Glazed cheese curds preparation technology. Production of glazed curds

Mari State Technical University

Business plan

"Production of glazed curds"

1. Product Description

2. Market assessment

3. Evaluation of competitors

4. Strategy and marketing plan

5. Sales forecast

6. Production plan

7. Organizational plan

8. Legal Plan

9. Risk assessment

10. Financial plan

11. Funding strategy

In this business plan, it is planned to organize the production of glazed cottage cheese curds with boiled condensed milk at the enterprise - CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" operating in the field of food production based on milk processing.

The project provides for the creation of a new technological line for the production of glazed curds. The choice of the manufactured product is explained, first of all, by the presence of great demand among consumers, this is a product that has tasty and healthy qualities.

Glazed curds are a sweet curd mass covered with chocolate icing on top. Glazed cheese curds represent a rather narrow segment on the market of curd products. In Europe and Asia, according to experts, glazed cheese curds do not have such success, this is explained by the popularity of a traditional product in Russia - cottage cheese. Thanks to the latest technologies, it is successfully used in the confectionery industry.

Glazed curd curd cheese with condensed milk will be produced in the mass of 45 g and packaged in a special film. Requirements for the quality of glazed curds are determined by TU 9222-001-78529440-06.

Cost of production 1 pc. cheese is 1.48 rubles.

The glazed cheese market can be described as one of the most rapidly developing in the last few years. However, the local market in Mari El does not have its own producers; all glazed curd bars sold in the shops of the republic are brought from other regions.

Experts estimate the annual turnover of the glazed curd cheese market in the Republic of Mari El at 2.5 million rubles. Therefore, for a local manufacturer, there is an opportunity to enter the market with their products and the prospect of expanding their niche.

Planned output per year - 4,000,000 pcs. In the future, the number will increase by increasing capacity and expanding the range.

To start production, the company needs to purchase technological equipment - a line for the production of glazed curd bars LGS-6. Its cost is 1200 thousand rubles. The cost of technological maintenance of the line - 16 thousand rubles. The cost of training employees - 12,000 rubles. The need for working capital (including raw materials and materials) - 4,894 thousand rubles.

The total investment requirement is 12,042 thousand rubles.

The profitability of production is determined by a small amount of investment and demand for the product.

The management of the enterprise in its activities is guided by the study of the needs and requests of consumers and considers the diversity of the range of products as one of the main tasks.

General characteristics of the enterprise

The full name of the organization is Closed Joint-Stock Company "Sernursky Cheese Plant", abbreviated - CJSC "Sernursky Cheese Plant".

Location of the company - 425450, Republic of Mari El, Sernur settlement, st. Zavodskaya, d. 8-a.

The plant is deep, remote from railway and river communications. All cargo flows are carried out by road transport (importation of raw materials, auxiliary materials, containers, sales of finished products).

The enterprise began its work in 1932 in the village of Sernur of the Republic of Mari El. In 2004, the enterprise was transformed from CJSC "Sernursky cheese factory" into CJSC "Sernursky cheese factory".

The average number of personnel of the enterprise for 2008 is 117 people. This allows us to classify it as a medium-sized enterprise.

Wholesale and retail trade in food and non-food products, agent services on a contractual basis.

The authorized capital of the enterprise is 6,233,560 rubles. The nominal value of each share is 680 rubles. The Company has created a Reserve Fund in the amount of 20% of the authorized capital and amounts to 1247 thousand rubles.

The main raw material for the production of Sernur Cheese Plant CJSC products is milk, the suppliers of which are agricultural production cooperatives of the Republic of Mari El. In particular, the import of raw materials is carried out from Sernursky, Maritureksky, Paranginsky, Orsha, Kuzhenersky, Sovetsky, Novotoryalsky, Medvedevsky districts.

The company specializes mainly in the production of cheese and whole-milk products. In total, CJSC "Sernursky cheese factory" produces 19 types of cheese, including classic ones: "Gollandsky", "Poshekhonsky", "Kostroma", "Rossiysky", "Pokrovsky" and others. The cheese factory also produces Krestyanskoye butter and 20 types of whole milk products.

Large deliveries of products fall on the markets of the republics of Mari El, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod regions. The main consumers of CJSC "Sernur cheese factory" products are individuals and legal entities (hospitals, schools). In 2003 CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" started a new activity for itself - dairy goat breeding. Moreover, in the Republic of Mari El there are suitable natural conditions.

In recent years, the high quality of Sernur Cheese Plant CJSC products has been awarded 45 medals at prestigious Russian and international exhibitions. In 2008, at the 15th international exhibition "PRODEXPO-2008" in Moscow, CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" received 14 medals. The company's strategy is focused on providing shops, catering establishments, wholesalers and small wholesalers with cheese and whole-milk products. the company develops regional sales offices, expands and strengthens the dealer network.

1. Product Description

Nutrition is one of the main factors determining human health and longevity.

The structure of nutrition of the population of the Republic of Mari El is characterized by insufficient consumption of the most biologically valuable food products. With this in mind, the currently acquired direction is the production of products enriched with biologically active substances, produced to eliminate or reduce their deficiency in the diet of the population.

This business plan considers a project for the production of glazed curds.

The new production line at CJSC "Sernur Cheese Factory" will produce glazed curd curds stuffed with boiled condensed milk "Korovka" from natural cottage cheese, with the addition of butter, sugar, filler - boiled condensed milk, and covered with special chocolate icing.

Glazed cheese curds are a tasty and healthy food product of a diverse range, and are a sweet curd mass covered with chocolate icing on top. Glazed cheese curds represent a rather narrow segment on the market of curd products in Russia. In Europe and Asia, according to experts, glazed cheese curds do not have such success, this is explained by the popularity of a traditional product in Russia - cottage cheese. Thanks to the latest technology, it is also successfully used in the confectionery industry.

The raw material for glazed cheese curds is cottage cheese made from high-quality milk, butter, sugar, ready-made chocolate icing, various flavoring and food additives.

Milk is a rich source of micronutrients that are of great importance in the regulation of metabolism and protective processes in a living organism. The deficiency of milk proteins is compensated by the introduction of proteins of plant origin.

Through the use of fruit and berry raw materials, it is possible to optimize the mineral and vitamin composition of products. For example, add vitamin C, which performs many important functions. Without its participation, redox processes in the body are not complete; under its influence, the elasticity and strength of blood vessels increase. In addition to its importance for health, it is necessary for increasing life expectancy, as it is involved in the creation and healing of connective tissues.

Composition of products for the production of glazed curds:

cottage cheese 18%;

· butter;

confectionery glaze (sugar, cocoa butter substitute, cocoa powder, emulsifier - lecithin, flavor identical to natural - vanillin);

filling - boiled condensed milk with sugar.

The quality of raw materials must meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documentation. Control of the content of toxic elements and pesticides will be carried out in accordance with the established procedure and by the relevant organizations. In addition, each batch of raw materials must be accompanied by a quality certificate.

Description: glazed cheese curd with condensed milk. Net weight 45±2 g. Glazed cheese curd will be packaged in 45 g and packed in a special film.

Requirements for the quality of glazed curds are determined by TU 9222-001-78529440-06.

Energy composition: proteins 9.00 g; fats 23.00 g; carbs: 34.00 g

Energy value: 420.00 kcal.

We present the calculation of the cost of 1 pc. products weighing 45 g.

Table 1 Calculation of the unit cost of cheese


Unit measurements

Consumption rate

Price per unit, rub.

Total, rub.

variable costs

1. Raw materials




2. Remuneration of production workers

3. Deductions for social. needs

4. Fuel and electricity

fixed costs

5. AUP salary

6. Deductions

7. Expenses for the maintenance and operation of equipment, depreciation

8. Other operating expenses

Cost price

Thus, the cost of 1 pc. cheese is 1.48 rubles.

In the future activities of the enterprise, it is planned to expand the range of products of this type due to the variety of fillers.

The Russian market of milk and sour-milk products, according to experts, is formed by about 90%. Thus, in the RME market, glazed cheese curds occupy only 2-3% (while for Moscow this figure is 4%, and for St. Petersburg - 5.5%).

The glazed cheese market can be described as one of the most rapidly developing in the last few years.

The development of the production of glazed cheese curds began after the crisis of 1998, while its bright heyday fell on 2000-2004. From 1995 to 2002, Rostagroexport was the main producer on the market. This company was one of the first to start producing cottage cheese curds in Russia, which allowed it to occupy 50% of this market at one time. But the Rostagroexport company could not hold the market for a long time, in 2002 such manufacturers as Danone with the cheese of the same name and Wimm-Bill-Dann (WBD) with the Ryzhiy Ap brand entered the cheese market, and a little later - " 33 cows" and "Prostokvashino".

However, the local market in Mari El does not have its own manufacturers; all glazed curd bars sold in the shops of the republic are brought from other regions, mainly from producers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

According to research data, from August 2007 to July 2008 the market volume of glazed cheese curds increased by 11% in value terms compared to the same period of 2006-2007. In physical terms, sales of glazed curds increased by 14%. Experts estimate the annual turnover of the glazed curd cheese market in the Republic of Mari El at 2.5 million rubles. Therefore, for a local manufacturer, there is an opportunity to enter the market with their products and the prospect of expanding their niche.

The population of the Republic of Mari El (approximately 350,000 people, of which about 250,000 live in Yoshkar-Ola) will be the main consumers of the product of CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant", which purchases these products through stores. Products will be sold through intermediaries and wholesalers.

The technical characteristics of the equipment for the production of glazed cheese curds provide for a capacity of 2000 pcs. at one o'clock.

In the first year of its existence, our enterprise assumes a one-shift 8-hour work schedule (40 hours a week). Therefore, the production volume will be 4 million pieces per year. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a seasonal product, and demand for it fluctuates throughout the year.

3. Evaluation of competitors

A feature of the glazed curd cheese market is that it is almost completely branded. In the last three or four years, the share of large national brands has increased in the market. Of these, Danone, a dairy producer, is best known to consumers, followed by Wimm-Bill-Dann, Rostagroexport, Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant, etc.

All these producers are already working on the RME market, where CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" intends to sell its products in the first place. Their sales volumes are estimated as follows:

− Danone is the largest manufacturer of glazed curds (Danone brand) in the local market (about 1 million rubles per year;

− Wimm-Bill-Dann (brand "Ryzhiy Ap") - about 500 thousand rubles. in year;

- "Rosagroexport" (brand "Prostokvashino") - about 450 thousand rubles. in year. The company "Rostagroexport" uses the equipment of the Lithuanian company "PAKMA" - a major manufacturer of food equipment. The plant "Rostagroexport" has 10 lines for the production of cheese curds, which allows to produce up to 50 tons of products daily;

− Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant (brand "Pingvinenok Pongo") - about 300 thousand rubles. in year;

− other smaller firms with a total turnover of about 250 thousand rubles. in year.

Common features characteristic of all firms operating in the cheese market:

The same range of products offered;

Fairly high selling price of products (within 5-9 rubles for 1 pc.).

Therefore, in terms of prices, CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" will not have serious competitors, since the estimated average selling price of 1 pc. new products - 4.5 rubles.

It is assumed that in the first year there will be no problems with sales, because. Previously, the demand for this product was not fully covered. Our product will account for 5% of the total sales of the entire market.

CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" has the image of a reliable business partner and manufacturer, carefully monitoring the quality of both raw materials and finished products, clearly fulfilling its obligations both among interacting enterprises and potential consumers, due to increased attention to their needs and requirements .

Thus, if there are at least 4 large companies competing in this area of ​​production, and due to the specifics of the product itself, when the quality factor plays the same important role for the consumer as the price, the consumer will give preference to the highest quality, most environmentally friendly products, and a more attractive price compared to competitors will be a decisive factor in the decision-making process.

The demand for the offered goods depends on the following factors:

From the awareness of consumers about the product, i.e. from successful advertising activities;

From the methods of stimulating the offered services.

To introduce and consolidate positions in the market, it is necessary to carry out active marketing, find effective forms of attracting firms that need a new product for sale.

General Marketing Strategy

Under the company's strategy, it is customary to understand a set of rules and techniques by which the fundamental development goals are achieved. Marketing strategy is the choice of the best ways to achieve the company's goals by means of marketing.

If the goal of the firm is to maximize profit, then it is necessary to find a way in which this goal will be achieved. But this can be done by reducing costs as much as possible and maintaining the same price level, or by slightly reducing the price, increasing sales, thus obtaining a higher level of profitability.

Currently, the Sernursky Cheese Plant CJSC sets itself a number of specific production and marketing goals:

As soon as possible to adapt the economic activity and the management system of the company to changing external and internal economic conditions;

To ensure a stable financial and material position of the company in the industry and in its target markets;

To ensure an increase in the total volume of sales of the company's products;

Produce - 4 million curds per year;

In the future, to increase the range of cheese curds produced due to the variety of fillings.

To achieve their goals, it is necessary to apply the following marketing strategies:

Participate as much as possible in state programs for the development and production of products subsidized from budgetary appropriations;

Conduct a constant search for new markets, not only within the region;

Analyze demand, determine the list and organize the release of new products that meet the capabilities of the company and can be distributed among the population directly and through the distribution network;

Reduce production costs and overhead costs for products manufactured by the enterprise.

Product distribution scheme

Glazed cheese curds will be sold both through our own distribution network (this does not require additional costs, such sales are a source of stable cash receipts and allow CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" to clearly plan its activities), and through wholesale intermediaries, selling them products directly from the warehouse enterprises.

Transportation of products from the workshop to its own stores will be carried out by the company's vehicles.


In modern market conditions, pricing is a very complex process, influenced by many factors. The choice of a general pricing strategy is recommended to be made on the basis of marketing methods, since the determination of prices for new types of products and already manufactured products and services to increase sales, turnover, increase profitability and strengthen the market position of the enterprise is a function of marketing.

CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" will set a low selling price for its products, due to low production costs, low prime cost, as well as minimal transportation costs.

Estimated average selling price of 1 pc. new products - 4.5 rubles. Products will be shipped in packs of 20 pcs. The minimum lot is 4 packs at a price of 90 rubles.

In order to attract the attention of customers, it is necessary to organize an advertising campaign, the purpose of which will be to inform trade enterprises and the public about a new type of product of CJSC Sernur Cheese Plant.

The advertising campaign is purposeful and aims to instill confidence in both the manufacturer and the products he produces, while in any advertising the company tries to emphasize that it always proceeds from the needs of the population.

CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" prefers advertising in the press (as cheaper and more accessible) and on the radio (as more widely covering). Also, before the release of products, posters advertising our product, etc. will be hung in stores.

It is necessary to create a favorable attitude towards the new product of the enterprise, for this, communication will be maintained with representatives of the media, articles will be placed in newspapers, test batches will be presented in catering organizations, sanatoriums, rest houses, children's camps and kindergartens, the enterprise will organize excursions to production.

5. Sales forecast

Sales forecasting is the starting point of financial calculations in a business plan, however, it is difficult to estimate the possible volume of product sales, since the conditions of the external and internal environment of the enterprise are constantly changing.

After analyzing the situation on the market, we can say that the demand for these products exists, but it is subject to seasonal fluctuations.

The tables show the planned prices for manufactured products and the volume of sales (per year).

Table 2 Estimated sales volume in 2010-2012

The planned mode of operation involves 1 shift with an 8-hour working day. The planned working time fund is an average of 21 days per month. Estimated capacity of the line after reaching full capacity:

Per shift: 16,000 pieces;

Per month: 16,000 * 21 days = 336,000 per month;

Per year: 336,000 * 12 months ≈ 4,000,000 pcs. in year.

In the future, the number will increase by increasing capacity and expanding the range.

Technical management of the project, issues of logistics, production and marketing of finished products are carried out by deputy directors for production and sales.

The suppliers of raw milk are the same agricultural enterprises that currently supply milk to CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant". The supplier of other necessary ingredients (glaze, sugar, filler) will be Doctor May LLC, which is engaged in the wholesale supply of raw materials for food production. An additional contract for the supply of products will be concluded with this company.

To start production, the company needs to purchase technological equipment - a line for the production of glazed curd bars LGS-6. Its manufacturer is CJSC "Tauras-Phoenix" (Podolsk, Moscow region).

Description of the machine for the production of glazed curd bars LGS-6: the line is designed for the production of glazed curd curd bars, with or without filling. This line produces piece-packed glazed curd bars weighing 40-50 g. For packing glazed curd bars, a multilayer film with a full-color pattern (like "MARS" sweets) is used.

Technical characteristics of the line for the production of glazed curds are given in the table.

Table 3

Productivity, piece/hour:

Working pressure in the pneumatic system:

Size of glazed curd, mm:

Weight of glazed curd, gr:

Air flow:

Power consumption:

Overall dimensions, mm:

Weight, kg:

Retail price, rub.:

The composition of the line for the production of glazed cheese curds:

1. Forming machine with string cutting, with diaphragm cutting. Ready and cooled (from +6 to -5°C) curd mass is fed into the hopper of the machine, which forms curd snacks.

2. Filling station. The filling (jam, marmalade, condensed milk, etc.) is fed into the middle of the curd through a special die using a gear pump and a bypass, volumetric, valve dispenser.

3. Enrobing machine. The heated chocolate icing is fed by a gear pump to the curd watering device. The mesh conveyor of the glazing machine pulls the curds through the glaze flow created by the curd watering device. To cover the lower part of the curd, a pallet under the conveyor net is used. Excess glaze is removed with warm air.

4. Cooling tunnel. Glazed cheese curds covered with hot glaze are transferred to a belt conveyor. Glazed cheese curds are moved to the refrigerator, where the glaze is cooled to a solid state.

5. Linear rotary automatic stacker. It receives chilled rows of glazed curds, orients them and places them on a packaging machine.

6. Packing machine. Packs finished glazed cheese curds in a film. Packing type: "Flow-Pack".

7. Table - storage drive.

Finished glazed cheese curds are packaged in vacuum packaging of 45 grams. This packaging is developed taking into account consumer demand, and is focused on current trends. Then they are packaged in packs of 20 pcs.

Implementation period - up to 60 days.

The range of products produced with this equipment is of excellent quality.

Thanks to the high culture of production at CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant", all dairy, fat-and-oil, curd products have a great taste and guaranteed high quality.

Arrangement and installation of equipment is carried out according to the technological scheme for the production of this product.

The procedure for installing the equipment, preparing it for operation, the procedure for working on it, the rules for its maintenance, and the safety measures for working on the equipment are indicated in the passports and operating instructions for the equipment included in the kit.

In order to produce glazed cheese, it is necessary to prepare all the ingredients - curd mass, butter, icing, sugar, fillers. Then the process of making curd cheese begins.

First, a batch is prepared: the processed cottage cheese is placed in a meat mixer (volume -100 kg, temperature - 10-15 ° C), it is turned on and granulated sugar mixed with vanillin or other filler is added. Butter is added to the resulting mixture. All components are thoroughly mixed for 5-10 minutes. Then the curd mass is cooled to the desired temperature.

After that, it is fed to the molding - the cooled curd mass, loaded into the hopper of a special dosing and molding machine, comes out of it in the form of large pieces, which are automatically cut into separate curds. Then the filling (filler) is extruded into cheese and rolled.

For glazing, the conveyor delivers the formed curd snacks to the glazing machine, where they are covered with chocolate icing from above and from the sides. The coating of the bottom occurs due to the wave of glaze flowing through the conveyor. Cheese curds are glazed at a glaze temperature not exceeding 38°C. Glazed curds are blown with warm air to blow off excess icing and make their surface smooth.

After glazing, the curds go through the conveyor to the air cooler, where the icing solidifies at a temperature of -5°C to -3°C.

From the refrigerator, cheese is sent to packaging. The material for packaging is a polypropylene film, on which a pattern is applied. The packaging process takes place on a horizontal packaging machine.

The packaged cheese, if necessary, is additionally cooled in a refrigerator to a temperature of 4±2°C. Post-cooling is the last stage of production, after which the cheese is considered ready for sale.

Chilled cheese goes to storage. Glazed cheese curds should be stored at a temperature of 2-6°C.

The entire production process is environmentally friendly, which is caused by the use of ecological fuel - electricity, environmentally friendly raw materials and materials. As a result of the use of perfect equipment and the technological process, no harmful emissions are produced either into the atmosphere or in the form of industrial effluents.

The production process is associated with a relatively large release of heat into the atmosphere and into the surrounding production area. The production process also requires a relatively large industrial area and requires a room height of at least 3.5 meters, which is caused by the use of special equipment and the consistent movement of products.

Based on this production process, and the requirements for the location of production enterprises, the cheese curd production line will be located on the territory of the enterprise, in a specially designated room in the building of one of the enterprise's workshops.

The room does not require repair, but only the equipment of workplaces.

To organize the production process, additional costs will be required for the purchase of equipment and other fixed production assets.

The table shows the calculation of financial resources for the purchase of the necessary equipment for the investment project, taking into account the annual production volume, repair and maintenance time.

Table 4 Calculation of investment needs in fixed assets

Name of equipment


Unit price


1. Line for the production of curds LGS-6

2. The cost of delivery and installation of equipment

The balance sheet value of the technological line is 1200 thousand rubles. Thus, the volume of capital investments in fixed assets will be 1200 + 16 = 1216 thousand rubles.

In the production plan, it is also necessary to calculate the annual need for raw materials and materials, with a given volume of production.

Calculate the amount of working capital. Working capital is needed to finance inventories, inventories of WIP, finished products.

Table 5 Calculation of the need for working capital

working capital

Stock rate, days

Number of revolutions per year

Productive reserves

raw materials

unfinished production

finished products in stock


Total working capital required

The need for working capital - 4,894 thousand rubles.

Also, when preparing the project, it is necessary to train 4 people employed on the main equipment.

The cost of training 1 worker - 3,000 rubles.

Total training costs:

3000 rub. * 4 = 12,000 rubles.

The total investment requirement is:

1216 + 4894 +12 = 6,122 thousand rubles

To organize a new production at CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" it is planned to install a new line for the production of glazed curds, which can be serviced by 4 people (technologist and 3 workers).

Let's calculate the number of employees of the main, auxiliary production and AUP.

The average number of employees will be as follows.

Table 6


Description of the work to be performed

Skill level

director of operations

Production issues, verification of production stages

Full time job

With at least 3 years experience in the field


formulating, checking production stages

Full time job

With at least 2 years experience in the field

direct production

Full time job

Secondary vocational education (at least 3 years of experience)

cleaning woman

Production room cleaning

Full time job

Any qualification

Table 7Calculation of the monthly salary fund (rubles)

Thus, the total labor costs will amount to 45 thousand rubles.

The number of production personnel is determined on the basis of functional expediency, the number of employees in similar industries, and the recommendations of the equipment supplier.

The remuneration of managers and other categories of employees is based on official salaries and depends on the amount of time actually worked and the achievement of the final results of the enterprise.

The employees will be sent to special courses to improve the skills of the personnel and to train them to work on the new equipment.

The implementation of this project is provided on the basis of CJSC "Sernur cheese factory".

Full name of the organization: Closed Joint Stock Company "Sernur Cheese Plant"

Abbreviated name: CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant"

Creation date: 1992

The company is a commercial organization whose purpose is to make a profit by processing milk.

The main subject of activity are:

Preparation and processing of milk;

Production of dairy products;

Formation of direct economic relations between consumers and suppliers of products, the sale of which is carried out in the order of retail and wholesale trade on the basis of direct contracts, contracts, agreements;

Release of consumer goods in accordance with the current standards and specifications for the main activity;

Wholesale and retail trade in food and non-food products, agent services on a contractual basis.

This enterprise was created with the aim of extracting maximum profit.

The Company sells products and services at prices and tariffs set independently or on a contractual basis. The source of formation of the financial resources of the enterprise is profit, depreciation, loans, as well as other receipts that do not contradict the law. Profit after paying taxes and other obligatory payments goes to the disposal of the company.

CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" is a legal entity, is liable for its obligations with its property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, and bear obligations.

CJSC "Sernur Cheese Plant" independently plans its economic activities and determines the prospects for development, based on the demand for work and services and the need to ensure the production and social development of the enterprise.

9. Risk assessment

In a market economy, the activity of any company is inevitably associated with risk, caused both by the uncertainty of future working conditions and by possible erroneous decisions made by the company's management. The significance of this section of the project is to assess the risk that the goals set in the plan may not be fully or partially achieved.

The simplest risk assessment method is the expert method. First, we describe in the table the risks that are possible in the implementation of this project. Consider assessing the risk that the goals set in the plan may not be fully or partially achieved. Below are approximate lists of simple risks by stages.

Table 8 List of possible risks

Type of risk

Negative impact on the expected profit from the implementation of the project

1. Preparatory stage

Attitude of local authorities

The possibility of introducing additional restrictions that complicate the implementation of the project.

2. Construction stage

Unforeseen costs, including due to inflation

Rising construction costs, delays in commissioning capacities


survey work

Increasing the amount of borrowed funds

3. Stage of operation (financial and economic risks)

Price cuts by competitors

Price reduction

Increasing production from competitors

Falling sales or price cuts

Rising prices for raw materials, materials, transportation

Decline in profits due to rising prices

(technical risks)

Novelty of technologies

Increase in development costs, decrease in production volumes

Having considered the possible risks, we will develop the necessary measures for this:

It is necessary to provide a business plan for the district administration, confirming the full significance of the project;

In the planned year, in our opinion, inflation is not expected, but if we need additional borrowed funds, we will be able to repay them, as the financial plan suggests;

An increase in the cost of construction is not expected, because. a large number of materials have already been purchased and are in stock;

An increase in production from competitors will lead to the need to expand the occupied markets, great importance will be given to product quality. The consumer will prefer a quality product, although it will be more expensive;

Expansion of relationships with suppliers to purchase better and cheaper raw materials.

Thus, there are few real risks that can seriously affect the implementation of the project. An analysis of possible risks, compiled on the basis of expert opinions, is presented in the table. It groups various types of simple risks

Table 9 Expert risk assessment


Expert assessment

1. Market risk

How do you assess the probability of the risk of loss of invested funds in connection with the problem of marketing products?

1. Very high

2. Relatively high

3. Can't decide

5. Very low

2. Quality risk

How do you assess the risk of developing a product that does not meet consumer requirements?

1. Very high

2. Relatively high

3. Can't decide

5. Very low

3.Economic risk

How do you assess the risk of a drop in sales volume with an increase in the price of a service?

1. Very high

2. Relatively high

3. Can't decide

5. Very low

How do you assess the risk of a drop in sales with the introduction of a substitute or alternative product?

1. Very high

2. Relatively high

3. Can't decide

5. Very low

4. Socio-political risk

How do you assess the risk of lower productivity due to low wages?

1. Very high

2. Relatively high

3. Can't decide

5. Very low

How do you assess the risk of reducing the quality of the product due to low qualification of personnel?

1. Very high

2. Relatively high

3. Can't decide

5. Very low

How do you assess the risk of unexpected costs due to the change of power?

1. Very high

2. Relatively high

3. Can't decide

5. Very low

5. Criminal risk

How do you assess the risk that the efficient operation of the enterprise will be impossible due to any criminal activity?

1. Very high

2. Relatively high

3. Can't decide

5. Very low

Therefore, we can conclude that the risk of this project is relatively low, that is, there are prerequisites for its successful implementation.

The financial plan summarizes the materials of the previous sections and allows you to present them in terms of value.

The assessment of the financial viability of a business plan is based on three basic financial forms: a table of financial results, a cash flow table, and a forecast balance sheet.

The financial plan of the investment project reflects the dynamics of the receipt and expenditure of the company's funds with a phased (monthly) increase in production and sales capacity.

Accumulation of a mass of net profit by months of increasing production capacity is reflected in the table of financial results (Table 10).

The table shows that the net profit of the enterprise for the entire planning period will be 16,851 thousand rubles.

The cash flow table (Table 11) reflects information characterizing operations related, firstly, to the formation of sources of financial resources, and, secondly, to the use of these resources.

Table 10 Financial indicators, t. rub.

Name of indicator

Revenue from product sales

Cost of goods sold

Material costs




Other costs

Selling expenses

Profit from sales

Other operations and unrealistic. income

Other operations and unrealistic. expenses

balance sheet profit

income tax

Distracted funds (dividends, etc.)

retained earnings

Interest payments for a loan

Net profit

Table 11 Cash flow, t. rub.

Name of indicator

1. Cash received, total

Revenue from product sales

Own funds

a) total investment

Investments in fixed assets

Investment in working capital

b) production costs, total

Raw materials


Social contributions needs

c) taxes and other budget payments

3. Cash balance

4. Cumulative balance

The forecast balance reflects the financial condition of the enterprise at a certain point in time.

Table 12 Consolidated forecast balance for 2010

I Non-current assets

III Capital and reserves

fixed assets

Authorized capital

Total for Section I

Total for Section III

II Current assets

IV Long-term liabilities

Long-term credits and loans

Accounts receivable

Total for section IV


V Current liabilities

Other current assets

Accounts payable

Total for Section II

Section V total

To assess the effectiveness of an investment project, it is necessary to analyze the values ​​of the following indicators:

− net present value (NPV);

− profitability index (ID);

− internal rate of return (IRR);

− payback period of the project (Т);

− project efficiency ratio (Е);

− return on advanced capital (P).

To determine the NPV, we calculate the discount factor by years using the formula:

where r is the real interest rate used to recalculate future periods (20%);

n is the serial number of the planning interval (year) of the project implementation.

NPV is determined by the formula:


where Kdi - discount coefficients;

NPIi - net cash flows;

K - capital investments;

n - number of years (4).

Thus, the NPV will be equal to:

Thus, the net discounted income is 128.9 thousand rubles.

Another indicator of investment performance is the profit index (IP), which is calculated by determining the discount rate at which the present value of the amount of future receipts equals the present value of costs:

The profit index is one of the indicators on the basis of which the decision to finance the project is made. Its value must be greater than 1. Since in this case IP>1, its value suits investors.

The internal rate of return (GNP) is determined by the formula:

The payback period of the project is the time during which the amount of income from the implementation of the project will exceed the amount of costs (in years or months):


where Dsrednegod is the average annual income.

Thus, the payback period of the project will be approximately 2 years.

The project efficiency ratio is determined as follows:

where Pchsr - average annual net profit;

Кср - average annual capital investments.

The average annual net profit is the average annual profit minus the necessary tax deductions (24%) and is equal to:

Then the project efficiency ratio is equal to:

Calculate the break-even point of the project using the formula:

Thus, the break-even production volume is 590036 pieces, which is approximately equal to the production volume for 4 months.

The value of the heart rate is greater than 0.

The profit index is greater than 1.

This suggests that the above income for the project implementation period is more than investments in the investment project, and this value is quite significant.

By all indicators, this project can be considered effective, and it can be recommended for implementation.

11. Funding strategy

To finance the project, starting from December 1, 2009, the company will spend 12,042 thousand rubles.

It is expected to use the funds to finance the following operations: purchase, installation and adjustment of the necessary equipment, training of workers, purchase of the necessary raw materials, advertising and other activities.

The financing of this project is beneficial both for the enterprise and for the shareholders, as the issue of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, obtaining additional income is being addressed.

1. Glazed curd cheese market in Russia

Syrok is a curd dessert made from curd mass and covered with icing. Traditionally, the composition of the curd mass includes cottage cheese, sugar, butter, vanillin. Often the cheese is covered with chocolate icing. The mass of glazed cheese is usually from 40 to 50 grams.

Glazed cheese curds are highly nutritious due to the high content of proteins and carbohydrates. Curd proteins are better absorbed by the body than fresh milk proteins.

Syrki appeared in Soviet stores in the 50s and quickly became popular. Children really liked the sweet vanilla taste, and the brittle chocolate icing was an independent delicacy that many children bit into and then ate the curd mass. Some parents tried to pass off glazed cheese for a popsicle, especially when the children had a sore throat.

Traditional packaging in yellow-blue-white colors has become a classic, and until now, most manufacturers are trying to imitate Soviet design. In the late 1980s, glazed curds became scarce.

In the early 1990s, curds reappeared on the shelves, the assortment consisted of two types: vanilla and cocoa. After 1995, the number of manufacturers increased dramatically, and the choice of curds also expanded significantly: curds with fillings, layers, and biscuits appeared.

The first glazed curds were packed in foil, which did not provide the product with tightness, so the shelf life of such curds did not exceed 3 days. After the introduction of sealed packaging, it became possible to extend the shelf life of cheese up to 15 days in the refrigerator and 60 days in frozen form without the use of preservatives.

Currently, glazed cheese curds are most popular in the CIS countries, in the Baltic countries, in Hungary.

The glazed curd cheese market in Russia can be described as one of the most rapidly developing over the past few years. The development of the production of glazed cheese curds began after the crisis of 1998, while its bright heyday fell precisely on 2000-2001. From 1995 to 2001, Rostagroexport was the main player on the market. This company was one of the first to start producing cottage cheese curds in Russia, which allowed it to occupy 50% of this market at one time. But the Rostagroexport company could not hold the market for a long time, in 2002 new companies entered the cheese market: Danone with the cheese of the same name and Wimm-Bill-Dann (WBD) with the Ryzhiy Ap brand, and a little later - "33 cows."

Subsequently, the market began to decline - demand gradually began to exceed supply. Many other dairy products appeared on the market, which began to displace curds. Currently, a clear leader in terms of volume has been identified on the market, however, there is quite intense competition between the other companies.
Assessing the density of the glazed curd cheese market, it can be noted that it is formed and filled, there is simply no place for new players. To date, the market for glazed curds has a calm period.

The Russian market of milk and sour-milk products, according to experts, is formed by about 90%. According to a study conducted by, glazed curds occupy only 2-3% of this market, for Moscow this figure was 4%, and for St. Petersburg - 9.5%. According to ACNielsen, from August 2006 to July 2007 the volume of the market for glazed curds decreased by 11% in value terms compared to the same period of 2005-2006. In physical terms, sales of glazed curds decreased by 14%. Experts estimate the annual turnover of the Russian market of glazed curds at $470 million. Moscow is the largest market for glazed curds: 1.5 million of 6 million curds are sold here every day across the country.

A feature of the glazed curd cheese market is that it is almost completely branded. In the last three or four years, the share of large national and international brands has increased in the market. According to data provided by the marketing agency FDFgroup, Danone (98%) is the best known dairy product manufacturer in Russia, followed by Wimm-Bill-Dann (95%), Ostankino Dairy Plant (85%), Tsaritsyno Dairy Plant (75%) . Rostagroexport ranks fifth with 70%.

Diagram 1 - Prominence of manufacturers of glazed cheese curds among Russians

In terms of market volume, the largest producers and leaders are Unimilk, Wimm-Bill-Dann (VMD has 37 refineries in Russia), Rostagroexport, Danone. Their combined market share is about 63% in value terms. Another 15% is accounted for by private labels of large retailers. At the same time, there are about 250 dairies in Russia that produce curds under their own brands. (Diagram 2). A new manufacturer has a chance to find its niche only if there are professional staff, solid advertising budgets and a high-quality raw material base.

Diagram 2 - The share of manufacturers in the market of glazed curds in value terms

2. Technology for the production of glazed curds

Glazed cheese curds is a sweet curd mass, topped with (usually chocolate) icing. Curd glazed curds are an analogue of chocolates in the dairy industry, with the only difference being that they are much healthier and tastier than the latter.

The main types produced industrially:

· Glazed cheese curds with ppm solids 64% and m.d.zh. 23%

· Glazed cheese curds with ppm solids 50% and m.d.zh. 5%

· Glazed cheese curds with ppm solids 64% and m.d.zh. 26%

Curd glazed curd bars low-fat

· Glazed cheese curds with fillers and without them.

Production technology:

Curd glazed curds belong to the group of sweet curd products, therefore the technology is largely identical to them. However, the technological process for the production of glazed cheese curds has its own characteristics. Glazed cheese curds are made from cottage cheese, in which the mass fraction of moisture is reduced. The curd mass for glazed curds is prepared in the same way as for ordinary ones. Currently, glazed cheese curds are produced with a variety of flavors and fillers: with vanillin, candied fruit, nuts, cocoa, coffee, halva, jam, boiled condensed milk, caramel, etc.

Some features of this production
For the production of cottage cheese curds, fat, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese is used, which is pre-pressed to ppm before processing. moisture: for fatty - 55%, bold - 60%, non-fat -65%.

1. Composition of the curd mixture

The preparation is carried out according to the recipe in a mixing machine. Usually use minced meat. First, a batch is prepared: the processed cottage cheese is placed in a meat mixer (volume - 100 kg, temperature - 10-15 ° C), it is turned on and granulated sugar mixed with vanillin or other filler is added. Butter is added to the resulting mixture. All components are thoroughly mixed for 5-10 minutes.

2. Cooling

The resulting mixture is cooled to 5-9 ᵒС and, cooled, is fed into the hopper of the molding machine.

3. Molding

Occurs in the molding machine. The mixture comes out of it in the form of molded streams, which are automatically cut into pieces weighing 40 grams.

Curd molding can be carried out on different equipment. The Rostagroexport company, for example, uses the equipment of the Lithuanian company PAKMA, the largest manufacturer of food equipment with twenty years of experience. The Rostagroexport plant has 10 lines for the production of cheese curds, which makes it possible to produce up to 50 tons of products daily.

4. Glazing

The resulting cheese curds enter the glazing machine, where they are covered with chocolate icing on top. The glaze temperature is 35-40 C. Excessive glaze is removed from the curds with a stream of warm air. The lower part of the curds is glazed with the help of rotating rollers of the glazing machine.

5. Second cooling

6. Packing

From the refrigerator, cheese is sent to packaging. Forming and packaging lines produce from 2,000 to 10,000 curds per hour. The material for packaging is a polypropylene film, on which a pattern is applied. The packaging process takes place on a horizontal packaging machine.

Ready curds enter the wrapper and are placed in boxes. The mass of curds after glazing is 50 grams. Store finished products at a temperature not exceeding 8 ᵒС.

3. Equipment for the production of glazed curd bars with filling

1. Tronka-Agrotech LLC (Ukraine)

The equipment is designed for the production of natural glazed curd bars with filling according to the classical technology without starch-containing additives, which compares favorably with the offers of other manufacturers of similar equipment, and also supports new technologies for the production of glazed curd bars according to recipes using starch-containing products, milk replacers, emulsifiers.

The production of glazed curd cheeses includes the following technological steps:

Formation of cheese curds and their approximate supply to the glazing machine;

Glazing curds (glaze temperature not higher than 62 o C);

· cooling glazed curds to a temperature of 8 o C;

Packing in foil laminate;

Cheese curds are made weighing 40 ... 50g with a fat content of 0.5% and 26%.

Feedstock: curd mass with low moisture content (not more than 56%).

Table 1 - Equipment for the production of curds



2000 pcs/hour

4000 pcs/hour

5000 pcs/hour

1. Curd dispenser-former*

Without stuffing


2. Tempering machine

3. Enrobing machine

4. Cooling tunnel

5. Horizontal packing machine (FLOW-PACK type)

6. Pairing table

Set price, USD:

- no stuffing

- stuffed

*The dispenser-shaper can be made in the version for the production of multi-color curd bars with filling.

** Additionally, the set includes a filling dispenser (jam, marmalade, yogurt, etc.)

The equipment is made of food stainless steel and allows you to maintain aseptic technology for the production of cheese curds.

The proposed kits can be retrofitted with receiving department equipment, a pasteurization and cooling unit, coalescers, equipment for pressing and cooling curds, a cutter, granite rolling plants, baropresses, and decorators.

For the preparation of the curd mass (normalization, mixing with fillers and flavorings) and its subsequent cooling to a temperature of 0 ... -2 o C, we can offer the following equipment:

Table 2 - equipment for the preparation of curd mass

. Line for the production of glazed curd bars LGS-10

The line is designed for the production of chocolate-glazed curd bars, with or without filling.

On the presented line, piece-packed glazed curds weighing 35-50 g are produced. For packaging, a multilayer film with a full-color pattern is used (similar to MARS sweets).

Technical characteristics of the line for the production of curds:

Productivity, piece/hour: 8000…10000

Power supply: 380V, 50Hz

Working pressure in the pneumatic system: 0.6 MPa

Size of glazed curd, mm:

Length 50…80

Width 25…30

Height 20…25

Weight of glazed curd, gr: 40…50 (± 2)

Air consumption: 150 l/min

Power consumption: up to 35 kW

Overall dimensions, mm:

Length 12000

Width 6580

Height 1750

Weight, kg: 3530

The composition of the automatic line for the production of curds:

1. Forming machine with string cutting, diaphragm cutting 1 or diaphragm cutting 2

Ready and cooled (from +6 to -5°C) curd mass is fed into the hopper of the machine, which forms curd snacks.

filling station

The filling (jam, marmalade, condensed milk, etc.) is fed into the middle of the curd through a special die using a gear pump and a bypass, volumetric, valve dispenser.

enrobing machine

Cooling tunnel

Curds covered with hot glaze are transferred to a belt conveyor. Glazed cheese curds are moved to the refrigerator, where the glaze is cooled to a solid state.

Linear or rotary automatic stacker

It accepts chilled rows of glazed curds, orients them and places them on the packaging machine.

Packing machine

Packs finished glazed cheese curds in a film. Packing type: "Flow-Pack".

Table - drive receiving


Decorator with liquid products;

Sprinkling device.

Stecker device.

3. About the benefits and harms of glazed curds

Over the past few years, as mentioned above, the market for glazed curds has been developing very rapidly. And, according to experts, their production will grow. The production of cheese curds is low-cost, and in the regions it is generally an almost unoccupied niche, so local producers can significantly reduce the cost of this product. Glazed cheese curds are a product in demand among consumers. Curd-butter sweets in chocolate glaze have no analogues either on the European or Asian market.

Glazed cheese curds are produced with different fillings, with chocolate chips, condensed milk, vanillin, and jam fillings. Manufacturers even offer premium cheese, which is 2-3 times more expensive than usual - after all, it is covered not with icing with a cocoa content of no more than 15%, but with real 77% chocolate. Today in Russia, about three hundred enterprises produce glazed curds. To attract customers, the range is constantly expanding: new flavors of the product, puff cheeses, cheeses with a reduced fat content are added. Everyone remembers the scandal after the publication of the results of an independent test by scientists from the All-Russian Association for the Genetic Safety of these very glazed curds.

The experts themselves were amazed at the results - after all, out of 12 tested specimens, eleven did not meet the standards! And in one copy, Staphylococcus aureus was found. What was the non-compliance with the rules? So, 12 copies of curds were checked. Result of checking: the excess of yeast content up to 1000 times was found in 11 specimens of cheese curds. The use of such a product can lead to dysbacteriosis, intoxication of the body, weakening of the immune system, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and organs of the excretory system, and metabolic disorders. Escherichia coli E. Coli, found in exactly half of the samples.

This E. coli causes the accumulation of toxic substances, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, affects the kidneys, liver, and immunity. E. coli infection can even be fatal in children. Moldy fungi were found in four samples. Along with moldy fungi, toxins enter the body that adversely affect the kidneys, liver and immune system. Staphylococcus aureus was found in one of the samples. Staphylococcus aureus causes weakened immunity, purulent infections, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, furunculosis, and so on. Scientists believe that the reason for all the identified violations is non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards at enterprises. Yeasts and molds found in cheese curds could be due to the use of rancid butter or expired milk powder in preparation.

E. coli in products could appear due to the fact that production workers do not wash their hands after visiting the toilet. When an enterprise does not have strict control over compliance with rules and regulations, then many shocking factors come to light. Toxin poisoning is one of the strongest, while a person is simply slowly killed. But after all, sanitary and hygienic standards can be violated in the production of any product. Due to the sloppiness and dishonesty of dairy workers, this time it was glazed curds that fell under the distribution ...

Ingredients of glazed curds:

Nutritional value and calorie content per 100 g: proteins - 8 g, fats - 27 g (in the curd base 23 g), carbohydrates - 32.2 g (including sugar - 24 g); energy value - 396.8 kcal. Serving size - 50 g, calorie serving - 198 kcal.

The benefits of glazed curds:

It is still worth talking about the benefits of glazed curds, since they contain a very useful and tasty component - cottage cheese. Most often, this is not just pure cottage cheese, but its mixture with butter and sugar, and recently the manufacturer has added cocoa powder, nuts, and candied fruits to it. Since glazed cheese curds are made from cottage cheese, they retain all the useful substances and vitamins contained in it: A, B2, D.

In addition, glazed curd cheese is a fairly high-calorie dessert containing almost 200 kcal. Useful protein in it -10-15 grams per serving. Therefore, glazed curds are very useful for baby food.

A soft homogeneous curd mass is prepared from cottage cheese, sugar and milk. For its production, various types of cottage cheese are used - fatty, semi-fat or low-fat. Its fat content affects the nutritional value of the product (from 22 to 28% in different curd masses). The higher it is, the more nutritious the product is, respectively.

One of the components of glazed cheese is butter, a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D. It has a high calorie content and ensures the restoration of the energy costs of the child's body.
But most children still love curd cheeses for the chocolate icing with which they are covered. It is prepared on the basis of cocoa powder, rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The composition of the glaze includes vegetable fats, sugar or powdered sugar, lecithin, vanillin. It not only affects the taste of the curd product, but significantly increases its energy value.

Glazed curds have a lot of flavors. All this is due to the addition of the filling to the curd mass.

Glazed curds have a lot of flavors. All this is due to the addition of fillings in the form of marmalade, confiture, boiled condensed milk, raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits, halva, chocolate, marmalade, nuts, coconut flakes to the curd mass.

The curd product can be with the smell of strawberries, peach, pineapple and other fruits and berries. In general, in this variety, it will not be difficult for a baby to choose exactly his favorite glazed cheese. Cottage cheese is great, but keep in mind that due to the high fat content, it is worth pampering children with a curd treat no more than 2-3 times a week, offering no more than one cheese per day.

Allergic children need to be especially careful when eating glazed curds. Chocolate icing can be a source of allergic reactions. Babies who are prone to or obese or diabetic should also refrain from a delicious curd product.

A delicious alternative to glazed curds are the so-called "snacks". More precisely, biscuits with filling. Sometimes the biscuit can be covered in chocolate or white chocolate. There are many options for fillings, but the most popular among children is chocolate, milk or vanilla-cream.

You can try to cook cottage cheese cheese in chocolate icing on your own, at home:

For this you will need:

700 grams of cottage cheese (preferably fat-free)

50 ml cream

50 grams of butter,

100 grams of powdered sugar,

200 grams of chocolate.

Cooking process:

1. Mix cottage cheese, soft butter, cream and powdered sugar. The mass must not be liquid. Vanillin, cocoa, nuts, coconut flakes can be added to it. You can put the filling in the middle: jam, condensed milk, and so on.

We sculpt from the mass of "cheese". We put them in the freezer.

Ready for frosting. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour over each cheese. Remove until cold in the refrigerator. Experiment a little, and the curds will be indistinguishable in taste from store-bought ones. And you don't have to worry about quality. High-quality cheese curds should contain only natural butter, natural jams, and natural chocolate icing.

Glazed cheese curds are a high-calorie product. When preparing them yourself, give preference to components with a lower fat content, with a lower calorie content.


glazed market production equipment

1. Buyanova I.V. Technology of whole milk products and ice cream. - Kemerovo, 2002. - 112 p.

Gorbatova K.K. Physico-chemical and biochemical bases for the production of dairy products. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2007. - 364 p.

Makarova A.A. Curd products at home. - M.: Ripol-Klassik, 2009. - 242 p.

Stepanova L.I. Handbook of dairy production technologist. Technology and recipes. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2003. - 384 p.

Shapkin A.V. Economic and financial risks. - M.: Kolos, 2006. - 388 p.


cottage cheese / curd products / glazed curds / production technology of glazed curds./ cottage cheese / curd products / glazed curds /

annotation scientific article on other agricultural sciences, author of scientific work - Lufarenko O.D., Kozub Yu.A.

Dairy products and milk itself are one of the most important components of the population's nutrition. Milk occupies an exceptional place among animal products. Being a source of broad-spectrum components in the human diet, it is well digested and easily absorbed by the body. The consumption of dairy products cannot be eliminated or significantly reduced from the human diet. A wide range of multi-component dairy products, including cottage cheese, fermented milk drinks, cheeses and other products with a variety of fillers, the use of which contributes to the expansion of the range of dairy products. Cottage cheese is a concentrated product of milk processing. Cottage cheese and products made from it are valuable food products that are of great importance in human nutrition, because in addition to the taste qualities for which they are famous, cottage cheese and curd products have many healing properties for the body. Cottage cheese is an indispensable product for a healthy and nutritious diet. Useful properties of cottage cheese are due to the technology of its preparation. Many children and even adults, instead of cottage cheese, prefer curd products (glazed curds, cottage cheese masses, cakes, etc.), which, along with cottage cheese, have useful properties.

Related Topics scientific works on other agricultural sciences, the author of scientific work - Lufarenko O.D., Kozub Yu.A.

  • Technological aspects of refrigeration storage of protein dairy products

    2018 / Buyanova Irina Vladimirovna, Lupinskaya Svetlana Mikhailovna, Lobacheva Elena Mikhailovna
  • Functional curd products

  • Development of a recipe for glazed curd curds based on malt extract

    2017 / Burmagina Tatyana Yurievna, Parmenova Nadezhda Mikhailovna, Gnezdilova Anna Ivanovna
  • Improvement of dairy polycomponent products based on the targeted combination of raw materials

    2017 / Musina O.N., Shchetinin M.P.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of non-traditional methods for extending the shelf life of food products

    2018 / Buyanova I.V., Lupinskaya S.M., Imangalieva Zh.K.
  • Study of the influence of curd product on metabolic processes in vivo

    2015 / Bogunov S. Yu., Ponomarev Arkady Nikolaevich, Melnikova Elena Ivanovna, Rudnichenko E. S.
  • Substantiation of the use of chitosan biopolymer in the technology of enriched curd masses

    2018 / Mezenova Olga Yakovlevna, Sukhacheva Anna Evgenievna
  • The use of protein-chitosan complex in the technology of glazed curds

    2012 / Vorobyov Evgeny Vasilyevich, Evdokimov Ivan Alekseevich, Zolotoreva Marina Sergeevna, Alieva Lyudmila Ruslanovna
  • Components-enrichers as a mechanism for expanding the range of curd products

    2017 / Klyuchnikova Dina Vasilievna, Kuznetsova Anastasia Alexandrovna, Krikunov Artem Vladimirovich
  • Study of the properties of a curd product with components of plant origin

    2015 / Golubeva L.V., Dolmatova O.I., Bandura V.F.


Dairy products and milk itself is one of the most important components of nutrition of the population. Milk takes an exceptional position among the products of animal origin. As a source of broad-spectrum components in the human diet, it is well digested, easily digested. Consumption of dairy products cannot be deleted or substantially reduce the human from the diet. Currently, enterprises of the dairy industry are producing a wide assortment of multicomponent dairy products, including cheese, sour-milk drinks, cheese and other products with a variety of fillings, which enhances the range of dairy products. Cottage cheese and products of valuable food products are of great importance in human nutrition, because in addition to palatability, they are famous for, cottage cheese and curd products possess many medicinal properties for the body. Cottage cheese is an indispensable product for a healthy and varied diet. Useful properties of the cheese are due to technology making it. Many children and even adults, instead of cottage cheese , give preference of cottage cheese products (glazed curds , curd mass, cakes, etc.) that are on par with cheese have useful properties.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Technology for the production of glazed curds"

agricultural towns /<^ll©mum~j©urmal>>#2i26),20]9

tasting evaluation. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (P90K90) help to improve the taste of wine materials, and the introduction of a complete mineral fertilizer (ED20P120K120) provides the best taste and aroma of wine materials

The most cost-effective in the technology of cultivation of Merlot grapes is the application of nitroammophoska (N2oP12oK12o), which ensures an increase in profit by 255.9% and profitability by 71.1 percentage points. It is also economically feasible to use ammonium nitrate (N30) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (P9oK9o), which contribute to profit growth by 94.5 and 136.6% and profitability by 26.6 and 43.5 percentage points, respectively.

Thus, for industrial cultivation in order to produce high-quality red table dry wines in the Anapo-Taman zone of the Krasnodar Territory, it is recommended to introduce nitroammophoska (M12oP12oK12o) in the technology of growing Merlot grapes from autumn. To increase the yield of grapes, early spring application of ammonium nitrate (N60) is possible, and to improve the quality of grapes and wine materials prepared on its basis, autumn application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (P9oK9o) is necessary.

List of used literature:

1. Kravchenko, R. V. Agrobiological indicators of the Saperavi grape variety during the processing of

Nogomats brand "B" / R. V. Kravchenko, P. P. Radchevsky, A. V. Prakh // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University, 2013. - No. 92. - P. 682-692.

2. Kravchenko, R. V. Productivity of grapes of the technical variety Saperavi against the background of the use of grade A lignohumates / R. V. Kravchenko, P. P. Radchevsky, A. V. Prakh // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University , 2013. - No. 92. - S. 642-651.

3. Kravchenko, R.V., Troshin L.P., Matuzok, N.V., P.V. P. Radchevsky, A. V. Prakh, M. A. Shpekht // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University. - Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2017. - No. 130. - S. 1235-1247.

4. Kravchenko, R. V., Osipov M. A., Shpekht M. A. Influence of mineral fertilizers on the productivity of Merlot grapes in the conditions of the Anapo-Taman zone // Polythematic network electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State agricultural university. - Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2017. - No. 131. - S. 1571-1586.

Lufarenko O.D.

Scientific adviser Kozub - Yu.A.

Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Yezhevsky, Irkutsk, Russia


Scientific supervisor - Kozub Y.A.

Irkutsk State Agricultural University named after A. A. Ezhevsky, Irkutsk, Russia


Dairy products and milk itself are one of the most important components of the population's nutrition. Milk occupies an exceptional place among animal products. Being a source of broad-spectrum components in the human diet, it is well digested and easily absorbed by the body. The consumption of dairy products cannot be eliminated or significantly reduced from the human diet. A wide range of multicomponent dairy products, including cottage cheese, fermented milk drinks, cheeses and other products with a variety of fillers, the use of which contributes to the expansion of the range of dairy products. Cottage cheese is a concentrated product of milk processing.

Cottage cheese and products made from it are valuable food products that are of great importance in human nutrition, because in addition to the taste qualities for which they are famous, cottage cheese and curd products have many healing properties for the body. Cottage cheese is an indispensable product for a healthy and nutritious diet. Useful properties of cottage cheese are due to the technology of its preparation. Many children and even adults, instead of cottage cheese, prefer curd products (glazed curds, curd masses, cakes, etc.), which, along with cottage cheese, have useful properties.

Dairy products and milk itself is one of the most important components of nutrition of the population. Milk takes an exceptional position among the products of animal origin. As a source of broad-spectrum components in the human diet, it is well digested, easily digested. Consumption of dairy products cannot be deleted or substantially reduce the human from the diet. Currently, enterprises of the dairy industry produce a wide assortment of

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multicomponent dairy products, including cheese, sour-milk drinks, cheese and other products with a variety of fillings, which enhances the range of dairy products .

Cottage cheese and products of valuable food products are of great importance in human nutrition, because in addition to palatability, they are famous for, cottage cheese and curd products possess many medicinal properties for the body. Cottage cheese is an indispensable product for a healthy and varied diet. Useful properties of the cheese are due to technology making it. Many children and even adults, instead of cottage cheese, give preference of cottage cheese products (glazed curds, curd mass, cakes, etc.) that are on par with cheese have useful properties.

Key words: cottage cheese, curd products, glazed curds, technology for the production of glazed curds.

Keywords: cottage cheese, curd products, glazed curds, production technology of glazed curds.

Currently, cottage cheese has gained great popularity among consumers due to its affordable price and good organoleptic characteristics. In addition, this product has a high nutritional value, due to the increased content of amino acids important for the body, especially methionine, lysine. The high content of minerals in cottage cheese has a positive effect on the construction of tissues and bone formation. Cottage cheese is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lack of calcium in the body and in the presence of anemia. Cottage cheese is perfectly absorbed by the body, normalizes the intestinal microflora, inhibits the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria and improves immunity. Cottage cheese is high in calcium and iron

The beneficial properties of cottage cheese are due to the technology of its preparation, as a result of which two valuable components are extracted from it - milk fat and easily digestible milk protein. Milk protein (casein) has a high nutritional value and is able to replace animal proteins.

Many children and even adults, instead of cottage cheese, prefer curd products (glazed curds, curd masses, cakes, etc.), which, along with cottage cheese, have useful properties. The study of the technology of production of curd products is relevant.

The purpose of the work is to study the technological process for the production of curd glazed curds.

The technological process for the production of glazed cheese curds is developed in two ways: without preliminary freezing and with preliminary freezing before glazing. In the first way, glazed curds are made on production lines, in the second way, on equipment used to make popsicle ice cream.

Glazed cheese curds produced by the first method have a rectangular or cylindrical shape with a small cut along the length. Sizes of cheese curds: length 60±2 mm, diameter 28...30 mm.

When working out on a production line, the mass cooled to 7 ± 2 ° C enters the hopper of the dosing and molding machine and exits it into

in the form of several formed streams, which are automatically cut into pieces with a mass of 40 ± 1.5 g. The resulting cheese curds are conveyed to the glazing machine, where they are covered with chocolate icing on top.

If the glaze is made on cocoa butter, then the curds are glazed at a temperature of 36 ± 3 ° C, if in confectionery fat, then at 40 ± 3 ° C. Excess glaze from the curds is removed by a stream of warm air supplied by a fan through the air nozzle of the enrobing machine.

The lower part of the curds is glazed with the help of rotating rollers of the glazing machine. After glazing, the curds go through the conveyor to the air cooler, where, at a temperature of -1 to +1°C, the glaze solidifies on the curds in the stream. Upon exiting the refrigerator, the curds enter the semi-automatic wrapping machine, after which they are placed in boxes.

When making cheese curds on a production line, the glaze is prepared as follows. The fat obtained after melting is added in the mass required by the recipe to the prepared raw material placed in a double-walled tank. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until solid lumps are completely dissolved in it. The temperature of the water in the steam-water jacket of the reservoir should be 60 ± 2 ° C, then the glaze obtained on cocoa butter is cooled to 36 ± 3 ° C, on confectionery fat - 40 ± 3 ° C. The finished glaze should be of a uniform consistency, without lumps and grains.

In glaze prepared on the basis of confectionery fat and cocoa butter, to improve the glazing properties of the glaze, confectionery fat can be added without violating the established quality indicators of the finished glaze.

When producing glazed cheese curds with preliminary freezing, the mass obtained in the kneading machine is placed with a syringe into the cells of metal molds and covered with lids with pins, each of which, when the mold is closed, enters the center of the cell, which has the shape of a truncated cone. Forms with mass are immersed for freezing from one end of the eskimogenerator in brine at a temperature of from -18 to -30°C. At the other end of the popsicle generator, the molds with the frozen mass are removed from the brine, and then they are immersed for one or two seconds in a bath of hot water and a roof with


frozen curds are freely removed from the mold.

Frozen curds are glazed by their simultaneous immersion in glaze at a temperature of 30±2°C.

To remove ready-made cheese curds from the pins, the lid is connected to a special electrical installation with a voltage of 12V, while the pins heat up quickly and the curds fall on the table, where they are wrapped and placed in boxes.

In the production of glazed cheese curds with preliminary freezing, the glaze is prepared as follows.

Butter melted at a temperature of 68 ± 2 ° C is poured into a double-walled bath with a mixture of cocoa and


powder and sugar or icing sugar and mix everything thoroughly until the lumps disappear completely. The mass is pasteurized at 80±3°C with a holding time of 10 to 15 minutes, then cooled to the curd glazing temperature. When working out to the resulting mixture of cocoa butter, it is introduced into the glaze in molten form.

For the production of glazed curds, the following equipment is used. The line "LGS 6000" is designed for the production of curd glazed curd bars of various shapes, with or without filling. The line produces glazed curd bars weighing 35-50 g. To pack glazed curd bars, a multilayer film with a full-color pattern is installed on a horizontal packaging machine. The characteristic of the line is presented in table 1.

Table 1

line "LGS 6000"

Productivity (kinematic) up to 6000 units/hour

Cheese weight, g 40-50 (+- 2)

Curd length, mm 50-80

Curd width, mm 25-30

Cheese height, mm 20-25

Installed power, kW 30

Compressed air consumption l/min 100

Apparatus length, mm 11500

Apparatus width, mm 3290

Apparatus height, mm 1400

Device weight, no more than, kg 2870

Analyzing the table, we can conclude that this line is optimal for its implementation both at a low-capacity enterprise and at an enterprise with a higher capacity.

Line GSL - designed for the production of glazed curd bars, their coating with chocolate, cooling and packaging in polypropylene film.

The line provides the following technological operations:

Receiving the curd mass into the bunker and feeding it to the curd dispenser;

Reception of the additive into the bunker and its supply to the additive dispenser;

Dosing of the curd mass and additives with the shaping of curds with filling, and their oriented supply to the glazing machine;

Glazing curds and their supply to the cooler conveyor;

Cooling of glazed curds;

Automatic packaging of glazed curds in a laminated polypropylene film with the date of production of products and removal of finished products.

Productivity from 3500 to 12 000 curds per hour.

Line "LGS 10000" is designed for the production of glazed curd curd bars of various shapes, with or without filling. To pack glazed curds, a multi-layer film with a full-color pattern is installed on a horizontal packaging machine. The line characteristics are presented in Table 2.


table 2

Characteristics of the line "L GS 10000"_

Productivity (kinematic) up to 10,000 units/hour

Cheese weight, g 40-50

Curd length, mm 50-80

Curd width, mm 25-30

Cheese height, mm 20-25

Machine connection 380V, 3ph, 50Hz

Installed power, kW 35

Working pressure in the pneumatic system, MPa 0.6

Compressed air consumption l/min 150

Apparatus length, mm 12000

Apparatus width, mm 6600

Apparatus height, mm 1750

Device weight, no more than, kg 3550

Housing material Stainless steel

From this table, we can conclude that the line "LGS 10000" is intended for enterprises with high production capacity, because. this line has high productivity.

The price of equipment for the production of glazed cheese curds will depend on its capacity, the degree of configuration and the brand of the manufacturer.


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4. Skopichev V. G. Milk: textbook / V. G. Skopichev, N. N. Maksimyuk. - St. Petersburg. : Prospect of science, 2011. - 368s.

5. Technology of storage, processing and standardization of livestock products: textbook / V. I. Manzhesov [and others]; ed. V. I. Manzhesov. - St. Petersburg. : Trinity bridge, 2012. - 536 p.

6. Technology of milk and dairy products / GV Tverdokhleb [et al.]. - M. : Agropromizdat, 1991. - 463 p.

7. Syrkovskaya line LGS 6000 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://taurasfenix. com/oborudovanie/dlya-proizvodstva-syrkov/lgs-6000/.

8. GSL Line for the production of glazed curds [Electronic resource]. Access mode:шduct/jump.php?1823&c=1 290.

9. Syrkovskaya line LGS 1000 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://taurasfenix. com/oborudovanie/dlya-proizvodstva-syrkov/lgs-10000/.

Glazed curd

cottage cheese raw materials sanitary examination

Cheeses are:

Sweet (13-26% sugar);

Increased fat content (20-26%);

Fat (15-17%);

Bold (4.5-7%);

Low fat;

Glazed, covered with chocolate glaze;

Diabetic (sugar replaced with xylitol).

Curd curds are obtained from cottage cheese with the addition of salt, sugar, flavoring and aromatic substances, and glazed curd curds are made from cottage cheese, cow's butter, sugar, flavoring and aromatic additives by preparing curd mass, followed by cooling, molding and glazing.

Glazed cheese is a sweet curd mass, which is covered with chocolate icing on top. Such products of the dairy industry are analogous to chocolates with one difference - they are much healthier and tastier.

To normalize cheese curds for fat, unsalted cow's butter, cow's milk cream are used. For glazing curds, semi-finished chocolate icing or other types of chocolate icing are used.

Technological process for the production of glazed curds

Glazed cheese curds are produced in two ways: without pre-freezing and with pre-freezing. The first method is produced on production lines, the second - on equipment used to make popsicle ice cream.

For the production of cheese curds, freshly made cottage cheese of 18% and 9% fat content is used, in which the mass fraction of moisture is higher than it should be in accordance with the recipes. With this in mind, cottage cheese intended for glazed cheese curds is pressed to ppm. moisture 54-55% in cottage cheese 18% fat or 64-66% in cottage cheese 9% fat.

To bring the mass fraction of cottage cheese moisture to the required level, it is placed in bags of lavsan calico or calico weighing from 10 to 15 kg and pressed. Cottage cheese is additionally pressed using lever-screw, lever, pneumatic and other presses at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C,

The mass fraction of moisture in whey from curd pre-pressing is conventionally 94.2%. Finally, the mass fraction of moisture in the curd is specified analytically.

The pressed cottage cheese is mixed with the component in accordance with the recipe and the cheese mixture is prepared in the same way as for ordinary cheese curds. The prepared curd mass is cooled to (4-6)°C, molded and covered with glaze, which is supplied by confectionery factories in finished form. The process of molding and glazing curds is carried out on production lines for molding, cooling and wrapping glazed curds or on a molding machine and a wrapping machine.

Curds are glazed at a temperature that depends on the composition of the glaze. If it is made on cocoa butter, then the glazing temperature is 29-300C, on confectionery fat - 39-40°C.

The prepared cooled cheese mass is loaded into the hopper of the forming apparatus, from where it exits in the form of four shaped streams located on a conveyor belt, which are automatically cut into pieces weighing 40 g. Excess glaze is removed by a stream of warm air, which is supplied by a fan through the air nozzle of the glazing unit. The lower part of the curds is glazed with the help of rotating rollers of the glazing apparatus. The mass of glaze on the curd is 10 g. After glazing, the curds are sent to an air cooler with an air temperature of about 0 ° C, where the glaze solidifies on the curds in the flow. After the cooler, the curds go to the wrapping machine and the finished curds are placed in boxes. Curds are stored at t 2-4°C for 36 hours.

Many products on the grocery market are in high consumer demand. But far from each of them is also characterized by a simple technology that even a person ignorant of this matter will understand. And here we include the production of glazed curds. And even despite the fact that in Russia this area is filled with a large number of enterprises, large and small, a novice businessman has a real chance to take his place here. The production of cheese curds, in comparison with many other food industries, is not too expensive. And the output is a product with a low cost, which is in widespread demand.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 7/10.

What points should be considered when drawing up a business plan for the production and sale of cheese?

Composition and production technology of glazed curds

A modern line for the production of cheese curds can produce a wide variety of products, consisting of many ingredients. But it is unlikely that you will be able to get a ready-made recipe for a sweet delicacy somewhere - you will either have to buy technical specifications or hire a qualified technologist to develop your own composition.

In general, a mini cheese curd plant will process the following raw materials:

  • cottage cheese,
  • sugar,
  • chocolate glaze.

We have listed the main components that you can not do without. But many manufacturers add other additional raw materials to the recipe - fruit fillers and jellies, and chocolate pastes, nuts and dried fruits. This allows you to expand the line of produced dessert.

The main ingredients are best purchased in bulk from local farmers to reduce shipping costs.

Often, at enterprises, natural raw materials are replaced by artificial ones (fats, preservatives, flavors), because this greatly reduces the cost of the process. The fact is that each manufacturer works according to its own specifications, which implies some variability in technology. And when starting to develop your own original recipe, you should think about what product will be offered to the end customer - high-quality, but more expensive, or one that is cheaper, but not so tasty.

Technological scheme for the manufacture of glazed cheese curds

The very same technology for the production of cheese is simple:

  • Mixing all components to obtain curd mass.
  • Cooling of the "semi-finished product".
  • Product molding.
  • Glazing cheese.
  • Cooling of finished cheeses.
  • Cheese packaging.

The product can be packed both in individual packaging made of polyethylene or cardboard, and in containers of several pieces.

Technical equipment of the workshop

Curd cheese production line

It is better to buy equipment for the production of cheese curds immediately multifunctional and automated. This will allow the entrepreneur to produce a different range of products. The fully equipped line includes the following machines and devices:

  • Mixing containers.
  • Forming machine.
  • Filling machine.
  • Glazing machine.
  • Cooling chamber.
  • Packing machine.

The price of equipment for the production of glazed cheese curds will depend on its capacity, the degree of configuration and the brand of the manufacturer. It is hardly worth it for a novice entrepreneur to spend a lot of money on equipping a workshop with high-power machines - an average production line of 2000-4000 pcs / h will be enough. It costs ≈1,000,000-1,500,000 rubles. You can reduce the cost of technical equipment by purchasing used equipment.

Before installing the equipment in the workshop, you will need to tidy up the room itself. Since we are talking about a food enterprise, rather stringent requirements are imposed on the production area by the supervisory authorities.

Sales of products and profitability of the enterprise

Since the competition in this segment is huge, it is not worth expecting that the production of curd cheeses will immediately begin to bring huge profits. And at first, most likely, you will have to cooperate not with large retail chains, but with small private stores and grocery wholesale warehouses. And after a few years of successful work, it will be possible to enter the consumer market of a higher level.

As for the payback of a launched business, it all depends on the specific size of the investment. On average, to buy a line for the production of glazed curds, prepare the premises for work and provide a raw material base, it will take 2,000,000-2,500,000 rubles. And we are talking about a workshop with relatively low productivity. Opening a large enterprise will require more impressive expenses - up to 5,000,000 rubles.

Finished products are sold to customers at a wholesale price of 3-10 rubles per piece. At the same time, its cost is at least 30-35% lower, which gives the manufacturer a chance to make good money selling high-quality cheese curds.