Schweppes gin proportions. Recipe and correct proportions of gin and tonic

When talking about gin, we literally get lost in the little details - sometimes we can’t say for sure what gin is drunk with, what it’s drunk from, or what kind of snack goes with gin and what doesn’t. It is not surprising, because unlike cognac, vermouth, liqueurs and wines, which, having come to us from the West, easily “took root” on domestic soil, gin still remains an exotic and mysterious drink for many residents of post-Soviet countries. Let's try to fill this gap.

In the article:

How to drink gin neat

In a number of parameters (for example, the ratio of strength to saturation and richness of aroma), gin is much closer to cognac than to juniper vodka, as we like to call it for ease of perception. And, so to speak, his capriciousness is of the same level. That’s why there can be quite a bit of embarrassment with its unsuccessful combination at the table.

Let's start with the most natural way for alcoholic gourmets to consume it - pure, without additives. Moreover, the question of how to drink this drink is where the most misunderstandings arise. As mentioned above, in countries where there is a strong tradition of drinking vodka (alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 40:60), gin is most strongly associated with the same vodka, only spicy and with a strong smell of juniper.

But in reality, this comparison is only good for English (especially Scottish) varieties - the most dry and strong, with a downright ascetically narrowed range of added spices. However, even in this case, you need to remember that vodka is strictly 40 “degrees”, and the strength of gin can easily exceed 50%.

As for famous brands from other countries, they may turn out to be much weaker than vodka (the minimum strength of gin by international standards is 37.5 degrees), and much sweeter. In particular, the same dryness parameters apply to gin as to wine - from dry to semi-sweet. And this already creates a significant difference from our main national drink, is not it?

For these reasons, attempts to approach the question of how to properly drink gin in pure form, from the position of “the same as ordinary vodka” often end in misunderstandings - especially because they have about as much in common as there are differences.

For example, pure gin, not diluted even with ice, is also drunk in one sip - it cannot be savored like liqueur, wine or. This makes it similar not only to the usual Russian, but also to the origin of Mexico, known as tequila.

Ways to drink straight gin

In general, the best thing to do with pure gin is this:

  • Drink small portions of it in one gulp, and large portions (say, if it was served to us “on the rocks” - with ice) in several large sips, taken with short breaks.
  • Cool gin before drinking to a temperature not lower than +5C 0 (unlike vodka, it does not like strong cooling and freezing). If we have pre-chilled the glass for pouring it or served it with ice, the drink itself can be left room temperature- so as not to damage its unique bouquet, which vodka and tequila do not have.
  • Unlike vodka, a “shot” of gin can only be eaten as a snack; it is not customary to wash it down with other drinks.

What is gin mixed with?

The question of what people drink gin with other than tonic is relevant not only for us - some kind of “newbies” in getting to know this drink. It concerns almost all countries to which it was brought by the Dutch or British, even if this was several hundred years ago (compare with the post-Soviet space, where it arrived only after perestroika).

The biggest difficulty with diluting it is the strong juniper aroma and the specific “icy”, like mint (that is, regardless of the actual temperature of the liquid), shade of taste, which is unusual for either vodka or tequila. And our task when preparing a cocktail with it is to pamper your taste buds something new, but with full preservation of these two features of the strong drink.

The Scots, Dutch and English decided what was best to drink gin with long ago, as they quickly learned to dilute it with tonic. At that time, tonic was an incredibly bitter water infusion quinine bark - medicine against malaria and fevers of other origins, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. So, with the advent of gin, patients throughout Europe quickly discovered that it perfectly masked the bitterness of cinchona infusion/decoction, and began to use this mixture for treatment or prevention.

Over time, the composition and taste of tonic has changed a lot, but the tradition has remained. Plus, as gin's popularity grew, other gin-based recipes emerged.

Gin and tonic

This cocktail is almost the easiest to prepare. To do this, you need to take a glass with a volume of at least 250 ml, pour solid ice cubes into it, calculating approximately 1/3 of its volume.

Then pour 30-50 ml of gin on top of the ice, fill the rest with tonic and carefully stir with a narrow spoon on a long handle. The cocktail is not decorated with umbrellas - only with a slice placed on the edge of the glass. fresh lemon/ lime or a sprig of mint / lemon balm.

Gin and Martini

A mixture with various vermouths, sometimes called the “Elixir of Calm”, is usually created on the basis of dry gin and Martini, but you can take absolutely any vermouth - including spicy Bulgarian versions.

They use special glasses for vermouth - shallow, very wide at the top, with a high stem (the so-called “martinki”). The volume of such a glass should be visually divided into 3 equal parts, pour in 1 part of gin, and add 2 more parts of vermouth on top. Garnish with an olive placed on the edge of the glass, serve without stirring, with a special short straw.

Gin and mint liqueur

An interesting option is also a mixture with, a water decoction of herbs (very often they just take strong tea leaves instead) and fresh lemon/lime juice. It is especially piquant due to its high strength (in liqueurs, despite their dessert sweetness, there is always 40% alcohol) and a very special “chill” characteristic of both juniper in gin and mint in liqueur. In a glass with a volume of at least 300 ml, you need to put 3 ice cubes, pour in 30 ml of gin and freshly squeezed citrus juice, and then 50 ml of liqueur and strained herbal infusion. Mix everything lightly and serve, garnished with a slice of lemon/lime or a sprig of mint.

What is gin made from?

Let us also touch upon the question of what container the drink is consumed from:

  • The universal shape for all drinks containing gin is slightly conical, with straight walls and simple geometry (usually even without edges, although otherwise it is unmistakably an ordinary table glass).
  • For pure gin, these greatly reduced “glasses” are intended (they are slightly wider than vodka glasses) with a volume of 30-50 ml.
  • If we prefer to drink strong drinks with ice, we will have to take a similar uncut glass, only with a volume of 250-350 ml. You can also place a cocktail of gin and other alcoholic beverages in it.
  • But cocktails using any without alcoholic drinks usually poured into larger glasses - also simple, uncut cylinders or cones, only with a volume of 350 to 500 ml.

What do you eat with gin?

Fortunately for all the culinary experts in the world, gin is much more versatile in this regard than capricious wine, cognac, liqueur and beer. It's like brandy - it goes well with fried meat and fish, baklava and durum varieties cheese. It’s even good with vegetables and scrambled eggs, especially those cooked with lard or bacon. So, there is no problem with what to snack on this strong drink - it can be practically any dish. But there are exceptions to any rule, even if they are few. Regarding gin we can say that:

  • it is optimal in combination with sweet desserts and fried, rather than boiled/steamed main courses;
  • good in combination with sausage/cheese or even fish sandwiches, barbecue, etc., but not very suitable for side dishes of cereals, the results of a pressure cooker and salads of fresh vegetables;
  • An attempt to combine it with dishes where the taste of butter is clearly felt will also be unsuccessful;
  • This drink is contraindicated to be served with any first courses..

Gin snack

First on the list perfect snacks Gin includes fried and smoked meat or fish, hard and smoked processed cheese, olives, grilled any bird, especially game. It is better to serve any desserts with it, from apple pie until pudding with powdered sugar.

Gin and tonic is, without exaggeration, a legendary cocktail. It can be ordered in any bar in the world. This is where many bartenders begin to learn how to mix drinks correctly. Remember, if an establishment cannot order gin and tonic, then it has no right to be called a bar. Traditionally, its strength is 8.5-9 degrees.

In addition to the classic one, there are several more recipes for this cocktail. I have prepared for your attention three of the most popular and successful variations on the theme of gin and tonic.

Remember, the final taste of the drink depends not only on the correct proportions, but also on the quality of the ingredients chosen for its preparation.

Classic recipe

We will need the following ingredients:

  • correct gin – 50 ml;
  • quality tonic – 100 ml;
  • ice cubes – 100 grams;
  • lime – 2 slices.


1. Take a highball (a tall glass with a thick bottom) and fill it one-third with ice cubes.

2. Add gin. A half-minute pause is needed here. You will be notified that enough time has passed when the ice begins to crack.

3. Pour in tonic.

4. Squeeze one of the lime wedges into the highball glass. Use the second slice to decorate the glass.

The gin and tonic cocktail is ready.

Choosing the right ingredients

The ingredients that interest us are already in the name of the cocktail. Moreover, the choice of tonic is no less important than the choice of gin. However, let's start with the alcohol-containing base.

There are two recognized varieties of gin in the world. Dutch genever and London dry gin. You can read more about their differences, advantages and disadvantages in the article “Gin drink”. If you are not used to catching the nuances of alcoholic taste, then you can use any brand of similar alcohol.

However for perfect cocktail Gin and Tonic The choice of alcoholic base is incredibly important. The most simple solution will be the purchase of the Beefeater brand. Also good options there will be Bombay Sapphire, Plymouth gin and Hendrick’s. But the Gordon's brand will not best choice. It does not combine quite well with the quinine contained in the tonic. When mixing them, you will feel a distinct taste of ethyl alcohol.

You can also use Dutch genever. This will no longer be a classic of the genre, but at the same time you will get an original and tasty gin and tonic.

The correct choice of tonic is no less important, and in the conditions of Russian reality, even more difficult. Ideal option will use the UK-made Schweppes brand. As a last resort, you can use any Schweppes from Europe. But I don’t recommend taking its Russian analogue. There are too many unnatural synthetic additives in it.

The same goes for others famous brands eg Evervess and Canada Dry.

If you don't have lime on hand, you can make a gin and tonic with lemon. Of course, this will slightly change its taste, but it will not be critical.

Strong recipe


  • gin – 150 ml;
  • tonic – 150 ml;
  • lime – 2 slices.

This gin and tonic is prepared in the same way as its classic counterpart, only with more alcohol and without the use of ice.

However, there is little trick, allowing you to make the taste of the cocktail less harsh. To do this, release the gas from the tonic. Just shake the bottle well and open the cap. Repeat this process 2-3 times.

Remember that such a cocktail will contain large quantity degrees. At excessive consumption it can harm your health.

Short recipe


  • gin – 20 ml;
  • tonic – 40 ml;
  • a few drops of lemon or lime juice.

This short cocktail or shot suitable for those who are used to drinking alcoholic beverages in one gulp. It should be mixed in a liqueur glass.

How to drink correctly

Traditionally, gin and tonic is drunk in hot weather. This cocktail perfectly quenches thirst and tones. They drink it in small sips, savoring it and enjoying the taste.

If you don't have highball glasses, you can use old-fashioned or traditional whiskey glasses.

Gin and tonic has a surprisingly balanced and self-sufficient taste and does not require any snacks.

Gin is not only drunk with tonic. You will learn about other ways to drink this alcohol in the article “How to drink gin correctly.”

Historical reference

Gin and tonic was invented in the 18th century in India. Unfortunately, history has not preserved the name of its inventor. It is generally accepted that it was invented by English soldiers.

This cocktail was originally used as a remedy for malaria and scurvy. The fact is that the tonic contains quinine, which is a remedy for the listed diseases. Unbelievable but true. Gin began to be added to tonic precisely to improve the taste. This is explained very simply. In the 18th century, it had an incredibly bitter taste, so alcohol made the medicine less offensive.

It is probably impossible to find a single person who has not at least once in his life heard of the existence of such a cocktail as Gin and Tonic. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was sold everywhere in almost every store, and it was in great demand.

But it is not at all necessary to purchase a cocktail with questionable safety in an already finished form, because you can easily make it yourself at home.

The name of this low-alcohol cocktail speaks for itself. The main components included in its composition are gin and non-alcoholic tonic. To improve the taste of the finished drink, ice and lemon or fresh lime are often added. The combination of all these ingredients allows you to end up with a refreshing and invigorating cocktail with light sourness and low strength.

The choice of ingredients should be done with special care, because the final taste of the resulting drink will directly depend on their quality and composition.

  1. It is better to take ice not crushed, but in cubes. It will dissolve more slowly in the glass and will allow you to preserve it for a long time. low temperature the cocktail itself. Special connoisseurs of Gin and Tonic add thin mint leaves to the ice when making ice. This additive allows you not only to decorate ready-made cocktail, but also give it an even more refreshing aroma. Crushed ice will begin to melt in the glass too quickly and will dilute it rich taste and aroma, as well as reduce strength.
  2. Gin is the main ingredient, it not only gives strength to the entire drink, but also sets its taste. Therefore, it is very important to select high-quality alcohol that has a rich juniper aroma and does not have a strong alcoholic odor. It is best to give preference to products from brands such as Beefeater and Bombay Sapphire. There is no need to skimp on this ingredient.
  3. Lime or lemon. These ingredients not only decorate the finished cocktail, but also additionally flavor it and improve the taste. You should choose ripe and intact fruits with a pronounced characteristic aroma.
  4. Tonic. It is almost impossible to find an original cinchona drink in Russia. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully study the composition of the purchased tonic; it should contain at least as few different preservatives and artificial additives. They will negatively affect the taste and aroma of the finished cocktail.

If we talk about proportions, then Gin and Tonic is perhaps one of the few alcoholic drinks that does not have them in the generally accepted meaning. When preparing it, all ingredients should be added according to your taste.

Attention! Professional bartenders recommend choosing proportions depending on the desired strength of the finished cocktail.

Those people who prefer low alcohol drinks, it is best to dilute one part of gin with two or even three parts of tonic. Fans over strong cocktails with a pronounced juniper taste and aroma, these ingredients should be used in equal proportions.

Classic recipe

There are many various variations preparing this cocktail. But you should start getting acquainted with it with a drink prepared according to a traditional recipe.

To prepare classic gin and tonic, required:

  • a couple of slices of fresh lemon or lime;
  • 100 g ice cubes;
  • one part gin (50 g);
  • two parts of tonic (100 g).

This drink is prepared immediately in the glass in which it will be served. A highball glass works best.


  1. The highball is filled with ice; its volume should occupy approximately one third of the entire glass.
  2. All the gin is poured on top in a thin stream.
  3. Once the ice begins to crack, about 25 seconds, add tonic water.
  4. Add juice from one lime wedge on top and stir.
  5. The second slice decorates the edge of the highball, and the drink is served along with a straw.

The finished drink should be drunk slowly, enjoying every sip. Ice melting in a glass will not only cool the cocktail itself, but will also very slowly reduce its strength.

Video: how to do it at home

Watch the video that explains classic recipe Making a Gin and Tonic cocktail at home:

With cucumber

A more advanced gin and tonic is especially popular in the hot season in our country, thanks to the addition fresh cucumber The composition of the finished alcoholic drink turns out to be very refreshing and invigorating.

The difference between this recipe and the previous one is that the amount of ice is doubled and another fresh young cucumber weighing about 150 g is added.

  1. Young green vegetable It is necessary to cut into slices very thinly.
  2. Ice and cucumber are placed into a highball glass in layers, filling it to the top.
  3. Gin is poured into a glass.
  4. After thirty minutes, the highball is filled to the brim with tonic water and a little lime juice is squeezed on top.
  5. The resulting cucumber gin and tonic is carefully mixed and served with a straw.

Important! Before drinking this refreshing cocktail, bartenders recommend not mixing its ingredients together, but only slightly shaking the highball itself in your hand. This will be quite enough to mix flavors, and appearance the drink itself will not be harmed.

Big fans of sour alcoholic cocktails can replace the cucumber in this recipe with half a small lime or lemon. The taste of such an alcoholic drink will be very invigorating and citrusy.

Cocktails with Schweppes tonic

In general, this alcoholic drink itself is quite refreshing, tasty and invigorating, but by adding new ingredients to it you can create different kinds cocktails that will pleasantly surprise your rich aroma And unusual taste.



  • raspberry gin - 25 ml;
  • tonic - 100 ml.


This one is being prepared alcoholic cocktail with low strength it is quite simple. All you need to do is fill a highball glass a third full with ice, add 25 ml of regular and raspberry gin to the glass, and pour 100 ml of tonic on top. Before serving, this drink is lightly stirred with a cocktail spoon. The taste of this raspberry Gin and Tonic is sweetish with pleasant aroma and raspberry aftertaste.



  • a couple of slices of fresh orange;
  • 100 g ice cubes;
  • one part gin (50 g);
  • two parts of tonic (100 g).


It is prepared by analogy with a classic cocktail. But here a slice of lemon is replaced by a slice of orange, and gin must have Orange color, it is better to purchase Saffron Infused alcohol. The taste of this cocktail is very close to the classic one, but has a pleasant citrus aroma and unusual color.



  • gin;
  • tonic;
  • lime.


Made from equal parts gin and tonic, the most ardent drinkers strong drinks here they can take twice as much gin as the non-alcoholic ingredient. It is served in the same way as a classic Gin and Tonic, along with a straw, and prepared directly in a highball glass.

First they put ice in it, then they pour in gin and tonic, a couple of drops of lime juice and mix everything. This drink is quite easy to drink, but also gets you drunk very quickly. Therefore, it is more suitable for men.

Gin and tonic is easy to make, but very tasty, low alcohol cocktail. Anyone can easily prepare it at home. The main thing is to choose to prepare this mixed drink really quality ingredients and strictly follow the cooking recipe.

Whose taste cannot be forgotten. It is ambiguous, bitter and tart. At the same time, it is difficult to say which category of drinks it falls into - women's or men's. On the one hand, the low strength suggests that gin and tonic is a woman’s drink. On the other side tart taste most often preferred by men.

Gin and tonic as a cure for malaria

The history of this cocktail began in the 19th century, when the British used it as a effective remedy to fight malaria. The fact is that the tonic contained quinine, which was used to fight the disease. The only downside of the drink was its very high bitterness, which caused a gag reflex in people. That's why British doctors began mixing it with gin to soften the taste and make it more pleasant.

This is how the glory of the cocktail began, which is still popular and in demand. Today, gin and tonic can be found not only in bars, cafes and restaurants, but also in stores. However, the factory production of this drink is fundamentally different from the classic cocktail version.

The basis of factory drinks is drinking alcohol, which replaces gin. Lemon and juniper flavorings give the impression that gin is present in a distillery cocktail, however, this is not the case.

To create a cocktail at home, just take:

  • 100 ml gin;
  • 200-300 tonic (for example, Schweppes);
  • a slice of lemon and ice.

Gin is poured into a classic whiskey glass, tonic, lemon and ice are added. Simple and as fast as possible.

By the way, gin, which is part of the cocktail, has long become one of the most popular ingredients in various alcoholic mixes. This is partly what brought him enormous popularity among women.

Popular gin-based cocktails

  1. "Bronx"
  2. This is a gin and vermouth based cocktail with a berry and sweet aroma. “Bronx” is a 100% feminine cocktail.

  3. "Lady Chatterley"
  4. Prepared with gin, Curacao liqueur, vermouth and juice. The taste of this cocktail is clearly dominated by the taste of gin, intricately mixed with citrus notes.

  5. "Grapefruit splash"
  6. Another popular women's cocktail that has a bitter taste, reminiscent of gin and tonic. For its preparation they use only gin and grapefruit juice. Despite the lack of classical women's drinks sweets, “Grapefruit Splash” gained popularity among ladies and took pride of place among all women’s drinks.

Why gin is the most feminine of men's drinks

Gin really managed to occupy a borderline position between typically feminine and typically masculine drinks. It's all about how it's used.

If you drink gin in its pure form, then no questions arise - this is an exclusively masculine drink. With this option, the gin is cooled to 4-60C and served as an aperitif, as it perfectly stimulates the appetite.

The taste of juniper and herbs, as well as the high strength, is liked by men. However, you just need to dilute gin a little with other drinks, and it immediately turns into an ideal companion for ladies' meetings.

Another important characteristic of gin is that it is light and can be combined with a huge range of alcoholic beverages. Each cocktail with gin as a base is an excellent example of excellent symbiosis and harmony of flavors. However, only gin and tonic has stood the test of time and is still an example of the most universal drink that is appreciated by both ladies and real men.

Today, gin and tonic is called the most feminine of men's drinks. However, we would say that this cocktail has achieved borderline status and that is why it is so popular.

WineStreet store ready to provide the main ingredient needed for gin and tonic. The rest is a matter of taste!

All these iron and glass jars, bearing the name gin tonic, to original cocktail have little to do with it: what you'll find here is mostly petroleum spirits, juniper flavourings, sweeteners and preservatives: no gin or tonic for you. But you can make a real gin tonic cocktail yourself and you don’t need to be a bartender with 20 years of experience.

History of the drink

The gin tonic cocktail may be simple, but its story is not trivial. The first to come up with the idea of ​​mixing two such bitter drinks were British soldiers serving in India in the 18th century. Here they encountered malaria and scurvy, and the only salvation from these troubles was a tonic drink, with a lot of quinine, and limes. Both products are too bitter, which is why the soldiers came up with the idea of ​​diluting the bitter tonic and washing down the sour limes... with native English and strong gin. Although the drink was strong, the bitterness of the tonic was killed. This is the interpenetration of cultures. No one else suffered from malaria or scurvy. That's the whole story.

Composition and proportions

Regarding the proportions, it should immediately be said that there is no particular constant regarding the proportions and the ratio of tonic and gin can be called free creativity. Moreover, such a simple cocktail has variations, but more on them later. A regular gin and tonic includes:

  • Actually gin. For authenticity, it is better to take beefeater or London;
  • Tonic. Today, quinine is used in medicine much less frequently, and the drink has become less bitter; moreover, manufacturers sweeten it. The more natural this drink is, the better cocktail. It’s better to take Schweppes: it’s both tastier and more natural;
  • Ice. It should be enough to fill a third of the glass;
  • Limes. A slice is enough for decoration.

You'll also need straws, highball glasses, cocktail spoons, and a jigger for good measure.

The drink is perfectly refreshing and slightly intoxicating. The same cannot be said about a cocktail from a store, because it is often to blame for childhood alcoholism and pancreatitis in young people.


The gin tonic cocktail is simple, so we prepare it ourselves.

For classic cocktail take 200-300 ml. tonic and 100 ml. Gina Beefeater.

  • First, put ice in the highball, filling it one-third full;
  • Now pour in the gin followed by tonic;
  • Serve with lime.

Real gin tonic is prepared, as you understand, from the same ingredients. For two parts tonic, take one part beefeater, ice and lime.

Glasses (tall and straight) must first be cooled, and their bottoms should be very thick and the walls just thick. This is necessary so that the cocktail does not have time to heat up.

First they put ice in them, then tonic and gin, then lemon juice. But a shaker is not needed - it will only contain bubbles and foam that are unnecessary here. Straws are inserted and cocktails are served immediately.

Variations on a gin and tonic theme

Gin and tonic is self-sufficient, but the world is not only black and white, which means you can change it a little.

Gin and tonic with cucumber

An even more recent solution. They say that it was popular in wartime England in the 1940s and also among British soldiers, but remained refreshing and positive in times of peace...

  1. Fill the highball glass with ice cubes (you need 200g) almost to the very top;
  2. Pour 50 ml into ice. gin;
  3. Tonic is added to the top of the highball glass;
  4. Everything is mixed with a cocktail spoon;
  5. Put half fresh cucumber! Let's serve.

But with melon liqueur you can make the younger brother of gin and tonic - the melonik cocktail. It uses the same ingredients as a real gin and tonic, but replaces the gin with melon liqueur.

Gin can also be mixed with tonic's cousin, lemon bitters. But in this case, instead of limes and lemons, you need to garnish the cocktail with a piece of grapefruit. Gin bitter lemon can be called the younger brother of gin tonic.

Video recipe Gin tonic