Homemade duck baked according to the Beijing recipe. Marinate the bird


1. Fat young duck weighing at least 2 kg

2. Sherry – 1 tablespoon (white wine)

3. Honey (liquid flower honey is best) – 4 tablespoons

4. Sesame oil – 1 tablespoon

5. Soy sauce (without additional flavorings) – 5 tablespoons

6. Ginger powder or grated ginger root – 1 tablespoon

7. Ground black pepper – 1 tablespoon



1. First of all, the duck must be thoroughly rinsed under running water at room temperature.

2. Using a sharp knife, run through the skin of the bird and remove excess hair. Cut off the upper phalanges of the wings.

3. Now you need to cut off excess fat from the carcass, which may interfere with the formation of a light crispy crust.

4. Dry the duck and leave it to dry.


1. First you need to pour sherry (fortified white wine) over the duck wherever possible.

2. After 10-15 minutes, without wiping the carcass, place it on a round glass or bottle and thoroughly rub it with coarse, but not iodized, salt.

3. Place the duck in an upright position on a tray, and periodically drain the liquid dripping from the bird into it for 12 hours.

4. After 12 hours, without removing the duck from the glass, coat it with half of the prepared liquid honey. Place the carcass in a cool place for another 12 hours and go to bed.


1. After 12 hours, place the duck, which has already absorbed most of the honey, in the oven.

2. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.

3. Place the duck not in the baking dish, but directly on the grill - breast side up.

4. Cover the entire rack with foil (place the foil on the breast).

5. Pour water into the pan and place a wire rack on the pan.

6. Place the resulting structure in the oven and bake for 70 minutes.


1. When the duck is fried from the inside, you can proceed to forming a crispy crust, similar to glaze.

2. Take the bird out of the oven.

3. Remove the foil and remove the bottom baking sheet.

4. Mix half the soy sauce, ginger, sesame oil and black pepper in a deep bowl and brush the duck with this mixture using a brush.

5. Place the well-greased carcass back in the oven (this time only on the wire rack, without foil or baking sheet) at maximum temperature - about 250 degrees.

6. Care must be taken for 25 minutes to ensure that the duck does not burn.

7. While the duck is roasting, mix the remaining halves of honey and soy sauce. The browned duck should be coated on all sides with the resulting glaze. Try to make the layer quite thick - this will make the bird look more appetizing.

8. Turn on the grill mode and place the duck in the oven for another 10 minutes, until the crust is baked and turns a rich golden color.

9. Allow the bird to cool for another 10 minutes in the oven, then remove and cut into portions. Don't forget to present it beautifully!


You need to thank the nutritionist and attending physician Emperor Hu Sihui for the Peking duck, who introduced this Chinese masterpiece of culinary art to the masses. True, this was back in 1330, but during all this time the recipe has undergone qualitative improvements and therefore now its taste has become more refined and rich, thanks to seasonings, sauces and spices. In order to prepare and amaze your loved ones with a real Chinese delicacy, and not ordinary sushi and rolls, we will prepare the necessary ingredients.

Ingredients for Peking duck

  • duck at least 1.5-2 kg;
  • 150-200 ml sherry;
  • 100-150 ml honey;
  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sesame oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of chopped ginger (powder is possible);
  • 0.5 teaspoons black pepper;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • green onion feathers;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 1 teaspoon wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

It is very important to follow the correct cooking steps so that you get a perfectly cooked Peking duck, the classic recipe for which is still written down by all the best chefs in the world.

Cooking Peking duck

  1. Peking duck is prepared in the oven several days in advance, therefore, wanting to surprise your guests, we will begin the cooking process itself a day before serving it. We will prepare all the necessary products. Instead of the usual store-bought one, you can cook homemade Peking duck, but it will need to be baked a little longer than expected.
  2. In order not to cut off during the cooking process, we immediately cut off the upper phalanges of the duck’s wings and remove excess fat, which will tighten the meat. Boil water and pour boiling water over the sides of the duck, trying to stretch its skin as much as possible. It is best to place the duck in a bowl and then in the sink and give it a good rinse. After a hot shower, we wipe the Peking duck, the recipe for which we strictly follow, with paper napkins to dry its skin completely.

  3. The next step is to aromatically rub the duck with sherry, a dry white wine. Pour it onto the duck and rub it both outside and inside. The most important thing is not to taste wine prepared for duck! This is what will give the duck meat a magical aroma and dry it slightly.

  4. As soon as the wine is finished, completely rub the duck with salt. The salt should be coarse and, preferably, sea salt. But as usual, you can get by with regular table salt. Rub thoroughly so that the duck is properly salted.

  5. Then we place it on a glass or cup and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. This is done so that all the blood drains into the bowl and the meat cooks faster.

  6. After the specified time has passed, we take out the salted duck and gradually move on to rubbing it with fragrant honey. It should completely envelop the carcass both outside and inside and form a sweet shell on it.

  7. After this procedure, place the duck again in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

  8. The next day, take the duck out of the refrigerator and start baking. We activate the oven at 200C. Place the duck in a mold or on a wire rack, and pour hot water into the bottom pan. We wrap the entire structure in foil so that the duck is steamed and properly baked from the inside.

  9. Try to wrap the foil so that there is no way for steam to escape, otherwise the duck meat will remain tough and hard.

  10. Bake the duck for about 60 minutes until a light golden crust forms.

  11. While the duck is baking, prepare a sauce in a bowl to give the duck a beautiful ruddy tan: mix ground ginger, soy sauce and sesame oil in a bowl. If you can’t find sesame oil anywhere, simply replace it with olive or vegetable oil. The main thing is to cook with soul and don’t worry about the lack of ingredients.

  12. We take the golden duck out of the oven and coat it with the resulting sauce using a silicone brush. Pour a little sauce inside the duck. Place the duck in the oven again, but for 20 minutes, making sure it doesn’t burn. We take it out, coat it with honey and soy sauce and let it simmer for the last 10 minutes at a hot temperature.

  13. Here our beauty is ready. Looking at it, it is now clear that we already know exactly how to cook Peking duck! You just want to sink your teeth into this juicy, rosy and alluring crust on its surface. But it’s not customary to do this in China! Therefore, we will still serve the duck according to all the rules of the traditions of this great country - in egg pancakes with green onions.

  14. The preparation of such pancakes will be the final process, so we will prepare all the ingredients for serving by cutting the duck into portioned pieces. In general, Peking duck, a recipe with a photo of which can be found on any Chinese restaurant website, is served with pancakes made from rice flour, but since we don’t have that, we will slightly replace the flour with a more traditional one - wheat. Believe me, the taste of such pancakes is in no way inferior to those prepared in China.

  15. Whisk eggs, milk and wheat flour in a bowl. Let's add a little salt.

  16. Fry the pancakes in a saucepan or frying pan without vegetable oil. Prepare non-stick cookware for this.

  17. Wash the green onion feathers, place the pieces of duck with glazed skin on the pancake, add the green onion feathers and fold the edges of the pancake on both sides. Serve with dill and hoi sin sauce, but if you don’t find it, then easily replace it with soy sauce - it also turns out incredibly tasty and juicy.

This dish must be eaten immediately while it is hot, since the duck fat shrinks the meat during the cooling process and the next day the duck is no longer so juicy and soft. So Peking duck is a real festive dish that is prepared for a large number of people.

Benefits of Peking duck

By the way, did you know that one of the beneficial properties of duck fat is the ability to draw out all carcinogenic substances from our body? Duck meat also helps improve complexion and has a beneficial effect on metabolism! But it must be consumed in reasonable portions. Therefore, it’s better to cook it on holidays, so as not to accustom our relatives to daily excesses!

Serving a variety of snacks on the festive table is already a big plus for the hostess. However, do not forget that the central dish is always the hot dish. Baked duck according to a Chinese recipe will not only decorate your table, but will also make the holiday a real temptation for gourmets.

How to cook Peking duck

The famous Peking duck has been cooked in the Middle Kingdom for more than a thousand years. The original recipe for this dish was invented by one of the chefs who served at the emperor’s court at that time. Previously, in order to cook a delicious Peking duck, it was necessary to feed the bird with special food so that its meat was especially tender and its skin was thin. Afterwards, the carcass was marinated in soy sauce with spices for at least a day, and after 24 hours it was baked.

Much time has passed since then, the preparation of Peking duck itself has changed, but most of the general principles still remain unchanged:

  • In order for the meat to completely absorb all the flavors, the carcass must be doused with boiling water before marinating. To do this, it is better to hang the carcass on a hook over a bowl or sink; you can use a colander.
  • It is advisable to marinate the duck for as long as possible. In the traditional recipe, this process takes at least a day, but you can leave it overnight.
  • Poultry should be baked at different temperatures. First, set the oven at 200 degrees, and after an hour, reduce the temperature to 160-170 degrees.

Peking duck recipes

These days, Peking duck is prepared in several ways. The first is when the carcass is fried over an open fire, on a fire, using a spit. The crust of this duck is especially tasty: crispy, reddish and shiny. If you add cherry or apple branches to the fire, the meat will acquire a delicate fruity aroma. The second option is simpler: the bird carcass is marinated and then baked in the oven. Anyone can master this Peking duck recipe at home.

In the oven

  • Calorie content of the dish: 256.8 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.

The Chinese take a thorough approach to the process of preparing duck. Sometimes this even takes more than one day, because it is necessary not only to collect all the necessary ingredients, but also to choose the right bird. A duck that weighs at least two kilograms is suitable for roasting. It is better to buy a special carcass in the store (choose one labeled “Peking style”), but if this is not on sale, you can replace it with a regular young bird. How to cook it deliciously is described in detail below in the recipe with photos.


  • duck carcass – 2 kg;
  • liquid honey – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • coarse salt – 2 tsp;
  • sesame oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the duck under the tap, dry with towels, rub with salt and wrap in parchment.
  2. Place the carcass on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight.
  3. Boil water in a large saucepan and lower the carcass into it for 2-3 seconds three times.
  4. Prick the skin with a fork to remove excess moisture, rub with honey and set aside for 2-3 hours.
  5. Prepare a marinade from the remaining honey, sesame oil, soy sauce and spices.
  6. Treat the carcass with the mixture inside and outside every 30 minutes.
  7. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Place a baking tray with water on the lower level.
  8. Grease a baking rack with oil or line with foil. Place the bird on it and bake for 40 minutes.
  9. Then reduce the temperature to 170 degrees. So the Peking duck should be cooked in the oven for another hour.
  10. Then turn the carcass over on the other side and leave for another 30 minutes.

In a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: for 6-8 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 296.5 kcal.
  • Purpose: main dish.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

To cook delicious duck, you don’t have to have an oven in the house. A simple slow cooker will do, you just need to adapt the recipe a little to it. The principle remains the same: the meat must first be marinated, and then cut into pieces and fried. This option is far from a classic, but has a right to exist. Find out how to bake duck in a slow cooker from this step-by-step recipe with photos.


  • duck carcass – 2 kg;
  • soy sauce – ½ tbsp.;
  • sesame – 1 pack;
  • apple cider vinegar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • honey – ½ tbsp.;
  • sugar – 1 and ½ tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil – 4 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. For the sauce, mix lightly toasted sesame seeds with soy sauce, seasonings, sugar, apple cider vinegar. Add a few teaspoons of sunflower oil there.
  2. We wash the duck, remove excess fat and separate the skin from the meat, but do not remove it.
  3. Rub the duck thoroughly with spices, cover it with plastic and send it to marinate for 2 hours.
  4. After a while, we take out the carcass and thoroughly grease it with sauce, including from the inside.
  5. We again send the duck to marinate for at least 12 hours.
  6. Cut the marinated carcass into equal pieces and brush with honey.
  7. Place it on the bottom of the multicooker and set the “Baking” mode on the display.
  8. It will take about an hour to fry Peking duck in a slow cooker, but the pieces need to be turned over periodically.

Classic recipe

  • Cooking time: 4-5 hours.
  • Number of servings: for 8 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 272.3 kcal.
  • Purpose: main dish.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.
  • Difficulty of preparation: difficult.

This is an old classic Peking duck recipe that is used in Chinese restaurants, but it can also be reproduced at home. It is customary to cut the finished dish into thin slices and place it on a plate in several layers. To accompany the aromatic meat, they suggest making a light side dish of fresh vegetables and serving thin Chinese pancakes.


  • duck carcass – 2.5 kg;
  • leek – 1 pc.;
  • Chinese vodka or sherry - 1 tbsp.;
  • spice mixture – 15 g each;
  • red vinegar - ½ tbsp.;
  • lemon – 1 half;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;

Cooking method:

  1. Let's make a marinade from finely chopped leeks, a mixture of spices and sherry. Pour the liquid inside the washed and removed excess fat duck.
  2. Connect the edges of the skin tightly with kitchen thread and leave to marinate for 8 hours.
  3. Let's prepare a second marinade for the skin from a mixture of red vinegar and the juice of half a lemon.
  4. Pour it generously over the duck, place it on a hook and hang it in the cold for 12 hours.
  5. Place the prepared duck on a baking sheet vertically using a bottle or glass. We will bake the dish at 160°C for about 1-1.5 hours.
  6. Finely chop the finished carcass with a sharp knife (along with the skin). Place the slices on a plate, pour over the remaining sauce and serve with tortillas and rice.

With apples

  • Cooking time: 3-4 hours.
  • Number of servings: for 6-7 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 215.6 kcal.
  • Purpose: main dish.
  • Cuisine: Russian
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Chinese duck is prepared without any additives or fillings. In Russia and European countries, it is customary to stuff a carcass with mushrooms, other types of meat or fruits. If you also share this opinion, use this recipe with photos. The usual Chinese marinade is replaced with orange juice, and sour apple slices are used as a filling.


  • duck carcass – 2-2.5 kg;
  • apples – 5-6 pcs.;
  • orange juice – 1 tbsp.;
  • soy sauce – ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the bird under the tap, dry with paper towels, and remove excess fat.
  2. Pour boiling water over the bird carcass. Rub with soy sauce and spice mixture.
  3. Leave to marinate in the cold for 8-9 hours.
  4. Then pour orange juice into the marinade and leave for another 2-3 hours. It is allowed to add apple or grape nectar to the duck instead of orange juice.
  5. Core the apples and cut into large slices.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the bird for about an hour, periodically basting the meat with fat, which will drain onto a baking sheet.
  7. Remove the dish from the oven, line it with apples, and place the remaining fruit inside the bird.
  8. After this, the Peking duck with apples should be cooked for another hour, but at 160 degrees.

Find out how with other recipes.

Marinade for Peking duck

To prepare a marinade for Peking duck, it is not at all necessary to have special knowledge in cooking. For dressing, soy sauce and a mixture of spices are always used: fennel, ground white and black pepper, ginger powder, cinnamon, star anise and a sprig of cloves. Take note: if you can’t find Chinese Hoisin sauce in the store, you can simmer the marinade a little over the fire and serve it as a gravy for the cooked meat.

Peking duck pancakes

In a Chinese restaurant, in addition to a special sauce and aromatic meat, you will be offered a whole range of additional snacks to accompany the duck: flatbreads, bunches of green onions and special sweet syrup or caramel. They help to fully reveal the aroma of the dish and enjoy the exquisite taste. You can always buy sauces and herbs in the store, but it’s better to make flatbreads at home.

How to make Peking duck pancakes:

  1. Knead a stiff dough in a bowl, like dumplings, from 500 grams of flour and 300 ml of boiling water.
  2. Wrap the mixture in film and leave to rest for half an hour.
  3. Form the dough into several balls. Roll out the cakes to a diameter of 12 centimeters.
  4. Grease the surface of the circle on one side with oil and quickly combine with a dry cake.
  5. Roll out double circles into a layer the diameter of your frying pan.
  6. You need to bake the pancakes in a frying pan without oil for 20 seconds on each side, and divide them before serving.

Find out more recipes by watching step-by-step photos and video tutorials.


In search of wuxianmian seasoning, I walked around the market for a long time and tortured smiling Tajiks or Azerbaijanis (who can tell them?) to see if they had an important component of Peking duck. Good-natured guests of the city gaped in surprise, but a moment later, with a specific southern accent, they offered to buy a mixture of five peppers. I, of course, tried to explain that I needed a bouquet of CHINESE spices, and not ground peppercorns. But the sellers, who speak little Russian, happily nodded and said that I was lucky! After all, their seasoning is made in CHINA. In the end, I didn't buy anything. But that's a completely different story (c).

Due to the complexity of preparation, it is almost impossible to bake duck meat the way it is cooked in Beijing and other Chinese cities in a conventional oven. The carcass of a very well-fed, large bird was prepared for several days. Using special bellows, the space between the skin and meat was filled with air. The abdominal cavity was pumped with water. Lubricate with marinade and hang in the open air until the skin dries. The dish was baked in special ovens at high temperatures. Of course, it is difficult to achieve an authentic taste, but you can try. I suggest you find out what Peking duck is. The first recipe at home is step-by-step, with photos and tips, and quite easy to follow. The second is a little more complicated, but closer to the classics. Choose!

Homemade duck, baked Peking style, with honey and ginger




How to bake a duck in Beijing style (step-by-step recipe with photos):

Take a fatty, large carcass and prepare it for baking. Shorten a neck that is too long with a hatchet. Cut off the “tail” where the scent glands are concentrated. If it is not removed, the baked bird will have a specific aroma. Pluck out any tough feather stumps. Cut off the first phalanx of the wings as desired. Or wrap them in aluminum foil before putting them in the oven to prevent charring. If the duck is not gutted, remove the entrails. Wash the carcass well. Place in slightly boiling water for 2-3 minutes or pour boiling water over the sink.

Dry with paper towels outside and inside. Add salt to sherry (do not stir until dissolved). Rub the mixture onto the skin and interior of the duck. Place the bird on the grill. Place a baking sheet under them. Place in the refrigerator for 12-18 hours.

Then brush the duck with honey or thick sugar syrup. Place in a cold place again for 8-12 hours.

To prevent the bird from absorbing foreign odors, carefully wrap it in cling film.

Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Turn on steam cooking mode. For conventional ovens: Fill a baking tray with clean water and place on the lowest rack in the oven. The liquid will gradually evaporate, providing the necessary conditions for roasting the Peking duck. Wrap the marinated carcass in several layers of foil. Place on the grill, breast side up. Cook for 80-90 minutes.

Mix pepper and ginger powder. Pour in the oil and 1 spoon (!) of soy sauce. Stir.

On a note:

You can use fresh root instead of ground ginger. Peel a small piece (approximately 4-6 cm long). Grate it on a fine grater. Add to the rest of the sauce ingredients.

Remove the duck. Open it up. Turn off the steam (remove the pan with water). Brush the bird with sauce. Place on a metal rack (back side down). Send to bake again. Cooking time - 20-30 minutes. Under the roasting duck, be sure to place an empty heat-resistant container into which the rendered fat will drain.

Mix honey (syrup) and remaining soy sauce until smooth. Take out the duck. Apply the mixture to the duck skin with a pastry brush. Place in the oven. Bake for 20-30 minutes. If there is a grill mode (top heat), turn it on a quarter of an hour before cooking.

Cut the finished bird into portions. Serve Beijing style with homemade onion pancakes, plum sauce, fresh herbs and vegetables. Duck baked according to this recipe turns out juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside, aromatic, spicy and tender. You can store the rendered fat in a closed container in the refrigerator and use it for cooking.

Cooking almost classic Peking duck (adapted Chinese recipe)

Required Products:

How to cook Peking duck meat (simple step-by-step instructions with photos):

Chinese seasoning wuxianmian consists of five types of spices. It can be purchased ready-made or made independently at home. The classic version consists of cinnamon, cloves, fennel seeds, Szechuan pepper and star anise. The components are mixed in equal quantities (by weight). And they are crushed. Store the seasoning in a sealed bag.

Mix the syrup with pepper, seasoning, vinegar (wine), soy sauce. Stir. The result will be a not too thick aromatic mixture.

It is advisable to cook chilled duck rather than frozen. But if you have no choice, defrost the carcass in the most gentle way possible - in the main compartment of the refrigerator. This will take about 12-18 hours. Wash in cold water. Dry the bird. Process - remove the tips of the wings, remnants of plumage, rump.

Brush the duck on all sides with the thick sauce.

Add salt to starch. Stir. Sprinkle over the duck and rub lightly into the skin. “Place” the carcass on a tall glass or small jar. This is necessary so that the sauce dries thoroughly everywhere. Place in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 days.

This is how your skin will dry out after 36 hours of “rest.” It is important not to cover the bird with anything, otherwise the marinade will not form a crust. Avoid placing foods with strong odors in the refrigerator compartment at the same time as the duck.

Fill a large saucepan with 5-6 liters of drinking water. Bring to a boil. Scald the duck. After the liquid has drained, place it on a wire rack or skewer. Preheat the oven to 210-220 degrees. Turn on top and bottom heat (if equipped). Cook for about 75 minutes. If the skin on top starts to burn, cover it with a sheet of foil. Then reduce the temperature to 150-160 degrees. Bake until done (about half an hour).

Let the duck rest for at least 10-15 minutes before serving. Serve as a main dish with rice and sweet and sour sauces on the side. The classic Chinese serving also includes thin Mandarin pancakes.

Frozen duck must be thawed. It's better to do it gradually. First, remove it from the freezer and keep it in the refrigerator for a day at a temperature of +3...+4°C. Then leave it to thaw at room temperature for another 10-12 hours. When the duck is completely defrosted, cut off the upper phalanges of the wings with a knife or poultry scissors.

Remove all excess fat from the duck - most of it is in the neck and tail area. The fat that is under the skin, after proper processing, will melt and flow out during baking in the oven.

You need to cook the duck starting a day before serving it. Boil a kettle, hang the duck by the neck (preferably on a hook, but you can just hold it vertically) and pour boiling water over it until the skin of the duck turns white.

Let the water drain and pat the duck dry with a paper towel. Take dry sherry or Chinese rice wine and rub the duck inside and out with it. Leave it to lie for 5-10 minutes.

Take coarse sea salt and rub the duck with it - inside and out. After this, the duck must be placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours, without covering it with anything. It is best if it is in a vertical position - suspended or mounted on a bottle. Blood will leak out of the duck, so you need to place a plate under it.

After 12 hours, remove the duck from the refrigerator and brush the outside with honey. Honey should be distributed over the surface in a thin, even layer. Place it back in the refrigerator (again preferably upright) and let it dry for another 12 hours.

Preheat the oven to 190°C. Place the duck, breast side up, on a wire rack with a baking tray underneath. Pour a glass of cold water into the baking sheet and cover the duck with foil so that the entire structure, including the baking sheet, is tightly closed. Place it in the preheated oven for 1 hour.

Mix ginger with sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce to form a thick mass. Remove the duck from the oven, remove the foil and remove the baking sheet with the liquid. Using a brush, coat the duck evenly with the resulting mass. Increase oven temperature to 260°C. Place the duck on the rack back in the oven for 25 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn!

Remove the duck from the oven and brush with 2 tbsp mixture. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce. Turn off the heat and turn on the grill. Place the duck on a rack in the lower part of the oven for 5-10 minutes. until crispy crust forms. Remove the duck from the oven and let cool. Carefully remove all the meat from the bone and cut it into small pieces so that the crust is on each one.