Blueberries - composition, calorie content, beneficial properties. Blueberries in cosmetology

The blueberry is a berry from the lingonberry family and is considered a relative of the blueberry. Blueberries are aromatic, tasty and quite healthy. The berries are used to make jelly, compotes, and jam. It can be consumed fresh, but it is best to make a delicious juice. Please note that blueberry bushes like to grow around, and its essential oils have a negative effect on the body - leading to severe headaches. Previously, because of this, they thought that blueberries were harmful, so they began to call them headache, drunken, hemlock. In fact, when picking, you need to keep an eye on what is growing next to the blueberry bush. The berry has a powerful, beneficial effect.


The berry contains many vitamins - carotenoids, provitamin A, B1, PP, B2, vitamins K, P, ascorbic acid. Blueberries are rich in mineral salt, copper, iron, phosphorus, organic acids - acetic, citric, benzoic, malic, oxalic. Blueberries contain tannins, pectins, fiber, sugar, coloring matter, and amino acids.

Anthocyanins are considered especially valuable; they help increase the effectiveness of antioxidant components. It is worth noting that compared to blueberries, there are more anthocyanins in them. Substances contained in blueberries have anti-carcinogenic and rejuvenating effects. If you regularly consume berries, your skin will recover faster, collagen will be produced, and your blood vessels will be cleansed of harmful cholesterol. Due to this, the walls of the arteries and capillaries will gain elasticity and flexibility. In addition, blood flow will improve, the cells will be saturated with sufficient oxygen.

Due to the fact that blueberries contain a sufficient amount of tannin, fiber, and pectin, it is possible to cleanse the body of radionuclides (cobalt, strontium), heavy metal salts, toxic components, and toxins.

How many calories are in blueberries? 100 grams of berries contain at least 61 kcal. Therefore, it is recommended to eat blueberries for those who are on a strict diet and do not want to give up fatty foods. Proven! If you eat fatty foods, the level of triglycerides will decrease, and the layer of fat on your stomach will significantly decrease.

Research has proven that blueberries are the best preventative against vascular and heart diseases; they help prevent metabolic syndrome.

How do blueberries affect the body?

We note that the berry has cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic, choleretic, and anti-scorbutic effects. Blueberries have a positive effect on the digestive system, making it possible to normalize intestinal function, restore the functioning of the pancreas, and normalize blood sugar levels.

Please note that infusion with blueberries has a binding effect and is used to fight dysentery. If you prepare a decoction of the leaves of the berry, you will get a fairly effective laxative that will help get rid of constipation. We note that blueberries contain vitamin K, which makes it possible to combat low blood clotting.

Attention! In order for blueberries to benefit the body, you need to take a more serious approach to its choice. It is recommended to use whole berries; they should not be damaged or rotten. If the blueberries are fresh, they will be dry, blue, and have a white coating.

Collection and preparation

You need to pick the berries when they are fully ripe - at the end of summer. Please note that blueberries are a soft, delicate berry, so you need to be extremely careful when picking them, otherwise you will damage them. After picking, sort out the berries - freeze the large ones and grind the small ones.

Blueberries will keep in the refrigerator for about two weeks. You can store frozen berries for about a year, just for this purpose buy special bags so that the foreign smell of fish and meat does not penetrate.


Keep in mind that blueberries are considered a fairly allergenic berry, so you shouldn’t overuse them. Otherwise, everything will end with nausea, headache, vomiting. Excess antioxidants are very harmful to health. They lead to a decrease in oxygen in the muscles and impair their functionality.

Blueberries are contraindicated for bile ducts. During pregnancy, the berry can cause a severe allergic reaction. It is not recommended to indulge in berries while breastfeeding; it leads to diathesis in an infant.

Dietary recipes


Prepare 500 grams of blueberries, 200 grams of blueberries, 300 grams of sugar, water (2 liters). The berries need to be washed, sorted, then poured into an enamel bowl. After the berries are crushed, sugar is added, the juice should begin to stand out. Water is poured into the pan and everything is boiled slowly for about 10 minutes. When the drink is completely ready, strain it and pour into a glass jug. Serve fruit drink chilled or warm. It is especially useful for acute respiratory viral infections and diseases of the respiratory system.

Mannik with blueberries (253 Kcal)

Prepare semolina (a glass) + kefir (200 ml) + wheat flour (a glass) + eggs (2 pieces) + 50 grams of butter + a glass of sugar + baking soda (1.5 teaspoons) + half a glass of blueberries.

Mannik is prepared in a slow cooker (it is best that it is not a pressure cooker, otherwise all the beneficial properties of the products will be lost). Be sure to follow this sequence:

  • Beat eggs with sugar.
  • Add butter to eggs.
  • In another bowl, beat kefir + semolina.
  • Transfer the semolina mixture to the egg mixture.
  • Add flour, soda.
  • Sort and wash the blueberries, pour into the dough.
  • Pour the dough into the bowl.
  • Cook in the “Bake” mode for about an hour.

Thus, blueberries are one of the healthy berries that can be eaten fresh or made into delicious jam, compote, or fruit juice. The main thing is to collect it correctly, and if you buy it, make sure that it is not spoiled or treated with various harmful substances. There is no need to save money and buy a second-rate product.

Among the favorites is blueberry: its quality composition and ease of use have been studied by many experts. It meets all demanding requirements and, what’s more, its calorie content is only 39 kilocalories!

Beneficial properties of blueberries

According to the results of numerous studies, it turned out that blueberries, which contain a large amount of fiber, as well as phytoestrogens, prevent cancer. The antioxidants included in its composition can become the panacea that everyone craves!

In dietetics, methods are widely used that help a person adjust his lifestyle so that during vigorous activity it is possible to replenish the body with all the necessary components: proteins, vitamins, natural minerals and other useful substances.

These techniques allow you to balance your diet so that there is maximum benefit, and knowing how many calories are in blueberries and other gifts of nature helps you organize your daily diet in such a way as to remain slim and vigorous.

Calorie content of blueberries

The energy value of a product is the calorie content per 100 grams. The energy value of blueberries is 39 kcal. It’s easy to calculate that when you consume 1 glass of blueberries or juice (160g), you will get only 62.4 kcal!

Discover what has long been known

Diabetes mellitus is precisely that “disease of civilization” that “eats away” all external stress until its nose hits this terrible diagnosis. Blueberries for diabetes are a simple and effective remedy. Eat up to 400 grams of blueberries daily or drink a glass of dried berry infusion - this will help you cope with the symptoms of diabetes.

You can also cleanse your blood once a year with blueberries: for 7 days in a row you need to eat a cup (300 grams) of fresh berries on an empty stomach.

Why is it recommended to eat berries? The answer is shocking: fruit juices can also have the opposite effect when, after drinking them, your blood sugar levels rise sharply. This is because the liquid is absorbed faster in juice, which gives a jump in sugar.

By replacing juices with blueberries, the risk of high blood sugar is reduced by 33%, and when consuming grapes or raisins by only 19%, pears and apples by 13%.

Amazing properties

There are a lot of types of blueberries and they all have both medicinal and preventive properties. Blueberries contain organic acids up to 2.7%; protein up to 1%; fiber up to 1.6%; pectins up to 0.6%; sugar up to 8%. The berry also contains valuable vitamins: C - 63 mg; vit B1 - 0.02 mg; carotene - 0.25 mg and PP - 550 mg.

No one has any doubts that any person needs to eat vegetables and fruits every day for proper nutrition. A lot has been written and said about how useful they are. What about berries? Are they really only tasty and not so necessary? Actually this is not true. It's just that most of them are difficult to store and transport. That's why berries so rarely come to our table. But many of them are also distinguished by low calorie content. Blueberries are perhaps the rarest of the berries, but no less useful for that.

In appearance, it is very similar to its other relative - blueberry. However, it differs from it in its larger size and has a rather bluish color and a softer texture. Blueberries, which are low in calories, are found naturally in swamps and lowlands. Although it is very unpretentious and can grow on any soil. Therefore, it is increasingly grown instead of other berries in the country. However, you need to collect it carefully. They are very soft and wrinkle easily. This mainly explains both its high price in stores and the fact that it is rarely found on shelves.

Benefits of blueberries

However, at least occasionally it is worth including it in your diet. This berry combines qualities such as high and low calorie content. Blueberries per 100 g contain only 35 kcal. At the same time, it is still rich in iron, which is completely absorbed by the body. The magnesium content in it makes it not only a pleasant, but also a healthy dessert for blood vessels. In addition, this berry has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and pancreas.

But the most interesting thing is that, according to nutritionists, blueberry juice is much healthier than many other natural drinks. The fact is that the berry is rich in antioxidants and excellent. By the way, juice can be prepared from blueberries that have been mashed during harvesting and transportation. After all, there is nothing better than freshly squeezed juice with a piece of ice in the summer heat. But this berry will be especially interesting for those who would like to lose weight. After all, it is distinguished not only by its low calorie content - blueberries are also capable of breaking down fats.

Preparation for the winter

True, like any other berry, it doesn’t last very long when fresh. Yes, you can only collect it in the summer. Therefore, those blueberries that were not eaten immediately were usually used to make pies, jam, and ground with sugar. Only any heat treatment destroys vitamins and microelements in products. Therefore, in order to preserve all the benefits of the berry and its low calorie content, blueberries are increasingly being frozen. In this form, it can be used in winter for making desserts, fruit drinks and muffins.

Contraindications to eating blueberries

Only moderation should be observed when consuming this berry. Although many, realizing how many calories are in blueberries and how healthy they are, eat them in unlimited quantities. The fact is that if you overeat, the berry can cause nausea, vomiting and headaches. And due to the high content of antioxidants in blueberries, excessive consumption can lead to impaired muscle function. And an absolute contraindication to its use in food is

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Blueberry is the same name for a deciduous shrub and fruit from the Ericaceae family. In common people this berry is also called “drunkara”, “gonobobel”. This is due to the fact that in large quantities blueberries cause an intoxicating effect.

Although in fact this effect is caused by marsh wild rosemary, a very poisonous plant that almost always grows next to blueberries. In appearance, blueberries are similar to blueberries; they are often confused. The difference between blueberries is that they seem to be covered with a bluish coating, and inside they have sweet green pulp. The fruits are small, about 1 cm in diameter.

Interesting! Blueberries are widely distributed in the forests, mountains and wetlands of the Northern Hemisphere.

Blueberries are low in calories, only 35 calories per 100 g.

Almost 90% of the berry consists of water, the rest of the composition is made up of proteins, sugars, and fiber. The amount of pectin substances is the largest of all forest berries. Blueberries contain many organic acids: oxalic, malic, citric and acetic.

Blueberries are a storehouse of vitamins B, A, PP, C, E and minerals - calcium, phosphorus, sodium. This blue berry is considered a real natural healer.

  1. Blueberries improve the process of hematopoiesis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  2. The berry improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. Wild berries calm the nervous system. Its use is indispensable during periods of heavy mental stress, as it contains magnesium;
  4. Due to the fact that all the iron in blueberries is completely absorbed, the body’s immunity and stamina will be at its best with regular consumption of the berries. The risk of anemia will be zero;
  5. Blueberries have antimicrobial disinfectant properties, which is an excellent prevention of dysentery;
  6. The forest dweller protects against radiation, which is present almost everywhere in the modern world;
  7. Since blueberries are an antioxidant, they tones the body, filling it with vitality;
  8. The berry cleanses the body, gently removing all toxins and waste, restoring the metabolic process;
  9. Blueberries are good for diabetics, as they do not provoke a sharp jump in blood sugar and enhance the effect of sugar-lowering medications;
  10. Blueberries have the ability to break down fats and are low in calories, so they are a godsend for dietary nutrition.

The benefits of blueberries for humans are undeniable. But its consumption should be in moderation, no more than a couple of glasses. An excess of berries in the body can cause a reverse reaction - headache, nausea and vomiting. Blueberries should also not be consumed if you have gastritis or diseases of the duodenum.

Most often, blueberries are consumed raw, as they are an amazingly tasty and juicy berry. Sweet jams and preserves, jellies are made from it, and added as a filling to pies and buns. It looks great combined with other wild berries as a decoration for confectionery products.

This forest dweller is used to make compotes and jelly, which retain their vitaminizing properties even after heat treatment. Blueberries are also used in the alcohol industry. Tart wines, tinctures and liqueurs are popular with customers.

When purchasing berries, pay attention to their integrity and dark blue color. Blueberries should be dry, without traces of dirt and clay.

Important! The shelf life of fresh blueberries is very short, even in the refrigerator no more than 2 weeks.

And its berries are soft and very tender, which does not help extend its shelf life. Therefore, it is often used directly for cooking. You can extend the shelf life in 3 ways

  1. By freezing. It will not lose all its beneficial properties and can be stored for up to six months.
  2. Blueberries can be dried. Dried berries and decoctions are beneficial for the body, as they also retain all their beneficial properties. It should be stored in glass or ceramic containers in a dark place.
  3. The berries can also be stored in a birch bark box, filled with fish oil. Afterwards, bury the drenched berries in moss, so they will not lose their presentation.

Proteins: 1g. (4 kcal)

Fat: 0.5g. (4.5 kcal)

Carbohydrates: 6.6g. (26.4 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 10% | 11% | 67%

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Blueberry is a low shrub of the family Ericaceae, has a woody trunk, small dark green leaves and blue berries covered with a bluish coating. The berries are usually round, less often slightly elongated, up to 1.2 cm long. Blueberry pulp is purple, juicy, quite sweet, but not cloying. Blueberries have a distinct aroma and the berries smell fresh.

Blueberries grow in temperate and cold climates, almost everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Blueberry bushes can live up to a hundred years, as they are highly frost-resistant.

Calorie content of blueberries

The calorie content of blueberries is 35 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Blueberries contain antioxidants, the main one of which is, which protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals. Blueberries have the property of increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, which is especially important for high cholesterol levels. Blueberries contain a lot of polyphenolic compounds that help fight malignant tumors. The berry contains vitamins necessary for diabetics, as it reduces sugar levels.

The glycemic index (GI) of blueberries is low, so the berries are recommended during diets. Blueberry juice helps normalize digestive processes and stops intestinal upset. Eating blueberries enhances the effect of medications to lower blood sugar and speeds up metabolism.

Harm of blueberries

People with high acidity of gastric juice should consume blueberries with caution; blueberries can also provoke allergic reactions.

When choosing blueberries, you need to carefully inspect the berries so that they are dry, whole and without signs of mold. The blue coating is a natural protection of the berries, so you need to wash blueberries very carefully and quickly.

Fresh berries are stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days; if long-term storage is necessary, you should freeze the berries by placing them in one layer on a flat plate or tray. The blueberries can then be poured into a plastic or glass container and stored in the freezer for up to a year (calorizator). When blueberries are dried, the berries will lose most of their beneficial properties; when frozen, all the vitamins will remain intact.

Blueberries in cooking

Blueberries will bring the most benefit and pleasure when eaten fresh, as a separate delicacy or as an addition to fruit salads, cottage cheese dishes, cereals and yogurt. Blueberries are used to make compotes and fruit drinks, jams, and berries are added to non-alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

See more about blueberries in the video “Blueberries. Made in America" ​​TV program "Live Healthy!"

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