Beef marinated with kiwi recipe. Juicy, tender meat with the smell of kiwi

Baked meat in foil is a surprisingly simple dish. But in simplicity lies all the charm, sophistication and uniqueness of the resulting meat dishes. It's hard to find a person who could resist a fragrant piece of meat from the oven, cooked without oil, which has retained all its charm, juiciness and has dietary properties. Baked meat can be served both hot and as a cold appetizer.

We bring to your attention an original recipe for meat baked in foil.

To cook meat in foil, you will need a piece of young pork, beef or veal.

Wash the kiwi, peel and cut into small slices.

Rinse the meat in cold water. Salt and pepper to taste. Make pocket cuts across the entire surface of the meat piece. Place a slice of exotic fruit into each “pocket”. Cover the piece of meat with the remaining kiwi pulp on top. Place the stuffed meat in the refrigerator overnight to marinate.

Wrap the marinated piece of meat in food foil and bake for 80 - 100 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 - 200 ºС.

Meat prepared in this way is unusually tender and has a unique taste.

As a marinade, instead of kiwi, you can try cranberries, lingonberries, and red currants.

To cook 2-3 kg of meat you will need 500 g. kiwi.

Greetings, my dear cooks. What do you most often cook for family celebrations? I understand that every housewife has her own signature dishes. But no one forbids expanding their list. Today I'm going to tell you how to make a marinade for tender beef. Then this meat can be baked or fried. It will turn out very tender, tasty and aromatic.

The most important thing is the meat. It is better to cut the beef across the grain. Before stewing the meat, fry it over high heat. Thanks to this, a golden brown crust will appear on the piece, and the meat juice will not leak out.

Don't be afraid to add alcohol– the meat won’t make you drunk :) If the recipe calls for adding alcohol, great. If not, then simply enrich the marinade with vodka. During the heat treatment, the alcohol will evaporate. But during the marinating time it will have time to act. But cognac-vermouth will add specific notes to beef, which is not always appropriate. You can also add wine, it always works well with meat.

Do not overcook beef in the oven. Be sure to time yourself. Of course, the time depends on the size of the piece. On average it takes about 1.5 hours. If cooking in a sleeve or foil, let the beef cool completely without opening it.

If you are braising beef, brown it first. To make it soft and juicy, the pieces of meat must first be quickly fried. To do this, the pan must be well heated so that the meat is sealed. And then the meat juice will not flow out of it. Then simmer the meat by pouring boiling water with seasonings for 40 minutes to 1.5 hours.

For the chops The meat should be well beaten on both sides and marinated. I marinate in a mixture of apple cider vinegar + wine + spices. Next, the meat needs to be rolled in beaten egg. For breading, fine crackers, flour or crushed oatmeal will do. Afterwards, quickly fry the meat over medium heat. We need a crust. Then you need to put it in a mold and cover it with foil. This is to prevent moisture from evaporating. Bake for up to an hour. I found a good video instruction on this topic.

Recipes for cooking soft beef

There are many marinade options. Today I will introduce you to 8 recipes. Many of them are suitable for frying in a pan and baking in the oven. By the way, here's another one. So you have a huge field for activity. Prepare and be sure to post your results in the comments.

Kiwi marinade

  • kilo of beef tenderloin;
  • 3 pcs. kiwi;
  • 3 pcs. onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt + spices.

The beef is washed and dried with a paper towel. And then cut into thin, large pieces. Peeled onions are cut into thin half rings. Garlic cloves are cut into slices. Meat pieces are salted and flavored with spices. And then they are mixed with onions and garlic.

Exotic fruits are peeled. And then the pulp is grated on a fine grater or pureed in a blender. Afterwards the gruel is added to the meat and everything is mixed thoroughly. The tougher the meat, the longer it needs to be kept in the marinade. The maximum recommended time is 1 hour. Moreover, you need to keep the meat in the refrigerator. But don’t overcook, because the pieces will fall apart. And instead of juicy tender beef, you will end up with meat puree. It will turn out very unesthetically.

The marinated pieces are wrapped in foil and placed on a baking dish. The oven is heated to 190-200 degrees. Bake in foil for about 50 minutes.

By the way, this marinade can also be used to prepare shish kebab. Only then will the meat have to be cut into oblong pieces so that they can be threaded onto skewers. And here are others. Experiment, my friends.

Meat for frying in a frying pan

Beef prepared according to this recipe simply melts in your mouth. For it you need to take:

  • kg tenderloin;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 large onions;
  • water;
  • salt+pepper.

Cut the onions into thin half rings. We cut the meat into slices up to cm thick and beat it on both sides. Fry it in butter over high heat. While frying, add salt and pepper the beef.

Take a thick-walled pan and put a layer of meat in it. Cover it with an onion layer (add a little salt on top). And then we lay out several more tiers in this order - meat, onions, etc. The last layer is onion.

Pour some water into the frying pan where the beef was fried - this is to collect all the “flavors”. Then we pour it all into a pan with meat and onions. Add water to the vessel. Pour enough liquid, but it should not reach the very top layer.

Cover the pan with a lid and place on medium heat. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat to low. And simmer the beef for about an hour and a half. Then we check - if a piece comes off easily, it means it’s time to set the table. And if the beef is a little tough, you need to simmer it a little more.

Making marinade from soy sauce

For a kilo of tenderloin take:

  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • 3 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • ¼ tsp. crushed black pepper.

Puree the peeled onions in a blender. Then mix the onion pulp with butter and sauce. We enrich the mixture with paprika and pepper, and also add salt. Mix everything well.

Pour the marinade over the beef and keep it in this spicy mixture for about half an hour at room temperature. Then we transfer the meat into the sleeve. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the tenderloin in it. It takes about 2 hours to bake the yummy food at this temperature.

How to marinate beef with mustard and lemon

The recipe for this delicacy is as follows:

  • kg pulp;
  • 3 tsp mustard;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • 5 pieces. allspice;
  • 2 tsp herbs (basil+marjoram+oregano);
  • salt.

Grind the pepper in a mortar. Mix herbs, pepper, oil and salt in mustard. Squeeze the juice from half a citrus fruit and enrich the marinade with it. Mix the ingredients. And generously coat a piece of beef with the spicy mixture.

Place the meat in a sleeve or wrap it in foil. And then we put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for approximately 90 minutes.

Marinate in wine

For a kilo of beef you need to take:

  • 1 small + 1 medium-sized onion;
  • 1 tsp each crushed black pepper + dry rosemary + salt;
  • 0.5 l of dry red wine;
  • 3 strips of orange zest;
  • 2 tbsp. jam or preserves (seedless);
  • vegetable oil;
  • 4 celery stalks;
  • 3 garlic cloves.

Cut a small onion into thin half rings. In a glass bowl, mix the zest, jam, onion, salt, pepper, rosemary and wine. Place the beef in the marinade, place the vessel in the refrigerator and leave overnight.

Then remove the beef from the marinade and dry it with a paper towel. Fry it in vegetable oil until brown (you need to fry it over high heat).

Strain the wine marinade - we still need the aromatic liquid. Peel a medium-sized onion and cut into small cubes. Chop the celery and cut the garlic into slices. Sauté onion, garlic and celery in a Dutch oven until soft. Add the liquid from the marinade here and bring the mixture to a boil.

Then, we put the piece of meat fried in a frying pan into the roasting pan. Cover the dish with a lid and place it in an oven preheated to 150 degrees. Simmer the meat for about 2 hours. After an hour, carefully turn the meat over. Remove the beef from the roasting pan and cut into pieces. Serve this yummy with fresh vegetables.

Making a simple kefir marinade

Prepare in advance:

  • 800 g tenderloin;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 450 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika;
  • salt + pepper + dried rosemary (to taste).

We wash the fillet under running water and let it dry. Mix kefir with sauce, paprika, rosemary, and garlic pressed through a press. Salt and pepper this mixture, and then mix thoroughly again.

We send the meat into the aromatic mass (it is advisable that it be completely covered with marinade). And put it in the refrigerator overnight. If possible, it is better to leave the meat in the marinade for a day. Just turn the tenderloin from time to time so that it is evenly saturated with spices.

Next, take the marinated beef out of the refrigerator and remove it from the marinade. And leave for an hour at room temperature. We tear off a piece of foil (the beef will be wrapped in it), pour oil here and lay out the tenderloin. You can pour a little marinade on top. Wrap the meat in foil and place it on a baking sheet. Next, put it all in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Bake for about an hour. Then turn off the oven, but do not rush to take out the delicacy. Leave it in the oven for another half hour - let it simmer thoroughly. This will make the meat tastier and more tender.

If desired, you can marinate the tenderloin in tomato paste. Here is a video recipe on how to do it correctly.

Vinegar marinade for juicy beef

The main ingredient of this marinade is balsamic vinegar. Under no circumstances replace it with table food. Otherwise, the aromatic solution will not soften the meat, but will make it tougher. If you don’t have balsamic vinegar, as a last resort, you can use natural apple cider vinegar.

For this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 700 g marbled beef;
  • 4 tbsp. dry red wine;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tsp ground ginger;
  • 1.5 tbsp. balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp each vegetable oil + honey;
  • a sprig of thyme + rosemary;
  • a bunch of purple basil;
  • salt+pepper.

Combine crushed garlic with wine, vinegar, ginger, oil and honey. Cut rosemary, thyme and basil into small pieces, and then add these herbs to the marinade. Season the mixture with pepper, and then mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Cut the beef into portions, add some salt and pour in the slightly cooled aromatic mixture. Leave the meat to marinate for 1.5-2 hours at room temperature. Then we put it in a sleeve and put it in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 70-80 minutes.

This is a quick way to infuse the tenderloin with spices and make it soft, juicy and tender. For the recipe you will need:

  • 600 g fillet;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 60 ml vodka;
  • ¼ part chopped nutmeg;
  • rosemary;
  • salt + pepper coarsely crushed;
  • vegetable oil.

Cut the tenderloin into pieces 4 cm wide. And beat it on both sides so that the width is reduced to 3 cm. Mix sour cream with nuts, vodka, rosemary, pepper and salt. Generously coat the beef with the aromatic mixture, cover the bowl with cling film and place in the refrigerator.

After 30-40 minutes, remove the meat from the refrigerator. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the pieces there. Fry them over high heat until nicely browned. Then pour the marinade over the beef, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer the yummy stuff over low heat until done.

I think that today’s article has helped to replenish your collection of recipes. Don't skimp - share them with your friends. And on, to further improve your culinary skills. And that’s all for today: see you again.


Beef with kiwi in foil


  • beef pulp (tenderloin) - 0.5 kg

  • kiwi - 3-4 pcs.
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste

Cut the kiwi into slices, mash 2 pieces of kiwi into a puree. Cut the meat across the grain into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick.

Make cuts 2.5-3 cm deep in each piece. Place a slice of kiwi in each cut.

Then rub half of the kiwi puree over the meat. Cover the meat with cling film and leave for 2 hours.

Rub the meat with salt and pepper, wrap in foil (each piece separately or all pieces of meat in one foil) and bake at 200 ° C until cooked.

Then remove the foil and bake until golden brown.
Before serving, pour the remaining kiwi puree over the meat.

By preparing meat with kiwi, you will surprise your family with a new, original, fresh taste.


  • pork - 500 gr.
  • pepper and salt
  • kiwi - 4-5 pieces
  • cheese - 70 gr.
  • mayonnaise
  • large onion


Wash the meat, cut into pieces the size of half a palm, and beat.

Rub the meat with pepper and salt, fry over high heat for 3 minutes. from each side. Place on a greased baking sheet.

Coarsely chop the onion and fry.

Peel the kiwi and cut into slices.

Lightly coat the meat with mayonnaise.

Place fried onions on the meat.

Place kiwi on each piece.

Grate the cheese coarsely, sprinkle the meat with kiwi.

Bake for half an hour in preheated to 180 degrees. oven.

One of my friends always keeps kiwi in the refrigerator. Her diet is based on kiwi, her face mask is kiwi, her salad is kiwi, and her signature dish is meat baked with kiwi. But the meat really turns out wonderful.

Cooking method

  1. We wash and dry the meat. We immediately rinse the spinach and soak it in cold water for 20-30 minutes to get rid of the sand that often remains in the plant’s rosettes.

  2. We wash and clean kiwis. Cut one fruit into thick circles. Using a sharp knife, make several slits through the middle of the thickness of the meat and insert kiwi mugs into them.
  3. We turn the remaining kiwis into puree using a blender or an elementary masher, season with salt and black, preferably freshly ground pepper.
  4. Grease a sheet of foil with butter, place the stuffed tenderloin on it and coat it with kiwi puree on all sides. Cover with film and leave for at least half an hour right there on the table.
  5. Then we wrap the meat in foil, place it in a mold or on a baking sheet and send it to bake in an oven heated to 200°.
  6. Depending on what kind of meat we use, bake from 30-35 minutes (pork) to an hour (beef). Each oven has its own quirks, so it’s easier to check the readiness in the usual old-fashioned way - pierce it and see what kind of juice flows out. Remove the finished meat from the oven and, without opening the foil, let it stand and cook for another 10-15 minutes.
  7. While the oven is baking, spreading a delicious aroma, prepare the side dish. Peel and boil the potatoes; better chopped ones will cook faster. Salt at the end of cooking.
  8. Remove the spinach from the bowl of water, dry it slightly and cut into large strips. Place it in a dry, heated frying pan and, stirring, heat over medium or lower heat for 5 minutes.
  9. Turn the finished potatoes into puree, add cream, a little nutmeg, knead, add spinach here and mix gently again. You don't have to mash the potatoes, just mash them.
  10. Cut the finished meat with kiwi into slices and serve with the prepared side dish.
  11. You can also prepare this dish from beef thick end - it is much cheaper. But then, having stuffed the meat into slices and coated it with kiwi puree, it must be placed in a container or wrapped in film and marinated in the refrigerator for at least half a day. And maybe bake a little longer

Meat stuffed with fruits turns out juicy, with a subtle unusual taste. Pork stuffed with kiwi and pears is a worthy option for baked meat for a holiday table.

Cooking method

  1. Remove the crusts from the slices of bread, crumble the pulp onto a baking sheet and put it in the oven to dry for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 120. The crumbs should dry well.

  2. We wash and dry the fruits. We remove the skin from pears and kiwis, remove the core from the pear. Cut the fruit into fairly small cubes. Sprinkle the pear cubes with lemon juice.
  3. Let the frying pan heat up over medium heat, melt the butter, and add the kiwi and pears. Stirring, fry for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Place the fruit in a bowl and mix with the bread crumbs.
  5. We almost cut the washed and well-dried pork loin into two parts in thickness, not reaching the edge 15-25 mm.
  6. “Open” the loin, spread the filling evenly on one half, and cover with the other. We secure the cuts with wooden toothpicks.
  7. Pour about 15 mm of vegetable oil into a frying pan large enough to fit the entire piece and heat it over high heat.
  8. Over the same fire, fry the pork for 2 minutes on each side.
  9. Place the loin in a baking dish and put it in the oven, already heated to 200°.
  10. After 50 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180°, pour wine over the meat and leave in the oven for another 20 minutes.
    For a festive table, this option for roasting pork is convenient because you can prepare the fruit, dry it
  11. crumbs and even cut up the pork in advance. About half an hour before the guests arrive, mix the filling, put it in the loin, fry the meat and send it to bake. And it will be ripe when it’s time to serve hot food.
  12. By the way, stuffing pork and leaving it in the refrigerator for a long time, for 12-24 hours, will ruin the dish. The inside of the meat will turn into rags, the juices will leak out, and the meat will be dry.

Everyone knows the property of kiwi to soften any, even the toughest meat. But since you still need to look for tough meat, I suggest cooking good pork with kiwi. The kiwi marinade gives the meat a pleasant taste; the meat turns out incredibly soft and juicy, with a piquant fruity note.

Meat with bananas and kiwi under a cheese crust (in the oven)

A very tasty, festive meat dish baked in the oven with fruit and cheese. Kiwi acidifies and marinates the meat, giving it even greater juiciness and softness, and the banana, melted from the heat, turns into a creamy mass. All this fruit coat covers the meat with a tender and juicy layer, which holds together the cheese, which hardens with a golden brown crust on the baked meat with fruit. The saltiness of the cheese and the sour taste of kiwi prevent the meat from becoming sweet, and the banana creaminess gives a baked beef or pork dish a special piquancy.

What to cook from:

for 1 baking sheet Meat (beef or pork) - 1.5 kg;

Kiwi - 6 pcs.

; Bananas - 5-6 pcs.;

Cheese - 150-200 g;

Salt; Butter - 20 g;

How to cook pork or beef with bananas and kiwi

Cut the meat into portions (0.8-1 cm). Beef can be beaten (covered with cling film to prevent splashes), pork is not necessary, pork is already quite tender, but if you doubt its softness, beat pork too. Peel the kiwi and bananas and cut into thin slices; Line a baking sheet with foil and grease it with oil. Place pieces of meat on foil, add salt, place kiwi slices on the meat, and bananas on top. Sprinkle everything thickly with grated cheese. Bake at 200-220 C for about 1 hour until done. The readiness of the meat under the fruit and cheese blanket should be checked when very tasty odors appear; if the cheese crust is browned, the meat is ready. Meat baked with banana and kiwi can be served hot or cold. It is very tasty in any form.

Meat with bananas and kiwi under a cheese crust (in the oven)

Pork under a fruit blanket

A very tasty, festive meat dish baked in the oven with fruit and cheese. Kiwi acidifies and marinates the meat, giving it even greater juiciness and softness, and the banana, melted from the heat, turns into a creamy mass.

All this fruit coat covers the meat with a tender and juicy layer, which holds together the cheese, which hardens with a golden brown crust on the baked meat with fruit. The saltiness of the cheese and the sour taste of kiwi prevent the meat from becoming sweet, and the banana creaminess gives a baked beef or pork dish a special piquancy.

What to cook from: for 1 baking sheet

Meat (beef or pork) - 1.5 kg;
Kiwi - 6 pcs.;
Bananas - 5-6 pcs.;
Cheese - 150-200 g;
Butter – 20 g;

How to cook pork or beef with bananas and kiwi

    Cut the meat into portions (0.8-1 cm). Beef can be beaten (covered with cling film to prevent splashes), pork is not necessary, pork is already quite tender, but if you doubt its softness, beat pork too.

    Peel the kiwi and bananas and cut into thin slices;

    Line a baking sheet with foil and grease it with oil. Place pieces of meat on foil, add salt, place kiwi slices on the meat, and bananas on top. Sprinkle everything thickly with grated cheese.

    Bake at 200-220 C for about 1 hour until done. The readiness of the meat under the fruit and cheese blanket should be checked when very tasty odors appear; if the cheese crust is browned, the meat is ready.

    Meat baked with banana and kiwi can be served hot or cold. It is very tasty in any form.

Ready pork baked in the oven with fruit

Cooking features and taste

What kind of meat is better to bake with kiwi and bananas?

If you like leaner, low-fat meat or don’t eat pork, then cook beef.
Both beef and pork will be good under a cheese and fruit coat.

Delicious pork with banana and kiwi

Should I cover the top of the meat with foil?

You can leave the baking sheet with the meat open; the thick fruit layer and cheese crust prevent it from drying out. Or you can cover it with foil and open it about 20 minutes before it’s ready, so that the cheese browns and sets well. This will make the meat more moist and tender. The choice is yours. It will be delicious in both cases.

To peel kiwi or not?

In my opinion, the fluffy skin of kiwi always adds tartness and something inexpressibly pleasant to dishes. However, it is better to leave it when preparing salads with kiwi, which are prepared without heat treatment, and when baking meat, all the fruits melt and combine into a more or less homogeneous layer, and the kiwi skin can disrupt this fruit-cheese unity. It's better to peel the kiwi.

Kiwi can be cut even thinner

About meat and kiwi salad

Since we are talking about kiwi salads, they are added to acidify the dish, giving it additional juiciness and fresh notes. The simplest salad with meat and kiwi - Orchard, into which 1 kiwi is cut into pieces (cubes), boiled beef - 300 g and red onion - 1 head. All this is mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise. The result is an original meat salad with a rather light and juicy taste.

Red onions always taste better in uncooked salads and are crunchier, savorier and more beautiful than regular white onions.

The name of the dish is due not only to the freshness and novelty of the taste of the salad, but also to its color and colors - brown meat, purple-red onions and green kiwi under the white haze of mayonnaise are reminiscent of a blooming spring garden.

Which ganir to serve meat with fruit?

Meat with kiwi and bananas, baked according to our recipe, is very good with mashed potatoes or boiled whole potatoes. However, it can be served with rice, pasta, and even buckwheat porridge. It will be very tasty.

Eat me!

Beef or pork baked with sweet and sour fruits and cheese is a very tasty and simple food that has a valuable property - novelty of taste. Which is always missing in our daily life.

Try cooking delicious meat with bani and kiwi, get new impressions and pleasure!

Enjoy your meal!

Bon appetit and new sensations!

The recipe for “meat with kiwi in the oven” seemed strange to me at first - I don’t really like the combination of meat + fruit, but then I remembered and decided to try to cook it. It turned out very tasty, the dish was soft and juicy, and the kiwi added the right sourness to the dish.

Pork pockets in foil

For this recipe, you can take the following parts: neck, fillet, carbonate or ham. The main thing is that the pieces are homogeneous, without fat. To prepare the dish you need:

We cut the meat in such a way that we can make internal pockets, which can be done in two ways:

  • if the piece is of small diameter (fillet), cut off a part of approximately 1 - 1 ½ cm and make an internal cut in the form of a pocket;
  • if the main piece is large (ham or neck), it is enough to cut it into slices 1 cm thick and then fold them in half.

When the pork is sliced, peel the fruits, half of which (3 pieces) should be pureed using a fork or blender. The remaining 3 pieces are cut into circles. We salt and pepper each and coat all sides with freshly prepared kiwi puree. Then, if the pieces of pork are large, put 2 - 3 slices of fruit on one side of each, and cover the other and fasten with toothpicks.

If the pieces of meat are small, place fruit slices inside the pockets and secure the holes with toothpicks.

Place a double sheet of foil and pork pockets on a baking sheet, cover with foil on top, and leave to marinate for at least three hours (more is possible). Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes. If you want your pork to get a crispy crust, keep it under the grill for another 5 to 7 minutes.

Exotic beef

Meat with kiwi in the oven can also be prepared, or even better, from veal. For a piece of veal, weighing 1 kg. you'll need:

This dish is prepared from a whole piece, so it needs to be washed, cleaned of films, and dried with a towel. In several places, small cuts should be made with a sharp knife (no more than 1 1/2 cm in depth). Peel the fruit and cut into pieces (as desired). Leave half of one fruit, you will need it later. Fill each cut with kiwi pieces and rub with salt and pepper. Then make a puree from the remaining half of the fruit and rub it over the entire piece of veal.

Wrap it all in foil and leave to marinate for two hours. This is done to ensure that the meat is juicy and soft. Then cook your dish in a hot oven preheated to 200 degrees. If you have veal, then 1 hour is enough to bring it to readiness, and beef should be cooked for at least 1 ½ hours. From time to time, remove the kiwi meat and pour over the resulting juice; if you want a golden brown crust, just keep it without foil for 5 - 10 minutes under the grill.

Bon appetit!