Homemade apricot mash. How to make homemade apricot moonshine

Apricot moonshine at home can be prepared by everyone. Moonshine has always been a very hot topic in society. Some use it as an alternative to traditional vodka, finding this drink much stronger and cheaper. Others opt for it because of the naturalness and more pronounced taste. To date, there are a large number of various recipes that allow you to create alcohol, characterized by different strengths and tastes.

Apricot moonshine: necessary components and cooking process

How to make moonshine? By itself, this process is quite simple and consists in distillation, specially prepared for this liquid-mash. It is its quality and properties that betray the aroma to the finished drink, and is also responsible for its consistency. Based on this, it follows that the creation of mash is one of the most important stages that allows you to create the most delicious apricot moonshine.

It should be noted that the manufacture of such a drink involves the use of only ripe and intact fruits. Any rot, crushing or other defects will inevitably affect the taste of moonshine, significantly spoiling them. And you also need to know that apricots should be used pitted, so be sure to pull them out before starting cooking. The bones of any fruit trees contain in their composition a small amount of hydrocyanic acid, which can not only spoil the taste of the finished drink, but also make poison out of it. Only taking into account these features, you can be sure of getting a good result and high-quality alcohol.
In general, the recipe for moonshine from apricots is as follows:

  1. apricots - 10 kg;
  2. sugar - 10 kg;
  3. water - 3-4 liters.

As you can see from the above components, preparing mash is not so difficult. This recipe is based on the use of natural yeast that coats the top layer of the fruit. On their peel, you can see a small whitish or transparent coating, which serves as a natural fungal environment.

Apricot moonshine prepared in this way is truly tender and has a delicate aroma.

How to make moonshine from apricots: stages of creating a drink and their characteristics

To prepare the mash, apricots must be washed under running water, washing off dirt and dust, but no more, since the yeast layer can be damaged during very thorough processing. And also you need to remove the bones, and grind the pulp with a meat grinder or blender. Thus, we will get an excellent basis for future mash. We put it in a saucepan, add sugar and mix thoroughly.

After that, add water and cover with a lid, put the resulting mixture in a dark place. Braga should be infused on natural microorganisms for 20-40 days until the fermentation process is completely completed.

  • However, there is an alternative option, in which, before mixing the components, it is necessary to add 80-100 g of dry yeast to them. They will serve as a catalyst for the reaction and significantly speed up the fermentation process.

Thanks to this, moonshine from apricots can be expelled 5-10 days earlier, but this can affect the taste, making it more bitter and harsh. Based on this, it is best to use the traditional recipe and natural yeast mushrooms, which are an integral part of nature.

You can regulate the fermentation procedure with a rubber glove or a water seal, which allows you to accurately determine the presence of gas formation inside the container. As soon as the reaction is over, it will be possible to begin the distillation procedure. To do this, separate the liquid from the pulp and pour it into the distillation cube, resulting in a spicy drink that is distinguished by its taste and unsurpassed aroma. In addition, the use of the classic method and natural fungus will make moonshine extremely fragrant and tasty.

Apricot tincture: creating an aromatic drink and its description

Apricot tincture is no less popular drink than traditional moonshine.
In addition, an alembic is absolutely not needed for its preparation, but a certain amount of ready-made alcohol or vodka will be needed. Based on this, the question arises of how to prepare apricot tincture, which our next recipe will help answer. To implement it, we need the following set of ingredients:

  1. apricots - 1.5 kg;
  2. vodka - 1 l.

It is these two components that will be quite enough to prepare a full-fledged tincture. In general, the liqueur is made quite simply, you just need to pour the fruit with alcohol and leave this mixture for 20-30 days. However, apricot tincture and its creation contains some nuances. First of all, they consist in the preparation of the fruits themselves. They must first be thoroughly washed, removing all dirt and dust. In addition, you need to remove the bones and separate the skin, leaving only the pulp. Next, you need to fill it with vodka and put in a dark place. In this position, the mixture should stand for at least 3–5 days, after which it must be mixed and set aside to infuse for another 20–25 days. As soon as the drink is completely settled, it must be filtered and cleaned. After that, it will acquire its final aroma and full taste.

Instead of apricots, you can use their bones, which are infused with moonshine. To do this, you need to take 0.5 liters of vodka, add 20–25 apricot pits to it, stand this liquid for at least 40–50 days, and strain the resulting drink well. As a result, the tincture on apricot kernels will acquire a unique almond taste and delicate aroma. In general, each of these recipes serves as the basis for creating a great drink that can decorate the festive table and please the guests gathered at it.

Conclusion on the topic

Apricot moonshine can become a decoration for any table, and making it at home is not so difficult. However, this will take a lot of time required to create the mash. At the same time, the result of such labors will turn out to be simply magnificent, bringing to light a fragrant and delicate drink that can please any connoisseur of alcohol.

Homemade alcohol differs not only in quality, but also in taste. After apricot moonshine, your head is guaranteed not to hurt (of course, if you know the measure). It is important to know some of the nuances of production in order to get a delicious drink. . You will find the recipe for making moonshine from apricots below.

Now let's figure out how to cook apricot mash. To begin with, it is important to know exactly whether you will add yeast. If not, then the fruit cannot be washed. On their surface there are a large number of yeast cultures. As for purchased yeast, it is best to purchase pressed live ones - they are natural, but powder ones contain a large number of chemical additives, no matter how manufacturers prove the opposite.

Braga will require the following Ingredients:

  • 10kg fruit, preferably slightly overripe
  • 10 to 15 liters of water
  • About five kilogram packs of sugar
  • Yeast natural pressed - about 100 grams.

Apricot mash with sugar does not require thorough cleaning of fruits - just cut them in half and remove the stone. The fruits need to be sorted out, cut off the rotten areas, but you can leave soft and slightly spoiled.

Then fill the fruits with water. It should be clean - spring or filtered. In no case do not take boiled! If you are preparing mash without sugar, then you need about 10 liters, and if with it, then about 15 liters.

Now pour the mixture into a suitable container, a large dark bottle is best. Doing water seal. To do this, take a regular latex glove and pull it over the neck of the filled container. Now the apricot mash for moonshine is placed in a dark and warm place for the fermentation process. How to understand that it has stopped? The glove falls off, and the sediment settles to the bottom. Such signs clearly indicate that the time has come for the first distillation of the future drink. To do this, the mash should be filtered through a clean cheesecloth. At the same time, the so-called "heads" - the first 500 ml - are discarded. Moonshine from apricot is tender, easy to drink and does not cause any headache (with a good snack and moderate consumption). If you want to enhance the fruity aroma, we recommend adding a couple of fresh fruits to the bottle and let the drink brew.

In the Balkan countries, a drink such as rakia. Since the climate of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula is very favorable, a large amount of the crop allows you to prepare such alcoholic drinks. .

How is the drink made? Rakia recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Apricots - 25 kilograms of ripe fruits. It is better to choose sweet varieties so as not to add a large amount of sugar and yeast.
  • Clean water - 75 liters. As mentioned above, it is better to take a spring or from a filter.
  • Sugar - about twenty kilograms.
  • Natural pressed yeast - 200g.

Let's start cooking:

  • Fruits are not washed, the stone is removed and crushed with a food processor.
  • Immediately put the fruit in the desired container and fill with water. It should not be cold - hold it at room temperature for an hour. Add sugar and stir well until it dissolves.
  • Pour the yeast with warm water, put a pinch of sugar and wait for the foam to begin to form. After that, pour the mixture into our mash. Another option is to prepare the so-called “starter”, which speeds up the fermentation process. To do this, prepare the mixture for two days. Dilute the yeast with warm water, add about a liter of fruit puree. A simple homemade apricot moonshine recipe is completed with a pinch of sugar. The dishes are left in a warm place. Such a mixture allows you to start the fermentation process as quickly as possible.
  • We put the container with apricot mash in a warm place, not forgetting the glove. As soon as it falls, and the sediment sinks to the bottom, the process is completed. Genuine brandy is not filtered; for the distillation process, containers with a thickened bottom are taken. Distillation takes place on low heat or a water bath.
  • The first and last half a liter must be removed. The drink is additionally purified using a special carbon filter.

Moonshine from apricots according to Balkan recipes is ready! The walkie-talkie is served with cheese or delicious cuts of meat.

Another apricot mash recipe that will not leave you indifferent:

  • We clean 20 kilograms of fruit from the stone and squeeze the juice. It is convenient to do this like this - first make a puree, and then squeeze out the liquid with gauze. This technique will allow you not to add a large amount of sugar and yeast.
  • We make syrup from one and a half kilograms of sugar and 0.7 liters of pure water. To do this, pour sugar with water and put on a slow fire. Cook until the sugar is completely dissolved for about 10 minutes.
  • Yeast (100 grams) is diluted with warm water. Pour the syrup that has cooled to a warm state into our mash. We also send thoroughly mixed yeast with water there.
  • We remove the container in a warm place in order to speed up the fermentation process. As usual, we use a glove. Estimated completion time is 10 to 14 days.
  • With the help of a distiller, we distill the drink by a single fractional distillation.

The first distillation of apricot moonshine

first distillation of apricot mash you should purchase a distillation unit that works as a conventional distiller. This procedure is carried out at maximum temperature with the maximum supply of water - the main rule used in the cooking process moonshine from apricots at home. At the same time, the tank is filled no more than two-thirds. Usually the result is apricot mash volume of 7l. After that, pervak ​​is left to infuse for several days in a dark place.

If the resulting liquid turned out to be cloudy, in this case, you can additionally use a filter made of crushed activated carbon. However, as many who make fruit alcohol at home assure, this will adversely affect the aroma of the alcoholic beverage.

Apricot brandy re-distillation

Repeated cleaning before, how to make moonshine from apricots, should take place with cutting off the head part of the drink, which contains a lot of volatile alcohols. Before distillation, crude alcohol, if necessary, is diluted and poured into a tank, the heating of which is turned on at a minimum power.

As soon as the resulting liquid stops exuding the unpleasant aroma of acetone, you can begin to select the “body”. What is already obtained can be poured out or used as a disinfectant for equipment.

In the process of selecting the “body”, it will not be superfluous to increase the heating a little. The selection should be continued up to approximately fifty degrees in the stream - until a cloudy fraction with an unpleasant odor begins to drip from the moonshine still. It can also be driven out almost to the end and used to make apricot brandy later.

So, before you cook, it is important to know a few subtleties:

  • If the fruits are sour, then it is extremely important to add sugar, otherwise the finished alcohol will turn out to be too little. The addition of sugar makes it possible to increase the yield by almost 2 times. If fruits are sweet, then making apricot mash does not take much time, and the result is a great alcoholic drink.
  • As for yeast, the mash recipe most often includes them. You can cope without them, but in this case, the desired result will have to wait for months. No yeast and sugar the fermentation process will slow down significantly, so it is best to add yeast if the fruit has a lot of sugar. There is an opinion that the drink, due to the acceleration of processes, may turn out to be of less quality. However, experience shows that the difference is not too great.
  • If apricot moonshine after the first pasture, it turns out not very fragrant, fruit notes are faintly felt in it - for a while, while the drink is infused, put a couple of fresh fruits in a container with it.
  • Also, in order to give the future drink pleasant notes of almonds, like, for example, liquor, unrefined moonshine is infused on the bone - only three broken kernels per liter will be enough.
  • When re-distilled, the hydrocyanic acid contained in them will begin to decompose to aromatic hydrocarbons. However, you should be careful - not many people like almond flavor.
  • When the strength of the resulting product begins to decrease during the distillation process, it is necessary to set aside the container with the fraction and substitute other dishes. Further, the selection will continue for 300 ml - while the drink has not yet become cloudy and has a pleasant apricot aroma, it can be added to the “body”.
  • You can drink after a couple of weeks of infusion in a glass container, diluted in advance with clean water to forty degrees.
  • To turn moonshine into natural brandy, it is best to hold it in a barrel. If you do not have such a container, you can use an alternative cheap option - oak chips.

Moonshine from apricot jam

How to make mash from apricot jam? Everyone is familiar with the situation when a few jars remain, but you no longer want to eat them. So let's prepare a wonderful alcoholic drink that does not cause unpleasant hangover symptoms. Apricot moonshine recipe requires the use of the following components:

  • Jam - about three liters, the old one will do.
  • Sugar - three kilograms
  • Fifteen liters of pure water.
  • Pressed yeast - about 100 grams.

The cooking process is extremely simple - the jam must be diluted with warm water, we put sugar and yeast, it is left to ferment in a warm place. After the fermentation process is completed, it is necessary to clean and distill the moonshine by any method convenient and familiar to you.

You can make not only moonshine, but also real brandy. Such a drink will not leave guests indifferent. Apricot brandy is prepared like this:

  • We clean one and a half kilograms of fruit from the stone and cut it in half.
  • The bones themselves must be split, the inner cores pulled out and soaked in a liter of vodka.
  • Grind fruit halves into puree.
  • Add two liters of cognac to the fruit puree and let it brew.
  • We mix both liquids and put about one and a half kilograms of sugar. We let our brandy brew for about 10 days in a cool place.
  • Brandy from apricots for moonshine ready! It turns out very tasty, with spicy almond notes.

The main problem is a large amount of pectin in fruits. This substance binds the pulp of the fruit, does not allow a sufficient amount of juice to separate. In addition, pectin contributes to the production of methyl alcohol, which we do not need at all. There are several options for solving the problem:

  • Heating the finished must for moonshine up to seventy degrees. If you are making moonshine from apricots without yeast, this method cannot be used, because the yeast cultures on the surface of the fruit will die.
  • Fruit pulp after a good spin is soaked in warm water for a couple of hours, and then the liquid is filtered. This method is suitable for any home-brewing options for moonshine - both with and without yeast.

The first and last portions of moonshine are poured out - they may contain methyl hydrates, which we do not need.

As you can see, it is very easy to make apricot moonshine or brandy without much effort. Homemade alcoholic drinks are guaranteed not to harm your health (moderate consumption), they will give you real pleasure.

Moonshine from apricots is a delicious drink with a delicate aroma of fruits. For its preparation, you can use fresh fruits and jam from them. The quality of the mash for distillation depends on the additional ingredients and compliance with the technology during the preparation process.

Apricots are a component of many dishes. The high sugar content (12-14%) makes it possible to prepare an alcoholic drink - moonshine from apricots, which has a delicate fruity taste and a pleasant aroma.

For fruit mash, you can use whole or broken fruits of any shape. The main requirement for raw materials is the absence of mold and rot.

For mash, the type of fruit is not important. The main selection criterion is ripeness. Unripe fruits are not suitable for the process, the pulp should be easily crushed with abundant juice.

Peach puree can be added as a component to the fermentation liquid. Adding other fruits can overpower the delicate flavor.

The mash recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • apricots - 10 kg;
  • water - 8-15 l;
  • yeast - 100 g;
  • sugar - 5 kg.

Adding yeast will help speed up the fermentation process. The presence of sugar will increase the yield of the final product, but worsen the taste.

Braga from apricots, fermenting without yeast, will produce 1.5 liters of alcoholic beverage from 10 kg of fruit at the output.

Choosing a recipe for making moonshine at home, you need to rely on the quality of the fruit. For sweet tasting apricots, no additional ingredients are needed. Add sugar to sour fruit puree.

Yeast is able to reduce the process of making mash from 40-45 days to 1-1.5 weeks. A drink made from mash fermented in an operational way with the participation of yeast will be cloudy in color and have a secondary odor.

The sequence and subtleties of fermentation

The process of preparing mash for distillation from apricots at home includes:

The output of moonshine must be carefully divided and the temperature in the apparatus monitored, because the first pasture, which is formed at temperatures up to + 89.5 ° C, contains toxins.

Cleaning methods are not recommended for moonshine made from pure fruits. Repeated distillation will help preserve taste and aroma.

Cooking from apricot jam

Apricot jam can also be used for moonshine. The only condition is that it should not contain mold. To prepare a drink take:

  • fruit jam - 6 l;
  • water - 30 l;
  • yeast - 300 g.

Of the listed components, the output of moonshine will be 6 liters. Adding 3 kg of sugar increases the yield of the final product to 9 liters.

  1. Braga is prepared in the usual way.
  2. The jam is dissolved in water and yeast starter is added.
  3. The prepared liquid is left for 5 days in a dark, warm place.
  4. For the preparation of sourdough, it is better to use alcoholic yeast. This will increase the yield of the final product.

Homemade moonshine requires skills in making mash, distilling, and refining the final product.

Apricot moonshine recipe has its own subtleties. When adding sugar to fruit puree, yeast must be added. The process of preparing the mash should take place naturally.

A high-quality product at the exit can be obtained by combining 3 parts of puree with 2 parts of water. You can add 1 part of crushed ripe peaches to the mash, which will enhance the taste of the drink and give it a contrast. In order for the mash to warm up well and begin to ferment, it must be exposed to the sun.

Ready mash can be put on a small fire for heating without filtration. The liquid rarely burns when using a quality alembic. Slow heating is needed for the systematic fractionation of moonshine.

To preserve the aroma of apricot fruits, it is recommended to make only 2 hauls. Purification of the final product can be carried out using carbon filters.

Braga prepared with yeast and sugar must be filtered before heating. Fast distillation is allowed in the usual way.

Basic apricot mash - a simple, step-by-step recipe

The simplest recipe for making a distillation liquid is based on the use of fruit, water and sugar. Fermentation will take place on the yeast located on the surface of the apricots.

If the fruits are very sweet, then less sugar can be added than indicated in the proportions. Braga made exclusively from apricot fruits produces less moonshine, and increasing the amount of sugar in the wort makes it more likely to get moonshine, rather than brandy with a delicate aroma.

The optimal proportions of an apricot drink without yeast: based on 2 buckets of ripe fruits, take 10-12 liters of water and 4 kg of sugar.

For fast and high-quality fermentation, sugar can be inverted.

Step by step:

Excessive turbidity can be removed using carbon filters, but it is worth considering that they absorb not only fusel oils, but also aroma. If during distillation the distillate lost its apricot smell, then you can add fresh fruits to the jar of pervak.

Added value

Almond flavor is created using a few kernels added to the moonshine. In the repeated process, the raw material is diluted with water to 30% alcohol content.

Distillation is carried out with slow heating with a minimum power. After the selection of the first fraction, which contains harmful methyl alcohol and fusel oils, proceed to the main part of the distillate. "Tails" are selected for subsequent use for technical purposes, they can not be drunk.

Each recipe and technology for preparing an alcoholic drink from apricots is different from each other. The perfection of taste is achieved through the use of quality ingredients and distillation methods.

But it is worth remembering that alcohol in any form is harmful to health, so it should be consumed in moderation.

Apricots are probably the most popular fruit in our country; in terms of competition, they are only inferior to apples. And today we will look at one very tasty and fragrant recipe on how to make homemade moonshine from this wonderful fruit. The classic version of this recipe does not use yeast and sugar, which makes the drink very soft and aromatic, without the yeast flavor characteristic of sugar moonshine. But we will look at three main variations, with a focus on quality, speed and quantity.

To make moonshine from apricot, the first thing we need to do is prepare the fruit. You can use any variety of apricot, large or small, it does not matter, even beaten, collected from the floor, will do. The most important thing is that they are not rotten or moldy.


  • 10 kg. apricot;
  • 8-15 l. water;
  • Dry yeast 20 g or 100 g. pressed (optional, they are added to speed up fermentation);
  • 5 kg. sugar (optional, adding will slightly degrade the quality but significantly increase the yield of moonshine)

A bit of theory

If you do not add sugar to the mash, then at the exit from 10 kilograms of apricots we will get about 1.2 liters of moonshine, provided that the fruit contains 11% fructose. Adding sugar can increase the yield by 3-4 times, but will leave a small imprint on the taste of the drink. It's up to you to decide which is better, but it's better to focus on apricots, if they are sweet we can do without sugar and yeast, and as a result we get an excellent apricot schnapps. But if your fruits are sour, then very little moonshine will turn out without sugar.

As for the yeast, it is necessary to speed up the fermentation process, because the yeast that is on the apricots ferment well, but for a long time. The whole process can drag on for a month and a half, while with bakery, mash wanders a little more than a week, or even less. But accelerated fermentation will have a bad effect on the taste and aroma of the drink.

  1. Without the use of yeast and sugar, we get a quality drink, but very little and we have to wait a long time.

  2. With sugar, you will have to wait about the same, but we will increase the yield by several times with a slight loss in quality.

  3. With yeast and sugar moonshine we will get quickly and a lot, but of much worse quality.


We take apricots, if you do not plan to add yeast, then the fruits should not be washed. We take out the bones from them and discard the slightly rotten ones.

Now we need to finely chop the fruit, a blender or meat grinder is perfect.

Pour apricot puree with water, if sugar is not added, then 8-10 liters of water is enough, and with sugar - 15 liters. Dilute and add yeast as needed.

We transfer our mash to wander in a dark warm place, on the neck we install a rubber glove or a water seal as a valve. Fermentation can last from a week (with yeast) to a month and a half (without it). As soon as the glove is blown off, the mash will brighten, become bitter in taste and sediment will fall to the bottom. Fermentation can be considered complete and you can start distillation.

Before distillation, we filter the mash through cheesecloth so that the remains of the apricot do not burn. The output must be divided into fractions. The first 100-200 ml. these are heads, they are easily distinguished by an unpleasant smell. It is strictly forbidden to eat them. As soon as we select the heads, we begin to collect the main exit until its fortress drops below 30 degrees.

To clean this apricot moonshine, especially if it is made without the use of yeast, it is better not to use any cleaning methods other than repeated distillation in order to preserve the wonderful aroma and taste of the apricot drink.

It is easy to drink, in the morning the head does not hurt, the taste is so pleasant that you don’t even want to have a snack.

For clarity, see the video recipe

Moonshine from apricot jam

Of course, this drink is not as fragrant and tasty as described in the previous recipe, but as an option, giving new life to old jam will do just fine.


  • 3 l. apricot jam;
  • 150 g of pressed yeast;
  • 3 kg. Sahara;
  • 15 l. water.


  1. Dilute jam in warm water, add sugar and diluted yeast.
  2. We put to wander in a warm dark place for 5 days.
  3. Then we distill and clean it in any way you know.

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Moonshine from apricots at home can be prepared by the following methods:

  • by preparing mash from apricots and subsequent distillation;
  • prepare a drink such as apricot tincture on moonshine.

Both recipes are good in their own way, so we will take a closer look at each of them.

Apricot moonshine: a recipe with fruit mash distillation

How to make moonshine from apricots? Initially, you need to prepare apricot mash. There are several cooking options. Classic option: take 4 kg of fresh, ripe apricots (it is important that they are not rotten, not broken, not wormy), rinse them in clean water, make cuts and remove the seeds. Mash the apricots until mushy. Add 2 kg of sugar, 200 g of yeast (you can take ordinary bakers, but professionals prefer alcohol), and pour 10 liters of water. Leave the resulting mixture to ferment for 3-7 days (during this time, the yeast must process all the sugar). Before distillation, it is advisable to taste the mash: if it is sweet, then you need to leave it to wander for a while.

If there is no taste of sugar in the apricot mash for moonshine, then you can filter it from solid particles (for example, through several layers of gauze and cotton wool) and proceed to. With double distillation, the taste of the drink is more subtle and soft. Now you know how to make moonshine from apricots! But apricot mash for moonshine can be prepared in other ways.

For example, many are wondering how to cook moonshine from apricots without yeast. At the same time without yeast it turns out moonshine from apricots without sugar, because You won't need it without yeast. If you are interested in this method of making moonshine from apricots, then here is a recipe for you: take 5 kg of apricots, preferably homemade (by no means rotten), so that you can be sure that they were not treated with synthetic preparations. You do not need to wash them, because. on the skin of the fruit are natural, wild yeasts. Fruits should be ripe, sweet, with high sugar content. The bones should be removed from them, and the pulp should be mashed.

Then the gruel should be filled with water (8-9 liters) and left to ferment for at least 2 weeks. The process may be delayed for 1-1.5 months, because. wild yeast is found in very small amounts in apricots and you need to give them time to process all the sugar from the fruit. You can determine the readiness of the mash by taste: if you don’t feel sweetness, you can distill it. It is also important that without the addition of yeast, the alcohol content of the mash can be very low (for example, 5% vol.), which is the absolute norm. Now you know how to make apricot mash!

It is necessary to distill the apricot mash without yeast (it is important not to forget to filter it before this). Such a recipe for moonshine from apricots at home will allow you to get a truly tasty and aromatic drink.

Well, we are smoothly moving on to the next apricot moonshine recipe.

Apricot tincture at home

Apricot tincture is an equally tasty drink, which is also quite simple to prepare. The recipe for apricot tincture is as follows: take ripe (but not overripe) fruits, rinse, remove the seeds and grind into porridge. Then take 40% raw alcohol (which can be obtained from sugar, for example, according to a recipe) and pour the resulting slurry. Send the container with the future apricot tincture to a dark, cool place for 2 months. Then drain the resulting fragrant moonshine, leaving the pulp in the container. Apricot moonshine tincture is ready, now you know how to make moonshine from apricots.

There is also a simpler option, in which you will not need to resort to distillation: apricot tincture with vodka. It is necessary to repeat the same manipulations as in the previous recipe, with raw alcohol. But it is important to remember that apricot tincture on vodka is likely to be less tasty, because. vodka is a purchased product, not always of good quality.

How to do alcohol tincture of apricots? According to the same recipe described above, alcohol can be easily obtained on a distillation column (for example,). It is only important to remember that alcohol has too high alcohol content, and before using the tincture, it is necessary to dilute it to 40-50% vol. Filtered water (or better even distilled). Apricot is ready! The recipe is extremely simple.