Home preparation of wine and oil from pomegranates. Pomegranate wine is the pride of Armenia

No, well, "precious", of course, in a figurative sense, if you do not take into account the price of pomegranates in those areas where they are not grown. However, this unfortunate fact has never stopped home alcoholic enthusiasts, especially since this common raw material can be used to produce a real treasure, not only delightfully beautiful, but also amazingly tasty! So we arm ourselves, like medieval alchemists, with flasks and retorts, and try to create a jewel with our own hands - the noblest wine from pomegranate!

Pomegranate is an amazing fruit! There is not enough sugar in it (although some varieties can contain up to 20% sugars), but there are a lot of acids (up to 9% in some varieties), a rich and rich taste - the juice will need to be diluted with water for normal fermentation, which means that we will get more product. Also, pomegranates contain a lot of tannins and tannins, which will serve as a guarantee of good storage of the drink and its resistance to disease. There are many recipes for homemade pomegranate wines, today we will present you the most interesting and reliable of them - the simplest wine consisting only of pomegranates, water and sugar, and two classic American recipes: one with raisins, lemons and oranges, and the second with such an unusual additive, like ... barley grits.

According to all three recipes, wine is made for a rather long time - about a year. If you want to get a tasty drink faster, use one of the following, the same article describes life hacks for separating pomegranate seeds from ... hmm, chaff, they will help us in making wine. Many "experts" on the Internet advise adding acidic mixtures and tannins to homemade pomegranate wine. As for me, this should not be done - there are enough of these substances in the fruits themselves. Also, do not believe recipes that indicate too little water - for example, 50 grams per liter of juice, this is not enough, we do not have such sweet and slightly acidic varieties of pomegranates.

Homemade pomegranate wine - recipe one, basic

Simple and lethal, like the RGD-5. It does not need anything except, in fact, pomegranate fruits, sugar and water. According to the classics, such a wine ferments with wild yeast, but I would advise you to stock up on purchased wine just in case. It's winter, after all, those "savages" who lived on fruits could have died long ago from frostbite, and we don't use the peel. Of course, you can try to make raisin sourdough (), but it's better not to skimp on CKD - ​​the wine will ferment on them faster and of better quality, it will be stronger and more stable.

In fact, the proportions are rather arbitrary. All pomegranates are different, their sweetness and acidity greatly depends on the time of collection, storage conditions, temperature and a whole bunch of other factors. Therefore, it is most correct to rely not on the recipe, but on your own taste. It is imperative to try the wort, adjusting the taste with water and sugar. Too sour? We dilute. Little sweetness? We add sugar. The safest way to navigate is using special wine-making devices - a pH meter and a sugar meter, the optimal acidity is 0.7%, sugar content is 18-20%.

How to make homemade pomegranate wine? And just like any other berry or fruit wine!

  1. We clean the pomegranates by removing the grains. We put them in a suitable container, carefully crush them with a crush. We add a little - a couple of liters - of water, half of the sugar, yeast and the nutrient mixture (or raisin sourdough).
  2. We are waiting for it to ferment and put it in a warm place under a water seal - right along with the bones. After a couple of days of active fermentation, when the pulp has softened enough, the wort must be drained, the pulp must be squeezed out thoroughly.
  3. We taste the future wine and adjust the acid-sugar as described above. These proportions, in principle, are universal and are suitable for the pomegranate varieties common in the middle lane - that is, those that can be bought on the market, but it is better to focus on your own taste. When the acidity-sugar content of the liquid suits you, pour everything into a fermentation bottle.
  4. Active fermentation will continue for another 3-5 days (with wine yeast) or up to 40 days (with sourdough or savages). The end of fermentation can be diagnosed by the clarification of the wort, the loss of a dense sediment from the yeast and the remains of pomegranate pulp at the bottom of the bottle, and also by the fact that the water seal has stopped gurgling.
  5. Decant the young wine through a tube, pour it into a smaller fermenter for 90-95% of its volume and move it to a cool place - 10-12 ° - for further fermentation. Secondary fermentation usually lasts 2-3 months, at which time the wort needs to be decanted 3-4 more times if a precipitate forms.
  6. After the wine has become completely transparent and the sediment no longer appears, you can bottle it. It is recommended to try it no earlier than six months later.

In the same way, you can make wine from store-bought pomegranate juice - the recipe is universal. But here everything strongly depends on what the manufacturer has crammed into his products, how much water and sugar it contains, and how much juice itself. If you are lucky enough to purchase pure juice, you can follow the indicated proportions, otherwise they need to be adjusted. In this case, we will definitely need CKD - ​​you can't do with raisin sourdough, store juice, processed with chemistry and pasteurized, is unlikely to ferment with wild yeast.

Pomegranate wine with barley

A classic American recipe as described by respected Texas winemaker Jack Keller. Honestly, for the life of me I don't understand why there is pearl barley. But, apparently, it does give something - color, aroma, some substances necessary for wort, density ... In general, you can experiment with American classics, or you can just do without this ingredient and make ordinary pomegranate wine. For this recipe, pomegranates are sweet and not very sour - these are the ones common in the United States.

The groats must first be boiled for 5-10 minutes, in half of all the water. Peel the pomegranates, pour the grains with hot barley broth through a sieve so that no grains get into the wine, add sugar and lemon juice, the rest of the water, stir everything well. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, add yeast with top dressing. When signs of fermentation appear, pour the mixture into a bottle and put it under a water seal for 5-7 days. At the end of the primary fermentation, drain the wine, squeeze the pomegranate pulp well. We pour the drink into a smaller bottle almost to the top, put it under the shutter again and transfer it to a cool place for another couple of months. During this time, the wine must be drained from the sediment several times. If it is no longer formed, then it is ready, the wine can be poured into bottles for aging. The organoleptic properties of the drink will improve throughout the year if stored properly, so it is best not to drink them all at once.

By the way, hand-made pomegranate wine is not only tasty and aromatic booze, but also a folk remedy! This drink contains a lot of useful things - both linoleic acid, which can normalize lipid metabolism, neutralize carcinogens, increase immunity, and antioxidants (more than red grape wine) that slow down aging, and vitamins C, P, B6, B12, and antiviral tannin ... Such a drug strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system (of course!), And cleanses the body of toxins. But, of course, the benefits and harms of pomegranate wine directly depend on the amount consumed - if you lap it with cans, nothing good will come of it.

Homemade pomegranate wine with orange, raisins and lemon

Also an American recipe, by Dana Grit, a famous blogger and winemaker. It is not difficult to prepare such a wine, the ingredients, in general, are quite affordable, but it should turn out delicious, since the rather monotonous taste of pomegranate here will be shaded by citrus fruits, and the raisins will give the drink “body” - additional density, strength and deep nutty aroma.

The recipe is almost the same as the previous two. Peel the pomegranates, knead, add water, add raisins, sugar, thinly cut the zest from oranges and lemons, add to the must, squeeze juice from the oranges. Add yeast along with feeding. When fermentation begins, pour the wort into a suitable vessel, put a water seal and transfer to a warm place. When fermentation is over, drain the liquid, squeeze the pulp thoroughly. Pour everything into a smaller bottle, set aside in a cool place for a couple of months, periodically decant. After clarification, bottle. It will be possible to uncork the first one in six months.

Homemade pomegranate wine does not contain any dyes or harmful additives. This is a completely natural drink. The higher the sugar content of the pomegranate, the tastier the wine will be. How to cook it yourself? What is the peculiarity of the drink?

How to make healthy pomegranate wine at home


Garnet 7 piece (s) Sugar 1 kg Wine yeast 1 package Raisin 100 grams Water 2 liters

  • Servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

Armenian style pomegranate wine

Despite the fact that the homeland of the drink is Israel, it was Armenia that made up the proper competition for the production of this type of alcohol. The country began to produce dry and semi-sweet wines.

Armenian pomegranate wines have gained considerable popularity, and the preparation technology practically does not differ from the standard one. First, the pomegranate is peeled and placed in glassware, where the fermentation process will take place. After the amount of alcohol reaches 7%, the drink is poured into barrels and allowed to stand until the strength is 16%.

Production is hampered by the fact that the fruits contain a lot of acid. This interferes with the normal fermentation process.

Armenian wine has a dark amber color and tart-sweet taste. It contributes to the healing of the whole organism.

Pomegranate wine recipe

Let's take a look at how to make a drink using yeast.


  • 7 ripe pomegranates;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • wine yeast packaging;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Only ripe fruits are chosen for wine, rotten and moldy grains must be thrown away. Otherwise the wine will go bad.


  1. Wash the pomegranate, peel and select all the seeds from it.
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Spoon the grains with a spoon to release the juice.
  4. Strain through a sieve.
  5. Pour the wort into a high container.
  6. Pour in yeast and raisins.
  7. Place in a warm, dark place for a week.
  8. Pour the wort into a bottle and put on a rubber glove with a hole on top.
  9. Observe the wort during fermentation.

After a month, you can bottle the finished wine. Place in a dark place for four weeks to ripen. It is best kept for two years. In this case, the wine will acquire an unsurpassed rich taste.

The drink can be prepared without yeast. For fermentation to occur, the whole grain must be placed in the bottle, and not just the juice. Cooking technology is similar to the previous one. For 5 kg of fruit, you need to take 1.2 kg of sugar.

Pomegranate wine has a unique taste and nutty aftertaste. Its thick consistency makes the drink aristocratic. Wine made at home is very beneficial for the normal functioning of the whole body.

Pomegranate wine is rarely found in our stores, and if it is found, then there is no certainty that the product is really natural and healthy. That is why it is best to make the drink yourself.

If you still do not know how to make pomegranate wine, then it is worth starting your acquaintance with it with a classic recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • five kilograms of ripe pomegranate fruits;
  • about 10 liters of water;
  • a little more than a kilogram of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the pomegranates well, remove the skin from them and leave only the grains.
  2. We place them in any container and crush them with something (for example, a potato grinder) so that they begin to release juice.
  3. After that, sprinkle everything with sugar and put it in a glass dish. It must be covered with a water seal or the most common rubber glove.
  4. Leave the drink, it should ferment. As soon as bubbles stop and the glove falls off, it can be filtered and bottled.
  5. Store them for about a month before using them.

From pomegranate juice

You can also make wine from pomegranate juice. For this, either ripe fruits are purchased and squeezed out, or ready-made juice is taken.

Required products:

  • pomegranate juice - about two liters;
  • sugar, at the rate of about 300 grams per liter of juice;
  • a handful of dark raisins;
  • clean water - half of the amount of juice.

Cooking process:

  1. Dilute the concentrated pomegranate juice with water. Based on the specified amount in the recipe, you will need a liter of it.
  2. We mix the resulting liquid with sugar, add the raisins and pour everything into a glass container.
  3. Cover it with a rubber glove and leave it in a warm place until the fermentation process is over.
  4. We filter the drink so that only a transparent liquid remains without sediment.

We fill the bottles and store the wine for at least a month before tasting.

With orange, raisins and lemon

Required products:

  • 2.5 kg of sugar;
  • zest from four lemons;
  • half a kilo of raisins;
  • four oranges;
  • about 20 pomegranate fruits;
  • 7.5 liters of clean water;
  • wine yeast - see quantity on the package.

Cooking process:

  1. We free the pomegranates from the skin, take out the grains, knead them well and fill them with the indicated amount of water.
  2. We add sugar, zest from lemons and oranges to them. You also need to squeeze the juice from oranges.
  3. Put the wine yeast, pour everything into a suitable container, close it with a water seal and put it in a warm place.
  4. After fermentation is over, squeeze the pulp, pour the liquid into another container and leave it for a few more months.
  5. As soon as the drink brightens, you can distribute it into bottles, but they should be opened for consumption only after 4 - 5 months.

Semi-sweet pomegranate wine

Semi-sweet pomegranate wine is a tasty but rather tart drink that has a beautiful amber color and has a healing effect on the body when consumed in small doses.

Required products:

  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • one pack of wine yeast;
  • 9 pomegranates;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. We clean the pomegranates, take out the grains from them, mix with sugar and crush well.
  2. Separate the liquid from the pulp, pour it into a container. It is desirable glass and high.
  3. Add raisins, yeast and leave for a week in a dark and warm place.
  4. After that, pour the wort into the bottle again, cover it with a perforated glove and insist for about a month.

Wine can be consumed no earlier than 2 months later. Ideally, it should be insisted for a year.

Dry wine drink

Dry pomegranate wine is no more difficult to prepare than its sweeter version. The only difference in the recipe is the lower amount of sugar.

Required Ingredients:

  • two liters of pomegranate juice or about four kilograms of fruit;
  • 200 grams of sugar for each liter of juice;
  • water.

Cooking process:

  1. If you have purchased juice, dilute it with water in a ratio of one to two.
  2. If you are using fruits, peel them, separate the grains, mix them with sugar and transfer.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into a suitable vessel and cover it with a rubber glove.
  4. Keep the container in a dark place until the "hand" drops, then strain the drink well several times through cheesecloth.
  5. Pour the wine into bottles, seal them as tightly as possible, and store for at least another month before tasting.

From the "Narsharab" sauce

Required Ingredients:

  • a bottle of Narsharab sauce;
  • packaging of wine yeast, which are used according to the instructions;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • about five liters of grape juice.

Cooking process:

  1. We mix the juice with sugar, put the yeast, pour everything into a suitable container.
  2. We close it with a rubber glove or a water seal.
  3. We are waiting for the end of the fermentation process. We filter the resulting composition through cheesecloth so as to remove the sediment and leave only a clean and transparent drink.
  4. Put the pomegranate sauce in it and mix well until it is completely dissolved. You can try, if desired, add a little more sugar.
  5. We store the drink for about three more weeks, pass it through cheesecloth again, pour it into small glass bottles and after 1 - 2 months the wine will be ready for serving.

Homemade pomegranate wine without yeast

Required products:

  • five kilograms of pomegranates;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • five liters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. We remove the skin from the pomegranates, take out the grains. We crush them in any convenient way to extract juice and place them in a bottle for storage.
  2. Top up the mass with sugar, mix and pour in water.
  3. We close the container with a water seal or use the most common rubber glove.
  4. We keep in a dark and warm place for about three months so that the fermentation process takes place.
  5. After that, the liquid is filtered and distributed into small bottles. They are tightly closed and stored for another two months.

Of course, making wine takes some effort and a lot of time. But on the other hand, you will get a truly natural and healthy drink.

There are many recipes for homemade wines, which are made from various berries and fruits. Home-made pomegranate wine has an interesting taste and unusual aroma. It is not difficult to make it, even a novice winemaker can handle it. You can also find pomegranate wine in supermarkets and specialty stores.

The history of the drink

Pomegranate has been eaten since antiquity. The pomegranate was considered a sign of wealth, fertility, abundance, prosperity. But in winemaking, pomegranate began to be used relatively recently. Every attempt to get wine from pomegranate juice ended in failure. The fact is that the grains do not contain enough sugar for natural fermentation.

The first people who managed to get wine made from pomegranate juice were the people of Israel. They chose the sweetest and juiciest fruits as the starting material. For the first time, the Israelites tried to make dry wine from pomegranates grown in the Upper Galilee.

Useful properties of pomegranate

Everyone knows that pomegranate is a storehouse of useful substances that are vital for the normal functioning of the human body. Moreover, all parts of the fruit are useful: bones, peel, partitions, grains. It is useful to take pomegranates for anemia, loss of strength, weakness, anemia, exhaustion. What other useful properties of pomegranate:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • is the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus;
  • helps to get rid of some diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • fights obesity.

The fruits have a high content of B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, E, P, as well as trace elements and minerals.

Pomegranate wine brings not only benefits, but also harm if consumed in unlimited quantities.

Who shouldn't drink pomegranate wine

You need to know that pomegranate juice spoils tooth enamel. It is also contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, with reflux, which is accompanied by increased acidity in the stomach.

Homemade wine made from pomegranate juice has a number of beneficial properties, but still it should not be used for the following problems:

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • nervous irritability;
  • high pressure;
  • tachycardia.

Doctors advise expectant mothers to include in the diet a small amount of pomegranate seeds or natural juice diluted with water. Can you drink pomegranate wine during pregnancy? It is advisable for expectant mothers to exclude any alcohol from the diet, since it negatively affects the development of the fetus. A couple of sips of wine will not harm the body, but it will not be beneficial either.

Ingredients for making pomegranate wine

Homemade wine made from pomegranate technology practically does not differ from analogues. A drink based on pomegranate juice is being prepared. The beans should be juicy and sweet. What other ingredients are needed? Everything will depend on the recipe chosen, and it may be the following products:

  • pure water;
  • granulated sugar;
  • common or wine yeast;
  • pectin enzyme;
  • raisin;
  • acid (malic, acetic).

Popular homemade wine recipes

The classic method involves the following manipulations:

  1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly, dry, cut into segments.
  2. Release the grains from each segment.
  3. Pour the grains into a saucepan or other container, crush with a wooden crush.
  4. After the juice appears, fill the mass with granulated sugar.
  5. Transfer the sugar-pomegranate mixture to a glass container. Natural fermentation will continue there.
  6. The container should be closed with a rubber glove or hydraulic seal.
  7. After the end of the fermentation process, the glove will hang without air, and with a hydraulic seal, bubbles will no longer form in a glass of water.
  8. When the fermentation process is complete, the wine should be carefully filtered through cheesecloth into glass bottles, closed and put in a cool dark place to stand.

Is pomegranate wine made dessert wine? Yes, pomegranate alcohol is not only dry but also sweet. To obtain dessert wine, 500 grams of granulated sugar should be added to 1 liter of drink.

Yeast free

Wine made from pomegranate fruits is made according to the usual technology that is used to prepare an alcoholic beverage.

A classic recipe for making pomegranate wine without yeast at home:

  1. Choose the ripe and juicy fruits.
  2. Peel them, mash with a crush, place in a fermentation container.
  3. Add sugar to the pomegranate cake.
  4. Put on a rubber disposable glove on the bottle.
  5. Fermentation is complete when the rubber glove stretched over the glass container is deflated.
  6. Pass the wine through a filter to get rid of the cake.
  7. Pour into clean glass bottles, close tightly and let stand in a cool, dark place.

On a note! Lovers of sweet drinks should add 0.5 kg of sugar to 1 liter of alcohol. Those who prefer dry or semi-dry wines put about 200 grams per liter.

With yeast

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 6 pomegranate fruits;
  • 12 glasses of water;
  • a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • wine yeast (1 pack);
  • pectin enzyme - 10 grams;
  • regular baker's yeast - 10 grams;
  • 500 grams of raisins;
  • a few teaspoons of a mixture of malic, acetic and tartaric acids.

Cooking technology:

  1. Free the grains from the skin and films, crush well.
  2. Add all ingredients except yeast.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, leave for 12-14 hours, then add yeast.
  4. Close the container with a lid and put it in a dark room for a week. Stir the contents once a day throughout the week.
  5. Then the liquid should be filtered, poured into a container with a water seal and placed in a warm place.
  6. The fermentation process takes 2.5-3 weeks. When it is completed, the liquid is filtered again, after which it is poured into a clean glass container.
  7. Experts say that pomegranate wine should be infused for at least 6 months.

How to drink pomegranate wine properly

The drink is obtained with a thick, dense texture and a bright, rich aroma. Wine color is burgundy, with a golden sheen. It is customary to serve the drink slightly chilled. The peculiarity of the drink is an unusual nutty aftertaste with cherry notes. Even in the sweet version of alcohol, there is no excessive cloying.

What is pomegranate wine usually drunk with? The drink is so self-sufficient that many people prefer to consume it without a snack. But gourmets are advised to remember what you can eat pomegranate wine with:

  • any fruits, assorted fruits or salads;
  • light, airy desserts;
  • cheese platter;
  • nuts.

You can experiment with flavors, such as trying a pomegranate drink with cherries, black currants, or other berries.

How not to get fake when buying store-bought pomegranate wine

The production of pomegranate wine is widely developed not only in Israel, but also in Armenia. In this country, the most suitable fruits for wine are grown, distinguished by their special sweetness and juiciness. Armenian wine is known far beyond the borders of its country.

Pomegranate wine is a real treasure of vitamins and antioxidants. This amazing fruit has a lot of useful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties, contains lanolinic acid and vitamins K, C, group B, PP.

Moreover, pomegranate is prescribed for medicinal purposes with low hemoglobin and anemia. Pomegranate wine not only retains all the benefits of fresh fruit, but also multiplies it several times. It is very easy to make pomegranate wine at home, but not every variety of these fruits is suitable for winemaking.

Pomegranates contain a lot of various acids and little sugar, which presents some inconvenience when making homemade wine. This will require a lot of sugar and water. In the homeland of pomegranate wine, in Israel, completely different varieties with a high sugar content are grown. They are suitable for the preparation of dry and semi-dry wines.

Homemade pomegranate wine cannot be made from every variety of this fruit.

Our shops sell ordinary pomegranates, which are not suitable for making real wine. This is the main difficulty, because acid interferes with full fermentation. However, this is not an obstacle for a true winemaker.

There are many recipes for pomegranate wine that you can make at home. The main factor for successful production is very ripe pomegranates. They are preliminarily peeled from the peel and white film, leaving only ripe and juicy grains.

Classic pomegranate wine recipe

This simple recipe is the basic one, on the basis of which different varieties of pomegranate wine are prepared.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe pomegranates (about 5 kg);
  • five liters of water;
  • 1-1.5 kg of sugar;
  • special wine yeast or raisin sourdough.

The amount of sugar can be slightly adjusted during fermentation.

Important! If the wine turns out to be too sour, then add sugar, and if it is too sweet, add water.

But the latter is unlikely, because even overripe pomegranates contain a huge amount of acid. It is best to purchase special devices in advance that measure the acidity and sugar level in the drink. Ideal values ​​for pomegranate wine would be 0.7% acid and 20% sweetness.

The seeds are removed from the pomegranate, placed in a container and ground.

The cooking process is pretty simple. The pomegranates are thoroughly peeled, the grains are removed from them, placed in a wide enamel bowl and rubbed well with a wooden pestle. They also add 1.5-2 liters of water and 500-800 grams of sugar (half the norm), yeast or sourdough.

It is better to use real wine yeast for red wines, but it is not always possible to buy them. In this case, raisin sourdough will come to the rescue, which you can easily prepare yourself.

You will need 200 grams of unwashed black raisins, boiled water (350 ml) and 50-60 grams of sugar. To begin with, water is mixed with sugar, slightly heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, cooled and dried raisins are poured into it.

All this is placed in a bottle, closed loosely (with a piece of cotton wool or gauze) and left for 3-4 days in a warm place. The ready-made starter culture must be used within 10 days after preparation.

Advice! The amount of sourdough added to the future wine depends on what kind of drink you want to end up with.

For a weak semi-sweet wine, 100 g of raisin sourdough is enough, and for dessert wine - at least 150 g / 5 l of wort.

When all the ingredients are mixed, they are poured into a large glass bottle, pulled over the neck of an ordinary medical glove with a small hole in one of the fingers. A few days after the start of fermentation, the wine is drained, and the remaining pulp is squeezed out and discarded.

If necessary, sugar or a little water is added to the wine and poured back into the bottle for further fermentation. On real wine yeast, the drink will ferment for about 5 days, and on sourdough - more than 40 days.

The ingredients are mixed and poured into a glass bottle with a rubber glove on the neck.

When the wine brightens and a thick dark sediment forms at the bottom, the wine is carefully poured through a soft tube into another bottle. After that, the wine must be left to stand for another 2-3 months for final fermentation. Then the drink is again poured, filtered and bottled. Ideally, the wine should sit for another six months for final preparation.

Homemade alcohol can also be made from store-bought pomegranate juice, provided it is natural. If the juice is not diluted with water, there are no dyes in it, then the wine will turn out to be very tasty and aromatic.

Pomegranate wine with barley

This recipe was invented in the USA and pomegranates must be sweet and ripe for it.

Main components:

  • large, very ripe pomegranates (15 pcs);
  • lemon juice;
  • sugar (1.3-1.5 kg);
  • barley groats (220 gr);
  • water (4 l);
  • yeast or sourdough.

Boil the barley in 2 liters of water and strain. The remaining grains are thrown away, and barley broth is used to make wine. Peel the pomegranates, remove the grains and pour them with hot broth, add sugar, add the juice of one lemon and the remaining water. As soon as the mixture has cooled, the sourdough is carefully introduced into it. As soon as the workpiece begins to ferment, it is poured into a bottle and covered with a glove.

For the preparation of pomegranate wine, a decoction of barley is used.

After 1.5-2 weeks, the upper part is drained through a hose into a separate container. Then the wine should ferment for another 2 months in a cold, dark place. During this period, the wine is drained several times, leaving a sediment at the bottom of the bottle. As soon as the sediment stops forming, the wine is ready. It is poured into several bottles and allowed to stand for another six months. From this, the drink will become more intense, with a bright taste and color.

Pomegranate wine with raisins, orange and lemon

This drink is also native to America and has a very unusual aroma and citrus flavor.

You need to prepare the following products:

  • large grenades (20 pcs);
  • raisins (1 kg);
  • sourdough (450 g) and wine yeast;
  • oranges and lemons (4 pcs each);
  • sugar (2.5 kg);
  • water (7.5 l).

The cooking process is standard: peel the pomegranates, knead thoroughly, add slightly warm water, raisins and sugar. A thin zest is removed from oranges and lemons, and all the juice is squeezed out of oranges. All this is added to the rest of the ingredients, mixed and injected with yeast and sourdough. As soon as the fermentation process begins, the mixture is poured into a large bottle, closed with a water seal or a glove and placed in a warm place.

Pomegranate wine can be made with orange, lemon and raisins.

After a couple of weeks, when fermentation stops, the wine is poured into a smaller bottle, and the pulp is squeezed out and discarded. The container is again covered with a glove, placed in the cold for 2-3 months, periodically draining and filtering from the sediment. As soon as the drink brightens, it is bottled and allowed to stand for another six months. Only after that, the wine is ready to drink.

Pomegranate wine without yeast and sourdough

This is the most risky recipe that requires careful preparation and compliance with all the necessary requirements. Pomegranate is difficult to ferment, so a little wine yeast is always added to it. You can not use ordinary yeast (bread), because they will not make wine, but mash for moonshine.

The wine is prepared without yeast, with seeds, but without the peel. Pomegranates are chosen overripe, with a thin dryish peel, which is pre-peeled off. The berries are kneaded, placed in a large bottle, sugar is poured at the rate of 1.5 kg / 5 kg of pomegranates, 5 liters of warm water are added and mixed.

A water seal (glove) is installed on the neck and left warm for 2.5-3 months, periodically stirring the future drink. After that, the wine is drained, filtered, immediately bottled and put to ripen in the cold for a month.

Pomegranate juice wine

For these purposes, only natural juice is suitable, without water and additives. Additionally, you will need water, raisins and sugar.

Natural pomegranate juice can be used to make wine.

Prepare it like this:

  • 5 liters of juice;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • 1-2 kg of sugar.

Sugar is added to your liking, i.e. for sour wine, less sugar is taken, for sweet wine - more.

The recipe is standard: all components are mixed in a bottle, raisins are added, put on a glove and put in a warm place. As soon as the glove deflates and falls off, the drink is filtered through a couple of layers of gauze, poured and allowed to mature for another 2-3 months.

If desired, you can add spices, cinnamon or vanilla, grated almonds or nutmeg to the finished drink. But properly prepared from pomegranate wine does not require any additional additives. It is so tasty and rich that it is best drunk neat, slightly chilled.

Pomegranate wine is served with any fruit or dessert. It has an unusual almond flavor, thick texture and dark color with a tint of gold. It is slightly tart, but pleasant, not too sour or sweet.

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