Fruit canapés on skewers for sweet tooths of all ages. Snacks for children's birthday

One of the most beautiful and impressive dishes on a festive table or buffet table is nothing other than canapés. Canapes come in different types, fillings and executions, but they are always incredibly beautiful, tasty and elegant.

In this article, the News Portal “site” has prepared for you several options for preparing and decorating fruit canapés.

Fruit canapés will be appropriate on any festive table and buffet table: be it a children's birthday, a wedding celebration, New Year, a youth party or a regular meeting with friends.

Creating such an amazing dish is a little troublesome, but the result is worth it. Fruit canapes can be an excellent snack for white or red wine, alcoholic cocktails, champagne or liqueurs. Fruit canapes will also look great next to a sweet dessert: cake, pie, pastries and ice cream.

So let's get started...

How to make fruit canapés?

To decorate the fruit canapes, you can use long wooden kebab skewers or short multi-colored plastic skewers. Some craftsmen even manage to use ordinary toothpicks as the basis for canapés. In a word, the choice is yours.

Choosing the length of a skewer for thick canapés will depend on what fruit you will use and what company your dish is intended for. If you are planning a large company, then you should give preference to long wooden skewers, because they can accommodate more fruit. If the holiday is for children, then it is better, on the contrary, to arrange the canapés on short plastic skewers, because it will be much easier for a small child to enjoy delicious fruits from a short skewer.

One of the most impressive options for decorating fruit canapés can be considered a fruit barbecue.

Fruit canapes “Fruit BBQ”

To make it you will need:

  • large watermelon;
  • wooden kebab sticks;
  • celery;
  • assorted fruits and berries.


The watermelon must be washed well and wiped dry. Then cut it in half. You can make fruit balls and squares from watermelon pulp to create canapés.

At the bottom of the watermelon, make three small holes into which you need to stick celery stalks - these will be the legs.

Then insert wooden sticks into the half of the watermelon (see photo) - this will be the fruit barbecue grill.

Place berries and fruits inside the empty watermelon, and place fruit canapés on the grill itself.

Such an original design of fruit canapés will not leave any guest indifferent.

Fruit canapes "Rainbow"

“Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!” - everyone knows this funny little rhyme, which is an excellent reminder of the order in which the colors are in the rainbow. Use this feature in the design of fruit canapés.

Select fruits by color and string them onto a skewer in the order described by the famous rhyme. You will be guaranteed an incredibly colorful and bright dish.

Fruit canapes "Santa Claus"

If you are preparing a festive New Year's table, then a Santa Claus headdress can be an excellent option for decorating a fruit canapé.

To create such a fruit canapé you will need:

  • bananas;
  • white grapes;
  • strawberry;
  • airy marshmallows;
  • toothpicks or short skewers.

With these fruit canapés you can decorate any cold appetizer and dessert.

Fruit canapé “Figurnoe”

If you have a variety of cookie cutters available, you can create shaped pieces for fruit canapés in the same way.

Watermelon, melon, pineapple, apple and pear are great for creating stars, hearts, flowers and other shapes.

Fruit canapé “Jolly Caterpillars”

Children really like this type of fruit canapé.

Use long wooden skewers and grapes to create a long caterpillar. Eyes can be made from droplets of sweet icing, yogurt and a piece of chocolate.

The news portal "site" wishes you not only tasty, but also healthy holidays. After all, fruit canapes are not only an exquisite and amazingly beautiful dish, but also very healthy.

Delicious fruits, cakes and canapes for children’s birthdays, photos with delicious sweets and snacks are becoming an integral part of modern life. Parents of birthday people try to surprise small and large guests with exquisite dishes.

In the modern pace of life, more and more time is devoted to convenience and compactness, so for treats you can use sandwiches and canapés on beautiful skewers.

Mini sandwiches on skewers appeared thanks to the trend of Europe, where there is a tradition of quick snacks. This tradition was also liked in our country, but the dish took root more on the festive table.

Initially, skilled French chefs put a piece of bread with pate on skewers. This technology appeared not for the purpose of refinement and beautiful presentation of dishes on the table, but for convenience and clean hands.

Modern chefs have diversified snacks strung on bright sticks and began to use them at any holiday.

By organizing a children's party with the help of sandwiches and funny skewers, you can easily surprise your little guests. The main thing to remember is that the products must be neutral and not cause allergies.

Canapes for children's birthday, photos of amazing masterpieces

There are a lot of delicious canapé recipes for children’s birthdays, photos of which will be presented below. Choose the funniest, most delicious ones and the children will remember the holiday for a long time.

Fruit canapés

The most common type of dessert on a children's holiday table. The following fruits are suitable for cutting: apple, pear, tangerine, banana, grapes, kiwi, peach and strawberry. You can experiment with others, but remember that their consistency should be dense and not fall apart.

When forming canapes, fruits are cut into plastic, squares or funny shapes.

Advice: when serving such a dish, do not forget that the fruits may darken, so cut them immediately before placing them on the festive table.

  1. Fruit birthday cake.

An interesting solution for treating guests of the birthday boy. It can be an alternative to a sweet cake, as you can place a birthday candle in the middle.

To create a masterpiece, you need to cut out the middle of the watermelon. It is not necessary for the watermelon figure to be symmetrical; it can be in the form of an iceberg. Take long peaks, pin the brightest fruits and berries on them: peach, kiwi, strawberries, watermelon, green grapes and stick them into the watermelon base.

Place a beautiful candle or several candles in the middle. The festive cake is ready!

  1. Sugar fantasy.

Strawberries, bananas and tangerines are suitable for this dessert. Subdued colors, uniform round fruits, sprinkled with powdered sugar or coconut flakes will create a mysterious feeling of snow.

You can use powder and coconut flakes at the same time, then the dish will not only be very beautiful, but also incredibly tasty.

If children are not allergic to chocolate, dark or white chocolate shavings are suitable for topping.

  1. Solar boat.

An interesting idea for little pirates and sailors. You must have two fruits: pineapple in whole circles and a banana. We string a sail of semicircular pieces of pineapple onto a peak. We cut the banana into round pieces, try to cut the pineapple in the form of a circle and connect them with a skewer to the sail so that the base of the boat stands steadily on the table.

Strawberry rings can be added to one of the base layers or additionally.

  1. Fruit fairy tale.

An excellent and simplest option would be to cut berries and fruits strung on a skewer. Use any fresh fruits and berries, in any combination.

The main thing to remember is that canapés made from approximately equal-sized pieces look more beautiful.

Hearty canapés

A children's holiday is not complete without outdoor games and fun catch-ups. Therefore, throughout the evening, the kids will undoubtedly want to refresh themselves. To do this, please your guests with canapes made from hearty foods, such as bread, cheese, ham and more.

  1. Cheese trio.

An appetizing and healthy dish for little ones. Consists of rye bread, hard and processed cheese. Choose the freshest products, processed cheese can be with the addition of ham or bacon, you can season the soft cheese yourself with delicious spring greens.

Mini sandwiches are suitable for a snack for a cheerful children's company in combination with tea, juice or compote.

  1. Castle in the air.

Delicious sandwiches with bacon or ham rolls. At the base of the dish are pieces of rye bread and fresh cucumber.

To prepare the roll you will need a boiled egg, mayonnaise (sour cream) and slices of ham or bacon. Separate the white from the yolk and grate them separately on a fine grater. Mix the egg white with mayonnaise, fill the bacon with the mixture and wrap it in small tubes.

Dip the edges of the roll into mayonnaise and then into grated yolk. Place the roll, cucumber and then bread on the peak. Interesting mini canapés are ready!

  1. Cupcakes in spades.

Simple cupcakes with raisins, chocolate or candied fruits, which are sold in stores, will help complement a bright children's holiday. You can bake a sweet dessert yourself, add some beautiful peaks and another dessert is ready!

Canapés made from marshmallows and marmalade will be a tasty addition.

Improvise, prepare delicious canapés for children for their birthdays, photos of which you will find in this article. Then your baby’s holiday will be truly unforgettable and magical.

If you are the mother of a future birthday boy, then you probably already have a headache thinking about what interesting dish you can decorate the children's table with. Mom is a huge generator of ideas, creative director and chef of all children's events, but even an organizational guru also needs to get interesting ideas from somewhere.

We offer you a very simple and tasty option: various canapé recipes for children. This easy-to-prepare dish will not keep you fussing in the kitchen for a long time, and will give your little guests a cheerful festive mood. In this article we will tell you recipes for interesting and tasty canapés for children with original photos.

Canapes for children on skewers

Delicious canapes for children are also a great way to “deceive” the child a little: “tasteless” healthy food is beautifully decorated in a canapé and played up a little. Thus, a child is unlikely to refuse to try such an unusual and beautiful dish. One such recipe could be olive canapés.

Olive canapé recipe

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Olives
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Mini mozzarella

Cooking method:

  • Wash cherry tomatoes
  • Open a jar of olives and pour them into any container for convenience.
  • Thread tomatoes, mini mozzarella and olives onto skewers in the order you like

To make it more colorful you can also add peppers or lettuce. This not only looks harmonious together, but is also very useful for a growing organism.

Canapes for children from a meat sandwich

All children love to make sandwiches as a snack, but we invite you to go further and make a real discovery in the field of cooking - mini-burgers on skewers. Such original canapés for children will appeal to children at their birthday parties.

Meat sandwich canapé recipe

For the above mentioned canapés you will need the following set of products:

  • Beef
  • lettuce
  • Small buns
  • Pickle
  • Cucumber or cheese sauce

Cooking method:

  • Beef needs to be pounded and cut into small chops
  • Next, you need to fry it (if desired, you can bread it)
  • Brush the buns with sauce
  • Place the hamburger filling in the following order: chop, cucumber, lettuce

For 6 servings you will need approximately 300-400 g of beef, which is very economical for such an original and tasty meat snack.

Canapes for children with doctor's sausage

This is a very tasty recipe that housewives can also borrow for an adult feast. Preparing one serving of canapes will take you no more than half a minute, including cutting.

Recipe for canapés with doctor's sausage

We prepare the necessary products, namely:

  • Rye bread (it would be more convenient to take a baguette)
  • Doctor's sausage
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • lettuce

Cooking method:

  • Lettuce and cherry tomatoes should be washed thoroughly
  • Cut the doctor's sausage into thin slices
  • Cherry tomatoes cut in half
  • Cut small shaped slices on a piece of bread
  • Tear lettuce leaves into quarters
  • Place a slice of bread and add lettuce
  • We fold the doctor's sausage beautifully like an accordion, as shown in the picture above, and place it on the lettuce.
  • Place chopped cherry tomatoes on top
  • Pierce with a skewer

Rye bread goes very harmoniously with fresh cherry tomatoes, which gives the dish a pleasant taste. For beauty, you can sprinkle the dish with a little balsamic vinegar or olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Fruit canapes for children

Festive fruit canapés will greatly delight children. After all, this is not only a very tasty dish, but also an excellent analogue to the unhealthy cakes that many parents spoil their children with. Canapés on a festive sweet table will create a real sensation among little gourmets.

You can combine any fruit, for example, a sweet banana will go well with a sour tangerine, and strawberries with a peach. You can also bet on the appearance of the dish and you won’t be wrong, because different fruits will look very colorful and colorful, just what you need for the festive table.

Fruit canapé recipe for children

You can take the following fruits for canapés:

  • Peach
  • Strawberry
  • Orange
  • Banana

Cooking method:

  • Wash the fruits thoroughly
  • Cut beautifully
  • Combine fruits to your liking
  • Pierce the assortment with a skewer

Some little “eaters” really like to pick, so that your efforts are not in vain, you can stick a skewer on each individual sliced ​​fruit, thereby making impromptu canapés. On a plate, such an assortment of fruits will look very bright and appetizing, laconicly blending into the overall atmosphere of the holiday.

Sweet canapés for children

The simplest and most delicious canapés for children can be made using regular sweets or chocolate bars. This will bring a lot of happiness to the little robbers. If you are determined to make the holiday fun and unforgettable, then it would be advisable to opt for sweet canapes.

As mentioned above, you can opt for beautiful chocolates from the box. This delicacy will look very appetizing. In addition, an important advantage of such canapés is the ability to place a carafe of milk next to it. After all, what other healthy drink can compete in an excellent combination? And since chocolate and dairy products are always “friends,” little guests are unlikely to begin to resist, even if they consider themselves to be opponents of dairy products. In order to make original sweet canapés you need:

  • Buy good chocolates in the store, in a box or by weight
  • Remove the wrapper if necessary
  • Pierce each candy with a skewer

The same story applies to chocolate bars. Children are very dependent on advertising, so a new type of candy bar can cause incredible delight in a child and a desire to try an attractive new product. Now just imagine how happy the children will be when they see such a delicacy at a children's party. Rest assured that their happiness will be limitless.

Canapés for children made from chocolate-covered fruits

Another very interesting option is fruit covered in chocolate. This original idea can make you a fairy and sorceress in the sparkling eyes of children. If you intend to opt for this creative and enchanting dish, which will become a colorful addition to your table, then a short instruction will teach you how to make canapés for children from chocolate-covered fruits.

Recipe for chocolate covered fruit canapés

To prepare you will need:

  • Any fruit you like (you can have several)
  • Milk chocolate bar

Cooking method:

  • Once you have decided on the fruit, cut it if needed
  • Melt the chocolate bar in the microwave (you can use a water bath or very low heat)
  • Wash the fruit thoroughly, place on a skewer and dip in warm chocolate.
  • Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours

As you have already seen in the photo above, this is not only tasty, but also a very beautiful dish, which will undoubtedly become the main decoration of your holiday table.

Canapés are a versatile and delicious snack that can save a lot of your time and money. There are countless varieties of this picky dish, which only confirms its popularity. Canapes are a dish with which it is almost impossible to make mistakes. In addition, if you feel that it will be delicious, then you already intend to add a little love to the dish, which will make your work much easier and will greatly delight your little guests.

Video: “Children’s canape Cheerful penguin. How to make a canapé for a child’s birthday in the shape of a cheerful penguin?”

Preparing dishes for celebrating a child's birthday poses non-trivial tasks for parents: such dishes must be tasty, not harmful to the child's body, at the same time arouse active interest and appetite in the child, and often also correspond in style to the theme of the holiday!

One of the dishes that will meet all the above criteria is canapes.

What is it? These are unique miniature sandwiches of varying thickness, often consisting of products strung on small wooden or plastic skewers. Moreover, bread may not be included in these sandwiches, but fruit can be used.

What is the appeal of this dish for a children's holiday table? Thanks to its miniature size, the portion size required for a child is easily achieved, and the high speed of preparation makes this appetizer a very convenient option for a buffet celebration. You can serve the dish with canapés both in an apartment, outdoors or in a car. And thanks to the skewers, the sandwich will not crumble, which usually happens so often in children during meals. Another plus of canapes is that the child will not get his hands dirty, because he does not have to handle the food. Even if he did not wash his hands before eating, in this case it will not be critical.

Snacks for every taste

Canapés can be made from almost any product, as long as they are not contraindicated for children. There are many recipes, but they can be roughly divided into the following categories:

1) Classic- more like sandwiches: bread is used, often spread with butter, pate, curd mass, jam or something else. There are also layers of sliced ​​cheese, ham, fish, etc.

2) Fruit- consist of combinations of different fruits. No bread is used. Children like it the most.

3) Vegetables- the principle is the same as for fruit ones, but vegetables are used (raw or boiled).

4) Combined— Variations from any products are allowed. Such options are not always popular with children.

Canapes “Roll like boiled pork in cheese”

Grocery list:

  • White bread
  • Buzhenina
  • Bell pepper

Cooking technique:

1) Bread cut into small square pieces is fried in a frying pan (using butter) or browned in a toaster.

2) Fresh or pickled cucumber is cut into slices, then one piece of cucumber is placed on each piece of bread.

3) Baked pork and cheese are cut into slices, then into squares.

4) Place a piece of cheese on the cucumber, then boiled pork and again a piece of cheese.

5) Sweet peppers are also cut into squares and placed at the top of the “pyramid”.

6) All layers of canapes are fastened with a skewer, and you can serve them to the table.

Canapes “Goldfish”

Grocery list:

  • White bread or loaf
  • Butter
  • Lightly salted red fish (golden if possible)
  • Beet

Cooking technique:

1) The bread is cut into small triangular slices and covered with a thin layer of butter.

2) Boiled beets are cut into layers 1-1.5 cm thick.

3) The fish needs to be cut into oblong pieces, and then the beets should be wrapped in it and placed on the bread.

4) All layers of canapes are secured with a skewer, and the dish can be considered ready.

Canapes “Tomato Fantasy”

Grocery list:

  • Small varieties of tomatoes (for example, cherry)
  • Cheese (hard varieties, feta cheese or hard processed cheese - you can use any)
  • Green basil or lettuce leaves
  • Sour cream
  • Lemon

Cooking technique:

1) Wash the tomatoes and cut them in half.

2) Cover the inside of the tomatoes with a layer of sour cream.

3) Place cheese between two halves of one tomato and fold together.

4) Place a green basil or lettuce leaf on top of the tomato.

5) Squeeze the juice from the lemon, secure the canapes with a skewer, and lightly sprinkle with lemon juice.

Canapes “Strawberry Smile”

Grocery list:

  • Fresh strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Kiwi
  • Cream

Cooking technique:

1) Remove the green tails from the strawberries.

2) Peel the bananas and cut into pieces.

3) Peel the kiwi and cut into circles.

4) Thread strawberries, banana, and then kiwi onto a skewer.

5) Using cream, we draw “eyes” and a smiling “mouth” on the strawberries - we get fun fruit canapés that children will surely enjoy.

Vegetable canapés “Merry traffic light”

Grocery list:

  • Pickled or fresh cucumbers
  • Beet
  • Carrot

Cooking technique:

1) Cucumbers are cut into slices.

2) Beets need to be boiled and cut into circles of the same diameter as cucumbers. To get an even circle, you can use a hollow cylindrical solid object as a mold.

3) It is advisable to select carrots of such size that the diameter matches the diameter of the cucumbers - in this case, all three components of the canapé will look harmonious. Carrots can be boiled, but if desired, you can also use raw carrots - just cut them into slices.

4) The sequence of products strung on a skewer must correspond to the colors of the traffic light: beets, carrots, cucumber. But, unlike a real traffic light, our sofas will always have a green light on - this means that children can eat them at any time!

Almost every parent knows how troublesome it is to organize children's parties. So, you need to decide on the location of the event, the festive outfit and the list of guests, as well as what delicacies to offer to the invitees. The treats, of course, will depend on the age group of those present, as well as their appetites. One of the best options would be canapes for children. They are small loaves of bread, spread with some tasty treats and beautifully decorated. They are usually served to the table in large quantities and variety, since they are designed to replace hearty dishes. Children's canapés are often made on skewers so that you don't have to hold them in your hands, but put them straight into your mouth. This is very convenient for children, since they will not get dirty with the filling spread on the sandwiches. You can make very original and interesting canapés for children, we will look at their recipes today.

Canapes "Penguins"

Ingredients: one can of large pitted olives, one can of medium sized pitted olives, one carrot, two hundred grams of soft cheese.


Place the olives on a towel or napkin to drain the liquid. Large fruits are cut lengthwise and a wedge is cut out. Place one coffee spoon of cheese inside. The carrots are boiled and cut into circles, from which small triangles are then cut out to make penguin legs. One triangle is inserted into a pre-made hole in a small olive. This should create a beak.

Next we make canapés for children, the recipes for which are so varied. So, a large olive is carefully placed on the carrot feet, and a small fruit with a carrot inserted is placed on top. The canapes are secured with a skewer. Having made a lot of penguins in this way, they are placed on a large platter on top of cottage cheese, from which “snow slides” are first made, and served to the table.

Canapes "Ladybugs"

Ingredients: sixteen saltine or regular crackers, one package of cream cheese, eight cherry tomatoes, nine pitted olives, one spoon of vegetable oil, one bunch of parsley.


Canapés for children such as “Ladybugs” are very simple and quick to prepare, since they are made on the basis of crackers that do not crumble. This snack has a delicate taste and gives you a summer mood.

So, first the crackers are spread with cheese. Parsley is placed on top to create a clearing. We cut the tomatoes in half and make an incision on each half so that, having straightened them, we get the wings of a ladybug. The tomatoes are placed on crackers on top of the greens and gently brushed with vegetable oil to make them sticky. Next, one olive is cut into very small pieces, each of which is placed on the tomatoes using a toothpick. The remaining fruits are laid out next to each tomato so that the head of a ladybug is formed. The canapés for children are ready, now they can be served.

Canapes "Fly agarics"

These canapés are very original, so every child will be happy to eat the edible fly agaric, which is located in a charming clearing.

Ingredients: one baguette, one package of sliced ​​cheese, ten quail eggs, ten cherry tomatoes, herbs and mayonnaise. For caviar: one small eggplant, one onion, half a carrot, two tomatoes, a clove of garlic, vegetable oil, salt and spices.

Cooking caviar

Before you make canapés for children, you need to prepare caviar. To do this, the eggplant is baked in the oven, the onion is chopped and stewed in vegetable oil until golden brown. Next, add grated carrots and cook until excess moisture is gone. Then cooled and peeled eggplants, which are pre-cut into cubes, as well as crushed garlic are added to this mass. The finished caviar is placed in a bowl and cooled.

Preparing canapés

Meanwhile, the baguette is cut and fried in oil until golden brown. The tops and a little of the bottom of boiled and peeled eggs are cut off so that they stand well on a plate. Cut the tomatoes in half and place each part on top of the eggs. Caviar is spread on a baguette, a slice of cheese is placed, two eggs with tomatoes are placed on top and dots are drawn on the tomatoes with mayonnaise. Parsley is beautifully laid out around. Well, the canapés for the children are ready!

Round children's canapés

Ingredients: white bread, cheese and brisket, one boiled egg, one spoon of butter, one fresh cucumber, skewers.


Peel and grate the egg, add oil and mix well until a creamy mass is obtained. Cheese, brisket, cucumber and bread are cut into slices of the same size and laid out on the table in the order in which canapés on skewers for children will be assembled. And this, in turn, depends on the imagination of the cook. So, when the canapés are ready, they are pierced with skewers. Such products can be stuck into an apple or orange.

You can use other fillings for children's canapés. It can be shrimp and avocado, sweet fruits, vegetables, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.

Fruit canapes for children

Ingredients: one apple, pear, nectarine or peach, one bunch of grapes, one banana, kiwi.


All fruits must be cut just before serving, after sprinkling them with lemon juice. So, the products are washed, cleared of seeds and peels, and cut into shapes. Then they begin to assemble the canapés in the order they like best. When finished, each sandwich is pierced with a skewer, placed on a plate and served.