We are preparing festive dishes for the New Year's table. Preparing festive dishes for the New Year's table New Year's table for the year of the dog

New Year holidays are a special time loved by all people. During this period, a magical, unique atmosphere of warmth and family comfort is created. There are only a few days left before the festive celebration, so you need to not only start decorating your home, but also think about what to cook for the New Year 2018. After all, a festive celebration without a beautifully set table and delicious aromatic dishes is simply impossible.

The coming year will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. In this article we will tell you what dishes to prepare for the New Year 2018 and how to set the table correctly in order to win the favor and support of this faithful and friendly animal.

Basics of New Year's table setting

The main festive attribute after the Christmas tree is undoubtedly the New Year's table. Its design should not only be beautiful, but also have maximum convenience.

Tablecloth and decorative elements

It is best to choose a plain canvas made of dense natural material. Products made from wool or linen are perfect.

Your dog will love the following colors:

  • Brick;
  • Chocolate;
  • Beige;
  • Yellow;
  • Khaki;
  • Sand;
  • Shades of brown;
  • Green calm tones.

It is also better to choose fabric napkins. It is recommended to decorate them with ribbons, rings made of metal or wood.

Candles will help create special comfort and magic. They can be placed near each guest or combined in the center of the table, creating a “hearth”. You can also use garlands and Christmas tree decorations for decoration. This will create an incredible magical atmosphere that young children will especially enjoy.

An ideal place in the decor will be occupied by figurines of dogs and bones placed along the perimeter of the tabletop.


Usually on holidays it is customary to use beautiful and rich dishes. A dog is an unpretentious animal, so kitchen utensils should be simple and without frills. It is necessary to give priority to such materials as:

  • Semi-porcelain;
  • Tree;
  • Thick colored glass;
  • Porcelain;
  • Clay;
  • Metal.

Colors should not be too dark or bright, but should create a warm effect and please the eye.

It is unacceptable to use plastic or disposable tableware, items with damage, chips, cracks or unclear patterns. A great option would be to place plates and glasses with images of dog faces or footprints on the table.

Festive dishes

Many housewives are already starting to think through the menu and decide what to cook for the dog’s New Year. The “Housewife” of the coming year loves to eat, so the variety of dishes will be a big plus. Main products:

  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • Bread;
  • Sweets.

And, of course, meat of various types. There should be as much of it as possible. Cold cuts, hearty salads, sandwiches, hot dishes - all this must be present at the gala meal.

We offer you recipes for New Year 2018 dishes with photos that will become the “highlight” of the festive table.

Hot sandwiches for the New Year

Not a single New Year's menu is complete without. The appetizer according to this recipe looks like a mini-pizza. Your guests will definitely appreciate it.


  • Two types of sausage: smoked and boiled – 150 g (you can take ham);
  • 8 slices of loaf;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • Mayonnaise, fresh dill;
  • 120 g cheese.

Cooking plan:

  1. Finely chop the tomatoes, sausage and herbs;
  2. Three cheeses on a small grater;
  3. Mix the chopped ingredients, add mayonnaise, stir well;
  4. Place the filling on the loaf pieces and place the mini-pizzas in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 6-7 minutes.

You can also add chopped smoked chicken legs to the sausage.

Italian salad for New Year

When choosing recipes for the New Year 2018, do not forget that they must contain meat ingredients. The recipe for such a hearty dish is a real hit for the holiday table, which your guests will really like.

List of components:

  • 2 eggs;
  • A bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • 250 g beef;
  • 1-2 large spoons of chopped walnuts;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • 2-3 feathers of green onions;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Garlic clove;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Wash the meat, dry it slightly, cut into thin strips;
  2. Fry the meat pieces until golden in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil;
  3. Add about 100 ml of water, simmer the beef under a closed lid until cooked for half an hour on a low flame (until soft);
  4. Break 2 eggs into a bowl, add less than 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, and add a little pepper. No need to add salt. Beat everything well, divide the dough into 2 parts;
  5. Grease a frying pan with oil, heat it up and fry one egg-mayonnaise pancake, followed by another;
  6. Roll the product into a roll and set aside to cool;
  7. Next, cut the rolls into thin strips;
  8. Chop the cucumber into strips;
  9. Peel the garlic clove, pass it through a press, wash and dry the lettuce leaves, chop the green onion;
  10. We assemble our masterpiece: put lettuce leaves and fried meat pieces on a flat plate. They have cucumber with garlic on them. On top - sliced ​​pancakes;
  11. We flavor the food with mayonnaise. It is advisable to make a thin mayonnaise mesh. Sprinkle nuts and green onions on top.

Pork knuckle baked in the oven for the New Year

Includes a huge variety of dishes. Roasted pork knuckle is one of them. This is a fragrant and easy to prepare dish.

Required components:

  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • Pork leg (knuckle);
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste.

The hind leg of pork has more meat, so it is advisable to buy it. You will also need foil or a baking sleeve.

Cooking process:

  1. It is necessary to clean the steering wheel from dirt. You can thoroughly scrape the leg until the skin is clean, then wash it well;
  2. Cut the peeled garlic cloves in half or into three parts;
  3. Using a knife, we make punctures in the pork leg ourselves, put slices of garlic there;
  4. Rub the semi-finished product with pepper and salt, you can add your favorite spices;
  5. Place the knuckle in a sleeve or wrap it in foil, place it on a baking sheet, put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 2-2.5 hours;
  6. The readiness of the leg can be determined by the bone: if it is exposed, then the culinary miracle is ready.

It can be served with any sauce or ketchup.

- an obligatory element of the New Year's table 2018. For a festive dinner, you can prepare “nests” of minced meat with mushrooms. These products are perfect for each other, and the food turns out to be very simple and healthy.


  • 6-7 champignons (medium size);
  • 600 g minced beef and pork;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 4-5 onions (for both mushrooms and minced meat);
  • Egg;
  • 75 g hard cheese;
  • 2-3 dry pieces of loaf;
  • A little parsley;
  • A large spoonful of sour cream and vegetable oil;
  • Mushroom seasoning, salt, pepper - to taste.

Detailed instructions step by step:

  1. Finely chop the washed, dried mushrooms and fry with chopped onions for several minutes in a heated frying pan until the juice evaporates. Season with sour cream and mushroom seasoning and fry for another five minutes;
  2. Let's put the minced meat together with parsley, onions and a loaf of bread soaked in warm milk through a meat grinder, add salt and pepper, and break an egg. You can add carrots and garlic to the minced meat;
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly and divide into portions with wet hands;
  4. Take a small glass and form indentations in the meat preparations with sides along the edges;
  5. Place the onion-mushroom filling in each “nest”;
  6. Grease a baking sheet with butter and cover with parchment paper. Let's carefully place our semi-finished products on it;
  7. Set the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for half an hour;
  8. Remove the products from the oven, sprinkle with finely grated cheese, and bake for another 15-20 minutes until the cheese is browned.

The dish can be served with any vegetables and mashed potatoes.

Liver in a “fur coat” for the New Year

For a celebration, you can deliciously prepare liver under a cheese coat, which turns out to be pleasant to the taste, tender and aromatic. This is one of the dishes that is instantly “swept away” from the holiday table.

You will need:

  • 2 onions;
  • 70 ml cream;
  • Beef liver - half a kilo;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 100-150 g Dutch cheese;
  • Ground black pepper, salt, spices, vegetable oil - to taste.

Stages of work at home:

  1. We wash the liver, clean it from films, cut it into pieces, and beat it with a hammer on all sides. You can soak it in soy sauce or milk for half an hour to soften it;
  2. Place in a baking dish, add salt, pepper, and spices;
  3. Fry the onion until almost ready, add squeezed garlic to it, mix everything with cream;
  4. Spread this mixture evenly over the liver;
  5. Sprinkle with cheese grated on a medium grater;
  6. Place in the oven for 20 minutes (the cheese should form a crust);
  7. Sprinkle with any herbs.

This treat is served hot with salad and vegetables.

Salad "Kostochka" for the New Year 2018

Dishes for the New Year 2018 may also include seafood. This salad in the form of a dog’s favorite treat will fit perfectly into the New Year’s menu dedicated to the future patroness of the year.

Required ingredients:

  • 2-3 boiled eggs;
  • Avocado;
  • 150 g each of shrimp and hard cheese;
  • Pepper, salt - to taste;
  • 4 large spoons of mayonnaise.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Boil the shrimp in salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes, drain the water, wait until the “seafood” cools down;
  2. We clean them, and cut large specimens into small cubes;
  3. Cut the avocado in half lengthwise, remove the pit, take out the soft part of the fruit, which we cut into cubes;
  4. Grate the eggs on a coarse grater. If you want to decorate your treat with egg whites, grate the yolks and whites separately from each other. The whites are suitable for decoration, the yolks are suitable for salad;
  5. Grate the hard cheese on a medium grater;
  6. You can also decorate the dish with cheese shavings. Then we use part of the product for food, and the other part for decoration. If desired, take more cheese for these purposes;
  7. Mix all ingredients in a separate container with mayonnaise dressing;

We place our dish in a flat dish so that it looks like a bone. Sprinkle generously on each side with grated egg white or cheese - whatever you like best.

Video: Recipe for New Year's salad “Dog”

Well, housewives and owners - it’s time to prepare for the upcoming holidays. Do you know what to cook for the New Year of the Pig 2019? Do you know what will be on your New Year's table, have you come up with something new and interesting, have you already compiled a menu for the New Year?

Oh no, you are in search of the best, new and something interesting - not for everyone. Do you want all your guests to be surprised and envious of your skill and intelligence?

Then, you are on the right track - you did the right thing by stopping by to see me. I’ll tell you a secret - I’ll tell the whole world the whole truth and show you how to cook something delicious. And so as not to rack your brains in vain, I have selected new New Year’s recipes with photos for you.

This salad in the shape of a pig’s face would be appropriate on the New Year’s table.

What dishes to cook for the New Year of the Pig 2019

Time is quickly running out. And now the new year 2019 is just around the corner. The symbol of the coming year is the Yellow Earth Pig or Boar, whose element is earth. Our four-legged friends are quite omnivorous, so the variety on the holiday table can be enormous.

But do not forget that these animals do not like foods that are too fatty and hard on the stomach. And no pork!

Sweets with fruits will also not be out of place, especially if the latter have bright, rich colors. Let's try to prepare properly and not make a mistake before the symbol of the year. Then she will not ignore us in the future.

What should be on the New Year's table in the Year of the Pig 2019

As we already know, the choice of dishes is not limited. Therefore, both meat and fish and poultry in any variations can be present on the table. Well, what to cook for the table? – Desserts, salads, cold and hot appetizers - this is just a small list, because the pig is omnivorous. Such a limitless choice will please any gourmet.

Probably every family has its own traditional recipe for the festive table. But there is nothing worse than consistency, you need to change and try new things. And now, more than ever, the time has come for this.

But do not forget that today the year of the Yellow Earthen Pig or Boar is approaching us. And a friendly dog, a faithful Dog, leaves us. For many, the year passed in neutral notes - there was both good and bad.

But you shouldn’t worry in any way - although the Pig is considered an unclean animal, it is still good-natured and friendly! And this means that she will like absolutely everything that we cook and that we put on the festive table.

The boar loves to eat, and so do we, but preferably not too fatty food - you need something light and healthy. A variety of chicken, fish and seafood dishes are perfect. And also be sure to have fruit.

You can’t celebrate New Year’s Eve without traditional salads, appetizers, tartlets or canapés. And like any holiday table there should be pickles - pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Oh, and don’t forget to beautifully decorate your New Year’s table with dishes similar to the hero of this event. A striking example of this is salads in the shape of a muzzle or the whole body of a Pig, piglets made from eggs or something else - express your fantasies.

It will be great if you prepare New Year's salads and snacks in the shape of a pig's head or in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Don't forget about our favorites: , and .

We are creating a New Year's menu - more than 50 “bomb” recipes for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, almost every housewife thinks about the New Year's menu. This rather difficult task is complicated by the desire to combine the abundance of dishes with reasonable costs for their preparation.

The Pig loves scope and luxury, abundance and generosity. Although the Pig can hardly be called a vegetarian, there can be only one restriction - no pork! The hostess of the year will be pleased if there are fruits, vegetables and mushrooms on the table.

Since the symbol of the New Year is determined according to the eastern calendar, then the menu for celebrating it should be appropriate.

Hot dishes:

  1. “Flying chicken” - recipe with chicken,
  2. “Fish in the oven” - a recipe for juicy fish with a side dish,
  3. “Savory ham” - beef recipe,
  4. Baked bird with apples and prunes,
  5. Interesting recipes for hot dishes - more than 20 options from any meat.

New Year's salads:

  1. Salad "A Man's Dream"
  2. Salad "Tongue"
  3. New Year's salad "Blizzard"
  4. Salad bomb “Tsarsky”,
  5. Salads for the New Year - the best selection,
  6. Meat salad “Chimes” - Video.

New Year's snacks:

  1. Lavash rolls,
  2. “Koloboki” with meat
  3. Appetizer "Olivier" in choux pastry,
  4. Baked fish in puff pastry,
  5. Lots of recipes for tartlets and canapés.

What to cook for the New Year of the Pig 2019 - Hot dishes for the table

Let's look at several options for hot dishes that will satisfy even the most sophisticated taste. And the hostess will receive well-deserved praise.

"Flying Chicken" ("Dragon Soaring")

For this recipe we will need:

  • One bottle of light beer (any brand of beer will do, but not too strong);
  • Mayonnaise, about 50 - 60 grams;
  • Salt, pepper, curry, garlic to taste. You can use other spices, depending on your preferences;
  • And, in fact, the chicken itself.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, the gutted carcass must be thoroughly washed. Then coat the bird with mayonnaise mixed with spices. In this state, it marinates for about 2.5 hours.
  2. Next, we will need a champagne bottle, thoroughly washed (if the carcass is small, you can use a beer bottle). Pour beer into this container, add salt and pepper with chopped garlic.
  3. Place the container in a cold oven and place the prepared chicken on it. Set the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for 60 minutes.
  4. Everything turns out very juicy, even the breast, which often causes problems with its dryness.

"Red fish with garnish"

You can use absolutely any fish (not only red, but also white). The dish turns out very tasty even for an inexperienced cook.

  • Steaks or fish fillets (about 1 kg.),
  • Pepper, dill and salt,
  • Cream, 200 - 250 gr.,
  • 5 medium potatoes.

Cooking method:

  1. Marinate the prepared pieces of fish in cream with spices for about 40 minutes.
  2. At this time, boil the chopped potatoes in salted water, but not until fully cooked (5 - 7 minutes).
  3. Place the marinated fish in a mold or on a baking sheet. Place potatoes around. Excess marinade should be removed.
  4. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35 minutes.
  5. A delicious, tender dish is ready.

"Savory ham"

Meat lovers will appreciate juicy marbled beef with an unforgettable aroma.

We will need:

  • Vegetable oil 40 grams,
  • Beef carbonate - 1-1.5 kilograms,
  • Spices to taste
  • Ginger and rosemary powder, a few cloves of garlic,
  • Mayonnaise and sweet mustard.

How to cook:

  1. We cut the skin of the meat so that we get a beautiful mesh.
  2. Separately mix mayonnaise, garlic, mustard and spices.
  3. Rub the resulting mixture onto the ham and leave for an hour and a half in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour a glass of water into a high baking tray and place the meat there. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour, periodically pouring over the resulting juice.
  5. The dish is ready if no ichor appears at the puncture site.

Poultry baked in the oven with apples and prunes

You can bake chicken, duck or turkey with apples and prunes.

For this you will need:

  • bird carcass,
  • a tablespoon of honey,
  • salt, spices,
  • soy sauce,
  • a couple of apples
  • and five pieces of pitted prunes.


Rub the carcass inside and out with a mixture of salt and spices, put apple slices and prunes inside, coat the top with honey and soy sauce, wrap the wings and legs in foil and place in the oven for thirty minutes at 220 degrees.

Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and leave for another forty minutes.

To roast the turkey, you will need to increase the time. The fragrant smell and golden brown crust will tell you that the dish is ready.

Interesting New Year's recipes for hot dishes

My article presents a wide variety of dishes made from chicken, beef, and fish. And also video recipes - more than 20 options in total -

Salads for the New Year 2019 recipes with photos - here’s what to cook for New Year’s Eve

On the New Year's table, preference is given to light salads. Here every housewife can fully reveal her culinary talent.

Salads with mushrooms will come in handy more than ever in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, because pigs are the best at finding truffles. It is convenient to use tartlets for serving a variety of salads.

Traditional herring under a fur coat can be successfully replaced by herring with mushrooms, for the preparation of which you need to fry onions and pre-soaked and finely chopped dry mushrooms in vegetable oil, cool and combine with finely chopped pieces of herring fillet. You can serve it in tartlets or in a traditional herring bowl.

Various fruit salads, harmoniously combined with champagne, would be appropriate. But I have some new and old traditional New Year's holiday recipes.

Salad “A Man’s Dream”


  • Two or three medium onions,
  • 30 grams of sugar,
  • 150 grams of any hard cheese,
  • About a quarter kilogram of beef,
  • 4 eggs,
  • Vinegar 30 - 40 milliliters,
  • Three tablespoons of sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First, boil the meat with bay leaf and allspice for about 50 minutes. It is worth knowing that meat should be placed in boiling water. In this case, it retains its juiciness.
  2. After cooling, the beef is cut into small cubes.
  3. Marinate the onion half rings in a mixture of vinegar, salt and sugar (you can add a couple of tablespoons of cold water if the marinade is not enough).
  4. Place the meat cubes in a deep salad bowl and lightly coat with mayonnaise, with pickled onions on top.
  5. Rub in a third layer of hard-boiled eggs, also soaked in mayonnaise.
  6. Grated cheese finishes everything off.

For those who are watching their figure and do not want to overeat, you can exclude mayonnaise from the recipe, then the salad will be low in calories, but will still be very filling.

Salad "Tongue"

To prepare such a delicious salad, we need:

  • 350 grams of veal tongue,
  • Two onions and one carrot,
  • Four or five pickled cucumbers,
  • Frying oil and mayonnaise.

It's time to prepare a salad for the New Year:

  1. Boil the tongue. You can check the readiness with a toothpick or skewer (as soon as it is easily pierced, it’s ready). When it cools down, remove the film and cut into strips.
  2. Fry grated carrots and onions in half rings in oil. Then you will need to blot off the excess fat with a paper towel.
  3. Place the tongue on the bottom of the plate, chop the cucumbers on top and cover it all with sautéed vegetables.
  4. Afterwards the ingredients are soaked in mayonnaise. You can decorate with onion feathers and other greens.

Delicious New Year Salad “Blizzard”

We prepared this delight for the first time and you know - it turned out to be very easy to prepare, but how satisfying and tasty - just for our theme.


  • Potatoes 2 medium pieces,
  • Boiled chicken 100 gr.,
  • Champignon mushrooms 200 grams,
  • Canned green peas - 1 can,
  • Eggs 2 pcs.,
  • Pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.,
  • Cheese 100 gr.,
  • Green onions,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Salt and mayonnaise to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Peel and cut the potatoes as for fries. Fry in oil until golden brown (on all sides).
  2. Next, wash the mushrooms, cut them and fry them.
  3. Boil the eggs and chop them.
  4. Cut the cucumbers into cubes, and the poultry meat into strips.
  5. In a separate bowl, mix the resulting products (except potatoes) with green peas and grated cheese.
  6. Season with mayonnaise and salt to taste.
  7. Place in a salad bowl, and top with potatoes and finely chopped onions.

“Tsarsky” - salad bomb for the festive table

Be sure to prepare this salad. This will be a highlight on the New Year's menu. Guests will immediately pay attention and pester you with questions.

You will need:

  • Carrots 2 medium,
  • Potatoes 3 small,
  • Eggs 3 pcs.,
  • Lightly salted red fish (trout or salmon) 200 grams,
  • Red caviar – 1 jar,
  • Dill – 2 sprigs,
  • Mayonnaise to taste.


  1. Boil vegetables and eggs and finely grate them.
  2. And now layer by layer. First, place the carrots on the foil and spread with mayonnaise.
  3. The second layer is potatoes and again mayonnaise (you can add salt).
  4. The third is eggs and mayonnaise.
  5. Cut the fish fillet into slices and place on top of the dill layers.
  6. Wrap in foil and refrigerate for 3 hours.
  7. Cut into portions, garnish with herbs and top with red caviar.

Salads for the New Year - the most delicious and beautiful - more than 35 recipes

An excellent selection of delicious new and old classic salads that can be modified if desired - what to add or remove:

  1. (though on March 8th, but it will still be interesting)

Video recipe “Meat salad Chimes for the New Year”:

Snacks for the New Year 2019 - here's what to prepare in the Year of the Pig

An integral attribute of any feast will always be various rolls, canapés and tartlets. They go well with strong drinks. And they simply whet the appetite before the main hot dishes.

Don't forget about cheese plates, where cheeses can be served in combination with both fruit and olives.

Not a single New Year would be real without sandwiches with caviar, which have become, along with tangerines and Olivier salad, symbols of this holiday. Moreover, caviar harmonizes perfectly with champagne, without which it is impossible to imagine celebrating the New Year.

Here are a few options that will surprise your guests.

Lavash rolls - cold appetizer recipe

You can fill them with any products you have on hand. The taste will always be pleasant, the main thing is that the ingredients are combined with each other. In this version we will use seafood.

We will need:

  • Lightly salted chum salmon,
  • Several sheets of pita bread,
  • A clove of garlic, salt, dill,
  • Three eggs,
  • Soft cream cheese,
  • Shrimps.

Preparing the snack:

  1. Finely chop boiled eggs, fish and herbs.
  2. Boil and clean the shrimp.
  3. Then mix all the ingredients except the shrimp. Add salt to taste.
  4. Place a third of the filling on the pita bread, with shrimp on top, in random order.
  5. Cover with the next sheet and repeat the steps from the beginning.
  6. After the last layer, roll tightly and cool. Before serving, cut into slices.

Don't neglect snacks with meat. After all, the pig will not refuse him either.

Koloboks with meat, snack recipe for the New Year of the Pig

  • Minced beef 400 gr.
  • Store-bought puff pastry - 1 package,
  • Large onion,
  • Egg and vegetable oil.

How to prepare a meat New Year's appetizer:

  1. Add finely chopped onion and egg yolk to the minced meat. Add some salt and form into small balls.
  2. Cut the dough into strips like noodles. We wrap these strips around the meat so that it is completely covered.
  3. Afterwards, place the koloboks on a baking sheet, brush the top with egg white and place in the oven. Fry at 220 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes.
  4. For decoration, you can pour melted butter and finely chopped herbs with garlic.

Appetizer "Olivier Koloboks for the New Year's table"

The familiar Olivier salad, which we all know, takes part in this recipe in the form of a filling. It looks like small buns with salad - a savory snack.


  • All ingredients for Olivier: pickled cucumber, canned peas, boiled sausage and mayonnaise.
  • For the dough: butter (1 pack), vegetable oil, flour (1 glass), eggs (4 pieces), glass of water, salt.
  • Herbs and spices as desired.


  1. Let's start kneading the choux pastry. Add butter to boiled water.
  2. Add flour gradually stirring.
  3. Cool and add one egg at a time, stirring constantly.
  4. Form dough into balls and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 20 degrees. Then reduce to 170 degrees and another 10 minutes.
  5. Cool and cut off the “lid” on top.
  6. Prepare the salad and add grated cheese to it.
  7. Stuff the resulting koloboks without a lid. Decorate with sprigs of dill or celery.

Fish baked in puff pastry will also please the Pig.

Place any fish fillet on a rolled out layer of puff pastry, add salt and pepper, place tomato slices and mozzarella cheese on top, cover with a second layer of pastry.

Connect the edges, brush with egg and place in the oven for thirty to forty minutes at 180 degrees.

When ready, cut into portions. A mold made in the shape of a fish made from dough will look great.

Tartlets and Canapés for the New Year

Separate articles with assemblies of excellent beautiful ones presented in them - from young to old!

Bon appetit!

Video “New Year's snacks - 5 simple ideas”:

Wait, what about tea?! Won't there be dessert?! Well, there is a cake, pie or cookies.

What to cook for New Year 2019 – cake, desserts, cupcakes

I don’t know about you, but it’s our custom to drink tea after every holiday feast. And not just have tea, but with dessert or a piece of cake.

Not so long ago, interesting cakes appeared - cupcakes. Original small cakes for one serving. Such babies, decorated in holiday style, delight all guests.

The basis of such “babies” is cream and dough. You can prepare any dough: biscuit. Shortbread or cupcake. Creams are more often subject to improvisation. Nowadays you can't get by with cream anymore.

And speaking of cake, there is no special New Year’s cake. We invite you to choose according to your taste. For us, for example, the “Honey cake” cake is always a favorite.

And for dessert we whip up ice cream - a real “Ice Cream” or “Tiramisu”. But it was already after the New Year, the next day.

How to decorate the New Year's table?

Earth signs, which include the pig, are characterized by calmness and a love of order. Therefore, when decorating a table, preference should be given to natural, soft tones.

Deep red, light brown or sand colors are ideal for tablecloths and napkins. Naturally, you need to use natural materials. After all, the element of earth is directly related to nature.

You can appease the symbol of the coming year by decorating the table with an animal figurine. Also try baking a cake or cookies in the appropriate shape.

In any case, the New Year is a holiday that gives a great charge of positivity. Now you know what to cook for the New Year of the Pig 2019. I hope these tips and recipes will help you celebrate this fabulous night with dignity.

The mistress of 2018 - the Yellow Earth Dog - will be immensely grateful to you if, on the eve of New Year's Eve, you try and prepare a rich table, thickly laden with meat treats. If you can still do without this ingredient in appetizers and salads, then hot dishes must be meat.

What exactly will be prepared is at your discretion. The main thing that is hot for the New Year 2018 is meat, meat and more meat. However, it can be very different. Below are recipes with photos that will help you understand how difficult it is to prepare the dishes. In addition, during the cooking process it is much more convenient when you have visual instructions at hand.

Festive beef dishes: beef stroganoff, medallions, chops

Men will agree that there can be nothing better than a well-cooked piece of meat. And the Mistress of the Year will support them in this. However, not every housewife is happy to cook beef - one of the most popular types of meat, because it is very easy to spoil it. But even beginners can cope with a beef dish prepared according to the first of the recipes presented here.

Beef in pots with potatoes

This recipe doesn't require any special skills. You will need to cut all the ingredients, put them in a pot and bake in the oven.

Note! Cooking time is 2 hours, not counting the preparation of ingredients.

The entire sequence of actions is presented step by step below.

For three pots you will need: meat - 500 g, potatoes - 5 medium pieces, 3 onions, cheese - 150 g, 3 pieces of butter, mayonnaise, black pepper and salt.

Cut the meat into small cubes. Transfer to a plate and set aside.

Then cut the onion into cubes.

Fill the pots about 1/4 full with pieces of meat. Let's add a little salt and pepper. Let's mix. Sprinkle onions on top. Mix.

Add water - so much so that it is at the level of the onion. Divide the one-pot butter in half and place some on top of the meat and onions.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Fill the pot. Add some salt. Stir the potatoes a little. Firm with your hands or a spoon.

Place the remaining piece of butter on top.

Divide the cheese into three parts. Take one of them and cut into slices. Place on top of the pot.

Lubricate the top with mayonnaise.

Place the pots on a baking sheet so that the liquid that boils out of the pots does not overflow and ruin the oven. The dish will take approximately 2 hours to prepare in the oven at 200 degrees.

After 2 hours, take out the pan with the pots and taste the potatoes. If it is cooked, then the dish is ready to serve.

Beef with carrots and prunes

Pamper your Dog with vitamins by cooking meat in combination with carrots and prunes. By the way, some dogs really love this dried fruit. This recipe is also not complicated, despite the fact that the dish looks very elegant. The entire cooking process is carried out in a slow cooker.

Ingredients: beef - 500 g, carrots - 0.5 kg, raisins - 50 g, prunes - 250 g, flour - 1 tbsp. l., butter - 50 g, onion - 100 g, salt and pepper to taste, water - 300 ml.

Cut the beef into small cubes. Set the multicooker to preheat on the “fry” setting for 20 minutes. While the slow cooker is heating up, chop the onions.

Place a piece of butter in the slow cooker. When it melts, add the beef. Fry with the lid open.

Cut the carrots lengthwise into four parts and then chop them crosswise. When the meat is cooked on all sides, you can add the carrots.

While the meat and carrots are cooking, cut the prunes into four pieces.

Add flour, mix, pour in 300 ml of water, add prunes, raisins - mix. Season with salt and pepper. Mix well. Turn off the frying mode. Close the multicooker lid. Select the “meat” or “stew” mode, set for 20 minutes.

Stir and check for doneness. Serve garnished with fresh herbs.

Beef Stroganoff with sour cream in a frying pan

Very tasty meat dishes are prepared in a frying pan. For example, it can be used to cook beef Stroganoff with sour cream without much effort.

Ingredients: beef – 0.5 kg, butter – 2 tbsp. l., tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l., sour cream – 200 ml, flour – 1 tbsp. l., onions - 2 pcs., salt and pepper.

Cut the meat into slices.

Then place each slice on a cutting board.

Beat it off.

Cut into strips.

Heat a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it.

Place the meat in the frying pan, season it with salt and pepper.

Chop the onion. After 15 minutes the meat is fried, transfer it to a plate.

Let's start frying the onions. To do this, use butter. When the onion turns golden, add a spoonful of flour and fry the onion for another three minutes.

Add tomato paste and sour cream to the onion. Stir, add meat and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Serve the dish sprinkled with herbs. Beef Stroganoff goes well with potatoes.

Beef medallions with bacon strips

The beef tenderloin from which medallions are prepared has a very delicate taste. This delicious dish will be the highlight of the New Year's table if it is prepared well.

For three beef medallions you will need 3 strips of bacon, 1 onion, 1 clove garlic, olive oil, 20 g butter, salt and pepper to taste, rope.

The pieces of meat need to be beaten a little - just a little so that they do not flatten.

Then wrap the edges of each medallion with a strip of bacon and secure it with string. Heat a frying pan and pour some olive oil into it.

Salt and pepper the meat before adding it to the pan.

Press the pieces down but don't move them to form a nice crust. Grill for 2 minutes for medium, 3.5 minutes for well done.

Turn over to the other side. Fry for the same amount of time.

Fry the meat on the sides for a couple of minutes. Crush the garlic and add it to the pan. Put butter there too.

When the butter is melted, pour the butter over the meat. Chop the onion and add to the pan. When the onion is soft, pour the sauce over the meat.

Sprinkle the meat with cognac or rum and set it on fire.

When the alcohol has burned off, transfer the meat to the grill.

Pour a little red wine and heavy cream into the pan where the meat was cooked. Let it simmer over low heat until thickened.

Serve with salad or any other side dish.

Thai meat in sweet and sour sauce

It is a known fact that Thais love dogs. They make sure to feed the homeless and have pets at home. Well, let's prepare the meat according to the Thai recipe, complemented by sweet and sour sauce.

Beef, cut fairly thin, sugar - 50 g, lemon - 1 pc., sweet peppers - red and green, soy sauce, frying oil, garlic, green onions, hot pepper and ginger.

Let the pan heat up. The fire must be strong enough. Pour in oil until it covers the bottom. Add sugar and spread it over the bottom. Wait until the sugar turns brown and begins to caramelize.

Place the meat. It will cook very quickly. Literally 2 minutes with constant stirring.

Then add chopped bell peppers, ginger and garlic pressed through a press. Then pour in a small amount of soy sauce. Stir. Let's evaporate the liquid.

Add hot peppers and green onions. Stir. Add some lemon juice. Let's give it a couple more minutes to get ready.

Place the meat on a plate. Rice is best served as a side dish.

“Cakes” with beef made from puff pastry

Beef pies can serve as an additional hot dish.

Chop the onion finely.

Cut the meat into cubes.

Add meat spices and salt. Mix with your hands.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the beef.

When the beef is ready, transfer it to a saucepan. Add tomato juice, bay leaf, salt. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 30-40 minutes. Stir again.

Roll out the puff pastry.

Cut into squares. Make the slits at an angle, stepping back about 1 cm from the edge. And wrap the edges in opposite directions.

Prick the inside of the dough with a fork.

Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Lightly loosen the top layer of dough with a fork and place the meat in the middle.

Chicken kingdom on the New Year's table: fry whole chicken, make steaks and casseroles

Chicken is much easier to digest than beef. It makes juicy, low-calorie dishes. And there are no less variety of recipes. It, like beef, is used to prepare steaks, chops, and is also baked whole in the oven. We suggest taking note of several recipes for interesting holiday dishes. Some of them are distinguished by their sophistication, others are very simple to prepare.

Stuffed chicken breast "Cordon Bleu"

Cordon Bleu is made from chicken breast fillet. The breast is stuffed with stuffing. You can use a variety of ingredients for it. Below you will see an example of preparing Cordon Bleu with cheese and sausage.

To prepare “Cordon Bleu” you will need 4 chicken breasts, 8 pieces of boiled sausage, 4 pieces of cheese, 2 eggs (they will be needed for breading), breading flour - 1 cup, vegetable oil for frying - 0.5 cups, salt, pepper.

Break two eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork. Season with salt and pepper. Stir again. Then pour the breading flour into a deep plate

Cut the chicken breast on one side, but not all the way through.

The piece should open like a book. Pound it a little with a meat mallet. Salt and pepper.

Place a piece of sausage on one side and a piece of cheese on top. Cover with the second part of the piece.

First roll in breadcrumbs.

Then in the egg mixture. And then again in breadcrumbs.

Fry in a pan for 7-10 minutes until browned.

Cordon Bleu is ready.

Video: puff chicken

Chicken stuffed with meat

This recipe uses several types of meat at once, since the minced meat can be pork, beef or mixed. Cooking chicken according to this recipe is not as easy as, say, steaks, but the baked carcass will immediately stand out on the holiday table.

To prepare stuffed chicken you will need: chicken - 1700 g, minced meat - 0.5 kg, mushrooms - about 400 g, one egg, onions - 2 pcs., hard cheese, for example Russian - 100 g, garlic - 3 cloves, butter vegetable, seasoning, salt and pepper to taste.

First, for the filling, cut the onion, garlic and mushrooms.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan and add the onions and garlic. Fry until golden brown.

Then add the mushrooms and sauté until the liquid has evaporated. Then add the minced meat. Simmer, stirring, for 5-7 minutes until it changes color throughout the mixture.

Transfer the filling from the pan to a bowl and let cool.

Now let's get to the chicken. Wash the chicken well and pat dry with paper towels.

Cut the carcass along the breast and open it.

Cut out the breast bone, you can leave a little meat on it, then you can cook soup from it.

The dorsal bone does not need to be removed.

Now sew up the chicken, starting from the neck. Leave a hole at the bottom for stuffing.

Add finely grated cheese, one raw egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat.

Stuff the chicken with minced meat. Sew up the hole or pin it using toothpicks. Tie the chicken legs. Take chicken seasoning, add half a teaspoon of salt, 2 tsp. vegetable oil. Stir.

Coat the chicken with the mixture. Transfer the chicken to the pan. And bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for a little over an hour.

You can decorate the chicken with vegetables.

Video: royal chicken

Chicken breast steak

The dish prepares very quickly. This recipe will help you out if you suddenly work on December 31st and have very little time left for cooking. Moreover, this dish is prepared in a slow cooker.

Ingredients: chicken breast – 2 pcs. or 600 g, garlic – 1 clove, vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l., soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l., seasoning for chicken - to taste.

Cut the breast into two parts lengthwise. Do the same with the second breast. This will make 4 steaks.

Then mix sunflower oil, soy sauce, seasoning, chopped garlic.

Stir and add chicken steaks. Leave to marinate for 10 minutes.

Place the multicooker on the “fry” mode for 15 minutes. Leave to heat up. While the slow cooker is heating, take paper towels and pat the breasts dry.

Place in a slow cooker to fry; no need to add oil - fry in a dry bowl. After 2 minutes, turn the steaks over.

Serve vegetable salad as a side dish.

Chicken with potatoes in Greek style

Chicken with potatoes sounds simple enough. But you can add a touch of originality if you prepare this dish in a lemon marinade with spices according to a Greek recipe.

Main ingredients: chicken - 800 g, potatoes - 5-6 pcs.

For the marinade: oregano, sweet paprika, turmeric, chili pepper, lemon, garlic, thyme, rosemary, salt, pepper and olive oil.

In the bowl where you will marinate the chicken, combine the seasonings; if you are using fresh herbs, chop them finely.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of half. Add olive oil, salt and pepper.

Dip the chicken on all sides in the marinade and place in a baking dish. Crush a few cloves of garlic and add it there.

We cook potatoes in a country style. We don’t peel it, we cut it into slices right in the peel.

Add crushed garlic cloves, salt and pepper, add rosemary, sprinkle with olive oil.

Place the chicken on top. Cut half a lemon from which the juice has been squeezed into several pieces and place the pieces between the potato wedges and the chicken.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. And bake the dish for about 50 minutes. The time may vary slightly depending on the amount of ingredients and the size of the pieces.

The special thing about this recipe is that you can marinate the ingredients in advance and leave them in the refrigerator. And then, when the time comes, just put the dish in the oven to bake.

Chicken Picasso

Underneath the dish, named after the famous artist, is nothing more than a chicken casserole. However, its taste will be original due to the addition of bell peppers, tomatoes and a mixture of Italian herbs.

Ingredients: chicken breast - 3 pcs., onion - 2 pcs., bell pepper - 2 pcs., garlic - 3 cloves, water - 100 ml, tomatoes - 3 pcs., Italian herbs - 1 tbsp. l., nutmeg – ½ tsp, cream – 200 ml, cheese – 100 g.

Pour sunflower oil into a heated frying pan and place a piece of butter. Fry the chicken breasts on both sides. Transfer to form.

Fry the onion cut into half rings. Place on top of chicken breasts.

Then put the bell pepper in the pan and fry it too - this is the next layer of the casserole.

Place finely chopped garlic in a frying pan and add water.

Add tomatoes, salt, Italian herbs, nutmeg, and cream.

Let it simmer for a couple of minutes.

Pour tomatoes and cream over all layers of the future casserole.

Place the pan in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 25 minutes.

Remove from oven. Sprinkle with sliced ​​cheese and put back for another 10 minutes, increasing the baking temperature to 200 degrees.

The casserole is ready.

Sprinkle it with fresh herbs before serving.

Pork dishes: ribs, chops, ribbe

Many people love stewed, fried and boiled pork. Usually it forgives housewives small culinary mistakes and turns out quite juicy and tasty.

Pork ribs with honey glaze

The dog will not refuse to chew on a sugar bone, and it will be very happy if you cook pork ribs as the main dish. The highlight of this recipe is the use of honey.

Ingredients: garlic, chopped with a knife; green onions; salt and pepper; chili pepper flakes; honey; White wine; chicken broth; vinegar; soy sauce and oil.

First, pepper and salt the ribs. Press the spices into each side.

Heat up the frying pan. Pour olive oil into it and wait for the pan to get very hot.

Place the ribs in the pan. Fry it. Check. It is necessary to turn over to the other side when the ribs acquire a golden hue on the roasting side. When this happens, turn the ribs over. Sprinkle the fried ribs with garlic and add a little chili.

Pour in some soy sauce and honey. Then add wine vinegar and dry white wine.

Turn the ribs over. Set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees.

Transfer the ribs to the pan.

Sprinkle with green onions. And fill with chicken broth. Place the ribs in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, remove the ribs and turn them over. Place back in the oven for 15 minutes.

The ribs are ready. All that remains is to present them beautifully.

We recommend this serving option with lemon and parsley.

Pork chops with cheese crust

Meat that is beaten before cooking becomes more tender in taste. Meat fibers contract during cooking, but after beating they lose this ability.

Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces, approximately 1-1.5 cm thick. Cover it with cling film or a plastic bag. Pound with a meat mallet.

Salt the meat on all sides.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Beat the eggs.

Place flour in one plate and breadcrumbs in another.

Take a piece of meat, roll it in flour, then dip it in eggs, cheese, and breadcrumbs one at a time.

Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Then place the chops on a baking sheet lined with foil and place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 20 minutes.

Serve with mashed potatoes sprinkled with herbs.

Pork in sweet and sour sauce

You may have already met the recipe for preparing Thai beef, which also uses sweet and sour sauce. Now we propose to prepare a more tender version of pork.

Ingredients: pork - 400 g, bell pepper - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., garlic - 2-3 cloves, a small piece of ginger or dried ginger, half a hot pepper or dry red pepper.

Sauce: soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l., vinegar (apple, wine, balsamic) - 2 tbsp. l., brown sugar or honey - 2 tbsp. l. without top, potato starch - 2 tsp, regular or Dijon mustard - 1 tsp, 1/3 cup of water.

Cut off all the membranes from a piece of meat, cut across the grain into pieces 1 cm thick. Beat it well.

Cut the meat into strips.

Pour in 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, leave to marinate while you work on the other ingredients.

Peel the bell pepper, cut in half and chop crosswise.

Cut the carrots into strips.

Chop the ginger and garlic.

Mix soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, mustard, half the starch. Stir. Add water.

Pour the remaining starch into the meat. Mix with your hands.

Take a deep frying pan and let it heat up. Pour 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, place carrots in a frying pan and fry over high heat for about 1.5 minutes.

Add the peppers and fry for another 1.5 minutes.

Then remove the vegetables from the pan. Add 1 tbsp. l. oils And fry the garlic and ginger very quickly.

Add the meat and fry it, stirring constantly, for about 4 minutes.

Then return the vegetables and reduce the heat to medium. Simmer for 3 minutes.

Stir the sauce and pour into the meat. Let the sauce simmer for a couple of minutes. The ideal side dish for this dish is rice.

Pork neck baked with spices

Since a large piece of meat is taken for cooking, it must be taken into account that it will take a long time to cook - about 2 hours. But preparing the dish will not take much time, and while the meat is baking, you can do other things.

Ingredients: piece of pork neck - 1.3-1.5 kg, garlic - 2 heads, salt mixed with dried herbs - 1.5 tbsp. l., hops-suneli - 2 tbsp. l., mixture of peppers - 1 tbsp. l., black pepper, baking sleeve.

We make punctures in the meat and put garlic cloves inside.

Rub the meat with salt and herbs.

Then sprinkle with suneli hops.

Then place the meat in the roasting sleeve, securing it with clamps at both ends. It is best to leave the meat to marinate for 2 hours.

Place the meat on a baking sheet and place it in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 1 hour 40 minutes. Remove the meat, tear the sleeve and place back in the oven to brown the neck. Then take it out and you are ready to serve.

Ribbe - Norwegian pork dish

An unusual name for our ears. But the dish is very simple to prepare. The main thing is to choose the right piece of meat.

Ingredients: pork with skin and ribs – 0.5 kg, salt and pepper.

Cut the skin into squares. Pre-cut the ribs too.

Then salt and pepper on both sides.

Take a baking sheet, place an upside down plate on it, and then place a piece of pork on top.

Pour a glass of water onto a baking sheet.

Cover the top with foil. Place the meat in the oven for 45 minutes at 230 degrees.

Then check the pork. Open it a little to form a golden brown crust. Reduce the baking temperature to 200 degrees and bake for another 25 minutes.

Remove the pork, cut along the slits, then between the ribs.

Fish is an alternative to beef, pork and chicken on the holiday table

Dogs are usually not particularly fond of fish, but some breeds, say, huskies, eat it as food, especially red fish - salmon, pink salmon. When placing fish dishes on the table, think, first of all, that some guests will definitely like it. The Yellow Dog only welcomes variety on the New Year's table.

Sea fish with vegetables

The advantage of fish is that it can often be cooked without an oven - in a frying pan or slow cooker, for example, with vegetables.

Cut the onion into cubes.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan. Fry the onion in a frying pan.

Meanwhile, cut the carrots into rings.

Divide the bell pepper into squares and add them to the frying pan. Mix. Add bay leaf.

We fillet the fish.

Cut into pieces.

Add to fried vegetables. Salt and mix. After 15 minutes, turn off the heat.

Place the fish and vegetables on a plate and garnish with parsley sprigs.

Video: flounder in a frying pan

Egyptian style fish

Fish goes well with tomato sauce. And one of these recipes is Egyptian-style fish. Here, unusual combinations of ingredients are used, for example, raisins and nuts are added.

The fish can be anything, no matter river or sea. You can take fillet or carcass.

The remaining ingredients: tomato sauce, some raisins, nuts (no matter what), vegetable oil, ground red pepper, salt to taste, 4 tomatoes and fish seasoning.

We cut the fish into portions or leave the whole fillet - as desired.

Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Now you need to salt the fish to taste, pepper, add seasoning to the fish, pour oil on it. Place in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees, for 20-25 minutes.

Peel the skins from the tomatoes; to do this, pour boiling water over them.

Remove the skin. Cut the pulp into cubes.

Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil, add nuts and raisins (pre-soak them in boiling water for 5 minutes). Add tomatoes.

Simmer over low heat until the tomatoes soften.

Then add tomato sauce, boil again until thick and turn off.

The fish turns out juicy. Place it on a plate and pour the sauce over it.

Sprinkle with herbs.

Salmon in cream sauce

Salmon and cream sauce are an amazing combination, very tender. Rest assured that the dish will turn out incredibly tasty.

To prepare this dish you will need: salmon fillet - 600 g, olive oil 2 tbsp. l., Dijon mustard - 2 tbsp. l., a pinch of black pepper and salt, honey - 1 tbsp. l.

For the sauce you will need: cream 30% - 150 g, garlic - 1 clove, flour - 1 tsp, black pepper to taste, salt to taste, several sprigs of dill.

Salt and pepper the salmon.

Lubricate with olive oil.

Mix mustard with honey.

Spread with a thick layer of mustard mixture. You can apply a second layer. Place in the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Finely chop the dill.

Finely chop the garlic.

Place the cream in a water bath to heat. Add salt and pepper.

Add flour and stir until lumps are completely dissolved.

Add garlic, dill and stir continuously until thickened.

Add the sauce to the finished salmon.

Serve with potato casserole or mashed potatoes.

Mediterranean carp in a slow cooker

This recipe contains mushrooms. Tender carp fillet is stewed in a slow cooker with cheese and mushroom sauce.

Ingredients: carp fillet - 0.5 kg, mushrooms - 150 g, onions - 1 pc., hard cheese - 100 g, cream - 200 g, lemon, olives, salt and pepper to taste.

The fish should be well salted and peppered.

Then roll the fish in flour and place it in a slow cooker with oil already added. Fry with the lid open.

While the fish is frying, cut the onion into strips.

And chop the mushrooms into slices.

Turn the fillet over. It should not be over-cooked; let it remain raw inside.

Cut the olives into rings.

Remove the fillet and leave it on the board.

Add vegetables to the slow cooker and fry. When the vegetables are fried, add cream.

Grate some cheese directly into the bowl, add salt and pepper. Stir. Wait until the cheese melts, this will thicken the sauce. Leave for 2 minutes with the lid closed. Stir again and place the fish pieces back into the slow cooker. You can add a little more cheese. Close the lid and leave for 5 minutes.

Place the carp on a plate, garnish with green onions cut lengthwise, lemon and olives.

The dog is not too picky when choosing food, so your table may not be particularly sophisticated. But try to diversify it by preparing several types of hot meat dishes.

On the eve of the long-awaited and sometimes exhausting holidays, many housewives are interested in one important question - what should they prepare for the 2018 New Year of the dog? How to appease the symbol of the upcoming period of time, 365 days long, which dishes are preferable, and which ones it is better to abstain from?! Especially for readers of “Popular about health” I will give the main pre-New Year recommendations.

Preferred Products

Should you prepare more vegetarian dishes for the New Year? And what do you think?! The upcoming New Year is for dogs, and they are not herbivores and therefore one should hardly expect a dominance of fresh celery and boiled broccoli on the table. It is quite obvious that preference should be given to meat dishes!

At the upcoming feast, you can cook various types of meat (lamb, pork, rabbit). The hostess of the celebration will also graciously accept poultry dishes: chicken, duck, turkey, and so on.

An earthy dog ​​will undoubtedly enjoy various cuts of meat, pates, grilled steaks, aspic, boiled pork, chops, shish kebab, sausage cuts, and so on and so forth. Fortunately, supermarkets and regular stores have something to offer connoisseurs of these products.

Regarding fish, there is no unambiguous view. Some keepers of New Year's traditions argue that fish has no place on the New Year's table, especially river fish. Others, on the contrary, quite clearly demonstrate the dog’s loyalty to this food. Thus, I believe there are no obstacles to preparing excellent dishes from salted, smoked or fresh fish.

And the last recommendation. It would not be amiss to take into account that the coming year is the year of the yellow earthen dog, which means that on the table there should be dishes and products whose color is yellow, brown, ocher, mustard, orange and the like. For example, a dish with tangerines, traditional for many not too young people, will fit perfectly into the New Year's palette.

What you should give up and don’t need to cook for the year of the dog 2018

Do you think we should eat dog for the year of the dog? The answer is obvious - no! This is quite predictable bad news for all Koreans. Dog meat dishes are not welcome at this holiday, and since such “delicacies” are not held in high esteem in any country of the former Soviet Union, the recommendation can be considered redundant, but nevertheless...

Another bad news, this time for fast food lovers. Considering the specificity of the name of a common dish, there is no place for various hot dogs and its analogues on the New Year's table. It is clear that the sausage in the bun has nothing to do with the hostess of the holiday.

There is an opinion that dogs do not like horses, which means that it is better to abstain from horse meat in all its forms: horse sausage, pates, cuts, and so on. Although this is a rather controversial point.

Feng Shui claims that regardless of the owner or mistress of the year, there should be no place for broken noodles on the New Year's table. The length of the pasta is supposed to symbolize health and longevity.

And one more important anti-recommendation, which it seems to me may upset many - dogs do not like drunk people. For this reason, there should be no dominance of alcoholic beverages at the New Year's feast. Preference should be given to juices, kvass, soda, and so on.

Meat in French

This dish has long been valued by our compatriots for its soft, piquant and delicate taste. In addition, you do not need any sophisticated or expensive products. Below is a list of ingredients needed for this dish:

Pork - 1 kg;
Champignons - 1 kg;
Hard cheese - 100 g;
Sar Adyghe - 100 g;
Red tomatoes - 2 medium pieces;
Salt, mustard, spices, pepper, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. The mushrooms must be chopped, then placed in a frying pan and fried in sunflower oil. The onion should be cut into thin half rings and added to the frying container with mushrooms.

Mushrooms and onions need to be fried until the water evaporates from the pan. After which they should be placed on a plate and cooled slightly. The cheese is grated on a coarse grater and set aside for now.

The meat is cut into flat slices, about 2 centimeters thick, after which it should be beaten using a kitchen hammer. To keep the kitchen in its original form, it is better to first cover the product with cling film.

After this, sliced ​​tomatoes are added to the slices of meat, thickly covered with both types of cheese and the baking sheet is placed in the oven for about 35 minutes, after which the simple and very tasty French meat dish will be completely prepared.

Seafood salad

A tasty and healthy dish, the preparation of which requires the following ingredients:

Squid - 0.4 kg;
Eggs - 6 pieces;
Pickled cucumbers - 0.4 kg;
Crab sticks - 0.2 kg;
Canned peas - 1 jar;
Mayonnaise - 1 jar;
Potatoes - 8 medium pieces;
Sturgeon caviar (imitation) - 2 packs.

Squids should be boiled in lightly salted water. Just not for long, otherwise they will become rough and rubbery. After which they should be cooled and finely chopped and mixed with peas.

The potatoes need to be boiled, cooled and chopped, then add finely chopped eggs (as for Olivier salad) and crab sticks, as well as chopped or grated cucumbers.

The dish is seasoned with mayonnaise, the amount of which is quite variable and depends on taste preferences. Finally, the salad is decorated with imitation sturgeon caviar.


A dog doesn’t need fancy and expensive meals at all. On the upcoming New Year's holiday, it is not at all necessary to surprise anyone with exquisite masterpieces prepared by the best chefs in Europe. The main thing is that the dishes are tasty.

Bon appetit!

What is New Year associated with? With sparkling snow, a fluffy Christmas tree, Santa Claus and gifts in his bag and, of course, holiday treats. We cannot imagine the New Year without a hospitable, plentiful table, elegant and satisfying.

The coming year of the Yellow Earth Dog obliges us to do a lot and gives us some culinary thoughts. Let's share some of them.

What doesn't the Dog like?

The list of products that the owner of 2018 does not favor is quite limited, since the dog is not a picky animal in gastronomic terms and is almost omnivorous. But, nevertheless, its “omnivorousness” has some limits.

Some types of meat. There will be no dog dishes on the 2018 New Year's table. Joke! But, as you know, there is some truth in every joke. And the Koreans, for example, are not far from it. Horsemeat is also not recommended for New Year's consumption. They say that dogs and horses have a complex relationship. It’s better not to upset the mistress of the year. We need her good disposition!

Completely vegetarian New Year's menu. The main type of food for a dog, even an ordinary one, even not an astrological one, is meat. Therefore, the 2018 New Year’s table will look strange without meat dishes. We'll save the carrot and cabbage menu for the Rabbit or Goat.

Fish assortment. Dogs are inquisitive creatures and they can try a shrimp and eat a chop with a piece of fish, but, nevertheless, let’s not mix sour with bland, that is, Dog and Cat and push the fish menu aside along with mushroom delicacies.

Fatty dishes. A hearty menu does not mean fatty. Heavy food, oversaturated with fats, places an unbearable burden on the stomach and attracts it like a magnet to the sofa. What about games? What about fun? What about slides and fireworks? A dog is a very active animal that loves entertainment and fun. There is no need to turn her into a Pig who will determine the menu in a year. In the meantime, we welcome 2018 and avoid fatty New Year's treats.

On a note: We also don’t go overboard with sugar, salt and spices. The Dog has a keen sense of smell and a sense of success and luck. No need to dull it!

What do we feed the Yellow Earth Dog?

Meat! In all its manifestations - rolls, cutlets, jellied meats, chops, steaks, kebabs, beefsteaks, stews, goulash, roast beef, shanks, slices, sausages, pates, stews, carbonates... And many other meat delicacies. Please the Dog! And she will answer you with mutual love and devotion. She's good at it.

The dog loves bones. You will please her very much if you choose a bone-in meat dish for the New Year's table: rack of lamb, for example, or chicken Kiev.

Root vegetables. Do not forget that the Dog will come not a simple one, but an Earthen one. To emphasize this feature, we put on the New Year's table root vegetables in various modifications and what ripens in the ground - groundnuts-peanuts, for example. Of course, the most obvious and widespread Russian root vegetable is potatoes. It belongs on the New Year's table as a side dish for meat. Turnips, rutabaga, carrots, and radishes can also take part in the 2018 New Year's meal.

Yellow and orange fruits. The dog is expected to be Yellow. We put a vase of fruit on the table - yellow apples, apricots, oranges and tangerines, amber melon and tender pineapple. An excellent New Year's dessert - light and healthy!

Conclusion: the main concept of the New Year's table 2018 is hearty, simple, plentiful and varied, with an emphasis on meat dishes.

Now let's create a simple but delicious New Year's menu for the Yellow Earth Dog.


Snacks are an important part of the holiday table. They stimulate appetite, prepare guests for the main hot course and form the first impression of the table. Let's not deceive the Dog's expectations and give him what he loves most - meat in the form elegantly presented cold cuts. Baked pork, smoked sausage, carbonate, ham, thinly sliced, rolled into rolls and delicious roses, delight the eye and whet the appetite.

Tip: to prepare sliced ​​meats, you should use a wide knife or slicer. The thinner the slice, the more variations you will have to create three-dimensional compositions on the plate.

Check out our recipes for delicious hot and cold appetizers for the New Year's menu for the Year of the Dog.

Chicken rolls with eggs and olives

Tender, melting in your mouth, beautiful and easy to prepare, these rolls will undoubtedly impress the hostess of the year and will be the first to disappear from the New Year's table.

We will need:

  • chicken breast – 2 pieces of medium size;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • canned pitted olives - 1 can (the color and size of the olives do not matter);
  • cheese – 100 g (it is better to buy packaged cheese, already cut into thin slices or sticks);
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour – 2 tablespoons;
  • parsley or dill - for decoration.

Method for preparing chicken rolls with olives.

  • We cut the chicken breasts in half - “bookwise”, that is, not all the way through. We need a wide and flat piece so that we have something to roll into a roll later. We beat off the resulting piece - without fanaticism! Chicken meat, in itself, is quite tender and does not require as much effort from the hammer as pork.
  • Pepper the chopped chicken fillet, add salt, grease it with mayonnaise and leave it alone for a while to marinate.
  • Break the eggs, beat them, add flour and fry a thin omelette. There is one “zest”: in order to give the omelette some piquancy, crumble some olives into the beaten egg.

Important: do not combine eggs! 1 egg + 0.5 tablespoon of flour = 1 omelette.

  • Let's start assembling. Place an omelette on top of the battered chicken breast. Place a stick of cheese on the edge of the breast. If the cheese is sliced, then place cheese slices on top of the omelette.
  • We tightly roll the resulting composition into a sausage. We secure it with a toothpick so that it does not unravel. The result should be 2 rolls - one from each breast.
  • Frying is the final stage. Dip the rolls in flour and fry in sunflower oil in a heated frying pan. Fry over low heat and with the lid closed for more uniform heat treatment. On each side - 15 minutes, that is, 30 minutes in total.

You can replace the frying stage with baking. In this case, the oven temperature should be 180°, cooking time – 30 minutes.

Serve: wait for the rolls to cool and cut them into rings, 3-4 cm thick. Sprinkle with fresh herbs.

God! What a scent! The dog is already scratching at your door!

In this recipe you can use cheese mixture made from feta and cream cheese.

Hot appetizer “Meat nests”

An original and extremely easy-to-prepare recipe for a hot New Year's meat snack. The crunchy texture of the baked biscuits filled with meat and cheese should please your Dog.

We will need:

  • minced meat – 0.5 kg (minced beef, pork or chicken – at your discretion);
  • drying – 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • cheese – 200 g (fat content does not matter);
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • lettuce leaves - for decoration.

Cooking method

  • We bring the minced meat to perfection. This means we make it more aromatic and tastier - add salt, spices, mayonnaise and egg to the minced meat. Mix everything well.
  • Let's start drying. Place the minced meat brought to perfection inside the dryers. On average, 1 teaspoon of minced meat with top is placed in one dryer. But don't be greedy! Place the minced meat in heaps, otherwise the Dog will think that you feel sorry for the minced meat for it.
  • Bake. The filled “nests” are sprinkled with grated cheese on top, laid out on a baking sheet covered with a sheet of parchment paper, and sent to the oven. At an oven temperature of 200 degrees, the “nests” will be ready in 25 minutes.
  • Let's serve. We put fresh lettuce leaves on a flat plate and there are “nests” on them, rosy and terribly appetizing.

This snack is served slightly cooled so that the Dog does not burn himself by swallowing them one after another.

New Year's cold appetizer "Christmas tree"

A New Year's snack option for creative individuals. Without a doubt, these little Christmas trees will decorate the holiday table. In addition, they contain 2 types of cheese and a minimum of fat. Dogs love this.

We will need:

  • curd cheese – 250 g;
  • parmesan – 60 g;
  • lavash – 1 sheet;
  • red bell pepper – 2 pieces;
  • lettuce leaves - several;
  • dark olives – 0.5 cups;
  • basil - a little.

You will also need cling film.

Cooking method.

  • Place cling film on the table. Lettuce leaves on film. On lettuce leaves - a sheet of pita bread. Then the crucial step is to cut the lavash sheet along with the lettuce lengthwise into 4 strips.
  • Prepare the aromatic filling. Parmesan is grated on a fine grater, olives are cut into small pieces, basil is chopped and chopped, pepper is cut into small squares. Combine this “crumb” with curd cheese and mix. The result is a white mass with multi-colored inclusions.
  • Creating a “Christmas tree”. Spread the finished filling-mixture in an even layer on the strips of pita bread and roll it into a tight roll. This this stage requires care. Make sure that the cling film does not get inside the roll.
  • Next, give the roll a triangular shape with your hands and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
    Cut the cooled roll into isosceles triangles 3-4 cm thick. Pin a piece of olive to the base of each with a toothpick or skewer.

All! The Christmas tree is ready! We put our coniferous forest on a plate and send it to the New Year's table!

New Year's salads

The housewife has one requirement for salads in 2018 – satisfying. Meat content is a matter of course. Olivier salad fits perfectly into this concept. But we won’t teach him how to cook - every housewife has a hand full of Olivier dishes from annual training. We propose to move into the new 2018 with a new salad recipe. Choose!

Salad “You Will Swallow Your Tongue”

A simple salad with tender tongue as the main ingredient. It prepares quickly and does not require any special culinary skills.

We will need:

  • boiled beef tongue – 250 g;
  • chicken egg - 5 pieces;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • sweet pepper – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tablespoons (fat content does not matter);
  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • fresh herbs - basil, parsley.

Cooking method.

  • Preparing the ingredients. We cut the tongue into strips, quite large. Boiled eggs are cut into large pieces.
  • Garlic and pepper are baked in the oven - 30 minutes at 120°.
  • Note: before baking, the pepper is greased with sunflower oil, and the head of garlic is wrapped in food foil.
  • The finished baked pepper is cut into squares, and the garlic is crushed with a fork.
  • Most of the cheese (70 g) is cut into strips or squares. The remaining 30 g of cheese is grated on a fine grater.
  • Preparing the dressing. Mayonnaise + sour cream + chopped herbs + salt = salad dressing.
  • Before serving, the salad is dressed, mixed and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Attention: main trick of this extremely simple recipe - as cutting components. Don't be shallow! Otherwise it will turn out to be a mess. An old proverb says: “The mouth rejoices in a large piece.” Dogs' taste buds will definitely be delighted with this salad!

Tiffany's Herringbone Salad

An exquisite recipe for sophisticated people. But at the same time it contains chicken meat, which makes it a tasty prey for Dogs.

We will need:

  • chicken fillet – 2 pieces;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • hard cheese – 200 g (neutral taste);
  • mayonnaise – 150 g (fat content does not matter);
  • green grapes – 100 g (seedless variety);
  • roasted almonds – 100 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Method of preparation and styling.

  • Cooking 1 layer of lettuce. Boil chicken breasts in lightly salted water. Don't overdo it with cooking! Otherwise, the meat will turn out dry and tasteless. When the breasts have cooled, cut them and place them on the bottom of the salad bowl. Lubricate the first layer with mayonnaise for juiciness.
  • Laying it down middle layer. It will be almond-egg. First sprinkle chopped roasted almonds. Then, on top of it, boiled eggs grated on a coarse grater.
    The second layer can also be greased with mayonnaise. But you can skip this step.
  • We make the finishing layer - cheese. Grated cheese is laid on top of the eggs and leveled with mayonnaise.

We bring beauty. Grapes will represent the Christmas tree. To do this, we wash it, dry it, cut each berry in half and “cover” the top of the salad with grape “scales”.

Tip: to resemble a Christmas tree, give the salad the shape of an isosceles triangle.

Salad "Watermelon 2018"

Amazingly beautiful salad! And it couldn’t have happened without the participation of turkey. You can already hear the joyful patter of dog paws towards him.

You will need:

  • turkey fillet – 100 g;
  • fresh tomato – 2 pieces;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 piece;
  • cheese – 180 g;
  • mayonnaise – 1 small pack;
  • black olives without pits - several pieces for decoration.

Cooking method.

  • Prepare 1 layer. Boil the turkey fillet in salted water, cool, separate into fibers and place on a flat plate in the first layer in the shape of a watermelon slice. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise.
  • Preparing the 2nd layer. Chop tomatoes and cucumbers finely. Tomatoes - in squares, cucumbers - in strips. Cucumbers will represent the watermelon rind, and tomatoes will represent the pulp.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater and pour it over the first layer. Along the edge of the semicircle are cucumbers. In the center are tomatoes. Olives, cut in half or quartered, represent watermelon seeds.

Beauty! I wish I could eat this miracle watermelon in the middle of winter!

The main dish of the New Year's table - hot recipes

Before we get into the recipes for New Year's hot hits 2018, let's outline the general concept.

  1. Of course, the central dish in the Year of the Dog should be meat. It’s great if the meat is accompanied by yellow fruits or vegetables - a tribute to the Yellow Dog.
  2. It would be great if it was not a simple civilized chicken, but, say, a wild duck or rabbit. Game is a dog's specialty by definition.
  3. Double pleasure for the Dog if the meat is on the bone - it’s a delicacy squared! And finally, full compliance with the New Year's concept 2018 - meat with a side dish of potatoes - a vegetable grown in the ground. This is already a culinary nod to the Earth Dog.

So, it's time to decide what to cook hot and tasty for the New Year 2018.

Shish kebab in the oven

This recipe is for urban barbecue lovers who were unable to get out of town on New Year’s Eve, closer to the grill. The recipe is simple, and the result is decent. Rate it!

We will need:

  • pork – 1.5-2 kg (for 4 servings);
  • onions - 4 medium onions;
  • soy sauce – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sunflower oil – 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Note: you will also need a baking sleeve.

Cooking method.

  • Marinate the meat. Cut the meat into medium pieces, put it in a bowl, add the onion cut into rings, salt, pepper, soy sauce, vegetable oil, vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly so that the meat is saturated with additives. Cover the container with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • While the meat is marinating in the refrigerator, turn on the oven and prepare the sleeve for baking - tie it at one end.
  • We put the marinated meat into a sleeve and tie it at the other end. Place the sleeve on a baking sheet. To allow steam to escape, we make several holes in the sleeve. The baking sheet is placed on the middle shelf of the oven and left for 1 hour at 200°.

Like this! You can cook an excellent barbecue without leaving your apartment and treat it to the hostess of the year.

Country style rabbit

The choice fell on this recipe due to its complete authenticity to the tastes of the Yellow Earth Dog. This dish combines game and root vegetables of the right color. The cooking method is simple, no fuss.

We will need:

  • rabbit – 2-2.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • onions – 200 g;
  • mayonnaise – 80 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • greens - for decoration.

Cooking method.

  • Preparing the components. We divide the rabbit into portions. We clean the onion and cut it into squares. Peel the potatoes and cut them into large pieces - in half if small and into 4 parts if large. We clean the carrots and cut them into slices.
  • Grease the mold generously with sunflower oil. First place the onion on the bottom in an even layer. On it are potatoes and carrots. At the very top of this vegetable feather bed is a rabbit.
  • Let's fill. We dilute 80 g of mayonnaise in 2 glasses of water. Pour the resulting liquid over the contents of the mold. As a result, the filling should almost cover the rabbit. Salt, pepper and place in an oven preheated to 200° for 1.5-2 hours.

Important: As cooking progresses, the water in the pan will evaporate and you need to add it so that the meat does not dry out.

In 2 hours, your New Year’s table will have a fragrant hot dish - the most tender rabbit meat under a golden crust, with a ready-made side dish. It seems like someone is whining pitifully, asking for more!

New Year's duck with tangerines

This recipe is worthy of the title “Culinary hit 2018”. A real decoration for the New Year's table.


  • duck – 1 whole medium-sized carcass (1.5-2 kg);
  • tangerines – 10 pieces;
  • kiwi – 3 pieces;
  • soy sauce – 80 ml;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • dill or parsley - for decoration.

Cooking method.

  • We are preparing the carcass. Wash and gut the duck if it has not already been done. Generously rub the carcass with salt and pepper and place it to rest for 2 hours.
  • Prepare the marinade. While the duck lies quietly, prepare a marinade for it: mix honey with soy sauce and squeeze out the juice of 1 tangerine. Pour the resulting marinade over the rested chicken and let it sit for another 30 minutes.
  • While the duck is marinating, prepare the fruit filling for it. We clean the kiwi and cut it into 4 parts. We also peel the tangerines and divide them into slices.
  • We put the finished fruits inside the duck and close the entrance with toothpicks.
  • Preparing the bird for roasting. Wrap the legs of the stuffed duck in foil to prevent them from getting burnt in the oven.
  • Place the stuffed carcass in a mold, pour water over it, place tangerine skins on the edge of the carcass for flavor, and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 2.5 hours.
  • 30 minutes before the end, remove the toothpicks so that the fruit inside the carcass also browns.

Note: During baking, the carcass needs to be watered periodically the released juice - for a golden brown crust.

Important: while the duck with tangerines is being prepared, treat the Dog to some New Year's snack, otherwise he will go crazy from the intoxicating smells.

New Year's desserts 2018

A holiday table is incomplete without dessert. We won't allow this! And although sweets are not very recommended for the Dog, the case is painfully reliable! We need to pamper the hostess of the coming year a little.

It is believed that light - curd and milk - desserts will not cause much damage to the Dog, but they will bring a lot of pleasure!

Note: active use of nuts, dried fruits, pies with fresh apples, light mousses and soufflés with forest berries and oranges is encouraged.

Hot dessert “Orange Kiss”

We will need:

  • sugar – 200 g;
  • oranges – 6 pieces;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method.

  • Cooking syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in 2 glasses of water.
  • Cooking jam. The orange pulp is chopped and boiled in syrup until transparent.

Note: Peel the oranges carefully so that you get intact halves of the peels. They will be needed later.

  • Cooking souffle. To do this, separate the whites from the yolks and whip them into foam. Add the pre-cooled orange jam to this protein foam and continue whisking. Then, very carefully, add starch.
  • The final stage. Protein-orange-starch mixture Layer the orange peel halves and place in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Important: this dessert is served hot, sprinkled with powdered sugar on top. Yellow fragrant yummy for the Yellow Dog!

Homemade ice cream

Show us a dog that refuses ice cream! And even homemade ice cream! And even with condensed milk!

You will need:

  • condensed milk – 2 cans (boiled);
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • dark chocolate – 1 bar;
  • cream - 250g.

Cooking sequence:

  • We prepare the components. Separate the yolks from the whites. We only need the yolks. Heat the boiled condensed milk in a saucepan to make it more liquid.
  • We are creating the future of ice cream. Add the yolks to warm, but not hot, condensed milk, mix with a whisk, making sure that there are no lumps and the mass is homogeneous. Then put it all on low heat and pour in the cream, stirring constantly.
  • The final stage. Add grated chocolate to the cooled mixture, mix once again and pour everything into molds. Place the molds in the freezer for several hours.

Tip: this dessert needs to be prepared in advance, preferably on New Year's Eve. And choose the molds according to the theme of the holiday - in the form of dog faces, paw prints or bones.

Dishes decoration

A beautiful festive table in the Year of the Dog is:

  • the presence on the table of the heroine of the holiday in any modification: in the form of a cute figurine of a big-eared puppy or his “photo” on a plate with salad;
  • cold cuts laid out in a special way;
  • active use of New Year's symbols: a Christmas tree - from dill, a star - from tomato or red pepper, New Year's beads - from corn and pomegranate grains, cones - from almond nuts, snowmen - from boiled chicken and quail eggs held together with a toothpick;
  • funny cupcakes in the shape of furry dogs; the role of the shaggy fur is played very convincingly by buttercream.

And the last piece of advice for this gastronomic curtain: if you have a dog in the house, find a place for it at your New Year's table. Let her feel that her year is coming - the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog - generous, hospitable, sincere, a true friend of man!