The most suitable parts of meat carcasses for this dish are ribs, neck, thigh.

Without fail, whatever meat you choose, it must be fresh.

Before marinating the kebab, it is necessary to wash the meat under running water and dry it with a paper towel, then cut it into pieces of 5 cm / 5 cm.

Cut the onion into slices and add to the meat, mix. Add spices (pepper, suneli hops, ground coriander) to the pomegranate juice, stirring constantly. Pour the meat with the resulting mixture. Attention, it should not float in the marinade. Let it stand for ten minutes, then add vegetable oil and mix everything again. After that, cover the kebab with a plate, on which to place the load, so that it is all in the sauce, and put in the cold (up to 10 hours, and the ideal time is 48 hours).

After the meat has passed the marinating process, it is strung on skewers (tightly pressing the pieces to each other), and fried on a fire, in the process of cooking, the remaining sauce is poured over. To make it juicy, it is necessary to turn the skewers twice during the entire frying time.

The readiness of the dish can be judged by its ruddy crust and aroma. The finished dish is served on the table with pomegranate juice gravy.

No other seasoning will give the dish such sophistication and piquancy as pomegranate sauce. In its composition, this is the same pomegranate juice, only concentrated and with the addition of certain spices. What benefits can sauce bring to the body and should we be afraid of its possible harm?

The benefits of pomegranate sauce

This sauce is a dark burgundy thick liquid that can be used as a seasoning for meat and fish. Also quite often, pomegranate sauce is used as a fruity addition to desserts and ice cream. Pomegranate sauce is obtained by evaporating the juice for a certain time. With pomegranate sauce, the dish becomes not only tastier, but it will also be much easier to digest by the body.

Pomegranate sauce is useful because:

1. It contains many useful vitamins - E, PP, A and B, ascorbic, folic acid and trace elements - iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium.
2. It is recommended as an effective remedy for the development of anemia, as it can increase low hemoglobin levels.
3. Tannins and folacin contained in pomegranate sauce help relieve inflammation in the digestive tract, improve digestion and help to cope with diarrhea.
4. Due to its diuretic action, it helps to get rid of edema.
5. Reduces high blood pressure.
6. The polyphenols contained in the sauce prevent the development and possible appearance of tumors in the body.
7. Pomegranate sauce is able to counteract the negative effects of radiation.
8. The sauce is indicated for colds, as well as for tonsillitis and bronchial asthma.

Like juice, pomegranate sauce is useful for those people who, due to illness, have depleted their body and its defenses.

What is harmful pomegranate sauce

Do not abuse pomegranate sauce, as it can provoke the development of pancreatitis. It is also not recommended to use this supplement for those who suffer from high levels of acidity in the stomach.

It is strictly forbidden to use pomegranate sauce even in small quantities for people suffering from gastritis, duodenal ulcer and stomach. The sauce will only increase the pain and lead to more stomach discomfort. The use of the product in large quantities can lead to constipation.

Since the sauce is quite acidic, it can lead to damage to the enamel of the teeth if it is used often and a lot. As a preventive measure, after a dish with pomegranate sauce, you should thoroughly brush your teeth.

Source http://polza-i-vred.ru/eda/granatovy-j-sous/

pomegranate sauce

The benefits of pomegranate sauce

Harm of pomegranate sauce

Source http://foody.ru/food/granatovyj-sous

Azerbaijani cuisine gave us Narsharab or pomegranate sauce. Despite the interesting and complex name, the sauce is prepared quite simply. The base of the sauce is pomegranate juice. Cooking consists of several stages. Juice is extracted from pomegranate seeds, which is boiled over low heat. At the end of cooking seasonings, spices and spices are added. Ready Narsharab should have the consistency of thick sour cream. From a kilogram of pomegranate, 250-300 grams of sauce is obtained. A pleasant sweet and sour taste of aromatic sauce, perfectly complements fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Pomegranate sauce is also used in the preparation and decoration of desserts, ice cream, fruit salads. Can be added to soft drinks and cocktails. The shelf life of pomegranate sauce is quite long, and its benefits for the body are invaluable.

The benefits of pomegranate sauce

Real pomegranate sauce does not contain harmful additives. This is a natural product. Narsharab is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. With anemia, vitamin deficiency, exhaustion and metabolic disorders, this sauce is simply irreplaceable. Pomegranate juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, useful organic acids, calcium, potassium, and iron. Folic acid, which pomegranate fruits contain, plays an important role in the process of hematopoiesis and strengthens the body's immune system.

Harm and contraindications

With constipation, gastritis, gastric ulcer and hemorrhoids, the use of pomegranate sauce should be limited. Pomegranate sauce is not recommended for those who have chronic diseases of the digestive system. Increased acidity is also a contraindication to the use of Narsharab sauce. The acid that pomegranates contain has a negative effect on tooth enamel.

Source http://vashvkus.ru/ingredients/granatovyi-sous

properties of pomegranate sauce

How much does pomegranate sauce cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Undoubtedly, one can say that pomegranate sauce practically is concentrated pomegranate juice with the addition of a small amount of spices. Ideally, it should not contain any other additives or preservatives. However, in fact, pomegranate sauce is something more, it is an exquisite seasoning for a variety of dishes.

In appearance, pomegranate sauce is a viscous maroon liquid, which is obtained from pomegranate juice by evaporating for a long time. It is customary to use it as a rich seasoning for fish or meat, and also used as an excellent marinade or flavoring for ice cream, desserts and exotic salads.

Slightly tart pomegranate sauce, which has a rich ruby ​​hue, not only helps to make the fried meat dish much tastier, but also gives it an additional aesthetic look. In addition, meat products are digested much better with pomegranate sauce.

You can buy ready-made pomegranate sauce today both in supermarkets and online stores, but many chefs prefer to make this supplement on their own. It is quite simple to do this, the main thing is that there are ripe pomegranate fruits.

Boil peeled pomegranate seeds in the same way as regular jam. When they soften, you need to crush them with a wooden spoon and continue the heat treatment until the bones turn white. The resulting mass is rubbed through a sieve or colander - as a result, a kind of liquid puree or rather thick pomegranate juice is obtained, which is boiled down to a twofold decrease in volume. At the end of cooking, you can add spices to taste. Ready pomegranate juice has the consistency of liquid sour cream.

The benefits of pomegranate sauce

Pomegranate juice has the highest biological activity compared to other drinks based on berries and fruits. However, it is believed that the benefits of pomegranate sauce are largely greater than the homemade product. It contains a lot of useful substances for the human body, in particular vitamins and minerals. Due to the large amount of potassium, the use of pomegranate sauce has a positive effect not only on the heart, but also on the cardiovascular system as a whole.

In addition, the benefits of pomegranate sauce are due to the ability to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In connection with this property, it is pomegranate juice and sauce that are recommended for people who suffer from anemia, hypertension and diseases of the urinary system.

Harm of pomegranate sauce

With excessive use, the harm of pomegranate sauce can manifest itself in the development of pancreatitis. In addition, this supplement is not recommended for those who have increased stomach acidity.

Calorie pomegranate sauce 270 kcal

Energy value of pomegranate sauce (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 1%|1%|100%

Source http://findfood.ru/product/granatovyj-sous

    Pomegranate sauce - sauce for an amateur. We usually marinate beef in it for barbecue. At the same time, nothing more is needed - no salt, no spices, only pomegranate sauce. Also, pomegranate sauce goes well with red fish, in Turkey, many use it in salads, but it has a very pronounced taste, and it is important that it does not spoil the taste, especially fresh vegetables.

    pomegranate sauce prepared from concentrated pomegranate juice with the addition of various spices and spices. Pomegranate sauce is mainly used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, as well as for various exotic salads. The main advantage of pomegranate sauce is its extremely high biological activity, which increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

    There is such sauce Nar eksili sos from different manufacturers. Turkish predominantly). It turns out to be added to almost any dish. Mixed in different proportions with olive oil, soy sauce, herbs, pepper, lemon juice and season fish, meat, salads, rice with such combinations. It goes well with bell peppers, tomatoes, onions.

    The proportions can be adjusted to your taste. The sauce is viscous, sticky, sweet and sour, reminiscent of molasses).

    I manage to drink tea with him! Very tasty and just like that)

    Yes, it’s impossible not to agree with the vani, usually pomegranate sauce is used to dress special salads and desserts or to prepare gourmet cuisine, for example, for meat or fish, in general, it’s very tasty, try to cook chenibut yourself)

    Berm some grenades. sugar, coriander, basil, cinnamon, ground pepper, salt to taste. We clean the grenade berm from the peel, collect the grains of the berm from it and put the grains in a saucepan and knead the grains on a slow fire with a wooden grinder. We do until the grains turn white. then we take the entire contents of the pan and pour into a drushlak, strain into a bowl. put the squeezed juice back into the pan on the fire until it boils while constantly stirring the juice, the sauce is ready when the juice becomes thick like sour cream. turn off the fire and add all the spices and sugar to taste. From the exact calculations, 250-300 grams of sauce comes out of 1 kilogram of pomegranates. It is better to store the sauce in the refrigerator, as it can deteriorate or turn sour.

    Pomegranate sauce, as the name suggests, is a sauce based on pomegranate juice, which has an unusual sweet and sour taste and goes well with meat, poultry, fish and seafood dishes. Pomegranate sauce is popular in many countries, along with national sauces, because in addition to the ability to emphasize the taste of the main dish, it has a very good effect on digestion.

    There are many recipes for making pomegranate sauce, and if you wish, you can cook it yourself, and not buy it ready-made.

    Isn't Narsharab written on the bottle by any chance? If so, then this is pomegranate sauce, and one of the best, if not the best!

    It can be added when marinating any meat - the taste is just wonderful.

    And you can lightly pour the already prepared meat on top - it’s also very tasty!

    I use pomegranate sauce along with some others as a marinade for meat and fish barbecue. Only it's not as sweet as honey. And in Turkey, I once tried sweet sauce, I don’t know the name, it was on the buffet tables. Yes, I also liked the original taste.

    Excellent thing. I advise you to try the sauce mixed with others for barbecue! No need to add more salt and a lot of spices! Easily goes with any fish. The sauce is very viscous, sticky, sweet and sour, slightly reminiscent of honey, but you definitely won’t mix it up. Lovers can drink with tea!

    I like pomegranate sauce only in combination with beef. The taste is still specific, not everyone will like it, especially I did not like it with the bird. But they say that it is very useful. A treasure trove of vitamins.

    Pomegranate sauce - narsharab is prepared from natural pomegranate sauce, it is boiled down, sugar is added to taste. This sauce is popular in Asian cuisine. They season fried kebabs with it, eat baked lamb meat with it, add their beans to dishes. You can use it when marinating meat, fish, for dressing a salad of fresh vegetables along with vegetable oil. The sauce has an amateur taste, it is sweet and sour with a fruity flavor, but such a sauce is certainly more useful than all kinds of ketchups and mayonnaises, it contains the benefits of pomegranate. You can make sauces to your liking with this sauce, add soy sauce, grated ginger, chili peppers to it. This sauce is good for shrimp.

It is completely free of any additives or preservatives. In its manufacture, only the addition of a minimum amount of some spices is allowed. Therefore, pomegranate sauce from Turkey is so valuable. Its use is possible not only as a decoration and seasoning for a large number of dishes. Let's start with a short story about the beneficial properties of this Mediterranean fruit.

Useful properties and composition of pomegranate sauce

Sauce, like juice, is very beneficial for human health. Cooked at home, it is even better, since in this case it retained all the original minerals and vitamins. Pomegranate sauce has a beneficial effect on the activity and condition of the cardiovascular system, as it contains a lot of potassium.

Its use is recommended for anemia, hypertension, as it increases hemoglobin in the blood, for problems with the urinary system. Nasharabi sauce (as it is called in Turkey) has many useful substances in its composition, as well as useful functions. We have indicated a few of the main ones, because pomegranate sauce from Turkey, the use of which we will consider below, very often becomes an indispensable product, and a separate article can be written about this. We only point out that people with high acidity of the stomach should stop using it.

How to make pomegranate sauce, the easiest recipe

For this purpose, it is necessary to choose the most juicy and ripe pomegranate fruits and extract grains from them. Rinse them well and cook in the same way as jam is made. After a while they will become soft. At this point, crush them with an ordinary wooden spoon and cook further. We do this until the bones turn white. We wipe the resulting mass using a sieve or colander for this purpose.

The output will be pomegranate juice, the density of which resembles liquid puree. Cook it until the volume of the brew is reduced exactly by half. About five minutes before the end of the process, add fragrant spices. There are recipe options with starch, wine, basil, but ours is the simplest, in which, apart from the fruits themselves, nothing is needed. If you have brought pomegranate sauce from Turkey, there will always be a use for it.

Why housewives need pomegranate sauce

Some housewives may be confused by receiving such a gift. But in vain! Its main use is in cooking. This is a great marinade for any meat dishes, fish. Add this sauce to various salads. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the taste, for example, a fresh vegetable salad. For some people, if you ask where to apply pomegranate sauce brought from sunny Turkey, the answer may be this: add to cottage cheese casserole, drink with tea. Others do not like the sour taste for such use, but they only pickle barbecue in it. Since you do not need to add more salt, pepper, or other spices and seasonings. In addition, it is a real storehouse of vitamins. Do not compare with sauces such as mayonnaise or ketchup, which are likely to do more harm than good.

Do you know how some diet girls use pomegranate sauce from Turkey? Application for weight loss is its main purpose. After all, it will speed up metabolism and metabolism, and its calorie content is only 46 kcal. The most important thing, as already mentioned here, is not to go over the sauce. You need to clearly see the line between benefit and harm.

Chicken in pomegranate sauce

And finally, we offer a recipe for preparing a very tasty and healthy dish.

Ingredients: six chicken thighs, an onion, one tablespoon and, of course, our pomegranate sauce from Turkey. Its use in this recipe is very simple. We coat them (with the addition of salt) on each washed and dried thigh and leave for 5-10 minutes. In the meantime, cut the onion into half rings. Turn on the oven and heat up to 180 degrees.

We cover the form with foil, grease with oil and put the processed chicken. Spread the onion evenly on top, cover with foil and put in the oven for 45 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of the process, open the foil and lower the temperature by 10-20 degrees. It's like a divine fragrance. As a result of this cooking method, the meat is tender, tasty, with a crispy crust, a little sour. Bon appetit!