Fruit skewers on pineapple. Sweet canapés “Watermelon and Mango”

Fruit canapés can be the highlight of any buffet table. Regardless of the type and ingredients used, it is always tasty, unusual and elegant. Canapés are suitable for children's parties, noisy corporate events, fun get-togethers with friends, and even romantic evening with a loved man!

Preparing such canapes will not take you much time and effort, and all the necessary ingredients are usually in the refrigerator or sold in the nearest supermarket. You can take any fruit, focusing only on your taste, and complement them with cheese or chocolate, as well as olives, black olives and even meat. Experiment and get unusual flavor combinations. Creating canapes is always a flight of soul, thought and imagination.

To prevent fruit for canapés from browning, cut them right before serving. First, rinse under cool water and let dry on a paper towel.

Fruit canapes can be a great dessert and even become a separate dish. Their design is another opportunity to show creativity. You can choose bright skewers, fancy shapes, you can cut beautiful figures from fruits instead of traditional cubes and circles.

If you want to make fruit canapés right now, be sure to check it out. following recipes with photo.

How to make fruit canapés - 16 varieties

This unusual combination of cheese and fruit will bring pleasure to both adults and children. gourmet snack to wine. It is not necessary to use the varieties of cheese and grapes presented in the recipe. You can choose what you like.


  • Masdam cheese - 200 g
  • Walnuts - 100 g
  • Strawberries - 100 g
  • Blue grapes- 100 g


Clean the walnuts.

Carefully wash the blue grapes.

Cut the strawberries into halves.

Cut the masdam cheese into cubes.

Thread cheese, grapes and nuts onto one half of the skewers, and cheese, strawberries and nuts onto the other half.

Result - 10 canapés. You can serve it to the table!

This appetizer is very easy to prepare, but at the same time can be a wonderful dessert. It is enough to string pieces of various fruits onto skewers and the canapés are ready.


  • Black grapes - 300 g
  • Green grapes - 300 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Mandarin - 1 pc.
  • Watermelon - 1/6 part


Cut the watermelon into pieces. Carefully separate the crust and cut the pulp into small cubes. Carefully remove the seeds from the pieces.

To quickly get rid of the seeds, first cut off the side parts and then cut the watermelon into several parts. We divide each part into equal segments, and then easily remove the seeds with a spoon.

We wash and clean kiwis. Cut it into circles.

Peel the tangerine from the skin. We cut each slice into 3 parts. If there are seeds in the tangerine pieces, they need to be removed.

Peel the banana. Cut it into pieces.

Thread black grapes onto a skewer, then tangerines, Green grapes, banana, kiwi and a slice of watermelon. For variety, you can swap black and green grapes.

Delicious canapés are ready!

These canapes are as bright and juicy as summer. Even the most capricious little gourmets will like the bright presentation, especially if you focus on unusual skewers.


  • Natural yogurt without additives - 150 g
  • Cream cheese - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Watermelon - 1/6 part
  • Pineapple - 1/4 part
  • Raspberries - 200 g


Beat yogurt with cream cheese until smooth. We shift ready cream into a pastry bag.

Separate the watermelon from the rind, remove the seeds and cut into slices.

Peel the pineapple and also cut into slices.

First, we prick the watermelon on a skewer, then squeeze it out pastry bag a little cream, a piece of pineapple on top, cream, a slice of watermelon and more cream. We decorate each canape with delicious raspberries.

Dessert can be served!

It’s not at all difficult to please your guests with such a snack, but it’s very pleasant. The bitter taste of chocolate harmonizes especially well with banana.


  • Strawberries - 200 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Pineapple - 1/3 part
  • Almonds - 150 g
  • coconut flakes- 100 g
  • Chocolate - 100 g


Chop the nuts.

Wash the strawberries and cut them into cubes.

Peel the banana and pineapple and also cut into cubes.

If you need to melt a large number of chocolate, don’t take it all at once. Start with a small portion and gradually add the remaining chocolate.

We put pineapple, banana and strawberries on a skewer. Then dip in melted chocolate and roll in chopped almonds or coconut.

Now you can surprise your family and friends!

A simple, but everyone's favorite recipe. It will give you freshness and coolness even on the hottest summer day.


  • Grapes - 200 g
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Strawberries - 300 g


Peel the orange and divide it into slices.

Wash strawberries and grapes.

Thread grapes, oranges and strawberries onto a skewer one by one. Place in the freezer for 1 hour.

Frosty canapés are ready!

Such canapes will be a worthy alternative to sweets and the main decoration of the sweet table. This is better than any cake!


  • Marshmallow - 200 g
  • Chocolate - 200 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Toppings, various sprinkles to taste


Peel the banana and cut into slices.

We alternately thread banana and marshmallow onto skewers.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

Dip skewers with pieces of bananas and marshmallows into hot chocolate, and then decorate with toppings and sprinkles, such as coconut.

Amazing canapés can be served to the table. Your little guests are probably already tired of waiting!

This recipe is perfect for dinner with your significant other. Pear and Dorblu cheese go great with champagne!


  • Dorblu cheese - 150 g
  • Pear - 2 pcs.
  • Cherry - 200 g


Wash the cherries and carefully cut them in half. We take out the bones.

Peel the pears.

Cut the pears and cheese into small cubes.

We first string half a cherry onto each skewer, and then a piece of pear and cheese.

A great appetizer for a romantic evening is ready!

A wonderful appetizer that literally flies away and is suitable for any celebration. Canapes are easy to prepare, but look impressive and original. It all depends only on your imagination.


  • Large orange - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Grapes - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 50 g


Cut off the stem of the orange on which it will stand,

The orange can easily be replaced with a pear or apple.

Wash grapes and apples.

Cut the cheese and apple into cubes.

We put a piece of cheese, an apple and grapes on each skewer. You can change the order if you wish. And then we begin to collect the hedgehog.

The hedgehog will serve unusual decoration festive table. Guests will be delighted!

The fantastic taste of these canapés will take you to hot countries. It will appeal to both children and their parents, and is suitable as a dessert for evening gatherings with friends.


  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Mango - 1 pc.
  • Canned pineapple-200 g
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.


Cut the mango in half. Turn both parts in different directions and remove the bone. This way you can carefully separate the pulp without damaging the fruit. Then cut the mango halves into cubes.

Peel the banana. Cut it into circles. Cut the pineapple rings in half. Spray everything lemon juice and send to freezer for a couple of hours.

To prevent bananas from turning black quickly, cover them with cling film.

First we string mango pieces onto skewers, followed by banana and pineapple.

Exotic canapés are ready!

Have you ever tried this? unusual combination tastes? If not, now is the time! Treat yourself and your family.


  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Olives - 100 g
  • Marmalade - 100 g


Slice hard cheese cubes.

Cut the lemon into circles, and divide the circles into small triangles.

If the pieces of marmalade are too large, then cut them.

We put them on skewers in this order: olive, piece of marmalade, lemon slice, cheese cube.

You can try the snack. Bon appetit!

Fruit with whipped cream is real taste childhood. This appetizer is perfect for a New Year's feast.


  • Orange - 2 pcs.
  • Banana - 3 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • Grapes - 100 g
  • Whipped cream


Peel the orange and divide it into slices. Remove the seeds if necessary.

Cut banana and kiwi into slices.

Thread the fruit onto skewers in any order. We post it on large dish Decorate with whipped cream and grapes.

Canapés can be served with festive table. Open the champagne!

A real sweet tooth dream. Unusual and nutritious breakfast for kids.


  • Chicken egg -2 pcs.
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Baking powder - 1/2 tsp.
  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Strawberries - 200 g
  • Peanut paste


Beat eggs with milk.

Sift the fly with baking powder. Combine with beaten eggs and mix thoroughly.

We bake small pancakes. Lubricate them with peanut butter.

Peel the banana. Cut it and strawberries into slices.

We put pancakes on skewers, alternating them with fruit.

The canapes are ready. Bon appetit!

This dish is loved and revered among the residents eastern countries. The most delicate combination fruits and chicken meat It will surprise, but will certainly appeal to both our children and adults.


  • Olives - 100 g
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Persimmon - 2 pcs.
  • Grapes - 200 g
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Chicken meat - 300 g


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Divide the fillet into small pieces and bake for 25 minutes.

Cut kiwi, persimmon and cheese into cubes.

We first string cheese onto each skewer, then grapes, persimmons, kiwi, a piece of chicken and an olive.

Unusual canapés can be served to guests!

Friends suddenly came to you and you have nothing to treat them with? Don't worry, these canapés will take you no more than 5 minutes to prepare!


  • Canned pineapple - 1/2 can
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Hard cheese - 100 g


Cut the pineapple and cheese into cubes.

Take turns pricking cheese, olives and pineapple pieces onto skewers.

A wonderful treat is ready!

This appetizer will certainly put you in a festive mood and become the main dish on the New Year's table.


  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Strawberries - 300 g
  • Grapes - 200 g
  • Marshmallow - 200 g


Peel the bananas and cut into slices.

Wash the grapes and strawberries thoroughly. Carefully cut off the top of the strawberry so that it is shaped like a triangle.

First string grapes onto a skewer, then banana, strawberries and marshmallows.

Delicious canapés can be served to your guests!

Unusual flavor combination for real gourmets.


  • Brie cheese - 200 g
  • Watermelon - 1/5 part
  • Arugula - 100 g
  • Balsamic cream


Separate the watermelon from the rind and remove the seeds. Cut into cubes.

We also cut the brie cheese into cubes.

We put cheese on a skewer, then a leaf of arugula and a piece of watermelon. Sprinkle with balsamic cream.

That's all. A wonderful snack is ready!

Summer is a time of bright colors. During this period, all markets and gardens are filled with colorful, delicious “gifts.” You can make amazing things from fruits and berries that will definitely appeal to both children and the older generation. We suggest you prepare fruit on skewers. These are tiny desserts, the weight of which ranges from fifty to eighty grams. Canapés on skewers made from fruits cut in different ways can be placed whole in your mouth without biting off small pieces.

As a rule, such desserts are not, but they make the eating process much more convenient, because you can take the dessert by the skewer without getting your hands dirty. This holiday treat served very often at buffets. According to etiquette, these fruit snacks on skewers are taken by hand. Spoons, forks and knives are not used to take or eat such a snack.

Now we will tell you how to make such original canapés shki.

Fruit skewers are delicious and beautiful

To prepare these delicious and healthy snacks you will need:

Large skewers;

1 tangerine;

First you need to peel the fruit. After this they need to be cut into large pieces, which you will then string onto skewers in the order you want. For your convenience, we list several interesting combinations:

  • First thread the banana, then the persimmon. After that, repeat the combination. This combination is very unusual. The taste of this dessert is honey-sweet.
  • Another canapé option is kiwi, tangerine, and then banana. The dessert turns out to be very colorful, and the taste is refreshing, sweet and sour.

Small canapés with bright orange citrus fruits

Now let's look at canapés on small skewers.

The basis for creating this look will be tangerines, the rest of the fruits will set off and emphasize the taste of citrus fruits, playing on the shades of the aftertaste.

Now let's look at several options on how to beautifully make these snacks:

  • First string the tangerine, then the kiwi. Then repeat the combination. This canapé can be called “New Year’s”. This dessert looks very festive.
  • Another option: tangerine - banana - kiwi. This canapé has a less pronounced citrus taste than the first option. This snack is perfect for buffet table, when many guests with different food preferences are planned.

Small fruit canapés with oriental aroma

To prepare this type of canapé, you will need a fruit such as persimmon, which will be the main ingredient. This wonderful dessert has a mild, discriminating taste. Many guests at your celebration will love this delicacy.

So, now we’ll tell you how to make fruit on skewers using persimmon. First, string the persimmon, then the kiwi, and then two more pieces of persimmon and one kiwi. This canape is sweet in taste, but with sourness. These fruits on skewers should not be served in large quantities. "Why?" - you ask. Because persimmon is a soft fruit and canapes can quickly lose their original shape. It is better to make them and serve them as you eat them.

Another combination is kiwi and persimmon (alternate, stringing one piece at a time). This canape has sweet and sour taste. This dessert option is suitable for a buffet table, as it is prepared very quickly, and has a neutral appearance, so it will be appropriate at any celebration.

Here interesting combination: kiwi - persimmon - banana. It seems that Scheherazade herself gave us this recipe.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to serve fruit on skewers, as well as how to make them correctly and from what. We looked at several interesting original options their creation. If you use your imagination, you can come up with your own fruit canapes.

On any holiday, be it New Year, or Birthday, I want to beautifully decorate the festive table. Of course, salads and various cold appetizers will add solemn look and work up an appetite. But if, in addition to this, you have patience and a variety of fruits, then you can make truly beautiful masterpieces on the holiday table. And the main thing that will attract the attention of guests and quickly go for drinks is, of course, fruit canapés.

This simple dish consists of small sandwiches made from various ingredients, which are attached to toothpicks or food skewers. You can put them whole in your mouth. The remarkable thing is that you can use almost any product to create a beautiful composition. And thanks small size, you can use delicacies.

Yes, if you do canapes for children's birthday, then the main ingredient can be fruit. And if you’re just decorating a holiday table, you can use all sorts of options, and your imagination. Combining fruit and vegetable snacks, neatly arranged on a saucer, with bacon bits. As an example, we can get an option like in the photo below...

Photo 1. A simple version of canapés for the festive table

The most important thing is the combination of products. Made for sandwiches various sauces and pastes to achieve original taste. If you have the ingredients, making canapés is quite simple. It does not take a lot of time.

Below, in the photographs you can see how to colorfully decorate a table using such mini sandwiches. The design of the skewers is of no small importance, especially if the canapés are intended for children's party. They can be purchased at almost any grocery store. They different forms, and even in the form of figures. This will whet the children's appetite and excitement. The holiday will become more interesting!

A bright composition of various fruits will decorate a children's party, romantic dinner, small buffet At work. Here you can use your creative imagination, but as an example I will give the recipe below.


  • 2-3 pieces of watermelon (or Victoria).
  • 1 piece of fresh kiwi.
  • 1 piece of tangerine.
  • 1 piece of ripe banana.
  • 1 sprig each of green and black grapes.

Cooking process

The watermelon pulp must be carefully cut into small cubes. The downside is that the berry is only available in August. But you can do without this ingredient. The taste of the canapes will remain pleasant and refreshing.

Kiwi adds sourness to mini sandwiches. It is recommended to buy fruit individually, as the packaging may be of poor quality. If the fruit turns out to be unripe, then it needs to be kept in a warm place for a couple of days. For canapés, kiwi must be peeled, cut into thin slices, and then divided in half, as shown in the image below.

Cutting kiwi

Peel the tangerine, carefully separate all the segments of the fruit, and then cut them into several pieces, the size of which should approximately correspond to watermelon cubes and kiwi pieces. It is recommended to remove the seeds.

Cooking tangerines using toothpicks or skewers

Banana is rich in vitamins and is filling tropical fruit, so it must be in a small sandwich. Ripe fruit should have a bright yellow color. If the banana is unripe, then it is not recommended to eat it, but wait a while for it to ripen. To use it in canapés, you need to peel the fruit and cut it into slices of about 0.5 cm.

Cutting banana into slices

When all the ingredients are prepared, they need to be placed on skewers or long toothpicks. First of all, green grapes are planted, then pieces of tangerine, then green grapes, then banana slices, kiwi slices, and finally a cube of watermelon pulp.

Place fruit canapes on a skewer

The colorful composition is laid out on a flat plate. You need to place pieces of fruit around the edges, as some people have their own preferences for ingredients.

The recipe is quite simple, so anyone can prepare these mini sandwiches. Thanks to the refreshing and aromatic taste, they are recommended to be served in the summer. Also, fruit canapes will decorate any table.

In a similar way, you can make canapes from marmalade, combined with orange slices. You can put it on plastic skewers or toothpicks.

Another option is to water the Victoria berries melted chocolate. It turns out very tasty and the kids will love it!

Canapes for children's birthday

For a successful children's party, it needs to be supplemented with French small sandwiches. Children really like this snack, which has all the colors of the rainbow. Of no small importance are colorful and interesting skewers that will interest young children.

It is very important to use neutral ingredients that do not cause an allergic reaction in children.

There are many canapé recipes for children's parties. Below we will look at one of them.

To prepare one serving you will need:

  • 1 piece of ripe pineapple.
  • 1 piece strawberry.
  • Marshmallow confectionery product.
  • 3 grapes.
  • 1 piece kiwi.
  • A piece of pear.
  • 1 tbsp coconut flakes.
  • 2 tbsp puffed rice.
  • Several bars of dark chocolate.

Cooking process

The first step is to cut off the top with the green tail of the pineapple. Then cut off a circle 2 cm thick. Using a thin and sharp knife, remove the peel.

By the way! Here's a great way to serve pineapple:

Remove the seeds and cut out the core. After which, chop the pulp even squares into 6 parts and set them aside.

Wash the strawberries thoroughly under running water and cut off the stem. Place the berry on a skewer, and then a piece of pineapple. The first mini sandwich for children is ready.

Alternatively, you can place the treat on the following toothpicks:

For the second skewer you will need green and green grapes. But you can use one grape variety. Place them on a skewer, followed by a piece of pineapple.

For the third sandwich you will need marshmallows - pastry, which is whipped in water from gelatin and sugar syrup. Place the sweetness on a skewer, followed by a pineapple cube.

For those who don’t know, the composition is similar to Bon Pari candies.

Children really like marshmallow, so it can also be used in the fourth canapé. To do this, you need to put the confectionery product on a skewer, then a small piece of kiwi, and then another marshmallow.

To prepare the next mini sandwich, you need to first add a confectionery product, then a grape, then one orange slice, and finally a pineapple cube.

The serving ends with a canape with a piece of pear, a small circle of strawberry and a square of pineapple. Place all ingredients on a skewer one by one. The photo below shows another sequence. You can also make several different options...

To make the canapés even tastier, they need to be greased with melted chocolate and then sprinkled with puffed rice and coconut shavings.

This makes a portion for one child. The children will be very happy. It is not recommended to do more, since the guys will simply eat them in 5 minutes, which can negatively affect their health.

Recipe with cheese and sausage

These canapés are a little more difficult to make than regular sandwiches. But guests will like it, because it’s great snack.


  • 6 pcs pitted olives.
  • 6 pieces of salami sausage. You can use another raw smoked product.
  • 6 slices of fresh cucumber.
  • 6 squares of cheese.
  • Greenery.
  • Also prepare skewers or long toothpicks.

Cooking process

Salami cut into thin pieces. Then you need to fold the piece in half and place it on a skewer. The image below shows how this should be done.

You can improve the taste with greens. In our case we use parsley. Therefore, after the salami there is a leaf of the plant.

Rinse the cucumber thoroughly under running water and cut into thin slices. Place it in the same way as the sausage, that is, fold it in half.

This canapé is suitable for a buffet table, buffet. They are also a good and convenient snack for an adult meal.

Canapes with salmon and black bread on skewers

This is one of the most popular types mini sandwiches. Red fish is not only delicious snack, but also in combination with other ingredients it turns out very tasty. This canapé will decorate any table, especially in holidays. Also, salmon can be replaced with herring. It also turns out very tasty and satisfying. In fact, there are many cooking options, let's look at one of them.


  • 1 bunch of fresh dill.
  • 0.5 pcs lemon.
  • 120 grams of salted salmon.
  • 2 pieces rye bread.
  • 50 grams of cream cheese.
  • 2 tbsp red caviar.

Cooking process

Rinse the greens thoroughly under running water. It’s great if it comes straight from the garden. Chop the dill.

The lemon also needs to be washed, cut into thin slices, and then divided into 4 parts. Thanks to this ingredient, the canapé acquires a slight sourness, which adds a piquant taste.

Salted salmon can be bought in a store, but it may be Bad quality Therefore, it is recommended to purchase fresh fish and salt it yourself. Cut the fillet into thin pieces

Stir chopped herbs into cream cheese.

Trim the edges of the rye bread and cut it into square pieces as shown in the image below.

To make a mini sandwich, spread sliced ​​bread with cream cheese and dill.

Place pieces of salmon that match the size on top of the bread.

The next layer will be again cream cheese. They need to be lubricated salted fish. Then add more pieces of salmon, brushed with a mixture of herbs and cheese.

This sandwich needs to be cut into 4 parts.

The finishing layer is lemon and red caviar, which is laid out on each canape.

After this, place the resulting mini sandwiches on a long toothpick or skewer. Top with a small sprig of dill, as shown in the image below.

The photo shows a version of a ready-made salmon canape with red caviar and black bread

This appetizer is very tasty, so it quickly disappears from the table. The hostess is advised not to lay out all the sandwiches at once, but to bring them as they are consumed. Otherwise, the guests will immediately “destroy” them.

Canapes with ham cheese and cucumber

At almost any buffet table, you can see small sandwiches with ham on the table. The recipe is very simple, and the canapes turn out very tasty.


  • 150 grams of hard cheese.
  • 150 grams of ham.
  • 3 pieces of pickled cucumbers.

Cooking process

First of all, you need to cut the hard cheese into small cubes of the same size.

Cut the ham into appropriate pieces. You should not save on this product, as a low-quality product can lead to stomach problems, as a result of which the festive mood will be ruined.

Cut the pickled cucumbers into small slices.

When all the ingredients are ready, you can begin to form the canapés. First of all, cheese cubes are strung, followed by cucumber slices, and the sandwich ends with ham. The image below shows what such a canape will look like.

If necessary, you can add 1-2 more ingredients. So experiment.

Video recipe: Herring canapes with black bread

As I noted above, mini sandwiches can be made from almost any product. The video below shows a recipe for making canapés called “ships”. The main ingredient is salted herring.

Photo of canapes. What we found on Google

Do you make canapés? Or haven’t had time to use such recipes yet?

Ingredients: bread, olives, sausage, cheese, meat, fish, fruit

The French invented a tiny sandwich and called it "canapé", which means tiny in French. This sandwich is really small, it usually consists of a small piece bread or cracker, and some tasty contents are placed on top.

Another meaning of the word canape is “small sofa,” which also corresponds to the appearance of the sandwich. A piece of bread could easily pass for a sofa on which to sit delicious filling, consisting of several ingredients.

There are a huge number of variations various fillings that can be cooked. Each chef brings something of his own to the recipes for such snacks. And anyone who prepares canapés can quite use their imagination and come up with their own variation.

Appearing for the first time at receptions and corporate events as overseas guest, canapés quickly migrated to home holiday tables. Today, many people make canapes at home to decorate the holidays, be it New Year, anniversary, March 8th. After all, this is not only an excellent snack, but also a wonderful table decoration.

It’s not at all difficult to prepare such an appetizer as canapés on skewers, but interesting recipes can be found everywhere. After looking at some recipes with photos, you can prepare exactly the same snacks or change them slightly to suit your taste. The best thing about them is that you can take any food that is in our refrigerators.

Canapes with herring - simple and tasty

We all know that potatoes, bread, herring, eggs - great combination which many people love. If you season it all with mayonnaise, grain mustard olive oil it will be the height of perfection.

Therefore, you can safely use them for this snack. And to the top small sandwich You can add a sprig of parsley. It will look beautiful and just begs to be put into your mouth. We present to you the most common recipe for canapés with herring.

Get everything ready necessary ingredients, namely:

  • herring fillet - 1 pc.,
  • potato tubers - 2 pcs.,
  • egg - 1-2 pcs.,
  • chopped pieces Borodino bread,
  • salt,
  • parsley sprigs,
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams,
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon,
  • mustard - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook:

  1. You need to boil the potatoes and eggs and wait until they have cooled completely. Only after this will it be possible to work with them, namely cut them into circles. You will then place these circles on the canapes.
  2. You will need to prepare a base for your filling. To do this, you need to cut Borodino bread into small pieces the size of halves of potatoes and eggs. To make sandwiches melt in your mouth, it is better to cut off the crusts from the bread. Then the bread needs to be dried in the oven or fried in a large amount of oil (olive or butter).
  3. Now you can start cutting the herring. If there are bones in the fillet, they will need to be removed. Cut the herring into small pieces so that you can arrange them beautifully on the bread.
  4. It's time to prepare the sauce, which will give the canapes the most best taste. Take mayonnaise, olive oil, mustard and mix everything well.
  5. After all this, all you have to do is put the entire sandwich together. Add the filling in the following order: potatoes, eggs, herring. The first and second layers can be additionally salted and spread with dressing. Place the dressing sauce on top. Well, like the cherry on the cake, in our case there will be a sprig of parsley that will decorate this delicacy.
  6. Place all the sandwiches on beautiful plate, garnish with herbs, pierce with skewers and serve, guests will appreciate this appetizer!

Canapes with salmon look great

It's hard to imagine a holiday table without salmon, so try to make canapés on skewers for the holiday table with this delicious fish. Salmon will go perfectly with cottage cheese and cucumbers. The basis, as always, is a tiny piece of bread. The result is a delicious snack.

Let's consider full list ingredients:

And you will also need a few minutes to prepare beautiful, delicious canapés.


  • For such canapés, it is better to take toast bread and cut several squares from it. If you want to get an unusual shape, then do round bread. You can press this shape with a glass. It’s better to use cookie cutters altogether, then you will get the most original canapés, which will undoubtedly decorate the festive table.
  • The cucumbers will need to be cut crosswise into not too thin pieces. The thickness of the piece should not exceed 0.7 cm. Place the cucumber on a piece of bread.
  • Then cut the red fish into thin but long strips and apply a small amount of cream cheese on them. Roll each piece and place it on top of your sandwich - it will look quite original. The cheese will go down and give the structure stability. It will be difficult to resist trying this snack. To make it convenient to take it, you need to put the hat on the tray.

Canapes with shrimps

Seafood can be a great ingredient for this type of appetizer. Of all the variety of seafood, shrimp are perhaps the most common; everyone definitely loves them.

Take 10 shrimp, 4-5 small tomatoes and bread. The larger the shrimp, the tastier the canapes will be. They will need to be boiled in salted water. After cooking, you need to clean the shrimp from all excess and wait until they cool. Then cut the tomatoes into several slices.

The bread needs to be dried, it will be tastier. But it is not necessary to dry the bread; you can use fresh bread. Place the tomato slices on the bread and place the shrimp on top. If you are afraid that guests will quickly snap up such delicious canapés, then try to prepare a large quantity.

Canapes with sausages

Of course, it’s hard to imagine our holiday tables without a variety of sausage cuts, such as boiled pork, salami, balyk and many others. From them it is just as possible to form various meat canapés. They will serve as a delicious appetizer that will fill your guests.

You can put it on a piece of salami soft cheese and a piece of pickled cucumber and roll it into a roll. Stick a skewer at the top for easy eating. It is not necessary to put such a snack on bread, as it is filling in itself.

More sophisticated option- pepperoni, cream cheese and olives, gourmets will surely appreciate it. Use with sausages olives, which will give the snack a specific and non-standard taste.

Canapes with fruit and cheese - an interesting combination

These canapés on skewers look festive and nourish the body. The type of cheese can be any. Take whatever you like - feta cheese, suluguni or plain cheese Russian cheese. Only if you take processed cheese, then give preference to the good ones, expensive varieties. Real gourmets can use noble varieties such as Camembert, Dor Blue and others.

You can also take any fruit. Goes well with grape cheese. But before you use it, cut each grape in half to remove the seed. If you don't, you risk ruining your snack.

If you want to make exotic canapes, then take Dor Blue cheese and mango pieces. There are many ideas for creating canapes with cheese and fruit, everyone can come up with something of their own.

Fruit canapé options

Fruits look beautiful, refresh and fill us up. Children will definitely like this snack for the holiday table, because they love sweets so much!

Preparing fruit canapés is as easy as shelling pears, it takes minimal time. It is quite possible to form beautiful snack from several types of fruits, which are held together with a skewer. If taken fresh fruits, then it’s better to sprinkle them with lemon juice so that they don’t darken and spoil appearance.

In the winter season it will be possible to make canapés from canned fruit. But here it is better to put the fruits on the “sofa”, since they are softer than fresh. A cracker can serve as a so-called “sofa”.

There are a huge variety of fruit canapé options. Everyone can think of their own cooking recipe using the most different ingredients for canapes.

One option is to combine mango, pineapple, bananas and grapes. Then it will work out great snack for the festive table. To make it look attractive, it is better to cut large fruits into small pieces and leave small fruits as is.

You can use it to fill fruit canapés. powdered sugar, chocolate glaze, honey, which will improve the taste and create a more attractive appearance. Fruit always makes a bright and tasty snack.

Vegetable option

Diversify meat dishes will help simple canapés consisting of only vegetables. They can also be served with fish. Vegetables can be used to create visually attractive options that will decorate the holiday table and add variety to it.

Vegetables are the most the best option for those who are on a diet. Therefore, you should definitely add vegetable canapés to your festive table.

Vegetables can also be combined with cheese. As one of the best lungs options are canapés with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. To do this, you need to string a ball of mozzarella onto a skewer, one cherry tomato and an attractive, low-calorie canapé is ready!

Cucumber can be combined with cottage cheese, which can be seasoned with chopped garlic and olive oil. This filling is laid out on a loaf of bread; all this, of course, is pierced with a skewer.

WITH various variations Canapés will make any buffet or festive event unforgettable. This perfect snack for any holiday events. The main thing is to show your imagination and you can make the most real delicious masterpieces that will not leave your guests indifferent!

Appetizing bright fruit canapés – great option snacks for the holiday table. Children especially love this treat. But if you add fruit, for example, cheese, bacon, ham or olives, then the dish can be served at an adult table with alcoholic drinks.

Fruit canapés on skewers as table decoration

To turn fruit canapés on skewers into a real decoration for a rich holiday table, first of all you need to choose the right base for them. You can use not only the simplest wooden skewers, but also interesting plastic ones. unusual shapes. For example, there are bright colored options on sale with miniature hearts and bows at the ends. And men will be more attracted to products made in the form of a long sword or screwdriver.

Other secrets of preparing canapés to decorate the festive table:

  1. Very long skewers are more suitable for serving appetizers with meat components. If you plan to use only fruit to prepare a dish, it is better to choose short versions of the bases.
  2. You should always make sure that there are at least a couple of bright accents on the skewer. For example, a snack made from slices of banana, light grapes and apple should be supplemented with a slice of strawberry, large raspberry, peach or mango. Otherwise, guests may simply not pay attention to the treat and leave it untouched.
  3. Canapés should also be served in an unusual, bright way. Great option- stick them in big fruit, for example, a melon or simply make one side of the snack stable (a cube of cheese, pineapple) and place all the preparations on it. In the second option, it is convenient to place the finished canapés on a large bright plate around a bowl with a sauce that matches the dish.

Canapés on long skewers can be served like kebabs on a rectangular or round dish. In this case, they should be laid on mint leaves, scattered fresh berries or thin citrus slices. Some housewives prefer to place skewers with canapés in tall, stable glasses. This setting allows guests to take them conveniently.

On children's table it's worth serving a snack with original design in the form of funny animals. For example, cut a hedgehog out of a pear (make the nose and eyes from dark grapes). Replace the animal's spines with short miniature canapés with fruits and berries. Stick skewers into the pear.

How to beautifully cut fruit for an original snack

When cutting fruit for the snack in question, the main rule is not to chop it. Otherwise, the fruits will lose a lot of juice and it will be very inconvenient to eat them.

  • It is best to leave the berries whole or simply cut them in half (for example, large strawberries).
  • Citrus fruits for canapés are usually cut into thin slices, after which they are rolled into a “sail”.
  • Bananas are chopped into thick slices.
  • The grapes are left whole.

The most impressive are snacks for which the fruit is cut into pieces of the same shape and size. For example, canapés made from smooth, neat cubes of cheese, pineapple, kiwi and banana, as well as other similar options, look very advantageous.

Step-by-step fruit canapé recipes for adults

At the festive table, where adult guests with a good appetite will gather, it is worth serving canapés consisting not only of fruits, but also of more hearty foods. Cheese is best for this different varieties, ham or other types of meat.

Co. fruit canapés For adults, it is important to additionally serve unsweetened sauces. For example, spicy garlic or honey mustard. They will make the taste of the snack even brighter and more interesting.

With grapes and cheese


  • quality cheese (hard/semi-hard) – 80 – 100 g;
  • light and dark grapes – 80 – 100 g;
  • whole cores walnut– by the number of skewers;
  • fresh tarragon - a small bunch.


  1. For this recipe you don’t need to take too much salty cheese. It will need to be cut into neat, equal-sized cubes.
  2. Wash the grapes, dry them and leave the berries whole. Thread them onto skewers first, closer to the “handle”.
  3. Next, place the nut and a small amount of greens.
  4. The last cube of cheese is skewered.
  5. Place the skewers on a large flat plate with the stable part facing down. Decorate to your liking.

Tarragon is an optional ingredient in the appetizer. But it gives gourmets an amazing spicy aftertaste. Ready-made canapes go well with dry white wine, any vermouth and some stronger alcoholic drinks.

With melon and Parma ham

In preparing such a snack Special attention You need to pay attention to cutting the ingredients. The slices must be very thin and neat, otherwise the appearance of the treat will be unworthy of a festive table.


  • small melon (very sweet) – 1 pc.;
  • Parma ham – 120 – 140 g.


  1. Very sweet, but not overripe melon (so that the pieces are strong and do not fall apart), peel and pit, chop into medium cubes.
  2. Cut the ham into thin, translucent strips the width of a melon slice. If you don’t have a good sharp knife at home, it’s better to immediately buy the meat already in plates or ask them to cut it in the store with a special device.
  3. Place a melon cube on the edge of each strip of ham and wrap it in a mso roll.
  4. Secure the resulting structures with small skewers or toothpicks.

Post ready-made snack on a rectangular dish. Serve with hot sauce, which contains large amounts of pepper and/or garlic.

Lemon with marmalade and cheese

At first glance, this combination of products may seem strange. But in the end there will be a real one on the skewer bright rainbow flavors that will conquer any gourmet.


  • cheese – 80 – 100 g;
  • lemon flavored marmalade – 80 – 100 g;
  • olives – 80 – 100 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.


  1. Olives for such a treat should immediately be chosen without pits and without filling. Place them in a colander and let drain excess liquid from a jar.
  2. Cheese cut large cubes. Thread it onto skewers first.
  3. Place a miniature lemon slice on top of the cheese, having first selected the seeds from them.
  4. Next you need to place a small piece lemon marmalade. It’s great if it’s prepared at home. But store-bought sweets are also suitable.
  5. The finishing touch is an olive on the tip of a skewer.

You need to try all the components at once, and not separately. Only together they allow you to feel unusual taste treats.

Fruit snack for the holiday table for children

If you are preparing a holiday table for children, then it is better to make the canapés completely sweet. In this case, fruits can be supplemented with pieces of your favorite desserts. For example, marshmallows, chocolate, caramel.

Sweet sauces are suitable for serving the treat - regular condensed milk (liquid/boiled), sour cream whipped with sugar and mashed banana, melted chocolate.

Bananas, strawberries and marshmallows covered in chocolate

You can take any marshmallow for treats - homemade, store-bought, fruit, and berry. It is best to use chocolate-covered dessert.


  • strawberries – 80 – 100 g;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • marshmallows – 4 – 5 pcs.;
  • any chocolate sauce - to taste.


  1. Wash the strawberries thoroughly and dry. Cut each berry into two equal parts. The halves will need to be placed on skewers in two places - at the very beginning and at the end.
  2. Place the filling in the middle - banana slices and chocolate-covered marshmallow pieces. They shouldn't be too large. It is important to take ripe, soft fruits, but not green or blackened ones.
  3. You can alternate the ingredients in any order. Some housewives increase the number of strawberries on one skewer to 2 - 3 berries at once.
  4. Pour any liquid on top of ready-made canapés. chocolate sauce. Glaze prepared independently from sour cream, sugar, cocoa and butter is also suitable for this purpose.

Serve the appetizer on a large, bright plate. If desired, garnish with contrasting fresh mint leaves.

Unusual recipe – Jelly on skewers


  • jelly “kiwi” and “strawberry” - 1 package each;
  • condensed milk (unboiled) – 1/2 can;
  • gelatin – 4 – 5 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix gelatin with half a glass hot water. When the dry ingredient dissolves, add condensed milk and the same amount of liquid.
  2. Prepare green and red jelly according to instructions.
  3. Pour the mixture into the mold in layers: green - white - red. Let it harden.
  4. Turn the pan over and cut the contents into triangles, reminiscent of watermelon slices.
  5. Insert a skewer into each.

Serve the finished jelly as a dessert at a children's party.

Assorted fruits for a children's party


  • any whole berries - 2 tbsp.;
  • assorted fruits - about 1.5 - 2 kg.


  1. For children's snacks in the form of canapés, you need to take long thin skewers. Either whole berries or pieces of various fruits will be planted on them alternately.
  2. Rinse all prepared fruits thoroughly. Set the berries aside, peel the fruit if necessary, and cut into large or medium cubes.
  3. Place the resulting pieces on skewers. It is advisable to alternate bright and light fruits. For example, apple cubes and strawberry pieces, light grapes and bright mango pulp, melon pucks and watermelon.

Any fruits and berries are suitable for such a treat. In addition to those noted above, you can also use peaches, pears, dark grapes, pitted cherries, raspberries, kiwi, pineapple, and blueberries.

Fruit canapés on skewers should not be prepared in advance. It's better to make them just before the holiday. You need to store the snack even for a couple of hours under thick cling film.